102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...

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102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International
               Milan, Italy
      Nations’ Parade July 6th 2019
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
Marching   How to book them
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
rules of engagement

 if you would like to open
 your performance with a
 marching band, you can book
 BOOKING send to:
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
rules of engagement

 Wait for reply of the
  availability of the
    booked band
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
rules of engagement

 Once received confirmation,
 send the band request using
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
rules of engagement

                                       USD 1,200.00 * for each single musical
                                         band invited by April 30th 2019.
signature obliges the requesting       USD 1,700.00 * for each single musical
delegation to pay a contribution of:      band invited by May 31th 2019.
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
rules of engagement

     the contribution must be paid for an irrevocable
     wire bank transfer, in favor of ANBIMA province of
     Milano, SWIFT code: BAPPIT21B34                      Pairing requests missing from the
     IBAN: IT05L0503433580000000020494
                                                          transfer certificate will not be
                                                          considered. It will not be possible to
     Banco BPM Pieve Emanuele (Mi)                        request refunds, total or partial, of the
     with reason: contribution for the participation of   sums reclaimed.
     ANBIMA’s Band at the 102nd Lions Clubs
     International Convention, Parade of 6 July 2019.

Enclosing with the MARCHING BAND ORDER the receipt copy of the wire bank transfer
            and send them to:                  alfornaroli@gmail.com
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
rules of engagement

                                                                Very important
                                                       All communications must be sent
Once the amount has been credited, ANBIMA will              exclusively by e-mail to:
confirm the pairing and issue a regular receipt for
the contribution paid to the corresponding            Band Manager Lion Alberto Fornaroli,
delegation.                                                      at the address:
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...

presentation in alphabetical order from the city of origin
102nd Convention Lions Clubs International Milan, Italy Nations' Parade July 6th 2019 - Lions Clubs International ...
CORPO MUSICALE ALBAIRATESE         Corpo Musicale Albairatese was founded
Albairate                           in 1892, when some young farmers found
                                    themselves after a long day spent in the
                                    fields learning music and playing an
                                    instrument under the direction of the
                                    victorestro of the Filarmonica
                                    Abbiatense. Over the years the band has
Director: Fabio Rossi               increased both from the point of view of
Members: 45                         the organic and the experience gained in
                                    music. From the 70s until the end of the
                                    90s it was directed by the enterprising
Music March List:                   and tireless Master Aurelio Fanciosti who
                                    made it famous also in the neighboring
ALBAIRATE (A. Fanciosti);
                                    countries. After his death the helm
MARCIA DEI FIORI (D. Boario);       passed to his student Umberto Oldani
TOPOLINA (F. Francia);              who directed it until 2002. From
MANHATTAN (L. Lombardi);
                                    October 2002 the band is under the
                                    direction of the young and ambitious
GARDESANA (E. Sabatini);            maestro Massimo Oldani. The aim of the
MARISA (E. Sabatini);               Albairatese Musical Body is to bring
ORCHIDEA (N. Giuffrè);
                                    music of all kinds around the territory,
                                    to attract more and more audiences and
ALFIERA (Viari)                     to collaborate in the social life of the
   For more than thirty years, the
FILARMONICA GIUSEPPE VERDI                “Giuseppe Verdi” Philharmonic of Arese
Arese                                     has been a constant presence in its
                                          town, playing at all civil and religious
                                          events. It is composed of about fifty
                                          elements, including a large number of
                                          young people. Several years ago it
                                          became a non–profit independent
Director: Andrea Terzuolo                 association. The band promotes classes
Members: 30                               for children and teenagers who would
                                          like to learn how to play a band
                                          instrument. Its repertoire varies from
Music March List:                         the typical band marches to more
Giovanna (Pierotti);
                                          challenging symphonic pieces, brilliant
                                          light music, sacred hymns and, naturally,
Smoke on the Wather (Roger Glover);       the National Anthem during official
Over and out (R.Beck);                    events. In addition to Arese and its
                                          neighboring municipalities, including
Monviso (M.Boario);                       Milan, the “Giuseppe Verdi”
Venezie (M.Boario);                       Philharmonic organizes and participates
Alfiera (Viaris);                         in band gatherings both in Italy and
                                          abroad. It has performed in Vienna, in
Chiara (Marani/Soglia);                   Mosonmagyaròvàr (Arese’s Hungarian
Musica maestro (Autori vari)              twin city) and in Lenzburg (near Zurich).
   “Corpo Bandistico Arlunese” boasts a
CORPO BANDISTICO ARLUNESE                                      relatively young history, officially
Arluno                                                         beginning in August 1982. Although its
                                                               roots outdate the official founding and
                                                               intertwine with the preceding “Banda
                                                               del fracass” (Clamor Band) in the ‘50s,
                                                               the young spirit still leads the CBA with
Director: Stefano Messaggi                                     ever new initiatives. The CBA includes a
Members: 25                                                    Concert Band, two Parade formations
                                                               (Marching Band and Dixie Band), a Junior
                                                               Band and a Music School dedicated to
Music March List:                                              wind instruments and percussions. All
United Nations (K. L. King);                                   these entities cooperate to perform in
                                                               civil and religious parades, concerts and
Over and Out (R. Beck);
                                                               other shows involving symphonic and
Washington Post (John Philip Sousa);                           classical pieces as well as transcriptions
When the Saints Go Marching In (arr. Harold L. Walters);       of folk, jazz and pop music and original
Tiziana (P. Canu);
                                                               compositions for wind orchestra. With
                                                               about 25 musicians, CBA is ready to
Sul Ponticello (P. Vidale)                                     animate and cooperate with other
                                                               organizations, being these musical,
                                                               theatrical, educational, religious and
CORPO MUSICALE BOFFALORESE      "Boffalorese Musical Band" represents a
Boffalora sopra Ticino           consolidated reality, having been active
                                 since 1908. In Boffalora, it gives rhythm,
                                 as a real soundtruck of the town, to all
                                 the significant moments of the
                                 community: with its presence it cheers
                                 many events and adds solemnity to
Director: Valerio Manfredi       celebrations and processions. He is
Members: 25                      promoter of three concerts during the
                                 year. It takes part and suggests events
                                 and activities in cooperation with
Music March List:                schools and other associations. It
                                 consists of about 35 elements divided
Lombardia                        into woods, brass and percussion;
                                 performs a varied repertory ranging
                                 from pop music to classical and opera,
Zurigo                           from popular to jazz and symphonic
                                 music. It also offers concerts with vocal
                                 choirs and solo singers. He has had
Valsassina                       several experiences meeting musical
                                 groups in Italy and in Europe: 1998 in
                                 Sweden, 2002 in Hungary, 2012 in
                                 Austria, 2015 in Sicily and annually
                                 meeting Bands of the neighboring area.
