The Scholarship Report - Seeking Scholarships

Page created by Louise Soto
The Scholarship Report - Seeking Scholarships

                                        The Scholarship Report
                                                                                    varies- some universities use
             February/March 2020            POSTSECONDARY                           prerequisites (specific subjects you must
                                              INSTITUTIONS:                         take in order to be eligible to enrol in
                                                                                    the university program) while others do
                                               Scholarships,                        not. Many of these awards are given out
                                            Bursaries, & Awards                     starting at the75%- 80% mark. Check
                                                                                    the “Admission Requirements” section
                                        At this point in the school year, many      on the school’s website.
Inside this Issue                       students have applied to universities,
                                        colleges, and trade or technical schools.
 Postsecondary Institutions:
                                        They are now waiting to hear whether
                                        they have been granted admission to
 Scholarships, Bursaries &
                                        their school of choice.
 February-March TO-DO List for          Do you know the cost of postsecondary
 Senior Students                        education? Nationally, the average
                                        tuition for undergraduate students
 Scholarship Application Checklist;     in 2019/20 is $6,463. However, tuition
 Reference Letter Tips; Where to        is only part of the cost. Students must
 Scholarship Application
 Locate Scholarships     Checklist
                      & Bursaries       pay for textbooks and additional fees.
 / Update                               The yearly cost of attending university
 Important Dates; Scholarship           if not living at home can cost up to        #2. Major admissions/prestigious
 Updates                                $20,000 when you factor in meal plans,      awards. These awards may also be
                                        residence fees, etc.                        called Presidential Scholarships,
                                                                                    Governor’s Honours Awards, or
 More March Scholarships
                                        Maybe you and/or your parents have          Scholastic Distinction Scholarships.
 April & May Scholarships                                                           Either way, you sense the importance of
                                        saved money for your education. Maybe
                                        you are planning to apply for student       the scholarship. These awards are
                                        loans and grants as well. However, you      generally in the thousands of dollars and
                                        can offset even more of the costs of        could potentially pay for up to four
                                        postsecondary education with                years of tuition (a “full-ride”
                                        scholarships and bursaries offered by       scholarship).
                                        the school you may be attending in the
 Univer                                 fall.                                       In order to apply for a Major Admission
                                                                                    Award, a nomination or endorsement
                                        Let’s take a detailed look at the           may be required. To be eligible to apply
                                        potential financial assistance offered      for these awards, academic excellence is
                                        to first-year students. *We will be         a definite requirement as well as other
                                        using the terms scholarship, bursary,       criteria, e.g., leadership, community
                                        and award interchangeably.                  service, creative thinking, and/or
                                                                                    extracurricular involvement. And just a
                                        #1. Entrance/admission scholarships.        tip: even if you haven’t received an
                                        These awards may also be called             offer of admission yet, you can still
                                        Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships or         apply for these scholarships. Many of
                                        High School Awards. Students are            the deadlines were as early as this past
                                        automatically considered for these          October so be aware and don’t miss out
 This newsletter is not to be copied,
                                        awards on the basis of their academic       on potential financial aid. Check
  posted online or distributed in any
                                        average. No application is necessary.       application deadlines!
 manner without permission. @ 2020      How admission averages are calculated
The Scholarship Report - Seeking Scholarships
#3. Bursaries/Need-based                      Health Sciences Program (Department          sponsored by private donors, and some
scholarships. This type of financial          of Health Sciences) at Wilfrid Laurier       postsecondary institutions also maintain
assistance is awarded based mainly on a       University, you are in the Faculty of        a list of external awards (awards given
student’s financial need. There may be        Science and will graduate with a BSc.        by employers and organizations).
other considerations such as community        So, you will look for scholarships in
involvement. You will most likely be          Laurier’s Scholarship and Awards             APPLYING: Sometimes you can apply
asked to submit detailed financial            Search Engine by Faculty (Science) and       for many scholarships with one single
information that will include your            Department (Health Sciences). Be sure        application. Other scholarships require a
parents’ financial information. Check         to check out the scholarships offered by     separate application. A letter or other
application deadlines!                        the programs/departments/colleges/           supplementary documentation may be
                                              faculties specific to your studies.          required as well. Or you may need to
#4. Program/Department/College/                                                            complete a Student or Awards Profile--
Faculty scholarships. Scholarships            #5. Other scholarships. There are            you will then be notified of potential
may be offered to students in specific        also athletic awards and awards for          scholarship opportunities throughout the
programs, departments, etc. The best          first-generation students, Indigenous        school year. Many schools have portals
way to explain how this works is to           students, students with disabilities, etc.   where you must do your own award
provide an example: If you are in the         There are other awards that are              search. Every school sets up its
                                                                                           financial program in a different way.

                                                                                           Familiarize yourself with the Financial
                       February-March TO-DO LIST                                           Aid pages of the schools you are
                          for Senior Students                                              interested in. Keep in mind that you are
                                                                                           looking for Entrance or Admission
       •    Stay on track with your studies. Second semester grades do                     Scholarships and Bursaries (not In-
            matter.                                                                        Course Scholarships and Bursaries as
                                                                                           these are for returning students). And
       •    If you received an acknowledgment package in the mail from your                consider going to the Open Houses in
            chosen school(s), read it carefully. This package may outline                  the spring where you can attend
            admission requirements, required documentation, and deadlines.                 Financial Aid presentations. The more
            After the initial package, you will most likely receive                        informed you are, the better!
            communication by email.
                                                                                           **Offer of Admission: When you
       •    Check your email (including SPAM email). Universities and
            colleges may use email to send notifications about student                     receive an Offer of Admission, you will
            awards, next steps, outstanding documents, etc.                                also receive a financial aid package
                                                                                           outlining what is being offered to you in
       •    Log into your student account (access provided to you by the schools           the form of scholarships and bursaries.
            you have applied to). You will find updates and important information          Sometimes these awards are conditional
            about application status and received/outstanding documentation.               and/or renewable. And remember, if
                                                                                           your friends receive an Offer of
       •    Submit any optional forms. It may even be a good idea to see                   Acceptance before you do, it may be
            “optional” as a requirement instead. The optional form provides                because of program choice. Also, every
            an opportunity for you to support your admission application.
