Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...

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Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
Information Technology
  Association of Canada

                          Association canadienne de
                          la technologie de l’information

Annual Review
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
Message from the Chair
                            ITAC National Board of Directors

                                                         ITAC Chair
                                                         Frédéric Boulanger
                                                         President & Co-Founder
                                                         Macadamian Technologies

There is simply         Over the past few years, in collaboration            being made in Ottawa. This was evident in
                        with ITAC’s executive team, the National             the 2017 Federal Budget announcement,
no other industry       Board has focused significant effort on              an Innovation Agenda Budget, which
                        innovation: streamlining and strengthening           addressed our nation’s technology skills
that innovates and      the infrastructure and processes of the              gap, and helped bolster our ability to help
                        Association; developing a more strategic             innovative businesses grow and scale, while
impacts society – its   approach to supporting the growth and                strengthening Canada’s ability to compete
                        diversification of its membership; and               digitally on a global scale.
people, business and    assisting in the development of a robust and
                        sustainable digital economy in Canada.               This work is especially important when
operations – more                                                            considering what may now be the leading
                        This approach enables ITAC to be a stronger,
                                                                             global commodity – data. Data has so
than technology.        and at times more aggressive advocate of
                        the tech sector, enabling the Association            much potential for good, enabling great
Technology has the      to exercise its influence with government,           technological and human advancements.
                        business, academia and the community to              But it also has its challenges, including the
power to shape and      ensure continued economic growth and                 fact that the Canadian tech sector is rapidly
                        vitality.                                            outpacing government policies – many of
re-shape society                                                             which are outdated and based on principles
                        There is simply no other industry that               for a physical, not digital, environment.
on an ongoing           innovates and impacts society – its people,
                        business and operations - more than                  Throughout 2017, ITAC reiterated its stance
basis, and directly     technology. Technology has the power to              that Canada’s government – in collaboration
                        shape and re-shape society on an ongoing             with the technology sector and ecosystem
impacts modern                                                               – must take an immediate and coordinated
                        basis, and directly impacts modern day
                                                                             approach to data governance; an approach
day approaches          approaches to healthcare, education,
                        business and communications.                         that ensures privacy and security, while
to healthcare,                                                               unlocking data for economic prosperity. This
                        For an industry that thrives on innovation,          is work that will continue into 2018 to foster
education,              the recent focus and investment in                   the value creation of an ecosystem that
                        technology by Canada’s government this               works for both industry and policy makers.
business and            past year is a positive step forward. ITAC
                        has built strong and effective relationships         This is a similar approach we’re taking
communications.         with federal and regional officials over the         through ITAC Talent. ITAC has been at the
                        past few years and, throughout 2017, had             forefront of talent for several years, and
                        an opportunity to provide ongoing and                celebrating inclusiveness in technology for
                        significant input when key decisions were            just as long. We are very glad to see the

                                                                                                          (continued over)

                          ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
Message from the Chair
                           ITAC National Board of Directors


Throughout 2017,       government looking at the future the            and plan industry priorities through events,
                       same way we are, resulting in increased         committee work and leadership initiatives.
ITAC reiterated its    collaboration and partnerships, helping to
                                                                       Finally, I speak on behalf of ITAC’s National
                       foster an innovation environment across
                                                                       Board of Directors when I say thank
stance that Canada’s   Canada that bodes well for the future.
                                                                       you to you, our members, and to ITAC’s
                       Needless to say, ITAC has much to be            executive team and staff. Thank you for
government – in        proud of.                                       your confidence in us. Thank you for your
                                                                       passion, dedication and perseverance to build
collaboration with     Going forward, ITAC and its National Board      on our incredible foundation of strength
                       of Directors, in conjunction with the ITAC      and diversity. Together, we are a force to be
the technology         Ontario Board of Directors and the ITAC         reckoned with!
                       Health Board of Directors, will continue to
sector and             focus on the work that matters most to our
                       members. We will continue to offer a forum
ecosystem – must       for the development of a vision of the future
                       state of the ICT industry. We will continue
take an immediate      to engage with industry by facilitating and/    Frédéric Boulanger
                                                                       ITAC Chair
                       or participating in key federal and regional
and coordinated        government initiatives. We will also continue
                                                                       President & Co-Founder
                                                                       Macadamian Technologies
                       to create forums for discussion and debate,
approach to data
governance, an
approach that
ensures privacy
and security, while
unlocking data for
economic prosperity.

                        ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
ITAC National
                                                Board of Directors
Executive Committee                           Directors

Chair                   ITAC President        Prakash Amirtharaj           Jeremy Auger             Mirko Bibic                   Lisa Carroll              Kevin Connolly
Frédéric Boulanger      Robert Watson*        Vice-President               Chief Strategy Officer   Chief Legal & Regulatory      Senior Vice-President     President - Commercial
President and CEO       President and CEO     Public Sector Canada         D2L Corporation          Officer and EVP               National Capital Region   Canada
Macadamian              ITAC                  Adobe Systems Canada                                  Corporate Development         CGI Group Inc.            Dell EMC | Canada
Technologies                                                                                        Bell Canada

1st Vice Chair          2nd Vice Chair        John Dathan                  Vince De Palma           Carey Drader                  Susanne Flett             Gary Folker*
Andrea Stairs           Kevin Peesker         Vice President               President and CEO        VP, Infrastructure Services   President and Founder     Senior Vice-President Canada
Managing Director       President             Strategy and Business        Softchoice Corporation   Global Technology             Healthtech Consultants    Orion Health
eBay Canada             Microsoft Canada      Development, Enterprise                               Services
                                              Group - Canada                                        IBM Canada
                                              Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Treasurer               Member                Ed Galasso                   Denis Gaudreault         John Hill                     James “JD” Hupp           Wayne Karpoff
Karen Atkinson          Angela Brown          Vice President and           Country Manager          CIO                           Vice-President and        President
Partner, Business Tax   President and CEO     General Manager              Intel of Canada, Ltd.    Rogers Communications         General Manager           Willowglen Systems Inc.
Services                Moneris Solutions     Tech Data Canada Corp.                                                              CDW Canada
Ernst & Young LLP

Member                  Member                Vito Mabrucco                Dan Madon                Colin McIsaac                 Mario Meroni              Art Price
Colin McKay             Glenn Laverty         Senior Vice-President        Managing Director        General Manager               Area Vice-President       CEO
Head, Public Policy &   President and CEO     IDC Canada                   Cisco Canada             Canada                        Oracle Canada             Axia NetMedia
Government Relations    Ricoh Canada                                                                Lenovo (Canada)                                         Corporation
Google Canada

                                              Johanne Senécal              Craig Smith              Claudia Thompson              Luc Villeneuve            Mary Ann Yule
                                              Senior Vice-President        Vice-President           Managing Director             Country Leader, Canada    Managing Director
                                              Federal Government and       Technology and Systems   Health & Public Service       Red Hat Canada            HP Canada Co
                                              Regulatory Affairs           Integration              and Managing Director
                                              TELUS Corporation            Fujitsu Canada           Inclusion & Diversity
                                                                                                    Accenture, Canada
  (as of April 30, 2018)
                                                                                                                                                                (continued over)
  * ex-officio
                                            ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
ITAC Board
                            of Directors

