Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow of a Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over an Exponentially Stretching Magnetized Surface
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Copyright © 2021 by American Scientific Publishers Journal of Nanofluids All rights reserved. Vol. 10, pp. 172–185, 2021 Printed in the United States of America (www.aspbs.com/jon) Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow of a Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Over an Exponentially Stretching Magnetized Surface Golbert Aloliga1, ∗ , Yakubu Ibrahim Seini2 , and Rabiu Musah2 1 Department of Mathematics, St. Vincent College of Education, Yendi, 00233, Northern Region, Ghana 2 School of Engineering, University for Development Studies, Nyankpala Campus, 00233, Northern Region, Ghana In this current paper, an investigation has been conducted on the magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer flow of non-Newtonian Casson fluids on magnetized sheet with an exponentially stretching sheet. The similarity approach has been used to transform the governing models for Casson fluid to ordinary differential equations. We presented numerical results for momentum, energy and concentration equation parameters. Effects of the magnetized sheet and varying all the emerged parameters on the flow of Casson fluid with respect to the friction between the fluid and the surface, temperature and concentration are presented in tables. As a result of the induced magnetization of the sheet, the thickness of the thermal boundary layer has been enhanced. This behaviour brings a considerable reduction to the heat transfer. The induced magnetized sheet has a similar ARTICLE influence on the skin friction, Nusselt number and the Sherwood number. We however proposed incorporation of magnetized surfaces in MHD flows for controlling the flow rate of the fluid and heat transfer characteristics. IP: KEYWORDS: Chemical Reaction, Magnetized Plate,On: Wed, 13 Oct Casson Non-Newtonian 2021 19:58:31 Fluid, Convective Boundary Condition, Internal Heat Generation. Copyright: American Scientific Publishers Delivered by Ingenta 1. INTRODUCTION increases heat transfer thereby increasing its viscosity. Research on transport equations for Casson fluids have Many research findings have been reported on the impact gained the awareness of many investigators because of of viscosity, thermal transmission, and conductivity on the numerous usage in the manufacturing sector. Works the boundary layer of nanofluids, Meyers et al.4 and involving coating and polymer extraction, petroleum Anyakoha.5 refinery, aerodynamic heating, and hot rolling, involves The study of Casson fluid is another area of intense sci- non-Newtonian Casson fluids Cortell.1 Fluids exhibiting entific research. Nadeem et al.6 employed the Adomian non-Newtonian fluid characteristics include mud, blood, decomposition method to analyze the Casson fluid flowing polymer solution, and paint among others. Because of their on an exponentially shrinking surface. They discovered a unique properties, sometimes it is always difficult to find process to reduce the Newtonian problem when the viscous a generalized mathematical representation to adequately parameter approaches infinity. Afify and Bazid7 extended describe all transport charactereistics of the fluid. One clas- the problem to include variable viscosity with a significant sical type of fluid that portrays this behavior among oth- observation of how the increment in the viscous parameter ers, is the Casson fluid. According to Dash et al.,2 Casson gradually reduces heat transfer and a decrease in viscos- fluid is considered to be a shear-thinning fluid with immea- ity enhanced the skin resistance of the exterior part of the surable viscosities at a zero rates of shear. These shears sheet. Bagai and Nishad8 used the shooting technique to produce stresses up to a stage where fluid flows cannot inspect the effect of temperature distribution on the bound- occur. aries of fluid flowing on a plane sheet immersed in a per- A study on thermal conduction and temperature- meable medium saturated by nanoparticles. They observed dependent viscosity was conducted by Attia.3 Some reveal- that, the viscous parameter had tremendously affected the ing outcomes showed that, an increase in fluid velocity rate of heat transfers between the surface and the non- Newtonian fluid. ∗ Casson fluids as a matter of importance, typi- Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: aloligagolbert@gmail.com cally behave like elastic solids Animasaun.9 Jawali and Received: 13 April 2021 Chamkha10 conducted a study on the consequence of the Accepted: 29 April 2021 thickness and thermal conduction on viscous convection 172 J. Nanofluids 2021, Vol. 10, No. 2 2169-432X/2021/10/172/014 doi:10.1166/jon.2021.1777