                                                                                           university has its own timeline for
            Extenuating circumstances that have negatively affected your
            academic performance, e.g., illness, personal issues, etc., are also           sending offers. (In other words, don’t
            considered.                                                                    panic!).

       •    Consider your school options carefully. Attend a Spring/March                  Financial aid isn’t the ONLY
            Break Open House. Exploring the campus will help you to decide if              thing to think about when
            the school is a good fit for you. Attend their Financial Aid
            presentation. Also take into consideration the costs of travel/living          choosing where to attend
            expenses if attending a school out of town.                                    college or university, but it IS
                                                                                           an important factor to consider!
       •    Research and apply for scholarships and bursaries. Look into
            entrance scholarships at your chosen school(s). The majority of
            scholarship deadlines are from February to June. Organizations
            and individuals may award scholarships to students in their
            community. Check the bulletin boards at your high school and talk
            to your guidance counselor.

       •    It’s not too early to start searching for a summer job. Many
            municipalities offer summer jobs that have deadlines in February. See
            the “Job Bank” and hiring programs at the Government of Canada’s
            Student Employment page. Check out How to write a good resume.
The Scholarship Report - Seeking Scholarships

                                                                           Reference Letter
     ✓   Read carefully the rules and regulations. All scholarships have
         their requirements, e.g., word limit in an essay.                 Ask someone who can speak to your
     ✓   Learn about the organization. Be aware of its mission and         character and who has seen you “in
         values and address them in your essay. Apply them to your         action”—leaders, coaches, teachers,
         experiences.                                                      guidance counsellors, employers,
     ✓   Answer all questions. Do not leave any areas blank. Be            pastors, etc.
         thorough in your responses.
                                                                           Give at least two weeks’ notice to your
     ✓   If applying for a scholarship that considers financial need, be   reference and in return you will get a
         meticulous and detailed about finances.                           high-quality letter handed in on time.
     ✓   If an essay is required, identify the themes in the essay
         question. Emphasize impactful experiences and achievements        Review some of the terms included in
         related to the themes. Give concrete examples. Also, share        the mission/vision statement of the
         what inspires you—why you do what you do!                         scholarship provider, as well as the
     ✓   Have someone proofread your application for grammar issues,       terms that are listed as part of the
         spelling errors, etc., before you send it.                        scholarship’s eligibility requirements.
     ✓   Be sure to submit the application and supporting documents        Ask your reference to use these terms
         (transcripts, reference letters, etc.) by the deadline. Late      and the specific criteria of the award
                                                                           within their letter and relate them to
         submissions will NOT be accepted.                                 your strengths and achievements.

                                                                           Give your reference a list of your
                                                                           achievements, extracurricular
                                                                           activities, community work, academic
                                                                           record, etc. This will enable them to
                                                                           give concrete examples that clearly
     Where to Locate                                                       demonstrate your skills and
     Scholarships &                                                        accomplishments.

       Bursaries                                                           Provide the reference with all of the
                                                                           information they may need: contact
▪ your employer and/or your                                                information, a link to the scholarship
parents’ employer                                                          website, submission deadline, specific
▪ national civic organizations &                                           instructions as to how to submit the
service leagues; local chapters                                            letter (online, in an email to you, a
▪ organizations targeting a                                                hard copy sent to the scholarship
specific heritage/ethnicity                                                provider or to you, a form provided by
▪ unions                                                                   the scholarship provider to be
                                                                           completed and returned, etc.).
▪ banks & credit unions
▪ insurance companies
▪ sports organizations
▪ professional associations
▪ clubs and where you volunteer
▪ your guidance counsellor

                                                                                      BONUS TIP:
                                         Start where you are. Use            Send a THANK YOU note to the
                                         what you have. Do what             person who took the time to write
                                                                           an amazing reference letter for you!
                                         you can. - Arthur Ashe,
                                         tennis player
IMPORTANT DATES:                                                            Foresters Financial Competitive
    College and University                                                      Scholarship Program
                                                                                Deadline: February 27
College (
- February 1, 2020: Equal                                                       Parachute/Stacey Levitt Memorial
Consideration Date. After this date,                                            Award
colleges consider applicants on a                                               Deadline: February 28
first-come, first-served basis until      Schulich Leader Scholarships
programs are full. Many programs         Deadline: students (nominees)          Canadian Association of Principals
continue to accept applicants after      submit application by Feb. 19.         (CAP) Student Leadership Award
February 1. Use the Find a             _______________________________          Deadline: March 1
Program tool at any time to find                                                *New website: Application Forms
programs that are still open.                                                   under Awards tab
                                        SCHOLARSHIP UPDATES
- February 1, 2020: Earliest Offer                                              CWA CANADA John Belcarz | Dan
                                       Note: Updates are listed when there
Date. Offers will continue to be                                                Zeidler Memorial Scholarships
                                       is a new deadline (extended or           Deadline: March 16
issued until programs are filled or    otherwise), additional information, or
wait-lists are established.            when a scholarship is not being          Alliance for Equality of Blind
                                       offered in the current year.             Canadians AEBC/T-Base 2020
University (OUAC)
- February 4, 2020: Recommended                                                 Scholarship Program
                                       PROVINCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS
last date for students to submit                                                Deadline: March 27
university and program changes and     Ontario Ministry of Labour It’s Your
additional active choices to the                                                CPAC Foundation Trailblazer
                                       Job Student Video Contest                Scholarship
OUAC to be considered for early        NOT OFFERED IN 2020
admission. Note: This is a                                                      Deadline: April TBD
recommended deadline. The OUAC         Ontario Student Trustee Association
will still accept and process                                                   Canadian Hard of Hearing (CHHA)
                                       (OSTA)/Ontario Student Voice             Association Scholarship Program
application changes at any time.       Awards (OSVAs)                           Deadline: April 3, 5:00 p.m.
