Page created by Sandra Moran

A-Level Bridging Work
                                      For Summer 2021
There are loads of resources below to dip into. There are two tasks to complete, one on British Prime
Minister, Margaret Thatcher, and one on American President, Richard Nixon. But don’t worry too
much about the work – enjoy watching and reading.
Paper 1: Britain transformed, 1918–97

Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain, 1900-1945
Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britain, 1945-2000
Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain - a 2009 BBC documentary television series
presented by Andrew Marr that covers the period of British history from the death of
Queen Victoria to the end of the Second World War.
All episodes can be found here: The Making of Modern Britain by waja100 - Dailymotion
1 A New Dawn - At the dawn of the 20th century, Britain was mourning the death of
Queen Victoria.
2 Road to War - The country basks in a hot Edwardian summer, but the assassination of
an archduke in Sarajevo presages world war.
3 The Great War - Britain gets its first taste of total war, which transformed the lives of
people on the frontline and at home.
4 Having a Ball - In the 1920s, Imperial Britannia slid from view and Britain saw a
housing boom and the birth of radio broadcasting.
5 Little Britain - The Wall Street Crash and the rise of fascist politics in Europe caused
chaos in 1930s Britain
6 Britannia at Bay - The series concludes with an account of Britain during the Second
World War, starting with the events at Dunkirk.
Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britain - a 2007 BBC documentary television series
presented by Andrew Marr that covers the period of British history from the end of the
Second World War onwards.
All episodes can be found here: https://blanchelandesch-
1 Advance Britannia - Britain in 1945 was a country victorious but nearly bankrupt.
2 The Land of Lost Content - The 1950s were a period of apparent calm and prosperity,
but many were hungry for change.
3 Paradise Lost - As the 1960s progress, Britain looks to modern technology and a fairer,
liberated future.
4 Revolution - Revisiting the Britain of Margaret Thatcher.
5 New Britannia – In the final episode Britain enters the uncharted waters of the post-
Thatcher era.

Task 1
Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britain: Watch Episode 4, Revolution, and read
Part 4, The British Revolution. Feel free to research further!
Finally, plan and write an answer to the following Q; use the generic mark scheme as a
How far do you agree that Margaret Thatcher was a successful Prime
                                                                (20 marks)
Knowledge                      Analysis                   Judgement                  Structure
                                            (of cause and consequence,
Level   Mark                                  change and continuity,
                                             similarity and difference,
                Some accurate and          Simple or general
                                                                                                      The answer has no
                relevant knowledge         statements about the           The overall judgement
                                                                                                      clear structure so
1/U      1-3    but it isn’t detailed or   question – knowledge           is missing or
                                                                                                      isn’t clear or
                covers all areas in the    isn’t directly linked the      unsupported.
                question                   question.
                                           Lots of information is                                     The answer has
                Mostly accurate and        described or narrated          An overall judgement        some structure but
                relevant knowledge is      rather than being              is made in a conclusion     not throughout or is
                included it isn’t          focused on the question.       but not supported or        ordered in a
2/E      4-7
                detailed or covers all     Tries to answer the            deals with the ideas in     confusing way that
                areas in the question      question but it isn’t very     the question.               means it loses
                                           clear about the ideas in                                   focus.
                                           the question.
                                                                          In the introduction the
                                           Directly answers and
                Mostly accurate and                                       answer establishes
                                           links to the question                                      The answer is
                relevant knowledge is                                     criteria for the ideas in
                                           making some links                                          organised in some
                included to answer the                                    the question to make a
                                           between different parts                                    structure which
3/              question but in places                                    judgement. Some
        8-12                               of the past. Some parts                                    makes the overall
D-C             isn’t always detailed or                                  points and the
                                           may still be descriptive                                   argument clear, but
                on all areas in the                                       conclusion do relate to
                                           but overall it shows                                       parts can be unclear
                question                                                  an overall judgement
                                           understanding of the                                       or unfocused.
                                                                          but these aren’t fully
                                           ideas in the question.
                                                                          In the introduction a
                                           Answer meets most of           valid criteria for the
                                           the demands of the             ideas in the question is
                                                                                                      The answer is well
                                           question by exploring          established and are
                A good range of                                                                       structured in
                                           and linking the key            referred to in all
                specific knowledge is                                                                 paragraphs which
                                           issues although some           points/sections. This
                used to answer the                                                                    are ordered to
 4/                                        areas are covered in           builds a judgement
        13-16   question and cover all                                                                make the argument
 B                                         more detail than others.       throughout the answer.
                relevant areas                                                                        in a clear order. In
                                           The answer shows that          Although some of the
                                                                                                      a few places it may
                                           understanding of the           judgements may not be
                                                                                                      be unclear or
                                           ideas and demands of the       fully supported the
                                           question are clear from        final judgement in the
                                           the start.                     conclusion is
                                                                          The introduction
                                           Answer fully meets the                                     The answer is very
                                                                          establishes clear
                                           demands of the question                                    well structured in
                Specific, wide ranging                                    conceptual criteria for
                                           by showing a full                                          paragraphs which
                and detailed                                              the ideas in the
                                           understanding of the                                       are ordered to
                knowledge is used to                                      question to be judged
                                           ideas in the question. All                                 make the argument
5/A-            cover all areas                                           by. This criteria is
        17-20                              areas of the answer are                                    flow and link
 A*             required to fully                                         applied throughout all
                                           directly related to the                                    clearly throughout.
                answer the question.                                      points and sections to
                                           question and are well                                      The overall
                                                                          build a clear,
                                           linked to show excellent                                   argument is made
                                                                          continued, balanced
                                           understanding of a range                                   clear and precise.
                                                                          and supported overall
                                           of key issues.
Paper 2: The USA, 1955–92: conformity and challenge

