Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3

Page created by Ken Phillips
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Information on Candidates
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Instructions for caucus questioning
During caucusing this year, you will have very little time (two minutes for each
candidate) to get to know many candidates. Therefore, it is important that you
make your questions count. Here are some tips to help you make the most of this

1. Come prepared.

Read through the Information on Candidates booklet well in advance of the first
round of caucusing. Jot down any notes or questions you might have as you read.
And if any of your questions have to do with official by-laws, policies and
procedures, refer to your Key Club Guidebook! The Guidebook can be found at

2. Dig into the candidate’s platform.

If they promise to make change, ask them how they intend to do it. Ask them
why the change is necessary. Ask them whether this change can realistically be
accomplished during their year of service. Don’t just take their word for it!

3. Challenge your own assumptions.

Take time to study each candidate’s previous experience. If you feel like a critical
component is missing, don’t simply discount the candidate. Ask why they believe
they are qualified de-spite the perceived lack of experience. Ask how they intend
to overcome a potential knowledge gap.

4. Don’t waste time with frivolous and inappropriate questions.

Questions like, “If you were a Starburst, what flavor would you be?” yield little to no
relevant information and will be called out-of-order. If it won’t get you any closer to
selecting a qualified candidate, don’t bother. You want the candidates elected to take
their year in office very seriously. Now is your chance to set the tone.
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Sample caucus questions
• How has Key Club influenced your life and how will your life change, both
positively and negatively, because of serving as a Key Club International board

• How do you intend to accomplish your stated objectives in just one year on the
Key Club International Board?

• What is the importance of Key Club being a student-led organization? What are
the advantages and disadvantages?

• What is your favorite service project and why?

• What is your greatest weakness as a leader? How will you address this weakness
to have a successful year on the Key Club International Board?

• What sort of problems do you foresee in the future of our organization and
what would you do to address them?

• What makes Key Club different from other student organizations?

• What unique skills and qualifications would you bring to the Key Club
International Board?

• What do you think is the key to organizational growth? How will you support
growth as a Key Club International officer?

• What do you believe should be a major goal or priority for Key Club in the next
year, and what do you feel you could do as a member of the Key Club
International Board to help accomplish this goal?

• If elected, what would you do to strengthen relationships between Key Club and
other branches of the Kiwanis family?
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Candidates for President

Cole Cestaro
Alex Drahos
Laura Sandoval
Irin Shim
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Cole Cestaro
Candidate for President
John Handley High School
Capital District

Elected Offices
2019-2020 Capital District Lieutenant Governor

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
2019-2020 Capital District Communications Committee
2019-2020 John Handley High School Key Club
Fundraising Committee Member

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
2020 – WPS School Board Representative
2020 – John Handley High School DECA President
2019 – John Handley High School FBLA President
2018-2019 John Handley High School FBLA Vice President
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
                                         for International President

        WHO AM I?
 Hello, Key Club! I am Cole Cestaro from the
    beautiful state of Virginia in the Capital
                                                  Create a step-by-step manual for district officers
                                                    to host their own district-wide fundraising
 District. I am grateful for the opportunity to                  event, such as a 5k.
run for the position of International President
 of this great organization! I want to advance

Key Club's mission in today's changing world.
 To accomplish this, we must strengthen our
  bonds with other branches of the Kiwanis
Family. Together, we can collaboratively work

       to reverse the trend of decreasing
membership in Key Club through the creation
 of signature district-wide fundraisers. These
events will be inclusive, fun, and engaging for      Boost membership           Unite Key Club
   everyone involved, providing leadership           StrengthenbK-Fam           Funding for Key
  development opportunities for members              relations                  Club partners
  while raising awareness for the great work

 Key Club does for our homes, schools, and
        communities around the globe.

  WHY THIS IDEA?                                      hange
                                                  Key Club mustbrapidly adapt to continue serving
      Many Key Clubs will lose members,
   motivation, and momentum due to the                 communities. The creation of COVID-19
     effects of COVID-19. However,bbif we         guidelines and ideas for service projects is vital.
     regroup and proactively help clubs,

   divisions, and districts to plan hands-on
    service and fundraising ideas, we can
  emerge from the pandemic in a stronger
position than ever before! With the inclusion
  of district-wide fundraisers, we will realize
   numerous advantages. I plan to lay this
foundation by working with the International
 Board early in our term to create resources        Large fundraisers in each of our 34 districts
 for district officers to set the PACE. What is      would provide considerable funding to our
                      PACE?                           global inititative: The ELIMINATE Project.

                   COLE.CESTARO@YAHOO.COM                         COLECESTARO

Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Alex Drahos
Candidate for President
Linn-Mar High School
Nebraska-Iowa District

Elected Offices
Bulletin Editor (District): 2018-2019
International Trustee: 2019-20200RQWDQD3HQQV\OYDQLD

Appointed Offices
Lieutenant Governor (District): 2017-2018
Executive Committee Member (International): 2019-2020
Global Outreach Committee Member (International)
Branding Task Force Chair (International): 2019 – 2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
State of Iowa Youth Advisory Council: 2019 – Present
Linn-Mar Symphony Orchestra: 2017-Present
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
AAlleexx DDrraahhooss
                                          International President
                                    Unanimously endorsed by the Nebraska-Iowa District

We are in an unpredictable time, to say the least. I admire and appreciate all of your flexibility and commitment these past months.
The next International president must be equipped to guide Key Club through a global pandemic and membership crisis, while still
improving this organization in a short amount of time. My experience on the International Board and platform of initiatives,
coupled with the knowledge and determination of the International Council, can better Key Club.
It is time for change. Thank you for your dedication and service!

