2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group

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2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
2021 – BFG Q1 Webinar

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2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
Market Performance Recap
Stock Markets                                                                                                     YTD    2020
Domestic Large Cap Equity Index 1                                                                                 6.2%   18.4%
Domestic Small Cap Equity Index 2                                                                            12.7%       20.2%
International Developed Equity Index 3                                                                            3.5%   7.8%
International Emerging Market Equity Index 4                                                                      2.3%   18.7%
Bond & Commodity Markets                                                                                          YTD    2020
U.S. Bonds Index 5                                                                                            -3.1%      6.8%
Commodity Index6                                                                                                  6.9%   -3.1%

            1 Russell   1000 Index, 2 Russell 2000 Index,   3   MSCI EAFE Index, 4 MSCI Emerging Markets Index,   5

            Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 6 Bloomberg Commodity Index
2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
BFG Portfolio Tactical Positions

    Overweight           Underweight
      U.S. Equities
                       International Equities
                          High Volatility
     Dividend Stocks      High Yield Debt

2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
Coronavirus Latest
2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
Fully Vaccinated in U.S. Approaching 35%
2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
Vaccines on the Way?
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Outlook for Remainder of 2021
2021 BFG Q1 Webinar - Please mute your microphone and disable your camera. Thank You - Bouchey Financial Group
2021 Growth Expected to be Fastest in Nearly 50 years
Months Supply of Existing Single Family Homes
Most Inflation Measures Under Fed’s Target

   Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Bloomberg. Consumer Price Index for All Urban
   Consumers: All Items (Overall CPI), U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditure Core Price Index
   (Core PCE), U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator (PCE Deflator), Consumer Price
   Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items Less Food and Energy (Core CPI), 16%
Market Inflation Expectations Have Risen

Source: Bloomberg. U.S. Breakeven 10 Year (USGGBE10 Index) and U.S. Breakeven 5 Year (USGGBE05 Index). Daily data
as of 1/22/2021.
Job Openings have Rebounded Swiftly
Federal Funds Rate to Remain Low
The Yield Curve Steepens
Stock Valuation Metrics

Source: Charles Schwab
Earning Growth Set to Ramp

Source: Charles Schwab, I/B/E/S data from Refinitiv, as of 4/19/2021.
Thank You Earnings!

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 4/16/2021.
Rising Inflation can be a Positive for Stocks
Dogecoin Market Cap- Bubble?
• The economy is early to mid cycle in this
  recovery. It will most likely be a hotter and
  shorter cycle.
• Most of the reopening stocks have recovered and
  the market is now moving to a reflation trend
• Inflation from labor costs are the primary
  concern to inflation lasting longer than expected
• Valuation could be moderating but certain assets
  classes are highly inflated
Tax Tips & Potential Tax Changes
Individual Tax Proposal
• Individuals with AGI above $400k
     ▪ Top marginal rate increase from 37% to 39.6%
     ▪ Subject to ordinary tax rates on LT cap gains

• Eliminate SALT deduction cap but impose
  phase out for higher incomes

• Increase in child tax credit from $2k to
  $3k and $3,600 for children under 6
Corporate Tax Proposal
• Increase in rate from 21% to 28% but
  possibility of middle ground at 25%
• Eliminate QBI 20% deduction for those
  with over $400k AGI
• Tax Incentives/Credits to keep business
  and jobs in the US
• Tax Penalties for moving operations and
  jobs overseas
New York State Recent Changes
 • Individual top tax rate was 8.82%
   ▪ AGI >$2.155M increased to 9.65%
   ▪ Two new tax brackets added:
      – AGI> $5M increased to 10.3%
      – AGI> $25M increased to 10.9%

 • Corporate Franchise Tax 6.5% to 7.25%
 • Optional pass-through entity tax 6.85%
   to 10.9% (S-Corps & Partnerships) &
   offsetting personal income tax credit
Estate Tax Proposal
• Increase Fed estate tax rate 40% to 45%

• Reduce current Fed estate tax
  exemption of $11.7M per person
  ▪ Due to sunset to $5M 2017 level Dec 2025
  ▪ Proposal to reduce now or to $3.5M 2009
    exemption with $1M lifetime gift exemption

• Possible repeal of basis step-up in
  estates over $2.5M
Tax Planning Strategies
• Gifting - $15,000 per person, gifting to a
  529 Plan, utilizing trusts
• Donating to charity
  ▪ Utilizing RMDs for Qualified Charitable Dist.
  ▪ Appreciated stock to a donor advised fund
• Review current retirement funding
  ▪ Are you maximizing your tax deferred savings
  ▪ Does a Roth strategy make sense
  Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
  Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no
  assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy,
  or product (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended or
  undertaken by Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd.), or any non-investment related content,
  made reference to directly or indirectly in this newsletter will be profitable, equal any
  corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or
  individual situation, or prove successful. Due to various factors, including changing
  market conditions and/or applicable laws, the content may no longer be reflective of
  current opinions or positions. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or
  information contained in this newsletter serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for,
  personalized investment advice from Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd.. Please remember
  to contact Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd., in writing, if there are any changes in your
  personal/financial situation or investment objectives for the purpose of
  reviewing/evaluating/revising our previous recommendations and/or services. Bouchey
  Financial Group, Ltd. is neither a law firm nor a certified public accounting firm and no
  portion of the newsletter content should be construed as legal or accounting advice. A
  copy of the Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd.’s current written disclosure statement
  discussing our advisory services and fees is available for review upon request.

Follow-up Questions please contact us at:
        Office Phone: 518-720-3333
Email Contact: planningpaysoff@Bouchey.com
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