ITAC has three           ITAC Health Board of Directors                ITAC Ontario Board Of Directors

Boards of Directors:     Gary Folker, Chair, Orion Health              David Telka, Chair, Accenture
                         Susanne Flett, Vice Chair, Healthtech         Paul Crowe, Vice Chair, Symbility Intersect
the ITAC National        Consultants
                                                                       Karen Franklin, 2nd Vice Chair,
Board of Directors,      David Mosher, Past Chair, Infor               Karen Franklin Consulting
                         Robert Watson, ITAC President and CEO         John Breakey, Past Chair, Fivel Systems
the ITAC Ontario                                                       Corporation

Board of Directors,      Directors
                                                                       Robert Watson, ITAC President and CEO

and the ITAC Health      Aaron Berk, KPMG
                         Chris Carbone, Mindful Experience
Board of Directors. In                                                 Fawn Annan, IT World Canada
                         Michael Checkley, QHR Technologies
2018, ITAC will also                                                   Robert Agostino, Hydro One Telecom
                         Marcia Cushing, Deloitte
form a new ITAC                                                        John Bauer, PricewaterhouseCoopers
                         Ian Fish, IBM Canada
                                                                       Bob Becker, SMA
Talent Board             Alain Guez, RelayHealth McKesson
                                                                       Marcia Cushing, Deloitte LLP
                         Paula Hucko, Goldcare
of Directors.                                                          Michael Di Verdi, TELUS Corporation
                         Catherine Hunter, PwC Health Industries
                                                                       Jeremy Erlick, Compugen
                         Peter Jones, Microsoft Canada
                                                                       Jason George, SOTI
                         Glenn Lanteigne, Tectonic Advisory Services
                                                                       Dennis Hofmann, Dell Canada
                         Daniel Penn, Tickit Health
                                                                       Sean Pinney, CGI
                         Kyle Peterson, Calgary Scientific
                                                                       Craig Taylor, Lenovo Canada
                         Garth Reid, HP Enterprise Services
                                                                       Graham Watt, Microsoft Canada
                         Kyle Schilke, Amazon
                                                                       Regan Watts, IBM Canada
                         Jim Shave, Cerner Canada
                         Lisa Shoniker, Agfa Healthcare
                         Ken Stevens, Intelliware
                         Laure Tessier-Delivuk, GE Healthcare
                         Dave Thomas, TELUS Health
                         Michel Whitt, Bennett Jones LLP

                         (as of April 30, 2018)

                          ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
Message from
                             President and CEO

                                                         Robert Watson
                                                         President and CEO
                                                         Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)

Technological            The ability to innovate is an imperative for          perspective: benefit young women around
                         sustainable growth and long-term success.             education and future employment in the
advancements, such       Technological advancements, such as the               industry; create opportunities and a platform
                         Internet of Things (IoT), 5G technology, cyber        for female ICT leaders; and help to increase
as the Internet of       security, artificial intelligence (AI), and smart     female representation on Boards of Directors
                         cities, will all serve as engines for innovation;     across the country. We also remain focused
Things (IoT), 5G         they have the potential to trigger significant        on building our network to support and
                         economic growth, and influence every area of          engage female entrepreneurs. Through our
technology, cyber        our working and personal lives. Technology            partnership with Women in Communications
                         is also driving innovation within the areas of        Technology, we again hosted Women in
security, artificial
                         talent, diversity and healthcare – all key areas      Leadership events – events so popular that
intelligence (AI), and   of focus for ITAC.                                    they’ll be offered in new regions across the
                                                                               country throughout 2018. ITAC also vetted
smart cities, will all   ITAC Talent is continuing in its efforts to           and welcomed new highly-qualified Board-
                         bring together Canada’s leading employers             ready women to its successful Women on
serve as engines         to catalyze industry to address the shortfall in      Board Registry program. It’s important to
                         technology skills. We formed new partnerships         note that ITAC recognizes that diversity is
for innovation; they     to inspire young people to pursue ICT-related         more than just gender, race or ethnicity; it’s
                         careers, and leveraged diversity as a solution        also about being inclusive of people with
have the potential       to deliver prosperity and competitiveness, all        diverse perspectives, experiences and ways
                         with the goal of setting industry standards and       of thinking.
to trigger significant   shaping public policy.
                                                                               The Health division of ITAC promotes and
economic growth,         In 2017, we formed a new partnership with             advocates for the significant contribution that
                         Glenforest Secondary School to deliver the
and influence every                                                            digital technology can make to the health
                         Xplore STEM Youth Conference, Canada’s                and wellness of Canadians, and to Canada’s
area of our working      largest student-organized conference                  economic prosperity. Through its committees,
                         promoting STEM careers; placed 250 ICT                ITAC Health facilitates thought leadership,
and personal lives.      students with SMEs across the country                 provides opportunities for members to
                         through our Career Ready Program; and                 collaborate, and contributes to the rapid
                         increased opportunities for employers to              advancement of digital health.
                         connect with students studying Business
                         Technology Management (BTM) through our               ITAC Health’s Advocacy Committee is nearing
                         popular BTM TalentMash.                               completion of a White Paper – Accelerating
                                                                               the Adoption of Digital Health Technologies
                         Through our diversity and inclusion initiatives,      in Canada – which will further our mandate
                         we encourage government to provide                    to advocate for a more strategic approach for
                         funding for key initiatives that, from a gender       the acceleration and adoption of emerging

                                                                                                               (continued over)

                          ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
Message from
                          President and CEO


In 2017, ITAC         digital health technologies in Canada. Also,        recommendations for fundamental policy
                      ITAC Health’s Interoperability and Standards        changes and investments by the Federal
facilitated more      Committee is leading the development of a           Government through a series of innovation
                      Canadian National Interoperability Scorecard        papers focused on the digital economy,
than 50 meetings      that will compare and evaluate Canada’s             trade, talent and the digital government. The
                      current state of digital health interoperability,   result; all areas were addressed in the 2017
and appearances       jurisdiction by jurisdiction. This work is in       Federal Budget – a positive indication that
                      collaboration with the College for Family           the voice of the ICT industry is being heard.
with senior           Physicians Canada, the Canadian Medical
                                                                          As your association, ITAC continuously
                      Association and the School of Health
                                                                          advocates for your success. Our mission is
government leaders    Information Sciences at the University of
                                                                          to help grow and support Canada’s tech
                      Victoria. Over the past year, we’ve also
                                                                          sector, through the creation of white papers,
to advance and        developed a strong collaborative relationship
                                                                          by hosting industry forums and events, by
                      with the Ontario Ministry of Health
                                                                          working closely with legislators and policy
encourage officials   and Long-Term Care with their Hospital
                                                                          makers, and through strategic partnerships
                      Information System (HIS) Renewal project,
                                                                          with government, academia and industry
to adopt policies     created to transform Ontario’s HIS landscape
                                                                          leaders. We remain committed to be a vital
                      into a platform for high-performing, patient-
                                                                          partner and leader in the future success of
that support          centered healthcare.
                                                                          our members.
                      In 2017, ITAC facilitated more than 50
innovation and        meetings and appearances with senior                We thank our Boards of Directors,
                      government leaders to advance and                   Committee leaders and partners for their
fuel the growth       encourage officials to adopt policies that          ongoing dedication. We look forward to
                      support innovation and fuel the growth of           2018 as we continue our commitment of
of Canada’s tech      Canada’s tech industry. Our key message:            being responsive and accountable to our
                      bold and meaningful changes are needed if           members’ needs.
industry.             Canada wants to be a leader in the digital

