Hello - Oliver Thomas Nursery School

Hello - Oliver Thomas Nursery School
and welcome
Where here to help…
and look forward to working in
partnership with you.

      Spring 2021                 Oliver Thomas Newsletter

  At a glance…                    Welcome to our new children and
                                  their families.
• Parent Conference Day
• Attendance Matters               It’s been a fantastic start to the gradual lifting of lockdown and
                                   we have a very joyful nursery! The children are all settling in well
• Outside Play
                                   and are enjoying the freedom of being in school and seeing their
• Inclusive Setting                friends.
• School Term Dates
• Guidance for Managing C19        Key staff are always happy to talk to you about your child. In the
                                   first instance speak to your child’s key person or their room lead.

                                   If further support is needed do ask to speak to us, as Co-
                                   Headteachers or our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator,
Do look at our website for some
                                   Kirstie McAra.
great things to do together.
There are online stories at a      We can always arrange for a longer meeting to take place by
click of a button and songs and    telephone or by Zoom and Parent Conferences will take place on
rhymes to join in with:            1st April 2021
                                   Nicola Hayden and Lorna Prynne
Hello - Oliver Thomas Nursery School
At the heart of our
                                                                                            is a place to be
                                                                                            and Unique

                                                                      We are a Nut Free school - there are children with
                                                                                      severe allergies.
                                                                      Help us keep everyone safe by not bringing nuts or
                                                                              nut products onto school grounds.
                                                                                         Thank you.

Parent Conferences:                                                 Outside Play
Nursery will be closed for Parent Conferences                       Please dress your child to match the weather: warm
on Thursday 1st April                                               coats, hats and gloves for the cold weather and
Your child’s key person will contact you to                         raincoats and wellington boots for the rainy days.
arrange a telephone / zoom consultation for this                    We have a beautiful, newly designed garden and will
day.                                                                be spending much of our time outside in all weather.
                                                                    We know spending time outdoors really supports
Attendance Matters                                                  children’s well-being and education. Our nature area
Do ensure that your child benefits from                             provides rich learning opportunities for all of our
attending school every day. Evidence shows that                     children.
children who come to nursery everyday learn

Inclusive Setting
We are an inclusive setting working with
children at all stages of development. We
always focus on children’s achievements and
move children forward in their learning from
their own unique starting points.

Oliver Thomas Nursery School and Children’s Centre | Mathews Avenue East Ham London E6 6BU | www.oliverthomas.org.uk | 0208 552 1177
Hello - Oliver Thomas Nursery School
Parents Guidance for Managing COVID-19
  Only these three symptoms, singly or together, trigger
  actions to manage COVID-19.
  A possible or probable case of COVID-19 has one or more of these THREE symptoms:
  A high temperature – feeling very hot to touch on back or chest
  A new, continuous cough (3 episodes of coughing in 24 hours or one hour of coughing)
  A loss or change to sense of smell or taste

  A slight temperature (they are a bit hot)
  A bit of a cough
  Feeling under the weather
  Runny nose
  A sore throat

  If your child has Covid-19 symptoms:
      • Parents must call 119 or go online and book a coronavirus test if advised.
      • Do not go into school – please contact school and inform us of the situation and the advice
          received from 119.
      • Any siblings should also remain at home until test outcome is confirmed.
      • Children must remain at home until test outcome is confirmed.
      • If the outcome is negative the child should return to school, contact the school with the
          outcome of the test ASAP

  If anyone else in your household has COVID-19 symptoms:
      • Call 119 (or go online) and book a coronavirus test for the symptomatic person as soon as
      • Do not send children to school – keep them at home
      • Contact the school and inform them of the situation and the advice received from 119
      • If the outcome of the test is positive, the person who tests positive must self-isolate for 10
         days and everybody else in the household must self-isolate for 14 days
      • If the outcome is negative the child should return to school ASAP

  If at any point you are unsure what to do please: Call 119 for further advice
  Call the school and inform us of the situation.

Oliver Thomas Nursery School and Children’s Centre | Mathews Avenue East Ham London E6 6BU | www.oliverthomas.org.uk | 0208 552 1177
Oliver Thomas 2020/21 Term Dates

 Spring term Part 2                            Monday 22nd February 2021 – Thursday 1st April 2021

 School Closure
 Parent conferences                            Thursday 1st April 2021

 Spring Break                                  Friday 2nd April 2021 – Friday 16th April 2021
                                               The Easter religious festival falls within the spring break

 Summer Term Part 1                            Monday 19th April 2021 – Friday 28th May 2021

 May Day Bank Holiday                          Monday 3rd May 2021

 Religious Festival
 Eid-ul-Fitr                                   Wednesday 12th May 2021

 School Closure INSET Day                      Thursday 13th May 2021

 Summer Half Term Break                        Monday 31st May 2021 – Friday 4th June 2021

 Summer Term part 2                            Monday 7th June 2021 – Wednesday 21st July 2021

 Summer Holiday                                Thursday 22nd July 2021 – Friday 3rd September 2021

                                                                          For a healthy lifestyle choice: walk to school!

                                                                          We would like you to encourage your child to
                                                                          walk to school now the weather is better. Put
                                                                          the buggy away, enjoy the fresh air and get
                                                                          your bodies moving!

Oliver Thomas Nursery School and Children’s Centre | Mathews Avenue East Ham London E6 6BU | www.oliverthomas.org.uk | 0208 552 1177
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