Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council

Page created by Francisco Gilbert
Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
 Henty Community News
 ISSUE 71                                                                                          December 2021/January 2022

Respite home to go ahead
The Board of The Henty          deliver to Croker Grain
Respite Trust is delighted      and GrainCorp Henty
to announce that plans are      West sites. A load, part
moving ahead for Avondale       load, or a tonne or two
Place. The land, situated       would be greatly appreciat-
on the corner of Comer          ed. These moneys will go to
Street and Keighran Street      assist with the final fit-out
west of the Henty Multi-        and furnishing of the facili-
Purpose Service (Henty          ty, with a target of
Hospital), has been pur-        $150,000. The initial dona-
chased. The trust has re-       tion of $1.5 million will go
ceived confirmation that        towards financing the
the development applica-        build of the facility.
tion has been approved, so      If you are not a grain grow-
it’s all systems go. The ten-   er, but would like to donate
dering process will now         to this worthy cause, there
begin and it is hopeful         will be an opportunity in
construction will com-          the near future. Otherwise
mence early 2022.               please      contact    Mick
The development applica-        Brougham on 0447 293 286
tion is for Avondale Place,     to discuss.
a four-bedroom respite          The trust thanks all the
home. It is proposed that       community for their enthu-
an additional four inde-        siasm and support to date.
pendent living units will be    It said it had been encour-
constructed in the near         aging to again witness the
future.                         generosity and volunteer
Other events taking place       spirit that exist in the ar-    Croker Grain is excited and ready to receive grain donations on be-
include a Grain Donation        ea. The trust will keep you     half of Avondale Place and help achieve our target.
                                                                Pictured: Jason McPherson (Croker Grain), Tom Snow-Cole (Croker
scheme, whereby the re-         updated of the progress.
                                                                Grain), Peter Campbell (Henty Respite Trust), Mary Liston (Henty
gion’s grain growers are        Please check its website for    Respite Trust), Ben Hooper (Henty Respite Trust) and Michael
being asked to donate           further information (https://   Broughan (Henty Respite Trust).
grain/canola when they          avondaleplace.com.au).


       *Renovations          * Extensions
  *Verandahs /Decks      * Sheds *Concreting
  *Pergolas      * Garages    * Insurance work
           * All your carpentry needs
              Phone: Peter - 0427 296459
                    Tim - 0429 999600
Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 2                                                HEADERLINES                                                       Issue 71

Advertising What’s in a name?                                                                   Henty LHAC and the MPS
                                                                                                staff are asking the com-
  Rates     Well, a lot if you don’t have aged                         care section of the
                                                                                                munity to help out with
                                one. And that is a problem      MPS to distinguish it from      People are asked to suggest
              2021              faced by aged care residents    the hospital care and 24-       suitable names which will
                                at the Henty Multipurpose       hour accident emergency
Advertising Rates               Service (MPS - also known       section of the facility.
                                                                                                then be put to a judging
   per edition                  as the Henty Hospital).
                                                                                                panel. The winning sugges-
                                                                “We’ve heard from numer-        tion will receive a prize of a
Full page           $150.00     The Henty MPS has 12 res-       ous families and residents      $50 gift voucher to be spent
                                idential aged care rooms        that people don’t like to say   at any Henty business.
1/2 page               $80.00   and, at times, residents can    they live at the hospital and   Nomination forms (see
                                end up calling the MPS          we agree the residential        below left) are available
1/4 page               $55.00   home for some years. But        aged care section is dis-       at the Henty Library or
                                they’d also like to call it     tinctly different from a hos-   you can email Kellie
1/8 page               $40.00   something other than            pital,” said LHAC chair         Penfold        at     kel-
                                “hospital.”                     Mick Broughan.                  lie.penfold@gmail.com
1/16 page              $20.00   So the Henty Local              “We’d love to come up with      with your suggestion
                                Healthcare Advisory Com-        a suitable name for the res-    and contact details. En-
           Consecutive          mittee (LHAC) and Henty         idential section of the hos-    tries are sought by the end
                                MPS staff need your help.       pital so the residents could    of December.
                                They want to come up with       say ‘I’m going home to ….’      Judges are looking for a
               5 ads            a name for the residential      rather than the hospital.”      name which is:
         for the price of 4                                                                      welcoming and homely;
                                          HOSPITAL NAME COMPETITION                              easy to spell and say;
Article   contributions                                                                           and
(word or publisher) and           Henty Multipurpose Service (Henty Hospital)                    reflective of the commu-
photos (jpg format) can           and Henty LHAC need your help!                                   nity in which we live.
be     emailed       to           Suggestions for a name for the aged care residential          The name will then be used
hentyheaderlines@                 area of the Henty MPS are needed to help residents            on signage to direct visitors
hotmail.com          or           and staff create an identity for this section of the fa-      to the area of the hospital
                                  cility.                                                       and as the address for resi-
dropped into Greater                                                                            dents.
Hume Council Henty                My suggestions are:
                                                                                                Judges have suggested
Customer Service Cen-                                                                           they will not consider
tre/Library.                       1.
                                                                                                names of people or families
                                                                                                as suitable for the facility.
Deadline for the
next edition is 15th               3.
January 2022                                                                                    Christmas Carols
                                  Please include any meanings or the significance of            Subject to the current
Editorial Details                 any of these suggestions if relevant.                         COVID-19      regulations,
                                                                                                help celebrate all things
Headerlines is a not-for-                                                                       Christmas with the locals
profit community newslet-          Your name:                                                   and sing along to your fa-
ter published bi-monthly.                                                                       vourite Carols at the Henty
                                                                                                Memorial Park on Satur-
The editorial team reserves
                                                                                                day 19 December at
the right not to publish any       Your telephone                                               7.00pm
article or to modify submis-       number:
sions to suit the style and                                                                     Contact:
objectives of the newsletter.                                                                   Re v   Cra i g  Ni cho l a s
                                  Suggestions will be considered by judges at the end
                                  of December. Prize $50 gift voucher at a Henty busi-
                                  ness of your choice.