                      Our successful Hill Day is one such example,
                      providing ITAC, along with representatives
                      from our national Board of Directors and
                      member organizations, with an opportunity
                                                                          Robert Watson
                      to reinforce the message that continued
                                                                          President and CEO,
                      collaboration between the federal                   Information Technology Association
                      government and the ICT industry is vital to         of Canada (ITAC)
                      Canada’s overall success. ITAC also identified

                       ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
ITAC Ontario: Message from
                               Supporting innovation and fuelling the
                                            the technology
                               growth of Canada’s  ITAC Chair  industry

                         Fireside Chat with Ontario’s First Chief Digital Officer,        CCIO Event: Steve Van Binsbergen, OPS: Rose Langhout,
                         Hillary Hartley – with Denise Shortt, Vice President, Industry   Enterprise IT Business Liaison & Operational Planning , Marian
                         Development, ITAC.                                               MacDonald, MGCS, Rob Devries, Government Services Integration
                                                                                          Cluster, John di Marco, Land and Resources Cluster and Dafna
                                                                                          Carr, Children, Youth and Social Services.

                         The government’s recognition of the need to                      announced in the Fall Economic Statement: the
Throughout 2017,
                         modernize and share the full benefits of the                     Scale-Up Voucher Program, which provides up to
Ontario continued        digital economy with taxpayers is heartening.                    $10K to support talent acquisition, IP registration
                         It dovetails with ITAC’s foundational mission                    or other initiatives to help businesses scale;
to evolve its Business   to helping promote a healthy ICT ecosystem in                    and the Small Business Innovation Challenge,
                         Ontario. More than 20,000 Ontario companies                      which is innovation focused procurement that
Growth Initiative,       create more than 400,000 well-paying jobs. The                   will have SMEs propose innovative solutions
                         industry contributes $32.3 billion to GDP and                    to problems facing government. ITAC also
and ITAC worked to       research and development activity tops $3.4                      participated in Ontario government discussions
                         billion annually.                                                on retaining and defending strategic domestic
inform and connect                                                                        IP, including potentially piloting an Ontario
                         Building Relationships with                                      Sovereign Patent Fund.
members with new         Provincial Leaders for the
initiatives including    Advancement of the Industry                                      ITAC is also working with City of Toronto on
                         ITAC engages closely with Ontario government                     their municipal Innovation Strategy and has
the Scale-Up             leaders on policy and economic development                       met regularly with Councillor Michelle Holland,
                         issues, central to the industry’s success. Below                 City of Toronto Advocate for the Innovation
Vouchers Program.        are a list of key events, activities and meetings                Economy, to collaborate on diversity and
                         with provincial leaders.                                         innovation, as well as to support the City’s 2018
                                                                                          Digital Literacy initiative.
                         Throughout 2017, Ontario continued to
                         evolve its Business Growth Initiative, and ITAC                  Last spring, ITAC celebrated a 10-year
                         worked to inform and connect members                             anniversary of collaboration with former
                         with new initiatives including the Scale-Up                      Corporate Chief Information and Technology
                         Vouchers Program.                                                Officer, David Nicholl. Our CCIO bi-annual
                                                                                          events continue to be sold-out and are directed
                         Our 2017 Budget submission advocated for a                       at any company wishing to do business with
                         reversal of cuts to research and development                     the Ontario government. Attendees receive
                         (R&D) tax credit programs, as well as the creation               first-hand insight into CIO Cluster plans,
                         of an Ontario Smart Cities Strategy. ITAC has                    critical information on impending procurement
                         also engaged the Ontario government on                           activities, followed by an interactive panel
                         new initiatives around increasing IP creation,                   format. Throughout the year, CIO speakers
                         potential changes to labour regulations and new                  have included: CIOs from the Land Resources
                         cross-sector innovation programs. For example,                   Cluster; Government Services Integration
                         ITAC is working with the Ministry of Economic                    Cluster; Children, Youth and Social Services;
                         Development and Growth to provide input and                      and Enterprise IT Business Liaison & Operational
                         inform members on two new scale-up programs                      Planning. ITAC will continue to work with the

                                                                                                                               (continued over)
                           ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Annual Review - Information Technology Association of Canada Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information - Information Technology ...
ITAC Ontario:
                                                            Supporting innovation and fuelling the growth
                                                            of Canada’s technology industry


