Internalization of Entrepreneurship Values For Entrepreneurship Learning in Vocational Schools - WSEAS

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WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                        Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
    DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                       Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

    Internalization of Entrepreneurship Values For Entrepreneurship
                      Learning in Vocational Schools

               Khairuddin E. Tambunan1, Sri Umi Mintarti W2, Wahjoedi2, Hari Wahyono2
 1 Doctorate   Student of Economics Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, and Faculty of Economic,
                                       Universitas Negeri Medan,
                                      2 Universitas Negeri Malang,


Abstract: -The main purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of internalization, the
effectiveness of internalization, the impact of internalization and government support in internalizing
entrepreneurship values for entrepreneurship learning in Vocational Schools. This research uses a qualitative
approach, with data collection tools in the form of interviews, observations and questionnaires. The study
population is the eleventh grade students at Vocational School in Medan, North Sumatra. The research sample
is eleventh grade students of marketing and office administration that are determined based on purposive
random sampling.
The results showed that internalization of entrepreneurial values is important to be applied in entrepreneurship
learning because: (1) it is able to improve the quality of learning and student involvement in the learning
process, (2) improving the competence and skills of students or graduates in developing self-potential and (3)
changing students’ attitudes and behavior in the learning process and daily life. Data material only includes 2
vocational schools in medan city, north sumatra province. Further studies are needed in increasing the number
of students and larger vocational schools. In addition, expanding the internalization of entrepreneurial values in
entrepreneurial learning activities. Qualitative research must consider a greater number of student and school
involvement, because this is related to the extent of the validity of the data produced. At the same time, there is
an urgent need to internalize entrepreneurial values in learning to provide provisions for students to enter the
labor market.

Key-words: Internalization, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Values, Entrepreneurship Learning,
          Vocational Schools.

1. Introduction
The phenomenon that there is high                            Research conducted shows that there are five
unemployment rate of vocational graduates has                values that need to be given to entrepreneurship
placed crucial problem in the education world in             subjects such as: entrepreneurial mentality;
Indonesia. The Central Bureau of Statistics                  innovation; looking for business ideas / ideas; face
(BPS), reported that in 2017 the unemployment                risks; and marketing [1]. Furthermore, [2] states
rate in Indonesia from vocational graduates at the           that entrepreneurial values instilled in vocational
level of 11.41 percent and was the highest                   students are the value of faith and devotion, the
unemployment rate among graduates who had a                  value of discipline, honesty values, prestige work
degree. One reason for the high unemployment of
                                                             behavior which includes sincere work, smart work,
SMK graduates is the low expertise of vocational
                                                             self-awareness of emotions, hard work and
graduates compared to high school graduates.
This explained that the soft skills of vocational            complete work, creativity and innovation,
graduates on a national average are below high               confidence and responsibility.
school graduates. These abilities can be seen from           Thus, this research provides an overview for
the way students understand their own                        research relating to entrepreneurial values.
psychological conditions, regulate speech,                   Furthermore, according to [3] stated that the
thoughts, and attitudes and behaviors according to           implementation of entrepreneurship education in
their environment.

    E-ISSN: 2224-3496                                   19                                         Volume 17, 2021
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                        Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
    DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                       Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

vocational high schools can be done through one              from the process of absorbing an experience,
subject or integrated in other subjects.                     action or repeated speech.