   It all began in the spring of 1906 when a group of
                                      willing friends, music lovers, gave life to a musical
CORPO MUSICALE Santa CECILIA          group that assumed today's name. During the fascist
Bresso                                period many musicians were called to the front and
                                      the group, after having hidden the instruments in the
                                      parish house, broke up, temporarily ceasing its
                                      activity. After the war, with the collaboration of the
                                      President Mr. Eugenio Tagliabue, of Cav. Luigi Strada,
                                      of Mr. Ferruccio Perego, of Maestro Luigi Tagliabue,
                                      as well as a group of young volunteers, recovered the
                                      hidden instruments in the rectory, the S. Cecilia
Director: Ivano Dell’Acqua            Musical Corps was reformed again. With great
                                      enthusiasm, even from the public, they returned to
Members: 30                           animate the civil and religious festivals. In the years
                                      60/70, thanks to the meticulous and incessant work
                                      of Maestro Pasqualino Ferrara, the band has grown as
Music March List:                     organic and quality. The headquarters of the Bresso
                                      gang was practically his second home, within which
RICORDO DI BRESSO (C. FERRARA);       he formed and grew tirelessly and patiently the
                                      current columns of today's complex. Since 1987 the
PARATA D'EROI (F. PELLEGRINO);        management has passed to M. Cav. Oronzo
                                      Defendente, who, from the beginning, with great
                                      patience and skill, has brought the group to quality
MILITARY ESCORT (H. BENNETT);         levels appreciated by everyone. Since 2005 The
                                      Musical Body Santa Cecilia of Bresso is directed by
MARCIA DEI FIORI (D. BOARIO);         the young M. prof. Ivano Dell'Acqua who, with his
                                      character and his abilities, brought an
FERRARA (F. BENZI);                   unprecedented wave of enthusiasm and serenity
BELGANO MARCH (M. LEEMAN)             inside the staff. The history of the S. Cecilia Musical
                                      Body is made up of simple people, united by a
                                      passion for music and by the will to carry on a
                                      healthy and deserving popular, cultural, and
                                      educational tradition.
       Santa CECILIA
There are no official documents stating the date of foundation of a
  CORPO MUSICALE PARROCCHIALE   brass band in Busto Garolfo. It is however known that in 1848 the
            Santa CECILIA       parish priest decided to provide the band with an own flag; as a
Busto Garolfo                   consequence, 1848 is accepted as the year of foundation of the first
                                brass band in Busto Garolfo. During the years, the direction has
                                been confided in different known conductors, including M° Giacomo
                                Mologni, M° Angelo Pinciroli and current M° Fulvio Clementi. The
Director: Fulvio Raimondi       President is as of today Mr. Antonio Paganini. The band took part to
                                several different events, also outside Busto Garolfo, such as the
Members: 30                     “Giubileo degli Artisti” in Rome (December 2000) or the “Raduno
                                Nazionale degli Alpini” in Milano in 2005 and Asiago in 2006.
                                Furthermore, the band took part also to other relevant event
Music March List:               outside Italy, like the “Internationales Blasmusiker Festival” in
GAIA;                           Wolfsberg (Austria) in 2003 and 2009. The band has also established
BANDE IN FESTA;                 a friendship with a brass band from Bavaria, Germany: the
                                “Musikverein Harmonie Oberbueren”. Such friendship, began in
                                October 2012 with the travel of the “Corpo S. Cecilia” to
THE KING;                       Oberbeuren (a Kaufbeuren borough), grew during the years, linking
ENEA;                           the 2 bands each others and allowing a mutual upgrade. In October
BUSTO GAROLFO IN FESTA;         2013 and 2015 the Oberbeuren band visited again Busto Garolfo,
                                gaining an incredible success at each appearance, including an
                                ensemble-concert at EXPO 2015. In July 2016 the “Corpo S. Cecilia”
NOTE IN ALLEGRIA                went back to Kaufbeuren, being the first Italian band to take part to
                                Tänzelfest, the oldest Bavarian festival. In October 2018 the Corpo
                                S. Cecilia organised the “1° International Wind Band Festival in
                                Busto Garolfo”, hosting the Musikeverein “Harmonie” Oberbeuren
                                and the “Filarmonica di Castagnola” (Switzerland).
   “Corpo Musicale San Giorgio" is a
CORPO MUSICALE SAN GIORGIO        "private band" founded by Gajo family in
Casorezzo                         1833 in Casorezzo. It was a very wealthy
                                  family of landowners and patrons in that
                                  area. The members of the family had
                                  always been teachers and presidents of
                                  the association until at the end of the
                                  Great War. During the first years of
Director: Simone Clementi         1900, the band became the most
Members: 30                       important in town and it was always
                                  present at religious and civil functions,
                                  growing together with the population of
Music March List:                 Casorezzo. It had also played a social
                                  role in the promotion of music as a way
AROSA (Tschuor);                  to gather people and as an element of
AMERICA EXPRESS (Francia);        social "growth". Currently, Mrs. Silvana
                                  Bredais the President of the Band and
                                  the Master Teacher is the young
IN FESTA (Francia);               Professor Simone Clementi. Casorezzo’s
NOTE IN ALLEGRIA (Francia);       "Corpo Musicale San Giorgio" is made up
                                  of forty valid and close-knit musicians.
OVER AND OUT (Beck);              Over the years they have performed in
LUNA (Furlano);                   several cities such as Prague,
ILARIA (Gaizo)
                                  Luxembourg, Carinthia, Rome, Naples,
                                  Budapest and this year it will perform in
                                  Florence too.
In the year 1800 a group of French soldiers
BANDA MUSICALE DI CASSANO D’ADDA   from the "Gardan" division was in the small
Cassano D’Adda                     village of Cassano, near the river Adda. The
                                   division was equipped with a marching
                                   band, formed by young French people who
                                   became friends with the people of Cassano.
