Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

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Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Copyright © 2022 by American Scientific Publishers                                                         Journal of Nanofluids
                 All rights reserved.                                                                                    Vol. 11, pp. 629–645, 2022
                 Printed in the United States of America                                                                   (www.aspbs.com/jon)

Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting
Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically
Stretched Magnetized Surface
Golbert Aloliga1, ∗ , Yakubu Ibrahim Seini2 , and Rabiu Musah2
  Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, CK. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Navrongo, 00233, Upper
East Region, Ghana
  School of Engineering, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Nyankpala Campus, 00233, Northern Region, Ghana

An extensive investigation into heat transfer through Casson fluid on a stretched magnetized surface with pres-
ence of chemical reactants has been conducted. The magnetic strength influence at the plate surface and
within the body of the fluid has been analysed as well as effects of radiation and convection fields are consid-
ered. The methods of similarity analysis have been used to transform the multivariable dependent equations
modelling the flow to a single variable dependent equation. The emerged dimensionless parameters describ-
ing the flow have been presented numerically. The effects of magnetization of the surface along with the bulk
fluid are presented in tables and graphs. It is evident that magnetizing the surface enhances the temperature

distribution near the surface. Similar results can be seen with the coefficient of wall resistance, and the mass
and transfer rate on the magnitised plate. From the study, it is recommended that surface magnetization can
influence flow kinematics involving Casson fluids for efficient control.
                                  IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
KEYWORDS: Casson Fluids, Non-Newtonian          American
                                            Fluids,         Scientific
                                                    Magnitised Surface,Publishers
                                                                        Thermal Diffusion, Control Parameters.
                                               Delivered by Ingenta

1. INTRODUCTION                                                                   a single constitutive relation to represent its rheological
The advances in science and technology have led                                   properties. Several researchers explored this model under
researchers to explore various ways by which heat can                             varied rheological conditions. Many engineering processes
be transferred during the colling of industrial products to                       take place with high temperature and radiative conditions
achieve desired characteristics. Heat transfer innvolving                         and are important in the design of pertinent equipment.4
non-Newtonian fluids have numerous industrial applica-                               Under steady conditions, flow on sliding surfaces with
tions and play essential roles in modern industry prac-                           transverse magnetic field significantly affects the heat
tice. Industrial fluids serve as media through which heat                         transfer rates5 with thermal radiation contributing to low-
transport occur. For some technological applications such                         ering the viscosity of fluids.6 7 In exploring for sub-ground
as cooling processes of micro-ships or heating, solar                             water reservoirs in agriculture,8 convective flow of non-
energy recovery, open-flow switching, simulating reser-                           Newtonian fluids often important. Different approaches are
voirs and nuclear reactors, among others. Non-Newtonian                           used in the analysis of non-Newtonian fluids. The similar-
fluids such as honey, blood, grease and oil are classified                        ity analysis approach has been widely used in investigating
as Jeffrey fluids, Maxwell fluids, 2nd and 3rd grade fluids,                      the flow of Casson fluids over vertical porous surfaces.9 A
Casson fluids and viscoelastic fluids.1 2                                        time varying heat transfer of Caason fluid on moving sur-
   Casson fluids belong to a class of special type of non-                        faces in parallel free streams have been analysed with the
Newtonian fluids defined by Makinde and Mhoneb3 as a                              use of the homotopy analysis method.10 Industrial applica-
liquid with shear-thinning at zero rate of shear with yield                       tions involving wire drawing and fiber coating uses thin-
stress. Seddeek4 noted that the thinning and the thickening                       film stretching which require regulated cooling to ensure
of a is largely determined by its viscosity. The nonlinear-                       the quality of the penultimate product.11–13
ity and the complex nature of Casson fluids do not allow                             A liquid hydromagnetic Casson fluid with transient con-
                                                                                  ductivity and radiation has been reported by El-Aziz and
                                                                                  Afify.14 Other studies15–17 explored the transport behav-
        Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
        Email: aloligagolbert@gmail.com                                           ior of different fluids with non-Newtonian characteris-
        Received: 30 September 2021                                               tics in process industries which underscore the existence
        Accepted: 21 October 2021                                                 and uniqueness of the solution under varying parameters.

J. Nanofluids 2022, Vol. 11, No. 5                         2169-432X/2022/11/629/017         doi:10.1166/jon.2022.1877                       629
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface             Aloliga et al.