The success of entrepreneurship learning in                  Based on the opinion above, internalization is a
schools is strongly influenced by the quality of             process of learning for someone so that a person
learning. Where entrepreneurship learning is a               can receive a part of society, which then binds
program to recognize the concept of                          itself to the values and social norms of group
entrepreneurship, practice business development,             behavior in the community. Thus internalization
gain practical experience in entrepreneurship,               is a process of understanding by individuals in
foster entrepreneurial interest and develop                  involving ideas, concepts and actions contained
potential entrepreneurial spirit in students.                from the outside then moves into the mind of a
Therefore, learning in schools must be an                    personality until the individual concerned accepts
alternative in preparing vocational school                   that value as the norm he believes in, and
graduates who are able to create jobs and be able            becomes part of his views and moral actions.
to adapt to social life. For this reason,
internalizing entrepreneurial values for students            2.2.Entepreunership Values
in vocational schools is important, so that they             Value can be defined as the recommended
have the means to enter the labor market.                    quality because it will have an impact on the
                                                             choice of objectives, means and methods
2. Theoritical Study                                         available, and is used as a criterion in assessing
2.1.Internalization                                          various phenomena. Suggests that value is
Internalization is a process by including ideal              something abstract, which is used as a guide and
values or attitudes that were previously                     general principles in acting and behaving [7].
considered to be outside, so that they are
incorporated into a person's thinking that is life           Expressing value is a reference and confidence in
skills and attitudes. To mentioned three events in           making choices [8]. This explains that values are
the process of building knowledge, including in              beliefs that can be generalized and function as a
the learning process in the classroom [4]. These             guiding line to select the objectives to be chosen
include: externalization, objectification and                to be achieved. Argues that value is an idea that
internalization. Thus internalization is part of             belongs to a person or group about what is
various efforts of knowledge carried out through             feasible, what is desired, and what is good and
a model, method, even technical method.                      bad [9]. Whereas, suggested that value is an idea
Internalization is lifelong learning which is                about whether an action is important or not
carried out by a person or community group.                  important [10].
Learning in the form of absorption of rules in
society, values, and norms, actions taken by a               Furthermore, stated that value is an cumulative
person through practice with awareness, which                idea (collectively) about what is considered
will form a custom or habit in a person.                     important, good, feasible and desired by
Meanwhile, to the explained that internalization             someone. This is at the same time about what is
is the cultivation of a person's behavior, attitudes,        considered insignificant, bad, inappropriate and
and values which he gets in the process of                   undesirable in terms of culture. Entrepreneurship
coaching, learning, and guidance.                            values are prerequisites related to entrepreneurial
                                                             behavior [11]. These values consist of creativity,
Internalized an individual process of learning and           risk taking, innovation, achievement oriented,
receiving into a part, and at the same time binds            ambition, and independence.
itself to the values and social norms of the
behavior of a society [5]. On the other hand,                Value in running a business contains elements of
internalization is a process by uniting cultural             consideration that develop personal or social
values and expectations with a personality system            ideas/ideas. Values form the basis for
[6]. States that internalization can affect someone          understanding attitudes and motivations, where
in behaving, feeling, believing. That happens                values can influence perceptions of behavior in

    E-ISSN: 2224-3496                                   20                                         Volume 17, 2021
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                       Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
    DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                      Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

conducting business, so values are very important           professional life. Entrepreneurship learning can
to learn in managing organizational behavior                be considered as a process of experience in which
[12]. Entrepreneurship values are internalized in           business people develop knowledge through four
entrepreneurial learning that is: 1) honesty, 2)            distinctive learning abilities: experiencing,
creative, 3) innovation, 4) risk taking, 5)                 reflecting, thinking, and acting [17].
cooperating, 6) responsibility, and 7) forward-
looking.                                                    From the description above, entrepreneurship
                                                            learning is a process in which people acquire,
2.3.Entrepreneurship Learning                               assimilate, and regulate newly formed knowledge
     Entrepreneurship learning is a process of              with pre-existing structures, and how learning
cultivating and developing as well as an effort to          influences entrepreneurial actions.
instill and strengthen one's mental readiness, so
that they have enthusiasm in creating or carrying           2.4.Vocational High School
out activities. The real effort to develop                      Vocational education includes every form of
entrepreneurial attitudes can be started by making          education that aims to obtain qualifications
it properly and more radical education planning             related to profession, art or certain occupations.
[13].                                                       In addition, vocational education provides the
     Entrepreneurship learning can be developed             necessary training and skills that are in line with
by preparing the community for success in the               technical knowledge, so students can be used
entrepreneurial economy. This happened because              according to the profession. According to
the economy experienced a transition, so that               vocational education is a part of the education
entrepreneurship learning became an integral part           system that prepares a person to be better and
of the new curriculum offered by both private               able to work in one work group or one
and public schools.                                         occupational field than in other occupational
                                                            fields [18].
Furthermore, explained that entrepreneurial
development potential is strongly influenced by             Vocational education includes a comprehensive
motivation, values, skills, learning, relationships,        education framework. However, vocational
and desired targets [14]. Whether or not                    curriculum has certain characteristics that
entrepreneurial learning is effective, learning             distinguish it from other education.Vocational
must carry out activities in entrepreneurial ways.          education is considered as a solution to improve
For this reason, even though it is done in a                opportunities that lack the resources, skills or
learning class, knowledge factors are an                    motivation to continue to race even higher. Thus,
important aspect, and not enough just aspects of            vocational schools can provide skills that are
traditional knowledge. On the other hand argues             useful for preparing graduates to enter the
that entrepreneurial learning is part of an                 workforce and enhance successful professional
educational program that employs entrepreneurial            career opportunities [19].
aspects as an important part of debriefing student
competencies [15]. This process has dual                    For this reason, vocational schools must meet the
connotations in learning to behave, and learning            requirements relating to values in society that
through entrepreneurial means. Learning must be             are: civilization of vocational values such as; (1)
relational, authentic, relevant, useful and                 development of individual cognitive and
productive.                                                 psychomotor abilities [20]; (2) attitude
                                                            development [21]; (3) developing a positive
According to entrepreneurial learning is a process          appreciation for work, building a work culture
that facilitates the development of the knowledge           [22], building a learning culture, innovative
needed to be effective in starting and managing             culture, creative and productive [23]; (4)
new businesses [16]. Thus, entrepreneurial                  preparing students for work, entrepreneurship, or
learning can be interpreted as a process of                 going forward [24]; (5) empower students to get
individual experience continuously developing               decent jobs and income [23]; (6) career
entrepreneurial        knowledge        throughout          development in accordance with competence; (7)

