Page created by Duane Patterson
Fall Semester 2019
                  First term: September 11 - October 25
                Second term: October 28 - December 13

                 Non-credit short courses, lectures,
                     study trips, and special events
                                  for adults aged 50+

Osher Lifelong
   Learning Institute

What is the Osher LLI?                                         OLLI Fall Sneak Peek and
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at NC State (OLLI)                      Ice Cream Social
provides noncredit courses, study trips, and special
                                                                  Do you want to learn more about OLLI’s new
events for adults aged 50+. Founded in 1991 as the Encore
                                                                  fall courses and new instructors? Do you
Program for Lifelong Enrichment, we changed our name
                                                                  want the chance to meet these instructors
in 2014 to reflect our connection to the Osher Lifelong
                                                                  and visit with your fellow members while
Learning Institute Network, a group of over 100 lifelong
                                                                  enjoying NC State’s Howling Cow ice cream?
learning institutes that have received support from The
                                                                  Our annual ice cream social previews the fall
Bernard Osher Foundation.
                                                                  lineup and gives you the chance to catch up
                                                                  with your OLLI friends. If you are new to OLLI,
Membership is at the core of our program, and we rely on
                                                                  you’ll have the opportunity to meet staff and
members taking an active role, whether in the classroom
                                                                  get a sense of the program before our Open
or behind the scenes helping us design the program.
                                                                  House in September.
Part of what makes our learning community special
is the exchange of ideas in the classroom from those              This event is free, but you must register.
with diverse backgrounds. Our instructors volunteer in            Support for this event is made possible by
order to keep your fees low, and they find it rewarding            The Bernard Osher Foundation.
because of this rich learning atmosphere. Since our               Course #: LLI-4-050-003
classes are noncredit, the only prerequisite is a desire          Date: Tuesday, August 13 Time: 2:00 - 3:00
to learn. There are no tests or grades, and homework is           Location: McKimmon Center
optional! Members also have the chance to participate             Room: TBD, check lobby monitors
in extracurricular special interest groups, which are             Registration Deadline: August 9
completely member-organized. Most classes are held
at NC State’s McKimmon Center for Extension and
Continuing Education, which is easily accessible and has
ample free parking. We hope you will join our community
of learners!
                                                                          No tests, no grades, and
                                                                          homework is optional!

                  We thank the following generous sponsors for their support of OLLI:

                                              Platinum Sponsors

                                              Bronze Sponsors
                                            The Cardinal at North Hills

                                       SearStone Retirement Community

                             Learn more about our sponsors at www.ncsu.edu/olli
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________

             Monday                         Manager Kimberly Little will join
                                            us on Oct. 21 to discuss the role of
                                                                                        conferences, health and wellness
                                                                                        education, community awareness
                                            the Program Committee and how to            programs, and professional in-service
    Battles of the American                 develop a class or lecture.                 training; provides support, services,
       Revolution - 1776                    Instructor: John Luecke; Bachelor’s and     and resource information to people
                                            Master’s in Communication, University       with dementia and both family and
Join us for the second of an ongoing        of Wisconsin-Madison; worked in             professional caregivers.
series of courses about the battles         private industry before transitioning       Course #: LLI-2-041-003
of the American Revolution. We are          to teaching; earned intercultural           Three Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
exploring the battles of the Revolution     studies certificates from the University     Sept. 16, 23, 30
as they occurred, year by year. This        of British Columbia, Intercultural          Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
course will cover the battles of 1776.      Communication Institute; taught at the      Fee: $40.00
Some of these you may be familiar           University of Wisconsin-Whitewater,
with, including Moores Creek, Long          participating in travel study programs
Island and Trenton; but, there are          to Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway
dozens more, including the 2nd              and Spain; taught communication at
Cherokee War, the Bahamas, Sullivan’s       High Point University; taught at the NC         Before you register . . .
Island, and White Plains! Join us in        State Prague Institute in 2014; currently
the exploration of why the men and          offers intercultural training to expat          Thanks to the excellent
their leaders met on the fields of           managers in various international               work of our Program
strife to help and/or resist giving birth   corporations; veteran OLLI instructor.
to a new nation. (Enrollment in the                                                         Development Committee,
                                            Course #: LLI-2-083-004
previous course in this series in not a                                                     we are offering more
                                            Two Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
prerequisite to enroll in this course.)     Oct. 14, 21                                     classes, lectures, and
Note: A second section of this same         Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                     study trips than ever
course will be held on Mondays in the       Fee: $0                                         before! As you choose
second term.
                                                                                            from over 100 offerings
Instructor: Dave Milidonis; founder
and managing director of the non-           Understanding Dementia and                      this fall, please be aware
profit organization, the National               Alzheimer’s Disease                          that classes, lectures, and
Veterans History Archival Institute         What is the difference between
                                                                                            study trips overlap in time.
(NVHAI); 1974 graduate, U.S. Military       Alzheimer’s disease and dementia?               We suggest you double-
Academy, West Point; 20 years U.S.          Is Alzheimer’s a disease something              check the dates and times
Army infantry experience; veteran           only older people get? How do                   of your choices before
OLLI instructor.                            I interact with a confused loved
Course #: LLI-1-366-001                                                                     finalizing your registration.
                                            one? What can I expect after a                  Fees apply if you find that
Six Sessions: 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.        dementia diagnosis? Over five
Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21            million Americans are estimated to
                                                                                            you later need to cancel or
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12              have Alzheimer’s disease today. The             switch classes.
Fee: $55.00                                 number of Americans diagnosed
                                            with Alzheimer’s disease and related
 Find Your Inner OLLI - Teach               dementias will grow steadily each year
     the Class You Were                     as our aged 65 and older population          Learning to Love the “New”
                                            continues to increase. With 10,000
       Meant to Teach                       people turning 65 each day, it is               School Mathematics
Are you passionate about a subject          important we discuss the answers            Delve into today’s elementary school
that you’d like to share with OLLI          to these often-asked questions. This        mathematics to develop a deeper
members but don’t have much                 short course will explore different         understanding of how this subject
teaching experience? Have you taught        types of dementia, the “typical”            has changed. You will revisit some
university courses to 18- to 22-year-       progression of Alzheimer’s disease,         big ideas in arithmetic to appreciate
olds but want to adapt your material        and how to improve communication            what your grandchildren are learning
to meet the learning needs and styles       and interactions with someone with          today. Activities are planned for
of an older audience? Then this two-        dementia throughout their disease.          each session that will engage you in
session course is for you. We’ll cover      Instructor: Lisa Levine; BS,                problem solving and mathematical
the techniques you need to become           Psychology; Director of Education,          reasoning to be shared later with
a successful OLLI instructor, from          Dementia Alliance of North Carolina;        your grandchildren or others. In this
understanding your audience to              responsible for educational outreach        interactive class you will gain insights
structuring your content, to managing       to families, professionals, clergy,         into how to help your grandchildren
discussion and using appropriate            and law enforcement through                 have fun with mathematical ideas
classroom technology. OLLI Program          community workshops, regional               that align with the new NC Math
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________