                                   Friendship soon became interested in music,
Director: Roberto Brambilla        study and exercise on the instruments of
Members: 35                        the band. Some young men of Cassano start
                                   to buy their own musical instruments to
                                   become a member of the group. These are
Music March List:                  the ancient origins of the "Banda Musicale di
                                   Cassano d'Adda", which today has more than
Military Escort” (H. Bennett);
                                   40 elements and carries out an intense
“Europa Mars”( R. Allmend);        activity that includes parade participation
“Orta” (S. Caligaris);             even at national level, musical services for
“Broadway” (A.C. van Leeuwen);
                                   civil and religious events, organization of
                                   concerts. The ensemble consists of wind and
“Alpen Mars” (R. Allmend);         percussion instruments, the repertoire
“Liberty Fleet” (K. L. King)       ranges from classical to pop music, as well
                                   as original compositions for band of
                                   contemporary Italian and foreign authors.
Banda de Cernüsc" was born in 1878 in Cernusco sul
                                       Naviglio (MI). Over the years the band participates in
LA BANDA DE CERNUSC                    numerous competitions and gatherings including the
Cernusco sul Naviglio                  Rome band rally in 1935 with the participation of
                                       7000 musicians in the Foro Italico, directed to the
                                       eighteenth Maestro Enrico Mascagni. In 1970 the
                                       "Banda de Cernüsc" was completed by establishing the
                                       Majorette Corps that will give further prestige to the
Director: Alberto Vitaloni             already appreciated Mu-sical Body. Worthy of note is
                                       the entertaining participation in the film "Innamorato
Members: 30 musicians                  pazzo" with Adriano Celentano. Over the years there
                                       have been the memorable directions of Maestro
           plus 30 majorette           Bernardo Goliardi and Maestro Vincenzo Cammarano,
                                       whose admirable professionalism led to the
                                       participation of the Banda de Cernusc at the National
Music March List:                      Band Competition of Asciano (SI) in 1996, winning 1st
Posta di Washington;
                                       prize for best show (banda / majorette) and the 3rd
                                       place for the concert performance. In 2000, the
Stoccolma;                             "Banda de Cernüsc" performed a splendid tour in
                                       Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg) and in 2006 in St.
Over and out;
                                       Peter's Square in Rome in the presence of Pope
Time out;                              Benedict XVI. Since 2012, the artistic direction of the
                                       "Banda de Cernüsc" is attributed to the charism of
Santander;                             Maestro Pasquale Celiberti, who has been able to
Semper fidelis;                        integrate the already vast repertoire of the "Banda de
                                       Cernüsc" with new songs and amazing soundtracks of
Bitter;                                famous films, and which in 2015 led to the
YMCA; Can’t take; 8 ½;                 collaboration with the G. Verdi Conservatory of Milan
                                       in the musical events organized for EXPO 2015; since
Classic in marcia;                     then this happy collaboration has been renewed every
poker rag;                             year on the occasion of the "Bande in Fe-stival"
                                       event, organized by Maestro Bonino and Maestro
when the saints; smoke in the water;   Satanassi..
National Emblem
   In April, 1996 some citizens of Cerro al
CORPO MUSICALE GIUSEPPE VERDI       Lambro had the desire to achieve
Cerro al Lambro                     something unusual: a musical band.
                                    These people, who for years had
                                    frequented these environments in other
                                    towns, saw the possibility of creating
                                    one of their own. This thought was
                                    expressed to the Mayor and to the
Director: Mauro Maggi               council; surprisingly they too had been
Members: 27                         wanting a band for a long time. This
                                    symbiosis of intents made it possible to
                                    move the first steps towards the
                                    creation of the "Band of Cerro”. Since
Music March List:                   then the Giuseppe Verdi Musical Band of
Alfiera (Viaris);                   Cerro al Lambro has attended countless
                                    events and occurrences, and it has been
Arosa Mars (O.Tschuor);             able to count on the collaboration of
Brio (L.Marani);                    many musicians and friends, even the
                                    municipal administrations of these
Orchidea (Nino Giuffrè);
                                    years. We have now celebrated twenty
Raffaella (l.marani);               years of life and we are preparing for
                                    our first quarter of a century. We, as
San Carlo (O.Tschuor);
                                    part of the Band, are proud of the
Super (R.Soglia);                   results obtained in these years. We
Birba (M.Maggi)
                                    would like to thank all the people who
                                    have contributed and have worked with
                                    us and we are very happy to count on a
                                    collective made up of many young
                                    people that allow us to look to the
                                    future with optimism.
   Filarmonica Paganelli79 is a non-profit cultural association that
                                     promotes and implements every useful initiative aimed at
FILARMONICA PAGANELLI 79             spreading music for adults, young people, adults and children.
                                     Born in 1979 from the will of the founder Balilla Paganelli,
Cinisello Balsamo                    entrepreneur, awarded with the Spiga d'oro of the city of
                                     Cinisello Balsamo and his trusted employee Giordano
                                     Meggiarin, both knights of the job. In these decades,
                                     Filarmonica Paganelli79 has welcomed and raised many
                                     hundreds of young people, accompanying them with music in
                                     life. We are partners of the City of Cinisello Balsamo for which
                                     we take care of the performance of concerts and the
                                     institution-wings parades. Our music has accompanied the
Director: Donatella Azzarelli        important moments of the community and, even today, our
                                     concerts are expected as solemn moments of city life. We are
                                     also part of the LaVerdi foundation for which we carry out
Members: 30                          musical interventions at the Largo Mahler Auditorium. In line
                                     with the purpose of the institute, we direct the most
                                     promising and motivated students of our school to continue
                                     the musical experience, inserting them at the end of the
Music March List:                    training cycle, in one of our orchestras, the "Junior Band, the"
                                     Filorchestra "Or in external groups. We characterize ourselves
NOVANTESIMO (Rucano);                as an Italian musical reality that teaches music and has it
                                     practiced in orchestras. A fundamental part of our cultural
FESTIVAL (Barman);                   activity is the research and arrangement of the pieces for the
                                     Orchestre musical repertoires. We also take care of the
                                     organization and direction of shows and concerts. Artistic
VERA (Bellotto);                     director of the association and conductor of the orchestras is
                                     prof.ssa Donatella Azzarelli graduated from the conservatory
ON THE ROAD (Andreoli);              of Milan in flute and specialized in the direction of orchestra
                                     and bands. Prof. Azzarelli also collaborates with the Balerna
POKER RAG (Francia);                 wind orchestra in Switzerland and directs the Mila-no's Alpine
                                     band. The Wind Orchestra is the senior formation, composed
MAKE WAY FOR MELODY (Metcalf);       of expert mu-sicists, who perform classical, modern
                                     repertoires. memorials, marches and parades in official
SYMBOL OF HONOR (Mesang)             celebrations of public or private bodies. In a special
                                     composition it is also a musical Ban-da that performs
                                     institutional shows, such as April 25th and November 4th; he
                                     also participates in band gatherings such as that of the
                                     Bersaglieri of Milan, to whom the photo refers.