    E-ISSN: 2224-3496                                  21                                         Volume 17, 2021
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                         Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
    DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                        Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

facilitating the fulfillment of all students' physical        innovation and creativity which is carried out not
and non-physical, moral, and future needs of a                only to fulfill economic reasons, but because of
comfortable, safe and happy society [25]; and (8)             the demands of work.
involve stakeholders widely, intact, true and
responsible [26].                                             Internalization of entrepreneurial values is an
                                                              effort to provide students with supplies in the
3. Methodology                                                form of understanding and knowledge of values.
This research is qualitative research using                   In line with stated that internalization is the
descriptive case studies. The qualitative methods             merging of values in a person or is an adjustment
as a particular tradition in social science are               to the beliefs, values, attitudes, practices and
fundamentally dependent on observing humans                   rules of the standard in a person [29]. Thus,
in their own fields and dealing with these people             understanding the values obtained must be
in their language and terminology. According to               practicable and have implications for attitudes
case studies can explain in detail and                        that are permanent in a person.
comprehensively about the characteristics, and
how and why characteristics of cases can be                   The description above also confirms typical
formed [27].                                                  entrepreneurship in Slovakia as a person who has
                                                              moral in accordance with his wisdom, and most
The study was conducted in Medan, North                       respects honesty, dedication, legal compliance,
Sumatra and in the odd semester of TP                         expertise, dependence, perseverance, and the
2017/2018. The sample size of this study was                  like. Most realize that organizational values and
collected based on proportional random                        moral virtues are the conditions needed for a
sampling. This study uses qualitative methods                 successful business. In several studies showing
and data obtained through interviews,                         entrepreneurial       learning      leads      to
observations and questionnaires and data                      conceptualization learned through entrepreneurial
collected, analyzed using descriptive analysis.               experience and learning needs to be seen as a
                                                              practice method, where knowledge is developed
4. Research Findings (Result and Discussion)                  and formed in the process of experience of
4.1.Internalization of Entepreunership Value                  literacy and social dynamics.
Based on the results of the study, it was found
that there was a need to internalize                          For this reason, internalization of entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial values for vocational students in             values is based on practice-based learning.
entrepreneurial learning activities. This can be              Currently, the learning still emphasizes the
seen from the conventional learning method. This              technical form of education that emphasizes
condition will have an impact on the low quality              knowledge aspects. Practice-based learning and
or competency of graduates produced. Besides                  education allows students to explore learning
that, entrepreneurship learning has not included              experiences.     Therefore the process           of
entrepreneurial values in the learning process, so            internalizing values is a process of reconstruction
students do not understand the meaning and                    of values and adjustments to values. For that, in
function of values in learning. For this reason,              an effort to provide provisions for students or
efforts to internalize values in entrepreneurial              graduates, entrepreneurial values are internalized
learning activities are needed. This is in                    in the learning process that is: honesty, creative,
accordance with research that there is a                      innovation, risk taking, responsibility, and
relationship between creativity, innovation and               cooperation and forward-oriented.
entrepreneurship [28]. This shows that the
importance of creativity and entrepreneurship in              4.2.The Effectiveness of Internalization for
learning activities to achieve the expected                       Entepreunership Value
competencies. Furthermore, states that factors of             Education as a potential source for
innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship                  competitiveness, the effectiveness must be
together improve education and career success.                considered especially with regard to the type of
Thus, entrepreneurial learning activities require             education offered, the approach used, and the