                                                   T             48$57(5
                                                            • Transition to issue-focused projects/partners to increase participation
         20:21                                              • Create new convention competitions focused on incentivizing service
      3$67:  25.                                           and leadership.
   • Executive and Global Outreach                          • Pioneer virtual Key Clubs for individuals without access to a club
   Committee member                                         • Implement a COVID-19 strategic plan & task force
   • Chair of Branding Task Force and
   co-author of branding proposal
   • Assisted in the creation of the
   Community Initiative competition
   • Liaison to Taiwan, Pennsylvania,
                                                   I              48$57(5
                                                            • Implement due/charter waivers for low-income schools/students
   Eastern Canada, and Montana
                                                            • Allocate an additional $5,000 (minimum) to the ICON subsidy fund
   • Editor/co-author of strategic plan draft
   • Revised Truly International scripts                    • Revise Key Club Week by adding club/member participation incentives
   and international contests                               and international “surprises” (e.g. releasing the president’s project)
   • Assisted with Key Club Week revisions                  • Complete the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan with stakeholder input and
   • Assisted in creation of Kiwanis                        analysis
   chartering guide

    • Contributor to non-traditional
    club initiative
                                                  M              48$57(5
                                                           • Create international mentorship programs with external organizations
                                                           • Introduce ten new scholarships for postsecondary education
                                                           • Reestablish a competitor research task force
                                                           • Promote and expand Truly International through highlights and media

                                                  E              48$57(5
                                                           • Strengthen the KCI alumni network with Kiwanis staff
             TIME                                          • Create a continuity task force to transition the old and new
                                                           International Board and International Council
            MACHINE                                        • Expand and promote the service directory
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Laura Sandoval
Candidate for President
MAST@FIU Biscayne Bay Campus
Florida District
Elected Offices
Florida District of Key Club International Division 25 B
Lieutenant Governor – 2019-2020
MAST @ FIU Key Club Secretary (Club, 2018-2019)

Appointed Offices
Florida District of Key Club International Scholarships
Committee Chair – 2019-2020
MAST@ FIU Key Club Public Relations Co-Chair (Club,
2018 – 2019)

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
UNICEF Secretary 2019-2020
Pre-Health Club Secretary 2018-2019
Forensics Club Vice President 2019-2020
Model United Nations Vice President 2018-2019
Information on Candidates 2020-2021 - Amazon S3
Laura Sandoval
                                            FOR INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT

My name is Laura, and I am honored to be
seeking the office of Key Club International                Every problem-solving strategy begins with
President. Although I am sad that we won't be               education! By educating the public on the
able to see each other face-to-face, I am glad              international issues we face, we can then focus on...

we are taking all necessary precautions to stay
safe and hopefully get a chance to meet soon!
                                                             Because raising awareness on environmental
As your IP, my goal is to serve the international            issues, the importance of equal opportunity, and
community. Moving forward, I would like to                   value of education regardless of issues such as
extend our work to target a variety of sectors.              socioeconomic status is crucial in reinforcing our
Living in such a progressive world, and seeing               Key Club values.
the impact our actions have in aiding the
current problems we face, it is our duty to
target the ongoing social issues.                            The key to solving global issues is to reach everyone
                                                             in our community! It is specially important to reach
My goal is to shift our focus onto targeting the             those that tend to go underrepresented.
environment, equal opportunity, and education.
The platform's name: EARTHd. On this flyer, you
will find more information about my ideas and
goals this year. If you have any questions, don't            All factors that directly and indirectly impact the
hesitate to approach me or contact me. My                    environment and our local communities. Begin with
information can be found below!                              asking ourselves what changes can be make? What
                                                             actions can we take?

                                                              Because we need to give hope to the youth, the
                                                              elderly, and everyone in between. For our
@LAURA.VERGARA                                                community to come together, we need everyone
LAURAVERGARA1503@GMAIL.COM                                    to be understanding and hopeful.

                                                    Leader of Leaders
                                                    RFL Outstanding Lt. Governor
                                                    Donna Parton Distinguished Lt. Governor
                                                    Most Outstanding Division
Irin Shim
Candidate for President

Great Oak High School
California-Nevada-Hawaii District

Elected Offices
International Trustee; Pacific Northwest, New York,
Caribbean-Atlantic Districts – 2019-2020
Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor,
California-Nevada-Hawaii District 2018-2019

Appointed Offices
Key Club International March of Dimes Liaison 2019-2020
Key Club International Executive Committee – 2019-2020
Key Club International Opportunities Committee –
California-Nevada-Hawaii Policy, International Business
and Elections Committee -2018-2019

Other non-Key Club offices held in school community
Class President 2017-2020
City of Temecula Kindness Rally Speaker -2019
Girl Scout Gold Award – 2020
California Scholarship Federation Distinguished Member –

  I sat down and thought critically about what we are      TRUST
  missing. The International Board works hard but to                    OUR FAMILY: KCI and KI will only form an effective
  no avail. Why? What are we missing in the K-Family                   team once mutual trust is achieved. In order to make
  formula? What does International need to change                      an impact, I will lead the I-Board with this dynamic in
  to make the 2020-2021 term both effective and
  efficient? How does the I-Board affect a governor's                  mind.
  term and what can I do to ensure governors are
  more actively and amply supported? What                     RESPECT
  distinguishes a successful Trustee from a friendly                         OUR DISTRICTS: Our districts and our governors
  This is a fraction of my solution.                                      are the gears that keep KCI moving. We must respect
                                                                          our districts and enhance governors’ experiences to
The philosophy of my plan is simple:

                                                                          improve our organization.

                                                                                   OUR MISSION: Our mission is to “provide service, build

                                                                               character and develop leadership.” I will create committees
                                                                               that reflect trustees’ strengths and governors’ needs. We

                                                                               must re-evaluate our approach so that every district derives
                                                                               something valuable from International.