Curriculum. Clarifying questions are       Two Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.        Enslaved Runaways--
always welcome.                            Oct. 7, 14
Instructor: Sarah Burke Berenson; PhD,     Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
                                                                                      Resistance and Freedom
Mathematics Education, Florida State       Fee: $30.00                                Seeking in North Carolina
University; BS, Secondary Math/                                                     History has well documented the
Science Education, University of
                                                                                    courageous and determined efforts
Massachusetts – Boston; Professor of
Mathematics Education for 27 years                 BE A CLASS HOST!                 of pre-Civil War era enslaved African
at NC State and UNC-G; Holladay                                                     Americans to find freedom in North
Medalist; retired.                            Class hosts make brief                Carolina. This two-session course will
Course #: LLI-2-168-001                                                             examine evidence of slave resistance
                                              announcements, assist the
Three Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.                                             at both the Stagville State Historic Site
Sept. 16, 23, 30                              instructor with the audio-
                                                                                    and statewide.
Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                   visual equipment and serve
                                                                                    • Sept. 16: Stagville was part of one
Fee: $40.00                                   as liaison between the class
                                                                                    of the largest plantations in NC and
                                              and the OLLI office. Call us
                                                                                    over 900 individuals were enslaved
 Field Marshall Sir John Dill:                if you would like to host
                                                                                    there. Today the Stagville State Historic
  Bridging Anglo-American                     a course in which you are
                                                                                    Site researches and teaches about the
          Conflicts                            enrolled. It’s a great way to         lives, work, and culture of enslaved
                                              get to know instructors and           people on the land. This lecture will
At the time of Dunkirk, FM John Dill
was Britain’s top army officer. Just           fellow OLLI students.                 explore the everyday and dramatic
before Pearl Harbor, Prime Minister                                                 ways that people resisted slavery,
Winston Churchill sacked him for what                                               drawing on oral history, archaeology
he felt was Dill’s ineptness. However,                                              and the "Cameron Family Papers"
when the Combined Anglo-American                    Improv Comedy                   archived at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Chiefs of Staff committee was created      Have you ever wanted to perform,
as the principal Allied war planning                                                Presenter: Vera Cecelski; public
                                           but don’t have the time or the energy    historian and the site manager of
organization, Dill was made a full         to audition for a play? Do you want
committee member. In that position                                                  Stagville State Historic Site. A Durham
                                           to sharpen your communication,
he functioned, as one historian said,      listening and memory skills? If you      native, her work focuses on best
on the “dangerous edge of Anglo-           answered “yes” to any of these           practices for interpreting the history of
American relations [attempting             questions, then this class is for you.   slavery at historic sites.
to resolve recurring conflicts] of          At its core, improvisation focuses       • Sept. 23: Between 1775 and 1840,
command and control.” Amidst               on “living in the moment” and
conflicts and frequent distrust between                                              runaway slaves in North Carolina were
                                           “saying yes.” It promotes paying         separated from their families and
British and American war planners and      attention, connecting with a partner,
commanders, Dill formed relationships                                               many thought to be “disappeared.”
                                           and understanding body language.
and devised means that dampened            Over two classes, we will explore        This lecture will use 18th- and 19th-
conflicts and promoted agreements.          the fundamentals of improv comedy        century newspaper advertisements
His work helped enable the joint           through interactive activities.          for lost slaves to trace the origins,
Anglo-American war effort to become        Recommended: Truth in Comedy,            growth and distribution of the
history’s most important and successful    Charna Halpern; The Moth                 African American population. It will
military alliance. President Roosevelt     Storytelling podcast.
described Dill as “the most important                                               be an attempt to resurrect slave
                                           Instructor: Amy Sawyers-Williams;        personalities, examine physical
figure in the remarkable accord which       Master’s Degree, Applied Theatre,The
has been developed on the combined                                                  qualities, destinations, rewards
                                           City University of New York; oversees
operations of our two countries.”          arts outreach and engagement at Arts     and motivations for absconding.
Instructor: John Matthews; BS, Adelphi     NC State; founding artistic director     Presenter: Freddie L. Parker; M.A.,
University; PhD, Psychology, Duke          of See Saw Projects, a new applied       North Carolina Central University;
University; taught and studied 20th        theatre company in the Triangle;         PhD., UNC-Chapel Hill; Professor
Century American History; associate of     has over ten years of professional
both the Marshall Foundation and The                                                Emeritus, Department of History, North
                                           experience performing and teaching       Carolina Central University
Roosevelt Institute; in cooperation with   improv, theatre, and storytelling.
Steve Ambrose, John has conducted                                                   Course #: LLI-2-177-001
                                           Course #: LLI-2-178-001
oral history interviews with D-Day         Two Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.    Two Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.
participants and members of the            Oct. 7, 14                               Sept. 16, 23
French resistance.                         Limit: 24 Location: Room 13              Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
Course #: LLI-2-175-001                    Fee: $30.00                              Fee: $30.00
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________
                                              Monday - Tuesday