CORPO FILARMONICO GAETANO DONIZETTI      For over 120 years, the Philharmonic Corps is present at Corbetta,
Corbetta                                  always offering concerts at a high cultural level as well as being
                                          present at all the civil and religious services of the city of Corbetta.
                                          In 2017 he obtained the fifth place in the Interband Competition of
                                          Bannio 2017 reaching the highest position of the bands in the
                                          province of Milan. Among the last concerts we can mention: Il
                                          Concerto a Nus (Ao) in April 2016 for the memorial Mauro Bordon.
                                          The Gospel concert of Santa Cecilia 2015 in the Church of San
    Director: Davide Casafina             Vittore with the Coro Vox Aurae of Arese. The concert in Vimodrone
    Members: 37                           in collaboration with the Fanfare of the Italian Air Force in 2015. The
                                          Concert held in Somasca (Lc) in September 2014. Also worth
                                          mentioning the 2013 Lyrical Gala which involved the Philharmonic
                                          Corps with internationally renowned soloists; In June 2016 Il Corpo
                                          G. Donizetti played three important concerts in Santo Stefano
    Music March List:                     Ticino, Sedriano and Corbetta performing the complete work of
                                          Carmina Burana for the choir and orchestra of Fiati in collaboration
    Primi passi;
                                          with the band of Sedriano, the Parish Chorus Stefane and the Choir
    Augusta;                              Bradlicum Singer of Bareggio. In the past years the Philharmonic
                                          Corps participated in the Carnival of Viareggio, the Carnival of
    La campionessa;                       Borgomanero and Oleggio, the Festival of Flowers of Locarno, the
                                          Carnival of Turin and Cuneo and all the events related to the
    La libertà;                           twinning events with the town of Corbas (France) and inaugurated
                                          the twinning with the city of Targoviste (Romania). He was also
    Mirella;                              involved in a concert of solidarity for the earthquake zones in the
                                          city of Nocera Umbra in the year 1999, in Rapallo on the occasion of
    Smoke in the water                    Carnival 2000, in Breno (BS) for a concert in the central square of
                                          the town and in Luicciana (Prato) , on the occasion of a national
                                          gathering as spokesperson for the Lombard bands. In 2005 the
                                          Philharmonic Corps then took part in the celebrations for the 50th
                                          anniversary of the foundation of ANBIMA organized in Piazza San
                                          Pietro in Rome..
CORPO MUSICALE SANTA CECILIA             Some documents preserved in the Civic Museum of Cuggiono
Cuggiono                                  mention the presence of a town band since 1830. After the
                                          Napoleonic campaigns, groups of ex tambourines and
                                          trumpeters, went on to cheer the village festivals and religious
                                          processions. Since then the band presence has always played
                                          an important role for the Cuggionese community. In 1933 it
                                          took the name of Corpo Musicale Santa Cecilia di Cuggiono.
    Director: Martino Crespi              Since the beginning of the 60s the Musical Body has established
                                          itself as one of the most important and active cultural
    Members: 30                           institutions of the country, representing an opportunity to
                                          approach the musical practice and the knowledge of the
                                          cultured and popular repertoire. Alongside civil and religious
    Music March List:                     ceremonies, the association starts organizing concerts in
                                          conjunction with the main festivals, dedicating itself mostly to
    CLAUDIA (G. Luccarini);               the performance of a classical, symphonic and operatic
    SIRIA (G. Lotario);                   repertoire. Since '80s the repertoire changes drastically:
                                          classical music leaves more and more space to light music,
    SEMOGO (R. Villata);                  soundtracks and new original compositions for winds. With the
    MATILDE (L. Marani- R. Soglia);       new millennium, the Musical Corps has begun to participate in
                                          musical and cultural events outside the city walls. Thanks to
    EL PEDRO (R. Ares);                   the young people and the experience of the veterans, under
    THRILLER (arr. P. Murtha);            the guidance of Maestro Mauro Berra, the band boasts the
                                          presence at local and national meetings organized by ANBIMA,
    LET IT BE (arr. M. Brown)             at national level sporting events (like the Milan-Inter match)
                                          and in solidarity concerts in the municipalities affected by the
                                          Abruzzo earthquake.
CORPO MUSICALE “GIUSEPPE VERDI”                       "Giuseppe Verdi" Musical Band of Dairago, also called
Dairago                                                BanDairago, was founded in 1971 as an independent
                                                       association thanks to a city committee of enthusiasts and
                                                       volunteers, with the aim of spreading and bringing the
                                                       whole town closer to the art of music. Since 1984 it is
                                                       managed by an internal council of musicians and
                                                       collaborators, with president Mr. Daniele Frattolillo, and is
    Director: Alberto Poretti                          supported by the entire community. The current staff
    Members: 33                                        consists of about 40 members and is directed since 2017
                                                       by Maestro Mario Arrigoni. It performs concerts and
                                                       services to the civil and religious community, both in the
    Music March List:                                  same Dairago and in neighboring countries, participating
                                                       in rallies and events of various kinds, also collaborating in
    INFORMISSIMA Sergio Cavaleto; SPINETO Davide       the implementation of initiatives with all the associations,
                                                       schools and institutions. The repertoire therefore provides
    BITTER Renato Soglia;                              for the performance of traditional and classical but also
    ALFIERA Viaris;                                    modern and contemporary songs ranging between the
                                                       various genres.