Aloliga et al. Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow fluid. An important observation was the generation of efficient thermal runaway processes such as the develop- heat from the lubricant that influences the thickness and ment of magnetized surfaces. Chamkha19 numerically ana- the rate of conduction of heat on the plate. The molec- lyzed the convective Casson fluids flow on a perpendicular ular properties of fluid thus deforms across the bound- plate in a thermally permeable system by means of Hall ary layer during heating. These studies re-affirm the claim effects. Chamkha20 extended the study to include solar that thermal conductivity and viscosity of fluids should heating with normal convection in a homogeneous leaky not always be assumed constant because the temperature system. Takhar et al.21 deliberated on nanofluid flow on can influence the flow characteristics of the fluid. Saidulu a vertically moving plate with heat and mass transfer and and Ventakata11 further analyzed the effect of boundary observed that, there was high transmission of heat when slip of MHD Casson fluid with thermal emission and the fluid was in motion on the plate. Takhar et al.22 con- chemical response using the Keller box method. Again, sidered the MHD boundary layer flow of non-Newtonian Mahdy12 examined the effects of the stretching plate fluid on an uneven multi-dimensional spontaneous stretch- of the unsteady MHD Casson fluid flows with blowing ing plate. Chamkhar et al.23 analyzed the energy reactions 13 and suction. Ibukun et al. employed spectral relaxation on free stream flows of a partiali-infinite erected sheet with linearized-Rosseland radiation term to investigate the with heat and mass transmission. Etwire et al.24 investi- unsteadiness of Casson fluid on a stretching sheet subject gated the impact of thermophoretic transport of oil-based to the slip boundary conditions of the fluid. They real- nanofluid containing Al2 O3 nanoparticles over an exponen- ized that, the unsteadiness of the fluid had a direct impact tially stretching porous surface in the vicinity of activation on the fluid heat and its velocity. Similarly, Animasaun energy. et al.14 used the homotopy analysis method to investigate From the magnetic point of view, Modather et al.25 Casson fluid flow with varied thermo-physical properties investigated a paper on the systematic study of mass on an exponentially stretched surface with suction. Mag- and heat transport of micropolar fluid on a vertical leaky ARTICLE sheet within an absorbent solution. Reddy et al.26 studied netohydrodynamic Casson fluid flow on a stretching sur- magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer of non-Newtonian face with heat and chemical reaction was conducted by 15 nanofluid with particles of copper, water and gold on Gireesha et al. Their results showed clearly that, whilst turning disk in a permeable medium saturated with chem- the Casson parameter was used IP: to control On: the velocity of Wed, 13 Oct 2021 19:58:31 27 ical reaction. Younes et al. researched on magnetohy- the flow, the radiation values thickensCopyright: the thermalAmerican bound- Scientific Publishers Delivered bydrodynamic Ingenta fluid flow and thermal radiation of some base ary layer. Arshad et al.16 examined the sodium-Casson chemical solution discreted from aluminum oxide and nanofluid flow through porous surface using Laplace trans- nanoparticles. Kumar et al.28 used the concept of Cattaneo- form method with Darcian porous medium and the lin- Christov heat diffusion to explain the effects of a slopping earized Rosseland radiation term. Whilst Gbadeyan et al.17 magnetic plate of Reiner-Philippoff fluid. Kumar et al.29 