Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews

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Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews


Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
Page 2 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

   Curry Medical
   Curry  Medical Center
                    Center samesame dayday appointments
                        at Curry
                                         Center mean you receive a specific time
   Same day appointments at Curry Medical Center mean you receive a specific time
   to  arrive
     Same   day
     Same   day Medical
               for  care—so you
                 appointments   Center
                                you atcan  avoid
                                    atcan  avoid
                                       Curry    same
                                                Medical      dayand
                                                     the stress
                                                            Center     appointments
                                                                     and  inconvenience
                                                                       mean   you
                                                                              you receive
                                                                                  receive a
                                                                                            of waiting
                                                                                                waiting that’s
                                                                                              specific time
     to    associated     with walk-in
                                walk-in care
                                          care facilities.
                                                  facilities.   If you’re
                                                                    you’re suffering
                                                                            suffering from
                                                                                       from   aa single,
                                                                                                 single,  non-
     to arrive
   often        for
                for care—so
        arrive            with
                    care—so     you
                                you can
                                      can avoid
                                           avoid thethe stress If
                                                          stress   and
                                                                   and inconvenience
                                                                        inconvenience     of
                                                                                          of waiting
                                                                                             waiting   that’s
   chronic  day   appointments
              condition    that’s     at Curry
                                   lasted          Medical
                                                   than seven  Center
                                                           seven     days,mean   youfrom
                                                                            schedule   receive    a specific  time
     often associated
   chronic   condition
            associated    with  walk-in
                          with     lasted
                                walk-in   care
                                          care    than
                                                 facilities.  If
                                                              If you’re
                                                                 you’re   suffering
                                                                          suffering   aa convenient,
                                                                                           a single,
                                                                                             single, non-
    to  arrive for care—so
     chronic         at Curry
                         Curry   you
                                             avoid     the
                                                         Eachstress    and inconvenience
                                                                15-minute      appointment      of waiting
                                                                                                means    youthat’s
                                                                                                               come in in
     chronic condition
   appointment       at
               condition    that’s
                            that’s lasted
                                   lasted less
                                Medical    Center.
                                           less   than
                                                          seven    days,
                                                                   days, schedule
                                                               15-minute            a
                                                                                    a convenient,
                                                                          schedule              means
                                                                                       convenient,    same
                                                                                                      same    day
   for  theassociated
             care you
   for  the care   youat   withMedical
                      at need—and
                         Curry   walk-in
                                 Medical    care
                                        leave   withfacilities.
                                                 with  Each
                                                         the       If you’re
                                                         the answers
                                                              15-minute    yousuffering
                                                                           you  want—so  from
                                                                                           you’ll a feel
                                                                                                      you   non-faster,
                                                                                                         better   faster,
     for return
         the   condition
     for return
   and            to the
         the caretoyou       that’s
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                                                        the  seven
                                                             answers   days,
                                                                         you  schedule
                                                                              want—so    a  convenient,
                                                                                         you’ll  feel better
                                                        the answers you want—so you’ll feel better faster,
                                                  sooner.                                                   same     day
    and return
        return to at Curry
               to the
                  the thingsMedical
                      things you    Center.
                             you enjoy
                                 enjoy      Each 15-minute appointment means you come in
    for the care you need—and leave with the answers you want—so you’ll feel better faster,
                                                                          Same day appointments available Monday
    and return to the things you enjoy sooner.                           Same day appointments available Monday
                                                                        Same   day  Friday, 8:00 a.m.
                                                                               day appointments         to 6:00
                                                                                                    available   p.m.
                                                                         through   appointments
                                                                                   Friday, 8:00 a.m.    to 6:00Monday
                                                                                                    available  Monday
                                                                        through  Friday,   8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                   MEDICAL 8:00 CENTER
                                                                                                a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
                                                                         CURRY MEDICAL CENTER
                                                                        CURRY    MEDICAL
                                                                               5th Street
                                                                                 MEDICAL    • CENTER
   CurryHealthNetwork.com                                                500Same
                                                                              5th  Street   • CENTER
                                                                                   day appointments
                                                                                              Brookings available Monday
   CurryHealthNetwork.com                                               500  5th
                                                                             5th Street
                                                                        500      Street •• Brookings
    CurryHealthNetwork.com                                                  through
                                                                         541.412.2000 Friday,   8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
                                                                            CURRY MEDICAL CENTER
                                                                            500 5th Street • Brookings
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 3

   Full Service Real Estate Sales
 Property Management & Vacation Rentals

                You Are

Premier Properties specializes in the sales
 and management of residential, commercial
         and vacation properties.
   541-469-7400 • 800-221-8175
     937 Chetco Avenue, Brookings

       Yvonne Dunn Rigotti, Principal Broker
          Licensed in the State of Oregon
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
Page 4 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

Welcome Centers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6-7                      Oceanside Diner.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 30-31                           Gambling. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 58-60
Fishing .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8-9     Dining Del Norte.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 31-32                          Smith River. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 61
Bandon.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10-11           Attractions.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 33          Crescent City. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 62
Shore Acres .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12           Oregon Beaches.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34-36                            Orick .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 63
Misty Meadows.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13-14                      Coastal Gallery Tour.  .  .  .  . 36-37                               Shop and Play in Crescent City.
Boating .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15   Biking. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 40-41          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66
Langlois. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16    Coastal Tasting.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 42-43                        Del Norte Co. Real Estate. . . .67
Wild Woods.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17          Port O’ Pints .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 44-45                   Lighthouses. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 68-69
Port Orford .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18        Camping . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 46-49                 Wildlife. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 70-71
Prehistoric.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19-20            Surfing/Rafting .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 50-51                       Redwoods.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .72
Golfing. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21-22        Curry Co. Real Estate.  .  .  . 52-54                                 Tide Tables.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 74-77
Gold Beach.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23-25                BBQ. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .55   Calendar of Events.  .  .  .  .  . 78-79
Jet Boats.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26-27           Hiouchi .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 56       CA Beaches .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 80-81
Brookings .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 28-29             Gasquet. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 57         Klamath.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 82

                                                                  This edition of the 2021 Spring/Summer Go Book showcases the beauty
                                                                  and adventures to be found along the Wild Rivers Coast.

                                                                  The coast is a wonderful place to be, and the stories inside this publication
                                                                  outline what the communities and local businesses have to offer.

                                                                  At the Curry Coastal Pilot (Brookings, OR) , Del Norte Triplicate
                                                                  (Crescent City, CA) and The World (Coos Bay, OR) we serve our
                                                                  communities as the premier source for local news and special

                                                                  If you are not a subscriber yet we encourage you to visit our websites,
                                                                  follow our social media pages, or stop by our offices.
                                                                  Our newspapers and special publications will guide and enhance your
                                                                  adventures along the Wild Rivers Coast.

                                                                  We encourage you to explore all that Coos County, Curry County, Del
                                                                  Norte County have to offer and to support the local businesses.