  Three Heroines: Harriet                           Great Books:                       individuals, families, and society at
                                                                                       large, a growing army of temperance
Beecher Stowe, Pauli Murray                    "Great Conversations 4"                 and prohibition activists labored to
  and Fannie Lou Hamer                      Join us for great conversations            break down the public’s love affair
The class will explore the lives and        about classic texts. Our readings          with alcohol beginning in the mid-19th
thoughts of three heroines of faith,        will be from Great Conversations 4,        century, achieving ratification of the
justice, and compassion: Harriet Beecher    an anthology compiled by the Great         18th Amendment in 1919. This course
Stowe, who awakened and mobilized           Books Foundation. The course spans         will examine the people and methods
multitudes to the anti-slavery cause in     two terms to allow time for thoughtful     of the Prohibition movement on state
the nineteenth century and who moved        reading between sessions. Our              and national levels, with attention
churches toward a more democratic           schedule:                                  to its political, social, and economic
and compassion-centered Christianity;        • Sept. 23: Plutarch, Life of Nicias      dimensions.
Pauli Murray, an activist, writer, lawyer   • Oct. 7: Heinrich von Kleist, The         Instructor: Angela Robbins; PhD,
and priest, who pioneered efforts           Chilean Earthquake                         U.S. History, UNC-Greensboro,
against Jim and Jane Crow and who                                                      minor in Atlantic World Studies;
                                            • Oct. 21: Henry David Thoreau,
was the first African-American woman                                                    Associate Professor, Meredith College;
                                            Where I Lived, and What I Lived For
to be ordained in the Episcopal Church;                                                she specializes in women's history and
                                            (selection, from Walden)
and Fannie Lou Hamer, Mississippi                                                      social movements in the 19th and 20th
sharecropper who became one of
                                            • Nov. 4: Matthew Arnold, Culture          century.
                                            and Anxiety (selection)                    Course #: LLI-2-187-001
the brightest lights of the Civil Rights
movement and leader of the Mississippi      • Nov. 18: William James,                  Two Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Freedom Democratic Party.                   Pragmatism: A New Name for Some            Oct. 14, 21
Recommended: A list of readings can         Old Ways of Thinking (selection)           Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
be found online under course listing.       • Dec. 9: George Bernard Shaw,             Fee: $30.00
Instructor: Collins Kilburn; Executive      Major Barbara
Director Emeritus, North Carolina
Council of Churches, served for over
                                            Required: Great Conversations 4;
                                            purchase from the Great Books
                                                                                            “OLLI has such a
30 years; began ministry in 1960 at
                                            Foundation bookstore for $24.95                  wide variety of
Raleigh’s Community United Church
of Christ, was at the intersection of
                                            (store.greatbooks.org). Enroll in
                                            this course only if you are willing to
                                                                                          subjects so it’s fun to
religion and politics, relating religious
                                            complete the readings and actively             take something you
insights to issues of peace and social
and economic justice; graduate of
                                            participate in class discussions.
                                            Instructor: John Pilgrim; PhD,
                                                                                           wouldn’t normally
Duke Divinity School.
                                            Economics, Vanderbilt University; BA,         seek out. The classes
Course #: LLI-1-261-002
Six Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.
                                            Economics, Grinnell College; professor
                                            of economics for 35 years, now
                                                                                            make you think!”
Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21
                                            retired; has taught various economics-
Limit: 24 Location: Room 13
                                            related OLLI courses; facilitates
Fee: $55.00
                                            the OLLI Great Books discussion                         Tuesday
                                            group; veteran OLLI instructor.
         Fair Trade in                      Course #: LLI-1-379-001
     Developing Countries                   Six Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.               The History of Architecture
                                            Sept. 23, Oct. 7, 21, Nov. 4, 18, Dec. 9   This course is an introduction to
Fair trade is a trading practice that       Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                the history of architecture. Sites,
emphasizes relationships, fair wages,       Fee: $55.00                                buildings, materials and techniques
and ending poverty over large profits.
                                                                                       will be addressed. The six session
We will explore how fair trade impacts
the lives of artisans and farmers, helps           Prohibition and the                 topics will be Classical architecture,
                                                                                       Islamic architecture, Asian architecture,
women earn wages that limit their                  "Tyranny of Drink”                  European architecture, American
vulnerability to human trafficking,
                                            American adults were consuming             architecture and Modern/Post-Modern
makes a positive difference in towns
                                            an average of 7 gallons of alcohol         architecture. In each topic area
and villages, and helps to keep
                                            annually by 1830. Compare that to          there will be a selection of “typical”
children in school.
                                            today -- in a culture enamored with        examples, and one or two especially
Instructor: Kristine Ashwood, Director,
                                            specialty cocktails and craft beer, when   important examples that will be
Ten Thousand Villages.
                                            the average is only 2.5 gallons --         examined in greater detail.
Course #: LLI-2-180-001
                                            and the fervent dedication to ending       Instructor: Dr. Harry Titus; educated
Two Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.
                                            “the tyranny of drink” becomes             in Art and Architectural History at the
Sept. 30, Oct. 7
                                            clear. Armed with arguments about          University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
                                            the destruction alcohol brought to         and at Princeton University, where
Fee: $30.00
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________

he earned a Ph.D degree; he was a          George C. Marshall: American               the Department of Communication;
member of the Art Department at Wake                                                  veteran OLLI instructor; OLLI member.
Forest University for 33 years before
                                               Icon and Statesman                     Course #: LLI-1-084-003
retiring to Raleigh, where he has          This course will include discussions       Six Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
been a volunteer teacher at Longleaf       of George Marshall’s life, character,      Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22
School of the Arts for the last 6 years;   and contributions to the nation. Born      Limit: 24 Location: Room 13
his special interest is French Gothic      in 1880, Marshall was a superb soldier     Fee: $55.00
Architecture and Art.                      who epitomized the ideal of the citizen-
Course #: LLI-1-372-001                    soldier. We will discuss his early years
Six Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.            in Uniontown, PA, his college years           “OLLI makes me a
Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
                                           at VMI, and his service at home and
                                           abroad, including France in World              more interesting
Fee: $55.00                                War I. We will highlight his service as       and well-rounded
                                           Army Chief in World War II, his role as           person.”
                                           a mediator between Communist and
    Discovering the Dead at
                                           Nationalist Chinese factions in 1946,
      Oakwood Cemetery                     service as Secretary of State including
                                                                                             The Challenges of
           OFFSITE                         the Marshall Plan, and finally service
                                           as Secretary of Defense. Above all we             Feeding the World
Join historian Bruce Miller and Robin
                                           will focus on Marshall as a selfless        Providing a growing world population
Simonton, Executive Director, Historic
                                           servant of the nation in peace, war and    with adequate food is a major
Oakwood Cemetery, for an engaging
                                           diplomacy.                                 challenge. In 2017, an estimated 820
course about the lives of our famous
                                           Instructor: Mike Flynn; Army officer        million people lacked sufficient food.
(and infamous) permanent residents.
                                           with over 30 years of service including    This course will highlight some of the
Along the way, we’ll learn about the
                                           Army War College and service at Army       research being conducted at NC State
history of cemeteries, monument art
                                           Headquarters as Army Secretary for         that is helping to address the global
and symbolism, and the history
                                           Joint Affairs in the Army Operations       problem of food insecurity.
of those who lived in our community.
                                           Directorate; OLLI member.                  • Sept. 17: A new wave of university
This course will be held on the
                                           Course #: LLI-1-357-001                    research is focusing on the question
grounds and in the mausoleum, so be
                                           Six Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.      of how to sustainably produce
prepared for some weeks with lots of
                                           Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22            affordable and nutritious food of
walking and standing. With 144 years
                                           Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12             sufficient quantity to meet the needs
spread out over 72 acres, we’ll learn a
                                           Fee: $55.00                                of our growing global population.
Instructors: Bruce Miller; AB,                                                        Global food and nutrition security
Dartmouth College; MA, UNC-Chapel              Women and Men                          has four dimensions that encompass
                                                                                      both chronic and transitory situations:
Hill; former teacher/administrator              in Conversation:                      availability, access, utilization,
Ravenscroft School; history teacher
at Deerfield Academy; authored
                                            Communication and Gender                  and stability. We will discuss how
Oakwood to Oakwood, Volumes 1 &            Popular television shows and dozens        universities such as NC State are
2; co-authored Images of America:          of advice books promise to help you        uniquely positioned to implement
Historic Oakwood Cemetery with             communicate better with the “opposite      initiatives involving research and
Robin Simonton, 2017                       sex.” Are women and men as different       technological innovations, engage with
Robin Simonton; Executive Director         as these pop psychologists claim?          local communities and outside
of Historic Oakwood Cemetery since         In what ways are we similar and            partners, and educate students to
2011; BA, U.S. History, University of      different, and how can we use our          be the next generation to increase
Hawaii; MA, Historical Administration,     understanding to better communicate        yield, profitability, and environmental
Eastern Illinois University; served as     with one another in our personal and       sustainability simultaneously.
researcher of the book Oahu Cemetery:      professional lives? In this course, we     Presenter: Dr. Bob Patterson; Alumni
Burial Ground & Historic Site, by          will explore the intersections among       Distinguished Professor of Crop
Nanette Napoleon in 1997; co-authored      communication, gender, and culture in      Science, Dept. of Crop and Soil
Images of America: History Oakwood         an attempt to better understand            Sciences, NC State
Cemetery with Bruce Miller, 2017.          ourselves and others and strengthen        • Sept. 24: The culprit behind the
Course #: LLI-1-006-006                    our effectiveness as communicators.        19th-century Irish potato famine was
Six Sessions: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.           Instructor: Rebecca Leonard,               Phytophthora infestans, a fungus-
Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22            PhD; Associate Professor Emerita           like microorganism that causes the
Limit: 25 Location: Oakland Cemetery.      of Communication at NC State;              disease known as “potato late blight.”
Directions will be sent prior to first      member of the NC State Academy of          Research involving new genetic
class.                                     Outstanding Teachers; twice received       tools has enabled scientists to piece
Fee: $55.00                                the Outstanding Teacher Award from         together the evolution of this pathogen
                                                                                      and the history of its outbreaks in
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________