                                                                                                                       Management Plan
   Focus on “3 C’s” (Communication,
                                   Q1                                  Q2                            Large, new projects are unattainable in such
                                                          Organize ZOOM K-Family I-Boards
   Collaboration, Concern) to ensure both KCI                                                        a turbulent term. Therefore, our focus should
                                                          meetings to discuss pertinent issues
   and KI are present                                     Modify GATC materials to form a            be retention and continuity over growth. This
   Update documents to be inclusive of                    worthwhile training for every district     comes from a change in perspective and
   international districts                                Conduct an IT/IVP/IP prep/reflection on    planning for crises. We must demonstrate
   Revamp LEADCON so that ITs get the                     how to effectively transition and honor    full transparency by ensuring that our
                                                          DGs                                        documents are available for public use and
   training necessary to support their districts
                                                          Work with external organizations to
   Match DGs with an effective IT who can                                                            that our stakeholders are included in all
                                                          provide I-Board with
   provide relevant feedback                              leadership-building exercises              discussions. Eliminating projects that are not
   Assist districts in raising involvement with           Create meaningful ways of surveying,       substantive will streamline our leadership. I
   KCI partners through updating resources in             engaging, and communicating with our       will train ITs to accommodate districts'
   collaboration with DGs                                 membership                                 varying levels of involvement with KCI so that
                                                          Release International Competition          they can be useful resources to all district
       Q3                                                 materials
                                                                                                     leaders. Planning ahead is important, but we
   Connect districts with improved workshop
                                                                                                     must also conduct after-action reports
   materials about Kiwanis-Family Relations                                              Q4
                                                        Write a joint report with KI to provide      depicting successes and takeaways so that
   Host “Running for International Office”
                                                        detailed recommendations on aspects of       future boards know where to start
   webinars                                             inter-family “3 C’s” for the next board      discussions. It is crucial that we define which
   Emphasize the DG/DA/IT relationships and             Compile 20-21 term’s quantitative and
                                                        qualitative information along with DG/DA,
                                                                                                     clubs and districts are experiencing the
   District/KCI dynamic at GATC, as well as at
                                                        stakeholder, and competition/CTE club        most critical needs. To ensure that all
   LEADCON for new ITs
                                                        analysis for reference and strategic         districts' needs are addressed effectively, I
   Conduct organization-wide reflections
                                                        planning                                     will seek I-Council participation in openly
   with ITs, past Execs, and DAs                        Finish all projects and follow-up reports;   analyzing all initiatives put forth by KCI,
   Assess KCI’s relationship with its partners          new board should be welcomed with a
                                                        clean slate                                  whether that be monetary aid, growth
   and possibilities for future collaboration
                                                                                                     initiatives, or other types of support.
Candidates for Vice President

Caroline Bushnell
Ella Erickson
Clarissa Mbera
Carsyn Stipp
Caroline Bushnell
Candidate for Vice President

Palmer Ridge High School
Rocky Mountain District

Elected Offices
International: International Trustee, AL-IN-II (2019/20)
Club: Director of Project Development (2018/19)
Club: Freshman Representative (2017 /18)

Appointed offices
District: Lieutenant Governor (2018/19)

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Speech and Debate Captain (2019-present)
Legal & Policy Officer: Monumental Impact (present)
caroline bushnell

 Continue to grow on the initiatives of the 2019/20 year by reviewing all
 transition reports and previous committee directives before moving forward.
 Create a system to ensure continuity between boards.

 Advocate to support current events and issues, and inspire members to take
 action for the issues they care about most.
 Be proactive, not passive, while supporting issues which correspond with our core
 Emphasize the importance of sistrict pairings to create meaningful relationships.ʓ
 Provide resources to international board members on how to collaborate with
 Kiwanis staff and counterparts.

 Re-evaluate our service partners, and analyze research to draw inspiration
 from other student organizations.

Ella Erickson
Candidate for Vice President

Cienega High School
Southwest District

Elected Offices
Southwest District Governor 2019-2020
Catalina Division Lieutenant Governor 2018-2019

Appointed Offices
Council Elect Committee chair (District) 2018-2019
Club Freshman Representative 2017-2018

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Science National Honor Society Club Secretary 2019-2020
Ping Pong Club Vice President 2019-2020
Salad Club Co-President 2017-2020
Astronomy Club President 2017-2019
Endorsed by the Southwest District


   Hello Key Clubbers!                                    I-Council
      I wish we could all be together            MAKE COMMITTEES CONSISTENT WITH
  celebrating this past service year in San      THE STRATEGIC PLAN
  Francisco right now, but thank you for your    CREATE A DISTINGUSHED TRUSTEE
  patience with these new challenges.            AWARD
      My Name is Ella Erickson and one of the    HELP THE IP ESTABLISH A CARING
  many things I learned about myself during      BOARD DYNAMIC
  my term as Southwest District Governor         MONTHLY COMMUNICATION WITH
  was that I thrive in coming up with ideas,     GOVERNORS
  and I am here to ask that you would give       WEEKLY COMMUNICATION WITH
  me the chance to bring that same skill to      TRUSTEES AND INTERNATIONAL
  the International Board! I am also beyond      PRESIDENT
  excited to work with the Truly International
  program and provide support to Districts                Members
  in formation abroad!                           FIND WAYS TO OFFER MEMBERS MORE
      Please feel free to reach out and thank    RECOGNITION AT INTERNATIONAL
  you so much for all your hard work this        CONVENTION AND THROUGHOUT THE
  past service year! I appreciate you!           YEAR
                                                 DEVELOP MORE SCHOLARSHIPS
              Yours in friendship and service,   ADVOCATE FOR KEY CLUB AT KIWANIS
                                 Ella Erickson   INTERNATIONAL
  (520)336-2138 @ERICKSON-41                     ASSIST UNDISTRICTED KEY CLUBS AND
                                                 BECOME A DISTRICT
Clarissa Mbera
Candidate for Vice President

Seton Catholic Central High School
New York District

Elected Offices
Division 20 Lieutenant Governor
Club Treasurer
Carsyn Stipp
Candidate for Vice President

Woodland High School
Illinois-Eastern Iowa

Elected Offices
Division 24 Lieutenant Governor, District 2019-2020

Appointed Offices
Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chairperson, District,
Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Representative,
International, 2018-2019
Blood Drive Committee Chairperson, Club, 2018-2019
 Key Club Week Chairperson, Club, 2018-2019

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Class President, 2018-2020
 Snowball President, 2019-2020
 Student Council Secretary, 2019-2020
4-H Vice President, 2018-2020
           International Vice President
          Endorsed by the mighty I-I District