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 3                                                      HEADERLINES                                                   Issue 71

Men’s shed riding high                                               screen, broad-brimmed hats
                                                                     and long-sleeved clothing,
                                                                                                     There were just sufficient
                                                                                                     strawberries to provide
                                                                     contributed to reducing the     some at the Melbourne Cup
A COVID-safe Melbourne             Recently three staff members      risk.                           lunch.
Cup Lunch in the Henty             of the Cancer Council of New      A good choice of foods is the   Coming up to Christmas
Men’s Shed was more than a         South Wales spoke at Ladies       encouragement of the keen       and more Santas are being
challenge this year, but it        Day at the shed on the range      gardeners at the shed, who      cut out and painted at the
didn’t seem to matter as the       of services provided at Wag-      focus on production of fresh    shed to spread the Season’s
horses thrust for the line.        ga Wagga and through the          herbs and vegetables. Spring    goodwill.
The event drew a good              broader Riverina.                 seemed a little slower to
crowd, but there were limi-        Newly appointed prostate          warm this season, but at last
tations. That applied to the       nurse, Emma Pocock, said          plantings were underway.
Cup itself and the lunch in        that in just three months
the shed.                          since her arrival she had
Although a little curtailed        over 100 men on her books.
this year the fellas at the        Sheridan Evans from the
shed have managed to chalk         Cancer Council said that
up some successes.                 because people in the region
Restoration of furniture,          were often in the outdoors for
visits to other sheds, several     work and recreation, cancers
new members who also are           were an increased risk. The
new to town and work under         message was prevention was
way on a project financed by       better than cure, although
Uncle Toby’s for Men’s             when a show of hands was
Sheds in the Greater Hume          requested for those who had
and Indigo Shires. The activ-      been treated for a cancer, it
ities at the shed are de-          was astonishing to see how
signed to keep people active       many hands went up. The
and involved.                      message was clear that sun-
                                                                     Winner at Cup lunch.
Club duo get life
At the Henty Camera Club           esting to note that from 1956
meeting on November 4, in          until today, the club meet-
the Henty Lifestyle Centre,        ings continue to be held on
Les Dale, an inaugural Cam-        the first Thursday of each
era Club member from 1956,         month. Les detailed the val-
presented Bernard Clark            ued contributions made by
and James Ridley with life         both Bernard and Jim, par-
membership of the Club.            ticularly since the introduc-
Bernard is the current Presi-      tion of new photography
dent and Jim the Vice Presi-       technology in this digital age.
dent of the club.                  Congratulations to Bernard
Les summarised the history         and Jim.
of the club, and it was inter-

Left to right: Bernard Clark, Les Dale and Jim Ridley.

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 4                                                HEADERLINES                                                     Issue 71