Vivienne Sanders - Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA, 1968-2001
Waugh et al - GCSE History Development of USA, 1929-2000 (general intro to many of
the themes and events of the A Level Unit)
The Sixties is a TV documentary series which was shown on CNN in 2014. Produced by
Tom Hanks’ studio Playtone, the 10-part series chronicled events and popular culture of
the United States during the 1960s. It gives a nice overview of how 1950s American
consensus was transformed and fractured which lead to huge divisions in American
society that still, arguably, are affecting America today.
All episodes can be found here: https://blanchelandesch-
1 Television Comes of Age - Major events and milestones that lead to the changing
landscape of television in the 1960s, including The Twilight Zone, The Fugitive, The
Dick Van Dyke Show, and I Dream of Jeannie.
2 The World on the Brink - Events of the Cold War in the 1960s, including the Bay of
Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
3 The Assassination of President Kennedy - The events surrounding the assassination of
John F. Kennedy, including an examination of the 1964 Warren report and interviews
with eyewitnesses.
4 The War in Vietnam - The start of the Vietnam War and the role President Lyndon B.
Johnson played in it.
5 A Long March to Freedom - Key moments in the Civil Rights Movement, including the
March on Washington, lunch counter sit-ins, Freedom Rides, Freedom Summer,
Integration of schools, and the Children's Crusade.
6 The British Invasion - British musical groups and recording artists, such as the Beatles,
that had an influence in the 1960s on American music.
7 The Space Race - The beginning of Space exploration and competition between the
United States and the Soviet Union to be the first to land on the moon.
8 1968 – The dramatic events of 1968, including the Soviet incursion into
Czechoslovakia, assassinations, developments in the Southeast Asia wars, the end of the
Johnson administration, violence at the 1968 Democratic National Convention and
Richard Nixon's election.
9 The Times They Are A-Changin' - The changing views people began to have of
Feminism, Civil Rights, Environmentalism, Conservatism and Gay Rights in the '60s.
10 Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'N' Roll - Music of the '60s takes a new form with sex and

