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Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 1. SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.- SUBJECT: Name: The Spanish and Comparative Tax System I Code: 13272 Year(s) course is taught: 2nd Semester(s)when the course is taught: 1st 2nd Type:Compulsory ECTS: 6 Hours ECTS: 30 Language: English and Spanish In-class teaching Degree (s) in which the course is taught:Business Management School of Business and Economics 2.- ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSE: Department: Economics Area of knowledge: Applied Economics 2. LECTURERS OF THE SUBJECT 1.- LECTURERS: Responsibleof the Course CONTACT Name: Begoña Barruso Castillo Phone (ext): Ext.: 15670 Email: Office: 1.21B Lecturer CONTACT Name: Begoña Barruso Castillo Phone (ext): Ext 5670 Email: Office: 1.21B Lecturer CONTACT Name: Ana Cristina Mingorance Arnáiz Phone (ext): Ext.: 15362 Email: Office: 1.21B
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 Lecturer CONTACT Name: Marta Gómez-Tembleque Romillo Phone (ext): Ext. 15669 Email: Office: 1.22B Lecturer CONTACT Name: Isabel Lima Phone (ext): Ext 15669 Email: Office: 0.16B Lecturer CONTACT Name: Alejandro Montoya Phone (ext): Email: Office: 2.- TUTORIALS: For any queries regarding the subject, students can contact lecturers by e-mail, phone or visiting their office during the teacher’s tutorial times published on the student’s Virtual Campus. 3. SUBJECT DESCRIPTION The objective of the subject is to know the structure, composition and how the Spanish Tax System works, with particular reference to individual taxation (Personal Income Tax and Wealth Tax). Besides, the studentshall learn basic facts on how those taxes work in the countries around us. 4.SKILLS 1.- SKILLS Code Basic and General Skills Students should have demonstrated that they have gained knowledge of and understand an area of study at a level beyond secondary education that, even though based on BS1 advanced text books, it also includes aspects that are acquired from knowledge deriving from the state-of-the-art of the field of study.
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 Students should know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a BS2 professional manner and should have the skills that are usually demonstrated by compiling and defending arguments and resolving problems within their area of study. Students should have the capacity to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their BS3 area of study) to form opinions based on reflection on relevant topics of a social, scientific or ethical nature. Students should be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions BS4 to both a specialist and non-specialist audience. GS1 Capacity for analytical and critical thinking Code Specific Skills Knowledge and capacity to interpret and use fundamental economic concepts (Economic SS1 Theory), context and institutional factors (Economic Structure and History) and tools (mathematics) in making business decisions. 2.- LEARNING OUTCOMES: Learning outcomes Students must be able to identify the composition of the Spanish Tax System (State, regional and local). Students must be able to assess tax consequences derived from decisions made by economic actors, both for Public Administration and individuals. Students must be able to quantify tax costs of the economic agents. Students must be able to explain from an economic perspective, what are the optimal tax options for agents who are involved 5. LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1.- DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENT’S ASSIGNMENT: Total Hours of the subject 180 Code Name On-campus hours EA2 Seminar 30 EA3 Practical Workshop 6 EA4 Practice 32 TOTAL Presence Hours 68 Code Name Not on- campus hours EA0 Independent Work 112
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 2.-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: Educational Activity DEFINITION Educational activity focused especially on the competence of the students to develop the learning skills enabling them to assimilate content acquired beforehand, while relating economic concepts and those of similar and/or auxiliary disciplines and different theoretical and methodological approaches. Students study each subject in depth to a large extent independently. This educational activity is also centred on Seminar encouraging students to acquire the skills necessary to communicate (EA2) their conclusions – and the understanding and underlying reasons supporting them – to both the specialist and non-specialist public clearly and unequivocally. Priority is given to the participation of students and their sharing of the reasoned interpretation of knowledge and the sources of their fields of study, all of which is coordinated by the professor. Educational activity focused especially on the competence of the students to use specific methodologies for resolving problems of a practical nature encountered by economists in their most applied aspects Practical Workshop and/or the information technology tools relevant to each subject. Priority (EA3) is placed on students undertaking practical activities focused on data manipulation and selection of quantitative and/or qualitative information for purposes of extracting/drawing relevant conclusions. Educational activity focused especially on the competence of the students to collect, manipulate and process relevant data and variables for economic, statistical, financial, accounting and tax analyses. Priority Practice is placed on students undertaking activities that involve the application of (EA4) theoretical and/or technical knowledge acquired, which may be done individually or in a group, depending on the subject and the skills to be acquired. Independent Work Educational activity whereby students independently manage their own (EA0) learning by the study of the course material. Throughout the course two computer workshops will be made. At the end of the semester, there will be organized both workshops in which students will be taught how to prepare Personal Income Tax Return (Form 100), using the P.A.D.R.E. software. This software is available for taxpayers, and studentsmust be able tofamiliarize themselves with it, as they will use it when their academic education is over. Moreover, the content of the course is subject to frequent changes in Law, with important impact in every field of Economy. This circumstance requires a continuous updating in Taxation. Consequently, if the Department considers it, there will be a Workshop on Tax Actuality, in which relevant changes would be analyzed. 6. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING 1.- CLASS ATTENDANCE: In order to be eligible for examination by continuous assessment students must attend at least 75% of scheduled class time (attendance sheets will be used). As students may be absent 25% of the classes, no attenuating circumstances will be accepted for absences.
