HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School

Page created by Juan Haynes
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                                  NURSE LASLEY 805­278­5008

Forms referenced below are available in the Health Office or can be downloaded at: https./I
    oxnardun on org/health­services/forms/
Emergency Cards:
Please update your child’s contact information through your PHS parent view account.      ~

annual school update steps. Emergency cards will no longer be a part of the summer
mailer. The most current information is imperative should an illness or injury occur during the
school day.

Please keep your child home If they have any of the following:
    Fever over 99.5° F
    Congestion/runny nose
    Loss of taste of smell
    Fatigue/muscle or body aches
    Eye inflammation/eye drainage
    Rash unless diagnosed by a physician as non­contagious

Medication Administration:
California Education Code requires that any student taking medication during the school day re
quires a doctor’s written order along with parental written permission. (E.C. 4923). Please do
not send your child to school with medication in their backpack to take on their own.

The Medication Form:
If your child requires medication during school hours, please take the Authorization for Medica
tions Taken During School Hours form to your child’s doctor for completion. The form must be
completed by a California physician, surgeon, or physician’s assistant. Orders from doctors
practicing outside California will not be accepted. Medication cannot be administered by the
nurse or school staff until this form is completed and delivered to the school site.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                                   NURSE LASLEY 805­278­5008

 Delivering Medication to The School Site:
Deliver medication to the health office in its original pharmacy container with the original pharmacy
label adhered to the container. Over the counter medications must be delivered in the original
sealed bottle. All information on the pill bottle must match the orders written by the doctor on
the medication form. Prescribed medication must be in the student’s name.
Students Carrying Medication on Campus:
In the case of prescribed medications for asthma, anaphylactic shock, or diabetes, students may
carry these medications on their person or in their backpacks if the doctor has completed the medi
cation form and has designated “child trained to self­administer.
Diabetic CarelSpecialized Health Care Procedures:
Require physician orders to be filled out and signed by a physician and parent and returned to the
Health Office with necessary supplies.
Visit Shots for School at for more information on immunization re
Children Entering Kindergarten Through 12th Grade Must Have the Following Vaccinations:
• 4 Polio (three doses of Polio vaccine meet the requirement if one dose was given on or after the
4th birthday).
• 5 DTaPITdITdap (four doses of DTaP meet the requirement if at least one dose was given on or
after the 4th birthday. Three doses meet the requirement if at least one dose of Tdap, DTaP or DTP
was given on or after the 7th birthday {also meets the 7th­12 grade Tdap requirement). One or two
doses of the Td vaccine given on or after the 7th birthday count towards the K­i 2 requirement).
• 3HepB
• 2 MMR (only doses administered on or after the 1st birthday meet the requirement).
2 Varicella
Children Entering 7th Through 12 Grades Must Have the Following:
• All of the above plus Tdap booster shot given on or after the 7th birthday.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                              NURSE LASLEY 805­278­5008

Conditional Admission:
• Your child may be admitted on a “conditional” basis if they have commenced re
ceiving doses of all the vaccines required above and are not currently due for any
doses at the time of admission. Your child will still be required to receive the doses
when they are due.
Or your child may be conditionally admitted if they have received a temporary medi
cal exemption from their doctor for all or some of the required immunizations. A letter
from your child’s physician is required.
Medical Exemptions:
Starting January 1, 2021:
Medical exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry
— Medical Exemption website (CAIR­ME) by physicians licensed in California.
• Schools and childcare facilities may only accept from parent’s new medical ex
emptions that are issued using CAIR­ME.
For more information, visit

Illness or Accident:
A student returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, or hos
pitalization must have written permission from a licensed physician to attend
school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity. A student re
turning to school with casts, splints, crutches, or a wheelchair must have a licensed
physicians written permission to return to school, including any recommendation
on physical activity.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                                    NURSE LASLEY 8O5~278­5OO8

 Los formularios a los que se hace referencia a continuaciOn están disponibles en Ia Oficina de Sa
 lud o se pueden descargar en: htt s:I/www oxnardunion or /health­services/fo ms/
Tarjetas de emergencia:
Actualice Ia informacion de contact~ de su hijo(a) a través de su cuenta de vista de padres de
PHS. yea los pasos de actualizacion anual de Ia escuela. Las tarjetas de emergencia ya no se
ran parte del envio de verano. La informacion más actualizada es imperativa en caso de que ocu
rra una enfermedad 0 lesion durante el dia escolar.
Mantenga a su hijo(a) en casa si tiene alguno de los siguientes:
    Fiebre de mas de 99•5 F
    Congestion i secreciOn nasal
    Dolor de cabeza
    Pérdida del gusto yio del olfato
    Náuseas I vomitos I diarrea
    Fatiga / dolores musculares 0 corporales
    lnflamaciOn I drenaje ocular
    Sarpullido, a menos que un medico lo diagnostique como no contagioso
Administracion de medicamentos:
El COdigo de EducaciOn de California requiere que cualquier estudiante que tome medicamentos du
rante el dia escolar requiera una orden por escrito de un medico junto con el permiso escrito de los
padres. (E.C.4923). Por favor, no envie a su hijo(a) a Ia escuela con medicamentos en su mo
chila pam que se los Ileve solo(a).
El formulario de medicamentos:
Si su estudiante necesita medicamentos durante el horario escolar, Ileve el formulario de AutorizaciOn
para medicamentos tomados durante el horario escolar al medico de su hijo para que lo complete. El
formulario debe ser completado por un medico, cirujano o asistente medico de California. No se
aceptarán Ordenes de medicos que ejerzan fuera de California. La enfermera o el personal de Ia es
cuela no pueden administrar medicamentos hasta que este formulario se complete y se entregue en
Ia escuela.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                                       NURSE LASLEY 805 278 5008

