Guidelines 2018 Official - Find out more at: reisa

Page created by Howard Hall
Guidelines 2018 Official - Find out more at: reisa
2018 Official
                      17 - 19 July 2018
         Adelaide, South Australia

Find out more at:
Official Guidelines for 2018
Steering Committee                                                           »» recommending to the Steering Committee no more than one judge
                                                                                per REI from recommendations received from participating REIs
The Steering Committee is the convening authority for                           having regard to:
the REISA Auctioneering Championships (Championships)                                 o		 Independence of the judges; and
on behalf of REISA. All communications concerning the
Championships are to be through the REISA Secretariat.                                o Potential conflict of interest
                                                                             »» coordinating attendance and involvement of judges
The Steering Committee Members for 2018 are:                                    and contestants;
»» Jonathon Moore – Chief Judge                                              »» compiling and publishing the program;
»» Greg Troughton – REISA Secretariat                                        »» conducting a dinner on the night of the final to include awards
                                                                                for the Championships;
»» Elyse Hearne – REISA Event Manager
                                                                             »» promoting the event to gain wide awareness including through
                                                                                the media and issuing personal invitations to all REI auctioneers in
                                                                                the State;
Name of the Competition
                                                                             »» promoting the Championships internally and externally through
The competition is called the REISA Auctioneering                               the REISA websites, electronic newsletters and media releases;
Championships.                                                               »» consulting with the Steering Committee;
                                                                             »» providing all administrative support arrangements for the event;
Responsibilities of the                                                      »» providing certificates and photos for all finalists of the heats and
Steering Committee                                                              the final; and

The Steering Committee is responsible for:                                   »» ensuring that a perpetual trophy is received from the
                                                                                previous year’s winner and engraved.
»» Approving the program for the Championships.
»» Appointing judges:
                                                                             Real Estate Institutes’ Australasian
         o    The judge must be from a State or Territory REI that
         		   is a current financial member of REIA or REINZ. The
                                                                             Auctioneering Championships
         		   steering committee will seek the recommendations of a
                                                                             »» The REISA will conduct its own State/Territory level competition
         		   fellow REI for suitable candidates. Each judge must be a          that conforms to the published Australasian Real Estate Institutes’
         		   current financial member of their State or Territory REI and      Auctioneering Championships’ Competition Rules and Judging
         		   be fully endorsed by the State or Territory REI.                  Criteria to select a maximum of two contestants to represent the
                                                                                REISA at the ‘Australasian Auction Championships’. The contestants
         o    Determining the Judging Criteria and Competition Rules            must be the winner and runner-up of the REISA competition.
         		   for the Championships at Annexure A, which has taken
         		   into account the recommendations of the judging panel          »» The names of the winner and runner up are to be notified to the
                                                                                REIA and REI host State of the Australasian Auctioneering
         		   which reviews the event each year after it is conducted.
                                                                                Championships. In the event that either the winner or runner up
                                                                                cannot attend the Australasian Auctioneering Championships
                                                                                for any reason, the next highest point scorer(s) will be invited
Frequency of Competition                                                        to attend.
The Championships will be held annually. The winner and                      »» The REISA competition must be finalised in time for contestants’
runner up will then represent the REISA at the Real Estates                     details to be notified to the host REI by 31 July in each
Institutes’ Australasian Auctioneering Championships.                           competition year.

REISA responsibilities                                                       Eligibility to Compete
»» REISA will seek to identify a major sponsor and minor sponsors for        The Championships are open to auctioneers who are
   the Championships for a defined term/contract;
                                                                             financial members of the REISA and who meet the criteria
»» hosting, coordinating and conducting events which form part               at Annexure A.
   of the Championships;
»» recommending a Chief Judge for appointment by the Steering
   Committee and/or REISA Board;                                             Greg Troughton
                                                                             Chief Executive Officer
»» consolidating the list of contestants and judges by no later than         Real Estate Institute of South Australia
   1 July 2018;

Page 2   Official Guidelines for 2018                                                  REISA Auctioneering Championships®
                                        Annexure A                                     p4
                                        Competition Rules

                                        Annexure B                                     p4
                                        Host REI Administrative Instructions

                                        Annexure C                                     p7
                                        Contestant Entry Nomination

                                        Annexure D                                     p8
                                        Nomination for Judging Panel

                                        Annexure E                                     p9
                                        Contestants Instructions

                                        Annexure F                                     p10
                                        Host REI Administrative Instructions

                                        Annexure G                                     p12
                                        Judges Guide to Marking

                                        Annexure H                                     p15
                                        Judging Score sheet

                                        Annexure I                                     p16
                                        Judging Timesheet