                                                        office of the new Chief Information officer          innovation. In February and June 2017, we held
                                                        (when announced) to host future CCIO events          two successful sessions focused on Procurement
                                                        with Ontario CIO clusters in 2018-19.                Innovation Enhancement and Jurisdictional Best
                                                                                                             Practices. A third session on Commercial Terms
                                                        ITAC hosted an event introducing Hillary Hartley,    (Issues and Solutions) is planned for June 2018.
                                                        the new Ontario Chief Digital Officer, to ITAC
                                                        members. Deputy Hartley shared her plans and         Finally, the Changing Workplaces Review’s
                                                        priorities for digital re-design and advancement     preliminary recommendations included removing
                                                        for Ontario government. Since this event,            an existing exemption for IT Professionals from
                                                        ITAC has been meeting regularly with the             the Employment Standards Act (i.e. not eligible
                                                        Deputy’s Digital Service office to look at further   to claim overtime, standard work hours, etc.
CCIO Breakfast in April (L-R) Mohammad Qureshi,         collaboration opportunities between the ICT          under the act). In October, ITAC submitted a
Head, Cyber Security, Karen McKibbin, Executive
Lead, Health Services Cluster, Marian Macdonald,        community and government.                            response requesting a fulsome study of this
Assistant Deputy Minister, Supply Chain Ontario;                                                             policy before any changes are made.
Wynnann Rose, CIO, Labour and Transportation            Due to the Ontario election, ITAC also worked
Cluster and Rocco Passero, IT Executive Lead and
Assistant Deputy Minister, Treasury Board Secretariat   with its members to develop a Pre-Election           Ontario Board of Directors and
                                                        Strategy and to identify key recommendations         Committee Updates
                                                        to share with each party leader on behalf of the
                                                                                                             In 2017, David Telka, Managing Director
                                                        ICT industry, as well as to prepare for advocacy
                                                                                                             Healthcare and Public Service, Accenture,
          ITAC’s Ontario                                initiatives post-Election. ITAC will continue to
                                                                                                             took over as Chair of the ITAC Ontario Board
                                                        engage with the elected party to advocate for
                                                                                                             of Directors. David brings extensive expertise
          Entrepreneurship                              our member priorities and to work to evolve the
                                                                                                             in digital transformation, and was responsible
                                                        ICT sector across Ontario.
                                                                                                             for creating and engaging the ITAC Digital
          and Innovation                                                                                     Committee, designed to focus on digital
                                                        In Spring 2017, ITAC hosted a special event
                                                                                                             adoption and innovation for government
          Committee                                     with the Ministry of Government and Consumer
                                                                                                             and industry.
                                                        Services (MGCS). Marian Macdonald (ADM,
          continues to be                               Supply Chain Ontario, MGCS) delivered a
                                                                                                             ITAC’s Ontario Entrepreneurship and Innovation
                                                        presentation to our members outlining their
                                                                                                             Committee continues to be actively engaged
          actively engaged on                           Vision 2020 strategy and engaged our members
                                                                                                             on key activities and initiatives for our small and
                                                        in discussions on procurement modernization.
                                                                                                             medium-sized entrepreneurs (SME) members.
          key activities and                                                                                 In April 2017, Craig Taylor, Client Executive,
                                                        In the fall of 2017, the Ontario government
                                                                                                             Lenovo, took the helm as Committee Chair
          initiatives for our                           introduced several proposed changes to the
                                                                                                             and is focused on increased SME access to
                                                        Task-based VOR (now known as the On-
                                                                                                             government, innovation showcase forums
          small and medium-                             Demand IT Services VOR). Based on member
                                                                                                             as well as designing partnership, funding,
                                                        feedback, ITAC activated to address these
                                                                                                             marketing and networking opportunities.
          sized entrepreneurs                           changes as many felt they could prove
                                                        prohibitive, particularly to Ontario SMEs. ITAC
                                                                                                             The Ontario Public Sector Business Committee
          (SME) members.                                will be continuing to work with government to
                                                                                                             (ONPSBC) provides a single voice for our
                                                        monitor this VOR as well as other vehicles.
                                                                                                             industry in Ontario, focusing on providing value
                                                        Our member-only Fireside Chat series continues       to the Ontario Public Sector as well as to our
                                                        to offer intimate and off-the-record discussions     members and prospective members. Co-Chairs
                                                        of issues affecting leaders in Government.           Karen Franklin and Shannon Lundquist, Head
                                                        Deputy Ministers, CIOs and ADMs from Ontario         Consulting Leader, Deloitte, continue to guide
                                                        Public Service (OPS) and Broader Public Sector       the strategy and priorities, in collaboration with
                                                        (BPS) are invited to meet with our members in        dedicated committee members.
                                                        this interactive and informal forum.
                                                                                                             For more information on ITAC Ontario, please
                                                        ITAC continues to work actively with the City        contact Denise Shortt, VP, Industry Development,
                                                        of Toronto on procurement improvement and  

                                                         ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
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ITAC Health:   Message from
                            Establishing the Canadian healthcare
                            industry as a global ITAC Chair

ITAC Health             ITAC Health works with its members,                   and evaluate Canada’s current state of digital
                        governments and other stakeholders to realize         health interoperability jurisdiction by jurisdiction.
members believe         the opportunities inherent in the digital health      This work is in collaboration with the College
                        marketplace. This includes acute-care, primary        for Family Physicians Canada, the Canadian
that it is imperative   care, home and community care and consumer            Medical Association and the School of Health
                        health. As the voice of the digital health industry   Information Sciences at the University of Victoria;
to advocate for the     in Canada, ITAC Health provides thought               and builds upon the position paper on Canadian
                        leadership on how we can improve the health of        Healthcare Interoperability Standards published
development of a        Canadians while building a robust and dynamic         by ITAC in 2016. The Committee presented
                        digital health industry that can compete on a         the initial findings of the study at the National
well governed and
                        global scale.                                         e-Health Conference in Vancouver in May 2018.
planned Canadian
                        Across Canada, there is an effort to renew our        Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-
Digital Health          legacy hospital systems and build upon the            Term Care HIS Renewal Program
                        health information infrastructure that has been
                                                                              ITAC Health is actively engaged with the
Agenda that will        developed over the past four decades. A major
                                                                              Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term
                        enabler for change is support to the thousands
                                                                              Care’s (MHLTC) Hospital Information System
improve patient         of small Canadian companies developing
                                                                              (HIS) Renewal initiative. This is an opportunity
                        innovative health solutions that disrupt the status
outcomes and            quo, while improving the health and well-being
                                                                              to transform Ontario’s HIS landscape into a
                                                                              platform for a high-performing, patient-centred
                        of Canadians.
further enhance                                                               healthcare system. In support of HIS Renewal,
                        ITAC Health members believe that it is imperative     MHLTC asked ITAC Health to facilitate an
the efficiencies of     to advocate for the development of a well             open session inviting the vendor community
                        governed and planned Canadian Digital Health          to engage in a meaningful dialogue that will
Canada’s healthcare                                                           accelerate innovation and help shape Ontario’s
                        Agenda that will improve patient outcomes and
                                                                              approach to HIS investments. ITAC Health’s
services.               further enhance the efficiencies of Canada’s
                                                                              Advocacy Committee continues to provide
                        healthcare services.
                                                                              industry input into the province’s consumer
                        Canadian Healthcare Interoperability                  health and hospital information system renewal
                        Standards                                             initiatives, including specific advice concerning
                                                                              innovative approaches to procurement and
                        The Interoperability and Standards Committee is       program delivery. This collaborative engagement
                        leading the development of a Canadian National        will continue.
                        Interoperability Scorecard that will compare
                                                                                                               (continued over)

                         ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Health:
                                    Establishing the Canadian healthcare
                                    industry as a global leader


                                HealthCareCAN – Declaration of                       PrescribeIT™ working groups. The goal of the
                                Commitment to Cybersafe Healthcare                   working groups is to provide an opportunity
                                                                                     for meaningful stakeholder contribution to
                                HeathCareCAN issued a call to action earlier
                                                                                     positively shape the future development and
                                this year to address strengthened cyber security
                                                                                     implementation of PrescribeIT™, which will
                                preparedness in Canadian healthcare. ITAC
                                                                                     benefit prescribers, pharmacists and pharmacies.
                                Health is actively supporting this call to action,
                                                                                     ITAC Health will be represented on the Growth
                                along with a growing list of organizations as
                                                                                     and Development Working Group.
                                a collective, to recognize the importance and
                                urgency of protecting critical infrastructure
                                systems and data against cyber threats in
                                                                                     Educational Sessions, Workshops and
                                Canadian healthcare. The approach being
                                                                                     Networking Events
                                stylized is consistent with the National Strategy    Delivering valuable educational eHealth update
                                for Critical Infrastructure endorsed by federal,     sessions, webinars and topic-specific workshops
“Innovations in healthcare      provincial and territorial governments as well as    across Canada remains an important focus for
                                Canada’s Action Plan for Critical Information.       ITAC Health. ITAC Health partners with Digital
technology, alongside                                                                Health Canada to host the annual Canadian
advancements in care            ITAC Health Advocacy –                               Health Informatics Awards in conjunction with
                                Accelerating the Adoption of Digital                 the National e-Health Conference each year.
coordination and workflow,      Health Technologies in Canada                        ITAC Health members also publish articles in the
                                                                                     industry journal HIM&CC, the official journal
are crucial components          The ITAC Health Advocacy Committee is
                                                                                     of ITAC Health and Digital Health Canada,
                                engaged in the creation of a white paper,
to delivering high-quality                                                           identifying current issues and solutions in the
                                Accelerating the Adoption of Digital Health
                                                                                     eHealth sector. These articles are also posted on
                                Technologies in Canada, that will support the
care, improving long-term       Committee’s mandate by explaining that there
                                                                                     the ITAC website and through social media.