considered the similarity transformation method to inves- observed the effect of induced magnetization and the emis- tigate Casson nanofluids flow over perpendicular plane sion of electromagnetic energy of the convective flow of surface with slip boundary condition and convective heat non-Newtonian fluids. Thameem et al.30 studied the stag- transfer. The collective effects of nonlinear radiation, ther- nation point of diamond-ethylene and glycol nanofluids mal conduction, viscosity, and the porous medium on the on a wedge with induced magnetic field with heat trans- boundary layer were discussed as well. mission. Krishna and Chamkha31 32 on the other hand Amos et al.18 used Chebyshev collocation spectral used the perturbation technique to analyzed the impact of approach to analyze mass and convective heating of Cas- Hall and ion slip of a rotating boundary layer flow of son fluid with thermal conductivity, and unpredictable MHD nanofluid on inestimable vertical sheet entrenched thickness. It is seen severally in literature that, both the in spongy solution. boundary layer thickness and thermal conduction have Very recently, Krishna et al.33 analyzed the influence of been investigated and the fluid physical properties change Hall and ion slip of unsteady electromagnetic fluid flows considerably with temperature. Amos and his colleagues in saturated absorbent medium and Abderrahim et al.34 found that there was an inverse relationship between the investigated a novel physical thermodynamic irreversibil- velocity and the Casson viscosity parameter. ity within dissipative electric magnetohydrodynamic flu- Heat carrier fluids like ethylene, glycol, water, mineral ids past a flat Riga plate with suction and joule heating. oil, etc. are of practical relevance in industrial application Then another time, Ramesh et al.35 discussed heat trans- such as in chemical production, power generation, air con- fer of aluminum alloy and magnetite graphene oxide of ditioning, etc. The performances of these fluids depend on porous cylindrical sheet with heat supply or sink. Menni their ability to transfer heat without changing their prop- et al.36 also considered how to improve the control of erties. Owing to the high demand for these fluids with energy transmission in smooth air channels and wall- high thermal conductivities, engineers are now focused on mounted impediments of the flow trail. They all observed developing techniques that will delay flow processes for in their results that the flow system and the geometry J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021 173
Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Aloliga et al. of the canal provided with obstacles increase the ther- nanofluid volume fraction. From Dogonchi et al.,53 the mal energy between the heated surface and the coolant. controled volume finite element strategy was used to Menni et al.37 again studied aerodynamics and electro- explore the problem of usual convection in a square and magnetic radiation of an isochoric non-Newtonian fluid curvy circular heater with the control of magnetic field and with invariable properties on a two-dimensional flat sur- nanoparticles. Mohamad et al.54 analysis covered about face using computational fluid dynamics method. Menni five different types of geometries; trapezoidal, triangular, et al.38 equally investigated nanofluid flow in complex unconventional geometries, circular, and squared. It was geometries. Menni et al.39 reported another paper on the observed that the performance of the squared shape was turbulent fluid flows and transmission of heat in solar chan- poor compared with the trapezoidal shape in enhancing the nels with different forms. Their outcome suggested that the heat transfer phenomenon. The thermal entropy parameter heat generated from Z-shape is higher than the flat rect- increases as the porosity of the medium increases due to angular, and the other shapes. Menni et al.40 looked over higher friction in a fluid. again at the effects of V-baffle and wall-mounted shapes Several engineering and industrial applications require in a turbulent flow through a waterway. It was config- better heat transfer performance. For example, the cool- ured that, different shapes of the baffles produce different ing and heating