Monthly newsletters and updates
Sistrict wide webinars

Chartering guides for all K-Fam branches
Promote Kiwanis locator
Promote Key Club reps. on committees
Updates on Key Club Week, Builders Club
Week, etc.
Aid undistricted clubs
Aid districts in formation
Explore new chartering locations

Service planning calendar
Educate members
International challenges
Trustee Candidates
Emma Brainard
Lauren Campbell
Emma Chang
Max Coppola
Siranie Dias
Salma Eldeeb
Marissa Ding
Rebecca Galloway
Mia Ginsberg
Dillion Grisham
William Hin
Aurora Hom
Ava Jarell
Glory Kalu
Melanie Kim
Alec Kridner
Joy Luo
Anton Mcdonald
Lena Oswald
River Pease
Hank Rader
Jordan Reichhardt
Andrew Watson
Eddie Wei
Emma Brainard
Candidate for International Trustee

Northfield Junior/Senior High School
Indiana District

Elected Offices
Indiana District Governor 2019-20
Lieutenant Governor 2018-19
Club Bulletin Editor 2017-18

Appointed Offices
District Leadership Committee Chair 2019-20
District Leadership Committee Chair 2018-19
Event Planning Committee Member 2018-19

Other non-Key Club offices held in school
Student Council President 2019-20
Student Council President 2018-2019
Speech & Debate Team Captain 2018-19
National Honor Society Member 2019-20
for International Trustee
K   ey Collaborations

E ngage with Members

Y   ou!

U   tilize Resources

T rustee Basics

I ncrease Membership

E nhance Connections        Feel Free to Reach Out!
Lauren Campbell
Candidate for International Trustee

Campion College
Jamaica District

Elected Offices
President of the Campion College Key Club 2018-19
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 2017-18
First Form Director 2015-16

Appointed offices
District Chairperson of Communications 2019-20
Valentines fundraiser Planning Chair 2017-18
Dairy Fairy Bake Sale Planning Chair 2017-18
Scrapbooking Chair 2017-18

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Head of Business, Paper to Paper Recycling 2019-20
Secretary, Campion College Magazine Committee 2019-20
Team Captain, Lego Yuh Mind Advanced Robotics Team
Wellness Coordinator, Campion College Theatre Ensemble
Emma Chang
Candidate for International Trustee

Glen A. Wilson High School
California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWINS

Elected offices
Club Vice President 2019-20

Appointed offices:
District Governor 2019-20
District Strategic Planning Committee Head 2019-20
District Service Projects Committee Head 2019-20
Club Historian 2018-19

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Sports Editor (Newspaper) 2018-2019
Editor in Chief (Newspaper) 2019-Present
ROAR Leader 2018-Present
Present Team Up for St. Jude President
Max Coppola
Candidate for International Trustee

Oceanside High School
New York District

Elected Offices
Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lt. Governor, New York
District 2019-20

Appointed offices
Membership Growth and Development Committee
Member, New York District 2019-20

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
BBYO Chapter President & International Correspondent,
Young Investors Club, President & Director of Outreach,
Model UN, Head Delegate & Mentor, 2018-Present
Safe Solution Tutoring, Co-founder, Feb. 2020-Present
                                      for                      ENDO
                                                                BY TH ED
                                INTERNATIONAL                  NEW Y E
                                                               DISTR ORK
                                    TRUSTEE                         ICT

                                         Stick to the FACTS
                                         and vote for MAX!

"THE TAILORED                         FIGHT: I fight for what I believe in. I
                                      believe in Key Club and I believe in you,
  APPROACH"                           so I will never stop fighting for this
Hey Key Club International,           organization.

I hope your quarantine is going
                                      ADVANCING RELATIONSHIPS:bI'm excited
well! I've been cooking up some
mean eggs and binging Outer           to nurture and foster our connection
Banks—my cholesterol isn't            with each other and with Kiwanis on the
looking too good right now.           international level.

On a more serious note, I want        COMMUNICATION: I want to talk to you!
to talk to you about my focus         Not sure just how serious I am? Give me
as Trustee for next year. We          a call, shoot me a text, or even share
know that districts come in all
                                      some memes: +1 (516) 419-0942
shapes and sizes, and thus
need to be uniquely supported.
                                      TRUST: I believe that everyone is a
Fortunately, I'm a bit of a nerd.
                                      leader in Key Club and should have the
I'm excited to learn about those
key differences to better serve       freedom to innovate. We'll be finding
each of my Sistricts, and assist      new ways to thrive every single day.
them in the best way I can.
Every District needs abtailored       SUPPORT: I will work tirelessly to
approachband I will adapt to be       embrace Key Club's inverse pyramid
the perfect fit for all of you. The   structure and provide hands-on support
numbers add up and the keys           to anyone who needs it.
are all in a row, so stick to the
facts and vote for Max!
Forever in Service,
Siranie Dias
Candidate for International Trustee

St. Hildas Diocesan High School
Jamaica District

Elected Offices
Jamaica District Distinguished Lieutenant Governor 2019-

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Student Councilor 2014-2019
Sports House Captain 2017-2018
Prefect 2019-20
Sixth Form Association Secretary 2020-21
Marissa Ding
Candidate for International Trustee

John Marshall High School
Minnesota Dakotas District

Appointed Offices
Division 7C Lieutenant Governor (Minnesota-Dakotas
District 2019-20)
Kiwanis Family Committee Chair (Minnesota-Dakotas
District 2019-20)
Public Relations Committee Member ((Minnesota-Dakotas
District 2019-20)
Contests Committee Member ((Minnesota-Dakotas District

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
UNICEF Club President 2018-Present
Girls Swim and Dive Team Captain 2019-Present
Speech Team Captain 2019-Present
Cradle to Career Leadership Student Representative 2019-
A Adapt to Change

L   Lead in Communication

L   Leave No One Behind
"It's time to
 GEAR up!"
May Fu
Candidate for International Trustee

Towson High School
Capital District

Elected Offices
Division 6B Lieutenant Governor 2019-2020
Club Treasurer 2018-2019