clinical outcomes, and          is opportunity and need for a more strategic
                                                                                     ITAC Health continues to partner with Digital
                                approach for the acceleration and adoption of
                                                                                     Health Canada and held the 12th annual CHIA
enhancing the journey on        emerging digital health technologies in Canada.
                                                                                     Awards Gala in Toronto in June 2017, with over
                                The paper will highlight the importance and
both the patient and health     benefits of these emerging technologies to the
                                                                                     600 attendees. The annual Canadian Reception
                                                                                     @ HIMSS, hosted by ITAC Health, was held in
system side. Our mandate        progression of our digital health system.
                                                                                     Las Vegas in March of this year, with over 700
must continue to prioritize     Canada Health Infoway PrescribeIT™
                                Working Groups                                       For more information, please contact
‘innovations and innovative
                                ITAC Health continues its collaborative              Elaine Huesing, Executive Director, ITAC Health,
thinking’ to providers of       relationship with Canada Health Infoway and
                                will be participating as a stakeholder in their
healthcare services on behalf
of our membership.”
– Gary Folker, Chair,
ITAC Health Board

                                 ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Talent:
                          Improving the talent pool and skills for
                          growth in Canada’s digital economy

                       Presentation to Wilfrid Laurier University for their           2017 BTM TalentMash
                       accreditation of its BTM Program. With Robert Watson,
                       President and CEO, ITAC, Gina van Dalen, Executive Director,
                       ITAC Talent, Patricia Genoe McLaren, Associate Professor,
                       Business Technology Management and Micheál J. Kelly,
                       Dean, School of Business and Economics, Laurier

ITAC Talent provides   Talent is the foundation of our rapidly-                       community of over 2,000 professionals
                       expanding tech sector and of tech-based                        and students. This year, the Forum started
national leadership    innovations across the country. It’s not enough                the MITACS-funded development of the
                       to meet the demand for tech skills: Canada                     BTM Body of Knowledge (BOK), which
to ensure that         must double down on its strengths to extend                    will provide a systematic, exhaustive, and
                       its global leadership.                                         evolving framework for professional practice
Canadian employers,                                                                   standards. The Forum also launched the BTM
                       Inspiring Youth – Xplore STEM Youth                            Certification Program and registered over
in all sectors of      Conference                                                     100 BTM graduates as Associates. Program
                                                                                      accreditation provides assurance that a
the economy,                                 ITAC believes that early
                                                                                      program meets the quality standards of the
                                             exposure in a supportive
have access to                                                                        profession for which that program prepares
                                             and encouraging
                                                                                      graduates. We are proud to announce the
                       environment is the key to shifting mindsets
information and        and helping students build confidence
                                                                                      accreditation of BTM programs at Wilfrid
                                                                                      Laurier University, Red River College,
                       to embrace these fields. ITAC Talent has
communications         partnered with a fantastic team of students at
                                                                                      Université Laval, Université du Québec à
                                                                                      Rimouski, and Concordia University.
technology (ICT)       Glenforest Secondary School in Mississauga,
                       Ontario to organize the 2018 Xplore STEM
                                                                                      BTM TalentMash
professionals with     Youth Conference, Canada’s largest student
                       organized conference promoting careers in                                             The BTM TalentMash
the talent and         Science, Technology, Math and Engineering                                             events are by far, one of
                       (STEM), bringing together over 1,200 high                                             the best ways to enhance
skills that they       school students from across the Greater                        BTM student’s employability skills. From
                       Toronto Area (GTA) to explore programs and                     keynote speakers to industry thought leaders,
need in a rapidly      careers to help clarify their plans for the future.            interactive skills sessions to the popular annual
                                                                                      student tech challenge competitions, the
changing technology    Business Technology Management                                 event creates a great way to connect BTM
and competitive        (BTM) Forum                                                    students and recent graduates from across
                                                                                      the country. The BTM TalentMash attracted
                                             The ITAC BTM Forum is
environment.                                 the leading organization
                                                                                      over 500 students and dozens of employers
                                                                                      this year from across Canada, including
                                             for professionals with
                                                                                      Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton and
                       hybrid business, technology and management
                       acumen. Launched in 2016, it is now a
                                                                                                                      (continued over)

                         ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Talent:
                          Improving the talent pool and skills for
                          growth in Canada’s digital economy

                     First place winners for the BTM National Student Competition   2017 BTM TalentMash
                     at Ryerson this June.


The TalentMash       Work Integrated Learning –                                     medium-sized tech companies across Canada.
                     Career Ready                                                   ITAC Career Ready also partnered with
is a great avenue                          ITAC officially launched
                                                                                    Magnet Today to offer an innovative matching
                                                                                    technology that connects employers with
                                           its Career Ready Work
for employers to                           Integrated Learning
                                                                                    students. The technology, available both via
                                                                                    web and app environments, creates the ability
                                           (WIL) program this
connect with these                         year. The program
                                                                                    for a student to highlight and showcase their
                                                                                    education, skills, projects, and qualifications;
                                           is funded through
talented students    the Government of Canada’s Student
                                                                                    and for employers to quickly create targeted
                                                                                    career postings and automatically learn about
                     Work Integrated Learning Program (SWILP)
and engage           and brings together ICT companies,
                                                                                    available candidates matching their needs.

                     post-secondary educational institutions,                       For more information, please contact Gina
in meaningful        and students, and creates qualified WIL                        van Dalen, Executive Director, ITAC Talent, at
                     opportunities. The Career Ready program              
conversations        placed 250 students in mainly small and

with students
about some of
the upcoming
technology trends
in the market and
how different
organizations are
embracing them.