    E-ISSN: 2224-3496                                    22                                         Volume 17, 2021
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                       Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
    DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                      Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

involvement of students in the teaching and                For this reason, in teaching entrepreneurship for
learning process. The results of the study indicate        entrepreneurs, students first have the desire to
that the internalization of entrepreneurial values         become entrepreneurs. If students are taught with
is effective in entrepreneurial learning. This can         entrepreneurship skills, the potential for success
be seen from the increase in students'                     in entrepreneurship will also increase, even when
understanding and knowledge of entrepreneurial             faced with a very challenging situation [30]
values taught. In addition, changes in attitudes
and behavior of students in following the                  4.3.The Effect of Internalization for
learning process.                                              Entepreunership Learning
                                                               The expected impact of the application of
Various studies were conducted to explore the              entrepreneurial learning through internalization
way students learn by considering whether the              of values is a change in student attitudes and
current method of teaching is the best approach            behavior. The impact can be seen from changes
in meeting the needs and learning styles of                in     students'    intentions,     attitudes     and
students. Where the next discussion is how                 entrepreneurial behavior. Where students will
students' attitudes toward learning have shifted           become more understanding of entrepreneurial
from the view of education as an intellectual              values and then interested in practicing them by
challenge and see values in knowledge being                creating employment or entrepreneurship.
goal-oriented. This is very much influenced by             Therefore, appropriate entrepreneurship learning
pressure, work ambitions, and the desire of                will have an impact on increasing student
students to see the benefits of the values learned.        aspirations for entrepreneurship and job creation.
Of course this will raise doubts about the learning        The other impacts based on the results of the
process with a teacher-focused pedagogical                 research can be described as follows:
approach.                                                  a. The emergence of entrepreneurial attitudes,
                                                              state    that     individual      views     about
In accordance with the results of the study, it               entrepreneurship are often different [31].
requires student involvement in the learning                  Specifically, values and motivation play an
process. Students must be given space and                     important role in intention and behavior
opportunity to express the knowledge they have                relationships. Thus, entrepreneurial attitudes
and apply in the learning process. For this reason,           will influence a person's behavior, and these
teachers need to be able to help students express             behaviors will influence attitudes.
their knowledge and learning experiences                   b. Increase passion for entrepreneurship
according to their abilities and competencies. To             Entrepreneurial passion plays a role in
achieve learning effectiveness it is possible to              entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is related
apply learning methods and models that are more               to     exploration     and     exploitation     of
practical, relevant, independent, and motivate                entrepreneurial         opportunities        [32].
students.                                                     Entrepreneurship learning is often faced with
                                                              changes in economic, social and disruption of
To support the effectiveness of implementing                  transformation. For this reason, learning
entrepreneurship learning, teachers need to                   entrepreneurship must be able to adapt to the
understand aspects of entrepreneurial attitudes,              needs and sustained enthusiasm in seeking
and more effective entrepreneurship teacher                   opportunities for entrepreneurship, developing
education and training programs. Thus, to                     innovative products or services, and
achieve effectiveness and enthusiasm for                      overcoming resource constraints.
entrepreneurial learning, it is possible for               c. The emergence of the desire to become a
teachers to teach entrepreneurship by using                   business actor
innovative and challenging methods in teaching                Several studies have shown that intention has
entrepreneurship. Teachers can also improve                   proven to be an effective predictor of planned
learning content and teaching methods that are                behavior. In particular [33], argue that
more in line with student learning needs.                     entrepreneurial     intentions     come      from

    E-ISSN: 2224-3496                                 23                                          Volume 17, 2021
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                      Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
      DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                     Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