                                                                  Please enjoy,

                                                                  The World
                                                                  Curry Coastal Pilot
                                                                  Del Norte Triplicate
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 5

With its lofty trees, the tallest on        WHAT:                                     TASTING:
the planet, rugged coastline and            Perhaps you already have a short          If you’re a wine or beer connoisseur,
crystalline rivers, it’s easy to get lost   list of things you’d like to see and      the Coastal Tasting Tour on pages
in the beauty of the Wild Rivers Coast      do: the table of contents will guide      42-43 will point you in the right
of southern Oregon and northern             you to specific articles with more        direction.
California.                                 information about topics such as
                                            beaches, camping, the redwoods,           TIDES:
Under the eaves of a redwood forest         roadside attractions, golf courses,       When visiting beaches, it’s always
or in a kayak on one of the many            casinos and more.                         important to know what the tides are.
streams in the area, visitors come to                                                 High tides may leave little room for
the area every year to experience what      TOWNS:                                    you to explore the beach, and for your
it has to offer.                            Once you’ve got your bearings, find       safety some steeper beaches should be
                                            in-depth articles on each town on         avoided during high tide.
But for those who aren’t sure what          the Wild Rivers Coast, offering an
to expect when they get here, the Go        overview of its main attractions and      Conversely, if exploring tide pools,
Wild Rivers Coast recreation guide          some of its less obvious treasures.       hunting for agates or clamming
can be a compass to local attractions,                                                interests you, it’s helpful to know
hidden gems as well as amenities like       Articles are arranged from north to       when when tides are low. You can
lodging and dining.                         south, so if you’re coming from lower     find tide tables on pages 34-36.
                                            California, you may want to read
In using this guide, where should you       the book back to forward. Articles        STAY, DINE AND SHOP:
begin? While the table of contents is       about each town also contain a list of    Looking for places to spend the night,
the most logical place, here are some       page numbers for “WHAT” articles          get a good meal or go shopping?
other useful sections in this guidebook     with more specific information
to orient yourself and plan your            about relevant nearby activities and      Many pages adjacent to articles
travels:                                    attractions.                              about each town have collections of
                                                                                      advertisements pointing you to great
WHEN:                                       GALLERIES:                                choices for these activities.
Depending on when you’re here, you          Are you an art aficionado? Find the
may want to begin by checking the           Coastal Gallery Tour on pages 36-37
Calendar of Events on pages 78-79.          which has summaries of art galleries
                                            you can visit on the Wild Rivers Coast.
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
Page 6 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

 WELCOME CENTERS                Crescent City & Del Norte County Chamber of Commerce located at 1001 Front St, Crescent City, CA

               elcome to the Wild Rivers Coast, the hidden-away home of some
               of the most beautiful natural settings in the world.

Visitor centers throughout the region      Hours:                                       Summer hours (May 15 to Nov. 1):
can be helpful for tourists looking        10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- Sat,                  9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week
for the area’s attractions or needing a    1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.                     Winter hours (starting in November):
place to stay, and for local residents                                                  10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fri - Mon
eager to take a hike and learn along-      The Bandon Visitor Center is located
side a naturalist.                         in Bandon’s historic Old Town.               The Oregon Welcome Center is just
                                                                                        the place to welcome weary travelers
The dual purposes are appropriate,         PORT ORFORD                                  to the Beaver State. The 4,500-square-
according to Debbie Savage.                aPort Orford Visitor Center                  foot center offers not only printed
                                           520 Jefferson Street, Port Orford            guides and maps to help visitors ex-
“I just encourage people to explore        (541) 332-4106                               plore Oregon, it also is in the middle
what’s in your own backyard that           Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily; Starting     of a 40-acre state park.
people travel from around the world        in October: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily
to see,” said Savage, acting chief of                                                   The building offers spectacular views
interpretation for Redwood National        The Port Orford Visitor Center               of the Pacific, and the park includes
and State Parks.                           overlooks beautiful and historic Battle      trails leading down to the beach and to
                                           Rock Park. It provides a scenic place to     the mouth of the Winchuck River.
COOS BAY                                   stretch your legs and pick up informa-
aCoos Bay Visitor                          tion about the area.                         The center includes restrooms that
Information Center                                                                      are open from daylight to dusk, picnic
50 Central Ave., Coos Bay                  GOLD BEACH                                   areas and RV parking.
(541) 269-0215 or                          aThe Gold Beach Visitor Center
coosbay.org/visiting                       94080 Shirley Lane,Gold Beach                aBrookings Harbor
Summer hours: Mon - Fri,                   (800) 525-2334                               Chamber of Commerce
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat and Sun               Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7 days a week        703 Chetco Avenue/U.S. 101, Ste C,
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.                           Website: www.visitgoldbeach.com              Brookings,
Winter hours: same with the exception
                                                                                        in the historic Central Building
of no hours on Sunday.                     BROOKINGS
                                           aOregon Welcome Center                       (541) 469-3181
BANDON                                     14433 U.S. 101 South,                        10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mon;
aBandon Visitor Center                     Brookings-Harbor                             10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues;
300 SE Second St., Bandon                  (just north of the California border)        10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed- Fri
(541) 347-9616 or info@bandon.com          (541) 469-4117
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 7

The Brookings-Harbor Chamber of            fires, are sold here. The center also pro-    CRESCENT CITY
Commerce Oregon Visitor Center             vides maps, videos, exhibits, books and       aCrescent City
offers maps, brochures and travel          souvenirs about the recreation area.          Information Center,
information for local and regional at-                                                   Redwood National and State Parks
tractions, businesses, hotels and parks.   HIOUCHI                                       1111 2nd St., Crescent City
                                           aHiouchi Information Center                   (707) 465-7335
aBrookings Harbor                          U.S. 199 at Hiouchi                           Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. spring to fall;
Visitor & Tour Center                      (707) 458-3294                                winter hours to be announced; closed
16358 Lower Harbor Rd.,                    Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. winter;               Thanksgiving Day,
Port of Brookings Harbor.                  9 a.m. to 5 p.m. summer                       Christmas Day and
541-813-2300                                                                             New Year’s Day
Hours: 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.     This Redwood National and State
                                           Parks facility has books for sale and an      This facility serves as the main infor-
The center offers free maps, tidebooks,    auditorium that shows an introduc-            mation center in Del Norte County for
park guides and bookings for local         tory film about redwood forests. It’s         Redwood National and State Parks.
fishing, kayaking and photography          located on U.S. Highway 199 across            The center provides maps, orienta-
                                                                                         tion information for parks and details
tours. Rentals are available for crab      from the entrance to Jedediah Smith
                                                                                         about ranger-led programs. The center
pots, ocean and river kayaks, and          Redwoods State Park campground.
                                                                                         also hosts a small shop that sells books
bicycles. A gift shop features locally-
                                                                                         and souvenirs.
made artwork.                              ORICK
                                           aPrairie Creek Redwoods State Park            aCrescent City/Del Norte County
aBrookings Visitor Center                  Visitor Center                                Chamber of
898 Elk Drive, Brookings                   (707) 488-2039                                Commerce Visitor Center
(City Hall) (541) 469-1103                 Hours: Summer: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,              1001 Front St., Crescent City
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon-Fri        daily; Winter: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily.       (707) 464-3174
                                           Closed Thanksgiving Day,                      Hours: Summer: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven
The display includes brochures and         Christmas Day and New Year’s Day              days a week; Winter (after Labor Day):
maps of local hotels, fishing guides,                                                    10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues through Sat
state parks and various places of inter-   This small visitor center features coast
est in Brookings and north and south       redwood forest, wildlife and history          This center offers maps, travel infor-
of town. The city was recently desig-      exhibits as well as Redwood National          mation, tourism magazines, a small
nated as “Bike Friendly” and bicyclists    and State Parks junior ranger activity        selection of merchandise and infor-
are encouraged to refill water, take a     newspapers.                                   mation on local attractions. It also
break and get information about bicy-                                                    provides literature about RV parks,
cling in the area. www.brookings.or.us     aKuchel Visitor Center                        hotels and restaurants.
                                           U.S. 101 adjacent to beach, Orick
GASQUET                                    (707) 465-7765                                aJedediah Smith
aGasquet Ranger Station                    Hours: Spring to fall: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,      Redwoods State Park
10600 U.S. 199, Gasquet                    daily; Winter: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily;       Visitor Center
(707) 457-3131                             closed Thanksgiving Day,                      U.S. 199 at Hiouchi
                                                                                         (707) 458-3496
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon- Fri        Christmas Day and New Year’s Day
                                                                                         Hours: May 31-Sept. 30:
                                                                                         9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week
This Smith River National Recreation       The other main informational center for
Area visitor center provides informa-      Redwood National and State Parks is lo-
                                                                                         A small visitor center near the camp-
tion about the surrounding region’s        cated west of Orick. This facility includes   ground amphitheater where evening
campgrounds, trails, roads and river       an array of exhibits, maps and parks          campfire programs take place.
accesses. Permits, including for camp-     information as well as a bookstore.

