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Conference Brochure CALIFORNIA’S COALITION FOR ADEQUATE SCHOOL HOUSINGSM 42nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON SCHOOL FACILITIES March 1–3, 2021 Palm Springs Convention Center Palm Springs, California
CASH is Going to Palm Springs! The 42nd Annual Conference on School Facilities is focused on this time of transition in the school facili- ties community, and what it means for your ability to provide every student and teacher with safe, clean and quality learning spaces. CASH is committed to ensuring that all schools have access to a stable, secure and ongoing capital and maintenance funding through continuing advocacy and educating members with the most up-to-date information. For the second consecutive year, the Conference will be held in Southern California. Enclosed you will find a variety of education sessions for facilities practitioners in all aspects of school facilities construction, and for all experience levels. New this year: education session time blocks consisting solely of the popular Mini-Work- shops (topic-focused education sessions, which debuted last year) on all three days of the Conference. The Board of Directors and Annual Conference Planning Committee invite you to join your school facilities peers and colleagues participating in CASH’s largest annual event, March 1-3, 2021! Who Should Attend • School District Facilities Planners and Directors • Construction Managers • County Office of Education Facilities Officers • Superintendents • Maintenance and Operations Managers and Directors • Associate Members • Project and Program Managers • State Agency Representatives • Architects • Anyone in the school facilities industry! • Attorneys About Palm Springs, California Palm Springs is different. Clear blue skies. Star-filled nights. Sweet desert air. A mountainside close enough to touch – certainly to hike. So much to see, do, explore…or not…your choice. Sunshine – it makes a difference. And you’ll feel it with the people – friendly, happy, joyful, carefree. Palm Springs. Relaxing. Rejuvenating. A place to make memories. A place in which to hold a memorable meeting. Palm Springs, Like no place else™. Photo credit: Greater Palm Springs CVB 2
Tentative Schedule of Events* All events are held at the Palm Springs Convention Center, unless otherwise noted. Monday, March 1, 2021 Golf Tournament Registration 7:30 a.m. Golf Course TBD Golf Tournament Tee Time 9:00 a.m. Golf Course TBD School Facility Manufacturers’ Association Board of Directors Meeting and Lunch (by invitation 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. only) 12:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration 1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CMMCP Graduation 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Break 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Concurrent Mini-Workshops 4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Break 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. CASH Maintenance Network Vendor Show Reception 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. School Facilities Leadership Academy Class of 2021 Graduation 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception in Trade Show Monday Highlights • Every year, CASH kicks off the Annual Conference on School Facilities with the Golf Tournament! For more information, visit: • Don’t miss the Welcome Reception and Trade Show Opening, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. *All dates, times and speakers are subject to change. Photo credit: SPN Photography Continued on Next Page 3
Tentative Schedule of Events* All events are held at the Palm Springs Convention Center, unless otherwise noted. Tuesday, March 2, 2021 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Concurrent Sessions 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Break 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Concurrent Mini-Workshops 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Trade Show 10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Break 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. General Session Luncheon Welcome and Opening Remarks by CASH Chair Conference Review by Planning Committee Chair Keynote Speaker TBD Presentation of the Member Service Awards Presentation of the James L. Murdoch Lifetime Achievement Award Adjourn 1:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Trade Show Open 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Dessert Service in the Trade Show 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Break 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Reception in Trade Show 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Networking Dinner Tuesday Highlights • Clinics are in-depth, hands-on learning sessions offered only on Tuesday afternoon. • Continue networking after the Reception in the Trade Show, in a casual setting. The Networking Dinner is included as part of your registration fee. Your badge is your ticket to attend! *All dates, times and speakers are subject to change. Photo credit: SPN Photography 4