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 Those students that due to COVID19 are not able to attend live classes, and prior permission of the Dean, they are going to attend online classes, please notice that it is mandatory to leave the web cam on, during the class, in order to consider the percentage of attendance abovementioned. In this sense, the achievement of the aim pursued is not only a percentage of attendance, the student must have a proper and participative attitude in class, at all times. Those students who cannot attend class and good cause has been shown, they must inform the Department at the beginning of the semester. They would receive an adapted course schedule to pass the subject. If no communication is made, or it is delayed, there would be no adapted schedule, and the student would be eligible for assessment on the same criteria as the rest of students. 2.-ASSESSMENT SYSTEM: ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Code Name Percentage AS3 Written examination on reasoning questions 35% AS4 Written or computer-based examination on exercises, problems, cases, and 65% so forth ORDINARY EVALUATION: The course will be rated by continuous assessment system which includes the following tests: 1. Theoretical and Practical Test, which allows to know the capability of the student to relate different taxes of the Spanish Tax System. He would be asked to know basic elements of the taxes involved. The value of the Test is 1 point. This test would be done during the semester on a date decided by the Department, and communicated to the students, at the beginning of the course. 2. Tax Inspector for one day: Test Maximum score to obtain in this test is 1 point. This test would be done during the semester on a date decided by the Department, and communicated to the students, at the beginning of the course. The aim of this test is to detect mistakes in a Personal Income Tax Assessment. 3. Knowledge Test, it is intended to evaluate comprehension of concepts and basic elements of Spanish Tax System, and the student’s ability to apply them to real situations. The global value of this test is 2 points. This test would be done during the semester on a date decided by the Department, and communicated to the students, at the beginning of the course. 4. Computer workshop: Throughout the course a computer workshop will be made in which students will be taught how to prepare Personal Income Tax Return (Form 100), using RENTAWEB software. This software is available for taxpayers. 5. Workshop on Tax Actuality: The content of the course is subject to frequent changes in Law, with important impact in every field of Economy. This circumstance requires a continuous updating in Taxation. Consequently there will be a Workshop on Tax Actuality, in which relevant changes would be analyzed by students in group. The maximum score of this workshop will be 3 points. During the semester there will be two workshops, one made by groups and another one to be done individually. Each of them will have a maximum score of 1,5 points. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher will provide to the students a document indicating relevant aspects of them (such as format, deadlines, etc…).