                                       Deadline: keep checking website
        CHECK YOUR                     for 2020 updates                         Muslim Awards for Excellence/MAX
     OCAS/OUAC PROFILE                                                          Scholarships
       FOR ACCURACY.                   CPAC Foundation High School              Deadline: April 15
                                       Deadline: April TBD                      _____________________________
                                       NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                                    International University
                                       Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces
                                                                                   and Student Travel Expo
           AWARD                       Foundation’s National Citizenship
                                       Award and Scholarship Program                      TORONTO
 The Colin Hood/OFSAA School
 Sport Award
                                       Keep checking website for 2020                Where: Metro Toronto
 The Ontario Federation of School                                                     Convention Centre
 Athletic Associations has made                                                     When: MARCH 3, 2020
 available The Colin Hood
                                       Young Scholar Award
 Award. This award is given out        Deadline: February 5
 annually to one graduating
 male, one graduating female,          Children’s Aid Foundation of
 and one coach in every school         Canada: Scholarships & Bursaries
 in the province who, throughout       Deadline: February 10;
                                       supporting documentation                  Summer Company. An Ontario
 their high school career, have
                                                                                 Government program that provides
 been committed to the success         February 15
 of school sport at their school
                                                                                 funding and services for young
 and within their Association.         Children’s Aid Foundation of              people to start their own business.
 Deadline: April 27                    Canada: Scholarships & Bursaries/         Deadline to apply: May 19. The
                                       Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund               deadline for Specialist High Skills
                                       Deadline: February 21, 5:00 p.m.          Major co-op students is April 29.
MORE MARCH                        PROVINCIAL
         SCHOLARSHIPS                       SCHOLARSHIPS: APRIL
Junior Achievement (JA) Awards and          CPAC Foundation High School Awards
Scholarships                                For Ontario high school students;
Offered to students involved in Junior      applicants from all ethnic backgrounds
Achievement. Each award has specific        may apply; must demonstrate active
eligibility requirements.                   community involvement, leadership and      Libro Student Awards
Award: $1000-$3000                          outstanding academic achievements          For students ages 17-25; resident of
Deadline: March 16                          Award: four $1,000 awards for students     southwestern Ontario; enrolled in
                                            who have completed Gr. 10, 11, or 12;      college, university, tech institute,
Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship           max. two awards per grade                  apprenticeship, or private college;
For students (17-24) currently enrolled     Deadline: APRIL TBD                        commitment to community while
in, or have been accepted to, a college,                                               balancing academic success; avg >67%
university or trade school and have         Ontario Public School Boards'              Award: over thirty $2000 awards
experienced the death of a parent or        Association (OPSBA)/Jack A.                Deadline: April 7
legal guardian who had little or no life    MacDonald Award of Merit
insurance coverage; essay                   For elementary or secondary school         OFSAA (Ontario Federation of School
Award: min. five scholarships at            student; sound academic record,            Athletic Associations) Alumni
$10,000 each                                outstanding community service and          Scholarship
Deadline: March 31                          leadership; must be nominated by an        For student-athletes from schools in the
                                            independent third party: school boards,    following Associations: NOSSA,
Retail Education Scholarship                trustees, teachers, individuals or         SWOSSAA, YRAA, GBSSA,
Pursuing a retail, business or marketing-   community organizations; see Awards        NEOAA, CWOSSA; participation in
related program; currently working in       Nominations Submission Guidelines          high school sport; involvement in other
retail industry; college or university      Award: $500                                areas of school and community activity;
Award: one $5000 Interac Scholarship,       Deadline: April 2                          attending postsecondary institution;
one $3000 Canadian Retail Hall of                                                      overall average of at least 80%
Fame Scholarship and eighteen $1000         Sikh Foundation Scholarship                Award: $500 scholarships
Industry-Sponsored Scholarships             Must be of the Sikh faith; enrolled in     Deadline: before April 15
Deadline: March 31                          Grade 12 in Ontario; completed Grade
                                            11 with a min. average of 80% and mid-     Ontario Ringette Association/Jackie
                                            term Grade 12 min. average of 80%;         Lajeunesse Scholarship
                                            attending university in the fall.          For Ringette players registered with one
                                            Selection based on academic potential/     of Ontario Ringette’s member
                                            community involvement/extra-               associations, Ringette certified coaches,
                                            curricular activities/financial need.      and/or active on-ice Ringette certified
                                            Award: two $5000 scholarships              officials; participated in Ringette for at
                                            Deadline: April 4                          least three of the last four years;
                                                                                       registered in upcoming playing season;
                                            Ken and Ann Watts Memorial                 strong academic performance; enrolled
                                            Foundation Scholarships                    in university, college, etc.
                                            For students entering a                    Award: two $1000 scholarships
                                            college/university program for an arts     Deadline: April 15
                                            career; participated in a Sears Ontario
SCHOLARSHIPS                                Drama Festival District production in      OSSTF (Ontario Secondary Schools
                                            present school year; demonstrated          Teachers’
Note: Scholarships are listed               commitment to the Arts in their school     Federation)/FEESO/Federation Family
according to application deadline.          and community; financial need;             Education Fund
However, because scholarships are           academic success in Grades 11 and 12;      Bursaries for children of
listed two months in advance, these         other extra-curricular participation and   OSSTF/FEESO members (or deceased
deadlines can change. When you              community/volunteer involvement.           members) to attend college or
see TBD in the Deadline section,            Contact          university, or an apprenticeship program
that means the exact deadline is “To        for more information                       that includes an academic portion
Be Determined” for the current year         Award: four $3000 scholarships; four       offered through a college; lottery
and the scholarship website has not         $1000 bursaries                            Award: ten $1,500 bursaries
been updated since the previous             Deadline: April 5                          Deadline: April 15
Growmark Foundation                         community projects; entering first year       academic record, volunteerism, and
High school seniors or equivalent, etc.;    college or university; 80% min. average       extra-curricular activities
pursuing agriculture-related degrees or     Award: $10,000                                Award: two $2000 bursaries granted to
certificates at colleges, universities or   Deadline: April 30                            one male, and one female, student
technical schools in the U.S. and                                                         Deadline: April 30
Ontario; awarded based on academic          Municipal Engineers Association
achievement, school and community           (MEA) Bursary Awards Program
involvement, and essay responses            For dependents of municipal employees
Award: fifteen $1500 scholarships           & Councillors in Ontario; in final year
Deadline: April 17                          of high school; entering a university
                                            engineering program; active
Vedic Cultural Centre Arya Samaj            participation in extracurricular activities
Markham (ASM) Youth Scholarships            Award: eleven $1500-$2000 awards
For a member of a Hindu family, living      Deadline: April 30
in Ontario; applied to a postsecondary
institution; minimum 80% average from       OFSAA (Ontario Federation of School           SCHOLARSHIPS: APRIL
top four subjects including Mathematics     Athletic Associations) Character Athlete
& English; election based on merit,         Award                                         CPAC Foundation Trailblazer
extra-curricular involvement,               For two nominated recipients (one male,       Scholarship
community service, career aspirations,      one female) who embody OFSAA’s                Applicants from all ethnic backgrounds
financial need; click on “Scholarship       values of leadership, commitment,             may apply. For an outstanding student
Application” at top of page                 equity, respect and sportsmanship             who studies at a high school/
Award: up to $5000                          Award: two $1000 scholarships                 postsecondary institution; played
Deadline: April 26, 5:00 p.m.               Deadline: Nominations due April 30            leading role in a project/initiative
                                                                                          related to community or social
ETFO (Elementary Teachers'                  SGIA (Specialty Graphic Imaging               development, humanitarian
Federation of Ontario) Bursaries            Association) Scholarships                     improvement, social justice, etc.