Tentative Schedule of Events* All events are held at the Palm Springs Convention Center, unless otherwise noted. Wednesday, March 3, 2021 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Registration 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Maintenance Network Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. General Session Breakfast Opening Remarks and CASH Treasurer’s Report Guest Speaker TBD Adjourn 8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Break 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions 10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Concurrent Mini-Workshops 11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Break 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Break 1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. General Session Awards Luncheon Welcome by Planning Committee Chair Presentation of the Student Design Awards Presentation of the CASH/AIA CA Leroy F. Greene Design and Planning Awards Induction of the New Chair and Board Members Inside CASH Maintenance Management Certificate Program Inside CASH School Facilities Leadership Academy Closing Remarks 2:15 p.m. Conference Adjourns 2:15 p.m. Annual Conference Planning Committee Post-Conference Debriefing Meeting (open to all attendees) Wednesday Highlights • Maintenance and Operations professionals are invited to attend the CASH Maintenance Network Breakfast starting bright and early at 7:30 a.m.! • Stay through the end of the Conference to see your peers and colleagues recognized during the awards presentations, the new CASH Chair will be inducted, and graduates from the CSFLA and CMMCP will also be speaking about their experience in CASH’s year-long professional development certificate programs. *All dates, times and speakers are subject to change. 5
Concurrent Sessions Workshops Planning and Program Management Planning for the Unforeseen: 101 (PPM) Facilities Usage and Funding Post COVID-19 (FM) Moderator: Tova Corman, San Marcos USD Monday, March 1, 2021 This presentation will cover the basics of plan- Moderator: Karina Samaniego, Dannis Woliver Kelley ning and program management for State School The novel COVID-19 pandemic has put another Leveraging the LCAP to Strengthen Facility Program (SFP) funding. This workshop wrench into our school districts’ already bur- M&O Integrating Business and Ed dened facilities and budget. Schools were forced Services (FM) “experience” will start with the development of a program and expand into the following topics: to quickly close sites and prepare for distance Moderator: Allan Garde, Hayward USD 1. Planning a capital facilities bond program. learning. Then, with general guidance, schools High-quality facilities play an important role in were pressured to plan for fall reopening – tak- 2. Site selection, approval, and acquisition. building a positive school climate and support- ing into account social distancing protocols. 3. SFP eligibility, funding applications and Schools had to re-evaluate their site inventory, ing student achievement. Unfortunately, goals audits. and for those without a deep inventory, schools and objectives regarding how facilities are maintained and improved are often absent in the 4. Demographics, enrollment projections, and had to find creative ways to repurpose existing Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). There boundaries. space for multiple uses. This panel will discuss: is overwhelming evidence that the condition 5. Hands-on planning with education specifica- the implementation of school reopening plans, of the facilities plays a major role in teacher tions, needs assessments, prioritization of and how State regulations affected the usage of retention, student achievement, and community project elements and components of success- space; how schools repurposed school facilities involvement. This workshop will highlight key ful state agency approval. post-COVID 19 and how these impacted CDE strategies for Facilities, Maintenance, Operations 6. Project scheduling, budget planning, and approvals; options for funding these new uses of and Transportation (FMOT) leaders to partici- closeouts. sites under the School Facility Program. pate in the process of setting LCAP goals and Planning and Program Management Schools of the Future: Big Ideas measurable objectives, establishing milestones and Implementation (SA) 201 (PPM) for progress, and gaining positive attention and increasing resources for their important work. Moderator: Phil Dietz, Darden Architects Moderator: Julie Strauss, HMC Architects Attend this workshop to help you update your Fa- In early 2017, Darden Architects began the This presentation will discuss advanced topics cilities Master Plan (FMP) and garner community Schools of the Future Research & Innovation in school facilities planning and is designed to support for your next bond measure! Project with the goal to identify the most innova- provide those planning school facilities with the tive and effective educational designs. During tools needed to make data-driven, cost-effective Prioritizing Student Wellness decisions about current and projected facility Through Healthy Buildings Best the research project, the team visited some of Practices (MO) the latest, most unique, and most groundbreak- needs. This workshop will cover an in-depth ing public schools in the nation. They found that how-to on: Moderator: Craig Mesenbrink, Schneider Electric most of the trends and concepts fell into one 1. Preparing a needs analysis that is multifac- In the wake of COVID-19, student wellness and of four key areas, framed as the “Big Ideas”: eted and highly functional. health are more important now than ever before. Student-Centered Learning and Academic 2. Preparing a capacity analysis with the ability A healthy and clean learning environment is Spaces, Socialization and Campus Culture, to adapt to various enrollment and program critical to student health and safety. Next to their Dynamic Space Utilization, and Healthy Learning changes from year-to-year. homes, students spend the majority of their time Environments. In this workshop, the presenters 3. Step-by-step on how to complete applications in school facilities. Implementing good building will provide examples of each “Big Idea.” The for state new construction and modernization health practices can reduce student sick days, presentation will conclude with a discussion of funds. increase student attention, and improve ADA. In effective implementation techniques including this session learn about best practices regarding Visioning, Staff Training, and Educational Com- Architects Committee Meeting (SA) a variety of topics ranging from building readi- missioning. Chair: Kevin Fleming, DLR Group ness, improved filtration, reducing CO2 levels in the classroom, and improving indoor air quality. Breaking News - Brace for Impact (SC) When implemented effectively, these actions can significantly improve student and staff wellness. Moderator: Marty Glaske, Gafcon; Gil Fullen, Balfour Beatty Making sense of the latest economic impacts to our design and construction industry and what this means to your capital improvement pro- grams. We will discuss impacts to design ap- proach on your capital improvements. Also what Strand Key is going on with construction materials, sup- (FM) Fiscal Management plies, commodity pricing, equipment, modified (MO) Maintenance & Operations approaches to design and construction methods, (PPM) Planning & Program Management Force Majeure clauses in Contracts. Also, we (SA) School Architecture will discuss the labor market as affected by the (SC) School Construction COVID 19, as well as impacts of the pandemic on (STA) State Agency a contractor’s ability to use a skilled and trained workforce and comply with PLAs. 6
Concurrent Sessions Workshops Continued Beyond the Share Table: SB 1383 & Point/Counterpoint: “Best Value” Organic Waste Reduction (MO) Selection and Contracting (SC) School Construction 101 & 201 (SC) Moderator: Meghan Russell, Parker & Covert LLP Moderator: Philip Henderson, Orbach Huff Suarez & With extreme budget shortfalls and a rise in Henderson; Marsha Perry Taras, Roebbelen Moderator: Marty Hom, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo food insecurity, school nutrition services need School districts can use lease-leaseback and to minimize food waste and redistribute edible design-build to pick a contractor based on a School Construction 101 and 201 have been leftovers to people in need. Enacted in 2016, SB “best value.” But what are the key points of dis- combined for this year’s Annual Conference. 1383 establishes a target to reduce statewide agreement and friction between school districts This workshop will provide a basic overview of disposal of organic waste by 75% from “edible (and their lawyers) and their contractors? No the school construction process from planning food generators” including school districts, and subtle sales pitch here. We will instead have to closeout. The workshop will examine the mandates at least 20% of food sent to landfills a frank discussion on the tension and paths selection of your team, project delivery methods, be recovered for human consumption by 2025. forward on key points that occur on multiple schedules and budgeting, communication, Hear from a diverse panel including views from construction projects in today’s K-12 construc- construction issues, project labor, and closeout. CalRecycle and Oakland USD’s successful waste tion market. The panel will provide points of view from a reduction and diversion program. school district, an architect, a contractor, and an Understanding Facilities Coding, attorney. How to Make the Qualifications- Tracking Techniques, and Passing Based Selection Process (Really) the Audit (FM) New Member, First Time Attendee Work for You (PPM) (Other) Moderator: Lettie Boggs, COLBI Moderator: Mary Morris, Lionakis The perfect accounting system tracks every- Moderator: Tova Corman, San Marcos USD California’s Qualifications-Based Selection thing you need to know — and nothing more! Attend this fun and interactive session to meet (QBS) law was created to make sure the state’s This session will cover the basics of school long-time CASH members who are here to help taxpayers benefit from the most-qualified profes- district coding with nuances for using that you become engaged in the organization. Begin sional service providers—and to make sure coding in Facilities. We will address communi- your journey with CASH by building long-lasting nobody’s brother-in-law is unjustly enriched. It cating information between Facilities and Fiscal relationships to continue your successful school is meant to be objective, fair, able to withstand throughout the life of a project. We will also facilities career. Learn how to navigate the An- public scrutiny, and, of course, ensure school cover how to track FEMA expenses, SFP program, nual Conference on School Facilities to maximize districts find and hire the