Appointed Offices
District Member Services Committee Chair 2019-2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Hugh O' Brian Team Alumni 2020
Chemathon Co-President 2018-present
Towson HS Model UN Conference Committee Chair Elect
Rebecca Galloway
Candidate for International Trustee

Hillsdale High School
Michigan District

Elected Offices
Club Webmaster 2017-2018
Club President 2019-2020

Appointed Offices
District Lieutenant Governor 2018-2019
District Kiwanis Family Relations Chair 2019-2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Jazz Band 1st Chair Trumpet 2019-2020
Symphonic Band 1st Chair Trumpet 2018-2020
Liberty Princess Company High School Director 2018-
Mia Ginsberg
Candidate for International Trustee

Gulf Coast High School
Florida District

Elected Offices
Florida District Division 22 Lieutenant Governor 2019-2020

Appointed offices
Florida District Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chair
Florida District Service and Impact Coalition Member
Club DCON Awards and Contests Committee Chair 2018-

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Scouts of America Venturing Council Vice President 2018-
Scouts of America Venturing Founding Club President
Vex Robotics Club President 2019-2020
Dillion Grisham
Candidate for International Trustee

Cleburne High School
Texas-Oklahoma District

Elected Offices
Lieutenant Governor 2019-2020
Club President 2018-2019
Club President 2017-2018

Appointed offices
District Convention Liaison 2019-2020
District Convention Welcoming Activity Ex Officio Staff
Member 2019-2020
District Contest and Awards Ex Officio Staff Member 2019-
Club Division 1 Executive Council 2018-2019

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
National Honor Society President 2020-Current
Class Treasurer 2018-2019
TSA Vice President 2017-2018
Builders Club President 2016-2017

                                    FOR INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE

     A BIT ABOUT ME                                    GUIDE
                                                        Calls between executives to share ideas and
       Hey, International Council! My name Dillion
Grisham and I am wanting to become an
                                                        Createbsistrict promotional teamb for
International Trustee. In my free time, I love to
                                                        membership growth
run, workout, and watch Netflix. I started out early    Connecting a larger district with a smaller,
in the K-Fam, serving as Builder's Club President       will allow them to collaborate and grow
in 8th grade. Going into my freshman year, I            together

                                                       R AISE
applied my knowledge of service to our Key Club,
and made a running impact. Being a Key Club
President for two years and now, IP T-O's               Making sure individuals have a finer
Convention Liaison, my heart for service hasb only      understanding of the entirety of the K-Family
grown.                                                  Recognize outstanding clubs through
       The office of International Trustee will         newsletters and IT updates

be an outstanding opportunity for me to help
improve, expand, and solidify our Districts.
Despite the difficult circumstances, I cannot wait
                                                        Create Penpal system for members between
for our 20-21 chapter tob blossom with success.
                                                        Pair sistricts with Major Emphasis partners
                Yours in friendship and service,        for service and fundraising opportunities

                        Dillion Grisham                WELCOME
                                                        Work with governors, executive boards, and
                                                        district boards to ensure all question are
              @DILLION.GRISHAM                          answered
                                                        FosteringbK Family relationships within my
              @DILLION GRISHAM

William Hin
Candidate for International Trustee

Santiago High School
California-Nevada-Hawaii District

Elected Offices
California-Nevada Hawaii District Division 4 North Lieutenant
Governor 2019-2020

Appointed Offices
Santiago High School Key Club Project Chair 2018-2019
Division 4 North Executives Assistant 2018-2019
California-Nevada Hawaii District Policy International Business
and Elections Committee Secretary 2019-2020
Key Club International Convention Committee Member 2019-

Other non-Key Club offices
Santiago High School Associated Student Body Treasurer
Santiago High School Associated Student Body President
Garden Grove Unified School District Board Representative
Council Member 2019-Present
Santiago High School Class of 2021 Vice President 2017-2018






Aurora Hom
Candidate for International Trustee

Brooklyn Technical High School
New York District

Elected Offices
Division 9 Lieutenant Governor of the New York District
Key Club
Brooklyn Tech Webmaster (Club) 2019-2020)

Appointed offices

Member of Endorsed Projects Committee (District) 2019-
Member of Visual Media Committee (Club) 2018-2019

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
H.O.P.E Club Representative (Service Organization) 2019-
Student Leadership Representative 2019-2020
TedX Brooklyn Tech Committee Member 2019-2020
                             TRUSTEE                                                               ENDO
                                                                                                  THE N
                                                                                                        EW Y

                                                                                                 DISTR        ORK

                                                                                                       ICT B
Better relationships with the K-Family will connect
members to a resource of mentorship, funding, and

                                                                          VOTE HOM!
support.c I will provide guidelines and resources
such as service project ideas and email templates
that will aid clubs in hosting K-Family events.
                                                          Hey Key Club International!
A                                                         Key Club has made a profound impact on my
                                                          life over the past 3 years, helping me become
I will break the barriers dividing members and officers
                                                          a leader in my community, making me a
and eliminate the idea that all processes happen
                                                          champion of service, and allowing me to make
behind closed doors.c Facilitating communication will
                                                          life-long friendships. I owe my passion for service
help my districts ADAPT to the ever changing
                                                          to Key Club and I want to do more! I had the
circumstances and solve problems. Establishing
                                                          privilege of serving as Lieutenant Governor of
Sistrict committees will bring members closer to KCI
                                                          Division 9 for the New York District and the
and give them a greater sense of responsibility.          experience showed me an entirely different side of

                                                          Key Club. This inspired me to run to be one of your

L IVE TO SERVE                                            next International Trustees.
                                                                                              Yours in service,
Caring is our way of life.c I will focus on long term                                            Aurora Hom
meaningful service by publishing a quarterly service
catalog of projects, events, and fundraisers for
members to see what is happening within their Sistrict.