of engines of machines, electronical chips, rate of heat transfer. Thermal radiation and heat transfer solar panels, insulators of nuclear, are still a major con- of turbulent fluid flow in staggered shape obstacle in air cern. Heat transfer between a fluid and a heated surface channel was investigated by Menni et al.41 42 Whilst the depends mainly on the transfer rate of heat. The magnetic simulation of fluid dynamics characteristics and heat dis- field has a very important role to play in controlling the tribution of various shapes was analyzed by Menni et al.,43 heat transfer characteristics. Many researchers have tried he later on Menni et al.44 used the computational fluid to develop some fluid models to provide enhanced perfor- dynamics method to replicate the steady flows and energy mances. Applying the magnetic field on both the fluid and ARTICLE transmit in a solar air channel. Menni et al.45 investigation plate is a new concept of the magnetic field phenomenon however contained a simulation of a definite heat. Takhar in convective flows. The magnetization of the plate is et al.46 considered the implicit finite difference method to proposed to address the existing heat transport challenge. study the transformation of uneven varied fluids flow from The IP: On: Wed, 13novelty Oct 2021of this type of MHD boundary layer flow is 19:58:31 a rotation upright conduit with magnetic effect. It was obtained by Copyright: American Scientific Publishers magnetizing the surface of the plate. There- exposed from their study that, increasing of magnetic field byfore, Delivered Ingenta in this study, considerable effort and interest are made parameter values reduced the friction between the fluid to investigate the problem. and surface of the plate at a certain tangent. The convec- tion nanofluid surrounded by a square hollow space was addressed by Mohammad et al.47 The outcome of their 2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL investigation showed that, the temperature shift increases The mathematical equations of the Casson fluids are by addition of a mixture of nanoparticles for a conduc- derived based on established fluid dynamic models com- tion dominant process. The laminar normal convection and prising the; continuity, momentum, energy, and concentra- entropy production of nanofluid intricate void was studied tion equations. Consider a dissipative steady Casson fluid 48 by Salva and Chamkha. Their results demonstrated that, flows on a nonlinearly exponentially stretching magnetized the presence of nanoparticles in the fluid usually deterio- plate that co-occur with the plate at y = 0. Assuming the rates the flow strength. Chamkha and Abdul-Rahim stud- 49 fluids flow is restricted to y > 0 with two equal but oppo- ied the linear stratified stagnation point flows with heat and site forces acting along the horizontal (x-axis) so that the mass transport in the presence of an external magnetic field with temperature generation and absorption. They con- cluded that, increase in Prandtl number and buoyancy ratio increase Nusselt values. Seini et al.50 numerically investi- gated the boundary layer flow of Casson fluid moving on an exponentially stretching porous surface with radiative heat transfer and concluded that a highly porous surface cools faster than one with less porosity. Ismael et al.51 analyzed the heat and entropy generation filled with saturated nanoparticles in permeable medium and revealed that the entropy generation increased faster than mediums with low conduction. Dogonchi et al.52 studied the nanoparticles with convection in cavities on an inclined magnetic plate. Their results revealed that the magnetic field controls the heat which grows using Fig. 1. Schematic flow diagram of a problem. 174 J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021