                                                                             field and convective heating. They concluded that the Cas-
                                                                             son fluid reduces to a Newtotian fluid with large enough
                                                                             values of the Casson parameter and there obeys the New-
                                                                             tons law of viscosity.
                                                                                In a related study, Akolade et al.45 discussed the two dif-
                                                                             fusive effects in different geometries. In their pinoneering
                                                                             works, Aloliga et al.46 analysed the effects of magnetized
                                                                             surfaces on flow kinematics and obtained interesting
                                                                             results on the flow of Casson fluids on magnetized plane
                                                                             surfaces. Dogonchi et al.47 outlined the impact of nanopar-
                                                                             ticles in cavities of an inclined magnetic plates and con-
          Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the flow.                   cluded that, the magnetic field strength diretly controls the
                                                                             heat generation. Ismael et al.48 analised the entropy trans-
                                                                             fer with saturated nanoparticles in permeable medium.
          Jawad et al.18 outlined the relevance of Casson fluids in          Seini et al.49 analysed the flow dynamics Casson fluids
          pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industries.                  on exponentially stretching porous surfaces and concluded
             The applications of Casson fluids with hybrid nano-             that the quality of engineering products depended largely
          size particles in science and engineering has been widely          on the rate of cooling. Mohammad et al.50 studied nanoflu-
          reported, Refs. [19–21]. Rawi et al.22 observed that the           ids surrounded by squared hollow spaces with convection
          temperature profiles in Casson fluid were enhanced due             whilst Salva and Chamkha51 presented results of laminar
          to increases in fluid volume. Some researchers23–25 have           flow with convection and entropy generation of nanoflu-
          reported both empirical and theoretical results for Casson         ids and concluded that nanoparticles slow down fluids in

          fluids with nano-size particles as it has great relevance          motion.
          in industry. In conjunction with these exemplified appli-             Chamkha and Abdul-Rahim52 investigated the linear
          cations, literature is still abound with the analysis of the       stratified stagnation point flows with an applied external
          dynamics of fluid organization in science and engineering          magnetic field with heat generation and absorption. The
          fields.26–30 Ram-Reddy and NaveenIP:     31 On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                       analysed the convec-  simulation   of fluid dynamic characteristics and heat dis-
                                                        Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
          tive non-Newtonian fluids with magnetic effects. Delivered bytribution
                                                                              Ingenta of various shapes has been reported by Menni
             In thermal science and welding processes, heat injec-           et al.53 with Ramesh et al.54 discussing the heat trans-
          tors and sinks32–34 are included in the process architec-          fer of aluminum alloy and magnetite graphene oxide of
          ture to address the thermo-diffusion and diffusion-thermo          porous cylindrical sheet with heat supply or sink. Sahin
          phenomena in a semi-infinite permeable channel whose               et al.55 presented a 3-D model of chemically reactive fluids
          walls were contracting or expanding, with heat source/sink         along two parallel surfaces in a channel with transverse
          effects. The transient flow of Casson fluids in chemically         magnetic effects. Sahin et al.56 further obtained analyti-
          reactive media on surfaces with magnetic effects under             cal solutions for a convective flow of MHD in a chem-
          convective boundary conditions has been reported.35                ically reactive fluid of the mixed kind over a vertically
             Some researchers36–38 theoretically and numerically             infinite porous surface. Joaquín et al.57 applied an explicit
          explored heat and mass transport phenomena in various              finite difference method to explain the steady-state numer-
          media. Hybrid nanofluids greatly impacts on the heat abil-         ical solutions for the velocity field. Krishna et al.58–59
          ity of the fluid to transport heat from the surface, Ali.          extensively discussed the heat transfer effects with radi-
          The combination of different nano-size particles signifi-          ation taking into account the hall current in fluids of
          cantly enhances the heat transfer coefficient. The process         non-Newtonian behavior through porous media. Similar
          cycle is better controlled when the amount of heat is varied       studies by Chamkha et al.60 determined the radiation and
                                                           40            41
          in the fluid as the sheet is being stretched. Abbas et al.         shape factor effects of nano-size particles in natural con-
          extended the model presented by Yamada–Ota and Xue                 vective flow. The effects of micropolar fluids on infinitely
          to include micropolar fluid towards the stagnation point.          vertical porous plates with inclined magnetic field has
          Muhammad et al.42 used similarity analysis approach to             been discussed.61 Dogonchi et al.62 examined the impact
          examine the impact of heat transfer during a chemical              of various parameters on the flow current with mecha-
          reaction process. They obtained solutions of dual nature           nisms of heat transfer in nanofluids through parallel disks
          due to the rheological impact of hydromagnetic Casson              in the process of during suction or blowing with mag-
          fluid. The Keller-box method as adopted43 to study the             netism. Dogonchia et al.63 investigated the role of Brown-
          thin-film characteristics of flow. The diminishing effects         ian motion in a thermally conductive nanofluid in porous
          for temperature fields were detected except for the volume         media whilst Dogonchi et al.64 analysed the entropy gen-
          fraction nanoparticles. Timothy et al. investigated vari-          eration in Fe3 O4 -water nanoliquid in a porous enclosure
          ous parameter effects on Casson nanofluids with magnetic           surrounded by two squared cylinders. Govindarajan et al.65

          630                                                                                                     J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Aloliga et al.                    Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

Table I. Values of f  0 and − 0 compared to previous published results for varying Pr.