South Coast Regional Publisher: Ben Kenfield                      Distributed by:
Editorial: David Rupkalvis, Zack Demars                           Curry Coastal Pilot: 541-813-1717 • currypilot.com
Graphic Design: Kimberly Hagner                                   Del Norte Triplicate: 707-460-6727 • triplicate.com
Guest Contributors: Brian Williams, Linda Pinkham, David Hayes    The World 541-266-6047 • theworldlink.com
                                                                  Published by: Country Media, Inc. 2021 All rights reserved
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
Page 8 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

           pportunities for great fishing on the Wild Rivers Coast are as varied
           as the rivers. Before fishing, it is mandatory to possess a fishing
           license and tags (punch cards) for either Oregon or California.

OCEAN FISHING                   tors have elected to add in       visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/        closed at any time during
— California                    periodic closures (and a full     Fishing/Ocean/Regulations/        that season if the area’s yearly
                                closure for ocean salmon          Fishing-Map/Northern              quota is met.
Sport fishermen without a       fishing in 2017) to help ease
slip in Crescent City Harbor    the fishing pressure on both      OCEAN FISHING                     The ocean salmon season
can get into the water from     species of fish.                  — Oregon                          (closed for all of 2017) usually
Citizens Dock and can head                                                                          starts sometime in May and
out to sea in search of what-   Check with the California         There is always something         runs into the fall.
ever is in season from there.   Department of Fish and            in season for ocean anglers
                                Wildlife for current informa-     out of Oregon, with bottom        Ocean seasons for Pa-
Bottom fishing for rockfish     tion on both fishing seasons.     fishing open all year long.       cific halibut are usually set
and lingcod is generally one                                      Anglers out of Brookings          in March, while the ocean
of the most reliable fisher-    Additionally, several other       Harbor can target rockfish        salmon season is announced
ies in Northern California,     species of ocean fish are open    and lingcod all year long and     sometime in April.
where black snappers in par-    year round, including Califor-    the fishing is generally pretty
ticular are always plentiful.   nia halibut, sharks (except for   productive.                       For more information about
The bottom fishing season       white sharks), surfperch, stur-                                     Oregon’s ocean fishing seasons
in California generally runs    geon and tuna (although tuna      In 2017, the Oregon Depart-       and regulations, visit www.
from about May until the end    are generally only in the area    ment of Fish and Wildlife         dfw.state.or.us/re sources/fish-
of the year.                    for a few weeks in the fall).     issued a rare closure of          ing/saltwater.asp
                                                                  bottom fishing statewide
As bottom fishing opens ev-     Crabbing is also open year        due to the quota for several      RIVER FISHING —
ery spring, the ocean salmon    round in California but the       species being caught much
and pacific halibut seasons     most popularly targeted spe-      quicker than expected, but        Coquille River
are quick to follow, usually    cies of crab, Dungeness crab,     the OFDW has since revised        Crabbing for Dungeness
starting in early May.          are only open to recreational     the daily catch limits with the   can be phenomenal in the
                                crabbers from early Novem-        hope of once again allowing       Coquille bay at Bandon
Usually both salmon and Pa-     ber until late in the summer.     year-round bottom fishing.        from the local crab dock in
cific halibut seasons remain                                      Pacific halibut seasons gener-    Old Town and near the Bul-
open through September,         For information about current     ally run from about May           lards State Beach boat ramp.
but in recent years regula-     and upcoming fishing seasons      until November, but can be        Crabbers use crab pots, crab
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 9

rings and Pineapple But-          Generally speaking, the          Chetco River                     out at about 10,000 cfs and
terfly Traps.                     first salmon enter the river     Perhaps best known for its       has a chocolate-brown ap-
                                  mouths in September and          trophy chinook from 50 to        pearance, California’s Smith
Chinook salmon start              will progress upriver depend-    60 pounds, and for both wild     River has an emerald green
migrating upriver in robust       ing on the amount of rainfall.   and hatchery winter steel-       appearance and is plunkable
numbers on the first full-                                         head exceeding 20 pounds,        the same day.
moon cycle toward the end         Steelhead enter both systems     the Chetco is also known for
of August. This is an upriver     around Thanksgiving and the      having the safest bar on the     The Smith and Chetco
trolling fishery. Anglers         runs peak around February.       Oregon Coast.                    rivers are similar in many
launch from Bullards State                                                                          ways. Both kick out trophy
Beach at low tide and start       The main float in the Elk        In September, anglers in the     salmon and steelhead, and
trolling upriver using a Fish     is to put in at the Elk River    estuary below the Highway        both empty into Pelican
Flash and a cut-plug her-         Hatchery and take out at the     101 bridge begin trolling        Bay. Salmon fishing usually
ring. The Rocky Point Boat        RV park or float all the way     spinnerbait rigs and plug-cut    picks up around September
Ramp is another popular           down to Ironhead.                herring for salmon averaging     in spots like The Sand Hole,
boat launch facility to put in                                     28 pounds.                       Cattle Crossing, The Piling
and take out.                     The main drift on the Sixes is                                    Hole and at the mouth of
                                  to put in at Edson Creek and     The salmon run starts peter-     Rowdy Creek.
A wild coho river fishery         take out at either Mid-Drift,    ing out around mid-Novem-
has also grown in popularity      the Grange, or drift all the     ber, when winter steelhead       Bobbers and sand shrimp/
in recent years, starting in      way downriver to the Hughes      begin dominating the river.      cocktails can be deadly. Early
September. Be sure to check       House. But if the winds are      By December a handful of         in the season, fish the north
the Oregon Department of          blowing downriver, do not        anglers have usually landed      bank off of the Mouth of
Fish and Wildlife for current     drift below Highway 101. In-     several steelhead over 20        the Smith River Road, off
bag limits.                       stead, take out at the Grange.   pounds. The run peaks in late    Highway 101. Here, it is best
                                  To check Elk River water con-    February, but good numbers       to fish the outgoing tide and
Fantastic rockfish, lingcod,      ditions, call (541) 332-0405.    can be caught through March.     through low slack, where the
halibut, tuna and salmon                                                                            river makes a slot.
fishing can also be found         Lower Rogue River                The wild and scenic section
outside the Port of Bandon,       There is something to fish       of the Chetco, above Ice Box,    Klamath River
with the primary charter          for in the Lower Rogue River     will leave you breathless.       Barbless hooks are also man-
boat operation being Prowler      almost 12 months out of the      The best floats are from the     datory on the Klamath River.
Charters, located in Old          year, from Foster Bar down to    South Fork down to Miller        The Klamath starts fishing
Town Bandon.                      the mouth.                       Bar, from Miller Bar down        well around May for spring
                                                                   to Loeb State Park, or from      Chinook heading for the
Crab gear, bait, tackle and       The first spring Chinook         Loeb State Park down to          Trinity River. There is little
excellent seafood dishes          begin enter ing the mouth        Social Security Bar.             bank access, so please don’t
are provided at Tony’s Crab       in late February and the run                                      launch here unless you have a
Shack in Old Town Bandon.         gradually builds, peaking into   Winchuck River                   sled with a full tank of gas.
                                  April and May.                   Fishing for salmon and
Elk and Sixes Rivers                                               steelhead is seasonal. Check     From the Roy Rook launch
At the northern end of Curry      The Rogue is famous for its      ODFW regulations for up-         off of Terwer Road, start
County are two gems of the        large fall chinook, caught       dates.www.dfw.state.or.us        heading upriver until you
Pacific Northwest in the land     from July to October.                                             find an inside bend. Anchor
that time forgot. The Elk                                          Smith River                      up above the bend, and set
and Sixes are sister streams      The traditional method used      Barbless hooks are mandato-      out a spinner running from
that flow so close together, it   here is trolling a Rogue Bait    ry when fishing the Smith. If    a spreader bar so it settles in
would be hard not to men-         Rig or a comparable spin-        the Chetco River gets blown      the bend.
tion one without the other.       nerbait rig, using an anchovy
                                  on the back two hooks. Coho
The Elk River empties into        salmon are frequently caught         The                                           Main
the ocean south of Cape           in the lower bay in September                                                      Lodge
Blanco, while the Sixes River     and October.                       Chetco                                       5 bed/5.5 bath
flows into the Pacific just
a few miles north of Cape         Boat launches are available at      River                                         Cottage
Blanco. Both are relatively
short, but don’t let their size
                                  the county ramp, Jot’s Resort
                                  and at Lex’s Landing.
                                                                       Inn                                         2 bed/2 bath