    BRIO L.Marani;
     PIEMONTE Massimo Boario;
     MONTEBIANCO Davide Boario;
    MONVISO Massimo Boario
BANDA CIVICA                                "In 1886, Cesare Tragella, a noble philosopher and scholar, became a
Magenta                                      priest and in 1885 appointed parish priest of the city of Magenta, he
                                             wanted to involve the music professor Luigi Valisi, to found and
                                             direct a musical group. Found the economic resources founded our
                                             Band allocating a seat, a regulation and a name: Magenta Civic
                                             Band. The spirit and ideals of the founders have made this musical
                                             organism a reference for the growth of our city. In its historical
                                             evolution then, the Civic Band of Magenta, even with an amateur
    Director: Massimiliano Magistrelli       spirit, and thanks to its Masters, has continued its path of
    Members: 35                              progressive updating in the traditional sectors and gemmando two
                                             other bands of the city. The areas in which it operates are those of
                                             education, culture, art, socialization and integration. The training is
                                             aimed at the lowest school classes (5 - 10 years) through the musical
    Music March List:                        propaedeutics, and in addition to the proposed annual cycles, the
                                             training is activated with weekly tests. Cultural growth takes place
    Magenta;                                 by promoting the knowledge of musical language, styles and musical
                                             literature both historical and contemporary, creating the conditions
                                             for a growth of the individual component. From the exercise one
    Michigan;                                arrives at the instrumental mastery and the execution of the piece
                                             transmits energy, emotion and becomes Art. Socialization in our
    Monte Bianco;                            civic band, which now has more than 50 elements, is favored by the
                                             exchange of experiences and thanks to the sincere human
    Belmonte;                                relationships between young people (male and female) with adults
    Orchidea;                                and the elderly. It is thanks to the characteristic that makes music a
                                             universal language that we help the integration of our bandits,
    Under the Double Eagle;                  foreign children and adults, in the fabric of our association and in
                                             the Magentine society, and, in cascade, also the integration of their
    Cortina                                  families.
BANDA 4 GIUGNO 1859                "“Banda 4 giugno 1859”, was founded in 1892 some councilors
Magenta                             and a group of 5 musicians, taking its name from the famous
                                    battle of Magenta. Since its foundation, uninterruptedly, the
                                    band participates in civil and religious events, in addition to
                                    the participation in concert and the production of own
                                    concerts. The “Banda 4 giugno 1859”, is composed of about 50
                                    people, performs a varied musical repertoire, divided into two
    Director: Michela Fassi         macro-sectors:

    Members: 35                    1) popular, jazz, light;
                                   2) classical, opera, symphonic;

    Music March List:              The band has in archive a repertoire of about n. 300 different
                                    music tracks, divided into about n. 150 composers, including
    Valsassina (A. Rucano);         Ludwig Van Beethoven, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Giuseppe
    Elisa (R. Soglia);              Verdi, Jacob De Haan, etc. The “Banda 4 giugno 1859” is a
                                    band of wind instruments, divided into three sections: Wood;
    Ferragosto (P. Vitale);         Brass; Percussion, organized for concerts and parades.
    Belmonte (S. Cavalletto);
    Giove (E. Sabatini);
    Magenta (L. Guadagnini);
    Stoccolma (P. Vidale);
    Misurina (S. Calligaris)
CORPO MUSICALE SAN MARCO                      Since 1920 to today the “Corpo Musicale San Marco” is steadily
Marcallo con Casone                            present at the most important celebrations of the town, such
                                               as religious and civil events.
                                              The “Corpo Musicale San Marco” is also active in the town’s
                                               cultural life performing at least two concerts every year:
                                               usually one in winter, on the recurrence of Saint Cecilia,
                                               patron of musicians, and one in summer. This allows the
    Director: Luca Chiodini                    people of a small town, such as Marcallo con Casone, to attend
    Members: 27                                the performance of different musical genres, performed live
                                               by a musical band that builds his musical skills combining the
                                               experience of long-time musicians and the enthusiasm of
                                               young people. The “Corpo Musicale San Marco” is therefore an
    Music March List:                          aggregator of social realities that ostensibly are far from each
    GIOVE (E. Sabatini);                       other.

    PARATA DI EROI (F. Pellegrino);
    COSTANZA (G. Bergamasco);
    SEMPER FIDELIS (John Philip Sousa );
    MARCIA ROLANDO ( E. Sabatini );
    LOMBARDIA ( G. Pulci )
CORPO MUSICALE di OPERA                     Opera Musical Corp was founded in 1919 and
Opera                                        since then participates in civil and religious
                                             events, He also performs in concerts
                                             presenting to the public classical and modern
                                             repertoire pieces, sometimes accompanying
    Director: Bruno Masutti                  established opera singers and chorales.
    Members: 30                             His activity takes place in the municipal
                                             area, but also in the city of Milan and
    Music March List:                        province where he participated in major
    BITTER (R. Soglia);
                                             band conventions. His repertoire ranges from
                                             Verdi, Rossini, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven
    ALESSIA (P. Ruggiero);
                                             to also pass to Ramazzotti, Dalla, Bocelli,
    PRIMI PASSI (V. Corino);
                                             Morricone as well as film soundtracks and
    COLONEL BOGEY MARCH (K.J. Alford);       more.
    FEST-OPERA (S. Difato);
                                            The staff is made up of about 35
    SUL PONTICELLO (P. Vidale)               instrumentalists who play wood, brass and
     VOLTURNO (F. Speranza);                 percussion.
CORPO MUSICALE OSSONESE                 “Corpo Musicale Ossonese” was born in 1978 in Ossona,
Ossona                                   thanks to a group of citizens. The small musical band,
                                         made up of young people coming from the secondary
                                         school, met in the small premises of the Town Library. In
                                         just a few years the band increased in number, the seat
                                         was transferred to a larger loc ation, and the band began
                                         to become an important reality within the folkloristic
    Director: Gianni Giannotta           occasions of the town, attending religious and civil events,
    Members: 20                          and the several ones organized by associations of
                                         volunteering and sport of the town and of the territory
                                         nearby. Not to forget are also the two annual events that
    Music March List:                    are now a tradition of the musical band: the Christmas
                                         Concert and the Summer Concert. During its activity, the
    PRIMI PASSI (V. CORINO);             Corpo Musicale Ossonese has always promoted projects,
    ORTA (S. CALIGARIS);                 which aim to raise awareness about musical culture, both
                                         organizing courses of music teaching and musical events,
                                         and taking part with enthusiasm to events of band type, to
    FESTIVAL (R. SOGLIA);                which it is invited. Composed of about 25 members, the
    NOTE IN ALLEGRIA (F. FRANCIA);       Corpo Musicale Ossonese performs a varied musical
                                         repertoire, which covers symphonic, classical, pop, soul,
    BOMBER (R. SOGLIA);                  jazz and traditional music for band.