Ireland, which has implications                Literature of Africa, Latin             tenets of the religion. The course will
for global food security by the use                                                    also provide an introduction to Indian
of genomic tools to track outbreaks.
                                                America, and the Black                 art and architecture, starting from
Presenter: Dr. Jean                                     Atlantic                       the Harappan Civilization and ending
Ristaino; Professor, Entomology and         This course will explore select fiction     with the Mughal period. We will take
Plant Pathology, NC State                   and poetry that is representative          a broad look at the artistic heritage of
• Oct. 1: This session will explore         of post-colonial (20th century)            India through the lens of a few iconic
whether foreseeable changes in              Africa, Latin America, and the Black       objects of sculpture, painting, and
technology hold the promise to              Atlantic. Beginning with Conrad’s          architecture.
vastly increase food production. We         ambivalences and equivocations             Instructors: Sanjay Rao; MS,
will review past innovations and try        regarding Empire, as well as Memmi’s       University of New Haven, CT; MBA,
to predict and explore useful trends        and Fanon’s critiques of the Imperial      UNC Chapel Hill; currently working
that may allow us to preserve and           imagination, the course will explore       as director of Voice Solutions at
distribute more food, so it is there        the dualities of Empire as lived           Genesys, holds four patents pertaining
when needed. Presenter: Dr. John            experience foregrounded in works           to telecom solutions; has conducted
Rushing; Professor Emeritus, Food           by such renowned writers as Ngugi          holy fire sacrifices at the local Hindu
Science, NC State                           Wa Thiongo, Jamaica Kincaid, J.M.          Temple.
• Oct. 8: Livestock contribute high-        Coetzee, and Pablo Neruda. The             Kishor Trevidi; MS, PhD, University
quality foods for human nutrition,          literature we will read and discuss        of Illinois; B.Tech (EE), IIT, Mumbai;
and many developing countries               finds special potency in the tropes and     Hudson Chair, Department of Electrical
would benefit from increased animal          metaphors of gender and power to           and Computer Engineering, Duke
production efficiency. This session          deconstruct the disorder of Western        University; on Duke faculty since
will focus on how ruminant livestock        colonialism in the so-called “Third        1975; has moderated a study group on
can continue to contribute unique           World” of the late 20th century.           Bhagavad Gita and Upanisads since 1991.
services to man while decreasing their      Structured around reading and              Srima Chithamoor; earned a PG
environmental impact. Presenter:            discussion, this course is designed        Diploma in Asian Art History from
Dr. Matt Poore; Professor, Animal           to be a stimulating book club for          SOAS in London; former docent
Science, NC State                           committed readers.                         at the Asian Civilizations Museum
• Oct. 15: This presentation will           Required: Heart of Darkness, Joseph        in Singapore for 6 years, worked
review NC State research that is            Conrad; Pedro Paramo, Juan                 as a guide, lecturer and research
advancing genomic-assisted breeding         Rulfo; Weep Not Child, Ngugi               coordinator
in potato and sweet potato. Dr. Yencho      Kincaid; The Autobiography of My           Course #: LLI-1-216-002
will share successes and challenges,        Mother, Jamaica Kincaid; Disgrace,         Six Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
and conclude with some thoughts             J.M. Coetzee; Selected Poems, Pablo        Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22
on future training needs/methods            Neruda (start reading these works          Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
for students interested in utilizing        before the first course session).           Fee: $55.00
genomic-assisted breeding for cultivar      Instructor: Maria Rouphail; PhD;
development. Presenter: Dr.                 Senior Lecturer Emerita of English at
Craig Yencho; William Neal Reynolds         NC State; with decades of university
Distinguished Professor, Horticultural      teaching experience, Dr. Rouphail has         “OLLI has opened
Sciences, NC State                          authored two collections of poetry;              my mind.”
• Oct. 22: This session will discuss        at work on her third, she is Poetry
getting the economic incentives             Editor of the literary magazine, Main        The Power of the Singular
“right” and policy choices and              Street Rag.
priorities; it will provide examples of                                                    Image: Appreciating
                                            Course #: LLI-1-358-001
successful and unsuccessful polices         Six Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.               Memorable Photography
for improving food production and           Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22            One picture IS worth a thousand
availability. There will also be time to    Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                words. Even in this video age,
reflect and discuss lessons learned          Fee: $55.00                                single-shot photographs still retain
throughout the course. Presenters:                                                     the power to commemorate and
Dr. Geoff Benson; Professor Emeritus,
Agriculture and Resource Economics,
                                                       Hinduism 101                    celebrate life. This course will take you
                                                                                       on a grand tour of photographs
NC State; Dr. George Wilson; Professor      This course will provide a review and      that have enlightened, entertained,
Emeritus, Horticultural Science, NC State   examination of Hinduism based on a         and energized viewers over 100
Course #: LLI-1-382-001                     vast array of practices and traditions.    years. Exhibited photographer Larry
Six Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.              Hinduism is one of the oldest religions,   Bliss will curate images of people,
Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22             dating back to its origination from the    current and historical events, sports,
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12              Indus valley civilization. You will gain   celebrations, and art for art’s sake. He
Fee: $55.00                                 a better understanding of the many         will provide background information
                                            scriptures, rituals, festivals and other
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________
                                           Tuesday - Wednesday