Entrega de medicamentos at sitio de escolar:
Entregue ei medicamento a Ia oficina de salud en su envase original de Ia farmacia con La etiqueta original de Ia
farmacia adherida al envase. Los medicanientos de yenta libre deben entregarse en et frasco sellado original.
Toda Ia informacion en ci frasco de pastillas debe coincidir con Las ôrdenes escritas por ci medico en el forniu
lario del medicamento. Los medicamentos recetados deben estar a nombre del estudiante.

Estudiantes que tievan inedicamentos en ci campus:
En el caso de medicamentos recetados pam el asma, shock anafiiáctico o diabetes, los estudiantes pueden lIe­
var estos medicamentos en su persona o en sus mochilas si ci medico ha compietado el formuiario del medica
mento y ha designado “niño(a) entrenado(a) pam autoadministrarse”.

Atencion diabetica I Procedimientos de atencion médica especializada:

    Requierc que las órdenes medicas scan compietadas y firmadas por un medico y un padre y de
       vucitas a Ia Oficina de Salud con los suministros nccesarios.

Inmunizacjones (vacunas):
Visite vacunas para Ia escuela en htt s: www.shotsforschool or pam obtener más informaciOn sobre los re
quisitos de vacunación.

Los(as) nifios(as) que ingresan al jardin de ninos hasta el grado 12 deben tener las siguientes vacullas:
• 4 Polio (trcs dosis de Ia vacuna contra Ia polio cumpien con el requisito si una dosis se administrO al cum
piir 4 aflos o después).
• S DTaP / Td / Tdap (cuatro dosis de DTaP cumpien con el requisito si ai menos una dosis se administro ai
cumplir 4 años o despues. Tres dosis cumpten con el requisito 51 se administro at menos una dosis de Tdap,
DTaP o DTP en o despues ci séptimo cumpleafios (tambien cumple con el requisito de Tdap de los grados 7°­
12°}. Una o dos dosis de Ia vacuna Td administradas en o después del séptimo cumpleanos cuentan pam ei re
quisito de K­12).
• 3HepB
• 2 MMR (solo las dosis administradas en o después del primer cumplealios cumplen con ci requisito).
2 varicela

Ninos(as) que ingresan a los grados 7 al 12 deben tener to siguien
•  • Todo lo anterior más

     I vacuna de refucrzo Tdap administrada en o después dei séptimo cumpleanos.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                                 NURSE LASLEY 805­278­5008

Admisión con icional:
    Su hijo(a) puede ser admitido(a) de forma ttcondicjonalt? si ha eomenzado a recibir dosis de
todas las vacunas requeridas anteriormente y no debe recibir ninguna dosis en el momento de
Ia admisión. Aun asI, su hijo(a) debera recibir las dosis a su debido tiempo.
    0 su hijo(a) puede ser admitido(a) condicionalmente si ha recibido una exención médica
       temporal de su medico para todas o algunas de las vacunas requeridas. Se requiere una
       carta del medico de su hijo.

Exenciones médicas
Comenzando el I de enero de 2021:
   Las exenciones médicas solo pueden ser emitidas a través del Registro de Inmunizaciones
      de California sitio web de Exenciones Médicas (CAIR­ME) por medicos con licencia

      en California.
  Las escuelas ylas instalaciones de cuidado de niños solo pueden aceptar nuevas exencio
      nes médicas de los padres que se emiten mediante CAIR­ME.
Pam más informacjon visite https://cair.cdph exemptions/home

Enfermedad o accidente:

Un estudiante que regresa a Ia escuela después de una enfermedad, lesion u hospitalizacion
grave o prolongada debe tener un permiso por escrito de un medico con licencia para asistir
a Ia escuela, incluidas las recomendaciones sobre actividad fisica. Un estudiante que regresa
a la escuela con yesos, tablillas, muletas o una silla de ruedas debe tener un permiso por es
crito de un medico con licencia para regresar a Ia escuela, incluida cualquier recomendacion
sobre actividad fisica.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
                                          ATTENDANCE OFFICE 805­278­5001

 By law students younger than 18 years old, are required to attend school on a daily basis. Per OUHSD Board Policy, a student
 may fail for attendance reasons (FA) should they accumulate 8 or more unferified absences.