CORPO MUSICALE SANTA CECILIA-1900             “Corpo Musicale Santa Cecilia-1900” was founded in 1900, thanks to
Palazzolo Milanese                             the then coadjutor Don Filippo Anghileri, to involve the young
                                               people of the Oratory. The Corpo Musicale, with its music, has lived
                                               all those moments, beautiful and not, that a century of history
                                               inevitably writes, passing through the two world wars. With the 90s
                                               a progressive period of crisis began, so in January 2004 with great
                                               courage and determination we decided to start from scratch with
                                               the firm will to give new life to the Band. It starts from the
    Director: Enrico Tiso                      foundations of a reality of this kind and establishes a music school
    Members: 28                                with a band orientation, curated by qualified teachers, open to boys
                                               and adults alike. It is certainly a winning formula. Over the years
                                               the “Corpo Musicale Santa Cecilia-1900” has obtained several
                                               awards such as the " Gruppo di Musica Amatoriale e Popolare
    Music March List:                          d’Interesse Nazionale" on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of
                                               the Unification of Italy and the "Calderina d'Oro" , highest town
    A BANDA (Chico Buarque de Hollanda);       honor that is assigned to meritorious associations and citizens who
                                               have distinguished themselves in Paderno Dugnano. Since its
    MUSICA MAESTRO (autori vari);
                                               foundation, uninterruptedly, the band animates the civil and
    NOTE IN ALLEGRIA (Fernando FRANCIA);       religious events, in addition to the participation and organization of
                                               concerts and band gatherings, collaborating with the realities of the
    MILITARY ESCORT (Harold BENNETT);          territory. The “Corpo Musicale Santa Cecilia-1900” is composed of
                                               about 40 elements, and has a musical repertoire that ranges from
    BOMBER (Renato SOGLIA);                    traditional marches for popular events to original compositions for
    LA BRISIGA (Enrico TISO);                  band passing for the transcriptions of symphonic and pop music for
                                               concerts. Since 2011 the “Corpo Musicale Santa Cecilia-1900” is
    HURRA' (Silvano SCALTRITTI);               directed by Maestro Enrico Tiso.
     PAPERINA (Fernando FRANCIA)
CORPO BANDISTICO DI ROSATE        The foundation of the Corpo Bandistico di Rosate to date is still free
Rosate                             of written documents with a certain date. However, according to
                                   some information handed down orally and collected in the book
                                   "Rosate and surroundings" it is likely that the band was born in 1856
                                   as Fanfare of the Rota.Il the first official document dated 1899 and
                                   it is the Regulation where the first article read: "... a Corpo Musicale
                                   is established in the Municipality of Rosate under the name" CORPO
                                   FILARMONICO PRO ROSATE. "In the group photo of 1903 for the
    Director: Pietro Codazzi       inauguration of the new uniform there are more than thirty
    Members: 30                    musicians in the first half of the twentieth century. vicissitudes and
                                   the two wars the Corpo Bandistico di Rosate continues in its activity
                                   without pauses.In the beginning of the '70s there were only twenty
                                   actual musicians, but under the guidance of the master Onorino
    Music March List:              Cirielli, he continued to carry on the band tradition In that period,
                                   driven by the success of the Maggio Rosatese, the band organized
    Minerva (S. Montanari);
                                   band meetings with the most prestigious groups in the zo na and
    Raffaella (L. Marani);         brought their number over 30 units with the addition of young
                                   people and also availing of the Majorettes Group. The Corpo
    Fulgida (E. Frigerio );        Bandistico di Rosate today carries out its activity both in Rosate and
    Viviana (R. Sperduti);         in the area and has participated in various band gatherings, with
                                   trips abroad such as Switzerland, Germany and Poland. The
    Sara (G.B. Cardone);           repertoire includes pieces of both classical and light music as well
    Patrizia (M. Tamanini);        as opera pieces with the accompaniment of opera singers and choral
                                   ensembles. Currently the ranks of the band have been enriched by
    Sfilando (E. Sabatini);        many young people and has a concert staff of about 50 elements,
                                   since 1999 is directed by the teacher prof. Gianluigi Midali. In 2000
    Tiziana (P.   Canu)            the Corpo Bandistico was awarded the "Rose of Gold" the highest
                                   honor of the Municipality of Rosate for cultural merits in the
                                   promotion of music and in 2011 on the occasion of the 150th
                                   anniversary of the Unification of Italy it was recognized by the
                                   Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities Amateur Popular Music
                                   Group of National Interest.
CORPO MUSICALE DELLA LIBERTÀ       After more than 100 years, no document can testify the
San Giuliano Mianese                “first sound in company” made by a group of friends -
                                    World War I veterans - that, using almost recovered
                                    military instruments, gave birth to the first marching band
                                    (Corpo Musicale) of San Giuliano Milanese. The ufficial
                                    foundation of the ‘Corpo Musicale happened in 1921 when,
                                    after the war, all the components of the band wanted to
    Director: Davide Guadrini       start again with more enthusiasm and incisiveness of first,
    Members: 20                     establishing the name "Corpo Musicale della Libertà", a
                                    freedom that, at the beginning of the years '40, had
                                    failed. Freedom to play for everyone, without any
    Music March List:               limitation. Freedom for every citizen to be part of it.
                                    There are many bands that start their own name with
    Alfiera;                        "Corpo Musicale ...", but "della Libertà" we are just us
    Gozzano;                        throughout Italy. With great sacrifice, in 1948 the first
                                    uniform was also inaugurated.In 1980 our current red /
                                    blue uniform was renewed - now a sign of recognition of
    Arosa;                          our marching band. In recent years, the Corpo Musicale
    Francesca;                      della Libertà is having a lush growth reaching 35
                                    musicians, thanks the marching band's music school is one
    Ferrara;                        of the largest in Lombardy. Under the direction of the
    Pausa                           maestro Marco Fior, more than 12 years, we have included
                                    in our repertoire very technical and modern music, always
                                    without forgetting the most famous classical songs, of
                                    which we try to constantly improve the performance
                                    arriving to a repertoire of 766 tracks.
