Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

Page created by Manuel Graves
Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight
Help us…
to do more for
your world
Trustee Recruitment Pack

Spring 2022
Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight
Welcome and
Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

Thank you for your interest in the role of trustee of Pilotlight.
This an exciting opportunity to join our dynamic and
ambitious charity.
Our work is all about professional skills and we want the
best skills on our Board, including the diversity of
background and experience that ensures that we are
equipped to make a difference. This is where you come in.
We are looking for up to three trustees to add in, ideally
with skills and experience (not necessarily as a trustee
before, we do encourage young people to apply) including:
•            Financial management
•            Technology and digital
•            Business development
We warmly welcome candidates from under-represented
or minoritised groups in line with our commitment to build                                        Sally Bailey, Chair of Trustees
diversity, equity and inclusion throughout our work.

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Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

Overview – summary of the role
•            Position – Charity Trustee & Company Director
•            Activity – Around six Trustee meetings and
             participation in relevant sub-committees
•            Location – meetings are online or in person, typically in
             London (we welcome applications from all areas of
             the country)
•            Salary – none, reasonable expenses met
•            Time – up to two days per month

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Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

So why join us?
Amplifying your impact
•            We put our people and our partners at the heart of
             everything we do
•            Fuelled by hope and the joy of making a difference,
             we are thriving
•            Giving your time and skills to us means giving your
             time and skills to multiple small charities who benefit
             from us succeeding
•            Because we are tenacious and ambitious for what we
             do, we learn and we support each other, with a
             welcoming and inclusive work culture.
•            Being a trustee is fulfilling
•            Becoming a trustee at Pilotlight is a unique way to
             amplify your impact on the world.

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Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight
Information on
Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

We partner with business and                                                         Since 1996 we’ve developed partnerships with over 180 of
                                                                                     the UK’s top businesses including Barclays, Ipsos Mori,

charities                                                                            Lendlease, Morgan Stanley and Virgin Media.

Pilotlight is a charity that amplifies the impact business can
bring to the world. We create experiential programmes
that develop employees and employer brand, and give
charities the expertise they need to thrive.

We do this by:
•            Matching people with charities where their
             capabilities and people can have an impact
•            Managing the relationship with credible charities who
             will benefit from their help
•            Giving people an outlet to learn and develop their
             skills.                                                                 “This has probably been the most enriching experience of my
                                                                                     career so far.”
                                                                                                      Travis Ritz, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley

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Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

Impact is our bottom line
As a registered charity, measuring our impact and
evaluating the effectiveness of our programmes is hard-
wired into everything we do.

We publish annual impact data that is independently
audited, as well as bespoke reports for our corporate

On average, two years after working with Pilotlight our
Partner Charities report a 27% increase in income and a
30% increase in reach – the number of beneficiaries they

“Even if someone offered me a blank cheque I’d still go for my
team of Pilotlighters.”

Celine Sinclar, CEO, Pilotlight Partner Charity The Yard

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Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

Our values
This is what we hold to
We bring people together
We bring people together to apply and amplify their skills for
the good of others

We believe in potential
We believe in the potential of people and the power of
charitable action

We expect the best
To make a real difference, we expect the best of ourselves
and of those we work with

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Help us to do more for your world - Trustee Recruitment Pack Spring 2022 - Pilotlight