 Excused absences require a written notice from parent or doctor within three (3) days upon returning to school.. The note
 should include the following:
 1. Student’s First and Last name
 2. ID number
 3. Reason for absence
 4. Name and contact phone number of the person providing the excuse for Off­Campus Passes. To expedite your visit,
     when your child needs to leave campus, a written notice and student ID should be alven to the attendance office before
    8:30 a.m. The Off Campus Pass can then be picked up by the student during nutrition or lunch.

                                                   Poliza de asistencia
Por ley, los estudiantes menores de 18 anos de edad, deben de sister a clases todos los dias. De acuerdo a LA Pliza de Distric
to, los estudiantes pueden reprobar clases a causa y por razones de sistencia si acumulan mas deS dias de ousencias sin verifi
 Ausencias disculpables/iusuflcodas: requieren un aviso de los padres o doctor y tienen tres (3) dias partir del dia de Ia
ausencia para entregarlar al escuela. El aviso debe incluir:
1. Nombre complete del estudiante
2. Numero de indenticacion del estudiante
3. Razon de ausencia
4. Nombre y telefono de Ia persona dando razon de Ia ausencia Permis para salir durante el dia: Pan facilitar este permiso
     por favor manden un aviso por escrito con Ia indentjfjcacion de estudiante

Tardy Policy

Every student is expected to be on time for school. A student will be considered tardy if he/she is not at their assigned station
when the tardy bell rings and doess not have a valid written excuse Cleared through the front office). Addministration will con
duct weekly tardy sweeps: students caught will be assigned an after school tutoring assignment.

Politica de Tardanzas

Esperamos que cada estudiante Ilegue a tiempo a todas las clases cada dia. Los estudiantes son considerados tarde si no estan
en sus asientos al sonar Ia campana o si no tienen una aviso verificado (por los padres o Ia officina). La administrcion Ilevara a
cabo barridos semanales de tardanzas; a los estudeiantes atrapaos se les asignara una tarea de tutorial despues de Ia escuela.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about ATTEN DANCE
Vt’ help y~understand our attendance policies and procedures please see below for answers to some of the
    most frequently asked questions about attendance and use this as a reference throughout the year

  What do I do if my child is absent from schoo ?
  Pease call the PHS Attendance Hotline at (805) 278­5001 to eave a message with your child’s ame and
     ID number, date and reason for the absence, and your name as the oarent&uardian. Or you may
     leave a note with the same information in the atteidance office, By State law arid Board Po cy, you
     must verify each absence within 72 hou s of the absence, After 72 hours, unverified absences are
     considered unexcused. These messages are logged o the Hotline computer and used to code ab
     sences properly. All notes eceived are stored in you stude f’s attendance folder, P ease do not
     leave messages on any other phone line or leave notes in any ot er location o campus. You can
     monitor your child’s attendance on Pare tVUE.

 What is considered an Excused Absence?
 By law [EC 48205], valid or excused absences are: illness, medica /denta appointments funera s
     (immediate family) i the state of California, court orders o the stude t certa n re igious activ ties
     quarantines, and imited visits with mmediate famly members called to or re uming from mi itary
     corn bat duty.

 How many Exuised Absences can my child have in one year?
 The average number o days missed due to ilness is 3 per schoo year. After reaching 14 days of excused
    absences, all futu e absences due to ‘I ness must be verified by a physician for each day of absence.
    As an alternative, a st de t may have an illness verified by v siting our school nurse, You wi receive
    an Excessive Excused Absence Notification in t e mai after S excused absences (30 m nutes or more
    of any day). You will rece ye a second Excessive Excused Absence Notificaticn in the mail after 12 ex
    cused absences, At that point, you will be asked to contact our Attendance Advisor at 278­3116 to
    discuss ways to improve your child’s attendance These letters are automatically generated approxi
    mately every 2 weeks,

What if my child’s absences do not fall under any of the Excused Absence categories?
State law fEC 48260­48273j is very specific about these types of absences, A student who is absent with
    out one of the specific val d exc ses will be marked “unexcused” for the day. These types of absences
    are also called “truancies”

Doesn’t “truancy” mean skipping o ditching school? Why would my child be considered “truant” if I
    called in his or her absences?
By law fEC 48260­48273], any pupil who misses 30 minutes or ore of three or more schoo days without
    a va Id excuse whether it’s one period each day or three whole days, s considered truant.
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about ATTENDANCE
To help you understand our attendance policies and procedures, please see below for answers to some of the
    most frequently asked questions about attendance and use this as a reference throughout the year:

  What about coming in late or leaving early for an appointment’
  Compulsory Education law requires that students attend FULL days every day, so coming in more tha 30
     minute ate or leaving more than 30 minutes early without a valid excuse is also concdered t uancy.
    Make sure that you send your student to school on the day of an appointment with a note to excuse
    the absence and to get a pass to class or a pass to be excused from class at the right time

  What happens when students have more than 3 unexcused absences?
  Letters are automatically generated approximately every 2 weeks a erting you to this. You will receive a
      “F rst Notification of Truancy” after your child’s third unexcused absence of 30 minutes or more of a
      school day. You wi I receive a “Second Notification of Truancy” afte yo rchid’sfifth unexcused ab
      sence of 30 mi tes or more of a school day. At that point, you wil be asked to schedule a confer
      ence with ou Attendance Advisor at 278­3116 to discuss how to mprove your child’s attenda9ce. If
      your child’s attendance doesn’t improve afterthe conference, you will eceive a “Third Nob cation of
      Truancy” after your child’s tenth unexcused absence of 30 minutes or more of a school day and may
      be scheduled fora School Attendance Review earn meeting, where a team of educators and mem
      bers of the commun ty, including the District Attorney, will review your chId’s attendance record and
     situation and provide further intervention o poss bly eve iss e penalties n order to improve his or
     her attendance.

 What can I do if my child has a chronic illness that prevents him or her from being at schoo regularly’
 OUHSD offers alternative educationa options for students with specia c rcurnstances that have been yen
   fled by a physician Please contact you student’s counselor if you are in this situation.

 What if my child needs to be out of school for an extended period of time?
 If your child must go out of tow for 5 o more days, you may request that your child be signed up fo an
      ndependent Study Ag cement by so her cou selor. Please note t at teac ers will need at least
     one week in advance to prepare materia 5.

 Why is attendance such a big issue?
 Attendance is vita to a student’s success in school, and it s a key p ed ctor of dropouts, job sustaina i ity
     and cri nal activity. In addition, the primary fund g source for school in California is Average Dai
     Attendance (ADA). The State of California funds schools by attenda­ice, not enrollment, and, since
     1998, schools have not received funding for days that stude ts are absent, even if the absence is ex
HEALTH OFFICE - Pacifica High School
Las 10 preguntas más tl’ecuentes sobre asistencia
  Para avudaile comprencier nuesizas pollitcas tie asistencia y pivcednmentos. pot favor vet abajo pan itspuestas de a!
  aunas tie las niac frecuentes preguatas sobre acistencia v utiliza esto como usia referencLa durante (ode e año

  1) ~,Que bago ci ml liijo hija esta ausente tie La ~

 Pot favor flame a Ia utica tie aststenna tie ACHS a! (805) 389­643 pan $jar tin mensaje con el nombre tie cu ntho.
 muncie tie ID. fecha, razon tie Ia ausencia. y su nombre come ci padre o tutor Tambien p sede dejar irna nota con Ia
 nisma informacion en Ia caja de color rota pie esta en ci niostiador en Ia oficina frente tie Ia oficina tie regictros. Por
 fey del estado y & Ia mesa threctiva. se tithe coniprobar cada aucencia no mat tie ‘2 horns dcl
~,Que sucede cuando io~ estudiarnes tienen inns

        Come to Pacifica to meet your student’s teachers and lean what is expected in each
                                SEPTEMBER 16,2021 from 6p.m.             ­   8p.m.

                                           REGRESO A LA ESCUELA
     La oportunidad para que ven,gan a Ia escuela, conozean a las maestr•sy sepan que es
                1. que cada clase espera de las estudiantes durante este ana escolar.
                                     16 DeSeptiembre 6 p.m.        ­   2p.m.

                           .•,                       .~                .,.,.,.
I’m looking forward to working with all students this coming season in Marching Band & Color Guard, Symphonic
Band, Stage/Jazz Band and World Music! If you have any questions during the summer months or still want to join
these amazing classes
(video link: please contact Band Director Cathi Rogers
at th o ers oxnar un on or or by phone 805­278­5012 for more information.
Noticias instrumentales:
iEspero trabajar con todos los estudiantes esta proxima temporada en Marching Band & Colour Guard, Symphonic
Band, Stage / Jazz Band y World Music? Si tiene alguna pregunta durante los meses de verano o aün desea unirse a
estas increibles clases:
(enlace de video: comuniquese con Ia directora de Ia
banda Cathi Rogers a cathirogers@oxnardunion org o portelefono al 805­278­5012 para mas informaciOn.


    INDIVDUAL PRICING                           PE Package
                                           • PE Shirt and Shorts
•   ASB Card: $50                                      $15
•   Yearbook: $80*
•   PE Shirt: $10
•   PE Shorts: $10
                                           Triton Mini Package
•   Sr. Sweatshirt: $35
                                            • ASS Card and Year
*yearbook pricing will increase by
the end of the school year.                        $130.00

       Senior ActMties and Items
        Seniors will have an
 opportunity to purchase items early
      and at a discount price.
                                               MONARCH POTOGRAPHY

                                               Call to make an appointment to
                                                 take your Senior portrait.
           Visit our webstore at:
hftps:Ilphswebstore.myschoolcentral.c4,m      Call Monarch Photography ASAP!