on each photograph and then ask for
your reactions. Pre- and post-session
                                                     Wednesday                        friendly”? Learn about currently
                                                                                      available electric vehicles and the ones
emails will preview upcoming images                                                   anticipated within the next two years.
and suggest resources for further                The First Carolinians                Instructor: Thomas Toms; BSEE NC
exploration. Learners will see images                                                 State; IEEE & ISA; over forty years
                                           This course will provide a historical
from old and new masters such as                                                      of experience as a design engineer in
                                           overview of North Carolina from
Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Richard                                                  the fields of systems integration, man-
                                           before European exploration through
Avedon and Annie Leibovitz.                                                           machine interfaces, cyber security,
                                           the American Revolution. Included will
Instructor: Larry Bliss; NC                                                           process control, automation, and
                                           be discussions of native inhabitants,
State alumnus, has participated in                                                    archiving of historical data.
                                           new arrivals, and the development
photographic exhibitions and solo                                                     Course #: LLI-2-167-001
                                           and difficulties of the colony under the
shows; interest in photography began                                                  Two Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
                                           proprietary and royal governments.
with a clunky Sears Instamatic format                                                 Sept. 18, 25
                                           Instructor: Joe Mobley; recently retired
camera and he now roams the city                                                      Limit: 24 Location: Room 13
                                           from teaching in the Department of
with his trusty Nikon.                                                                Fee: $30.00
                                           History at NC State and has authored
Course #: LLI-2-170-001
                                           several books related to the history of
Three Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.                                                         The Brain Broken Down:
                                           North Carolina.
Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1
Limit: 24 Location: Room 13
                                           Course #: LLI-1-169-002                       Insights from Neurology
                                           Six Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Fee: $40.00                                                                           After a basic introduction to the
                                           Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23
                                                                                      structure of the brain and its building
                                           Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
     Abraham Lincoln, the                                                             blocks (neurons, glia, blood vessels,
                                           Fee: $55.00
                                                                                      etc.), this course will “break down” our
      Abolition President                                                             complicated brains to discuss
Abraham Lincoln was a master of                                                       specific aspects of brain function,
moral certainty and political sagacity.                                               as well as brains that have “broken
                                               Do you prefer viewing                  down” due to neurological disorders.
This course will briefly review the
                                               your choices by calen-                 The goal of this course is to impart
246-year history of American slavery
(1619–1865), its impact on the creation
                                               dar grid or subject area?              an appreciation for the complexity
                                               The Fall 2019 Semester                 of everyday brain function, create
of the United States, and the events
                                               is also available by day               an understanding of how we are
leading up to the American Civil                                                      all “different” neurologically, de-
War. There will be detailed discussion         of the week or by subject
                                                                                      stigmatize neurological and psychiatric
of Abraham Lincoln’s life, his ambition,       on our website. Go to                  disorders, and promote metacognition
and motivation for reentering politics         www.ncsu.edu/olli and                  (thinking about our thinking). The
in 1854. We will delve into Lincoln’s          choose “Programs.”                     instructor plans to remain on site and
complicated personal character and                                                    be available for questions after each
his important views on race, human                                                    class.
rights, and civil liberties. We will                                                  Instructor: Dr. Eric Harris: PhD;
analyze the political strategy that                                                   Neuroscience, University of Virginia;
Lincoln developed to become the
                                             Is There an Electric Vehicle             over 40 years of neuroscience
leader of the Republican Party, get                in Your Future?                    experience in academia, the
                                                                                      pharmaceutical industry, and with FDA
elected President, win the Civil War,      Why would over 400,000 people put
                                                                                      interactions related to neurological
and end slavery. Did Lincoln control       down a $1,000 refundable deposit
                                                                                      and psychiatric diseases and
events or did events control him?          on a vehicle that they hadn’t seen,
                                                                                      treatments; retired but still passionate
Instructor: Joe H. Simpson; BA in          couldn’t test drive, and wouldn’t be
                                                                                      about neuroscience and science
History, UNC-CH, 1973; avid reader and     delivered until two years later? Learn
researcher of 19th century American        the good and bad points of electric
                                                                                      Course #: LLI-1-365-001
                                           vehicles from an owner’s perspective
history for 26 years with an emphasis                                                 Six Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
                                           after driving an electric sedan for
on Abraham Lincoln’s life and the                                                     Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23
                                           12 months. What factors should
social, economic, and political events                                                Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
                                           you consider before purchasing an
leading up to the American Civil War.                                                 Fee: $55.00
                                           electric vehicle? What’s the difference
Course #: LLI-2-190-001                    between a hybrid, a plug-in hybrid,
Three Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.           and a battery electric vehicle? How         Awakening the Sage Within
Oct. 8, 15, 22                             does the driving experience differ from    This course presents a profound
Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                a gasoline-powered vehicle? What           new vision for growing older. Drawn
Fee: $40.00                                options are available for charging?        directly from Zalman Schachter-
                                           Are electric vehicles “environmentally     Shalomi’s ground-breaking book, From
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________

Age-ing to Sage-ing, and developed         changing political environment.             radiation biology at Rush University
by Sage-ing International (www.            This course will explore, debate,           Medical College; former senior
sage-ing.org), this program teaches        and discuss the intent of the original      medical director at GlaxoSmithKline,
a new way of living the second             framers of the Constitution regarding       RTP.
half of our lives, sometimes called        its provisions and examine how the          Course #: LLI-2-172-001
conscious aging. This participatory        “original intent” of those provisions       Three Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.
group-learning course will begin           have been applied over decades.             Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2
the process of awakening the sage          Discussions will focus on historical        Limit: 24 Location: Room 13
within by exploring: 1) our images of      cases in which the original terms have      Fee: $40.00
aging and the qualities of a wise elder;   been more broadly interpreted in light
2) spiritual growth -- lifelong learning   of evolving technologies, practices,                      OLLI 101
and self-examination; 3) life review --    and values. The springboard for
harvesting one’s legacy; 4) forgiveness    discussions will be based on the U.S.       We say that OLLI at NC State is
work -- letting go of pain; 5) facing      Constitution, the Federalist Papers,        member-based and member-driven.
personal mortality; and 6) sharing our     and constitutional case decisions of        The program is a unit of NC State’s
gifts of service and legacy.               the past. Your perspectives and input       McKimmon Center for Extension &
Note: Please enroll only if you are        will be welcomed throughout the             Continuing Education and part of the
willing to actively participate.           class.                                      Osher Institute network. But what does
Recommended: Conscious Living,             Instructor: Steve Schanz; JD,               all of that mean to how the program
Conscious Aging, Ron Pevny;                Pepperdine Univ. Law School, LLM,           operates? This short course is your
From Age-ing to Sage-ing, Zalman           Health Law from Loyola University-          chance to “look under the hood” of
Schachter-Shalomi.                         Chicago; has lectured and written           OLLI at NC State. OLLI staff will explain
Instructors: Don Adams; 45 years as a      extensively on health care issues, both     why we do what we do the way we
practicing child & family psychologist;    nationally and internationally; has         do it and how valuable member
has also authored and taught intimate      represented many physicians and             involvement/input is to keeping the
relationship skills workshops for          health care entities in private practice.   program current and exciting.
couples, and men’s personal growth         Course #: LLI-1-355-001                     Course #: LLI-2-192-001
retreats during the last 20 years;         Six Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.              Two Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.
certified Sage-ing Leader; OLLI             Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23             Oct. 16, 23
member.                                    Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12              Limit: 24 Location: Room 13
Stacy Grove; M. Div.; CSL-Yerusha;         Fee: $55.00                                 Fee: $0, for OLLI members only.
interfaith minister and spiritual
director who facilitates conscious                                                       The Allied Victory Over the
aging wisdom circles and sound                                                           Nazis and the Immigrants
healing programs; committed to
serving persons seeking wholeness                  Register online at                     Who Changed the World
through deep inter-spiritual                                                           Through PowerPoint, film clips, and
experiences.                                                                           information shared by a veteran
Course #: LLI-1-082-003                                                                guest speaker, you will learn about
Six Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.                                                  the extreme sacrifices made during
Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23                                                        World War II by both men and
Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                           Breathing 101                    women. You will also develop a fuller
Fee: $55.00                                                                            understanding of the contributions
                                           This course will provide an overview        made by foreign men and women
                                           of respiratory illnesses. In the first       towards the war and technology.
The Constitution – Malleable               session, we will discuss the structure      When anti-Semitic polices spread
Document or Unsusceptible                  of the lungs, how they work, and how        throughout Europe, some of the
     to Interpretation?                    their function is measured; next, we        greatest scientific minds of the 20th
                                           will focus on common lung diseases,         century immigrated to America. These
The U.S. Constitution establishes three    such as asthma and chronic bronchitis/
independent, co-equal branches of                                                      immigrants became a driving force
                                           emphysema; in the last session, the         behind the development of the atomic
government that are dependent on           topic will be non-drug treatments and
each other to properly function; their                                                 bomb and nuclear energy. Following
                                           medicines for asthma and chronic            the war, Operation Paperclip brought
scope is very broad, including, but        bronchitis/emphysema.
not limited to, the powers of taxation,                                                Germany’s most brilliant rocket
                                           Instructor: David B. Rubin, MD. Retired     scientists to the States; they played a
free speech, due process, and              internist and lung specialist; 40+ years
government searches and seizures.                                                      pivotal role in developing America’s
                                           in basic science and clinical research      missile defense and space program.
Since its signing, the terms have been     and clinical practice; was associate
confronted with evolving morals,                                                       Instructor: Josh Quackenbush; Life
                                           professor of internal medicine,             Enrichment Director, Stoneridge
new technologies, and a continually        pulmonary and critical care, and
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________
                                           Wednesday - Thursday