Bachelor of Education Bursaries for         For a student planning to, or currently       Award: one $3,000 scholarship
Children of ETFO Members; For more          attending, an active SGIA Educational         Deadline: April TBD
information, contact Sonia Ellis-Seguin     Institution Member school (RYERSON
at                   in Canada); pursuing a career in graphic      Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA)
Deadline: April 30                          communications, printing technology or        Educational Foundation Scholarship
                                            printing management                           For Employees/Dependents of AEA
Hydrocephalus Canada/Dr. E. Bruce           Award: $2,000 to 20 students.                 Members--See Field Aviation Co. Inc.
Hendrick Ontario Scholarship                Deadline: April 30                            Scholarship (Canada): available to a
Open to students with spina bifida                                                        high school senior or college student
and/or hydrocephalus; based on              Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Education        who plans to attend or is attending an
applicant's motivation, self-awareness,     Awards                                        accredited school in an avionics or
goal setting, potential for success;        For youth in Ontario living with Type 1       aircraft maintenance program
awards valid at any university, college,    or Type 2 diabetes for at least two           Award: $1000
tech or trade school, career institute or   years; registered with a diabetes             Deadline: April 1
school of business                          program or healthcare provider;
Award: number and value of awards           pursuing postsecondary; academic              G3 Grow Beyond Scholarship/
will be decided on a yearly basis           achievement, leadership, creative             Agriculture in the Classroom Canada
Deadline: April 30                          contributions to extra-curricular             For high school students who are
                                            activities; diabetes self-management          embarking on a postsecondary
                                            Award: $3000 scholarship; bursaries           education and have innovative ideas for
                                            range from $500 to $1000                      agriculture in Canada; a two- to four-
                                            Deadline: April 30.                           minute video essay describing your
                                            *Contact             vision for the future of agriculture in
                                            for the information package.                  Canada and how you see yourself
                                                                                          contributing to that vision
Meridian’s Commitment to                                                                  Award: six scholarships of $4,000; an
Communities Sean Jackson Scholarship        “Whipper” Billy Watson Education
                                            Bursary                                       additional $1,000 will be given to the
To one Ontario-based student;                                                             winners' high schools
volunteerism that demonstrates              For students with physical disabilities;
                                            studying at an Ontario College of             Deadline: April 1
leadership and/or initiating innovative
                                            Applied Arts & Technology; high
Girl Guides of Canada’s (GGC)               students (First Nations, Métis, Inuit or   Ontario, Québec and the Atlantic
National Scholarship Program                Non-Status). Awards: 25 $5,000             Provinces as a whole and one from
Applicants must be currently registered     scholarships (Canada). Community           British Columbia/Territories
members of GGC who are pursuing             Leaders: In support of students who        Deadline: April 30, 5:00 p.m.
postsecondary education at a recognized     demonstrate a strong community
college, university or trades program.      commitment through leadership,             CAF (Canadian Angus
Guiding involvement and participation       volunteerism, community involvement        Foundation)/Robert C. McHaffie Junior
are important criteria in the awarding of   or other activities. Award: 50 $1,000      Ambassador Competition
National Scholarships.                      scholarships (Canada). Trades:             Member of the Canadian Junior Angus
Award: $2000 for fulltime study;            Enrolled in a trades program relevant to   Association (CJAA); eighteen in June;
$1000 for part-time study                   a career in the energy industry. Award:    typed application; CJAA involvement,
Deadline: April 1                           75 $1000 scholarships (Canada).            work history, community and leadership
                                            Deadline: April 15                         activities and school involvement
Canadian Hard of Hearing (CHHA)                                                        Award: Five finalists will receive a
Association Scholarship Program             Childhood Cancer Canada (CCC)              $1000 scholarship and attend the
Susan Brown Memorial Scholarship            Survivor Scholarship                       Canadian Angus National Convention
This scholarship is offered to hard of      Open to young adult cancer survivors       in Moncton, NB, June 11-14. The Junior
hearing, late-deafened, and oral deaf       pursuing university, college or            Ambassador will have the opportunity
students entering their first-year,         vocational training school                 to attend one international event and
fulltime program at a recognized            Award: $1500                               several major agricultural events.
Canadian college or university              Deadline: April 19                         Deadline: April 30.