CORPO MUSICALE SAN LORENZO                               Corpo Musicale San Lorenzo di Parabiago was
Parabiago                                                 founded nearly a century ago, in 1920 from a
                                                          group of veterans of the Great War, born in 1899,
                                                          who, thanks to the common passion for music,
                                                          organised themselves and started the first unit,
                                                          founding a marching band. They were about 20
    Director: Andrea Borsani                              members, and after a few years, lessons from a
    Members: 27                                           teacher became necessary to improve their skills:
                                                          then the number of musicians increased and they
                                                          took the name of Corpo Musicale San Lorenzo.
    Music March List:
                                                          When World War II began, the band had only 12
    CHIARA (L.Marani);                                    members, strongly united by their love for music.
    ALESSANDRA (G. B. Cardone);                           In 1973 they obtained the first Anbima course, and
    BITTER (R.Soglia);                                    a peak of 70 members was reached. In the
    VENEZIA(M.Boario);                                    following years Corpo Musicale San Lorenzo
    SMERALDA (R.Casadei S.Montanari);
                                                          strengthened its continuous presence in its area,
                                                          taking part in concerts and events locally and in
    SAN CARLO (O.Tschuor);
                                                          several Italian cities; the twinning with a band
    WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN (H. L. Walters);       from Budapest (Hungary) in 2010, is an experience
    RIMBALZELLO (L.Abel);                                 remembered with great pleasure by the musicians.
    POKER RAG (F.Francia)                                 Today it is made up of about 30 members and its
                                                          repertoire includes classical, symphonic and
                                                          operatic music, as well as contemporary and
CORPO MUSICALE SAN PIETRO ALL’OLMO      "Corpo Musicale San Pietro all'Olmo" was founded
San Pietro all’Olmo                      in 1894 "with the willing competition of every
                                         social class." Immediately he carried out an
                                         intense musical activity, as evidenced by archival
                                         documents and newspapers of the time,
                                         participating in the social life of the community
    Director: Stefano Colombo            and in various band competitions and various
    Members: 30                          events in neighboring countries. Apart from two
                                         very short interruptions during world conflicts, the
                                         activity of the band has practically never stopped
    Music March List:                    and over the years the musicians have had the
                                         opportunity to perform in Verona for meetings
                                         organized by the Anbima, in Locarno (Switzerland),
    Mary's march;                        Milano (Idroscalo , Sforzesco Castle, Duomo
    Gaia;                                square, Dal Verme Theater and Largo Mahler
                                         Auditorium). And again in Sondrio for the "Autumn
                                         Valtellinese", in Oristano, and in Roma, in the
    Monviso;                             Vatican basilica in 2005, as part of the "Jubilee of
    Marcia dei fiori
                                         the Anbima". Composed of about 35 elements
                                         (wood, brass, percussion), the Corpo Musicale
                                         performs a varied musical repertoire, with about
                                         400 concert pieces in the archive, in addition to
                                         marches for parades.
CORPO MUSICALE GIUSEPPE VERDI      "Year 1952, a small community with an agricultural
Santo Stefano Ticino                vocation, that of Santo Stefano Ticino, certainly not
                                    among the most prosperous in the area, a small group of
                                    passionate music lovers, shares the idea that a community
                                    that wants to grow needs symbols, beauty, of ways of
                                    communicating different from those of everyday life. For
                                    this reason they allocate funds to the establishment of a
    Director: Loredana Tunesi       band in Santo Stefano Ticino; the Corpo Musicale Giuseppe
    Members: 30                     Verdi. The act of birth, the first statute, bears the date of
                                    August 1, 1952: thanks to the concrete commitment of the
                                    six founding members (Balzarotti, Barera, Cassani who will
                                    become its first president, Mantovani, Oldani, Sala) since
    Music March List:               the year next Santo Stefano Ticino can boast of its band,
    BOMBER (R. Soglia);             which accompanies the most solemn and joyful moments
                                    of community life, which spreads musical culture and
    ERBA (R Soglia);                teaches the language of the seven notes to those who
    STAFFOLO (R. Soglia);           want to be part of it. Currently the group is composed of
                                    about thirty elements ranging from age 12 to 80 years,
    ONDINA (F. Francia);            sharing the pleasure of playing together. We propose a
                                    varied repertoire that ranges from symphonic music to
    SI FA SERA (Anonimo);
                                    film music, with a preference for the great contemporary
    BITTER (R. Soglia               authors of music by band. The Corpo Musicale Giuseppe
                                    Verdi of Santo Stefano Ticino has been directed for 10
                                    years by the master Fabio Rossi, who has a diploma in
                                    horn and classical accordion. Since 2002 he has deepened
                                    the study of the direction by band. He directed the G.
                                    Rossini Corpo Musicale of Pesaro.
CORPO MUSICALE CITTADINO PARROCCHIALE      When we talk about Banda the thought of many goes
Trezzo sull’Adda                            to the old bands of the country, those that usually
                                            accompany processions. Well, we too are an old band,
                                            in fact the year of our foundation dates back to 1854.
                                            Of course we also do processions and participate in
                                            the civil commemorations of the territory.
    Director: Matteo Pozzi                  But Band today means much more. It is a cultural
                                            commitment, teaching to the youngest, dedicating a
    Members: 28                             lot of our free time to the preparation of the
                                            concerts; it means going from a classical repertoire to
                                            a rock in a few weeks of testing .... Our repertoire
    Music March List:
                                            ranges from symphonic music to blues and rock, from
    Alessandra (G.B.Cardone);               opera to jazz to concerts for choir, double choir and
    Montecarlo (P.Vidale);                  solo voices. We are young and old, all driven by
                                            passion for music. We work in the awareness that the
    Spiaggia d'oro (G.Giuliani);            work, the sacrifice and the energies dedicated to the
    Il Cinghiale (R.Soglia);                preparation of our performances can not only transmit
                                            artistic values, but also cultural attitudes and
    Tiziana (P.Canu);
                                            behaviors of understanding and solidarity that only
    Bomber (R.Soglia);                      music, as a universal language of aesthetic and
    La Campionessa (A.Moncalvo);            emotional expression , manages to realize beyond
                                            every barrier and every border. Composed of about
    Taormina (Beisa)                        forty elements, our Corpo Musicale Cittadino
                                            Parrocchiale is directed by Maestro Matteo Pozzi.