M                                                         CONTACT ME!
                                                                Aurora Hom
I will work closely with the District Governors to
create individualized plans for membership retention  
and put focus on Key Club's inverted pyramid.
Creating deeper connections to our initiatives will
make for more meaningful experiences.                           (929) 777-6190
Ava Jarell
Candidate for International Trustee

Kennett High School
New England Bermuda District

Elected Offices
District Bulletin Editor of the New England District 2019-
Club Bulletin Editor of Kennett High School Key Club 2018-

Appointed offices
Member of the Public Relations Committee of the New
England District 2019-2020
Member of the Club Building and Development
Committee of the New England District 2019-2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Student Body Treasurer of Student Council 2019-2020
Student Body Vice President Elect of Student Council
Co-Founder of Tutoring Club of Kennett High School
Class Vice President of Student Council 2017-2019

   R OM

                                HELLO KEY CLUBBERS!


                              Yours in service and
   O MM

   N CO

Glory Kalu
Candidate for International Trustee

Bloomfield High School
New Jersey District

Elected Offices
Membership Director Bloomfield Key Club 2018-2019
Lieutenant Governor New Jersey 2019-2020

Appointed offices
Co-Chairperson for District Programs Committee: New Jersey
District 2019-2020
Committee Member for Fall Rally Registration New Jersey
District 2019-2020
Committee Member for Club and Officer Awards New Jersey
District 2019-2020
Committee Member for Scholarships New Jersey District

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Member of Mock Trial 2018-Present
Member of Stage Crew for Bloomfield High School Musical
Stage Director for Bloomfield High School Musical 2018-2019
Culture Club 2019-2020

I hope you are all well and safe at home
          during these difficult and            Give more opportunities to members to
unprecedented times. As we continue to          voice their input on changes they would
  find ourselves fighting against arising       like to see in the organization through
issues, I urge you to take everything one       social media and online forms
   step at a time and to constantly take        Create calendars that outline all
                                                upcoming due dates for assignments and
   breaks throughout the week to clear          conference calls for governors
  your mind and relax. My name is Glory         Adjust bylaws and policies to allow for
        Kalu and I have had the great           more power to club officers in situations
   opportunity to serve as a Lieutenant         where advisors are inactive or difficult
   Governor for the New Jersey District
   Board this past year. The experience
 has taught me how large Key Club truly
is and how influential it is in the lives of
 high schoolers around the world. Now, I
 plan on using the information and skills
                                                Update the bylaws so that a procedure is
 that I have learned throughout my time         in place for Districts to use in scenarios
   in the organization to apply towards         where a District Convention cannot take
   being a voice for Key Clubbers. Like a       place
  flower I hope to help this organization       GuidebLTG's in keeping member
  BLOOM. In order to achieve this, I will       enthusiasm and activity up through one-
                                                on-one meetings and calls
  focus on three G's: Give, Guide, Grow.        Provide clubs with a "Problems and
     Under these three principles, I will       Solutions" resource on the Key Club
    create an efficient foundation as an        International website for common
      International Trustee that will be        problems among clubs and Districts
       centered around improving the            Create strategic plans accustomed to
                                                each individual District that can help
       experience of the members and            mitigate the decline of membership
     expanding the organization to new
territories. I cannot wait to connect with
    you all in the future and remember:

                                               Work with the Member and District
                                               Resources Committee to create materials
                                               that help clubs retain their membership
                                               Introduce and promote Key Club to new
                                               schools by sending informational
                                               pamphlets and emails to guidance
                                               counselors and principals
                                               Work directly with Districts to bring back
                                               suspended and charter revoked clubs
                                               Reach out to schools in other countries
                                               that may be open to chartering a Key

Melanie Kim
Candidate for International Trustee

Lambert High School
Georgia District

Appointed offices
District Contest and Policies Chair 2018-2019
Lieutenant Governor of Division 15 2018-2019
District Events Committee Member 2018-2019

Other non-Key Club offices
Technology Student Association Officer 2020-Present
GlobaHeal Vice President 2019-Present
                                              INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE

                                              " V o te f o r Mel , I 'l l ser ve yo u w el l ! "


   Howdy, Key Clubbers!

        Although this year wasn't traditional, these last few days mark the end of another
   fantastic year filled with Key Clubbersb around the world serving their communities. This
   past year, I had the honor to serve as Georgia District's Contest and Policy Chair and
   Lieutenant Governor. Thosebexperiencesbhave allowed me to broaden my knowledge, meet
   amazingb people whob share my passion, and fuel my curiosity. I hope to continue
   mybjourneybwith Key ClubbInternationalbby being a part of the next International Board.

                                                           Yours Truly,

            K                                 E                                     Y

    integrate each section of        enforce deadlines for                 work with governors
    the inverted pyramid             accountability                        and Lt. Governors to
    frequently check up on           establish multiple clear              create innovative plans
    assigned sister districts        lines of communication                implement a key club
    create and update a              plan ahead for marketing              buddy system in sister
    detailed agenda of each          of conventions and                    districts
    districts' plans                 programs                              set up calls/activities
    hold more informal               consistently utilize social           with past key clubbers
    contests on social media         media to share                        (Circle K & Kiwanis)
    to increase exposure             important information                 strengthen existing
    have social media
                                                                           service partnerships
Alec Kridner
Candidate for International Trustee

Pontiac Township
Illinois-Eastern Iowa District

Elected Offices
Lieutenant Governor I-I District March-June 2019
District Secretary I-I District 2019-2020

Appointed offices
Assistant Editor Pontiac Township Key Club 2018-2019

Other non-Key Club offices
Junior Class President 2019-2020
Illinois Student Council Prairie 8 Media Specialist 2019-
All Around the
World With Alec
Joy Luo
Candidate for International Trustee

Millburn High School
New Jersey

Elected Offices
Division 15 Lieutenant Governor New Jersey District 2019-
Club Secretary Millburn High School Key Club 2018-2019

Appointed offices
Scholarships Committee Chair New Jersey District 2019-2020
Kiwanis Family Growth and Relations Committee Member
New Jersey 2019-2020
Fall Rally Registration Committee Member New Jersey District
DCON Theme Committee Member New Jersey District 2019-

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Millburn Speech and Debate Vice President of Fundraising
Millburn High School Student Steering Committee Member
For International Trustee