     feasibility and desires and perceptions of              Government support for the development of
     awareness and opportunity, which play a role            entrepreneurship is set forth in various rules such
     in each entrepreneurial learning.                       as Law (UU), Government Regulation (PP) and
d.   Opportunities for exploration and exploitation          Presidential Instruction (Inpres). Law No. 20 of
     of opportunities                                        2003 concerning the National Education System.
     The ability to explore and exploit                      Next is PP No. 19 of 2005 concerning the
     entrepreneurial opportunities is used as a basis        National Education Standards, which provide
     for business success [34]. Information seeking          space for schools and the world of education to
     are key to recognizing and exploiting business          formulate a curriculum in accordance with the
     opportunities. Thus, individuals can learn how          competence and local needs of the region. Then,
     to recognize the patterns needed to recognize           PP No. 41 of 2011 concerning the Development
     potential opportunities. This in explains that          of entrepreneurship and youth pioneering and the
     opportunity discovery, evaluation, and                  provision of youth infrastructure and facilities.
     exploitation provide information about the              With this regulation, it gives young people to
     application of entrepreneurial learning                 develop their potential and abilities in developing
     techniques.                                             entrepreneurship. In addition, to support
e.   Oriented to independent entrepreneurship                Government Regulation No. 41 of 2011, the
     The entrepreneurial orientation and its                 Government also issued PP No. 60 of 2013,
     implications have been of scientific concern in         concerning     the     organizational     structure,
     recent years. Most academics view the                   personnel, and working mechanism of youth
     construction of entrepreneurial orientation as a        entrepreneurship capital institutions. The PP
     company-level phenomenon [35]. This can                 emphasizes that there is a capital institution for
     also be applied at the individual level,                youth in developing entrepreneurship. Thus the
     although some studies have applied this                 development of entrepreneurship is not
     approach.                                               constrained by capital problems.
f.   Causing perceptions of self-efficacy
     The impact of entrepreneurial learning is               To follow up on the previous regulations, in
     related to individual intentions in developing a        implementing       the     entrepreneurship    the
     business [36]. Self-ability refers to individual        Government issued Presidential Instruction No. 4
     estimates of the ability to act and success.            of 1995 concerning the national movement to
     Self-efficacy     is    not     always     about        socialize and cultivate entrepreneurship. The
     entrepreneurial skills, but rather someone's            presidential instruction mandates all Indonesian
     assessment of the skills they possess.                  people and nations to develop entrepreneurial
     Entrepreneurial images can increase the                 programs. This illustrates the Government's
     probability of individuals to consider careers          awareness      that     the     development     of
     as entrepreneurs, which may have a positive             entrepreneurial spirit is one form of acceleration
     effect on individual self-efficacy.                     in economic development.
g.   Generating entrepreneurial intentions
     Entrepreneurship learning is expected to                In the form of government support for the
     increase entrepreneurial intentions. The                emergence of the Act, PP and Inpres, the
     intention is an excuse in preparing for the             Government issued a policy namely Creative
     creation of workplace traffic [37].                     Economy Development in 2010-2014 that is the
h.   Improving behavioral control                            development of economic activities based on
     To assess the impact of a process, intention is         creativity, skills and individual talents to create
     a direct determinant of behavior change [38].           economic and influential value creation and
     Thus, entrepreneurship learning can encourage           creativity of individuals on the welfare of the
     students to have control over behavior.                 Indonesian people. To make this support useful,
                                                             it is expected that cooperation and synergy from
4.4.Government Support                                       the regional government and business actors to
                                                             equip students in accordance with their
                                                             competencies and skills in the field of

      E-ISSN: 2224-3496                                 24                                         Volume 17, 2021
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                        Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
    DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.2                                       Sri Umi Mintarti W., Wahjoedi, Hari Wahyono

entrepreneurship.    For     this reason,     the            form of gratitude, I express my gratitude and
entrepreneurial learning process must internalize            highest appreciation to the various parties
values in learning and practice.                             involved in this Research such as Prof. Dr. Sri
                                                             Umi Mintarti W, SE, MP, Ak .; Prof. Dr.
In the end, local government programs must be                Wahjoedi, ME, and Dr. Hari Wahyono, M.Pd. as
based on policies that are able to reduce the rate           a Promotor and Co-Promotor who have given
of unemployment and break down barriers to be                sincere input and direction as well as Principals,
actively involved in economic development. The               Teachers, and Students in Vocational High
existence of support in the form of policies and             Schools 1 and 7 Medan who have been willing to
institutional changes will be able to increase the           provide information and data as a place of
effectiveness of the internalization of values in            research. Besides that, thanks to my parents, my
the process of entrepreneurship learning.                    wife and children, brothers and sisters who have
                                                             given moral support and enthusiasm during this
5. Conclusion and Recommendation                             research. I am very grateful to all the great people
   Based on the explanation above, it can be                 who have helped in this research.
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WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT                                     Khairuddin E. Tambunan,
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