fool you. Both rivers are         The winter steelhead run is                  Vacation Rental – $140-550/per night.
known for having some of          quite prolific, as well. They      The Chetco River Inn is perfect for family gatherings,
                                                                     romantic or weekend getaways. Swim, kayak, fish, or relax at
the latest runs of salmon on      enter the Rogue around             this one-of-a-kind private 36 acre gem.
the Oregon Coast.                 Thanksgiving, depending on                         www.thechetcoriverinn.com
                                  the water level.                             email thechetcoriverinn@gmail.com
Hidden Gems DISCOVER PRISTINE - Townnews
Page 10 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

          iscover the northernmost city along the Wild Rivers Coast, named
          “the coolest small city” by Budget Travel a few years ago. It’s easy
          to see why. Bandon is located in beautiful Coos County.

Bandon offers an array       Bandon Cranberry               parade, festival market and          For more information
of possibilities, from       Festival                       street dance. Cranberry              visit http://bandon.com/
plein air spots where        The longest-running festival   cooks will compete for a             cranberry-festival.
artists can capture scenic   on the Oregon Coast            culinary crown during the
moments along the            continues the weekend          “Queen of the Kitchen”               Cranberry Sweets
docks to the interactive     of Sept. 8-10 in Bandon,       food fair, while hungry              and More
nonprofit Washed Ashore!     featuring entertainment for    festival goers dive into the         You’ll get bogged down in
where visitors learn about   the entire family.             Cranberry Eating Contest to          this unique store where the
recycling and plastic                                       win prizes.                          fruits of the local cranberry
pollution in the ocean.      Events will happen in Old                                           harvest — more than 100
                             Town, the Port of Bandon       Local and regional farmers           growers grow the fruit on
The nearby Coquille River    waterfront, Sprague            and artisans will be featured        1,600 acres — are dipped in
Lighthouse takes visitors    Community Theater,             at Cranberry City and the            smooth chocolate, baked in
back to the seafaring days   Bandon City Park and           Festival Market. Live music,         decadent bars, or otherwise
of old.                      Bandon High School.            from rock ‘n’ roll to classic        prepared in caramels,
                                                            country, will be played all          cookies, jellies and fudge.
DON’T MISS THESE             Highlights of the 71st         three days.                          Free samples are available!
HIGHLIGHTS:                  annual festival include a

                         Fun STARTS HERE
                With 250 electronic games, there's plenty of
                   variety and opportunities for fun, and
                winning, at Three Rivers Casino in Coos Bay!
                   Visit us to play or enjoy a meal at our
                            restaurant, Café 1297.

                                                                                                   COOS BAY
                                                            5 4 1 - 8 0 8 - 9 2 0 4 | T H R E E R I V E R SC A S I N O . CO M
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 11

                                                                              BANDON PIZZA
The flagship store is a          bank of the Coquille River
must-see for visitors and        to reach this historic
locals seeking gift baskets      lighthouse.                                   Donna Jones, Owner
of lotion, jam and other
goodies. The delicious taffies   The five-year project to
and brittle toffees could well   build “The Light” ended
lure them there.                 in 1895; the octagonal
                                                                   12-8pm Tue-Thur
                                 brick and stucco building
                                                                   12-9pm Fri-Sat
The store is located in Old      now houses the maps and
Town Bandon, 280 First St.       equipment that were needed
                                 to run the facility back in        BANDON’S BEST FOR OVER 16 YEARS
Coquille River                   the day. Docents there are so      1045 Baltimore Ave SE, Bandon, OR 97411 • (541) 329-0671
Lighthouse                       intimately involved with the
Cross the bridge north           lighthouse, it’s as if they had
of Bandon, make a left           operated the light itself 100
into Bullards State Park         years ago.
and drive along the north        Call 541-347-9475.

                                                                   Traveling our way? Stop and have a picnic!
               HIDDEN GEMS                                              Dragonfly Farm offers a unique shopping experience that
                                                                       is kid and dog friendly. You’ll find perennials, annuals, our
 Bandon Historical Society                                             always organic vegetable starts, herbs, berries, succulents,
 Museum — This museum, located in Bandon at 270 Fill-                      cacti, houseplants, shrubs & trees; as well as organic
 more St. and Highway 101, is housed in the second build-              fertilizers, potting soil, hand tools, gloves, certified organic
 ing to be constructed after the 1936 fire destroyed the city.                       pesticides and herbicides and more.
 Until 1970, this building was Bandon’s city hall. It features         Find a unique gift for someone or for yourself - we offer a
                                                                        growing selection of gift shop items as well as gift cards!
 extensive displays that date back to the earliest pioneers
 and includes the Big Bandon fire of 1936.
 Call 541-347-2164.
 Bandon South Jetty Park
 A favorite among locals, this park is located at the mouth
 of the Coquille River and provides easy beach access and
 allows visitors to enjoy whale watching, kite flying, beach-
 combing and other recreational activities. There are rest-
 rooms and abundant parking available for visitors.