Task 2
Read Waugh et al - GCSE History Development of USA, 1929-2000: pg. 58-60, 75,
92, 93, 94 THEN watch the ‘United States vs Nixon’ episode from The Seventies
-FHbAvRwBnFTBUF9CPA8aMk_mAtPneA?e=C0dxmq) THEN read Sanders -
Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA, 1968-2001: Chapter 2, President Nixon
1969–74. Feel free to research further!
Finally, plan and write an answer to the following Q; use the generic mark scheme as a
‘President Nixon’s presidency was a calamity for America’
How far do you agree with this statement?                                 (20 marks)
Knowledge                      Analysis                   Judgement                  Structure
                                            (of cause and consequence,
Level   Mark                                  change and continuity,
                                             similarity and difference,
                Some accurate and          Simple or general
                                                                                                      The answer has no
                relevant knowledge         statements about the           The overall judgement
                                                                                                      clear structure so
1/U      1-3    but it isn’t detailed or   question – knowledge           is missing or
                                                                                                      isn’t clear or
                covers all areas in the    isn’t directly linked the      unsupported.
                question                   question.
                                           Lots of information is                                     The answer has
                Mostly accurate and        described or narrated          An overall judgement        some structure but
                relevant knowledge is      rather than being              is made in a conclusion     not throughout or is
                included it isn’t          focused on the question.       but not supported or        ordered in a
2/E      4-7
                detailed or covers all     Tries to answer the            deals with the ideas in     confusing way that
                areas in the question      question but it isn’t very     the question.               means it loses
                                           clear about the ideas in                                   focus.
                                           the question.
                                                                          In the introduction the
                                           Directly answers and
                Mostly accurate and                                       answer establishes
                                           links to the question                                      The answer is
                relevant knowledge is                                     criteria for the ideas in
                                           making some links                                          organised in some
                included to answer the                                    the question to make a
                                           between different parts                                    structure which
3/              question but in places                                    judgement. Some
        8-12                               of the past. Some parts                                    makes the overall
D-C             isn’t always detailed or                                  points and the
                                           may still be descriptive                                   argument clear, but
                on all areas in the                                       conclusion do relate to
                                           but overall it shows                                       parts can be unclear
                question                                                  an overall judgement
                                           understanding of the                                       or unfocused.
                                                                          but these aren’t fully
                                           ideas in the question.
                                                                          In the introduction a
                                           Answer meets most of           valid criteria for the
                                           the demands of the             ideas in the question is
                                                                                                      The answer is well
                                           question by exploring          established and are
                A good range of                                                                       structured in
                                           and linking the key            referred to in all
                specific knowledge is                                                                 paragraphs which
                                           issues although some           points/sections. This
                used to answer the                                                                    are ordered to
 4/                                        areas are covered in           builds a judgement
        13-16   question and cover all                                                                make the argument
 B                                         more detail than others.       throughout the answer.
                relevant areas                                                                        in a clear order. In
                                           The answer shows that          Although some of the
                                                                                                      a few places it may
                                           understanding of the           judgements may not be
                                                                                                      be unclear or
                                           ideas and demands of the       fully supported the
                                           question are clear from        final judgement in the
                                           the start.                     conclusion is
                                                                          The introduction
                                           Answer fully meets the
                                                                          establishes clear           The answer is very
                                           demands of the question
                Specific, wide ranging                                    conceptual criteria for     well structured in
                                           by showing a full
                and detailed                                              the ideas in the            paragraphs which
                                           understanding of the
                knowledge is used to                                      question to be judged       are ordered to
                                           ideas in the question. All
5/A-            cover all areas                                           by. This criteria is        make the argument
        17-20                              areas of the answer are
 A*             required to fully                                         applied throughout all      flow and link
                                           directly related to the
                answer the question.                                      points and sections to      clearly throughout.
                                           question and are well
                                                                          build a clear,              The overall
                                           linked to show excellent
                                                                          continued, balanced         argument is made
                                           understanding of a range
                                                                          and supported overall       clear and precise.
                                           of key issues.
Les Vauxbelets,                  Tel: 01481 237200
St Andrews,
Guernsey          Email: office@blanchelande.sch.gg
GY6 8XY                     www.blanchelande.co.uk
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