                               Storytime 2021 - Every second Thursday of the
Library News                   month
                                                                                               Providing free one on one
                                                                                               technology lessons. Each
                               12noon to 1pm                Theme                              of the Wednesday sessions
Greater Hume Council           Thursday 2 December 2021           Giddy Up                     were fully booked. We now
Library Christmas Food                                                                         have the opportunity for
                               Thursday 16 December 2021          Christmas
Appeal                                                                                         this program to return to
Help us feed local people in   Storytime Theme Henty           attract attention every-        not just the Henty Li-
need and donate non-           Library 2021                    where they go. Together,        brary, but other Libraries
perishable food items          Storytime is held on every      laughter, drama, and may-       within Greater Hume
                               second Thursday of each         hem seem to follow them.        Council in 2022.
Donations will be accepted
                               month at the Henty Li-          But apart, each is dealing      Contact Henty Library
at the Henty Library from
                               brary from 12noon to 1pm.       with her own share of ups       staff if you are interested
Monday 29 November to
                                                               and downs.                      in attending one or all
Friday 24 December 2021.       Activities include listening
                               to stories, craft, sensory      Beneath the Dark Ice by         these training programs
All non-perishable food                                                                        on P: 0260360179
                               games, making new friends       Greig Beck
items will be distributed by
the Catholic Church prior      and experiencing being          When a plane crashes into       Get Online Week and
to Christmas.                  part of a group.                the Antarctic ice, exposing     Mental Health Month
                               Also a great opportunity to     a massive cave beneath, a       Greater Hume Council
For further information
                               take home a pile of excel-      rescue and research team is     Libraries were success-
contact the Henty Library
                               lent picture books to read      dispatched. Captain Alex        ful in receiving $4000
P: 0260360179
                               with your preschoolers at       Hunter and his highly           funding from Be Con-
Greater Hume Council                                           trained squad of comman-        nected for Get Online
                               bedtime or anytime!
Henty Library Christ-                                          dos are fast tracked to the     Week to be held in Oc-
mas and New Year Clo-          The best titles without
                                                               hot zone to find out what       tober 2021.
sure                           the wait – Download us-
                                                               went wrong. Within hours,
                               ing the Riverina Region-                                        Get Online Week and
In the lead up to the holi-                                    one of the party will die.
                               al Library BorrowBox                                            Mental Health Month
day period, please be                                          The Good Turn             by    were held across Greater
                               App or visit the Henty
aware of the below dates                                       Dervla McTiernan                Hume from 18 to 24 Octo-
                               Library to borrow or
and times between which                                                                        ber. Get Online Week 2021
                               reserve                         Crime and Thriller
the Henty Library will be                                                                      was a celebration of digital
closed. Visit the library      Itching for something to        Police corruption, an inves-
                               read or listen to right now?    tigation that ends in trage-    inclusion that inspires
prior to the closure period                                                                    people to do more online
to stock up on collection      Borrow, download and en-        dy and the mystery of a
                               joy instant eBooks and          little girl’s silence – three   and helps them learn how.
items to keep you going                                                                        Participants took part in
for this period. Remember      eAudiobooks seen below!         unconnected events that
                               These popular titles have       will prove to be linked by      Zoom and QR code lessons
the Henty Library collec-                                                                      and activities as well as
tion    includes    books,     been carefully selected by      one small town.
                               library staff and are availa-                                   setting up My Gov and My
DVDs, audiobooks, and                                          The Stockman’s Secret           Health Record. Mental
magazines and you can          ble 24/7 – no waiting in        by Mandy Magro
                               line!                                                           Health Month is a chance
borrow up to 30 items at a                                     Australian Fiction              to promote activities and
time.                          Three Wishes by Liane                                           ideas that can have a posi-
                                                               From a leading rural ro-
Henty Library will be          Moriarty                                                        tive impact on our daily
                                                               mance author comes an
closed from 4pm Friday         Australian Fiction              inspiring novel about hav-      lives and the lives of oth-
24 December 2021 and           Lyn, Cat, and Gemma Ket-        ing the courage to forgive      ers. These events and mes-
reopening Tuesday 4            tle, beautiful thirty-three-    past mistakes, set in the       sages are tied together
January 2022.                  year-old triplets, seem to      heart of the Australian         with a specific theme, and
                                                               countryside.                    this year’s was “Tune In”.
                                                                                               Greater Hume Council
                                                                                               promoted Mental Health
                                                                                               Month with information
                                                                                               flyers, free Mental Health
                                                                                               material including face-
                                                                                               masks, bags, coffee cups
                                                               Expression of Interest to
                                                                                               and notebooks.
                                                               attend TAFE NSW bring
                                                               your own device Tech-           Greater Hume Librar-
                                                               nology lessons                  ies – Social Media
                                                               Henty Library was fortu-        The Greater Hume Coun-
                                                               nate in being able to pilot a   cil Libraries promote ac-
                                                               community outreach pro-         tivities via social media
                                                               gram which was in conjunc-      pages. Like and follow
                                                               tion with TAFE NSW.
                                                                                               continued on page 5

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 5                                                  HEADERLINES                                                       Issue 71

from page 4                    existing fines will be delet-    The event will have a             residents of Henty to get to
                               ed from their records.           strong focus on promoting         know local community
your library's social media    For more information con-        mental health and wellbe-         groups and organisations
to keep up to date with        tact Library & Youth Ser-        ing for all who attend            as well as other members
library events, book re-       vice Team Leader P: 02           through a range of activi-        of the community.
views and what’s happen-       6036 0179                        ties that will calm the soul      The Henty Meet ‘N Greet
ing throughout Riverina                                         and give the young people a       event was a success with
                               Ginger Bread         people
Regional Library. Staff                                         feeling of increased self-        35 new residents attending
from all libraries are also                                     esteem, value in the com-         the event to listen to 24
participating in ALIA’s        Ginger Bread decorating is       munity and a sense of             organisations provide a
reading stories via social     happening again at the           achievement.                      short overview of what
media. Each week the li-       Henty Library on Tuesday
                                                                The free event will include       they do, when and where.
braries upload a story for     21 December 2021 from 2-
                                                                educational, cultural and         The event was also an op-
you to share with your         3pm. This is an exciting
                                                                recreational activities for       portunity for the Henty
children and grandchil-        afternoon holiday fun event
                                                                young people as well as           community to get together,
dren. Follow the Greater       held just days prior to
                                                                having an intergenerational       share ideas while engaging
Hume Council Libraries on      Christmas for all young
                                                                element with aged mem-            in conversations with each
Facebook to see what staff     people to enjoy. Take the
                                                                bers of the community facil-      other. Importantly at the
will be reading next!          opportunity to stock up on
                                                                itating some of the events        same time enjoying a
                               your library books, DVDs
No More Overdue Fines                                           and      sharing      their       scrumptious supper provid-
                               and magazines while the
                                                                knowledge on life experi-         ed by the Henty Communi-
From 1 July 2020, branch-      library is closed over the
                                                                ences.                            ty Club.
es of the Riverina Regional    Christmas period from 4pm
Library commenced no           Friday 24 December reo-          Henty New          Resident       Thank you to the Bendigo
longer charging overdue        pening 4 January 2022.           Meet ’N Greet                     Bank and Greater Hume
fines for books, DVDs or       Bookings are essential as        On Monday 15 November             Council for funding the
any other items returned       places are limited.              2021 from 6pm – 8pm the           event and Henty Commu-
late, no matter how over-                                       first ever Henty New Resi-        nity Development Club and
                               Successful FRRR Hey-
due they are.                                                   dent Meet ‘N Greet event          Greater Hume Council Li-
                               wire Grant
Overdue fines can be a real                                     was held at the Henty Com-        brary for organising the
                               Greater Hume Council has                                           event.
problem for people in our                                       munity Club. The event
                               been announced as one of
community and sometimes                                         was an opportunity for new
                               successful recipients of the
discourage people from         FRRR ABC Heywire Youth
using the library. So, we      Innovation Grants! The
are joining the growing        Foundation for Rural and
number of libraries across     Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Australia that are remov-      announced that 23 commu-
ing overdue fines to help      nities will have a share in
encourage people to come       $208,000 in grants to pilot
into our libraries, borrow     one of five innovative ideas,
materials, use the comput-     developed at the inaugural
ers or simply have a safe,     Youth Ideas Lab held in
open and welcoming space       Broken Hill, NSW.
to visit.
                               Greater Hume Council has
If you have an overdue         received funding of $10,000
library item sitting at        for a project to be facilitat-
home and you have been         ed by Youth Services work-
anxious about returning it,    ing with both Billabong
you can bring it back now      High and St Paul's College.
to your local library with-    The strong relationship
out the fear of fines.         Greater Hume Council
Please note that charges       Youth Services has built         Cr Doug Meyer, Deputy Mayor Greater Hume Council, speaking at
will still apply to lost and   with the local high schools      New Residents Meet ’N Greet.
damaged library items. If      over the years will ensure
                                                                                                  -cue. After a service conduct-
you have lost a library
item due to circumstances
                               that the numbers of young
                               people who attend will be        Good roll-up                      ed by Margaret Pumpa
                                                                                                  (Culcairn), the congregation
beyond your control, you       approximately 200. Fur-
can talk with our friendly                                                                        was able to fill the old Aku-
                               ther support from Council        Henty Uniting Church has          bra with notes and coins,
library staff to see how       staff, local organisations       held their annual barbecue        buy from a produce stall and
they can help. Library bor-    and facilitators will ensure     for Frontier Services, servic-    partake of a delicious morn-
rowers with existing over-     the project is successfully      ing people of the outback.        ing tea. The resulting dona-
due fines can also re-start    implemented.                     Except this year, it wasn’t a     tion will top $1000.
with a clean slate as all                                       barbecue but a sausage roll-a

