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Il Progetto «Healthy minds for healthy lives» è un progetto Erasmus+ Azione Chiave 2 – Partenariati strategici I Partenariati strategici fanno parte dell’Azione Chiave 2, Cooperazione per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche. Sono progetti di cooperazione transnazionale di piccola e larga scala che offrono l’opportunità alle organizzazioni attive nei settori istruzione, formazione e gioventù, a imprese, enti pubblici, organizzazioni della società civile etc. di cooperare al fine di • attuare e trasferire pratiche innovative a livello locale, regionale, nazionale ed europeo • modernizzare e rafforzare i sistemi di istruzione e formazione • sostenere effetti positivi e di lunga durata sugli organismi partecipanti, sui sistemi e sugli individui direttamente coinvolti.
Le scuole partecipanti Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Noblistow Polskich Rydułtowy – Poland Spojena skola Bratislava – Slovakia Chastna profilirana gimnazia s chuzhdoezikovo obuchenie "Chelopech"BG412 – Bulgaria Basogretmen Ataturk Anadolu Lisesi Merkez – Turkey
Analisi dei Bisogni Unfortunately, schools on every level seem to neglect the issue of students’ mental health. There are a lot of activities that educate students about the importance of a healthy diet, physical activity etc but little is being done about young people’s mental health. The older they get, the more risk factors there are around them and the more help they need. High school students are surrounded by risk factors all the time… they have complicated relationships with their peers, they are often victims of aggression and cyberbullying, they experience their first loves, they find it hard to get on with their parents, they are tempted by the material world which offers them a lot of easy but costly pleasures, they live in virtual world of social networking sites which make it hard for them to face reality. At the same time schools concentrate on the results, tests, exams. No action is taken to support students in their effort to fight the risks, deal with problems and stresses of everyday student life.
Gli obiettivi • to develop students' and teachers' competences • to raise students', teachers' and parents' awareness of the importance of mental health • to reduce early school leaving making schools more student- friendly places • to teach students how to look after their mental health • to teach teachers how to recognise and help their students' problems • to change the educational methods and materials used by teachers
Le mobilità Sono previste due transnational mobilities, cioè mobilità con soli docenti. La prima si effettuerà in Polonia (e sarà il primo meeting del progetto); la seconda in Turchia (ultimo meeting del progetto) Inoltre, sono previste tre short term meetings con la presenza di docenti e alunni in: Bulgaria, Slovacchia e Italia. Il progetto ha una durata biennale e ha ufficialmente inizio il 1° settembre 2016 e terminerà il 31 agosto 2018
Le mobilità Le mobilità con la presenza di studenti e docenti prevedono la partecipazione di due docenti e sei alunni e avrà la durata di cinque giorni. Rappresentano momenti di scambio educativo e culturale e sia i docenti che gli studenti saranno impegnati in attività diverse che verranno valutate e avranno l’obiettivo di produrre materiali utili alla disseminazione.
Le attività • A1 - introducing the project in partner schools • A2 - creating Erasmus+ corners in each of the schools • A3 - international competition for the logo of the project • A4 - starting the project on the e-twinning platform • A5 - creating a FB group (students & teachers taking part in the project – sharing info about the project, tasks, announcements, getting to know each other) • A6 -introducing schools and towns on Twin Space (e-twinning platform) – films, presentations etc • A7 -online quiz on partner countries (each partner prepares a quiz about their country for the partners)
Le attività • A8 - integration workshops for students in each partner school (on each form, each level – topics and methods depending on the groups’ needs and interests) (twice a year) • A9 - a training session for teachers in each partner school – e- twinning platform, how it works, its functions, courses for teachers etc • A10 - a celebration of World Mental Health Day (10th October each year) in each partner school including lectures by specialists on mental health, workshops for students, teachers and parents, meetings with psychiatrists or/and psychologist, a mini marathon in the streets of the towns etc..