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 6. Global Settlement of Personal Income Tax: Practical case to fulfill the Personal Income tax Return. Maximum value in this Test will be 3 points (minimum score required: 40%). This test will be made on the official date posted by Secretariat of the School. In order to pass the continuous assessment, it will be required: 1. Students must attend at least 75% of the classes. 2. Students must obtain at least 40% of the score assigned to the Global Settlement of Personal Income Tax. 3. Students must obtain a final minimum score of 5 points EXTRAORDINARY EXAM: Students who have not passed the subject on the ordinary examination, will take the extraordinary exam. Please notice that some grades of the tests made by groups during the ordinary assessment, will be kept for the extraordinary exam; that is to say: Inspector for one day and the Actuality Topic. Accordingly, in the extraordinary exam, there will be the following tests: 1. Knowledge Test: The global value of this test is 3,5 points. 2. Theoretical and Practical Case of the Spanish Tax System: The global value of this test will be 1 point. 3. PIT Assessment: The maximum grade is 3 points (mínimum grade required: 40%). To pass the subject, the student should obtain at least 40% of maximum grade of the PIT Assessement, and the final score has to be, at least 5 points. 7. SUBJECT PROGRAMME 1.- COURSE SYLLABUS: THEORETICAL: PART I: PRINCIPLES OF THE SPANISH TAX SYSTEM CHAPTER 1: STRUCTURE OF THE SPANISH TAX SYSTEM Basic Tax Concepts Composition and characteristics of the Spanish Tax System (State Part) Tax Resources of the Autonomous Regions Tax Resources of Local Governments PART II: COMPOSITION AND OPERATION OF THE SPANISH INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX SYSTEM CHAPTER 2: PERSONAL INCOME TAX (I) Main features of Personal Income Tax Tax settlement Structure Tax Base: general and savings CHAPTER 3: PERSONAL INCOME TAX (II) Net Tax Base and Tax rate Net Tax payable
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 Withholding Tax and formal obligations of Personal Income Tax APPENDIX: WEALTH TAX PRACTICAL: The course has an eminently practical vocation, and as the subject goes forward and theoretical concepts are explained, practical cases are raised; some of them would be solved in Class whereas others should be solved by self-work of the student. Apart from resolution of those exercises, over the course of the semester, there will be several practical cases, distributed as follows: Part I Resolutionof theoretical-practical cases Part II Global Settlement of Personal Income Tax Inspector Tax for one day Computer Workshop (RentaWeb Software) Tax Actuality Workshops 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.- BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY: TAX CODE: Over the Semester, students will use The Personal Income Tax Standards (Act, Regulation and Ministerial Order) to solve practical case, in order to get used to it, as an appropriate use, interpretation and comprehension will enable him to improve his future professional life. The student has the possibility to obtain whole text of different Tax Acts, through the web of Spanish Tax Authorities: or These regulations also appears in the following books: 1. Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF) (Last Edition): “Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas. Normativa estatal y autonómica”, Madrid. 2. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (Last Edition): “Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas, impuesto sobre el patrimonio e impuesto sobre la renta de los no residentes”. PRACTICAL HANDBOOK: 1. Mingorance Arnaiz, C.; Barruso Castillo, B. y Gómez-Tembleque Romillo (2020): Discovering the Spanish Tax System, Editorial Pirámide. 2. Moreno Moreno, C.; Paredes Gómez, R. (Last Edition): Casos prácticos de Sistema Fiscal (resueltos y comentados), Madrid. In addition, the Department will propose several exercises during seminars and workshops 2.- ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: HANDBOOKS: The Department will provide the adequate material to the student so that he can follow correctly the course. Basically, through schemes which include main structure of the Tax System, to facilitate the interpretation of Tax Laws. Besides, the student can consult some theoretical handbooks to enrich the subject. Among them, we recommend:
Course Description / Academic year 2020-2021 1. Albi Ibañez, E., Paredes, R. y Rodríguez Ondarza, J.A (Last Edition): Sistema Fiscal Español, Editorial Ariel, Last Edition. 2. Agencia Tributaria (2021): Manual práctico de Renta y Patrimonio 2020. 3.- WEB RESOURCES: Due to the dynamism and constant changes produced in our Tax Regulations, it is important to consult updated webs on Tax matters. Main webs related to the course are: Ministry of Economics Matters and Digital Transformation: Agencia Tributaria: Ministry of Tax: Institute of Tax Studies: REAF: Spanish Association of Tax Advisers: Bank of Spain: 9. ATTITUDE IN THE CLASSROOM 1.- REGULATIONS: The student will show a proper attitudein class, according to the Faculty and University Regulations. That means apart from attending class regularly and timely, to have a participative attitude, doing all exercises and work required. Any irregular act of academic integrity (no reference to cited sources, plagiarism of work or inappropriate use of prohibited information during examinations) or signing the attendance sheet for fellow students not present in class will result in the student not being eligible for continuous assessment and possibly being penalized according to the University regulations. The teaching unit will decide, in each case, the sanction that will be applied to those students who are expelled from the classroom 10. EXCEPTIONAL MEASURES Should an exceptional situation occur which prevents continuing with face-to-face teaching under the conditions previously established to this end, the University will take appropriate decisions and adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the acquisition of skills and attainment of learning outcomes as established in this Course Unit Guide. This will be done in accordance with the teaching coordination mechanisms included in the Internal Quality Assurance System of each degree.
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