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Principal’s Report mic ent to continue our acade An outstanding achievem ne y r 52 places on the Syd st growth by moving a furthe NSW. kin gs to be positioned 61 in Morning Herald HSC ran the mo st suc ces sful ebrates being Northholm Grammar cel the Hills District. co-educational school in arkable ss of 2020 on your truly rem Congratulations to the Cla vily infl ue nti al in the pandemic hea HSC results. With a global ool ing , ou r stu de nts were r of sch background of their final yea nat ion s. llenges of the HSC Exami superb in meeting the cha em en t including the postpon The sacrifices were many pas sag e and they had to juggle the of significant rites of tested e-to-face teaching to the ‘un changing landscape of fac re with en orm ous ng ’ exp erie nce . Ho we ver , they did all of that and mo cel eb rat e the ir remote learni pride to and cha rac ter thr ou gh out the year. It is with much aca de mi c gro wt h resilience mitment to e that our vision and com achievements and recognis in con sec uti ve years. en rewarded and scholarship has now be celebrating Northholm tin g ou r HSC results package and I am ple ase d to be pre sen ment in 1983. Some of the stro ng est aca dem ic results since its establish 9) a move up of Gra mm ar’s bei ng ran ked 61 in the State (113th in 201 st notable highlights inc lud e ning at least a Band pla ces fro m 2018, 55% of students gai 52 places from 201 9 and 247 ieving 45 Band 6 results stu den ts gai nin g at lea st one Band 5 or Band 6, ach 6, 85% of rks. ed above State Average ma and 92% of courses achiev intent to foster a rat e and intentional in its strategic Northholm Gra mm ar is de libe pursue their personal best t wh ere stu dents thrive and flourish to ieving learning env iro nm en elop with reference to ach ach iev e exc elle nce . The narrative continues to dev ere ou r tea che rs ne ed to and cou ple d wit h pe rso nal responsibility’ wh e exc elle nce ‘teacher excellence es to achiev s in sca ffo ldin g and mo deling appropriate practic rso nal ly be the expert rning by being pe take ownership of their lea 2020 is and our students need to h and im pro vem en t. The legacy of the Class of us gro wt what ‘learning committed to continuo to ou r sch ool vision by demonstrating vid e vis ibil ity ations for student their capacity to pro in pra ctic e and setting high expect rsh ip’ loo ks like through schola orts. achievement in future coh who are effective p con fid en t and compassionate students, Our intention is to dev elo zens. As much as we ces sfu l lea rners, and responsible citi contributors to soc iety , suc is particularly important the aca demic achievements, what al are enorm ou sly pro ud of ter development and pastor t its com plim en ted wit h an equal desire in charac uca tio n cen tre d on is tha ad ed lm Way’ is focused on a bro a well- attentiveness. ‘The Northho ivid ual s and fin d the ir passions so they can lead de nts to gro w as ind students hav e ag ain led by allowing stu a thriving society. Our Year 12 life and con trib ute to gra m ach iev ing three rounded en t in the Du ke of Edinburgh Pro example through their inv olv em ress and their s in CA PA thr ou gh no mi nations in Encore and ArtExp Rescue Gold Awards, succes for Destiny tio n rais ing awareness and resources m leadership in ser vic e ed uca at our students will take fro jec t Ind ia. It is ou r int en tion that scholarship is wh and Pro world. is what they will give to the Northholm and leadership attentiveness, hard no t be po ssible without the pastoral These achiev em en ts wo uld st importantly this would m ou r sta ff, parents and community. Mo r 12 work and sup po rt fro teamwork of the 2020 Yea t be po ssib le wit ho ut the effort, determination and ve int o the nex t ph ase of no rd to foll ow ing the ir pro gress as they mo cohort. I look forwa their journey. Christopher Bradbury Principal
2020 HSC Results Overview #61 52 85% 92% 28% in the State HSC School Rank of students of courses of students SMH 2020 HSC Improvement achieved at least achieved above achieved an School Rankings in one year a Band 6, 5 or State Average ATAR equivalent marks above 90 Northholm Grammar vs. State Mean 16.43% 14.84% 14.76% 12.43% 11.96% 10.40% 8.61% 8.52% Legal Music I Engineering Economics Mathematics Modern Biology Agriculture Studies Studies Standard History % Above State Mean
Northholm High Achievers 2020 Ella Cotrona Max Johnson Anthony Donaldson Emma Mercieca 97.45 97.20 97.20 96.65 English Advanced, English Advanced, English Standard, English Advanced, Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Standard, Extension I, Standard, Advanced, Legal Studies, Advanced Legal Studies, Economics, Society and Culture, Mathematics, Economics, Chemistry Geography Engineering Studies, Business Studies Physics Lauren Ivory Sarah Franklin Bethany Dewhurst Andrew Date 94.80 94.00 93.80 92.50 English Extension II, English Advanced, English Advanced, English Advanced, English Extension I, Mathematics English Extension I, Mathematics English Advanced, Standard, Society and Legal Studies, Drama, Standard, Society and Culture, Culture, PDHPE, Food Visual Arts, PDHPE Legal Studies, Modern History, Drama Technology Ancient History, Modern History Denique Shai-Hee Ling Chi Ambrose Hon Tom Ohlrich 91.90 91.70 91.15 English Advanced, English Advanced, English Advanced, Mathematics Mathematics Extension I, Mathematics Advanced, PDHPE, Mathematics Advanced, Advanced, Modern Biology, Chemistry Chemistry, Physics, History, Engineering Information and Studies, Physics Digital Technology
