YOUNG TWOS - PARENT HANDBOOK Ms. Leah's Class 2021 2022

Page created by Lonnie Adkins
YOUNG TWOS - PARENT HANDBOOK Ms. Leah's Class 2021 2022

     Ms. Leah’s Class
      2021 - 2022
YOUNG TWOS - PARENT HANDBOOK Ms. Leah's Class 2021 2022

Welcome Letter
Daily Schedule
Important Items for School
Things to Know
Potty Training
Developmental Milestones for Toddlers
Learning in the Classroom
Wish List
YOUNG TWOS - PARENT HANDBOOK Ms. Leah's Class 2021 2022
7:30 am    Center Opens
           Free Choice Play

9:00 am    Clean Up

9:30 am    Snack

9:45 am    Large Group Circle Time

10:00 am   Table Activities

10:30 am   Outdoor Learning Time

11:15 am   Clean Up

11:30 am   Lunch

12:00 pm   Diapering/Toileting
           Quiet/Rest Time

2:30 pm    Clean Up

3:00 pm    Snack

3:15 pm    Large Group Circle Time

3:30 pm    Outdoor Learning Time

4:00 pm    Free Choice Play

5:30 pm    Center Closes
Please ensure your child has these items at school.

     *Family Photo
     This will help your child during transitions and sad times.

     *Diapers or Pull Ups
     You are welcome to bring large packs to store at school. We will
     inform you when your child is running low.

     *Child Sized Blanket & Pillow for Nap Time
     The children will be putting away their own nap time items and smaller
     items are easier for children to carry.

     *Lunchbox & Water Bottle
     Please provide a nutritious lunch and water for your child each day.
     Please make sure your child’s lunchbox and water bottle are labeled
     with their first and last name.

     We will be eating two snacks each day. You can include these in your
     child’s lunch box each day or bring large packs to store at school.
     We will inform you when your child is running low.

     *Two Sets of Extra Clothes
     We will be storing extra clothes in our changing area in case of

     *Sunscreen and Bug Repellent
     An authorization form will need to be signed before we can apply the
     sunscreen or bug spray.
*Drop Off and Pick Up
Drop Off and Pick Up will occur at the center’s front door. At this time,
parents are not able to come into the center. Please have your child at school
before 9:30 am. Center policy states that children will not be allowed to be
dropped off after this time.

Please dress your child in “play clothes” that will allow them to play and explore
in a variety of activities. We will be participating in messy activities such as
painting and sensory play.

Please have your child wear fitted, closed-toe shoes. No crocs, flip flops, or
sandals. This will ensure your child can safely join our dancing and movement in
class and running outside.

If you would like to bring store bought snacks for your child’s birthday, we
would love to help them celebrate. We can inform you of any allergies in class
to help you plan your snack. Please let us know ahead of time so we can

A Permission to Administer Medication form must be filled out before a staff
member can administer medication to your child, including diaper cream.
Please ensure your child’s first and last name, when to administer, and dosage
are on both the medication and form.

If your child is sick, please let us know and keep your child at home until
symptoms have been gone for 24 hours. If your child or someone in close
contact to your child has tested positive for COVID please let us know as soon
as possible. We will inform you of the protocol for coming back to school.

We are more than happy to serve an already prepared breakfast to your
child when they arrive at school before 8:30. If they are not ready to eat
it then we will serve it to them during snack at 9:30.

Snacks will be served at 9:30 am and 3:00 pm. Each child will have their
own snack bins to store their snacks. If you would like to bring snack for
multiple days, we can store them for you.

Lunch will be served at 11:30 am. Please provide a nutritional lunch along
with a drink (water is preferred). You may bring food for us to reheat,
but we cannot accept frozen or unprepared food, such as Easy Mac.
Please have foods that needs to re-heated in a separate container than
foods that need to stay cold. Please label as many of the containers as
you can.
Please be patient.
Age is not an indicator of readiness. When the adults are ready to move
forward with potty training and the child is not ready physically or
mentally, this can become a very difficult process for everyone involved.
I believe the children will thrive with patience, understanding and time.

First two weeks
We prefer the children are comfortable with us and their environment
before attempting to potty train. We will not discourage a child from
sitting on the potty if that is your child’s wish. However, we can focus
better on each child’s individual potty needs, we will only train a few at a

Please keep in mind that at school certain things are done differently. We
must consider the cleanliness of our classroom environment and our class
program. With 12 children in our class moving everywhere, it is important
that we keep accidents to a minimum before transitioning them to
underwear full time. The transition into underwear will be permanent when
the child’s accidents are at a minimum.

During the potty-training process, please provide plenty of underwear,
extra pants, and socks in case of accidents. We will notify you when your
child is running low on these items. We are unable to wash wet or soiled
items at school. These items will be bagged and sent home to be washed.

              Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The earliest years are all about relationships. Toddlers need secure
attachments to the special people in their lives so they can feel
comfortable exploring new things and places. Our focus at the beginning
of the year will be social-emotional so each child feels secure and ready to
explore in the classroom.

We recognize that all children grow and develop at their own pace.
Learning in our classroom will individualized so all children can participate

We will be using the Creative Curriculum (below) to guide us.
I am a great recycler! Your trash may be my treasure. I
would appreciate any of these items…

From Your Kitchen
*yogurt containers with lids         *new coffee filters
*paper towel rolls                   *mason jars
*baby food jars with lids            *cookie cutters
*new paper plates                    *measuring spoons/cups

From Your Garage
*potting soil                        *vegetable/flower seeds
*pots                                *watering cans
*small trowels

From Your Office/Crafts
*bubble wrap                         *scrapbook paper
*clear packing tape                  *different shaped hole punches
*wrapping paper                      *tissue paper/confetti
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