Aloliga et al. Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow 2 Table I. Values of − 0 for some values of Pr for = fw = Ra = C C C Br = 0. u +v =D − 2 C − C (4) x y y 2 Kasmani Makinde and Present The formulation of the boundary conditions for the Pr et al.56 Olanrewaju57 Seini55 results problem55 is given by. 0.72 0.07507 0.07507 0.07507 0.07581 0.73 0.08314 0.08314 0.08314 0.08354 u → 0 T → T C → C as y → (5) 0.74 0.09145 0.09145 0.09145 0.09114 0.75 0.09870 0.09870 0.09870 0.09862 0.76 0.10523 0.10523 0.10523 0.10599 3. SIMILARITY ANALYSIS We introduce a stream function defined as = x/2l 2luo e fx/2L = and a dimensionless variable, = sheet is stretched to keep the origin rigid is shown in y u0 /2vle and noting that the velocity components Figure 1. relate to the stream function as Supposing the velocities along the x and y axis are respectively represented by u and v, with T being the tem- u= and v = (6) y x x y perature and C, the concentration of the fluid, then the gov- erning models of the steady Casson fluid can be obtained Equation (6) simplifies to u = uo ex/L f , from.55 u v uo x/2L uo x/2L + =0 (1) x y v=− e f +y e f (7) 2L 2L u u 1 2 u Equation (1) is automatically satisfied by Eq. (7). Introduc- u +v = V 1+ + gt T − T x y y 2 ing the following similarity variables, T = To ex/2L + T , ARTICLE B02 and C = Cw − C + C , Eqs. (2)–(4) reduces to; + gC C − C + u (2) 1 1+ f + ff − 2f 2 + Gr + Gm + Mf = 0 (8) IP: On: Wed, 13 Oct Copyright: American 2021 19:58:31 T T 2T V 1 u 2 Scientific Publishers u +v = + 1 + Delivered by Ingenta x y y 2 cp y 4 1 1 + Ra + Br 1 + f 2 qr B02 u2 3 − + (3) k y + Prf − f + Mf 2 = 0 (9) Table II. Results of skin friction coefficient f (0), Nusselt − (0) and Sherwood numbers − (0) for different values of controlling parameters. Pr M Ra Sc fw Gr Gm Br f (0) − (0) − (0) 0.72 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.900370 0.137925 0.161014 4.0 0.815769 0.684342 0.108992 7.0 0.790911 0.100065 0.100065 1.0 0.214660 0.042333 0.309058 1.5 −0.247661 −0.678961 0.449283 1.5 0.292102 −0.015520 0.062432 3.0 0.428038 −0.138718 −0.392618 2.0 0.217153 0.067377 0.321751 3.5 0.220871 0.079321 0.334688 0.24 0.899088 0.151591 0.143293 0.28 0.896934 0.171197 0.115933 2.0 0.900370 0.137925 0.161014 5.0 0.900370 0.137925 0.161015 1.5 1.061424 0.107921 0.211589 2.0 1.225211 0.052294 0.255559 3.0 1.601630 −0.270241 0.246804 5.0 2.189422 −0.718047 0.308662 2.0 1.079183 0.145846 0.168281 4.0 1.204634 0.153205 0.175099 4.0 0.963914 −0.710738 0.249704 6.0 1.084219 −1.571764 0.061649 J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021 175
Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Aloliga et al. Fig. 2. Velocity profile for varying values of the Prandlt parameter. Fig. 4. Velocity profile for varying values of Schimit parameter. + Scf − f + Sc = 0 (10) where the prime symbol(s) represent the number of times 4. THE NUMERICAL PROCEDURE a function is differentiated with respect to and Gr = Equations (8)–(10) are the coupled ordinary differential ARTICLE Lgt To ex/2L /u20 e2x/L and Gm = Lgt Co ex/2L /e2x/L u20 equations whilst (11) is the corresponding boundary con- represent the Grashof and the modified Grashof numbers ditions. These coupled ODEs are observed to be of higher respectively, Pr = / represents the Prandtl number, Ra = order and therefore difficult to solved directly. To obtain 4 ∗ T 3 /K represents the thermal radiation parame- a simplified solution, we employ the order reduction tech- IP: On: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 19:58:31 ter, Br = U2 /Tw − T represents the Brinkmann niques byPublishers Copyright: American Scientific letting; number and Sc = /D is the Schmidt number. Delivered by Ingenta Below are the convective boundary conditions; f = x1 f = x2 f = x3 = x4 = x5 When y = 0, = 0 u = 0 v = 0 C = Cw and T = Tw = x6 = x7 Thus, f 0 = M f 0 = 0 0 = 1 0 = 1 as =0 Equations (8)–(11) are then reduced to first-order ODEs as x = x2 f = 0 = 0 = 0 as → (11) x2 = x3 Fig. 3. Velocity profile for varying values of reaction rate parameter. Fig. 5. Velocity profile for varying values of the Suction parameter. 176 J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021