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 6                                                HEADERLINES                                                   Issue 71

Shannon dives into top job                                      The club would like to
                                                                thank its sponsors for this
                                                                                               Henty Swimming Pool and
                                                                                               Swimming Club now has a
                                                                year — Tonkin Plumbing,        Facebook page to help eve-
Henty Swimming Club has        season the club has return-      Henty Football and Netball     ryone keep in touch with
said farewell to its long-     ing member Rebecca Bren-         Club and the LHAC. It is       activities at the pool, so
term president, Julie          nan. Rebecca is a qualified      very grateful for sponsor-     look it up and follow. The
White. The club says Julie     swimming teacher and is          ship as it helps to run        club welcomes new mem-
was a fantastic President      fully versed in all aspects of   events, develop its program    bers all throughout the
who did a fine job and         the club after swimming          and invest in the club to      season, so please contact
steered it through many        with it for many years.          accomplish some of its         Jenny Zweck on 0402 548
years. Shannon Terlich is      Swimming training is held        goals.                         161 if you have any en-
the new president.             twice a week on a Monday         The club has welcomed          quires.
The club resumed training      and a Wednesday after-           back Laura Trimble as
for the 2021/22 season on      noon/evening from 4pm to         head lifeguard. Laura is a
November 15. Fabrizio An-      7pm with three 30-minute         great asset to the swim-
dreoni is the coach for the    sessions and two 40-minute       ming pool. She ensures the
first half of the season. He   sessions.                        safety of all patrons and
has had a very interesting     The Learn to Swim pro-           keeps the pool looking fabu-
off season, attending the      gram has continued this          lous all season. The pool
Paralympics in Tokyo be-       year with a new swimming         continues to have a strong
ing a handler for competi-     teacher, Jess McCallum           attendance for morning
tor Emily Tapp. Fab is a       who comes from Wagga             swims and other times.
very experienced coach         Wagga. The learn to swim         Junior Lifeguards this year
who has a real focus on        program runs on a Monday         are Bailey Armstrong and
skill development and get-     night from 4pm to 7pm.           Joel Zweck. The diving
ting the best out of each      The program has an em-           board will be available on
person.                        phasis on safety, fun and        Saturday and Sundays
For the second half of the     skill development.               from 3pm to 6pm

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 7                                                 HEADERLINES                                                  Issue 71