                                                                                                             Present work                       Present work

                        Seini et al.   49
                                                              Sharmila and Kaleeswari  8
                                                                                                            Ms = 0, Mb > 0                      Ms , Mb > 0
Pr                f 0                 − 0               f 0              − 0                f 0             − 0            f 0           − 0

0.72         0.6238107             0.8077915            0.6238107              0.8077915            0.6238107         0.8077915          0.59233        0.756791
1            0.6554146             0.9547582            0.6554146              0.9547582            0.6554146         0.9547582          0.63528        0.854768
4            0.7448565             1.3464869            0.7448565              1.3464869            0.7448565         1.3464869          0.68494        0.946412
5            0.7610054             1.3515818            0.7610054              1.3515818            0.7610054         1.3515818          0.70101        0.951582

Notes: See Salva and Chamkha51 for Ms = Mb condition.

Table II.    Coefficient of skin friction [f  (0)], Nusselt [− (0)] and Sherwood numbers [− 0] for various values of controlling parameters when
Ms = 0.

Pr                     Ec       Ra             n                 Sc    fw       Gr          Gm      Mb        Q           f  0     − 0         − 0

0.72        1             1      0.1            1      0.7         0.8   0.1       1           1       1
                                                                                                      0 645385  0.1                     −1 214199       0 115461
0.74                                                                                                  0 646128                          −1 244304       0 114956
0.76                                                                                                  0 646883                          −1 274313       0 114478
            2.0                                                                                       0 993078                          −1 968827      −1 861661
            4.0                                                                                       2 971807                          −9 279889     −19 00840
                        2.0                                                                           0 782053                          −2 177870       0 178309
                        4.0                                                                           1 331489                          −7 878106       0 334443
                                 0.3                                                                  0 658108                          −1 684910       0 109848

                                 0.6                                                                  0 723989                          −4 374277       0 103435
                                                3.0                                                   0 102674                          −0 012085       0 513018
                                                4.0                                                  −0 04405                           −0 167469       0 653373
                                                        0.8                                           0 678597                          −1 198673       0 114348
                                               On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17 0 707781                           −1 186332       0 113178
                                                               0.9   American Scientific Publishers   0 631239                          −1 184346       0 125944
                                                               1.0 Delivered by Ingenta               0 619318                           1 159905      −0 134893
                                                                      0.2                             0 645385                          −1 214199       0 115461
                                                                      0.3                             0 645385                          −1 214199       0 115461
                                                                            2.0                       1 385187                          −2 807578       0 314724
                                                                            3.0                       2 736934                          −7 481800       0 516677
                                                                                    2.0               0 927423                          −1 592533       0 179520
                                                                                    3.0               1 188084                           0 228102      −1 992608
                                                                                          2.0         1 783630                          −6 665921       0 403644
                                                                                          3.0         2 551194                         −11 86510        0 512212
                                                                                                 0.6  0 814691                          −2 509954       0 182272
                                                                                                 0.8  0 914405                          −3 309556       0 215139

theoretically investigated the consequence of the move-                                    analised the flow of Oldroyd-B-type liquid in a Cattaneo–
ment of mass with the chemical transmission on MHD                                         Christov model with heat flux and variable thickness.
natural convective glide of dissipative and radiative liquid                               Hazarika et al.71 reported that, heat generation and Soret
through the endless perpendicular plate. Krishna et al.66                                  number for Cu, Ag and Fe3 O4 played a significant role
observed that the magnetic field and the angle of inclina-                                 in thermophoresis and viscous dissipation of nanoflu-
tion retards the circulation velocity. Seyyed et al.67 exam-                               ids. Dogonchi et al.72 investigated the effects of thermo-
ined the characteristics of entropy generation for natural                                 physical factors and shape of the cavity in a study on
convection flow of nanofluids in a wavy-hexagonal perme-                                   entropy generation of nano liquids in a crown cavities.
able enclosure. Silpi and Sahin68 illustrated the influence                                Takhar et al.73 examined a rotating fluid on a moving
of micropolar fluids on solid sphere surrounded by porous                                  surface within a magnetic field whilst Mohamad et al.74
media.                                                                                     studied the natural convection flow of CuO-water based
   Krishna et al.69 employed the perturbation methods to                                   nanofluid in a wavy cavity of rectangukar shape in porous
investigate the impact of various parameters on a tran-                                    media whilst Modather et al.75 analytically examined the
sient double-diffusive natural convective rotating micro-                                  micropolar fluid flowing over a vertical porous surface.
polar fluid over a vertically directed semi-infinite plate                                    Takhar et al.76 discussed a 3-D boundary layer problem
acted on by a uniformly distributed normal magnetic                                        of an impulsively moving stretching surface. Takhar et al.77
field with convective boundary conditions. Venkata et al.70                                then examined the flow along a vertically moving cylinder.