Aloliga et al. Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Fig. 6. Velocity profile for varying values of the local modified Grash of parameter. Fig. 8. Velocity profiles for varying values of Casson parameter. 1 x3 = −x1 x3 +2x22 −Grx4 −Gmx6 −Mx2 By assuming the unspecified initial condition M in 1+1/ ARTICLE Eq. (12) in the shooting method enables Eq. (13) to be incorporated numerically. The supposed initial conditions 1 1 are measured by a predetermined constant of the depen- x5 = −Br 1+ x2 −Prx1 x5 −x2 x4 −Mx22 1+4/3Ra 3IP: dent variables with values of accuracy. A number of iter- On: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 19:58:31 ations arePublishers Copyright: American Scientific made with the enhanced values of the initial 7 = −Scx1 x5 −x2 x6 − Scx 6 (12) byconditions Delivered Ingenta until such a time when no disparity is observed The boundary conditions become; between the computed and the assumed values. With the aid of MAPLE-16 software package, a numeric and graph- x2 0 = M x1 0 = 0 x4 0 = 1 ical codes were developed and implemented. A step size of h = 0.001 for a convergence criterion of 10−6 for all x6 0 = 1 as = 0 (13) the cases was assumed. The highest value of to each x2 = 0 x4 = 0 x6 = 0 as → parameter was known when the values of the unidentified Fig. 7. Velocity profile for varying values of the local Grash of parameter. Fig. 9. Velocity profiles for varying values of Magnetic parameter. J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021 177
Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Aloliga et al. Fig. 12. Temperature profile for varying values of the Prandlt parameter. Fig. 10. Velocity profile for different values of Brinkmann parameter. 5.1. The Skin Friction, Rate of Heat and Mass boundary conditions remain unchanged to a final loop with Transfers an error not more than 10−6 . ARTICLE Table II displays results of the effects of varying param- eters from the transformed model on the skin friction, 5. NUMERICAL RESULTS Nusselt, and Sherwood numbers respectively. It is clearly The validation of results and theIP: numerical technique have seen On: Wed, from2021 13 Oct the 19:58:31 table that, increasing values of Casson been achieved by comparing resultsCopyright: of the study with Scientific Publishers (Gm ), the local Grashof (Gr ), and American (), modified Grashof previous published results in literature for values of heat bythe Delivered Brinkmann (Br) parameters enhance the skin friction Ingenta transfer at the boundareis of the plate, − 0 for non- cooefficien whilst increasing values of the Magnetic field Newtonian Casson fluid. The comparison with the avail- parameter (M) reduces the friction between the surface and able published results of Refs. [55–57] are made and the fluid meduim. The plastic viscosity of the fluid reduces obtainable in Table I. Evidently, the results conforms with when the Casson parameter increases, thereby reducing the the earlier findings assuring the robustness of the numeri- speed of the fluid and consequently increasing the skin cal scheme employed. Fig. 13. Temperature profile for varying values of the Suction Fig. 11. Velocity profile for varying values of Radiation parameter. parameter. 178 J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021
Aloliga et al. Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow mass transfer is decreased with increasing values of reac- tion rate parameter (), the local modified Grashof (Gm ) parameter, the local modified Grashof (Gm ) parameter, and the magnetic parameter. To consider the estimated solutions, calculations have been done using the technique explained in the prior section. 6. GRAPHICAL RESULTS The graphical illustrations of the results are presented in Figures 2–28, the parameters (Ra = 0.1, Br = 0.1, = 0.1, Sc = 0.22, fw = 1, Gr = 1, Gm = 1, M = 1, Pr = 0.72 Fig. 14. Temperature profile for varying values of the local modified Gras of parameter. ARTICLE friction on the plate surface. The Prandtl (Pr), the local Grashof (Gr ), the local modified Grashof (Gm ) and the suction (fw) parameters tend to increase the heat transfer across the fluid. Increasing the values of (Pr) means an IP: increase in viscosity overheats diffusion On: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 19:58:31 hence the increase Copyright: American Scientific Publishers in heat transfer observed. Increasing values of the radia- by Ingenta Delivered tion (Ra), magnetic (M), and the Brinkmann (Br) param- eters also reduce the rate of heat transfer due to radiation and viscous dissipation. Moreover, increase in reaction rate parameter ( ), Schmidt number (Sc) and wall suction (fw) cause a decrease in mass transfer of the fluid. The rate of Fig. 16. Temperature profiles for varying values of magnetic parameter. Fig. 15. Temperature profile for varying values of the local Gras of parameter. Fig. 17. Temperature profiles for varying values of Casson parameter. J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021 179
Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Aloliga et al. Fig. 18. Temperature profiles for different values of Brinkmann Fig. 20. Temperature profiles for varying values of Schimit parameter. parameter. to satisfy the far-field boundary condition. It can observed and = 1) are kept unchanged throughout the analy- ARTICLE that the joint effect of fw and decrease the velocity. This sis. Figures 2–11 depicts the velocity profiles for vary- is because increasing fw represent a high degree of suc- ing parameters of Prandtl (Pr), the reaction rate ( ), the tion which causes resistance to the flows and increasing Schmidt (Sc), the Suction (fw), the modified Grashof means increasing the plastic viscosity of the Casson fluid IP: On: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 19:58:31 (Gm), the Grashof (Gr), Casson (),Copyright: the magnetic field and hence American Scientific a reduction in the fluid velocity. Figures 6 and 7 Publishers (M), the Brinkmann (Br), and the radiation (Ra), param- byrealized Delivered Ingentatwo components restricted to the laminar bound- eters respectively. Figures 4–8 illustrate the influence of ary layer. Increasing both Gr and Gm parameters lead to the suction (fw), the modified Grashof parameter (Gm), a corresponding increase in velocity close to the plate and the Grashof parameter (Gr), the Casson parameter (), decreasing them lead to a corresponding decrease of veloc- and the magnetic parameter on the velocity profiles f . ity away from the plate. Also, a special type of force has The velocity of the fluid is highly negligible at the sur- been produced due to the application of the magnetic field face of the plate and increases to the free stream value on the Casson fluid called the Lorentz force. This force Fig. 19. Temperature profile for varying values of radiation parameter. Fig. 21. Temperature profiles for varying reaction rate parameter. 180 J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021
Aloliga et al. Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow causes a decline in velocity of the fluid flow within the boundary layer. 7. TEMPERATURE PROFILES Figures 12, 13, 16–19 are graphs showing the effects of Prandtl (Pr), suction (fw), Magnetic field (M), Cas- son (), Brinkman (Br), and radiation (Ra) parameters on the temperature profile (). Figures 12 and 13 represent the effect of Pr and fw on the temperature profiles. It is observed from the graphs that increasing values of Pr and fw cause a significant reduction in the thermal bound- ary layer thickness. Increasing the values of Pr could be the possible cause of growth in the diffusion of momen- tum at the expense of thermal energy diffusion. Again, Fig. 24. Concentration profile for varying values of the local modified Gras of parameter. ARTICLE the increase in magnetic parameter (M) has seen a mon- umental growth in the distribution of temperature across the plate (see Fig. 16). The Lorentz force produces a class of resistance in the fluid on the velocity profiles. The fric- IP: On: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 19:58:31 tion produced Copyright: American Scientific from the force, consequently produces heat Publishers Delivered bythat could increase the temperature distribution in the fluid. Ingenta There are corresponding rising numbers of , Ra and Br (see Figs. 17–19) respectively with the thickness of ther- mal boundary layer. This could be owing to a correspond- ing surge in thermal radiation and viscous dissipation. Fig. 22. Concentration profile for varying values of the Prandlt parameter. Fig. 23. Concentration profile for varying values of the Suction Fig. 25. Concentration profile for varying values of the local Gras of parameter. parameter. J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021 181
Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Aloliga et al. Fig. 26. Concentration profiles for varying values of magnetic Fig. 28. Concentration profiles for different values of Brinkmann parameter. parameter. leading to increased chemical activity, Figure 29. Figure 30 8. CONCENTRATION PROFILES dipicts the effects of the Sc number on the concentration ARTICLE Figures 23, 27, 30 and 31 represent the effects of suction boundary layer. Practically, high values of the Schmidt (fw), Casson (), Schmidt (Sc) and the chemical reaction number leads to increasing momentum diffusion more than mass diffusion and consequently reduces the concentration ( ) parameters on concentration () profiles respectively. IP: On: profile. Wed, 13 OctWhen is zero at a poin in the flow, chemical 2021 19:58:31 In Figure 27, it is observed that increasing the Casson Copyright: American Scientific Publishers reaction cannot takes place. Again, increasing values of parameter () thickens the concentration at bounding sur- by Ingenta Delivered indicates a significant enhancement in chemical reaction face. It is instructive to note in see Figures 27 and 28 that which causes a reduction in concentration. The reaction the Casson parameter () reacts oppositely on the velocity rate parameter ( ) varies directly with the concentration and concentration profiles respectively. boundary layer thickness as can be observed (see Fig. 31). The concentration profile increases with increasing radi- Figure 23 portrays how the increasing values of fw ation parameter (Ra) near the magnitized surface due to the affect the decaying process of the concentration boundary presence of the Lorenz force which acts to dekay the flow layer thickness. Fig. 29. Concentration profile for varying values of Radiation Fig. 27. Concentration profiles for varying values of Casson parameter. parameter. 182 J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021
Aloliga et al. Heat Transfer in a Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow (ii) Prandtl number and suction parameter both con- tributes to reduction in the rate of heat transfer. (iii) A strong magnetization of the surface delays the flow across the surface leading to thickening of the thermal boundary layer thickness. (iv) The skin friction coefficient is reduced by increasing the reaction rate parameter (). NOMENCLATURE u v w Velocity components along x, y and z axes (m/s) B0 Applied magnetic field (Wb m−2 ) Cp Specific heat (J kg −1 k−1 ) T Time (s) Tw Wall temperature (K) T Temperature of the Casson fluid (K) U0 Characteristic velocity (m s−1 ) C Concentration (kg m−3 ) Fig. 30. Concentration profiles for varying values of Schimit parameter. C Concentration in the free stream (kgm−3 ) G Acceleration due to gravity (m s−1 ) K Permeability of porous medium (m2 ) T Temperature of the Casson fluid (K) ARTICLE Ra Radiation parameter f () Similarity function f () Dimensionless velocity IP: On: Wed, 13 ()OctDimensionless 2021 19:58:31 temperature Copyright: American Scientific Publishers Dimensionless concentration Delivered by Ingenta qr Radiation flux distribution in fluid, W/m2 Gr Local thermal Grashof number Nu Nusselt number Sh Sherwood number Gm Local modified Grashof number K Thermal conductivity of the fluid (W m−1 k−1 ) Kp Thermal conductivity of plate Pr Prandtl number Sc Schmidt number q Volumetric heat generation l Characteristic length (m) Fig. 31. Concentration profiles for varying reaction rate parameter. M The magnetic parameter Br The Brinkmann parameter 9. CONCLUSIONS Greek Symbols A steady boundary layer flow of a magnetohydrodynamic Casson parameter Casson fluid on exponentially stretching magnetized plate Fluid density has been studied. The partial differential governing the Similarity variable flow was modelled and transformed to ordinary differen- Internal heat generation parameter tial equations. A reduction of order was made and the Electrical conductivity of the base fluid (m2 s−1 ) resulting first–order odes were solved numerically using Thermal diffusivity the fourth-order Runge-Kuta algorithm in a Maple 19 soft- Kinematic viscosity (m2 /s) ware package.58 For low magnetic Reynolds number, and Stream function, (m2 /s) in the absence of electric field, the following conclusions Fluid viscosity (kg m−1 s−1 ) can be made: (i) The magnetization of the plate led to a significant t The thermal coefficients reduction of the flow speed inside the boundary layer. c Concentration expansion coefficients. J. Nanofluids, 10, 172–185, 2021 183
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