                                                       805­843 4111
4t416,         17,18,19
  fliton Orientation 12:3O­3:3Opm Gym
       ros 25 f4cmcj~   Juniors 23
      Sop ama as24he~g~ Sen ors22

      Opening Day Welcome Back Rally
      PHS Quad 11am i2:~Opm

           ST DAY OF SCHOOL 8:3Oam­3:34pm

       irst Football Game
     Triton Stadium 7PM

      D Photo Days:Per ads                6
      as & Sen ors.
    Sop omores & J            ors’

Septem4~ 3­1
    Club Rush Week:pHS Quad: Lunchtime

SØ4t~’2 ­24
   Homecoming Spirit Week

    omecoming Rally:Gym pa ad 4
   Homecoming Game. Stad m 7pm

Sqote4e~25 ~
   HOMECOMING DANCE:Gym 7                            pm
   Tickets o,i sole Sept ombe: 13 25. More info. in fate

Follow us: @pacificatrjtons          and at
                        ATHLETIC DIRECTOR RAY CAMACHO 805­278­5005

                           NEW ATHLETIC ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE
  We want as many Tritons as possible to enjoy an athletic experience at Pacifica High
  The new clearance process includes going online to and completing
  online forms. Then each athlete must PRINT out the physical Iconsent form and take it to
  their Doctor to get a physical.
  To try out, Dractice or Dlay, ALL student­athletes MUST:
  1) Have a physical by a medical doctor;
 2) Carry medical insurance;
 3) Maintain a quarterly 2.0 grade point average.
 STUDENT INSURANCE        —Student insurance is available to all students at special rates. All
 students who participate in athletics or other performance groups are REQUIRED to have
 insurance. If you do not have your own insurance coverage, application forms and
 information for student insurance will be available at the lobby of the administration office
 and with Nicole Schipper in the Administration Office.

Queremos que tantos Tritons como sea posible disfruten de una experiencia atletica en Pacifica High School.
El nuevo proceso de autorizaciOn incluye conectarse en Imnea a y completar formularios
en linea. Luego, cada atleta debe IMPRIMIR el formulario fIsico I de consentimiento y Ilevarlo a su medico
para que le haga un examen fisico.
Para Drobar. oracticar o iuaar. TODOS los estudiantes­atletas DEBEN:
1) Tener un examen fIsico de un medico;
2) Tener seguro medico;
3) Mantener un promedio de calificaciones trimestral de 2.0.


                                      Fall Football Practice and
                                             Spirit Pack
 No player will be allowed to practice without going through the following check in proce
1. Physical form & insurance packets completed.
NO Physical means NO gear issued.
2. $150 for spirit pack. (optional) Cash or check made out to Pacifica Football. The spirit pack
contains the following: T­shirt, compression T­Shirt, shorts, practice jersey, practice pants, hel
met decals, mouth pieces, bumper sticker and Personal HUDL account. Helmets, Shoulder
Pads, and Soft Pads will be issued.
3. You will need to provide your own locks for your locker.
4. For information about Freshman football or any questions call Coach Mike Moon at (805) 443­
7087 or email:

                                     Practica de fütbol de otono y
                                          Paquete de espIritu
NingUn jugador podra practicar sin pasar por el siguiente procedimiento de registro.
1. Formularjo fIsico y paquetes de seguro completados.
  NO Fisico significa que NO se dara equipo.
  2. $ 150 por paquete de espIritu. (opcional) Efectivo o cheque a nombre de Pacifica Foot
  ball. El paquete de espiritu contiene lo siguiente: camiseta, camiseta de compresiOn, pantalones
  cortos, camiseta de practica, pantalones de práctica, calcomanlas de casco, boquillas, calcomania
  para el parachoques y cuenta personal de HUDL. Se entregarán cascos, hombreras y almohadi
  Ilas blandas.
3. Debera proporcionar sus propios candados para su casillero.
4. Para obtener informaciOn sobre el fütbol de primer ano o cualquier pregunta, Ilame al entrenador
  Mike Moon al (805) 443­7087 o envie un correo electronico a: Michael.moon • oxna d ~on.o
                         •~ •O•         •             •   •      •_•

   While not competing, we want the Tritons to be in “The Super Fan Club”, the
                finest student rooting section in Ventura County.
    Mientras no compiten. queremos que los Tritons estén en “The Super Fan
    Club”. Ia mejor sección de enraizamiento de estudiantes en el condado de


          Welcome to Pacitica—BE INVOI3/ED!