Le attività • A11 - Teachers workshops in each partner school (teachers who took part in the training meeting in Poland teach their colleagues what they have learnt) • A12- creating a virtual classroom in each school for its teachers where they can upload useful materials they have created, links, online games, quizzes, tests, videos, presentations • A13- announcing the competition MY PERFECT CLASSROOM – students choose a place at school they don't like / find depressing and stressful and design its redecorating, the best design is put through later on
Le attività A14 - workshops/classes on safe Internet use, cyberbullying, hating (twice a year) A15 - art workshops – WE SAY NO TO THE LANGUAGE OF HATERED –each class creates a poster A16 - SAFER INTERNET DAY (in February each year) celebrations (short performances, films, debates, lectures, a letter to a hater – all classes write their own letters to be published on the Internet , an exhibition of the posters created before SID and voting for the best one, IT workshops – DON’T BE A HATER – infographics/avatars etc, announcing the winner of My Perfect Classroom competition in each school (the best project is chosen in students’ voting)
Le attività A17- MAKE A GOOD CHOICE -job-oriented workshops (workshops aimed at showing students different job opportunities and career paths) (twice a year) A18 - meetings with students and graduates of different faculties close to the educational profiles of the schools A19 - a series of classes dealing with stress (how stress affects students’ health and general wellbeing, how to fight stress effectively) A20- preparing a film report about the most popular ways of easing off stress among young people
Le attività A21 -creating the TOP 10 list of best books/films/games/bands they find valuable and important in their lives - each school sends their suggestion to the project coordinator who created a list, next the students of all project schools vote (FB or other tool) , as a result a list of TOP10 is created A22- creating school media-library (consisting of TOP10 choices) - each school enriches their libraries with the chosen positions so that the students can always have access to the positions they like and need, each school can add more titles known and important for their own culture/language only A23 - an official opening of the refurbished classroom (My Perfect Classroom project) A24 - ICT workshops for teachers covering new apps/methods/programs useful in education (a kind of update) .
Le attività A25 - reports of the visits in each partner school, A26 - enriching the schools’ sports base with some new equipment chosen according to the students needs (questionnaire) e.g. aerobics equipment, Nordic walking etc A27 - students prepare short anti-hating video ads A28 - open lessons for parents and other teachers with the use of ICT tools at each partner school (teachers prepare lessons that show the use of new technologies in education, and invite parents, their colleagues and teachers from other schools, then the methods and tools are discussed among teachers who share their opinions and experiences)
Le attività A29 - cultural visits in host regions A30 - dissemination activities (articles, newsletters, online updates, interviews, leaflets etc) A31 - uploading relevant data on the project website and individual schools sites (after each project tasks has been accomplished, after each project meetings) A32 - evaluation activities (questionnaires, interviews, observations etc)
Metodologia All activities are students' centered as their focus is on their needs and interests.
