HCCA NEWS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2021 - High Country Home ...

Page created by Bernard Bell
HCCA NEWS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2021 - High Country Home ...

                                                         Families are building memories and
                                                      relationships as we disciple our children
                                                              through home education.

Excitement is in the air as families everywhere are engaged in “Back to School” shopping, Meet and Greets with
teachers, and the anticipation of social interactions with friends. These fun activities can be a huge draw for
students heading back to “school”. I’ve been especially engaged in these thoughts as my 9th grader will be
entering her first year of high school as a new homeschool student. In the beginning of our homeschool journey,
we homeschooled our older children in elementary. Now we’ve flip-flopped and are homeschooling our
younger children in high school. There is a little apprehension in our teenagers’ hearts as they enter unknown
territory. Fortunately, we have a place at High Country where we can not only educate and disciple our
children, but also provide mentors and friendships that will fill their hearts.

 As I’ve been thinking on education lately, the question looming in my mind is, “How does God want us to
educate our children?” So often we’re tempted to try and duplicate what is happening in the public or private
school environment. Let’s consider why we started on this home-schooling adventure in the first place. For us, it
is vital to develop those intimate relationships with our children that will draw them to our Heavenly Father. I
love the picture of this discipling relationship in Deuteronomy 6:7. We disciple (teach) as we sit in our house,
walk by the way (or drive in the car!), when we lie down and get up. It should permeate everything we do.
Honestly, I’ve had some of the best discipling moments in the car as we’re driving to the “next thing”!
Sometimes I get caught up in teaching the grammar, math, history, or science, but what’s truly important and
eternal is that our children have a love for Jesus and are growing in their faith with him. When the Lord gave
this command to the Israelites, He wanted them to teach their children life-giving truths that would draw them
close to His heart. May the Lord draw you close to His heart and speak those words of wisdom we so
desperately need to hear. May we surrender all our plans to Him and follow the leading of His Spirit.

                                                           ~ Kristen Goedtke, Communications Assistant

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HCCA NEWS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2021 - High Country Home ...

               “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You
               shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your
               house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
                                                 Deuteronomy 6:6-7

  HCCA CALENDAR                                         Do you have questions about your registration?
                                                        Make sure you have completed these steps:
  Regular Registration ends
                                                             •       Complete Student Information
  September 30!
                                                             •       Sign Parental Agreement
  New Family Sign-Up                                         •       Enter a source of instruction/curriculum plan
                                                                     for each student
  Returning Families register                                        ~ Please make sure you are specific on the
  through:                                                           source of instruction. Be as detailed as possible.
                                                                     (i.e. “online instruction” is not enough.
  Parent Portal
                                                                     List the website, publisher, course title,
  1st Quarter ends September                                         instructor, ISBN for a book source)
  30                                                                 List specific school of instruction and
                                                                     subject/course, if taking classes elsewhere (i.e.
                                                                     Charter School/college).
                                                             •       Upload standardized test reports for any testing
       1st Quarter
                                                                     not done at HCCA. Standardized testing is
  Reports/Attendance due by
                                                                     required in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.
  October 10                                                 •       Immunization records and/or exemptions are
                                                                     no longer required

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HCCA NEWS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2021 - High Country Home ...

                                         Got Questions?
                                         We’re here to help!

 Quarterly reports are coming!
     ? How do I submit Quarterly Reports?
        ✓   Log into your parent portal HERE.
        ✓   Click on > by your student’s name
        ✓   Select Quarterly Report: General Info to enter your attendance. Click on the box next to the
            month in Quarter 1 and enter the number of days completed in each month.
        ✓   Any curriculum changes can be noted in the box under Q1 Curriculum changes.
        ✓   Click on Quarterly Report: Class Info at the top of the page.
        ✓   Click on > by each subject to enter grades and information on what was completed.
        ✓   Elementary students can receive an “E” for excellent, “S” for satisfactory, etc. if you don’t want
            to enter a letter grade.
        ✓   Enter specific information in the “What was completed” section
        ✓   Log curriculum or hours progress
            i.e. Saxon Math 5/4 completed Ch. 1-3; or Literature books read: Charlotte’s Web, Little Pear,
            and Owls in the Family; or PE – 10 hours. Enter URL for website classes and hours completed.
        ✓   Grades are required on Quarters 2 and 4.
        ✓   You may print a report, if you desire, by clicking Print Quarterly Report at the top of the page

     ? Did I enter my curriculum correctly?
        ✓ Your student’s subjects/curriculum plan must be entered each year to complete your
        ✓ Source of Instruction should be entered for each subject. That could include a textbook, library
          book, website, or class from an outside source. It’s helpful for our record keeping that you be as
          specific as possible. (include ISBN numbers or URL for websites)

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                                              High Country Home Educators is a tri-fold ministry. Beyond the
                   OCTOBER                    Independent School there is also Support Group and Enrichment
                                              Classes. There are many opportunities for your family this fall.
   5-6     EC FALL BREAK
                                              Support Group: Weekly Mom’s Groups and Mentor Moms, Park
                                              days, field trips, and skating parties, Teen activities and events,
   10 1ST QUARTER REPORTS                     Serving projects, Fall Stampede, Senior Graduation Ceremony,
                                              Junior & Senior Formal (prom alternative).

                                              Support Group Enrollment Form

                 NOVEMBER                     Stampede is coming! Support group members are invited to join
                                              the fun! Information about this event is listed in the Support
                                              Group newsletter and Facebook page.
                                              Enrichment Classes: Classes are in full swing! Classes run from
                                              August 31 – December 1. If you missed out on fall registration, be
                                              sure to put November 19th on your calendar. That is the day to
   10-12 REGISTRATION FOR                     sign-up for a registration appointment. HCCA has a table during
   SPRING 2022 EC                             classes to stop by and say “Hi” and ask any questions that you
                                              have. Please see our schedule below.

        CONTACT US:                                          SCHEDULE AT HCEC:
        Jennifer Valdois, Administrator                      Tuesdays 10 – 3; Wednesdays 12 - 3
        Georgia Wolfe, Registration Assistant                Tuesdays 9 – 12; Wednesdays 9 - 12
        Kristen Goedtke, Communications Assistant            Tuesdays 1 – 3; Wednesdays 9 - 12
        719-278-9135 x4

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