Award: $2,000                                                                          *also see youth opportunities/bursaries
Deadline: April 3, 5:00 p.m.                Louise Russo W.A.V.E. Youth Awards         here
*Note: See other scholarships on            Ages 12-19 (Gr.7-12); youth who
website                                     exemplify “Respect, Responsibility, &      Christian Harness Horsemen’s
                                            Role” of leadership through initiatives    Association (CHHA) Scholarships
Benson Kearley IFG Scholarships             that create safer, healthier communities   For students pursuing degree or
For students in Grade 12 about to enter     Award: five $1000 Individual & Team        certificate programs; involved in
postsecondary education and who have        Youth Awards and three 500 Leadership      harness racing; special attention given
initiated a philanthropic endeavor or       Awards                                     to how the applicant demonstrates
started own business; must be entering      Deadline: April 19                         his/her faith in daily living and his/her
school fulltime: Apprenticeship/Trade                                                  involvement in harness racing; financial
Certificate, a College                      Aboriginal Financial Officers              need; course of study
Certificate/Diploma, a University           Association of Canada (AFOA)/Nutrien       Award: two $1000 scholarships
Certificate/Diploma, a bachelor’s           Indigenous Youth Financial                 Deadline: postmarked by April 30
degree, a degree in medicine, dentistry,    Management Awards                          *Note: US. Address
veterinary medicine or optometry            Open to Indigenous youth in Grades 11
Award: five $2000 scholarships              and 12 pursuing postsecondary;             Harness Horse Youth Foundation
Deadline: April 14                          considering career in finance and/or       (HHYF) Scholarships
                                            management/commerce (including             Two scholarships: scholastic
Muslim Awards for Excellence/MAX            financial management/planning,             achievement; financial need; B- avg.
Scholarships                                business administration, commerce,         Applications & attachments must be
Various scholarships for Muslim high        accounting, and economics);                typed. Applicant name should appear on
school students who have excelled in        academically successful. Recipients        each page.
academics and combined this                 (and a chaperone) attend AFOA              #1. The Curt Greene Memorial
achievement with outstanding                Canada's National Conference.              Scholarship: for students who have
contributions to their school and/or        Award: three five-year scholarship         demonstrated a passion for harness
community. See website for specifics.       packages valued at over $5,000             racing and have financial need
Award: $3,000-$10,000                       Deadline: April 24, 9:00 p.m.              Award: up to $2,500 annually; must
Deadline: April 15                                                                     reapply each year for consideration.
                                            Canadian Agri-Business Education           #2. The Sweet Karen Alumni
TC (TransCanada) Energy Scholarships        Foundation (CABEF) Scholarships            Scholarship: for students who have
Enrolled in a postsecondary institution;    Entering college or university             participated in HHYF youth, leadership
located in a community near                 agriculture program; leadership            or HYRL summer programs or weekend
TransCanada's operations. Answer five       attributes, academics; essay response      event
questions to see if you pre-qualify.        Award: seven $2,500 scholarships;          Award: $1000 annually
Three scholarship areas: Indigenous         one scholarship will be awarded in         Deadline for both awards: April 30
Legacy: In support of Indigenous            Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,           Other industry scholarships
Lucas Aykroyd/The Irene Adler Prize:         consideration, financial need and            OSAID (Ontario Students Against
A $1,000 Scholarship for Women               service to church and community are          Impaired Driving)/Anna Pyles
Writers                                      heavily weighted.                            Memorial Scholarship
Open to women pursuing a degree in                                                        For a high school student actively
journalism, creative writing or literature   Easter Seals Ontario Scholarships            involved in OSAID activities, and
Award: $1000 US                              Various scholarships for youth with          helped organize one OSAID activity, at
Deadline: April 30                           physical disabilities                        school; bonus points are awarded for
                                             Award: various                               helping to organize students to attend
Mold Busters Scholarship                     Deadline: May 3; check for updates           the OSAID Conferences or workshops
A biannual writing contest for Canadian                                                   Award: two $500 scholarships
college and university students.                                                          Deadline: May 21
Students from any program in all
Canadian postsecondary institutions are                                                   Ontario Parks Association
encouraged to submit an expository                                                        Foundation (OPAF) Scholarships &
essay to qualify for the scholarship. The                                                 Bursaries
essay’s subject is based on mold,            Ontario Aerospace Council/OAC                For students enrolled in a
asbestos or other indoor air pollutants.     Scholarships for Aerospace Studies           college/university program that has a
Participating students should explore        For students going into, or currently        focus on parks, horticulture,
causes and effects of air pollution on       enrolled, in an aerospace studies            landscaping, conservation or
building structures and human health         program at college or university; min.       environmental resource management
and can also discuss the various             70% average                                  Award: four bursaries of $2,000 each
remediation techniques and practical         Award: four $2,500 scholarships--three       and three $1000 scholarships
prevention tips.                             OAC Scholarships; one Women in               Deadline: Application packages must
Award: $1,000                                Aerospace Canada Scholarship                 be postmarked or emailed by May 29
Deadline: April 30 / December 20             Deadline: May 4                              (last Friday in May).

                                             Autism Ontario Scholarships                  James Bartleman Indigenous Youth
                                             Various scholarships for students            Creative Writing Award/Government of
                                             affected by autism: on the autism            Ontario
                                             spectrum, sibling of a person on the         Self-identify as an Indigenous person;
                                             autism spectrum, or a child of a parent      enrolled in a school in Ontario; three
                                             on the autism spectrum; entering first       geographic categories (fly-in
PROVINCIAL                                   year of a postsecondary program              community, on reserve, off reserve); see
                                             Award: $500
SCHOLARSHIPS: MAY                            Deadline: May 8
                                                                                          tips for writing/submitting a nomination
                                                                                          Award: up to six students each receive
Bloorview School Authority Bursary                                                        the $2,500 award
For students with physical disabilities;     Empowered Kids Ontario (EKO)                 Nomination deadline: May 31. If the
attended Bloorview School Authority          Scholarship                                  deadline falls on a weekend/holiday,
(formerly Bloorview MacMillan Centre)        For students served by Ontario’s             you can submit your nomination
and is/was a client of Holland               Children’s Treatment Centres (CTC)           before 5:00 p.m. next business day.
Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital;      and pursuing university or college or a
starting studies in a recognized             career goal that involves a tuition fee      Lincoln M. Alexander
postsecondary institution (college or        Award: up to $2000                           Award/Government of Ontario
university); high academic record;           Deadline: May 10                             Student Awards: For youth who have
participated in extra-curricular                                                          demonstrated leadership in eliminating
activities; volunteerism                     OHF (Ontario Hockey Federation)              racial discrimination in Ontario. Other
Award: $5000                                 Scholarship                                  volunteer activities and academic
Deadline: May 1                              Registered for last three years within the   performances are not taken into
                                             OHF; enrolling in postsecondary;             consideration. Nominated by an
Ontario State Knights of Columbus            academic achievements; community             accredited provincial secondary school;
Chaplains Bursary                            involvement; financial need considered       see tips for writing and submitting a
To assist Ontario Knights and members        Award: TBD                                   nomination. (see Community Award
of their families entering the first year    Deadline: May 15                             also—ages 16-25 eligible)
of college or university in Ontario          *Note: The applicant who receives top        Award: two awards of $5,000
Award: five bursaries of $1,000              ranking will receive the $1,000 Jim          Nomination deadline: May 31. If the
Deadline: May 1                              Stirling Scholarship Bursary as well.        deadline falls on a weekend/holiday,
Note: Although the applicant’s marks                                                      you can submit your nomination
are important and taken into                                                              before 5:00 p.m. next business day.
Nicole LeClair Welding Bursary Award         three terms of available marks;             Sobeys & Empire Work Experience &
For Ontario students pursuing welding        academics, volunteerism, area of study.     Scholarship Program
at the postsecondary education level at a    Up to nine scholarships will be             Employees are eligible if they currently
private or publicly-funded institution.      available at the bachelor/diploma level     work at any corporate location or are
Applicants may be entering into any          and up to one Parking Industry              employed by a franchisee or affiliate
year of program study.                       Technician/Technologist Scholarship         (including Foodland, FreshCo, IGA,
Award: $1500                                 available at the technical diploma level.   Lawton’s Drugs, Safeway, Thrifty
Deadline: May 31                             Award: $2000 scholarships                   Foods); worked without breaks in
                                             Deadline: May 1. The deadline for           service for a min. of six months or 500
Ontario Road Builders' Association           supporting documentation is May 15.         hours as of April 30; obtained, or in the
(ORBA) Civil Technology and Civil                                                        process of obtaining, a high school
Engineering Scholarships                     Canadian Student Leader Awards              diploma, or registered as a fulltime
For two high school students graduating      For exemplary graduating student            student at college/university; 70% or
from an Ontario high school: the ORBA        leaders pursuing postsecondary              above in their last semester
Civil Engineering Technology                 education; 70% average minimum; from        Award: forty $1500 scholarships
Scholarship for a student entering the       a current CSLA member school                Deadline: May 1
first year of a Civil Technology             Award: twelve $500 student awards           *Note: For more information, please
program at an Ontario college; and the       Deadline: May 1                             contact your manager or HR
ORBA Civil Engineering Scholarship                                                       Representative, or email questions
for a student entering the first year of a   Knights of Columbus                         to SCHOLARSHIPS@SOBEYS.COM
Civil Engineering program an Ontario         The Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro
university                                   Patria (Canada) Scholarship: For a          Support Our Troops National
Award: $2000 scholarships                    Canadian student entering his or her        Scholarship Program
Deadline: May 31                             first year of college or university;        For dependents of a serving, or former,
                                             member in good standing, or the son or      member of the Canadian Armed Forces;
                                             daughter of such a member or deceased       enrolled in accredited academic
                                             member; academic excellence                 institutions, including career and
                                             Award: $1500 scholarships                   vocational colleges; essay
                                             Deadline: May 1                             Award: 41 scholarships $500-$2000
                                                                                         Deadline: May 1
                                                                                         Note: see other scholarships & bursaries
                                                                                         for serving and former Canadian Armed
NATIONAL                                                                                 Forces members and their families
                                                                                         Petroleum Services Association of
                                                                                         Canada (PSAC) Education Fund
Bayer CropScience Scholarship for                                                        For students pursuing postsecondary
Future Leaders in Agriculture                                                            education connected to PSAC Core
For students who have demonstrated                                                       Member companies as well as students
leadership, engagement and                                                               at technical colleges enrolled in
contribution to the field of agriculture.    Nature Canada Charles Labatiuk
                                             Scholarship Award                           petroleum-related or trades programs;
Applicants must be entering the first                                                    interested in a career in the petroleum
year or currently enrolled fulltime in an    For a student entering or continuing at
                                             college or university in the                services sector.
eligible agricultural bachelor’s degree                                                  PSAC Core Member Scholarships: to
program at eligible institutions             interdisciplinary study of natural
                                             environmental systems (ecosystems)          PSAC Core Member company
(Universities: Alberta, Dalhousie,                                                       employees or their children.
Guelph, Lethbridge, Manitoba,                Award: $2000
                                             Deadline: May 1; 5:00 p.m.                  Award: ten $1,500 scholarships
Saskatchewan).                                                                           PSAC Roger Soucy Legacy Scholarship:
Award: six $5000 awards                                                                  For a child of a PSAC Core Member
Deadline: May 1                              RBC Scholarship Program for the
                                             Children of RBC Employees (Canada)          employee; involved in the community
                                             For children and legal wards of RBC         and pursuing an education in a
Canadian Parking Association (CPA)                                                       petroleum- or trades-related program.
                                             employees; academic record,
Scholarships                                                                             Award: one $2500 scholarship
                                             extracurricular activities, letters of
For CPA members (and employees)                                                          Deadline: May 3, 4:30 p.m.