Museum committee appointed                                                                    grants, quotes for the
                                                                                              building and the creation
                                                                                              of a public profile/web
The eagerly-anticipated         Street by the Booth family,    lock (Committee Chairper-      page/Facebook page to
AGM of the Henty Commu-         to the meetings with muse-     son), Russell Davies (Vice     keep the community up-
nity Heritage Museum            um experts and consultants     President), Dennis Kane        dated.
(HCHM) Committee was            of the Greater Hume Coun-      (Treasurer), Eirlys Chessa     Membership forms were
successfully held at the        cil, the viewing of the Eu-    (Secretary), Ken Dale          distributed and completed
Henty Library on Tuesday        lenstein Collection, the in-   (Public Officer), Julie Col-   at the meeting and will
November 16, with excel-        corporation of the organisa-   ley and Anne Maher             also be available at the
lent and enthusiastic at-       tion name (Henty Commu-        (Executive      Committee      Henty Library for any who
tendance, with the essen-       nity Heritage Museum),         Members).                      are interested in joining to
tial seven executive com-       visits to museums to gather    Other supporting members       help with the various sub-
mittee members nominat-         more ideas, approaching        and participants present       committees that will be
ed, and with many other         builders for designs and       included Yvonne Booth          forming in order to cover
attendees filling in mem-       costs, the work of the cata-   OAM, Bernard Clark, Mr         all the many tasks and
bership forms.                  loguing sub committee who      Edward Dale, John Ellis,       projects necessary to make
Dennis Kane opened the          started cataloguing the Les    Narelle Morey, Mark Por-       this venture a great com-
meeting and read the chair-     Dale Collection (including     ter, Kerrie Scholz, Monica     munity         success.
person's report, acknowl-       interviews and videos), and    Schrader, Jenny Stein and      The next meeting of the
edging the committee's          to the latest discussions on   Audrey Williams.               executive committee will
achievements of the last        including exhibits to hon-                                    be on February 1.
                                                               Everyone was thanked for
year, from the first meet-      our our local Aboriginal                                      For more information, feel
                                                               their fantastic support dur-
ings with Les Dale to view      heritage and our Henty                                        free to contact a committee
                                                               ing the past months and
the cellar collection and the   Field Days heritage.                                          member or send the com-
                                                               the lead-up to the AGM,
printery collection, to the     These are the seven mem-       and the next steps for the     mittee a message via our
support of the community        bers of the new executive      committee were discussed:      new      museum      email:
bank and the donation of        committee, all voted in        Establishment of the collec-   hchm2658@gmail.com.
the building in Sladen          unanimously: Bruce Whit-       tion policy, cataloguing,

               WE ARE LAUNCHING A                               KANES BUSES PTY PTD
                    TEA CLUB
                                                                School Bus Service & Charter

                 TWICE MONTHLY

 A reconnecting with friends due to our disconnections
 from COVID-19. There are no stipulations—just con-
            versation, tea, coffee and cake!
                     (at own cost)

WHEN:     2nd Tuesday of each month
WHERE:    Henty Bakery
TIME:     10:30am


                                                                     PHONE: (02) 6929 3257
WHEN:    4th Friday of each month
WHERE:   Henty Bakery
TIME:    2:30pm                                                            Fax: (02) 9293051
Please phone Mel at the Bakery (02 6929 3565) the
day before for booking for seating arrangements                 E-MAIL: kanesbus@bigpond.com
Covid19 requirements apply.

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 8                                              HEADERLINES                                                              Issue 71

Hello Henty to showcase best our region has to offer
Reconnecting our commu-       COVID safe environment.         accommodation, events and           “We are excited to host this
nities will be the theme of   “Additionally, Hello Henty      destinations in southern            brand-new lifestyle event
a new lifestyle event to be   aims to connect the audi-       NSW and north-east Victo-           for the region with the sup-
hosted by the Henty Ma-       ence with the regional com-     ria.                                port of Telstra and see Hel-
chinery Field Days Co-        munity of Henty, Greater        “Demonstrations will show-          lo Henty complementing
operative Ltd on the week-    Hume Council and the wid-       case what our regional life-        the annual Henty Machin-
end of March 12, 2022.        er Riverina/north-east Vic-     style, local clubs and organ-       ery Field Days planned for
“Hello Henty” is proudly      toria regions,” Mrs Ander-      isations have to offer,” she        September 20-22, 2022.”
supported by Telstra and      son said.                       said.
is set to welcome all visi-   Visitors to Hello Henty will
tors back to the field days   enjoy a feast of music and
site and the region.          entertainment on the main
Henty Machinery Field         stage including local, new
Days Co-operative has         and emerging artists. Or-
more than 55 years experi-    ganisers will be in search
ence in organising what       for a drawcard act.
has grown into one of the     They will be able to taste
largest agricultural events   and procure gourmet food
in Australia.                 and wine from the Greater
HMFD chief executive of-      Hume Council and the wid-
ficer Belinda Anderson        er Riverina/north-east Vic-
said Hello Henty aimed to     toria regions and beyond.
reconnect regional commu-     Mrs Anderson said there
nities with the events in-    will be information for visi-
dustry and businesses in a    tors on markets, tourism,
                                                              Gourmet food and wine, music, entertainment and the lifestyle bene-
                                                              fits the region has to offer will be showcased at Hello Henty – Recon-
                                                              necting our Communities, proudly supported by Telstra.

                                                              Gallery opens COVID safe
                                                              The Henty Creative Gallery          and Sundays from 10am
                                                              re-opened its doors to the          until 2pm. Come on in for a
                                                              general public on Friday,           browse and you might just
                                                              November 19, 2021 after             find that rare and unusual
                                                              the closure forced by the           item for a Christmas gift
                                                              NSW COVID lockdown and              for a friend or family mem-
                                                              follow-up restrictions in           ber.
                                                              July.                               Please note: NSW Health
                                                              It is once again in full            COVID-19 rules and regu-
                                                              swing and looking forward           lations apply - mandatory
                                                              to socialising with friends         masks, mandatory signing
                                                              and visitors and also show          in with QR code or on
                                                              what our talented locals            spreadsheet which must be
                                                              have produced. Items being          sighted by the volunteer on
                                                              displayed by Creative Lo-           duty and mandatory dou-
                                                              cals include framed and             ble vaccination (or official
                                                              canvas paintings, watercol-         exemption). Proof of this
                                                              ours and pastels, wood-             must also be sighted by the
                                                              work, unique metalwork,             volunteer on duty. The
                                                              pottery, photographic imag-         fines for the visitor and the
                                                              es, greeting cards, locally         Henty Creative Gallery if
                                                              written poetry and histori-         these regulations are not
                                                              cal books and various other         followed are severe.
                                                              exceptional creations.
                                                              The gallery is open Thurs-
                                                              days, Fridays, Saturdays