             PiES,                     MEETING

                   Sept 8th                             Feb 9th
                   Oct 13th                            Mar 9th
                   Nov 10th                            Apr 20th
                   Dec 8th                             May 11th
                            6:30 PM in ­the Career Center

                      HTTPS://LINK] R             EC/PHSPTSA

                         General Association Meetings
    ASH Room every 2nd Wednesday of the every month 6:30 p.m. 8 p.m.          ­

        Parents and students can join PTSA electronically, please visit:
       htt s o acifica­li h­school tsafoin re i ter

                            Parent Teacher Student Association,
A volunteer organization dedicated to the support of Pacifica High School students and their
                pursuit of excellence in Academics, Athletics and the Arts.

   The Board reserves the right to have school officials search anxl inspect a student’s locker
  without obtaining consent of the student, if there exists a reasonable suspicion that the locker
  contains prohibited items. A locker may also be searched when odors, smoke, fire and or other
  threats to student health, welfare or safety emanate from the locker, closed containers or other
 objects within lockers are also subject to opening and inspection of their contents. Student
   ockers are also subject to periodic random, unannounced “inspections” or “sweeps” by trained
 detection canines sniffing the exterior surface of lockers for prohibited items which may be
 stored within the lockers If a trained detection canine alerts to the presence of prohibited
 items within a locker reasonable suspicion shall cxi t for chool officials without a student’s
 consent, to open and search the locker and any closed container(s) or object(s) within the
 Locker Schooj Rule   —    EC’ 3 291 School rules are available at each school sire Please contact
 the school admum tration for a copy

   Each school district may prescribe procedures to provide written notice to pupils
  District and school site administration recognizes that incidents may occur which
 ~ecpardazes the health, safety and welfare of students and staff, The potential for this
  occurrence may necessitate the search and possibly the seizure of a student’s propet­ty
  such as backpaclcs.v chides or other personal belongings Student lockers are the
  propernr of the Oxnard Union High School District and the Board reserves the right
  for its school principals or designees to inspect a student s locker if there exists a
 reasonable suspicion that the locker is i depository for a subst’tnce or object either
 prohibited by law or by district or campus rules or regulations The Board believes
 that additional steps need to be taken to strengthen the safety of the campuses in order
 to promote greater student achievement tuctent cannot learn nor can staff work or
 teach in a campus that may have the presence of drugs. alcohol, or weapons
 Therefore, it is the intent of the Oxnard Union High School Distnct to use scent
 discriminating. nonaggressive. trained detection canines in an effort to provide a
 school environment that is safe and drug free The use of detection canines shall
 incorporate the routine inspection of areas such as lockers gym areas common areas
parking lots, or vehicles located on district propern Classrooms randomly may be an
 area of canine detection inspection. Inspections shall be performed unannounced and
on a random basis Although die canines are not trained to sniff individuals, should a
canine “hit” on a backpack. locker or vehicle, the owner of the property will be
summoned and the school site administrator shall conduct a further search of the
property. Classrooms are subject to random metal detection to prevent the bringing of
dangerous objects and/or weapons to school. Snidents who bring items such as dnws.
al ohol. or weapons are subject to disciplinary actions which may include a
recommendation for expulsion
              casilleras, caninos de deteccibn y deteccion de metales

  La Mesa directiva se reserva el derechc de que los funcionarios escolares busquen e inspeccionen ci
  casillero de un estudiante sin obtener ci consentimiento del estudiante, si existe una sospecha razona
  ble de que ci casillero contiene articulos prohibidos. Tambiën se puede registrar un casillero cuando
  los olores, humo, fuego y / u otras amenazas a Ia salud, ci bienestar o Ia seguridad del estudiante
  emanan del casillero, contenecjores cerrados u otros objetos dentro de los casilleros tambien están
 sujetos a “inspecciones” periOdicas, aleatorias y no anunciadas “registros” por caninos de detección
 entrenados que olfatean Ia superficie exterior de los casilleros en busca de artIculos prohibidos que
 puedan almacenarse dentro de los casilleros. Si un canino de deteccion capacitado “alerta” de Ia pre
 sencia de articulos prohibidos dentro de un casillero, existirá una sospecha razonable para que los
 funcionarjos escolares, sin ci consentinijento del estudiante, abran y registren ci casiliero y cualquier
 contenedor u objeto cerrado dentro de las Reglas de casilleros de Ia escuela EC 35291 Las reglas de

 Ia escuela estan disponibles en cada sitio escolar. Comuniquese con Ia administracion de Ia escuela
 para obtener una copia.