Il work team Docenti di Inglese Scienze Umane (psicologia, filosofia) Arte Sostegno Informatica Educazione Fisica Italiano (geostoria, storia) Diritto ed economia Costruzioni e topografia Finanza
MEETING IN BULGARIA During the five-day meeting the following activities will take place: • integration workshops held in international groups of students and teachers • guests take part in lessons at the host school (these will be different subjects lessons conducted by Bulgarian teachers with the use of ICT materials prepared by Bulgarian students/teachers) • lessons for Bulgarian and guest students conducted by guest teachers from Poland, Slovakia, Italy and Turkey • trips to Sofia and Plovdiv to let the foreign guests have an insight into the reality of Bulgarian life and culture • presentations of the video reports about the most popular ways of easing off stress among young people prepared by students at their schools before the visit • workshops FIND YOUR WAY TO FIGHT STRESS (each partner school prepares and holds one workshop – kinds of workshops will be chosen according to the needs and interests of students (questionnaires will be done before the meeting) e.g. art / chess / cooking etc.) • within THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES the Bulgarian partner will show the partners the theory and practice of using Edmodo - the guest teachers will have a chance to observe the tool being used during the lessons led by Bulgarian teachers, there will be workshops for the teachers on why and how to use it
MEETING IN SLOVAKIA During the meeting the following activities will take place: • integration workshops held in international groups of students and teachers • guests take part in open lessons of Physical Education and other lessons at the host school lessons conducted by guest teachers held for Slovak students mostly • trips - Small Karpatian /walking tour/, Červený Kameň /Red Stone castle/ and ceramic workshop, the Old city Bratislava • film workshops – SUICIDE ROOM (project students will watch the film together and then have workshops meant to discuss the film and its message which is teenage depression, hiding in a virtual world, loneliness in todays world) • mini Olympic Games held in the playground of Mladá Garda - various sport disciplines: running 100 m, 800 m, 3 000 m, long jump, shot put- both, students and teachers from each country will participate, each country will also participate in the organization and evaluation of all sport activities • within THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES – Slovak students and teachers will show guest students and teachers how practical classes are organized at their school and how much satisfaction can be drown from handicrafts
MEETING IN ITALY During the meeting the following activities will take place: • integration workshops for both, guest and host students and teachers • guests take part in lessons at the host school • lessons by guest teachers held for Italian students • trips- walking city tour of Palestrina with a taste of its food specialties, Rome city tour by bus: the Colosseum, Piazza Venezia, Fontana di Trevi, Pantheon and the Vatican, • presentations of video footage from the previous year Safer Internet Day celebrations in each school • IT workshops – creating infographics and other graphic materials to be used as a protest to cyberbullying ( creating a collection/base of such materials) • designing and creating a leaflet for Internet users of all ages DON’T BE A VICTIM, REACT TO HATING (working in international groups) • Who is a hater? – a meeting with a psychologist to work out a psychological profile of a hater and to find a trace of a hater in the participants themselves • presentation of the materials brought to Italy (anti-hating mini- videos to be uploaded on YT or other virtual space)
MEETING IN ITALY Within THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES the Italian partner will show the partners how to engage students in voluntary work (volunteering for Special Olympics) and the Italian students themselves will share their experiences with their peers from partner schools), the project students and teachers will take part in an event called "Sweet Sunday" (with the help of the association “No Fronteers” the Italian partner will organise a workshop called “Sweet Sunday” which has been organised for two years and its aim is to involve disabled boys and girls in pizza and bread making in which they are supported by volunteers)
Distribuzione dei compiti The Bulgarian, Italian and Slovak partners will be responsible for organising and holding the short term students and teachers’ meetings in their towns and schools and realising the project tasks planned for the meetings. Moreover, the Italian partner’s task will be to control the project e-twinning site while the Bulgarian partner will cooperate with the coordinator to handle the project website.
The dissemination tools and resources are:
La disseminazione • TEACHERS' BLOGS • PROJECT BROCHURES • EST DATABASE • DVDs AND BOOKLETS • REPORTS • The ERASMUS + PROJECT RESULTS PLATFORM - description of the project and its results to enhance the visibility of the project.
Le attività previste per settembre 2016 First of all It is important to inform the local environment about the project - articles etc A1 - introducing the project in our schools - you choose the way to do so A2 - preparing Erasmus + corners at schools - let's choose a good place now and put some info about our project there A3 - logo COMPETITION – each school prepare one logo, it will be published on our FB site and there will be an international voting - the one with most likes will be the chosen as the logo of our project - it is up to you how you will organise it at your schools. The deadline is 30 September, voting in the first week of October. A4 - E-twinning and FB group A6 - preparing materials to introduce our schools and towns - the materials will be uploaded on our e-twinning
Sostenibilità Il progetto sarà accompagnato da un progetto d’Istituto, approvato dal Collegio Docenti.
Grazie per l’attenzione! Daniela Corvino e Maria Grazia Mattogno Palestrina - settembre 2016
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