J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022                                                                                                                               631
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface                              Aloliga et al.

          Table III. Skin friction coefficient [f  (0)], Nusselt [− (0)] and Sherwood numbers [− 0] for various values of control parameters.

          Pr               Ec      Ra       N                 Sc    Fw       Gr      Gm       Mb       Ms       Q         f  0      − 0           − 0

          0.72      1        1      0.1       1      0.7        0.8   0.1      1        1        1       0.1     0.1      0 751515      −1 23269          0 078503
          0.74                                                                                                            0 752317      −1 26334          0 077978
          0.76                                                                                                            0 753132      −1 29390          0 077481
                   1.5                                                                                                    0 869484      −1 48167          0 584334
                   2.0                                                                                                    1 129744      −2 12077          1 999420
                            2.0                                                                                           0 8936270     −2 33160          0 146137
                            3.5                                                                                           1 272399      −6 20475          0 266423
                                    0.3                                                                                   0 765090      −1 71321          0 072679
                                    0.6                                                                                   0 834688      −4 49475          0 066273
                                             3.0                                                                          0 214998       0 058388         0 461586
                                             4.0                                                                          0 074432       0 254214         0 597063
                                                     0.8                                                                  0 788863      −1 21881          0 078590
                                                     0.9                                                                  0 821606      −1 20781          0 078412
                                                                0.9                                                       0 737120      −1 19935          0 084897
                                                                1.0                                                       0 724996      −1 17202          0 089867
                                                                      0.2                                                 0 751515      −1 23269          0 078503
                                                                      0.3                                                 0 751515      −1 23269          0 078503
                                                                               2.0                                        1 515884      −2 99184          0 291902
                                                                               2.5                                        2 1013810     −4 85187          0 395607
                                                                                       2.0                                1 041894      −1 65474          0 148234
                                                                                       3.0                                1 3088610     −2 09472          0 200205
                                                                                                1.5                       1 250192      −3 30624          0 247477
                                                                                                 2                        1 897331      −6 83761          0 381914

                                                                                                         0.4              1 063408      −1 47478         −0 03530
                                                                                                         0.5              1 165721      −1 62096         −0 07368
                                                                                                                 0.6      0 929755      −2 59613          0 152122
                                                                                                                 0.8      1 035268      −3 44444          0 188019
                                            IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                             78                Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                            on con- bymoving
          Chamkha et al. investigated the radiation effectsDelivered   Ingentasurface in nanofluids exposed to a uniformly act-
          vective flow over vertical surface. Najiyah et al.79 rob-   ing transverse magnetic field. Krishna et al.81 highlighted
          tained numerical solutions for Cu–Al2 O3 -water nanofluids  the impact of radiation on hybrid Casson nanofluid over an
          inside two parrale plates and Krishna et al.80 computa-     accelerated vertically moving porous surface with surface
          tionally explored the flow dynamics across a vertically

          Fig. 2. Velocity profile for varying values of Mb .                           Fig. 3. Velocity profile for varying values of Ms .

          632                                                                                                               J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Aloliga et al.                Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

Fig. 4.   Velocity profile for varying values of .
                                                                           Fig. 6.   Velocity profile for varying values of Pr.

                                             IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                          Delivered by Ingenta

                                                                           Fig. 7.   Velocity profile for varying values of n.
Fig. 5.   Velocity profile for varying values of Ra.

slip. Tayebi et al.82 analysed the dynamics of Al2 O3 –H2 O                species and radiation is available. The bulk and surface
nanofluid surrounded by two cylindrical pipes with mag-                    magnetizations in radiation has significant impact on the
netic effects. Abderrahim et al.83 gave further views to the               growth and development of the boundary layer. To address
thermodynamic irreversibilities in dissipative flow over a                 this problem, a steady incompressible flow of Casson flu-
porous horizontal surface along with joule heating.                        ids with surface magnetization is explored. A similarity
   From the above detailed literature presented, very lim-                 transformation approach and a shooting techniques are
ited information about Casson fluids flowing over mag-                     implemented to obtained numerial and graphical solutions
netized stretching surfaces exposed to chemically reactive                 to the problem.