Performances in HSC Courses The performance of each student in each of their HSC courses is indicated in levels, called Bands, from 1 to 6. Bands 5 and 6 are the highest levels. The table below shows some of the HSC courses studies at Northholm. Agriculture Geography 100% 80% 38% 42% Ancient History Information Processes and Technology 57% 83% 33% 32% Biology Legal Studies 57% 80% 31% 39% Business Studies Mathematics Extension I 40% 100% 35% 74% Chemistry Mathematics Advanced 50% 80% 43% 52% Design and Technology Mathematics Standard 63% 65% 47% 25% Drama Music I 71% 100% 47% 64% Economics PDHPE 100% 38% 51% 34% Engineering Studies Physics 100% 50% 34% 40% English Advanced Primary Industries 82% 22% 63% 16% English Extension I Society and Culture 67% 70% 93% 44% English Extension II Visual Arts 67% 100% 82% 65% % in bands 5 & 6 at Northholm % in bands 5 & 6 in State
Northholm Students awarded Band 6 Compared to the State 100% 80% 75% 67% 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% 29% 30% 23% 22% 23% 19% 15% 17% 14% 13% 12% 11% 9% 10% 9% 6% 5% Biology Business Drama Economics Engineering Legal Mathematics Mathematics Modern Music I PDHPE Society Visual Studies Studies Studies Advanced Standard History and Culture Arts Northholm % State % HSC Distinguished Achievers 2020 The following students achieved a Band 6 or E4 result in the following subjects. This means they scored over 90%. Zachary Borg Mathematics Standard 2 Ella Cotrona English Advanced, Legal Studies, Mathematics Standard 2, Society and Culture Andrew Date Legal Studies Bridget Davey Music 1 Bethany Dewhurst Drama, Legal Studies, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Visual Arts Anthony Donaldson Legal Studies, Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics Standard 2 Sarah Franklin Society and Culture, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics Standard 2, Food Technology Elyssa Freame Mathematics Advanced Matthew Gadd Society and Culture Abby Hawkins Mathematics Standard 2 Ling Chi Ambrose Hon Mathematics Advanced, IDT Examination (Web and Software Applications) Lauren Ivory English Advanced, English Extension 2, Modern History, Society and Culture Max Johnson Mathematics Advanced, Economics, Engineering Studies Tyler Johnson Mathematics Advanced, Engineering Studies Carey Maeder Business Studies Emma Mercieca English Advanced, Mathematics Advanced, Biology, Economics Thomas Ohlrich Modern History, Engineering Studies Kendal Reeves Mathematics Standard 2, Visual Arts Maximilian Schneider-Smith Business Studies Denique Shai-Hee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Isaac Whicker Mathematics Standard 2 Charlie Wilton Visual Arts
Other Achievements 2020 Gold Awards for Duke of Edinburgh Our Northholm students have demonstrated incredible leadership, resilience and perseverance through their involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh. We congratulate three of our Year 12 students which included Samuel Allen, Lauren Ivory and Ciaran Dyson who achieved their Gold Award before commencing their Higher School Certificate Examinations. We are very proud of their efforts as they devoted the year to balancing the focus on their academic progress combined with participating in a service activity, a physical activity and a skills activity, as well as undertaking a nine-day kayaking Adventurous Journey which developed their leadership and teamwork skills. CAPA HSC Excellence Northholm Grammar is very proud of the achievements and talent of our CAPA students and we congratulate them in their pursuit of excellence. In particular, we acknowledge the following Year 12 students who have been nominated for their excellence and outstanding work: Bridget Davey for Encore in Music and Beth Dewhurst and Charlie Wilton for ArtExpress in Visual Arts. Bethany Dewhurst was s to be congratulated on her selection into Art Express which is a magnificent achievement. As a result, Bethany has been invited to exhibit her Body of Work ‘Defining Ups and Down: a simple and beautiful relationship between my brother and I’ in ArtExpress 2021 at the Gallery of New South Wales and Grafton Regional Gallery. Charlie Wilton has been invited to exhibit his Body of Work ‘Holy Cow’ in ArtNorth 2021 at the Grace Cossington-Smith Gallery. Since completing his Body of Work, Charlie has run an Edition series of his cow photography and sold works to members of the local community, establishing him as a local emerging artist.
Northholm Grammar 79 Cobah Road Arcadia NSW 2159 02 9656 2000 admin@northholm.nsw.edu.au northholm.nsw.edu.au
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