                      ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Diversity and Inclusion:
                         Raising awareness and increasing diversity
                         for our members, partners and stakeholders

                      Denise Shortt, Vice President, Industry Development, ITAC,   Mary Whittle, Chair, ITAC Women on Boards, Co-Chair, ITAC
                      Barbara Williams, Executive Vice President & COO, Corus      Diversity Council and Jaimie Leverton, General Manager, Vice
                      Entertainment, and Joanne Stanley, Executive Director,       President Canada and APAC, Cogeco Peer 1; ITAC/WCT Women
                      Women in Communications (WCT) at ITAC/WCT Women in           in Leadership event
                      Leadership event

ITAC continues        Women continue to represent less than 30                     and interested in director appointments. The
                      per cent of Canada’s technology workforce.                   Committee set out to identify key women
to help diversify     ITAC is committed to encouraging the growth                  believed to have strong credentials, and
                      and development of women in technology                       organized two extremely well-received Board
Canada’s technology   through research, special events and keeping                 Discovery Day sessions to educate women on
                      the issue central in public policy. ITAC initiated           board governance.
workforce through     the Diversity Advisory Committee due to the
                      overwhelming evidence that gender diversity                  ITAC research on the issue of corporate
four streams: Board   throughout an organization has significant                   governance concluded that:
                      impact on its performance and profitability.
Diversity, Women in                                                                • balanced boards are better boards;
                                                                                   • diverse boards drive more profitable
                      Our Diversity Advisory Committee has
Leadership, Female    over sixty active members and focuses on
                                                                                   • women directors tend toward cooperation,
Entrepreneurship      four pillars: Talent in the Pipeline, Women
                                                                                      collaboration and consensus; and
                      Entrepreneurs, Women on Boards and
                                                                                   • board composition sets the tone for the
and Influencing the   Women in Leadership.
                                                                                      company’s position on diversity.
Pipeline.             Our Women in Leadership speaker
                                                                                   As a result of our Women on Boards
                      series, created with partner Women in
                                                                                   programming, we are now close to 50 highly
                      Communications and Technology (WCT),
                                                                                   qualified, board-ready women, willing to serve
                      was extremely well attended last year, and
                                                                                   as corporate directors. Efforts will continue in
                      showcased female leaders from Corus
                                                                                   2018 to match qualified candidates with key
                      Entertainment, Hewlett-Packard, Cogeco Peer
                                                                                   opportunities, and we will continue to seek
                      1 and Cisco. We continue to partner with
                                                                                   strategic opportunities and partnerships to
                      other like-minded organizations including
                                                                                   promote our database of female leaders to
                      Ryerson University and IT World to promote
                                                                                   Canadian corporations.
                      and host this successful series; and are
                      beginning to expand our reach by hosting                     In February and April 2017, ITAC’s Women on
                      events in communities across the country.                    Boards Committee (chaired by Mary Whittle,
                                                                                   principal, Strategic Marketing Matters) hosted
                      One of the highest profile diversity initiatives
                                                                                   two advisory round table sessions to address
                      has been the creation of a Women on Boards
                                                                                   gender representation on national private and
                      Registry that profiles board-ready women
                                                                                   public boards. Leaders from organizations
                      with technology experience who are qualified
                                                                                                                       (continued over)

                        ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Diversity and Inclusion:
                          Raising awareness and increasing diversity
                          for our members, partners and stakeholders


                                                                       Co-Chair of the Diversity Advisory Committee.
ITAC is also          including the 30% Club, Catalyst Canada,
                      Women Get on Boards, Women’s Executive           Under her leadership, ITAC will be expanding
                                                                       to include programming beyond the gender
partnering            Network, Women in Capital Markets, Ontario
                      Securities Commission, City of Toronto,          focus to include ethnic equality, Indigenous
                                                                       peoples, and persons with disabilities. The
with provincial       and Institute of Corporate Directors are
                      participating in these sessions and have         new Diversity and Inclusion mandate will
                                                                       be released in the Fall of 2018 as well as to
and federal           committed to collaborate further on this
                      important issue.                                 expand our programming to other provinces
                                                                       and jurisdictions across Canada.
governments to        ITAC is also partnering with provincial and
                      federal governments to collaborate on gender     If you would like to participate in ITAC’s
collaborate on        initiatives and support public policy designed   Diversity Initiatives, please contact Denise
                      to increase diversity.                           Shortt, VP Industry Development, dshortt@
gender initiatives                                           
                      In January 2018, ITAC National Board member,
and support public    Lisa Carroll, SVP, CGI, took the position of

policy designed to
increase diversity.

                       ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Membership:
                         Advocacy, networking and professional
                         development services

Our members           As a member-driven, not-for-profit                 Our focus on talent, diversity and health
                      Association, ITAC offers its over 330 members      technology means that our members have the
are entitled to:      – which cover the spectrum from small              ability to connect with top experts in the field.
                      start-up to multinational conglomerates – the      ITAC is the voice of the ICT industry in
best practices        opportunity to share information, collaborate      Canada. We are committed to enhancing
                      and contribute to the advancement of the           the recognition of the strategic value of
and professional      Canadian information, communications and           ICT within business and government. The
                      technology (ICT) industry.                         Association continues to raise awareness of
development;                                                             the profession’s impact through a wide range
                      Publications, industry-specific research, papers   of communications initiatives.
potential career      and reports, for example, help our members
                      to stay on top of the trends, opportunities        Members are encouraged to participate at
opportunities         and challenges facing Canada’s ICT sector.         all levels of ITAC. Some of the roles that
through networking;   ITAC also offers the ITAC community an             are available include: serving on the board,
                      opportunity to connect, collaborate and            volunteering for a committee, or becoming
a strong peer         learn from each other, through national            a mentor. Many members also contribute by
                      conferences, industry-leading forums and           participating as facilitators in events or on
community; latest     complimentary webinars. All-in-all, we             webinars, and as event sponsors or exhibitors.
                      connect with thousands of individuals and
news, research and    organizations each year.                           To learn more, contact Director of
                                                                         Membership and Business Development,
trends; advocacy;     ITAC has a long and strong history in              Mariana Kutin Morais at
                      Canada, with 67 years of engagement with ; or visit
and leadership        government, industry partners, academia, and
                      our members. Our success is our collective
opportunities.        voice and strong member engagement.

                        ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Events:
                            Building relationships, networking and
                            learning from industry experts

                         2017 ITAC Ingenious Award and CanadianCIO of the Year   2017 ITAC Golf Challenge
                         Award winners.

Last year, ITAC          Enhancing thought leadership activities                 attendees each year (and is growing); the
                         through forums and speaking engagements;                ITAC Ingenious Awards and CanadianCIO
developed and            progressing toward a shared vision of the               Awards gala sees more than 300 attendees
                         future of the ICT industry; and continuing              annually; and our joint partnership with
executed more than       to engage with the industry by facilitating             Women in Communications Technology
                         and participating in initiatives where ITAC             Women in Leadership series welcomes more
100 events and           has subject matter knowledge or expertise               than a few hundred participants at each
                         to contribute are key components to ITAC’s              event. Others are by invitation only – exclusive
activities, attracting   events planning.                                        to members to provide industry and topic-
                                                                                 specific information, often presented by
thousands of             Each year, ITAC manages a wide-variety of               federal government officials, interested in ICT
                         events, ranging from Board, Committee and               sector feedback and input. Examples include
members, thought         Working Group meetings, to its premier                  dinners with Ministers of Parliament and our
leaders and industry     Ingenious Awards program, to industry-                  ‘Fireside Chats’ with industry leaders on topics
                         sponsored events, as well as programs                   that range from compliance on Canada’s
experts alike            developed to connect academia, business                 Anti Spam Law (CASL) to transforming cities
                         leaders and students of all ages. These                 through innovation.
throughout the year.     events cover diversity and inclusion initiatives;
                         industry and government leader panel                    Our events program is growing. If you are
                         discussions; marketing think tanks; exclusive           interested in being an event sponsor, a
                         industry forums and more.                               keynote speaker, have an idea about a great
                                                                                 opportunity or would like to learn more,
                         Last year, ITAC developed and executed more             contact Director of Events and Program
                         than 100 events and activities, attracting              Development, Christine Leonard at
                         thousands of members, thought leaders          For ITAC specific or
                         and industry experts alike throughout the               ITAC-supported industry event listings, visit
                         year. Our annual ITAC Health Canadian         
                         Reception at HIMSS attracts more than 600