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
Page 9                                                   HEADERLINES                                                           Issue 71

                                                                 with determination and per-            His unfailing bravery and
More heroes discovered                                           sonal example carried out
                                                                 his task with excellent re-
                                                                                                        devotion to duty on all occa-
                                                                                                        sions has been conspicuous
                                                                 sults. During this shoot, the          and deserves special recog-
The long-awaited story of       Contained within these pag-      enemy’s fire ignited three             nition.”
Henty’s World War I com-        es are the activities of these   boxes of charges and compo-            Contribution from the Henty
mitment has been delayed        returned soldiers efforts to     nent parts in the pity.                and District Historical Soci-
for some further months as      ensure that Henty played its
                                                                 He extinguished this fire              ety.
over fifty more soldiers have   role in World War II. Men-
                                                                 before any damage was done
been discovered, now near-      tioned are the slit trenches
                                                                 and completed his shoot.
ing 230 in all. Many of these   at Henty’s Public School
will be remembered by some      which taught our children to
of our older generations;       take safety in the trenches
some being neighbours and       should Henty be bombed.
family friends. Many of the     The many hours that Henty
returned soldiers children,     made camouflaged netting
grandchildren and other         for our forces.
relatives will be able to       From what has been found
hopefully learn more about      and rediscovered about
their relative’s commitment     Henty’s commitment and
to World War I. In many of      support of its soldiers and
the stories we learn of their   the freedoms we currently
involvement in Henty’s com-     enjoy as a nation, Henty can
munity and surrounding          be very proud it played its
district postwar; we learn of   part.
their contributions to
                                Research on these many sol-
Henty’s economy, communi-
                                diers’ stories is currently
ty projects, family and
                                been investigated with their
friends. Many put consider-
                                histories be to “fleshed out”
able effort to better their
                                over the coming months.
lives and the lives of those                                     Australian artillery in action, 1917
                                These will be reviewed by
in our communities.
                                people with better knowledge
Some soldiers made their        of war history and access to
homes in and around Henty       War Memorial records to
and that legacy can be          ensure accuracy. Final proof
found daily, others came        reading will then be conduct-
and went and yet still man-     ed for consistency and reada-
aged to ensure that they        bility.
had some input into the
                                This being the case the His-
town’s development. Many
                                toric Society can no longer
community facilities may
                                contain the contents in one
not have eventuated with-
                                large volume and will have
out their commitment,
                                to move towards two vol-
sports clubs were founded,
others grew or changed di-
rection, societies flourished   One of Henty’s Returned
and with the new technolo-      Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperi-
gy that came from war,          al League of Australia mem-
were promoted via social        bers received recognition by
groups and are now every-       a mention in dispatches for
day items, though most          his heroism.
have now been technologi-       “On the 3rd, September,
cally superseded. They were     1917, this NCO was in
the early days and so many      charge of a Heavy Trench
things were new and a nov-      Mortar emplaced about 500
elty.                           yards in the rear of our front
We do come across one or        line in the Ypres Sector and
two soldiers that their only    was allotted the task of fir-
connection to Henty is for      ing twenty rounds on to Bor-
whatever reason, they hap-      ry Farm (enemy strong
pened to be in Henty when       point). On arrival at his gun
they enlisted. This being the   position he discovered that
case, and having that con-      the gun had been displaced
nection to Henty, they will     by hostile fire and whilst
be included in the World        under heavy hostile fire he
War I book.                     re-emplaced his gun and

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Council
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Page 11                                                HEADERLINES                                                          Issue 71

                                                               Shiels. Ken was raised to           three members on the
Arise Sir Peter                                                Certified Primo level or            Grand Lodge of NSW Com-
                                                               second degree. Sir Harold           mittee.
                                                               Byrnes was presented with           The lodge meets monthly
The Buffalo Lodge is a         in the Order their input is
                                                               a Jewel for his term as             on the first Sunday of the
philanthropic organisation     recognized and they are
                                                               Treasurer.    Even though           month at 1pm in the An-
and has as its foundation      rewarded with a higher
                                                               our lodge is small we have          glican Church Hall.
the great basic principle:     degree. Brothers receive a
Brotherhood of Man. It is      new set of Regalia and jew-
not a secret society, nor      els pertinent to the level
does it interfere with poli-   they have achieved. In a
tics or religion. Its aim is   recent ceremony Peter Rob-
to teach man the duty he       ertson was exalted to the
owes to his neighbour and      highest degree of “The Roll
himself and cultivate a        of Honour” with a title in
brotherly feeling among        the Order of The Right
men and help whoever he        Honourable Sir Peter. Pe-
can. Buffalo benevolence is    ter was one of the founding
directed towards those who     members when the Lodge
from unforeseen circum-        was reopened in Henty in
stances and through no         2007 after being closed for a
fault of their own have met    number of years.       Over
with misfortune. However,      many decades the Lodge
departed brothers are af-      has had strong involvement
forded with a Christian        within the community.
based burial service.          Others acknowledged at the
During the brothers time       ceremony were Brother Ken

                                                               Peter Robertson being presented with Roll of Honour degree by Grand
                                                               Primo of NSW Sir Laurie Butterworth.