  Cada distrito escolar puede prescribir procedimientos para notificar por escrito a los aiumnos que Ia
  administracien del distrito y del plantel escolar reconocen que pueden ocurrir incidentes que pongan
  en peligro Ia salud, Ia seguridad y el bienestar de los alumnos y ci personal. La posibilidad de que
  esto suceda puede requerir Ia büsqueda ‘i posibiemente Ia incautación de Ia propiedad de un estu
  diante, como mochiias, vehiculos u otras pertenencias personales. Los casilieros de los estudiantes
  son propiedad del Oxnard Union High School District, y Ia Junta se reserva ci derecho de que los
  directores de las escuelas o las personas designadas inspeccionen ci casiliero de un estudiante si
  existe una sospecha razonable de que ci casiliero es un deposito de una sustancia u objeto prohibido
 por icy o por las reglas o regulaciones dci distrito o del campus. La Junta cree que se deben tomar
 medidas adicionales para fortalecer Ia seguridad de los campus a fin de promover un mayor rendi
 miento estudiantil. Los estudiantes no pLeden aprender ni el personal puede trabajar o enseflar en un
 campus quc pueda tener la presencia de drogas, alcohol o armas.
 Por lo tanto, es Ia intenciOn dcl Oxnard Union High School District utilizar caninos de detcccion en
 trenados, no agresivos y que discriminen los olores en un csfucrzo por proporcionar un ambiente es
 coiar que sea seguro y librc de drogas. E uso dc caninos de deteccion debera incorporar Ia inspec
 ciOn de rutina de areas tales como casilieros, areas de gimnasio, areas comunes, estacionamientos o
vchIculos ubicados en Ia propiedad dci distrito. Los salones de ciase al azar pueden ser un area de
inspecciOn de deteccion canina. Las inspecciones se realizaran sin previo aviso y de forma aleatoria.
Aunque los caninos no estan entrenados para olfatear a las personas si un canino “sefiala” una mo
chila, casiliero o vehIculo, se Ilamara al dueflo de Ia propiedad y ci administrador del sitio escolar
realizara una bOsqueda adicional de Ia propiedad. Los salones de clases están sujetos a detccciOn
aleatoria de metales para evitar traer objetos peligrosos y / o armas a Ia escucla. Los estudiantes que
traigan artIculos como drogas, alcohol o armas estan sujetos a acciones disciplinarias que pueden in
cluir una recomendaciOn de expulsion.

    ~ fr.5L,ysc,,00.q

                                 Annual School 1. p ate Steps
  tep AGo to OUESD 1~ebdre
 Step    ,
       Co into Student, & Parent      e CIkk on? reniVue — Click Login

                                                                    ­.   —            C
                                               The Governi
                                               Board Of Th
                                               Oxnard Unlo
                                               School Distr
Step 3 Log Into Pirean no

                            Parei,I~ .JE Atcourr At~cm~s


                                                                         O,nord U ,,k.n ItI~t, Schoti   Dti,kI

Step 4. Select 20fl­20fl AIIaLIII t pdnt.   Returning Student­ 10­12) & C lick on New Enroll                     ~Annuai 1. pdite

                                                                                    UI4O~ ilir. tchp.d flhlnel

     S Proceed to update any information PLE 4SE FOCT S ON PHONE NflLEERS. ADDRESS & MEDICAL NEEDS~ a
inything new or tüi in empty fieLd­
Cómo actualizar Ia informac,án del estudiante

   ~ In~t.~..yS             g$v~.

                              A nual School I. pdate Steps
 Paso 1. Vava al stio web de OLHSD
 Piso 2. \ava 1 Esrudlaures y padres — Haga the en ParearWie                  Raga c e enAcceso

                                                                           —      —       o

Paso 3. Iniclo sesion en PareurVue
                            A(   coo’ a     i   enla Pnronlv JE

                                                                           0.ndrd LInIn~, HIçt, Schoo’   flI~frjt1


Paso 4 Seleccione 4cniahzac,on anual 2021 2022 Esnidgautes que i’egz­esan dO­12, v haga elk en Nueva

inscription Actualization anita!

                  I.,_.*__.,ø fl~4—aftfln...a~

                                                     t                 t
Paso 5. Pioceda a actualizar enaiquier infoi­mación (POR FAVOR CONCENTRESE EN NflEEROS DE
TELEFONO. DERECC 10% V NE(ESWWES flEDICAS) y a2regue algo iniero 0 compl&te los campos
David Ramos 805­385 2661

               Are you thinking about traveling?
        Will the student miss 5­20 school days?
            If so, please call David Ramos at 805­385­2661 to schedu e an
                appointment and sign a contact to excuse the absences.