                                             reference, and an essay sharing career
whose job is 50% related to parking, or
their spouses and dependents; entering
                                             Award: fifty $2500 scholarships
or enrolled in degree or diploma
                                             Deadline: May 1
program; min. 70% average over last
Farm Management Canada (FMC) and             For a Canadian Junior Angus member;         Environment, Dignity of Life,
the Canadian Association of Diploma in       min. 18 years old by May 15;                Innovation; can apply for more than one
Agriculture Programs (CADAP): The            achievement in Angus commitment,            award
Excellence Award for Agricultural            community involvement and leadership        Award: seven $1000 awards
Students                                     activities; TYPED application               Deadline: May 18
For students enrolled in agricultural        Award: $1000
studies; college or university. Submit a     Deadline: May 15                            Brain Tumour Foundation of
multimedia presentation, a video, a                                                      Canada/Youth Education Awards for
Twitter chat, a blog, or a Wiki, in          Canadian Junior Hereford Association        Brain Tumour Survivors
response to: How can agriculture bridge      (CJHA) KGF “Future of the Breed”            For survivors of a pediatric brain
the increasing rural and urban divide?       Scholarship                                 tumour (diagnosed with a brain tumour
Award: 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize: $500-$1500       An active member of the CJHA;               before the age of 25), between ages 16
Deadline: May 4                              entering postsecondary or in final year     and 30; pursuing college or university
*Note: also see tab “Other Scholarships      of high school; outstanding                 Award: up to $5000
and Awards”                                  contributions to the Hereford industry      Deadline: May 22
                                             Award: four $1000 awards
Loblaw Scholarships                          Deadline: Postmarked no later than          Unifor Scholarships
Open to employees, their family              May 15                                      For children of Unifor members
members and the general public; must                                                     entering first year of university,
be enrolled or planning to enrol in          SEIU (Service Employees International       community college, trade school, etc.
university or college; min. average of       Union) Healthcare Scholarship               Award: twenty-eight $2,000
70% in final year of school;                 Open to high school seniors, etc.; must     scholarships
participation in volunteer activities        be members, or children of members, in      Deadline: May 24
Award: up to 200 $1500 scholarships          good standing for three continuous
Deadline: May 6, 15:00 ET                    years as of December 31, 2019               Canadian Wildlife Foundation
                                             Award: Four $1,800 scholarships--$600       (CWF)/Orville Erickson Memorial
Sandra Schmirler Foundation: Spirit of       per year of study for three years           Scholarships
Sandra Junior Curling Scholarships           Deadline: May 17; check website for         For students pursuing higher education
For athletes who participate in curling      2020 update                                 in the field of conservation
while pursuing postsecondary                                                             Award: ranging in value from $500 to
education; emphasis placed on athletes       Canadian Tire Scholarship Program:          $4,000. Number of awards varies.
who have competed at the                     Muriel and AJ Billes Scholarships (no       Deadline: May 25
provincial/territorial level or higher and   link to application; see *Note below)
who have shown a commitment through          For children/step-children of employees     Emmy Duff Scholarship
their involvement in volunteer               with two or more years of continuous        For students that have undergone
activities; minimum 75% average              service (*includes individuals who have     treatment/being treated for cancer;
Award: six $5000 scholarships; The           died while employed or retired              shows ongoing volunteer commitment
successful applicants will be                employees); pursing publicly-funded         to causes important to the student;
reimbursed for $2,500 in both                college or university; academic             attending university/college in fall
education and curling categories for a       achievement, involvement in                 Award: $2,000
total of $5,000. All expenses must be        community, and commitment to live           Deadline: May 29
submitted with receipts and received         values of honesty, integrity and respect;
no later than April 30, 2021.                min. average of 80% for last two years      Husky Scholarships for Indigenous
Deadline: May 7                              Award: sixteen scholarships;                Students
                                             $2,500/year for a max. of four              For Indigenous students pursuing first
UFCW (United Food and Commercial             consecutive years or until the recipient    degree or diploma
Workers) Charity Foundation                  receives their first degree or diploma      Award: Degree--up to three $5,000
Scholarship                                  Deadline: TBD                               scholarships for 4 years; Diploma--up to
For children of active UFCW members;         *Note: Canadian Tire advertises the         two $3,500 scholarships for 2 years
scholastic achievements, community           scholarship with internal                   Deadline: May 29
involvement and an essay                     communications to their employees. For
Award: annual payments of $2000 up           application, please ask store manager.      4-H Canada Scholarships
to four years                                                                            Six separate scholarships, including the
Deadline: May 12                             Jean Lumb Awards                            $20,000 Leadership Excellence Awards
*See other UFCW scholarships here.           For students of Chinese heritage;           of Distinction, for 4-H members
                                             achieved excellence in one (or more)        pursuing postsecondary education
Canadian Angus Foundation/Dick               award categories: Academics, Athletics,     Award: various ($500-$20,000)
Turner Memorial Award                        Arts, Community Services, the               Deadline: May 31
Bayer Fund Opportunity Scholarship
Open to high school students in final
                                            involvement, academics, and career
year of high school and planning to         Award: six $2500 bursaries
enroll in a first-year agriculture, food    Deadline: May 31                            #RisingYouth Community Service
science or culinary degree/diploma                                                      Grants (Government of Canada)
program; demonstrated academic              Costco Wholesale Scholarships               Youth-led community service
standards and leadership. If you have       For Costco employees and children;          grants. See requirements here.
applied to a college or university but      pursuing higher education; applicant or     See previously-funded projects
have not yet been accepted, you can still   parent must be a permanent employee         here.
apply for a scholarship; essay              of Costco for min. of one year as of        UPDATE: Applications are
Award: sixty-five $1500 scholarships        March 1; academic performance               reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Deadline: May 31                            Award: $2500                                You will receive a response
                                            Deadline: May 31                            within 30 days of applying.
Black Business and Professional
Association National Scholarships           Mothers Against Drunk Driving               French for the Future: National
For a member of the Canadian Black          (MADD) Canada Youth Bursary                 Ambassador Youth Forum
community (i.e., a Black person of          Fund/Louise Joanne Twerdy Leadership        A FREE five-day program for thirty
discernible African ancestry and you        Bursary
                                                                                        Grade 10 and Grade 11 bilingual
self-identify as Black/African-             For students enrolled in a postsecondary
                                                                                        students from across Canada who
Canadian/African-Caribbean/African          program who have been severely
                                                                                        are enrolled in French programs
American); enrolled in                      injured or had a parent or sibling killed
university/college; academic                or severely injured in an impaired          (Core French, Extended French,
achievement; financial need; service to     driving crash                               French Immersion, or
the Black community; other criteria         Award: one $8000 award; additional          Francophone schools);
Award: various awards/amounts               $4000 awards                                opportunity to participate in
Deadline: May 31                            Deadline: May 31                            interactive workshops and
                                                                                        activities centered on the
Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan             Pat Fletcher Scholarship                    significance of bilingualism; and
(CST)/Karthiha Guruparan, Bill Winsor       For a student in need of financial          intensive training in leadership
and Jacque Laredo Scholarships              assistance; pursuing postsecondary          and event planning. The NAYF
For academically gifted, well-rounded       education; ability in golf; academic        is being held in Regina, SK,
high school students pursuing first         success; well-rounded lifestyle             from AUG 9-14. All expenses
degree; a view to those whose parents       including non-academic interests and        including travel, accommodation,
do not have a postsecondary education       community involvement                       and food are covered by French
or received it outside of Canada            Award: up to $3000                          for the Future.