J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022                                                                                                        633
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface                Aloliga et al.

          Fig. 8. Velocity profile for varying values of Gr.
                                                                                  Fig. 10. Velocity profile for varying values of Gm.

                                                     IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                        Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                                  Delivered by Ingenta

          Fig. 9. Velocity profile for varying values of .

          A 2-D steady flow of electrically conductive Casson fluid
          on a magnetized surface with a variable magnetic field
          B x = B0 x axn applied normaly to the stretching sur-               Fig. 11. Velocity profile for varying values of Sc.
          face is considered. (see Fig. 1). Assuming the origin is
          fixed and subjected to opposing equal forces acting verti-
          cally so as to cause stretching of the surface.
             Further assume the surface to be stretched with veloc-                  Taking the components of velocity in the x- and y-axes
          ity uw x = axn , with a and n represent some constants.               to respectively be u and v, with T representing fluid tem-
          Neglecting the magnetic field induced as compared to the                perature whilst and C represent the species concentration.
          magnetic field applied and also assume a negligible vis-                The governing models of the flow can be obtained similar
          cous dissipation.                                                       to that of Ismael et al.48 under Boussinesq approximations

          634                                                                                                        J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Aloliga et al.                  Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

and boundary-layer assumptions become as (1)–(4).                                local Grashof and the modified Grashof numbers respec-
                                                                                 tively represented by Gr = Lgt To ex/2L /u20 e2x/L  and
                                u   v                                            Gm = Lgt Co ex/2L /e2x/L u20 ,  = /axn−1  is the
                                  +   =0                                   (1)
                                x   y                                            reaction rate parameter, Pr = / represents the Prandtl
                                                                                 number, Ra = 4 ∗ T  3
                                                                                                         /K  represents a parameter for
                                      2                                        thermal radiation, Ec = a2 x n /cp is the Eckert num-
        u   u                       1     u
       u +v   =                 1+         + gt T − T                       ber, Q = T / caxn−1  is heat source dimensionless
        x   y                          y2
                                                                                 parameter, Mb =  B 2 axn+1 /T0  is the magnetization at
                                                    B02                          the plate and Sc = /D is the Schmidt number.
                        + gC C − C  +                  u               (2)
                                                                                    The convective boundary conditions are;
                                                                                    When y = 0,  = 0 v = 0 C = Cw and T = Tw .
                                                        2                       Thus,
     T    T                 2
                             T               1        u              qr
   u   +v   =                  +           1+                   −
     x    y                 y 2 cp                    y            k y            f  0 = 1 − Ms        f 0 = 0       0 = 1
                    T              B02 u2                                                0 = 1      as  = 0
                    +  T − T  +                                         (3)
                                                                                   f  → 0              → 0          → 0      as  → 
              C    C          C                                                                                                                 (11)
            u   +v   =D           −  C − C                             (4)
              x    y         y2
                                                                                 where Ms =  B̄02 /a /L is the magnetic field at the
The conditions existing at the boundary are taken as;
         u = uw = U0 B axn           V = 0     T = TW 

            C = CW as y = 0                                                     4. NUMERICAL PROCEDURE
                                                              Equations (8)–(10) are the coupled ordinary differential
         u → 0    T → T            C → C       as y →                 (5)
                                                              equations whilst Eq. (11) is the corresponding boundary
                                    IP: On: Fri, 30  Dec 2022These      coupled ODEs are observed to be of
3. SIMILARITY ANALYSIS                 Copyright:   American Scientific
                                                              third      Publishers
                                                                    higher   order and therefore difficult to solved directly.
                                                  Delivered byTo
                                                                  obtain   a simplified  solution, we employ the order of
√              the stream function defined as  =
                                                              reduction   techniques  by  letting;
 avx f  and a dimensionless variable,  =
y ax /v and noting that the velocity components                 f = x1  f  = x2  f  = x3  f  = x4   = x5 
relate to the stream function as usual in the form;
                                                                   = x6   = x7   = x8                         (12)
              u=            and v =                    (6)
                     y x                  x y                 Equations (8)–(10) are then reduced to first-order ODEs as

