Biology ICSE Class Biology Syllabus 2020-21 - Class VI - Byjus

Page created by Clyde Cross
Biology ICSE Class Biology Syllabus 2020-21 - Class VI - Byjus
ICSE Class  Biology Syllabus

  The core concepts of Biology for Class VI are as follows:

                            Class VI

                            Plant Life

                             The Cell

                          Human Body

                       Health and Hygiene

Theme 1: Plant Life

Plants play an important role in our lives. As learnt in the previous classes, there exists
a great variety of plant life on the planet Earth. Plants vary in size from minute
microscopic forms to complex tall trees. Most of the tall trees belong to higher plants.
Herbs and shrubs also constitute a large proportion of higher plants. In previous classes,
children have already been familiarised with parts of a plant body (root, stem, leaf,
flower, fruit and seed) and their functions. This topic aims at enabling children to know
and learn more about the leaf, flower and fruit, including the arrangement, characteristics
and functions of the parts of a leaf and flower. Modifications of leaves for performing
special functions will also be covered in this topic.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
    distinguish between leaves (reticulate vs parallel venation /simple vs compound leaves);
    recognize, identify and draw figures of leaf modifications for support, protection, reduction in
    water loss and vegetative propagation in leaf;
    recognize that flowers are of various shapes, sizes and colours and are an important part of the
    collect and preserve various types of flowers;
    explain the structure and function of each whorl of flower (complete flower);
    list the agents of cross pollination;
    learn the process of seed germination and list the conditions required for germination;
    list common names of locally available plants;
    list the various types of modifications for special functions such as vegetative propagation and

                                               Plant Life
                                                                                   Suggested Learning
        Key Concepts             Suggested Transactional Processes
          THE LEAF
 External structure (parts of  Revisiting previous concepts and                PPTs Videos
    a leaf in detail).               building on past learning.
    Kinds of leaves (simple &       Promoting children’s observation of
    compound).                       plants in their surroundings, and
   Types of venation                drawing pictures with the common
    (reticulate and parallel).       names of the plants written below the
   Functions of leaf (main          pictures.
    functions).                     Asking children to draw different types
   Modifications (tendrils,         of leaves, their structure and kinds and
    spines, scale leaves).           types of venation and modifications.
   Insectivorous plants. Need      Observing a pea plant, noting the
    for modification with an         tendril which is a modified leaf.
    example.                        Discussing the function of a tendril.
   Vegetative propagation in       Conducting activities which may be
    leaf (example                    carried out at home to demonstrate
    bryophyllum).                    photosynthesis and transpiration in

Plant Life
                                                                                         Suggested Learning
         Key Concepts               Suggested Transactional Processes
                                     Observing spines in the picture of a             Flowers – Petunia, China
                                        Cactus plant and stating their function.        rose ; (any common flower)
                                       Drawing a diagram of the Cactus plant          Fruits such as, pea, bean,
                                        and labelling it.                               mango, tomato, coconut.
                                                                                       Germinated seeds.
        THE FLOWER
 Parts (4 whorls), structure  Asking children to observe a flower
    and function of each whorl.         (such as china rose ) and studying its
   Pollination (self and cross):       different parts and whorls.
    An idea about agents of             Encouraging children to draw pictures
    cross pollination (wind,            of different flowers and labelling the
    water and insects – their           parts observed (only complete flowers
    examples).                          showing all 4 whorls).
   Fertilization: process in          Studying and drawing pictures of
    simple terms.                       different fruits (like pea, bean, mango,
   Formation of fruit – fate of        tomato, coconut); and seeds of maize,
    each part (whorl) of flower         wheat/paddy (rice).
    after fertilization.               Asking children to sow seeds in a petri
   Parts of fruits: dry and            dish containing a wet blotting paper to
    fleshy, examples of dry and         observe germination phenomenon.
    fleshy parts; parts of the         Asking learners to classify fruits as dry
    pericarp of fleshy fruits           and fleshy.
    (epicarp, mesocarp,                Developing a herbarium of flowers /
    endocarp) and function of           leaves.
    each part.                         Conducting simple activities to
   Seed- parts (cotyledon,             identify: cotyledon, monocot seeds,
    embryo: Radicle, plumule)           dicot seeds.
    and types (monocot, dicot)         Setting up experiments for seed
   Germination – conditions            germination in different seeds.
    required for germination
    (moisture, warmth), seed
    germination of different
Integration: Geography, Languages
Life Skill: Sensitivity towards environment

Theme 2: The Cell

In this theme children will be introduced to the Cell. All living things consist of cells. A
few organisms are single- celled (unicellular), while majority of the organisms are many–
celled (multicellular). In structure, cells in plants and animals are quite similar, except
for a few differences. Cells contain organelles which perform important functions for the
sustenance of life. Plant cells are characterized by presence of a cell wall, plastids and
a large vacuole whereas animal cells do not possess cell wall and plastids.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
    identify difference in unicellular and multicellular organisms and cite examples;
    identify the different cell organelles (cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, chloroplast, vacuole) and
    learn about their primary functions;
    distinguish and draw diagrams of a plant cell and an animal cell.