The Karthiha Guruparan Scholarship:         Deadline: May 31                            Registration opens April 2.
for a student who exemplifies family                                                    See also: Local Forums–FREE
first, thoughtfulness, determination and    Perimeter Institute (PI) for Theoretical
                                                                                        events for French Second
inspiration.                                Physics/Luke Santi Memorial Award
                                                                                        Language and French First
The Bill Winsor Scholarship: for a          for Student Achievement
                                            For a high school student accepted into     Language students from Grades
student who exemplifies a goal-oriented
                                            a Physical Sciences program at              9-12; full day of activities in
mindset, enthusiasm, entrepreneurship,
positivity, competitiveness and team        university; min. 80% avg overall;           French. Hosted in over fifteen
spirit                                      passion for physics outside of academic     cities across Canada.
The Jacque Laredo Scholarship: for a        environment; interest in a wide range of
student who demonstrates their passion      activities outside of physics               Nordstrom Fashion Ambassador
and commitment to making a better           Award: one $1000 award                      Program
future for themselves, their family and     Deadline: May 31                            An annual educational program
their community                                                                         that gives high school students
Award: three $6000 awards                   UCBeyond Scholarship Program                behind-the-scenes access to the
Deadline: May 31                            Diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis;      fashion industry. Must be in junior
                                            enrolled in, or attending, university,      or senior year in high school and
Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation       college or trade school; demonstrates       maintain a cumulative average of
(CST)/Learning Matters Education            academic ambition and embraces a way        at least 75% or higher.
Charity Bursaries                           of life that goes beyond the boundaries     Deadline: April 5
For students who intend to make a           of living with inflammatory arthritis
positive contribution to Canadian           Award: up to $5000
society; financial need; community          Deadline: May 31
Plan International Canada’s                                                      Goals. There’s no telling
Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
The council is comprised of 10-
                                                                                 what you can do when
12 young people (ages14-24)                                                     you get inspired by them.
who are “passionate about                                                      There’s no telling what you
international development issues,                                             can do when you believe in
and who want to make a lasting                                                them. And there’s no telling
difference in both Plan                RBC/PEN Canada New Voices              what will happen when you
International Canada and the           Award                                     act upon them.” —Jim
world.” Members support Plan           Young unpublished writers (18-29)          Rohn, entrepreneur
International Canada in a              may submit short stories, creative
“governance and advisory               non-fiction, journalism and poetry
capacity, by offering a youth          for a chance to win $3,000 and
perspective regarding Plan’s           mentorship from a Canadian
organizational activities.”            author. Deadline: mid-April; keep     EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL &
Applicants should have experience
and interest in program
                                       checking website for updates.         EXCHANGE PROGRAMS
development and management,            Canadian Angus
international development,             Foundation/Junior Angus                        Reminders
advocacy and governance.               Stockman of the Year
Deadline: May (TBD)                    For outstanding young cattlemen
                                       (ages 16-21 on Jan. 1) who are        Government of Canada Language
___________________________            members of the Canadian Junior        immersion programs
                                       Angus Association constantly          Explore: a 5-week, intensive
                                       growing their “stockmanship”          language immersion program
                                       capability. The winner of the award   offered during the spring/summer
        AWARDS &                       will receive a $3500 bursary to be    Early Bird Deadline: February 15
       COMPETITIONS                    used for genetics, cattle
                                       supplies/equipment, training, etc.    Beaverbrook Vimy Prize: a 2-
Clean Tech Competition                 along with travel assistance to       week-long learning experience
A research/design challenge            attend Showdown in Manitoba.          during which youth study the First
(“Reducing Individual Impacts”) for    Nominations must be submitted by      and Second World War history of
teams of 1-3 high school students      a Canadian Angus Association          Canada, Great Britain and France.
from anywhere in the world. The        member in good financial              Deadline: March 3
“objective of the competition is for   standing. (Members may nominate
teams of eligible students,            himself/herself). Deadline: April     YMCA Summer Work Student
supervised by teachers or other        15. Also see youth                    Exchange: a national exchange
adults, to create a competition        opportunities/bursaries here.         program for youth (ages 16-17).
entry that identifies a real-world                                           First priority application
problem and presents a solution        Canadian Institutes of Health         deadline is March 15. Second
using clean technology.”               Research (CIHR) Canadian              priority deadline is May 15.
Prizes: $1000-$10,000 prizes; ten      National Brain Bee
finalist teams are chosen.             Competition
Registration: MAR 13, 4:00 p.m.        For Grades 9-12 students at
                                       McMaster University in Hamilton,
EcoSchools Canada National Eco-        May 22-23. The competitors are                   CONTEST
journalism Competition for Youth       champions who have already won
Participants (ages 11-18)              their local Brain Bee (most held in   University of Toronto’s Department
investigate and report on              March or April); see Local Bees       of Philosophy The Aristotle: a high
environmental issues, and              Awards: $1500 for 1st place,          school philosophy essay contest
propose solutions, by using video,     $1000 for 2nd place, and $500 for     Submissions in both English and
photography or writing. This year’s    3rd place. The 2020 champion will     French are welcome.
themes are Climate Change, Loss        travel to Washington, D.C., for the   Award: 1st prize: $500
of Biodiversity and Pollution.         International Brain Bee World         Deadline: May 24
UPDATE: Deadline March 27              Championship.                         ___________________________
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