most-qualified prac- and other special expenses for optimum audit your time. You will also learn about the full- titioners for the tasks at hand. But the require- outcomes. range of school facilities educational programs ments for conducting a QBS process aren’t as provided by CASH, such as monthly workshops, When Opportunity Knocks: How to clear and absolute as one might expect. So how leadership and maintenance certificate pro- Make Your School Sites Work for do you structure RFP/RFQs to obtain the informa- You! (MO) grams and more! tion you want? These experienced practitioners will walk through the typical requests, review Moderator: Jessika Johnson, Dannis Woliver Kelley Tuesday, March 2, 2021 what’s required vs. optional, and offer practical School facilities & fields are in high demand tips on what to ask for to make sure you get what by the community for sport programs, youth Hot Topics and What’s on the you need to make informed hiring decisions. activities, childcare, & other purposes. Is your Horizon for California K-12 School District cashing in? This workshop will com- Facilities Finance (FM) From Net Zero Buildings to Net Positive Education (SA) pare various use methods, such as Joint Use Moderator: John Baracy, Raymond James Agreements & the Civic Center Act, with a focus This presentation will serve as the traditional Moderator: Heather Jauregui, Perkins Eastman on how these different approaches can best be “hot topics” discussion for California K-12 edu- How do you design a building that goes beyond utilized to make your school sites work for you! cation facilities finance. The panel will discuss Net Zero? “Net-Positive Education” is the Learn how to benefit from these methods, the the options California K-12 school districts have creation of high-performance learning environ- procedural requirements of each, & the advan- for accessing funds for facilities. There will also ments that will positively support the health tages/disadvantages you’ll want to consider. be time spent on prevailing hot topics in school and education of students and teaching staff by Our panel will address lessons learned from finance. There is significant federal and state aligning Net Zero Energy goals with strategies COVID-19 to reduce exposure to liability, recoup legislation on facilities that will impact a school that will improve indoor environmental quality. increased costs, & ensure community access to district’s decision on how to proceed with financ- This workshop will share projects in design that clean and safe environments. Case studies of ing school facilities for the foreseeable future. are striving to reach aggressive energy goals and pitfalls to avoid, tips on how to navigate through Net-Zero Energy certification (LEED and WELL). hurdles, & tried-and-true best practices will also Going beyond just one building, learn about the be shared. path a district can take to reach Zero Net Energy by developing an energy master plan that identi- fies future energy demands of all building stock and recommendations for Energy Conservation Measure to affect the health of their spaces. Continued on Next Page 7
Concurrent Sessions Workshops Continued Clinics Planning for Resiliency: Learning design and establish a research-informed framework for the design process. We’ll provide participants with tools to effectively communi- from the Paradise and Santa Tuesday, March 2, 2021 cate this to your stakeholders. Additionally, we Monica-Malibu Stories (PPM) will explore indoor environmental quality and the Finance 101 (FM) Moderator: Brian Whitmore, BCArchitects correlation to student achievement, presenting Moderator: Erica Gonzalez, Stifel new research and providing an update on the Some of the deadliest fires in California history ravaged our state in November of 2018. The Are you in the middle of updating your master Latrobe Prize study—a two-year project funded Camp and Woolsey Fires destroyed significant facilities plan? Are you grappling with major by the AIA and Drexel University. The project will facilities and infrastructure in Paradise and modernization needs, or are you a growing result in design guidelines to share how well- Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School Districts, district requiring new facilities? How will your designed educational facilities improve student compromising the districts’ ability to serve district meet these facility demands? As school learning. their communities. The districts are now faced administrators tackling facilities needs, from Moving Beyond the Pandemic: with the challenge of promoting resiliency and master plans to community engagement, fund- Making Learning Safer and Better rebuilding for communities still in turmoil. And ing, construction, operations and maintenance (SA) though both districts had passed general obliga- – this clinic will provide you with the information you need to understand the financing tools avail- Moderator: Helena Jubany, NAC Architecture; John R. tion bonds just days before the fires began, able to fund capital facilities. Whether you’ve Dale, HED Design those facility funds are not sufficient to achieve full replacement. Learn how the districts are recently passed a bond measure and want a Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Califor- repositioning themselves in the fires’ wake and, deeper understanding of the legal and