 Sage Place — A studio for creative arts and art education,
 located at the corner of 11th Street and Elmira in Bandon.
 Visitors are encouraged to take a variety of art classes                              a one of a kind nursery in a one of a kind place
 including stained glass, beading, photography, mosaic,                                     Open Daily! Call or check our
 bead making, carving, and painting. The drop-in glass                                       website for seasonal hours.
 fusing studio is perfect for beginners and young artists,                                 49295 Highway 101, Langlois OR
 open from 1 to 5 p.m., Thursday through Saturday. Call                                                541-844-5559
 541-329-0303.                                                                               www.dragonflyfarmlanglois.com
Page 12 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST


I heard about Shore Acres almost immedi-           that day was our own little private beach.      follow the signs for state parks and beaches
ately after I arrived in the area, but I inten-    Simpson Beach is just a short walk from the     through Charleston. Follow Cape Arago
tionally avoided it because I wanted my wife       gardens, but it opens a new world to explor-    Highway past Sunset Beach and the park
and children to experience it with me the          ers, especially little explorers.               will be on your right.
first time.
                                                   We hit the beach at low tide, which I
So, we made our way through Charleston             highly recommend. With the water out,
and went to Shore Acres as a group. During         we got to climb around rocks and find a
the cooler months, it is not overly crowded,       variety of tide pools to explore. Inside the
so there was plenty of parking and plenty of       tide pools, my children found living sea
space to avoid others.                             anemones that moved around as the wa-
                                                   ter moved nearby.
After getting out of the car, you immedi-
ately see the Pacific Ocean pounding against       There were sea snails and hermit crabs on
rocks. During whaling season, you can also         the edges of the pools and small fish left
apparently catch glimpses of the whales as         behind waiting for the ocean to return. A
you walk by.                                       whole area was covered in mussels, which
                                                   we did our best to avoid as we explored.
As we walked through the trail, we followed
my youngest son, who often takes the trail         My wife and son even ventured up to a
less traveled. Every one of his trails ended       cave, looking inside a little, although slip-
with another view of the ocean, with waves         pery rocks and the darkness inside drove
pounding into the rocks below.                     them away before going in much.

When we reached the botanical gardens,             In a brisk March morning, it was chilly
Shore Acres is most known for, we eagerly          with a steady breeze, but we had a hard
went inside. Early March is not the best time      time leaving. After about three hours, we
to visit the gardens, but it was still amazingly   made our way back out of Shore Acres
beautiful. Many of the flowers, and the rose       fully content.
garden, will be in full bloom in May, but even     While many areas around are free, there
in early March there was a lot to see. A vari-     is a $5 per car charge to visit Shore Acres.
ety of trees, complete with signs explaining       Believe me, it’s money well spent.
what they are, stand proudly in the garden.
Even in March, some of the flowers were            Talking to those who work there, it
starting to bloom. A group of deer grazed          sounds like the best time to visit it prob-
just outside, adding more mystery to the air.      ably late May through the summer as the
For me, the highlight of the gardens was           flowers are in full bloom. But even in the
simply the peace. It was quiet, with only the      winter, it was well worth the visit. If you
occasional bird chirping to break the silence.     can, shoot for low tide. It’s worth it.
After walking through the gardens, we con-
tinued down the trial only to find what on         To reach Shore Acres from Coos Bay,
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 13

    By ZACK DEMARS The World

                                  Keller said out-of-state
                                  visitors are often shocked to
                                  discover the company is a

                                  family-owned business, and
                                  often make the store a regu-
                                  lar stop. “It’s really wonder-
                                  ful when we have recurring
That’s the question the fam-
                                  customers,” Keller said.
ily behind Misty Meadows
has been asking for decades.
                                  But Misty Meadows hasn’t
                                  always been the roadside-at-
“I feel really blessed to be a
                                  traction storefront it is today.
part of it,” said Traci Keller,
who owns the jam company
                                  It started much, much smaller:
which has become a must-
                                  The first formal location was
stop location on any tour of
                                  a card table set up in front of
U.S. Highway 101.
                                  the Kellers’ home. With a crate
                                  of jams positioned next to a       Sandy Keller, left, and Mike Keller Sr., back right,
Now, 50 years after the
                                  coffee can, sales were on the      incorporated Misty Meadows in 1971 after selling
company was first incorpo-
                                  honor system.                      jam from a roadside card table. Their photo still
rated, Keller and her family
are still serving up the jams,
                                                                     hangs in the store, decades later.
                                  Sandy, Traci Keller’s moth-
jellies, marmalades and
                                  er-in-law, made the jams by
fruit butters their store has
                                  hand — first in the family
become known for — just
                                  home’s kitchen, then in the
like grandma used to make.
                                  kitchen they’d added to the
“I like that philosophy,”
                                  home for the purpose.
Keller said.
                                  By 1971, Sandy and Mike
The store, located just a few
                                  Keller Sr., Traci Keller’s
miles south of Bandon, is
                                  father-in-law, incorporated
popular with tourists over
                                  the company. Traci isn’t
summers and spring breaks
                                  sure the exact date but has
(a recent drizzly spring
                                  picked April to celebrate the
afternoon saw the parking
                                  golden anniversary.
lot full with license plates
from Oregon, California,
                                  The card-table-and-coffee-
Pennsylvania and more),
                                  can scheme quickly got four
and has shipped its jams to
                                  walls and a window, with           Marionberry is one of the most popular jams at Misty Meadows, along
as far as Guam with online                                           with huckleberry, blackberry and cranberry. Other flavors, like goose-
                                  employees to sell jars of jam
and phone ordering.                                                  berry and tayberry, offer more niche tastes.
                                  to passing drivers out of
Page 14 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

                                                                                ketchup), and mail-order          work with, she did have one
                                                                                deliveries go out daily.          minor disagreement.
                                                                                                                  “If we were dirty, the health
                                                                                One of the first changes the      inspector would shut us
                                                                                company saw when Traci            down,” she joked. “Of
                                                                                Keller took over was the          course, they made it dirtier
                                                                                move from the kitchen at-         than what (the cooks) do.”
                                                                                tached to the family home
                                                                                to a larger, standalone           Even though the jars of jam
                                                                                kitchen and storage facility      Rowe made were sold with
                                                                                behind the blueberry or-          special labels, they weren’t
                                                                                chard on the property.            much different than the jars
                                                                                                                  Sandy Keller made decades
Each jar of Misty Meadows jam is hand-labeled, according to Tina                “That’s been a godsend,”          before. “We do it like grand-
Eikamp, who’s worked in the store since around 2000.                            Keller said, adding that the      ma did, with fruit, sugar,
what’s now a jerky stand on              since Traci Keller and her             previous smaller kitchen got      pectin,” Traci Keller said.
the property.                            husband Mike Keller Jr.                particularly hot with stoves
                                         (whose parents had started             and water baths at full blast.    Keller is proud that she’s
The then-jam stand was                   the business) took the helm.                                             kept the recipe the same
cold during the winters,                                                        The two giant freezers on         all this time — she didn’t
remembers Tina Eikamp,                   That came in 2003, when                one side of the building are      know much about making
whose sister worked inside               Mike Jr. came to Traci about           a big help, too: Full to the      jam when she took over,
it at the time. But after the            the possibility of taking over         brim with buckets of every        but after time in the kitchen
company opened its store-                for his parents. Traci, with a         type of berry imaginable,         with Sandy and some other
front in 1999, Eikamp went               background in retail, was a bit        they hold each summer’s           longtime staff members, she
in to apply for a job, and got           surprised by the idea — but            crop, so the cooks have           learned the ropes.
hired to put labels on jars.             that didn’t stop them. “I don’t        enough fruit to keep cook-
                                         know anything about jam,               ing throughout the year.          She’s also proud of her
“When I was hired, it was                but that’d be cool to carry on!”                                         berries — all but two kinds
like, almost a boring job,”              Traci Keller remembers think-          And the company’s had its         come from Oregon, she
Eikamp said, adding the                  ing at the time.                       15 minutes of fame, too: TV       said. The others are harder
store’s staff members had                                                       star Mike Rowe visited the        to source locally, so she
enough downtime to play                  Since then, the company’s              kitchen around 2008 with          has to import them (like
rounds of Yahtzee during                 seen exponential growth:               his show “Dirty Jobs” to          gooseberries: Their putrid
some slow winters. “It’s kind            The store shelves are now full         make something of the local       green color and sour taste in
of crazy here now.”                      with over 60 jams, jellies and         cranberries he’d harvested on     jam have driven down their
                                         fruit butters (not including           another segment of the show.      popularity, Keller said).
Eikamp said much of that                 other sauces like cranberry
growth has taken place                   barbeque sauce or cranberry            “That was crazy,” said Keller,    And while the company
                                                                                a longtime fan of the show. “It   could produce more jars
                                                                                was unreal how much busi-         with machines, bottlers and
                                                                                ness we received after that.”     automatic labelers, Keller
                                                                                                                  said she’d rather keep things
                                                                                The family — which had just       handmade.
                                                                                a few weeks advanced notice
                                                                                of the crew’s arrival — made      “I like that feel. I want to
                                                                                special jar labels for the oc-    keep that feel,” Keller said.
                                                                                casion. The special edition       “I’m happy being where
                                                                                product Rowe made during          we’re at.”
                                                                                the episode sold out very
                                                                                quickly, but Keller said they     Misty Meadows, named for
                                                                                still saw a spike in business     what Sandy Keller saw one
                                                                                each time the show aired          morning over the family’s
                                                                                                                  blueberry orchard, is located
                                                                                And while she said the crew       at 48053 U.S.-101.
A row of marionberry jam jars sit in the kitchen, packed ready to be labeled.   was easy-going and great to
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 15