Our Team

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About the role –
and you

Role Profile
Trustees play a vital role in the work of Pilotlight, sharing skills                  •        Supporting reflective learning, including ensuring that
as a Director, acting as a champion for our work and operating                                 Pilotlight defines its goals and evaluates its
in line with charity law.                                                                      performance at all levels
                                                                                      •        Ensuring the effective and efficient administration of
We ask trustees to play an active part in forming a Board to
                                                                                               the organisation, through:
govern, but not manage, the charity and to delegate, but not
abdicate, its duties under law – by:                                                           •       the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal
                                                                                                       and remuneration of the Chief Executive
•            Enabling Pilotlight to pursue its charitable objects, as
             defined in its governing document, in an effective way                            •       oversight of appropriate policies and procedures
             by developing and agreeing a long-term strategy and                                       for the operation of the charity
             the organisational capabilities to advance this
                                                                                               •       appropriate financial governance (including
•            Ensuring that the organisation complies with its                                          ensuring the proper investment of charity funds)
             governing document, charity law, company law and                                          to ensure the financial stability and risk
             any other relevant legislation or regulations and that                                    management of the charity
             the charity applies its resources exclusively in
                                                                                               •       working as a guardian and champion of the
             pursuance of its charitable objects for public benefit
                                                                                                       values of the charity and the Nolan seven
•            Safeguarding the good name and values of the                                              principles of public life.

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The small print
Shared expectations
In fulfilling these duties, each trustee is expected to use                   The term for trustees is a three year appointment, subject
their specific personal and professional skills and                           to ongoing participation (trustees may not miss two Board
experience to help the board of trustees and its sub-                         meetings in a row). This term is potentially renewable for a
committees to reach sound decisions. This may involve:                        second three year period, but after this there will be a
scrutinising board papers; leading discussion; focusing on                    break of at least one year in service before further Pilotlight
key issues; providing challenge, advice and guidance;                         appointments can be considered.
engaging on other issues on which the trustee has special
Alongside these more traditional duties for a charity
trustee, a Pilotlight trustee is expected to be a champion for
the organisation, including becoming an active Pilotlighter                      For information on the role of trustees under charity law, see
and promoting the services of the charity. Where trustees
play these roles as a champion, they operate proactively               
but under the guidance of the Chief Executive, rather than                       what-you-need-to-know-cc3/the-essential-trustee-what-you-need-to-
directing the resources of the staff team on these

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Essential criteria
Knowledge and experience                                                                     Key skills
•            Lived experience of or empathy for the needs of                                 •         Enthusiasm and commitment to champion the work
             people living in poverty                                                                  and mission of Pilotlight and to act in line with its values
                                                                                                       - connecting, unlocking and demanding
•            Experience of undertaking a leadership or emerging
             leadership level role within business and / or the                              •         A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort
             voluntary and community sector                                                            to be a great trustee
•            Experience of, or appetite for helping organisations to                         •         An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties,
             develop                                                                                   responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
•            Passionate about developing and motivating high                                 •         An effective team player, able to work collaboratively,
             performing teams                                                                          with tact and integrity
•            Self-aware with emotional intelligence, creativity,                             •         Independent judgement, able to listen, to think
             drive, resilience and integrity.                                                          strategically, to find creative solutions and willing to
                                                                                                       speak your mind or challenge where needed
                                                                                             •         Commitment to act in line with the Nolan principles of
                                                                                                       public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity,
                                                                                                       accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

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Desirable criteria
Knowledge, experience and skills
•            We are looking for skills that will add to the rich mix of
             our current Board competences, in particular such as:
             •    Financial management and charity accounting
             •    Digital skills and understanding of new
                  technology as it could relate to or shape our
                  future context
             •    Business development in social enterprise
             •    Social impact in a business setting
             •    Expertise in the market for learning and

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A simple way
to apply

How to apply
Send in your CV and a short letter on how you fit the role
and why you are applying, using the following link:

By 5pm, Thursday 21 April 2022.

We will invite a shortlist of people to interview online on
Wednesday 4 or Thursday 5 May. There may be a second-
stage follow up meeting if needed.

Successful candidates will be invited to join the Board
meeting on the afternoon of 23 June 2022 as an observer.
The first Board meeting in role is on the afternoon of 6
September 2022.

Thank you for your interest!

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We bring together businesses,
charities and skilled individuals.
As a result we amplify the good
work that’s done in the world.

Join us!
Ed Mayo
Chief Executive
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