Independent Retirement Community;
he has conducted extensive research
                                                         Thursday                       route to inspiration. First museum
                                                                                        visits typically spawn lifelong
in the National Archives and                                                            memories. Today, museums cover a
interviewed key people involved in the         Disaster or Opportunity:                 range of subjects -- natural history,
U.S. national defense and Kennedy                                                       human history, art, science and
                                             The Next Decade of Investing
space program; he has written feature                                                   technology, children’s interests -- as
articles for World War II History            Ten years ago, the financial system         well as those delving into narrower
magazine and former Apex Herald              was near total collapse. World-wide        topics. Each has a broadening toolkit
newspaper.                                   unemployment soared. Millions lost         for the services they provide and the
Course #: LLI-1-363-001                      their homes to foreclosure. Since          external contexts to which they relate.
Six Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.               that time, new economic forces and         Increasingly, the museum sector -- and
Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23              players have led the financial world        the eclectic profession that propels it --
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12               to the longest recovery in history.        is mindful of its need to be relevant
Fee: $55.00                                  Since these forces will continue to        to the challenges and opportunities
                                             shape the economic and investment          facing humanity and environments,
                                             opportunities for the next decade or       both locally and globally. This course
   Finding the Artist Within                 more, attention should be paid. This       aims to integrate your experiences
This interactive course will explore         course will examine the investment         and outlooks, and illuminate the past
what it takes to be an artist (literary,     opportunities as the world population      and present of nature and science
visual, performing, and/or electronic        ages, national debts soar, and new         museums, with an emphasis on the
media) and help you discover                 technologies rise from the tech and        need for these institutions to be future-
your secret reserves of talent and           financial booms and busts. What             minded and meaningful resources for
creativity, allowing your natural artistic   are the implications of artificial          all in their communities.
expression to emerge. If you are an          intelligence, genetic engineering,         Instructor: Emlyn Koster; PhD,
emerging artist already or an artist         robotics, and blockchain on consumers      Geology, University of Ottawa;
wanna-be or never thought you could          and investors? A $1,000 investment         former CEO of Royal Tyrrell Museum
be one, this course will give you the        in Netflix 10 years ago would be            of Paleontology and Ontario Science
tools to unlock your creative soul. In       worth approximately $51,000 today.         Centre, Liberty Science Center in the
this course, you will: 1) Learn what         The same investment in GE would            NY-NJ region, and NC Museum of
distinguishes an artist, talent, and         be worth $490. The next decade             Natural Sciences; adjunct professor
creativity as well as what blocks it         could present some of the greatest         in MEAS Department at NC State;
and allows for it; 2) Explore practices      opportunities for wealth creation of       Ambassador for International Coalition
that can enhance your creativity and         our lifetime for those who get it right.   of Sites of Conscience; his unusual
artistic expression; 3) Determine what       For those who miss out, the next           integration of the geological and
and how you’d like to express yourself       decade could be as difficult as the         museological professions has been
as an artist; 4) Decide what the next        previous one.                              recognized through peer awards,
steps or avenues are available for you       Recommended: A list of readings can        media coverage, and conference
to take to make, market, or display          be found online under course listing.      keynote presentations.
your creative expression                     Instructor: James M.                       Course #: LLI-2-179-001
Required: a $7 materials fee to be paid      Richardson; Private Wealth                 Three Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
in cash to the instructor on the first        Advisor, Certified Financial                Oct. 10, 17, 24
day of class                                 Planner, Chartered Financial               Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
Instructor: Penney De Pas; MA, Arts          Consultant, and Accredited Portfolio       Fee: $40.00
Administration, concentrating in art         Management Advisor; Managing
history; painter, dancer, and published      Principal, Richardson Private Wealth
writer; results and productivity coach,      Advisors; veteran OLLI instructor.
                                                                                            Vulnerable Populations:
2000-2017; created and delivered             Course #: LLI-2-182-001                        Martyrs on the Altar of
“Finding the Artist Within,” “Sustaining     Three Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.                     Science
the Artist Within,” and/or “Stoking the      Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3
Creative Fires” at Pullen Arts Center,                                                  Systematic racism has been part of
                                             Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
Durham Arts Council, Visual Arts                                                        the structural framework for American
                                             Fee: $40.00
Exchange & Unity of the Triangle.                                                       history over the past 400 years. The
Course #: LLI-1-369-001                                                                 Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the “Acres
                                                  Nature and Science                    of Skin” Holmesburg Prison Human
Six Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23                  Museums: Past, Present                 Experiments, and the Jewish Chronic
                                                                                        Disease Study are examples of
Limit: 15 Location: Room 13                           and Future
Fee: $55.00                                                                             medical research abuses inflicted on
                                             The word “museum” originates               minorities. This pattern has resulted
                                             with the Muses in Greek mythology.         in an ongoing deep mistrust of
                                             It reminds us how reflection is a           medical science and research. This
FIRST TERM COURSES________________________________________
                                               Thursday - Friday