financial nia and the rest of the world are dealing with perhaps more importantly, what they wish they steps to funding your projects, or you want to a once-in-a-lifetime health crisis which will had known and what they recommend others do explore how to begin the process, please join us impact public education and the rest of our to prepare for resilience against such threats. for an interactive session with real-life examples society for years to come. As school districts from an experienced team of professionals. reopened, their focus has been on protecting the Reinventing the 960: A Continued health of students. For the long-term, though, Discussion (SA) Maintenance & Operations 101/201 (MO) the important question is: How can we plan our Moderator: Jeff Johnson, PBK-WLC new schools and redesign our existing facilities Moderator: Julie Williams, COLBI so that children are not only safe from the coro- Revisiting the 960 in this workshop, we will In today’s COVID-19 survival mode how are navirus, but receive the best possible education? continue the conversation about challenging you providing great customer service? M&O and Could this crisis even create an opportunity to current assumptions and “hacking” the tradi- Facilities teams are solution seekers that often make their learning experience better than it was tional idea of the 960 sqft classroom to better times drive the client relations bus. Building on before the pandemic arrived? suit creative, collaborative curriculum models. We will explore how California Department of the theme of Customer Service, the M&O 101 Short- and Long-Term Impacts of Education (CDE) guidelines are being trans- portion of this session highlights the “need-to- COVID-19 on School Planning and formed and the effects on Office of Public School know” functions in the M&O department, while Construction (SC) Construction (OPSC) funding. The workshop will keeping customer service top-of-mind. Moderator: Kelley Cowan, XL Construction; Kim Scott, also highlight facility related changes brought The second half of this session will answer the Blach Construction on by COVID-19 and how those changes in the question on every Director’s mind: “how many educational environment affect the outcomes of people are required to maintain our schools?” Overall, this panel will explore: the implica- educational delivery. Case studies and observa- Building maintenance can be a difficult area of tions on facilities overall, from planning/design tional research conducted in coordination with operations to apply a formula for staffing due through construction; the increasing importance academic institutions and partnerships with in part to numerous variables (i.e. building age, of technology in this new normal; the critical CDE and the Centers for Disease Control, will be construction type, usage, condition, modifica- role response planning and preparedness plays, presented and discussed. tions and alterations, etc.). Participants will pandemic or not; and the impact on safety and learn several ways to answer this question… get adopting/embracing new practices. ready to work and learn! School Design Strategies Having the Highest Impact on Student Achievement (PPM) Moderator: Sean O’Donnell, Perkins Eastman; Anton Blewett, DLR Group The desire to improve student engagement, emotional well-being, positive behavior, and deep learning informs every school’s mission. School design has a significant impact on these outcomes. In this session, presenters will share a synopsis of the research on the effect of space 8
Concurrent Sessions Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Multi-Phased Construction Projects Successful Bond Programs in a (SC) Shifting World: Plan the Work and Changes in the Law (FM) Work the Plan (PPM) Moderator: Shawn Van Wagenen, Lozano Smith Moderator: Jessika Johnson, Dannis Woliver Kelley Whether its budget, capacity or scheduling, Moderator: Don Dias, Redwood City Elem. SD Recent developments in the law profoundly projects often must be divided into multiple It’s often said that no plan survives a battle. But phases. This workshop will discuss options for planning requires us to play out scenarios ahead alter the choices available to school districts of actions so that when the world shifts, we can in planning, financing, and building schools. procuring contractor(s) to perform the work. adapt. This is all the more relevant given the world This workshop is designed to help participants Presenters will also highlight potential alterna- shift we have experienced with COVID-19. This navigate new and anticipated changes in the tive delivery methods that may be considered for workshop will examine the markers of successful law, including new statutes effective in 2021 as multi-phased projects. General Obligation Bond programs and the key well as recent case law decisions. The panel will Contracting with Confidence – components of planning and management that present and discuss breaking legal issues and influence their success. Whether you are consider- Breaking Down Alternative Bidding current developments, and will provide the audi- ing a bond program in the future or have already and CUPCCAA (FM) ence the opportunity to explore important legal passed a measure, this workshop is an essential issues impacting school districts through Q&A. Moderator: Anne Collins, Lozano Smith stop. You’ll