                          We highly recommend the following
                         • Student Is not failing any class
                        • Student is not behind in credits
                   • Student does not I ave excessive absences
            • Appointment is lie d at least 2 week before departure day

               ~,Piensan en viajar este ano?
     ~,El estudiante faltara de 5 a 20 dIas?
     Si Ia respuesta es si, hable al Sr. David Ramos al tel: 805­385­
   2661 para establecer una cita y completar un contrato para que las
                                faltas se justifiquen
   su       .9educatlorl
        •         (    Recomendamos lo siguiente:

               Que el estudiante no estéreprobando materias
       • Que el estudiante no estéatrasado en materias (Créclitos)
              • Que el estud ante no tenga faltas excesivas
     • Cue Is eta se lieve a cabo 2 semanas antes del primer dia que
                              falta el estudiante
David Ramos 805­385­2661

               Do you work with livestock,
                    fishing, or agriculture?
 If your job consists of packing or directly working in livestock, fishing or
   agriculture, then your students may qualify for additional services at
                        Pacifica High School such as:
                        F eld trps to universities and or colleges
                              • Extended Summer School
                          • Parent and student conferences
                               Addifonal tutoring services

               Please call Yesenia centeno at   805­278­1006 and schedule an
          appointment to qualify your student to receive these and other services

     L rabaja con ganado, pesca o en Ia
Si su trabajo consiste en ernpacar o trabajar directarnente con ganado,
  pesca o en Ia agricultura, su estudiante puede calificar para servicios
                adlcionales en Pacifica High School como
 • Paseos a tin versidades y colegios comunitarios
 • Escuela de verano extendida
 • Talleres y capacftacior,es para padres y estudiantec
 • Servicio de tutoria adconales

            Por favor hable a Yesenia centeno al tel: 805­278­1006 y hacer
             una cita para que su estudiante reciba estos y otros serviclos
                      Build ng Powerful Futures for Every Student
      You can make a difference in the governance of your school by
  participating on the School Site Council (SSC) and or English Learner
                              Advisory Committee (ELAC).
 English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
 A school­level committee composed of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise
 school officials and School Site Council (SSC) on pro9rarns and se ces or En I s Learners
 Each Cal ornia public school with 21 or more English learners regardless of language must
 form a functioning ELAC in accordance with Section 52176 and 62002.5 of the Education
 Code. The purpose of ELAC is to advise t e principal and the staff on programs and services
 for Eng sh ea ers

ELAC should be predominantly made up of parents of English learners and, as a minimum the
Committee should reflect the percentage of English learners at the school. There is no mm mum s ze
for the Committee
The ELAC shall be responsible for the following tasks:

    • Advising the principal and staff in the development of a site plan for English learners and
      submitting the plan to the School Site Council for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan
      for Student Achievement.
    • Assisting in the development of the schoolwide needs assessment.
    • Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance
    • Each ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the Distnct Enqlish
      Learner Adviso Committee (DE AC) D shicts with 31 or more ELACS may use a system of
      proportional or regmona rep esentatmon
         Site Meet ngs
I Date         Location          Date              Location          Date               1.ocation

 10120121       PHS              01119122          PHS               05118)22           P115

 12(15121       PHS              03116122          PHS

         To learn more about your site committee, cositact: Anqejitu Sandoval, 805­834­1472,
                        Building Powerful Futures for Every Student
 Usted puede marcar Ia diterencia en Ia gobernanza de su escueia participando en
 ei Concilio Escolar (SSC) y o en el comite asesor de padres (ELAC).
 Comite Asesor de Padres (ELAC)
 Cornite de padres, personal docente, y miernbros de Ia conu.pnidad responsable de da
 recomendaciones a Ia administracjon escoiar y ai Conctho Escolar (SSC sob e servicios y prograrnas
 para los aprendices del ingles

 Cada escuela pâblica de California con 21 o rnás estudiantes de inq és independiei temente del id orna
 debe formar un ELAC en funcionamiento de acuerdo con Ia Seccion 52176 y 62002.5 del Codiqo de
 Educacian. El propésito de ELAC es asesorar al directory al personal sobre los proqramas y servicios
 para los aprendices de inglés

 Requisitos de Composicion
Un cornitépan padres tie fan’iilia y miembros de Ia cornunidad para prornover las oportunidades de os
alumnos en vias tie aprender ingles

El ELAC será responsable de las siguientes tareas:
    • Aconsejar al directory personal docente sobre el desarrollo tie un plan para aprendices tie
       inglés y sorneter ese plan al consejo directivo escolar para posth e inclusion en el Plan escolar
       para el rend irniento (SPSA por sus siqlas en inqiès)
    • Avtidar con el desarrol ode Ia encuesta sobre las necesidades de Ia escuela
    • Ma eras de niormar a los padres tie farniha sobre Ia rnportancia de Ia asistencia esco ar.
    • Cada corn te ELAC debe tener Ia oportunidad tie eleqir al menos un miembro representante a
      Corn téAsesor tie Padres de Aprendices tie Ingles del Distnto (DELAC, por St’s siglas en
      inqies) os distritos con 31 o rnäs comités ELAC pueden usar un sistema de representacon
      proporcional o regional

 Fecha          Lugar           Fecha             I Lugar             Fecha              Lugar

 10120121       PHS             01119122           P1­IS              05118122          MIS

12115/21      PHS               0311 6/22          PHS

Para obtener mas informacion sobre el comitétie so sitio, coinuniquese con Anqelita Sandova,
                      805­834­1472, angelha.sandoval@oxnardu,~ion org
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