course will examine: 1) the definition         Immigration: Its History and               County EMS uses to respond to the
of “vulnerable populations;” 2) the                                                      ever-increasing and evolving demands
impact of slavery, Jim Crow, Native
                                                Recent Developments
                                                                                         of modern EMS response.
American genocide, and immigration           Immigration is a hot topic these days.      Instructor: Jeffrey Hammerstein; AAS,
restrictions; 3) horrific abuses of           We hear and read about it throughout
                                                                                         NC EMT-P, Assistant Chief, Wake
individual rights and human dignity          the media. The United States, a nation
                                                                                         County EMS; began with EMS in
in the name of furthering scientific          of immigrants, has gone through
                                             four major waves of immigration that        1985, including 18 years working
knowledge; 4) how research atrocities
                                             shaped its culture and economy. We          on an ambulance and 10 years as
resulted in a framework of legal,
ethical and regulatory protections           will examine those four waves, and          a supervisor; became Asst. Chief in
governing the conduct of safe and            the concurrent immigration laws and         January 2014.
ethical human research; and 5) the           social and economic trends. We will         Course #: LLI-2-173-001
risks and rewards of taking part in          also touch on legal issues surrounding      Two Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
research studies and clinical trials.        immigration, from its history to recent     Sept. 20, 27
Recommended: A list of readings can          developments and policies.                  Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
be found online under course listing.        Instructor: Suzana Stoffel Martins          Fee: $30.00
Instructor: Mark Long, MPA, University       Albano; LLM, Duke University;
of Georgia; worked for 38 years in           JD, Catholic University of Santos,
public health and research oversight         Brazil; attorney who has practiced                 “I love the
for the Centers for Disease Control &        immigration, family law, international
Prevention, The University of Medicine       law, and contracts in both Brazil and
& Dentistry of New Jersey, St. Jude          in the U.S.; she enjoys teaching not              stimulation
Children’s Research Hospital, and in         only legal topics, but also English, and        and friendships
                                                                                             formed through
the Department of Veteran Affairs.           sociocultural subjects.
Course #: LLI-1-359-002                      Course #: LLI-1-381-001
Six Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.        Six Sessions: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.                       OLLI.”
Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24             Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12               Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
Fee: $55.00                                  Fee: $55.00
                                                                                         Hurdy Gurdy: Instrument of
          The Surgeons:                                                                  Monks, Beggars and Royalty
         Life on the Edge                                Enroll Today!                   The hurdy gurdy is one of the longest
                                                       Classes and trips                 lived instruments in music; its history
Repairing wounds and stopping blood                                                      will be described from the 10th century
loss was practiced from prehistory,                       fill quickly.                   to today, using iconography, writings
but where did the idea of cutting                                                        and extant instruments. Images and
on people come from? This course                                                         audible examples will illustrate, along
will take a brief trip through surgical
history, starting with the chronological
                                                            Friday                       with a demonstration on a hurdy
                                                                                         gurdy by the instructor.
development of anatomy, control                                                          Instructor: John Montgomery;
of blood loss, control of pain, and                  The Wake County                     Bachelor's Degree, Lawrence
asepsis. We will then thematically                                                       University; trained violin maker at
follow the evolution of four surgical
                                                       EMS System
                                                                                         the Violin Making School of America
sub-specialties: plastic surgery,            EMS has changed dramatically in             in Salt Lake City and with William
transplant surgery, heart surgery,           scope and capability since its inception    Monical in Staten Island; has been
and brain surgery. The concluding            in the mid-1900s. What began as a           making, restoring and selling
lecture will include a few speculations      process for merely transporting the         instruments and bows since 1983;
regarding the future of surgery.             sick and injured to a hospital to receive   member of the American Federation
Instructor: Jerry Swyers; BS,                                                            of Violin and Bow Makers; VSA, as
                                             care has evolved into a system to
University of Florida; MD, University                                                    faculty at the Oberlin Violin Making
                                             bring progressive emergency medical
of Florida; specialty training in Internal                                               summer program and a violin making
Medicine, University of Florida; OB-         care directly to the patient’s side. In
                                                                                         competition judge; Thomas J. Watson
GYN, Baylor College of Medicine; OLLI        this course, we’ll take a close-up look
                                                                                         Fellow, having researched and built
member and veteran instructor                at the advanced clinical care provided      hurdy gurdies in France.
Course #: LLI-1-380-001                      by modern paramedics. We will delve         Course #: LLI-2-185-001
Six Sessions: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.               into how EMS uses research and data         Two Sessions: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24             collection to drive protocol, and we        Oct. 4, 11
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12               will get a hands-on look at some of         Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12
Fee: $55.00                                  the various vehicles and tactics Wake       Fee: $30.00
FIRST TERM LECTURES_______________________________________

                               Fall Semester Kick-Off Lecture and Open House
                                      Everyday Ecology with Dr. Rob Dunn

  NC State’s Professor of Applied Ecology Dr. Rob Dunn returns to OLLI to discuss the biodiversity
  of the world all around us, the foundation for his acclaimed book Never Home Alone. He will give
  an update on what scientific discoveries are taking place in the Dunn Lab, and the contribution of
  public science projects to further the study of our ecosystem.

  Robert Dunn; Professor, Department of Applied Ecology, NC State; biologist, writer; author of several books, including
  The Wild Life of Our Bodies, Every Living Thing, The Man Who Touched His Own Heart, and Never Out of Season; his
  popular science essays have appeared in magazines such as BBC Wildlife Magazine, Scientific American, Smithsonian
  Magazine, National Geographic; he is known for efforts to involve the public as citizen scientists in arthropod surveys
  and bacterial flora studies; has published over a hundred and fifty scientific papers, many of them about discoveries
  made in our everyday environments, from bedrooms to bathrooms and beyond. His most recent book is the critically-
  acclaimed Never Home Alone: From Microbes to Millipedes, Camel Crickets, and Honeybee, the Natural History of
  Where We Live.

                                        Wednesday, September 11 from 2:00-3:00pm
                                                   Course #: LLI-3-278-001
                           Registration: Free, and open to the public, but registration is required.
                                                Registration deadline: Sept. 6
                                                  TBD, McKimmon Center

                            Learn more about Your Member Benefits at the OLLI Open House
   From 3:15-4:30 pm, you will have the opportunity to learn more about OLLI and its membership benefits, as you stop
   by information booths and socialize with OLLI members, staff, our campus and community partners, and representa-
                 tives from OLLI’s committees and special interest groups. Refreshments will be served.