C            O              R   E
Anton McDonald
Candidate for International Trustee

Bahamas District
Anton McDonald
                        The Bahamas District
                                         for Key Club
                                     International Trustee
                            "If your actions inspire others to dream
                            more, learn more, do more and become more,
                            you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams
 Anton McDonald

                                     About       Me
Over the duration of the past year, I served as one of the dynamic Lieutenant-
Governors of The Bahamas District of Key Club International. I am not one to be
shy to leadership, which is why I can assure you that I WILL be a BOLD, RATIONAL
                           Ting 1 - Connectivity
It is no secret that Key Club is an International organization, but is it fully realized. As
Trustee, I will strive to ensure that there is connectivity between all districts and the
International Board. I will do this by always being a listening ear, bringing my own
ideas, as well as taking suggestions into consideration from all members.
                         Ting 2 - Revolution
Through connectivity and a great revolution thereof, one of my main goals is to shift
the way we connect. We must first do a full analysis of the programs and events
offered and make the best decision, whether stripping away, implementing or both, to
be able to maximize the potential of this superb organisation.
                         Ting 3 - Inspiration
I will use my platform to not only benefit this organisation, but to also be a role model
to all those that may be struggling to find themselves. This organisation has given me
so much, and I feel that it is time for me to do the same for not only Key Clubbers of
my District, but rather on an International level. Thank you!
Lena Oswald
Candidate for International Trustee

Morton High School
Illinois-Eastern Iowa

Elected Offices
District Lieutenant Governor 2019-2020

Appointed offices
District Central Fall Leadership Rally Committee Chair 2019
Club Talent Show Committee Chair 2020
River Pease
Candidate for International Trustee

St. Michael Academy
Michigan District

Elected Offices
District Editor of the Michigan District 2019-2020

Appointed offices
Lieutenant Governor of Division 2 of the Michigan District
District Convention Decorations Committee Chair 2019
Fall Rally Decorations Committee Chair 2019
New Club Building Committee Member 2018-2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Outreach Director of Region Nine for the Yellow Tulip
Project 2020-2021
Social Media Director for Quantum Girl Magazine 2020-
Founder and President of School Code Club 2019-Present
for International
       River                                               Trustee

                                                         Hi Key Clubbers! My name is
                                                    River, and although we can’t meet
                                                     in person this year for International
                                                    Convention, that doesn’t mean we
                                                         shouldn’t celebrate another
Stay in Touch                                          incredible year of service. Your
                                                        dedication is incredible, and it
                                                    would be a true honor to serve you
        @rivpease                                          this upcoming year as an
                                                    International Trustee. I can’t wait to
                                                    meet some of you in person. Thank
231.675.0585                                                         you!

                                                                Yours In Service,
    When you think River, think RAIN!
                                • Implement one plant based

                                  meal at District Conventions
                                • Further advertise our partner,
                                  the Thirst Project
 Regenerate the earth           • Serve others through serving
                                  the environment

                                • Social media competitions

                                  throughout Sistricts
                                • Introduce Typeform to Districts
                                • Create templates for LTGs
 Advance membership               and District Board members to
                                  contact new schools

                                • Create customizable Canva

                                • Clarify graphics section of the
                                  Brand Guide
 Initiate a design program      • Create additional Brand
                                  Guide graphics

                                • Form newsletter/social media  a

                                  grading rubrics
                                • Sistrict competition to raise
                                  money for District Fundraisers
Normalize officer connections   • Create a unified Club Officer
                                  collection form

Unanimously Endorsed by the Michigan District
     R DER
     for International
         Inte          Trustee
                              Endorsed by the LaMissTenn
                                    District Board

                                                                                                 Hey y'all,
    I plan to aid in sculpting the future of Key Club by helping to solve the membership
    crisis. I will use a google form to take a consensus in my sistirct to determine what
    problems members are facing in our organization. Once received, I will work with my          My name is Hank Rader and I am
    governors and fellow board members on solutions to combat these problems. To                 running for International Trustee!
    find a solution to a problem, we have to find out what the problem is exactly.               I have served on the LaMissTenn
                                                                                                 District Board for the last two
                                                                                                 years as Lieutenant Governor
     During my term, i will do everything that is asked of me, and I will put in 110% every
     time. This is essential because I will be representing more than just myself. The           and the District Secretary-
     thousands of Key Club members that I represent deserve my very best, and they will          Treasurer. I have grown so much
     get it. Throughout my term, I will be sending out updates monthly by email,                 as both a person and a leader
     newsletter, videos, and one-on-one calls.
                                                                                                 through these positions. I would
                                                                                                 love to continue to grow and
     Reach                                                                                       serve all of you. I am running on

R    While also remaining in constant contact with the Governors and District Board, but I
     will also try to reach out to club officers and general members. Key Club can do even
     greater things if all levels of the organization are working together. Along with the
                                                                                                 my platform SERVE which is
                                                                                                 outlined for you. I chose this
     regular updates I will be sending out, I will also work to send out updates that will be    because it is part of my two
     specifically for certain officers and members.                                              passions: service and tennis.

     Voice                                                                                       My previous Key Club

     As trustee, I will make sure my districts have a voice in our organization. I will listen
                                                                                                 experiences have given me the
     to what they have to say, and I will act upon their comments and concerns. A good
     trustee should be willing to listen to others which also makes them a good leader.          hands-on opportunity to witness
     Every month when I send out my updates, I will send out a google form that will let         first hand how a District Board
     the District Board members rate me on how I am doing. WIth these ratings, I can             operates, and I feel that this will
     adjust the way that I am handling things to benefit the districts.
                                                                                                 help me this upcoming year when
                                                                                                 I work with the District Boards I
                                                                                                 represent. I hope y'all will SERVE it
     The core values of Key Club are important to me, so I will embrace everything that
     Key Club stands for. I will take all suggestions from anyone who wants to offer             up with me!
     them. I will live by the Key Club core values (inclusivity, character building, service,
     and leadership) and will encourage others to do the same. I know I am a leader                           Yours in Service,
     who can help to inspire others to become one themselves.