            ou don’t have to bring your own boat to get out on the waters of
            Wild Rivers Coast. Here are some services that can help.

Brookings / Gold Beach                                                    • Riverside Market, (541) 661-3213
    For anyone with a hankering for the taste of their own catch, there         Crescent City / Del Norte County
are some excellent charter services; whether you want ocean or river          Del Norte County is known for its breathtaking beauty and awe-
fishing, Brookings and Gold Beach have wonderful guides for both.         inspiring nature. Catch a glimpse of what the North Coast has to offer
                                                                          with one of the boating services; there’s also rafting, canoeing and
• Salmon King Lodge Guide Service                                         kayaking for the more adventurous types. For the anglers, there’s
• (866) 877-8354 www.salmonkinglodge.com                                  fishing guides aplenty to haul in the perfect catch.
• Fish Hawk River Company, (541) 469-2422
• Early Fishing, (541) 469-0525                                           For a scenic boat ride on the Smith or Klamath rivers and/or
• Wild Rivers Fishing Company and Brookings Fishing                       guided fishing:
      Company, (541) 813-1082                                             • Lunker Fish Trips, (707) 458-4704, lunkerfishtrips.com.
• Allen’s Guide Service, (541) 247-2082                                   For whale or bird watching, or ocean
• Bowman Rogue River Guide Service, (541) 373-1647                        fishing out of Crescent City harbor:
• Bruce Craviotto’s Guide Service, (541) 913-3759                         • Tally Ho II, (707) 464-1236.
• Cast Guide Service, (541) 698-7029                                      • Pacific West Coast Ocean Fishing Guide Service,
• Chris Young Guide Service, (541) 247-8115                                     (707) 218-5573, pcwofishingguide.com.
• End of the Rogue Guide Service, (541) 247-2049                          For fishing guides in Crescent City,
• Ernie Rutledge, (541) 247-6111                                          Gasquet and Klamath who tackle fish along the Smith or
• Fish Oregon, (541) 347-6338                                             Klamath rivers:
• Five Star Charter/Gold Beach Adventure, (541) 247-0217                  • Catch My Drift Guide Service, (707) 218-8066.
• Greg Eide, (541) 247-2608                                               • Gotcha Hooked Fish Trips, (707)
• Helen’s Guide Service, (541) 290-8402                                         464-8482 gotchahookedfishtrip.com
• Jack Hunt, (541) 247-6198                                               • Green Water Fishing Adventures, (707) 845-9588,
• John Carl’s Guide Service, (541) 247-6400                                     greenwaterguides.com
• Jot’s Resort, (541) 247-6676                                            • James Keeling’s Guide Service, (707) 223-7438
• Lex’s Landing (541) 247-0909                                            • Kevin Brock’s Guide Service,
• Mark Van Hook Guide Service, (541) 247-6702                                   (800) 995-5543, fishkevinbrock.com
• Memory Makers Guide Service, (541) 425-1515                             • Mike Coopman’s Guide Service, (707) 218-4051,
• Rogue Outdoor Store, (541) 247-7142                                           mikecoopmansguideservice.com
• Rogue River Guide Service, (541) 247-4025                               • Phil’s Smiling Salmon Guide Service, (707) 487-0260
• Ross Bell, (541) 247-2149                                               • Wild River Fishing Adventures, (707) 498-4491,
• Terry Kennedy Fishing Guide Service, (541) 469-0337                           wildriverfishing.com
• Tidewind Sport Fishing, (541) 469-0337                                  For boat rental, fuel or equipment in Crescent City harbor:
• Tyson Crumley’s Guide Service (541) 698-8338                            • Englund Marine Supply Company,
• Ultimate Catch Charter, (541) 813-0330                                        191 Citizens Dock Road (707) 464-3230
For renting ocean or river kayaks:                                        • Indigo Creek Outfitters, (541) 262-4535, indigocreekoutfitters.com
• Escape Hatch Sport and Cycle Shop, (541) 469-2914                       • Redwood Rides, redwoodrides.com
Page 16 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

        ituated between Port Orford and Bandon on the beautiful Oregon
        Coast Highway, Langlois (pronounced “Langless” by the locals)
        fits the bill of laid back fun.

Known as the “Wild Rivers Coast             who need to stock up. Make sure to stop in     practices organic farming methods
Windsurfing Capitol,” people flock          to enjoy the market’s famous, delicious hot    since the 1950s. For the past 10 years,
to nearby Boice-Cope County                 dogs and “top secret mustard! Hours are:       the Jensens have gone nearly exclusively
Park, a small county park on Floras         Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun-         U-pick, allowing customers to come
Lake featuring water sports and a           days 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 541-348-2476.      out and fill a four-pound bucket with as
campground.                                                                                many blueberries as possible for $10.
                                            U-Pick Blueberries
The Langlois Market                         This fantastic “U-Pick” location is a          Call the Jensens about picking season
Centrally located at 48444 Highway 101,     blueberry lovers dream come true!              dates, admission, hours of operation
this full service market is the meeting     The family-owned farm, located at              at 541-348-2473, or e-mail them at
place for tourists, farmers and ranchers    46760 Highway 101 (mile marker 291),           jensenblueberrieslanglois@gmail.com.