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Page 12     HEADERLINES                                                   Issue 71

                   Harold hits the ton
                   After a warm welcome,           married the following year
                   president Neil Parker ac-       and lived at Yerong Creek,
                   cepted apologies and ex-        where their children grew
                   tended birthday greetings       up. Many overseas trips
                   to Shirley Wellington, Ka-      were enjoyed - Vietnam,
                   ren Kotzur and Harold Ja-       South Africa, Egypt, Sibe-
                   netzki (100 years!), his wife   ria, Austria, Asia, Italy,
                   Clarice and Mary Harvey.        Greece and France and the
                   Visitor Margaret Hasler         Western Front of WW1!
                   was also warmly welcomed.       After morning tea, program
                   In the five-minuter, Rich-      officer, Jeannie Kenney
                   ard Fifield was an open         introduced guest speaker,
                   book on his interesting life.   Albury City Councillor Al-
                   Born in Gundagai and liv-       ice Glachan.
                   ing in Mount Horeb, Rich-       With a father in the Mer-
                   ard’s mother ran a post of-     chant Navy, Alice joined
                   fice near Tumblong. He          school cadets in Year 12.
                   well remembers his father       She became an instructor
                   drawing a Soldier Settler’s     officer in the Navy, and
                   block at Mundawadra in          travelled and settled in
                   1960, with 13 other families    England with husband,
                   from across the state. His      Nicholas. In 2001 they re-
                   family was lucky enough to      turned to Albury to live
                   draw the homestead block        and bring up their two chil-
                   with a tennis court.            dren. Alice was elected to
                   With four sisters, Richard      Council in 2004 and served
                   enjoyed tennis coaching in      as Deputy Mayor for one
                   Wagga Wagga and remem-          term and then four consec-
                   bers Yvonne Goolagong and       utive terms as Mayor.
                   Tony Roach.                     Alice is now the Communi-
                   After tennis came football,     ty Ambassador for the
                   but with a knee injury, took    Fight Cancer Foundation.
                   up umpiring, which only
                   finished in 2015. He was
                   with the Club Umpires for
                   the League for 15 years.
                   In 1969, he met Frances,

                   Growing for the future
                   Term 4 has started with a       and performed to their
                   bang! Our 2022 kindergar-       best. The premiere night
                   ten students attended four      was Thursday December 2,
                   transition days. They all       and each family was sent
                   enjoyed meeting each other,     home a USB to watch in
                   touring the school and en-      the comfort of their own
                   gaging in some exciting         living rooms.
                   activities. We look forward     The year 5/6 excursion was
                   to welcoming them in Term       a little different due to
                   1 2022.                         COVID-19, however, the
                   This year the school’s Gala     activities, challenges and
                   performance is Down the         excitement was still evi-
                   Wrong Beanstalk students
                   have practiced tirelessly       continued on page 13

Page 13                                                      HEADERLINES                                                  Issue 71

from page 12                      run in conjunction with the      vember 28 saw the comple-        Year 6 Graduation and the
                                  Department of Health. Her        tion of vegetable beds full of   students PBL treat day
dent as students embarked         role is to assist students       fresh soil, seedlings and        which we are all waiting in
on a trip to Albury with          and families access health       plants. The garden is open       anticipation for the an-
their bikes to ride around        support services.   Whilst       to the community and can         nouncement of what the
the Wonga Wetlands and            based at Henty Public            be accessed through the          surprise will be.
have a picnic in the park.        School, Bree will support        Comer Street side of the         We would like to thank
Thank you to Mrs Eulen-           Henty, Culcairn and Walla        school, through the garden       families and the wider
stein, Mrs Quinn, Ms              Walla Public Schools as          gate. Community members          community for their sup-
Hoath and Kazzie for mak-         well as Billabong High           are welcome to weed/add to       port in what was another
ing the two days exciting         School.                          or maintain the garden and       testing year and looking
and memorable.                    The intensive swimming           be rewarded with some fab-       forward to 2022 with new
Captain speeches have             program has started and          ulous produce.                   adventures and memories
been presented and it is          some students are partici-       Thank you to the families        to share.
now up to the students to         pating every day for two         who have donated plants,         Have a safe and Merry
vote for our leaders in           weeks at the Henty Memo-         seedlings, hay and the busi-     Christmas.
2022. Good luck to all the        rial Swimming Pool. This         nesses who have contribut-
nominees and we are sure          is a fabulous program and        ed/donated to the garden
the school will be in great       thank you to Miss Ross and       and our beautiful school.
hands next year.                  Meg for teaching one of the      Dales IGA Community
We welcome Brianna Gan-           most important things a          Chest, AgnVet Henty, Riv-
non to the school as the          child can learn throughout       erina Water, Bunnings Al-
Wellbeing Nurse. She has          their life.                      bury and Peards Albury.
been appointed to Henty           The School Community             Term 4 will finish off with
Public as part of a three         Garden is well underway          our Presentation Day (held
year trial program being          and a working bee on No-         VIA Zoom) on December 13,