Equation (6) simplifies to;                                                                                      x1 = x2                       (13)
                            n+1 √           an−1 n−1                                                          x2 = x3                   (14)
  u = axn f     v=−            avxn−1 f +       yx f                     (7)                                                               
                             2                 2                                            1            n+1
                                                                                 x3 =             x22 −       xx3 −Grx5 −Gmx7 −Mb x2
Equation (1) is satisfied identically by Eq. (7).                                      1+1/             2
   Introducing the similarity variables, T = To  + T , and                                                                                (15)
C = Cw − C   + C , Eqs. (2)–(4) transforms into;                                                                    
                                                                                                          1                  n+1
                                                                                      x5 =                              −       x1 x6 
        1          n + 1                                                                1/Pr 1 + 4/3Ra            2
   1+       f −f 2 +        ff + Gr + Gm + Mb f  = 0                                                                          
                        2                                                                                  1
                                                          (8)                                 −Ec 1 +           x32 − Qx5 − Mb x22          (16)
       1         4          n+1                  1    
            1 − Ra   +         f  + Ec 1 +        f 2                                      x7 = −Sc            x1 x8 + x7           (17)
       Pr        3            2                                                                               2
          +Q + Mb f 2 = 0                                                 (9)   The boundary conditions in (11) become;
                1  n + 1                                                          x2 0 = 1−Ms          x1 0 = 0    x5 0 = 1
                   +        f  +  = 0            (10)
               Sc         2
                                                                                          x7 0 = 1     as  = 0
where the number of times a function is differentiated
with respect to  is represented by prime symbol(s). The                             x2  = 0         x5  = 0   x7  = 0        as  → 

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Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface                Aloliga et al.

                                                                                  Fig. 14. Velocity profile for varying values of Q.

          Fig. 12. Velocity profile for varying values of fw.

                                                     IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                        Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                                  Delivered by Ingenta

                                                                                  Fig. 15. Temperature profile for varying values of Ms

                                                                                  5. NUMERICAL RESULTS
                                                                                  The numerical scheme employed in this research was val-
                                                                                  idated by compraring numerical results with similar inves-
          Fig. 13. Velocity profile for varying values of Ec.                     tigation in the literature for the skin-friction coefficient
                                                                                  (f 0) and the local Nusselt number −  0 to previ-
                                                                                  ously published works of Seini et al.49 and Mohammad
              With the aid of MAPLE–19 software package, numeri-                  et al.50 (See Table I). This shows a perfect agreement to 7
          cal and graphical codes were developed and implemented.                 places of decimals with available data literature.
          A step size of h = 0.001 for convergence criterion of
          10−6 was assumed for all cases. The highest value of  to              5.1. Skin Friction, Rate of Heat and Mass Transfer
          each parameter was known when the values of the uniden-                      for Zero Surface Magnetization (MS = 0)
          tified boundary condition remain unchanged to a final loop              Table II depicts numerical results for sellected control
          with an error not more than 10−6 .                                      parameter values on the wall friction, the Nusselt number

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Aloliga et al.               Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

Fig. 16.   Temperature profile for varying values of .

                                                                          Fig. 17.   Temperature profile for varying values of n.
and the Sherwood number with zero surface magnetiza-
tion. Increasing the values of Mb , Gm, Q,  and Ec lead
to increase resistance to the flow resulting in reduced flow
                                     IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
speed. Conversely, the skin friction Copyright:
                                         coefficient American
                                                      declines Scientific Publishers
when values of Pr, Ra, n, Sc, , and fw increase Delivered
                                                     resulting by Ingenta
to increased momentum of the flow. This is so because
of the cumulative impact of high viscosity over magnetic
force, and suction at the material surface increases the skin
frictional effects thereby impeding flow along the surface.
   Furthermore, the impact of thermal diffusion over mass
diffusion, and the Casson parameter of the fluid dimin-
ishes the surface wall friction thereby hastening the flow.
Similarly, increasing the values of Pr, , Gm, Ec, Q, Mb ,
and Ra boost the rate of heat transmission but reduced
with increasing , n, Gm, Sc, and fw. From the results
presented, the Sherwood number is noted to increase with
high values of Pr, , Mb , Sc, and Ra but reduced with high
values of Sc, Ec, Q, Gm, , and Gm.

5.2. Coefficient of Skin Friction and Nusselt and
      Sherwood Numbers with Surface Magnetization
      (Ms > 0) and the Bulk Magnetization (Mb > 0)
Table III presents results of various parameter on sur-
face and bulk magnetization of the fluid on the wall shear
                                                                          Fig. 18.   Temperature profile for varying values of Pr.
stress, the local Nusselt number and the local Sherwood
number. The results show an increasing skin friction coef-
ficient with increasing values of Mb , Ms , , Gm, Gr, Ec, Q,             resistance to the flow. Similarly, the rate of heat transfer
, Sc and fw; and decreasing trends when values of Pr, Ra                 rises with Pr, , Ra, Ec, Q, Gm, Gr, and Mb but dimin-
and n are increased. The results confirm the view that the                ishes with values of , n, Sc, and Gm. The results further
cumulative impact of high viscosity over magnetic force                   revealed that the rate of mass transfer surges with Pr, ,
(the Lorenz force), as well as the surface suction have a                 Ms , and Ra are increased; and decreases when values of
tendency to increase the local skin friction and hence a                  Ec, Q, n, Sc, Gr, Gm, , and  are increased.