                    --------------------------HIDDEN GEMS--------------------------
 • New River Area (birdwatching) — Birdwatchers grab your          • The Spoon — Continuing the long tradition Continuing the
 binocular— Birdwatchers grab your binoculars, picnic lunch and    long tradition of home-cooked, hearty breakfasts, the owners
 enjoy watching a variety of shore birds and waterfowl amidst      of The Spoon are proud to serve fresh, local ingredients from
 the ranch lands and wetlands of New River and Floras Lake.        Langlois farmers and anchers. Located at 48396 U.S. 101,
 Species include Aleutian cackling geese and snowy plovers.        the restaurant also offers sumptuous lunches and dinners that
                                                                   feature grass-fed beef, a juicy French dip with sweet potato fries
 To reach the Bureau of Land Management’s New River Area of        and organic salads.
 Environmental Concern (ACEC), take Highway 101 north from
 Langlois approximately 4.5 miles, and left on Croft Lake Lane.    Hours are 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Saturday; Indonesian
 Follow the signs.                                                 night is from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. the first and third Monday of the
                                                                   month; Taco Tuesday is from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; burger night is
                                                                   5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Friday is burger night from 5 p.m. to 8:30
                                                                   p.m.; Closed Sundays. Call (541) 348-1015
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 17

  By ZACK DEMARS The World
Tammy Caluya never imagined she would            neighbors and friends offer homemade
run her own family farm, but it feels like it    clothes, lotions, dishes and artwork. The
was meant to be.                                 end result is something for everybody.

“My grandma had a ranch, and she had             “Now we’ve got it year round,” she
dairy cows,” Caluya said. “My husband’s          said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s windy or
family was like that, too. They had a farm       rainy, we’re still busy.”
back in Oklahoma.”
                                                 Caluya is there to greet customers inside
Eighteen years ago, Caluya and her husband       the store every Saturday. She places signs
moved to Curry County, finding five acres        on Highway 101 to draw in visitors, which
between Bandon and Port Orford. With the         has been very productive. For the rest
land and time on her hands, Caluya began         of the week, she uses an honor’s system,
taking advantage of that space.                  where people can purchase milk, eggs,
                                                 meat and produce in season and leave the       Tammy Caluya bags up a purchase at the Wild
“When my daughter went to college, I was         money behind.                                  Woods Gypsy farm store between Bandon and
here all the time, and I really liked cheese,”                                                  Port Orford.
she remembered. “We started with goats           “I get people all year round,” she said.
and went to cows.”                               “People drive up and down the highway          Lucky for the rest of us, she also enjoys
                                                 because of the signs. Then the locals          sharing. In her store, the favorite items are
In those early days, Caluya milked the                                                          cowboy candy jelly and strawberry vanilla
                                                 come for milk, produce and meat.”
goats by hand and experimented by mak-                                                          bean jam. But the fresh fruit is likely the
ing different kinds of cheese. She then                                                         biggest draw.
                                                 While Caluya has turned her passion
started planting fruit trees on the property.    into a business, one product remains
With fresh fruit coming in, Caluya be-                                                          Strawberries and cherries are usually
                                                 her favorite.
came kind of an expert in making jams.                                                          available somewhere around the begin-
                                                                                                ning of June, while peaches begin ripening
                                                 “Out of everything, probably the milk,”        about the same time.
Her experience with milk, cheese and             she said. “I’m a milk fanatic. I could drink
jams was soon shared with others as she          a gallon a day.”
began selling at farmer’s markets and col-                                                      In addition, Caluya grows different variet-
lected quite a following. In 2019, she had a                                                    ies of apples and peaches among her 33
                                                 Caluya has two milk cows on her ranch,         fruit trees.
bigger idea, opening a Wild Woods Gypsy          both with babies. They create between
store at her farm.                               four and nine gallons of milk each day,        Caluya said her little farm was recently
                                                 half of which is offered for sale.             added to the Wild River Coast Farm Trail,
Located about a mile off Highway 101 at
92584 Silver Butte Road, the small store has                                                    which will likely lead to new customers.
                                                 A new element this year is Caluya is keep-     But she is ready for the challenge and
become a staple for many in the area.            ing the calves, with the goal of making        happy to meet new people.
“Peaches and cherries are the biggest draw,”
                                                 them meat cattle. With the meat, fruit,
she said. “It’s building up more and more.”
                                                 milk and eggs on site, she feels her family    The farm store is open from 10 a.m. to 2
                                                 can take care of themselves.                   p.m. each Saturday and the self-serve farm
Caluya has also joined with family mem-
                                                 “It’s what I’ve been shooting for all the      is open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.
bers, neighbors and friends to bring in
more business. While she sells fresh milk,       time,” she said.                               For information, visit
fruit and jams, her sister bakes and other                                                      wildwoodsgypsy.com.
Page 18 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST

          ou could easily spend a day or two in the quaint communities of
          Port Orford and nearby Langlois during your trip along the Wild
          Rivers Coast.

Nestled along Highway            Street and follow it down to    and his men used the            Directions: Approaching
101 about an hour north of       the dock.                       prominent sea stack to          from the south on Highway
the California border, Port                                      stave off waves of native       101, it’s on your left as soon
Orford and Langlois offer        Redfish Restaurant              combatants to eventually        as you get into town.
a wealth of experiences for      Diners can view historic        settle Port Orford.
the outdoorsman, artisan,        Battle Rock and coastline
traveler and treasure-seeker.    from this renowned
                                 oceanfront gourmet                               HIDDEN GEM
Port of Port Orford              restaurant on Highway
Picture a port without a         101. The restaurant has            v Old City Jailhouse - Lock up a legend with a
harbor. The Port of Port         won national acclaim from          visit to the old city jail. Built in 1936, it is a monu-
Orford is one of only six        Tripadvisor and Wine                 ment to Port Orford’s past and has become a
“dolly docks” in the world,      Spectator and serves up           popular landmark. After its condemnation in 1965,
where vessels are lifted         vegetarian, seafood, meat           nature has given the building an artistic touch,
out of the water by two          and poultry dishes. When           covering it with vines and vegetation. Directions:
enormous cranes and then         ever possible Redfish buys          Driving north on Highway 101, turn right on Jef-
housed on custom made            local produce and fresh           ferson Street then left on 7th Street. The jailhouse
dollies. You would be hard       fish directly from Port                           will be on your left side.
pressed to find another          Orford. Visit their extensive
place on earth where you         wine gallery and check                Homemade soups, pies and burgers too
can get such an up-close         out Hawthorne Museum
look at a fleet of fishing       of contemporary art next
boats currently in use.          door! Reservations are
Check out the boats in           recommended. Call 541-                                            Due to Covid19
drydock, then stop in to         366-2200                                                         Please check FB
Grif ’s on the Dock, the local                                                                   or Call for hours.
dock museum, gift shop and       Battle Rock Park                                                            2020

eatery. Directions: If you       Step into history at Battle
are coming from the south        Rock Park, home of the
follow Highway 101 north,        historic Battle Rock, where
turn left on Washington          Captain William Tichenor         259 6th Street • Port Orford, OR • 541-332-8601
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 19

 GO PREHISTORIC                                  Story by Linda Pinkham

       inosaurs lurk in an old-growth rain forest with 350-year-old trees,
       lush ferns and foliage plants. Kids, trailed by parents taking photos,
       excitedly follow a hand-drawn map from 40 years ago through the
park that contains 23 life-size, prehistoric reptiles tucked amidst and
sometimes towering above the abundant growth of native plants.