             Monday                        State University Academy of
                                           Outstanding Teachers; lecturer at the
                                                                                      Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Much of
                                                                                      Kahlo’s art has been analyzed as a
                                           original Chautauqua Institution in New     symptom of her turbulent private life,
 How Corn and Tomato Clubs                 York, as well as other Chautauqua          and not as evidence of her activism.
                                           programs.                                  To some degree, Kahlo’s paintings
   Changed Rural America
                                           Course #: LLI-3-345-001                    reflect the nationalist ideology of
Education in rural America was dismal      One Session: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.       post-revolutionary Mexico that revered
in the early 1900s. It was characterized   Oct. 21                                    indigenous culture and tradition.
by mindless devotion to the classics       Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12             However, her self-portraiture also
and rote memorization. However, the        Fee: $15.00                                undermines, complicates and resists
emergence of Boys’ Corn Clubs and          Registration Deadline: Oct. 18             these ideologies. Post-Revolutionary
Girls’ Tomato Clubs changed schooling                                                 indigenismo attempted to cauterize
for the better. We will explore why                                                   the wounds of Mexico’s violent history,
the clubs came into existence, how
                                            Re-examining Frida Kahlo’s
                                                                                      but Kahlo lets those wounds bleed.
education was enhanced, and how the         Self-Portraits in the Age of              Through her investigation of her own
clubs operated. It is somewhat fitting                the Selfie                        subjectivity, Kahlo redefines what
that the building in which we meet, the                                               it means to be mestiza and might
                                           Taking selfies is routinely regarded
McKimmon Center, was named after                                                      even encourage more contemporary
                                           as narcissistic, an act of self-
the state leader of the North Carolina                                                audiences to reassess the strategic
                                           obsession. Similarly, women who
Girls’ Tomato Clubs.                                                                  agency of the selfie.
                                           feature themselves at the center of
Instructor: Dr. Gary Moore; Professor                                                 Instructor: Corinne Andersen; Ph.D.
                                           their art, often via autobiography or
Emeritus, Agricultural and                                                            in Comparative Literature from the
                                           self-portraiture, have had their work
Extension Education, NC State                                                         University of Illinois with a Women’s
                                           reduced to solipsistic conceit by their
University; member of the NC                                                          Studies Doctoral Minor; Thesis
                                           critics. Case in point: the infamous
FIRST TERM LECTURES_______________________________________

Title: Representing the Subject: An         evolution and how we might use               Aging: Living to the Edge of
Interdisciplinary Study of Women’s          modern evolutionary approaches
Autobiography, Self-Portraiture and         to understand the origins of
                                                                                        the Frame, Even as It Narrows
Autoethography in the Twentieth             extraterrestrial life—if and when such      As we age, our abilities may decline.
Century. Professor of English at            life is found. This presentation will       However, our lives need not become
William Peace University since 2004.        give you a better understanding of          smaller. How do we continue to live
Course #: LLI-3-358-001                     evolution, and, perhaps, a greater          a full life, even as the size of our
One Session: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.               appreciation for Star Trek. It’s only       frame diminishes? This presentation
Oct. 14                                     logical.                                    will feature stories of people who are
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12              Instructor: Mohamed Noor; PhD,              doing just that and wisdom that has
Fee: $15.00                                 University of Chicago, currently            been gained through work as an elder
Registration Deadline: Oct. 11              professor of Biology at Duke                consultant. The presenter hopes to
                                            University. Research focuses on             expand, inspire and possibly re-frame
                                            the evolutionary forces and genetic         how we approach aging.
 What is America? Changing
                                            changes that cause new species to           Instructor: Liisa Ogburn; came to the
     Maps of the U.S.                       form. Teaches genetics and evolution        career of elder consulting through the
This lecture will be a quick tour of        on Coursera.                                doorway of taking care of her in-laws,
dozens of maps, showing the changing        Course #: LLI-3-348-001                     which she wrote about for the New
political landscape of the U.S. How         One Session: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.               York Times; she previously taught at
were states carved out of territories       Sept. 16                                    Duke; currently writes on elder issues
and admitted? How was land on               Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12              for WRAL and lectures widely.
the borders and overseas acquired,          Fee: $15.00                                 Course #: LLI-3-359-001
purchased, seized? Why are there            Registration Deadline: Sept. 13             One Session: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
panhandles in Florida and Oklahoma,                                                     Sept. 23
and why two Dakotas? What are the                                                       Limit: 120 Location: OLLI - TBA
                                              Reading "Eugene Onegin,"
possibilities for new future states, from                                               Fee: $15.00
territories or from dividing current
                                                Russia's Greatest Hit                   Registration Deadline: Sept. 20
states? And is Alaska really half the       Although Dostoevsky and Tolstoy are
size of the continental U.S. (as shown      arguably Russia’s best-known literary        The Origin of the Elements:
on many maps)?                              exports, most any Russian worth his
Recommended: How the States Got             or her salt will tell you that Alexander
                                                                                        Why We Are Made of Stardust
Their Shapes, Mark Stein; How to Hide       Pushkin is Russia’s greatest writer, and    In the last 70 years, science has been
an Empire: A History of the Greater         most will agree that Eugene Onegin          able to understand, in general terms,
United States, Daniel Immerwahr.            is his masterpiece. How did this come       the origin of the elements. Apart from
Instructor: Alan Wood; M.Ed., UNC-          to be? What explains the special            hydrogen and helium, the elements
Charlotte, B.A. Geography, UNC-             place this fragmentary novel in verse       have been created in stars; the dust
Chapel Hill; OLLI member.                   holds in the hearts and imaginations        from these stars is the raw material for
Course #: LLI-3-360-001                     of Russians and why is it said to be        newer stars and planets like the Sun
One Session: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.               untranslatable? In spite of this putative   and the Earth. While important details
Oct. 21                                     untranslatability, how has the Onegin       remain, the story of nucleosynthesis
Limit: 58 Location: Room 11/12              form traveled the world to inspire          represents one of the greatest
Fee: $15.00                                 other great works, most notably             scientific discoveries of all time. This
Registration Deadline: Oct. 17              Vikram Seth’s The Golden Gate? We’ll        discussion will provide you with a
                                            explore these and other questions           basic background of the physics and
                                            referencing the translation by Falen.       astrophysics underlying this discovery,
   Learning Evolutionary
                                            Instructor: Clark Troy; PhD, CFP®           and will mention some of the current
Concepts Through "Star Trek"                earned his PhD in Russian Literature        theories and observations that are
Have you ever wondered why most             from Columbia University, after             attempting to solve the remaining
alien life depicted on Star Trek            majoring in Russian at Yale. He taught      mysteries hidden in the details of
strongly resembles us earthlings?           Russian at both Columbia and Drew           elemental abundances.
This presentation will explore              Universities before transitioning to a      Recommended: Astrophysics for
the possibility of humanoid                 career in finance.                           People In a Hurry, Neil deGrasse Tyson
or other forms of life on other             Course #: LLI-3-341-001                     Instructor: Professor Don Ellison;
planets. Drawing on relevant                One Session: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.               PhD, The Catholic University of
scenes from the series, Dr. Noor will       Sept. 16                                    America; NC State University faculty
present evidence for the existence          Limit: 24 Location: Room 13                 member since 1987; has taught and
of a common ancestor for life on            Fee: $15.00                                 done research on the theory of cosmic
Earth and will clarify misconceptions       Registration Deadline: Sept. 13             rays, particle acceleration in high-
about evolutionary biology.                                                             energy astrophysics, and the modeling
He will discuss the science of                                                          of supernova remnants; recent work
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