J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022                                                                                                       637
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface                 Aloliga et al.

          Fig. 19. Temperature profile for varying values of Ra.
                                                                                  Fig. 21. Temperature profile for varying values of Gm.

                                                    IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                       Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                                 Delivered by Ingenta

          Fig. 20. Temperature profile for varying values of Gr.

          6.1. Velocity Profiles                                                  Fig. 22. Temperature profile for varying values of .

          The graphical illustrations represented in Figures 2–14
          depicts the velocity profiles for various controlling param-            Increase in Pr means an increase in kinematic viscosity
          eters. Figure 2 represent the effects of the magnet at the              which leads to decreased velocity field. It is evident that
          surface while Figure 3 represents the magnetic effect of                high values of Pr lead to reduce velocity profiles (Fig. 6).
          the bulk fluid. The intensity of the magnetic field tends to               The reaction rate parameter () is the only variable
          diminish the velocity field as it acts to oppose the flow               coupling the governing equations. Increasing  imparts
          due to the induced Lorenz force. Increasing Ms leads to                 on the Grashof number which leads to accelerating the
          increased values of the wall surface resistance. (Table II)             fluid thereby increasing the velocity boundary layer thick-
          which supports this observation. Thus, an increased in wall             ness (Fig. 9). Increased the buoyancy parameter enhances
          shear stress results in reduced velocity within the fluid.              convective flow which leads to reduced frictional effects

          638                                                                                                       J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022
Aloliga et al.                Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

Fig. 23.   Temperature profile for varying values of Sc.

                                                                           Fig. 25.   Temperature profile for varying values of Ec.

                                            IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                               Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
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Fig. 24.   Temperature profile for varying values of fw.

thereby increasing the flow velocity (Fig. 8). This explains
the observed phenomena of increased velocity profile due
to increased radiation parameter (Ra) as in Figure 5. It is
noted here that, the buoyancy parameters (Fig. 10) con-                    Fig. 26.   Temperature profile for varying values of Mb .
tribute to achieving better flow kinematics.
   Figure 4 presents the consequence of the Casson param-                  cause a reduction to the flow velocity. It is attributable to
eter  on the velocity profile. It can be seen that the Cas-               the fact that suction can be used to increase flow resis-
son parameter infinitesimally affects the velocity field due               tance leading to retardation of flow kinematics whilst heat
to viscous and elastic effects. The suction parameter (fw)                 absorption reduces the molecular activity leading to a
Figure 12 and heat absorption parameter (Q) Figure 14                      reduced speed.

J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022                                                                                                        639
Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface                   Aloliga et al.

          Fig. 27. Temperature profile for varying values of Q.

                                                                                  Fig. 29. Concentration profile for varying values of fw.

                                                     IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                        Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
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          Fig. 28. Concentration profile for varying values of Pr.

          6.2. Temperature Profiles
          Figures 15–27 depicts graphical results for various control
          parameters on temperature distribution near the surface of              Fig. 30. Concentration profile for varying values of .
          the plate. Figure 15 displayed the impact of the bulk mag-
          netic parameter (Mb ) on the temperature distribution. The              and the Prandtl number (Pr) on the temperatre distribution.
          magnetic parameter tends to thicken the thermal bound-                  The Prandtl number tends to diminish the thermal bound-
          ary layer near the wall. Similar observations are made                  ary layer thickness and therefore convection becomes more
          (Fig. 16) for Casson parameter. Figures 17 and 18 demon-                dominant than heat diffusion. The decrease in the tem-
          starte respectively the impact of the index parameter (n)               perature field is attributed to that a large Prandtl number

          640                                                                                                       J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022
Aloliga et al.                Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

                                                                           Fig. 33.   Concentration profile for varying values of Ra.
Fig. 31.   Concentration profile for varying values of n.

                                             IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
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                                                                           Fig. 34.   Concentration profile for varying values of Sc.

                                                                           show similar trends of decreasing thermal boundary layer
Fig. 32.   Concentration profile for varying values of .                  thickness. The Schmidt number (Sc) had no influence on
                                                                           the temperature distribution (Fig. 23). Suction (fw) how-
as it acts to deteriorate the thermal conductivity and thin-               ever reduces the temperature distribution (Fig. 24) for
ner boundary layer contributes to a decline in the thermal                 obvious reasons.
boundary layer thickness.                                                     In Figure 25, the Eckert number acts to decrease the
   The radiation parameter (Fig. 19), the buoyancy parame-                 temperature distribution on the surface whilst the bulk
ters (Figs. 20 and 21) and reaction rate parameter (Fig. 22)               magnetic parameter is presented in Figure 26 and shows

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Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface                     Aloliga et al.