Both plants and dinosaurs have a long     “When you have an absolute passion         “The Brachiosaurus was his pride
history at this place located halfway     for something, you think other people      and joy,” said McGrath, pointing to a
between Gold Beach and Port Orford        feel the same way you do,” said his        framed photo of him standing beneath
on U.S. Highway 101.                      daughter Bennie Worthington in the         the creature between its front legs.
Prehistoric Gardens, after 65 years                                                  An interpretive sign informs guests
in business, is still a famous roadside   The gamble paid off as the U.S.            that the largest dinosaur’s live weight
attraction that is now owned and          highway system was developed, travel       was estimated to be 85 tons, and he
managed by Kiki McGrath. The              by auto became popular, and roadside       was a plant-eater from the Cretaceous
site is a labor of love of McGrath’s      attractions were prolific and popular.     period — about 125 million years ago.
family since opening in 1955. Her         McGrath says during the summer
grandfather, Ernie Nelson, at the         season, visitors still number 200 a day.   The park signage provides fun facts
age of 47, and his wife Kari sold his                                                about each of the sculptures, as well as
accounting business and their Eugene      The life-size dinosaurs are constructed    all the indigenous plants. A spring-fed
home in the early 1950s to purchase       with steel frames with metal lathe that    creek meanders through the grounds,
the original 77 acres, according to the   is molded over the frame, then they        with an accessible path that winds past
documentary “Strange Inheritance:         are plastered with cement and painted.     each vignette.
Dino Park.”                               The first sculpture Nelson made, and
                                          the largest, is a Brachiosaurus that is    Nelson engineered the sculptures
Nelson dreamed of creating a roadside     46 feet tall and 86 feet long. It took     based on his drawings of skeletal
attraction filled with dinosaurs.         him 4 years to build it and required       remains and fossils found and placed
                                          constructing a scaffold to do the work.    in natural history museums.
Page 20 - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST
“He always drew,” Worthington
said in the documentary. “He
came out of the womb with a pen.”

Over 30 years, Nelson
constructed 23 dinosaurs.

While the sculptures are
scientifically correct, the
paint colors were designed
to be fanciful, attractive
and photogenic as a tourist

“People would ask him ‘How
did you know what colors
they were?’ and he said, ‘Well
no one knows. It’s the artist
behind the paintbrush.’ Birds
are very colorful, lizards are very
colorful, but we don’t know,”
McGrath said.                          Over the years, family members
                                       have helped operate the park.
With an average rainfall of            McGrath’s mother worked in
between 6 and 10 feet per year,        the gift shop for a long time, and
ferns grow to gigantic size            her uncle helped with building
and even the common skunk              some of the park’s features.
cabbage develops huge tropical         McGrath has worked at the park
leaves. Known as a temperate           for 40 years.
zone rainforest, this primeval
garden developed because of            “It’s a lot of work,” she said. Her
its location; nestled in a valley      grandparents have been gone for
pocket and therefore protected         21 years.
from the fierce winter storms
that sweep the Pacific.                According to “Strange
                                       Inheritance,” Nelson passed
The landscaping requires a lot of      away in 1999 at the age of
upkeep.                                91. His wife Kari died soon
                                       afterward. The property was left
“You don’t have to water               to McGrath, her mother and her
anything but we do have to             uncle. The property was listed
cut things back when it starts         for sale, but Kiki decided she
growing,” she said. “Some of the       didn’t want to sell the park. The
skunk cabbage leaves get to be         acreage was split up, with 33
about 7 feet tall.”                    acres containing the park going
                                       to Kiki. The other 44 acres sold
The dinosaurs also have upkeep.        for $1.6 million.
During a wind storm over the
winter, one of the giant trees         “I’d like to keep the legacy
fell in the park on two of the         going,” McGrath said. She is
sculptures. They are in the            confident that her daughter and
process of being repaired.             son would keep it going after
                                       she retires.
A small gift shop on the
property has souvenirs for             The park is open daily in winter
dinosaur lovers of all ages, from      (except during extreme weather)
plush toys and coloring books          from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and until 6
for kids to fossils, agates, apparel   p.m. in summer. To learn more,
and more for “kids” of all ages.       visit www.prehistoricgardens.com.
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 GO Wild Rivers COAST - Page 21

        lay through! Whether you are looking for a chip-shot or a challenge,
        the Wild Rivers Coast is a golfer’s paradise realized.

OREGON                          net proceeds go directly to      wide, a Bandon Dunes golf      offers beautiful vistas and
                                                                                                plays firm and fast, year
                                the Wild Rivers Coast Alli-      getaway should be on every
Bandon Dunes                    ance, an organization that       golf fanatic’s bucket list.
Golf Resort                     supports conservation, com-      Bring your soft-spike cleats   Located 5 miles south of
Known the world over as         munity and economy on            and passion for the sport      Bandon, this 18-hole, par
one of the premier golf         the southern Oregon Coast.       because this is “Golf as it    72 course was named one of
                                                                                                the country’s Top Ten New
resorts in the United States    The Punchbowl, a 2.5-acre        was meant to be played.”
                                                                                                Courses in 2007 by Golf
since its opening in 1999,      putting green used to set up                                    Magazine.
Bandon Dunes offers an          a 18-hole putting course was     For more information
experience unlike any other.    added in 2014, providing         and fees, visit                It roams through wetlands,
                                                                                                over streams and into open
Beautiful coastal vistas are    another exciting opportunity     www.bandondunesgolf.com
                                                                                                coastal forests.
the backdrop for five courses   to challenge your golf skills.
designed with golf’s Scot-                                       COURSE INFO                    Bandon Crossings offers a
tish roots in mind. Beauti-     Bandon Dunes Golf Resort’s       18 holes, par 72.              complete practice facility,
fully crafted, these courses    courses offer stunning, yet      • LENGTH:                      friendly staff and excellent
                                                                                                golf instructors. A “Get
are revered by golf experts     challenging coastal holes,       Black tees – 6,732 yds.
                                                                                                Golf Ready” program is
around the world, with four     steep and intimidating           Green tees – 6,221 yds.        available for beginners of all
of them garnering critical      bunkers, and expansive           Gold tees – 5,716 yds.         ages. They also offer a “Long
acclaim from the golfing        greens set along the gor-        Orange tees – 5,072 yds.       Driver Winner” annual pass
elite. Pacific Dunes, Bandon    geous southern Oregon            Blue tees – 3,945 yds.         for golfers living farther
Dunes, Old Macdonald, and       coastline. Each course offers    • RATING/SLOPE:                than 65 miles away. Curry
Bandon Trails are all consis-   something different than the     Black tees – 76.3/141. Green   and Coos county residents
tently rated among the best     other, though all are spec-      tees – 71.4/133.               can join the “Crossings
courses in the nation by top    tacular in their own right.      Gold tees – 69.5/133.          Club” at no charge.
golf publications.                                               Orange tees – 66.6/126.
                                Bandon Dunes’ courses            Blue tees - 61.5/101.          COURSE INFO
Another unique experience       were designed with the his-      • LOCATION:                    18 holes, par 72
in every way, the Bandon        tory of golf in mind, as their   57744 Round Lake Rd,           • LENGTH:
Preserve is a 13-hole, par-3    layout and structure harken      Bandon, Ore. 97411             Black tees – 6.855 yds.
course that delivers a level    back to world-famous             • PHONE:                       Blue – 6,270 yds.
of enjoyment matched only       courses in golf’s birthplace,    (800) 742-0172                 White – 5,780 yds.
by the spectacular views.       the British Isles. Keep-                                        Red — 5,030 yds.
Opened in 2012, Bandon          ing with that mindset, the       Bandon Crossings               Gold — 4,186 yds.
Preserve begins high atop a     courses are walking courses      Golf Course                    • RATING/SLOPE:
sand dune and rolls down        with a caddie service avail-     Since its opening, Bandon      Black tees – 74.0/139.
toward the beach. The           able (call in advance for a      Crossings Golf Course          Blue – 71.1/127.
Pacific Ocean provides the      reservation). As a crown-        has been recognized as a       White – 69.0/122.
backdrop to every hole. All     jewel of golf courses world-     challenging course that        Red — Men 65.7-117,
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