leave with an understanding of how bond programs can be structured, a list of vital This workshop will provide an overview of con- Healthy Schools: A Resource for program components and their characteristics, a tract procurement laws, the California Uniform keen grasp of possible pitfalls to avoid, and strate- School Facility and Maintenance Departments (MO) Public Construction Cost Accounting Act, and ex- gies for course-correction during the life of your ceptions to competitive bidding. School districts bond program. Moderator: Jema Estrella, Los Angeles COE utilize a wide-range of procurement methods The Future is Inclusive: A New COVID-19 has placed significant responsibility for goods and services and staff are expected Model Urban School Designed on K-12 school maintenance and facility depart- to comply with a stringent set of legal require- Using UDL Principles (SA) ments to provide learning environments that ments when they purchase materials, equip- ment, supplies and services. These requirements Moderator: Brandon Kent, Gould Evans are clean, safe and healthy as schools contem- plate re-opening and operating in an uncertain can sometimes pose complications in specific A landmark in the future of education spaces, environment. The CASH Maintenance Network contexts, in which case it is very helpful to be the new Mission Bay School for San Francisco USD (CMN) has developed this resource to assist aware of various exceptions and alternatives to is designed with Universal Design for Learning maintenance and facility departments with competitive bidding, especially in the context of (UDL) at its core and aims to leverage its unique the fundamental elements of re-opening. The construction projects. This workshop will explore urban location. Learn how this mid-rise, mixed-use resource is intended to be both a practical plan- several areas, including: urban school design evolved, taking cues from the ning and site-level guide for school maintenance • Best practice in contracting based on specific neighborhood. Surrounded by multifamily housing, and facility departments as they look to maintain types of procurement and the nuances that Parklab, UCSF’s Mission Bay campus, health sci- schools in the COVID-19 environment. apply under CUPCCAA. ences, biosciences, art/media industry partners and other professional institutions, the school Selecting A Project Delivery • Alternatives as well as recent legal develop- incorporates these relationships into its diverse Method for Your Project: A Hands- ments in this area of law. program—PK-5, Linked Learning Hub, PD Center— On Demonstration (PPM) • Factors causing construction project costs to becoming a valuable community asset. The first of Moderator: Joanne Branch, COLBI skyrocket, such as escalation, labor shortages its kind, this education environment will become a and material/supplier cost increases. model moving forward for providing equal access to This panel of seasoned facilities professionals will review the basics of various construction • Strategies and legal issues related to delivery education for each and every student and a shared project delivery methods and then take attend- methods and how they can be used to the community resource. ees on a deep dive into what elements to review district’s benefit. Fast Times: The Speed of Delivery and how to evaluate them to determine the most Utilizing M&O Staff and Resources in Collaborative Design Build, suitable delivery method for any particular situa- Advantageously During a Crisis (MO) Lease-Leaseback and Public Private Partnerships (SC) tion. The presenters will demonstrate a decision- Moderator: Michael Krause, Adelanto Elementary SD making instrument and engage with participants Moderator: Devon Lincoln, Lozano Smith; John Baker, using case studies. Discussion will include COVID-19 changed the way Districts think Swinerton Management & Construction perspectives spanning every facet of a project: about their overall operations. M&O staff plays Project delivery speed is always at a premium politics, employee readiness, and construction a vital role in ensuring District facilities are for school districts, and yet is one of the most climate and capacity as well as project specifics maintained during any crisis. This workshop difficult features to achieve. One little considered such as time constraints, budget limitations, will focus on best practices learned during the advantage of alternative delivery methods like and more. At the session’s conclusion, attendees COVID-19 shutdown and discuss how to utilize design-build, lease-leaseback, and public private will have a tool they can use to evaluate their staff and resources to your advantage during any partnerships is that, when used correctly, these own projects and a thorough understanding of crisis. You will benefit from learning about what options can foster rapid project deployment and how apply it to a variety of situations. went well and what could be done better to help delivery. Through case studies, including the prepare you and your team for the next crisis. recent Michelle Obama Elementary School designed and constructed through a design-build contract, we will explore how each of these delivery methods capitalizes on advanced planning, optimizing school programs, and meeting a district’s budget in a trusting team environment. 9