                           ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Committees, Working
                          Groups and Forums
                       ITAC’s committees, working groups and forums       and best practices in a group environment.
ITAC’s committees,
                       play an important role in connecting ITAC          Participants can earn re-certification points for
working groups         members with strategic partner organizations       their Certified Human Resources Professional
                       and federal and regional government officials      (CHRP) and Certified Compensation
and forums play        and policy makers. Each committee provides         Professional (CPP) designations by attending.
                       a collaborative forum for the exchange of
an important role      knowledge and information enabling our             Internet of Things (IoT) Forum
                       members to provide strategic input to the work     The IoT Forum tracks developments in the
in connecting ITAC     of the association. Many of our Forums are         ‘Internet of Things’, a complex convergence
                       educational in nature, and we encourage all        of the various technologies and services from
members with           members to join in those with open invitations     across the ICT sector. High-potential markets
                       to learn more about the topics that interest       are expected to include: asset tracking in
strategic partner
                       them. Below is a list of some of our most active   retail, distribution and government; connected
organizations and      committees and forums.                             vehicles; payments; process control in energy
                                                                          and utilities; monitoring in healthcare; and
federal and regional                                                      smart cities and smart buildings.
government officials                                                      Legal Affairs Forum
                       Business Technology Management
                                                                          This Forum examines ad hoc legal issues
and policy makers.     (BTM) Forum
                                                                          which arise within the ICT industry, such as
                       The BTM Forum is the national forum for
                                                                          changes to the Integrity Framework, Patent
                       managing BTM activities. It’s a multifaceted
                                                                          Act, PIPEDA, CASL or other laws and policies.
                       organization governed by the BTM
                                                                          The recommendations from the Forum are
                       Forum Governing Council, that comprises
                                                                          then presented to Government as concrete
                       representatives who are responsible for
                                                                          solutions. This Forum is also an excellent
                       steering the organization’s overall direction on
                                                                          networking opportunity for lawyers working
                       members’ behalf. Members include individuals
                                                                          with our sector.
                       from both industry and the academic
                                                                          Marketing & Sales Executive Think Tank
                                                                          This event brings together seasoned
                       Cyber Security Forum
                                                                          marketing executives to discuss a wide
                       ITAC’s Cyber Security Forum is an industry-
                                                                          range of topics in an open, collaborative and
                       government policy roundtable. It is widely
                                                                          entertaining environment. Roundtables often
                       regarded as a key venue for industry-
                                                                          involve breakaway sessions and group work.
                       government discussion of new and ongoing
                       cyber-security issues and related policies,
                       responses and solutions. Topics covered
                       include cyber aspects of national security,
                       network security, smart-grid security,             Tax and Finance Committee
                       cryptography policy, BYoD and device security,     This Committee proposes tax changes which
                       identity management, authentication, spam,         will benefit the ICT sector. The suggestions
                       malware, cyber warfare, privacy, etc.              from this Committee form the basis of ITAC’s
                                                                          annual Budget submission to the Federal
                       Human Resources (HR) Forum                         Government. The Committee also provides an
                       The HR Forum is a peer-to-peer networking          opportunity for members to flag issues and to
                       group that allows for information sharing          offer their analysis of the current tax climate.
                       and discussion of the latest HR trends, views

                                                                                                           (continued over)

                         ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
Committees, Working
                           Groups and Forums
Each committee         ITAC Diversity Advisory Committee                   government leaders. It also hosts bi-annual
                       This Committee designs and implements               events with the Corporate Chief Information
provides a             programming to support women through                Officer of the Ontario Government, and
                       all stages of their career life cycle. It           several of his CIOs.
collaborative forum    comprises four pillars of influence, managed
                       through four sub-committees: ITAC Talent            Women on Boards Committee
for the exchange       Programming; Women in Leadership                    This Committee has established a registry
                       Committee; Women on Boards Committee;               of technology experienced women who are
of knowledge and       and Women Entrepreneurs.                            qualified and interested in Board of Director’s
                                                                           appointment. Candidates can participate
information enabling
                       Entrepreneurship and Innovation                     in “Board Discovery Days” where thought-
our members to         Committee                                           leaders and educators share the qualifications,
                       The goal of the Committee is to help SMEs           requirements and roles of Boards of Directors
provide strategic      connect with other SMEs, large companies and        in providing excellence in governance.
                       the Government, and to provide innovative
input to the work of   services and insight to drive growth and grow       ITAC Health Advocacy Committee
                       the SME market. The Committee is responsible        This committee works on developing
the association.       for driving the success of the Entrepreneur and     research and position papers that support
                       Innovation Agenda in Ontario.                       industry partners as they make their case
                                                                           to various levels of government. The group
                       Public Sector Business Committees (PSBC)            nurtures close co-operation with groups like
                       ITAC has two Public Sector Business                 Canada Heath Infoway (CHI), The Canadian
                       Committees: Federal and Ontario.                    Interprofessional Health Collaborative
                                                                           (CHIC), COACH, Canada’s Health Informatics
                       Federal PSBC                                        Association, MEDEC, the national medical
                       Our Federal Public Sector Business Committee        technology industry association, government
                       brings together senior corporate business           agencies across Canada and provincial
                       leaders whose companies focus on sales              ministries. Procurement issues are often front
                       to government. The committee meets to               and centre in committee work.
                       monitor, assess and advise on procurement
                       policies and practices. Government officials are    ITAC Health Membership and Program
                       regular participants of the meetings and on         Development
                       developments with ICT procurement initiatives.      This committee develops relevant educational
                       The Committee has councils for large                programming and partnership events to address
                       transformational projects, professional services,   emerging issues in digital medicine and health.
                       government relations, telecom, and terms and        By bringing together members and potential
                       conditions. These councils consist of interested    partners, the committee hopes to create industry
                       members and are responsible for reviewing           synergies and support new ideas.
                       issues and presenting recommendations to
                       government. ITAC also organizes Executive           ITAC Health Interoperability and
                       Briefings on a quarterly basis.                     Standards Committee
                                                                           This group is focused on data health system
                       Ontario PSBC                                        use. Membership offers participants a voice
                       ITAC’s Ontario Public Sector Business               at the decision-making tables as standards
                       Committee monitors, assesses and advises            are identified in this emerging area. The
                       on public sector business and government            committee also provides invaluable guidance
                       procurement policies and practices in Ontario.      to ITAC Health’s representatives on various
                       It regularly hosts members-only Fireside            national and international standards
                       Chat events that provide unique access to           committees.