COMPLESSO BANDISTICO VANZAGHELLESE                     The Vanzaghellese Band Ensemble was founded in 1977 as
Vanzaghello                                             a formation made up entirely of school-aged boys, aged
                                                        between 10 and 14, under the musical guidance of the
                                                        cav. Carlo Lamperti. During the following decade, the
                                                        group grew in number to exceed the eighty elements and
                                                        matured a solid experience by participating in civil and
                                                        religious services, band conventions and concerts, often
    Director: Zara Claudio                              accompanied by folk groups and majorettes. Starting from
    Members: 45                                         the 90s, the refining of the technical skills of the
                                                        musicians and the precious work of musical research done
                                                        by prof. Alberto Manzalini, director since 1988, allows you
    Music March List:                                   to explore new genres, ranging from classical music, jazz,
    WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN (traditional);       rock and to give life to numerous and successful
    NOTE IN ALLEGRIA (F.Francia);
                                                        collaborations with opera singers, solo musicians,
                                                        theatrical and choral companies. To meet the needs of the
    BOMBER (R.Soglia);                                  repertoire, the classic marching band training is adapted
    FESTA IN PIAZZA (G. Asteggiano);                    to that of the orchestra, typical of modern concert bands,
    PRIMI PASSI (V. Corino);                            including organic keyboard, guitar and electric bass. The
                                                        vanzaghellese band complex has participated in the
    MISURINA (S. Calligaris);
                                                        national band competitions "the band of the year" - Pesaro
    BORGO VECCHIO (Beisa); GIADA (T. Marani)            1992, trophy "N.S. of Guadalupe "S.Stefano d'Aveto (Ge)
                                                        1993, award" Azzurra Lorenzoni "Asciano (Si) 1995 and has
                                                        a close partnership with the fanfare batteries of Garchizy
                                                        (France) 1981, the Musikverein of Wittental, Friborg
                                                        (Germany) - 1994 , the band of Popolano "Luca Fabbri" of
                                                        Marradi (Fi) - 2005, the band of Castelrotto (Bz) 2007, the
                                                        musical body G. Puccini of Vezzano Ligure (Sp) 2012, the
                                                        municipal band of Moena 2015.
   Back in 1923, a small group of young people able to play a
CORPO BANDISTICO “SANTA CECILIA”                                   musical instrument decided to come together to make "4
Vignate                                                            notes" all together and entertain their fellow villagers. The
                                                                   decisions concerning the choice of music to be performed, the
                                                                   repair and the purchase of the instruments, rather than
                                                                   participation in the various civil and religious events, were
                                                                   taken by common accord of all the members. This form of
                                                                   management has always been valid, but with the passing of
    Director: Giovanni Valla                                       the years and with the increase of the importance of the
    Members: 25                                                    service that the band could offer, it was necessary to create a
                                                                   real association that could guarantee on the one hand a
                                                                   perfect functionality and on the other a continuity to this
    Music March List:                                              symbol of po-polar music. And it is in these terms that in 1980
                                                                   Corpo Bandistico S. Cecilia di Vignate deposited at the offices
    A PASSEGGIO (E. Sabatini);                                     with a legal status in which its position is described and
    IVIANA (R. Sperduti);                                          regulated as a non-profit making association that has the
                                                                   intent to promote music culture and participation in musical
    LA PINETA (G.B. Soave);
                                                                   events. In relation to the statute, a board of directors has
    NEL PARCO (P. Vidale);                                         been created, which is made up of some members of the
    OVER AND OUT (R. Beck);                                        Banda itself, with the important task of better managing the
                                                                   advertising activity as a whole. One of the fundamental
    BITTER (R. Soglia);                                            principles of the Banda di Vignate is the firm conviction to
    FESTA PADANA (Casadei - Montanari); VIGNATE (S. Di Fato)       offer everyone, young and old, the opportunity to learn how to
                                                                   play a musical instrument. For many years he has organized a
                                                                   musical course aimed at all those who would like to learn to
                                                                   play and become part of the musical group. With great
                                                                   satisfaction in 1993 he received from the Municipal
                                                                   Administration of Vignate the award of be-nemerenza
                                                                   "S.Ambroeus" with the following motivation: "For spreading the
                                                                   musical culture in our community, representing a significant
                                                                   feature of Vignatese history".
   G.Verdi di Vittuone musical body was born on 17 October
CORPO MUSICALE GIUSEPPE VERDI                                       1897, when a group of willing Vittuonesi decided to found
Vittuone                                                            an association that has since been an important point of
                                                                    reference for our country. The musical body in the course
                                                                    of its history, which this year reaches 122 years, has been
                                                                    the protagonist of many vicissitudes, both positive and
                                                                    negative, but the desire to remain united has meant that
    Director: Ivano Dell'Acqua                                      this group never melted, even in moments harder and
                                                                    sader than the war, but continue to cheer the country and
    Members: 30                                                     prove itself present. After the Second World War, the
                                                                    group was in pieces. Many musicians who had gone to the
    Music March List:                                               front, had not returned and to this, was added the lack of
                                                                    funds needed for reconstruction. He was a great
    AROSA MARS (O.Tschuor);                                         benefactor, Cav. Scotti, who allowed the G.Verdi Music
    TERZINANDO (G.Orosomando);                                      Corps to continue its activity by donating music
    TIZIANA (P. Canu);                                              instruments, money and uniforms. In the 70s the first
                                                                    women who brought innovation, joy and sympathy entered
    ALESSANDRA (autore G.B. Cardone);
                                                                    the band. Over the years there have been so many
    LIRETTA (R. Villata);                                           masters and since 2003 our band is directed by Maestro
    PRIMULA Viaris);                                                Ivano Dell'Acqua. The G.Verdi di Vittuone musical body
                                                                    always tries to renew itself keeping up with the times,
    MILITARY ESCORT H. Bennett);
                                                                    without ever forgetting its origins, even looking at them
    CHIARA (L. Marani);                                             as a starting point and as a stimulus to move forward. To
    AMERICAN EXPRESS (autore F. Francia); Inno del Lions Club       date, the components of the G.Verdi Musical Body are
                                                                    over forty units and the student school is attended by a
                                                                    dozen or so young and adults, because our band is open to
                                                                    anyone, whether it is a child or a grandparent it's
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