Concurrent Sessions Mini Workshops Monday, March 1, 2021 Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Looking Ahead to 2022: Bond Re-Casting a Capital Building We Have Space, Where Are the Elections & Other Sources of Program Kids? Position Control in Times of Funding Uncertainty Moderator: Julie Williams, COLBI Moderator: Stacy Toledo, Parker & Covert LLP Moderator: Mike Fine, Fiscal Crisis Management and Disinfecting After a Positive Assistance Team Airborne Microbe Reduction in COVID-19 Confirmation Schools Lead is Now Even Heavier! Moderator: Lynne Lees, KYA Understanding the New Lead Dust Moderator: Matt Ballard, Geary Pacific Organization Hazard Definition Your Project is Going to Do What?! How Mass Notification Improves Analyzing Impacts Under CEQA Moderator: Andy Lojo, Terraphase Engineering Communication with Parents, Students, and Staff Moderator: Stan Barankiewicz, Orbach Huff Suarez & Building and Funding a Successful Henderson LLP Capital Plan Through Community Moderator: John Richardson, Global CTI Engagement Future Proofing Classrooms – Back to the Future - Adaptive Redefined for the New Era of Moderator: David Sturtz, Cooperative Strategies Reuse Pandemic Planning Learning Environments for Moderator: Sean O’Donnell, Perkins Eastman Moderator: Craig Severance, iMod Structures Creativity Why, When, and How to Terminate Key Result Areas for a Successful Moderator: Mackenzie Sims, Platt/Whitelaw Architects Your Construction Contract Preconstruction Program: Great by Choice Force Majeure? What’s That? Moderator: Reid Shannon, Dannis Woliver Kelley Project Disruption/Delays in a Moderator: Doug Reitz, Mark Wilson Construction COVID-19 World Better+Faster: Construction Options to Accomplish Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Benefits Moderator: Kimble Cook, Orbach Huff Suarez & Budget+Schedule Goals Schools, Students and the Henderson LLP Community Moderator: Brian Bell, Lionakis Moderator: Rusty Schmit, Sage Energy Consulting Personal Growth & Leadership Moderator: John C. Vondriska, Corona Norco USD Ten Construction Contract Sections Worth Reading and Why Moderator: Luke Punnakanta, Dannis Woliver Kelley Who’s on Your Campus? Complying with the Civic Center Act and Maximizing School Safety Moderator: Kristina Kirkland, Facilitron 10
Registration Information Attendee Registration Fees Register Online Include Access To: • All education Workshops, Clinics, and Mini-Workshops • Trade Show Attendee Registration Fees • CASH Maintenance Network Vendor Show Full-Conference Registration Members Non-Members • All General Sessions School District/ $1,156 $1,372 • Networking Dinner County Office of Education • Electronic Handouts from Workshops and Clinics, if provided by speakers Associate (Private Company) $1,440 $1,696 • Conference Mobile App/Website One-Day Registration (select day online) Members Non-Members Meal Functions Included in School District/ $645 $841 Attendee Registration Fees: County Office of Education • Monday, March 1, 2021 Associate (Private Company) $952 $1,145 – CASH Maintenance Network Vendor Show Reception Cancellation Policy – Welcome Reception in the Trade Show The CASH Office must receive written notice of cancellation to Rachelle • Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Jean-Gilles by fax, (916)448-7495, or email, – Continental Breakfast Policy is as follows: – General Session Luncheon • Before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 15, 2021, in order to receive a full – Reception in the Trade Show refund – Networking Dinner • Wednesday, March 3, 2021 • Before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 29, 2021, subject to a $250 cancellation fee – General Session Breakfast or Maintenance Network Breakfast – General Session Luncheon • If not received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 29, 2021, a refund will not be issued • Registrations made on or after 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 29, 2021, or no shows, are not eligible for refunds Travel Information Hotel Reservations Continuing Education Credits The following hotel has a limited number of rooms contracted exclusively Workshops and clinics have been submitted for AIA CES and MCLE credits. for the 42nd Annual Conference on School Facilities. CASH does not have The sessions that receive approval will be noted in the Conference program a booking agent or housing bureau for this event. In order to receive CASH and mobile app. group rates, all reservations must be made directly with the hotel by using the booking link on the CASH website Annual Conference page: Renaissance Palm Springs $205/night The cutoff date to make reservations at the CASH group rates is Friday, January 29, 2021. If the CASH room block(s) reach capacity before the cut- off date, the hotel(s) may accept reservations on a space-available basis, at the prevailing rates. For more information and updates regarding the CASH 42nd Annual Confer- ence on School Facilities, please visit: 11
See You in Palm Springs! Photo credit: Palm Springs Convention Center CALIFORNIA’S COALITION FOR ADEQUATE SCHOOL HOUSINGSM 40th ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON SCHOOL FACILITIES February 25-27, 2019 • Sacramento Convention Center • 1303 J Street, Suite 520 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.448.8577 916.448.7495 fax
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