                        ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Advocacy:
                           Advocating for a favourable policy and
                           legislative environment for ICT organizations

                        Minister Carla Qualtrough giving a keynote presentation on   2017 Hill Day participants including ITAC executives, members
                        bringing agile procurement to the Government of Canada       and National Board of Directors, at Parliament Hill.

Advocacy is an          Advocacy is an essential part of ITAC’s                      institutionalizing Digital Government
                        mandate. We work with leadership at the                      Approaches (Innovative Solutions Canada,
essential part of       federal and provincial levels along with key                 IDEaS, CDS); modernizing Federal Procurement,
                        officials across the broader public service                  including developing Agile Procurement;
ITAC’s mandate. We      to facilitate innovation, collaboration and                  expanding STEM and ICT Talent Development;
                        community growth.                                            and developing partnerships with the ICT
work with leadership                                                                 industry to deliver a cyber secure Canada.
                        Budget Day 2017
at the federal and      ITAC’s ongoing federal advocacy work has                     Hill Day
provincial levels       made a major impact in Ottawa. In Budget                     Over 20 ITAC member organizations and
                        2017, many of the major issues our industry                  Board Directors engaged with Ministers,
along with key          advocated hard for were delivered as part of                 senior ministerial delegates and bureaucratic
                        the Innovation Agenda. For Budget 2018, we                   leadership as part of our annual Hill Day event.
officials across the    focused on the implementation of key 2017                    Our focus was to provide input towards future
                        commitments and on raising the profile on                    budget announcements and to advocate for
broader public          important issues that are yet to be addressed,               issues that still need to be addressed.
                        specifically areas around talent, cyber security
service to facilitate   and digital government.                                      Advocacy Highlights:
innovation,             ITAC’s Budget Day event in 2017 helped                       •C
                                                                                       ommittee Appearances: ITAC executives
                        form the central component of ITAC’s federal                  appeared often in front of Parliamentary
collaboration and       lobby efforts leading up to Budget 2018.                      Committees throughout the year.
                        Teams of executives met with Ministers and                    Examples include: NDU, the Commons
community growth.       senior government officials to support ITAC’s                 Industry Committee on the CASL review;
                        24 recommendations on how the federal                         the Commons Ethics Committee on the
                        government can support the continued growth                   PIPEDA review.; the Commons Government
                        of Canada’s information and communications                    Operations and Expenditures Committee
                        technology (ICT) industry. These included:                    (OGGO) to discuss SMEs and government
                        updating Canada’s Scientific Research and                     procurement; and the Alberta Standing
                        Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit                   Committee on Families and Communities
                        to support SME scale-up; accelerating Capital                 who were reviewing lawful access protocols
                        Cost Allowances to expand ICT infrastructure;                 and responding to calls from civil society to
                        investing in 5G networks; building Smart                      extend these requirements to those who
                        Infrastructure to protect investments;                        provide mobile software.

                                                                                                                           (continued over)

                          ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
ITAC Advocacy:
                           Advocating for a favourable policy and
                           legislative environment for ICT organizations


ITAC partnered with    •G
                         oing Agile Conference: In October 2017,            on the importance of forum selection clauses
                        ITAC hosted a one-day event to help the              in providing legal certainty in the digital
other organizations,    Government of Canada “Go Agile”. This                economy, especially for small enterprises that
                        event helped inform Government about the             can quickly grow to global scale.
such as the Council     Agile modernization initiatives underway and
                                                                             In the ruling, it’s clear that ITAC’s position
                        shared best practices found across the ICT
                                                                             was important to the Court – the dissenting
of Canadian             sector in other jurisdictions.
                                                                             opinion explicitly mentions the ITAC’s
                                                                             submissions and ITAC was the only intervener
Innovators and the     •C
                                                                             mentioned by name.
                         1. Integrity Regime: In November 2017, ITAC
Information and          responded to Public Services and Procurement
                                                                             4. Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL): ITAC
                                                                             has worked with a coalition of industry
                         Canada’s Integrity Regime consultation
Communications           and proposals for Deferred Prosecution
                                                                             associations to advocate for updates to CASL,
                                                                             including a delay on the introduction of the
                         Agreements. Recognizing the legitimate goal
Technology Council,      of addressing corporate corruption, ITAC
                                                                             Private Right of Action clause. ITAC was
                                                                             heavily involved in the Parliamentary Review
                         believes that serious cases of corporate fraud
to provide input         and economic crime should be addressed
                                                                             of CASL in 2017.

                         by Government. Deferred Prosecution                 5. Canadian Cyber Security Strategy: ITAC
to Public Safety         Agreements have an important role to play           partnered with other organizations such as
                         in providing the necessary balance that is          the Council of Canadian Innovators and the
Canada on the            missing from the current Integrity Policy.          Information and Communications Technology
                                                                             Council to provide input to Public Safety
Government of            2. Private Corporation Tax Changes: ITAC
                                                                             Canada on the Government of Canada’s
                         submitted an industry response to Finance
                                                                             National Cyber Security Strategy. The new
Canada’s National        Canada’s consultations on tax planning
                                                                             Strategy is expected to be released prior to
                         using private corporations. ITAC’s submission
                                                                             the summer break of Parliament.
Cyber Security           focused on potential impacts of the new tax
                         measures on Canada’s innovation ecosystem           6. NAFTA and Trade Policy: ITAC has been
Strategy.                – including the challenges of access to capital     engaging with Global Affairs Canada to
                         and industry’s sensitivity to changes in capital    ensure ICT industry priorities are considered
                         gains tax.                                          during renegotiation of NAFTA. As
                                                                             negotiations are ongoing with some chapters
                         3. Privacy, ITAC Intervention at the Supreme        such as Telecom having closed, the Canadian
                         Court of Canada: Last November, ITAC                negotiators have largely adopted ITAC
                         intervened at the Supreme Court of Canada           positions. ITAC continues to be engaged
                         (SCC) on behalf of Facebook in Douez v.             with the U.S. based Information Technology
                         Facebook. The appeal considered the validity        Industry Council to ensure consistency in
                         of forum selection clauses in consumer user         approaches, where it make sense.
                         agreements. The Facebook user agreement
                         sets out that any legal disputes must be           For more information about ITAC Advocacy,
                         pursued in California courts. Douez is leading     contact Andre Leduc, VP, Government Relations
                         a class action arguing Facebook breached BC        and Policy,, or Nevin French, VP,
                         privacy law, and that the case should be heard     Policy at
                         in BC. ITAC’s intervention at the SCC focused

                        ITAC Annual Review 2017-2018
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