         _tennisballer03_                           Hankiejr03

         Hank Rader Jr                    

    Any questions? Reach out!
Jordan Reichhardt
Candidate for International Trustee

Loveland High School
Rocky Mountain District

Elected Offices
Loveland High School Key Club Webmaster 2019-2020
Member of the Kiwanis Family Relation Committee for the
Rocky Mountain District Board 2019-2020

Appointed offices
Projects and Fundraising Chair for the Rocky Mountain District
Board 2019-2020
Member of International Relations Committee for the Rocky
Mountain District Board 2019-2020
Member of the Kiwanis Family Relation Committee for the
Rocky Mountain District Board 2019-2020
Chair of DCON Service Projects Committee for the Rocky
Mountain District Board 2019-2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
NHS Publicist and Historian 2019-2020
NHS subcommittee head 2019-2020
Loveland High School Give Next founder 2018-2019
Loveland Youth Advisory Commissioner 2019-2020
Hello Key Clubbers,

First of all I want to thank all of you for your continued service efforts during
this time! Although the gate to your backyard may not look quite like the
Golden Gate Bridge, the truly magical parts of ICON are the moments we
get to spend with Key Clubbers from all around the world, and luckily we
live in a digital age where it is still possible for us to connect over online
platforms. This past year I had the honor of serving as Projects and
Fundraising Chair for the Rocky Mountain District. Through this position I
was able to elevate current RMD service projects, create new ones, and
develop profitable fundraisers. This position has taught me the importance
of an emphasis on service throughout every level of Key Club and I hope
that with your support we can use this emphasis to bring Key Clubbers from
around the world together during such a strange time. If you are looking for
service projects for yourself, your club, division,or district, or would like to
talk about anything else please don't hesitate
to reach out!

Yours in service,

      B     uild
                                                       O      rganize
                                                      District Focus Projects
                                                                                             B  oost
                                                                                            Member Emphasis

R  aise members’ connections                 R    ally districts together through    R  aise member enthusiasm by
                                                                                     encouraging LTGs to take member
 on the basis of service through                monthly challenges based on
 an interactive digital project                 focus projects for the district to   submissions for service spotlights
 grouped service archive.                       compete against one another.          in their monthly newsletters.

O   ffer digital guides to all              O    rganize service projects at         O   ffer all interested members
 new members about the                        every board meeting (even               the opportunity to craft new
 levels of Key Club and how                   virtual meetings) and guide LTGs        service initiatives no matter
 they can get involved at each                in creating interactive projects        their position in Key Club.
 level.                                       for their fall and spring rallies.

S tress resources throughout                 S  trengthen relations with Circle
                                                                                     S  tructure new challenges that
                                                                                      energize members and
all levels of Key Club through                K and Kiwanis by focusing on
                                                                                      encourage the growth of clubs
resource training to ensure                   their emphasis projects and by
                                                                                      including “bring a friend”
strong communication                          challenging them to participate
                                                                                      events to engage more people.
between leadership levels.                    in sistrict focus projects.

S hape innovative guides for                 S  urvey many people in the             S  upply members with the tools
digital service events that can be            districts I oversee in order to         they need to attend district
used at each leadership level.                gauge which district focus                                      al
                                                                                      convention, international
Use digital events to foster                  projects people are most                convention, and keyy leader.
connections between sistricts.                interested in.

                      Unanimously Endorsed by the Rocky Mountain
                              District Board of Trustees
                                                            Contact me


Andrew Watson
Candidate for International Trustee

Los Alamos High School
Southwest District

Appointed Offices
Southwest District: Kiwanis Family Relations Committee
Chair 2019-2020
Southwest District: Caverns Division Lieutenant Governor
International: Research Task Force Committee Member
Georgia/Southwest/Utah-Idaho Sistrict: Membership
Growth and Retention TIC Member 2019-2020
LAHS Key Club: Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chair

Other non-Key Club offices held
District Sex Education and Student Wellbeing Committee
Member 2019-Present
Resiliency Assessment Project for Students Leadership
Team Member 2019-Present
Eddie Wei
Candidate for International Office

Ames High School
Nebraska-Iowa District

Elected Offices
Club Secretary 2019-2020

Appointed offices
Lieutenant Governor, Nebraska-Iowa District 2019-2020
Member, Publicity, Promotion, and Participation
Committee, Nebraska-Iowa District 2019-2020
Member, Event Planning Committee, Nebraska-Iowa
District 2019-2020

Other non-Key Club offices held in school/community
Co-President Elect, Student Ambassadors 2020-2021
Chair, Prom Public Relations Committee 2019-2020
Member, Youth Leadership of Ames (PILOT) 2019-Present
for international trustee
                                         UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSED
                                        by the Nebraska-Iowa District

   Hello Key Clubbers!

  I hope that everyone is staying
                                             Develop new awards and competitive events to
safe during these unprecedented
                                             increase participation among our members
times and are still finding ways to
                                             Create webinars and videosdto educate and inspire
 serve their community. Although
we are unable to meet in person, I
                                             Encourage Key Club spirit by designing new
   am still delighted to announce
                                             merchandise and products
  my candidacy for International
 Trustee. Entering my fourth year
in Key Club, I have been an active
     member, club officer, and
 distinguished district officer. With
  your support, my plans, and our
                                             Establish an interactive system to facilitate
 shared passion for Key Club, we
                                             collaboration between districts
       will be able to help our
                                             Update our service partners, specifically to help
     organization flourish to the
                                             COVID-19 relief efforts
 fullest! Please contact me if you
                                             Work with K-Family to create resources for service
   have any questions about my
                                             after high school
campaign or want to get to know
   me and as always, remember

                                             Cater to governor’s needs to combat stress and
 Yours in Service,                           burnout
                                             Create a quarterly district evaluation report to give
                                             advice and feedback
                                             Build transparency by providing personal and
                                             international updates

                                                  EDDIEWEI03@GMAIL.COM                @EDDIEWEIII
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