                                                                   Issues discussed
                                                                   After a break of three           Secretary Dennis Kane led
                                                                   months due to COVID,             discussion on nominations
                                                                   President Neil Meyer             for Citizen of the Year.
                                                                   opened the November 1,           Requests for cemetery
                                                                   meeting of the Henty Com-        maintenance was made,
                                                                   munity Development Com-          welcome packs distributed
                                                                   mittee . Deputy Mayor, Cr        and big ideas for the Great-
                                                                   Doug Meyer, was able to          er Hume Council were dis-
                                                                   report on many activities        cussed as well as the “Meet
                                                                   within the shire, including      ’N Greet” for new residents
                                                                   the Olympic Way, new             of Henty.
                                                                   housing blocks, up-coming
                                                                   elections and Riverina Wa-
                                                                   ter grants.
Photo of gala production "Down the Wrong Beanstalk" and year 6

Page 14                                              HEADERLINES                                                    Issue 71

                                                               some really good questions.     tions and how things work.
Heroes go to childcare                                         All skills that will come in
                                                               handy when starting
                                                                                               This is done in a fun way
                                                                                               and the children are able
                                                               school.                         to experiment and problem
The children at Greater         tea.                           The children at the service     solve in their own time.
Hume Childcare had a                                           are exposed to and encour-
great time dressing up                                         aged to use everyday tools.
over the past few months.                                      By exposing the children to
During Superhero week                                          everyday technologies, the
the children became comic                                      children are becoming more
book heroes, princesses                                        familiar with their func-
and first responders.

                                                               Packs for newcomers
                                                               The Henty Community De-         peace and quiet in our
                                Over the past few weeks        velopment Committee con-        town.
                                the children have enjoyed      tinue     to   distribute       Many new residents have
                                participating in “Show and     “Welcome Packs” to new          commented on the friendli-
The children discovered         Tell". The children shared     residents who have built a      ness of the people and the
that not all superheroes        something special from         new house, renovated an         welcome given by neigh-
wear capes. There were          their home or from day care    old house or have bought a      bours.
some very spooky witches,       with the other children,       suitable house to enjoy
skeletons and jack-o-           showing and discussing
                                with the group.
lanterns for Halloween.
                                The children showed grow-
                                ing confidence every time it
                                                               What an outcome
                                was their turn and asked
                                                               Henty Multipurpose Ser-
                                                               vice (MPS ) resident Heinz
                                                               Knust now enjoys an hour a
                                                               week work opportunity
                                                               stacking shelves at Dales
                                                               Thanks to Toni Shutt
                                                               MLHD Activities Officer at
                                                               Henty MPS and Narelle
                                                               Dale for recognising and
                                                               supporting this great initia-
The children also wore
their finest race clothes for
the Melbourne Cup and                                          Photo on right: Heinz with
shared a special afternoon                                     Narelle Dale.

Page 15                                                   HEADERLINES                                                  Issue 71

                                                                                                 ment where students are
The power of pushing past failure                                                                supported and feel safe to
                                                                                                 make mistakes and know
                                                                                                 that it is an important part
At St Paul’s, we encourage      with Jesus and are able to         2022. Our aim is to encour-   of the learning process.
students to develop strong      share our concerns, issues         age students to take risks    Learning is a continuous
work ethic skills in the        and have a place to connect        in their learning, to know    journey we are all taking
classroom, then have down       and recharge.                      that through making er-       together at St Paul’s!
time at recess and lunch,       Failure is Okay - Brain re-        rors, we can find new ways
                                                                                                 Brad Moss – St Paul’s
spending time playing with      searchers tell us failure is       to learn and work out the
friends.                        essential to learning. Your        correct answer. Staff en-
It is just as important in      brain begins compiling in-         courage a learning environ-
our adult lives, to have        formation about an experi-
time to rest, reflect and       ence and gets bigger
recharge. Some of us find       throughout the learning
this hard to do, to take the    scenario. While the brain
time to just stop and take a    returns close to its original
breath. Jesus says in Mat-      size after the learning expe-
thew 11:28 ‘"Come to me,        rience, it retains new neu-
all you who are weary and       ral pathways by taking in
burdened, and I will give       new information, compiling
you rest.” Even though          the key takeaways from
some of us like to be in con-   trial and error. Making
trol and have life planned      mistakes matures the
and sorted, life happens        brain. In short, failure can
and not everything goes         actually make you smarter.
how we envisage. It is reas-    Our staff team will be fo-
suring to know that we are      cusing heavily on this mes-
invited into a relationship     sage with our students in

                                sure I had many photos of
Glasses in Pink                 the Masters' works to
                                study. So I had the goal,
                                the opportunities to learn
We continue in this edition     myself and to embed that in
with another contribution by    myself so I could create the
local artist, Gwen Bullock.     artwork. This piece is all
I decided to write about        about perspective, tonal
Glasses in Pink as, in this     changes, soft and hard edg-
Christmas season of being       es, gradations, glazes and
joyful and thankful, I wish     illusions. Glasses in Pink is
to thank my wonderful art       a little gem from that pro-
friends for the opportuni-      cess. Thank you to all my
ties they give me. You see      art friends for their part in
some of my art subjects         the growth in my artwork
often develop from a fairly     by encouraging me to push
collaborative affair with       through my own bounda-
my art friends. Now, many       ries.
times, this pushes me into
uncharted territory also.
Much research, practice
artwork and written re-
cordings take place. My
teaching career plays a
huge part in all this and I
am very grateful for that
experience. Research for
Glasses in Pink centred
around cloth folds and
glass, which had previously
begun in my mindset when
                                Glasses in Pink,    acrylic   on
visiting so many art muse-      30cmx30cm canvas.
ums in Europe. I made

Page 16     HEADERLINES      Issue 71

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