                                                   The Cell
                                           Suggested Transactional                 Suggested Learning
          Key Concepts
                                                 Processes                             Resources
 Plant cell: Cell organelles and          Drawing a diagram of plant          Videos, E.M. photographs and
    their functions.                        and animal cell with labels          PPTs of plant and animal cells,
   Animal cell: Cell organelles and        nucleus, vacuoles, plastid, cell     listed cell organelles.
    their functions.                        membrane and cell wall.
   Diagrams of plant and animal          Asking children to differentiate
    cell.                                  between plant and animal cells.
   Only the following to be              Showing videos and PPTs on
    included: Cell wall, Cell              structure of the Cell.
    membrane, Plastids, Nucleus,          Assigning projects and
    Vacuole, Cytoplasm – their             preparation of models
    structure and functions                (individually or in groups)on
   Differences between plant and          plant and animal cell;
    animal cells.                         Discussing the structure and
                                           functions of cell organelles;

Theme 3: Human Body

The human body consists of a number of organ systems. Some of the major organ systems
are the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, nervous and skeletal system. Each
of these systems consists of organs, which help them perform specific functions. The
expectation of this theme is to develop an understanding in children of the functioning of
the digestive and respiratory systems in the human body.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
    name the organs of the digestive system;
    state functions of the organs of the digestive system;
    list the main parts and functions of each part of the respiratory system;
    distinguish between respiration and breathing;
    outline the mechanism of breathing and the role of diaphragm in inhalation and exhalation.

                                            Human Body
                                                                                Suggested Learning
        Key Concepts             Suggested Transactional Processes
      Digestive System            Discussing with children about their       Picture of Digestive system
 Revisit previous learning.         own experiences.                         Children’s drawings.
 Organs of the digestive           Providing opportunities to:              Interview.
    system; function of each          label its parts.                       Report on project work.
    organ.                            describe functions of each organ.      PPTs and videos.
                                    Discussing and finding out:              Family doctor/Other
                                      causes of indigestion.                  Doctors.
                                      healthy and unhealthy food habits.
                                      ways to keep on oneself healthy.
                                    Assigning Projects individually to
                                     interview three people and find out
                                     about their food habits. Sharing the
                                     same in class.

     Respiratory System           Asking children to:                        Models and charts
 Main parts (nose, pharynx,          observe through diagram/images         PPTs and videos
    larynx, trachea, bronchi,          different parts of the human
    lungs); functions of each          respiratory system;
    part of the respiratory           draw pictures of respiratory
    system.                            system and label its parts;
   Difference between                discuss the process of respiration;
    respiration and breathing.        discuss the effects of increased
   Mechanism of breathing             physical activity on breathing.
    (physical process with
    respect to diaphragm and
    ribs-inhalation and

Integration: Chemistry, Health and Physical Education

Theme 4: Health and Hygiene

Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. When
diseases occur, the normal functioning of the body is disturbed. Hygiene includes all
factors that contribute to healthy living. Three factors that are important for maintaining
good health are balanced diet, personal cleanliness and public sanitation. This theme
focuses on enabling children to know and understand that diseases are broadly classified
into communicable (or infectious) diseases, and non-communicable (non-infectious) diseases
and also how diseases are transmitted and why it is essential to control them.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
     explain the meaning of terms such as ‘health’, ‘hygiene’ and ‘disease’;
     relate the knowledge acquired to the personal experiences of diseases suffered, if any.
     relate the types of diseases on the basis of their transmission as infectious and non-infectious.
     spread awareness regarding diseases to friends and family.

                                     Health and Hygiene
                                          Suggested Transactional               Suggested Learning
           Key Concepts
                                                    Processes                          Resources
  Types of diseases                    Building on previous learning        PPTs.
     (communicable and non-             and concepts.                         Videos.
     communicable).                    Discussing with children:             Discussion on disposal
    Communicable diseases:               names of some diseases and          practices
     bacterial and viral (common            their symptoms;
     examples of each).                   prevention of diseases while
    Modes of transmission of               sharing their experiences.
     diseases (air, water, food,       Asking children to relate their
     insects).                          experiences when they had a
    Ways to prevent                    particular disease/ seen patient
     communicable diseases.             in the family.
    Hygiene – ways to keep the        Organizing brainstorming
     surroundings clean, safe           sessions to discuss:
     disposal of garbage, healthy         disposal of garbage, its
     practices for hygiene.                 segregation
                                          healthy practices for hygiene
                                          ways to keep the
                                            surroundings clean
Integration: Health and Physical Education
Life Skill: Health awareness, concern for environmental cleanliness

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