                                                                                  Fig. 37. Concentration profile for varying values of Ec.
          Fig. 35. Concentration profile for varying values of Gr.

                                                    IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 01:13:17
                                                       Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                                 Delivered by Ingenta

                                                                                  Fig. 38. Concentration profile for varying values of M s .
          Fig. 36. Concentration profile for varying values of Gm.

                                                                                  suction (Fig. 29) and Casson (Fig. 30) parameters tend to
          an increasing temperature distribution within the boundary              increase species concentration near the surface.
          layer. In Figure 27, the heat absorption parameter tends to                The chemical species concentration within the bound-
          decrease the thermal boundary layer thickness.                          ary layer region increases with reaction rate parameter
                                                                                  shown in Figure 32 and decreases with increasing radia-
          6.3. Concentration Profiles                                             tion parameter given in Figure 33, Schmidt number shown
          The species concentration profiles for various control                  in Figure 34, thermal and modified Grashof numbers of
          parameters are depicted in Figures 28–40. The Prandtl                   Figures 35 and 36 respectively. The Eckert number pre-
          number (Pr) tends to reduce the species concentration                   sented in Figure 37 shows similar trends as the Grashof
          within the boundary as illustrated in Figure 28, where as               numbers for species concentration.

          642                                                                                                        J. Nanofluids, 11, 629–645, 2022
Aloliga et al.                Heat Transfer on a Chemically Reacting Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over a Vertically Stretched Magnetized Surface

                                                                           7. CONCLUSIONS
                                                                          A 2-D steady and chemically reacting Casson fluid flow-
                                                                          ing on a magnetized plate with convective boundary con-
                                                                          ditions have been investigated. The following conclusions
                                                                          are made:
                                                                          (i) Surface magnetization can be employed to control flow
                                                                          (ii) The rate of heat transfer can be altered with Casson
                                                                          (iii) The bulk and surface magnetic fields impacts on the
                                                                          velocity, thermal and concentration boundary layers and
                                                                          can be adopted for flow control.
                                                                          (iv) Chemical reaction diminishes the species concentra-
                                                                          tion near the magnetised plate.

                                                                          u v w Components of velocity along the Cartesian
                                                                                   axes (m/s)
                                                                                B0 Transverse magnetic field (Wb/m2 )
                                                                                 t Time (s)
                                                                                Tw Wall temperature (K)

Fig. 39. Concentration profile for varying values of Mb .                       U0 Characteristic velocity (m/s)
                                                                                 C Concentration (kg/m3)
                                                                                 g Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2 )
                                                                                 T Temperature of the Casson fluid (K)
                                           IP: On: Fri, 30 Dec 2022     01:13:17
                                                                                  Dimensionless   similarity variable
                                               Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                          Delivered by Ingenta () Dimensionless   similarity function
                                                                             () Dimensionless temperature
                                                                                qr Radiation flux distribution in fluid (W/m2 )
                                                                               Nu Nusselt number
                                                                                Sh Sherwood number
                                                                                 k Thermal conductivity of the fluid (W/m/K )
                                                                                Pr Prandtl number
                                                                                 q Volumetric heat generation (w)
                                                                               Ms The magnetic parameter at the surface
                                                                               Mb The magnetic parameter in the bulk fluid
                                                                                Ec The Eckert parameter

                                                                           Greek Symbols
                                                                                Casson parameter
                                                                                  Fluid density
                                                                                Similarity variable
                                                                                Internal heat generation parameter
Fig. 40.   Concentration profile for varying values of Q.                         Electrical conductivity of base fluid (m2 /s)
                                                                                  Thermal diffusivity
                                                                                Kinematic viscosity (m2 /s)
   Figure 38 illustrates the impact of magnetic field at the                    Stream function, (m2 /s)
surface (Ms ) on species concentration whilst the effects on                    Fluid viscosity (kg/m/s)
bulk fluid (Mb ) is illustrated in Figure 39. It can be seen                  T The thermal coefficients (1/K)
that Ms has a positive impact on the concentration bound-                     C Concentration expansion coefficients (1/kgm3)
ary layer with Mb showing an adverse effect on the species
concentration in the fluid. The heat generation or absorp-                 Recommendations
tion parameter Q shows minimal effects on the species                      The incorporation of magnetized surfaces in cooling or
concentration.                                                             heating systems is recommended. The heat generation can

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