                                        Annexure J                                     p17
                                        Contestant Feedback Form

2018 Official
Page 3   Official Guidelines for 2018             REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure A – Competition Rules
Entry Criteria                                                          Note: There will be a benchmark auction for both the
                                                                        heats and final. In the event of any person wishing to appeal
Criteria for contestants are as follows:                                a decision of the Chief Judge, the REISA appoints two (2)
                                                                        Trustees to deal with such matters as those Trustees see fit.
»» the contestant is a financial member of the Real Estate
   Institute of South Australia (REISA);                                The Steering Committee reserves the right to review the
                                                                        auctioneering script/bidding sequence and detailed notes to
»» the member is of good standing in the real estate profession         ensure the event is realistic and representative of a live auction.
»» and has had his/her nomination endorsed by the REISA;
                                                                        Following the competition, the Chief Judge will:
»» the contestant can only compete in the REISA Auctioneering
   Championships if they have performed more than 10 real               »» conduct a comprehensive debrief with all judges together
   estate auctions in the immediately preceding 12 months                  with representatives of the REISA including the steering
   or have won a major South Australian competition or                     committee and President of REISA before the presentation
   accepted at the sole discretion of the Chief Judge;                     dinner in order to recommend any amendments or
»» the Steering Committee can limit the number of contestants 		           improvement to the instructions for the next year
   competing at their site discretion in order to ensure the optimum       (if required);
   running of the competition.                                          »» conduct a debrief of all contestants before the presentation
»» the contestant agrees to abide by the Competition Rules (Rules) as      dinner if considered useful;
   stated or additional rules imposed by the steering                   »» provide all contestants with any and all relevant information
   committee of the contest prior to the commencement of the               including but not limited to, a collation of judges scoring
   competition sessions;                                                   (not individual judges) upon his or her discretion;
»» the nomination is received by the due date; and                      »» provide all contestants with a copy of the contestant
»» the contestant has completed and lodged the entry                       feedback form at Annexure J or the equivalent thereof; and
   nomination form at Annexure C.                                       »» prepare recommendations (if required) for the steering

Duties of Chief Judge
                                                                        Judging Panel
Prior to the start of the heats the Chief Judge will provide
each contestant with:                                                   The nomination form for the judging panel is at Annexure D
»» the terms and conditions outlining the rules, conduct,               and can be used at the Steering Committees discretion should
   conditions and procedure of the event to include judging             the relevant information be supplied via alternative means.
   guidelines, judging sheet, time judging sheet and
   contestants’ instructions three (3) weeks prior to the heats;        »» Judges are a nominee/representative of:

»» an oral briefing to all contestants on procedures and                          o An REIA Affiliate Member, Australian State/Territory
   method of scoring;                                                             		 REI or REINZ; or
»» details about the presentation time limit, scoring                             o An employee of an REIA affiliated Australian State/
   and penalties; and                                                             		 Territory REI or REINZ; or
»» confirmation of heat time.                                                     o    A person who is recommended as eligible to be
»» the Chief Judge will act as a MC, control and oversea the                      		   a Judge by a fellow REI, and a current financial
   competition, but not directly involved in the judging panel                    		   member of that State/Territory REI, with such
                                                                                  		   admission to be a written invitation.
»» the Chief Judge remains the sole arbitrator and will liaise
   directly with the Floor Manager during production                    »» Judges are to be unbiased, consistent, fair and transparent
                                                                           in their deliberations.
In addition, the Chief Judge will:                                      »» The judging panel will consist of at least five but not more
                                                                           than eight members and be chaired by a separate member
»» conduct a draw to establish order of presentation;                      who will also be the Chief Judge.
»» choose the property to be auctioned for the heats and final;
»» write the auctioneering script/bidding sequence so that
   it is realistic and representative of a live auction; appoint
   the bidders and questioners.
»» ensure the adherence to the judging criteria and
   competition rules.

Page 4    Official Guidelines for 2018                                            REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Judging Criteria                                                  »» in the heats, the contestants are required to finalise the
                                                                     preamble and auction within 15 minutes. Penalties will be
»» The judging criteria are based on those used successfully         imposed if this time is not met after 60 seconds grace;
   at the Australasian Auctioneering Championships and a          »» there is no time limit in the finals
   number of REI competitions over a number of years.
                                                                  »» contestants must be prepared to answer questions from
»» The Chief Judge’s decision is final (subject only to any          the bidders (or other attendees as specifically instructed
   applied to the Trustees).                                         by the Chief Judge) at any time during the auction;
»» The individual judging sheets remain confidential to the       »» two (2) time keepers will be used for each auction (where
   judging panel. (The method of scoring must be transparent         applicable). The time keeper will keep the time from the
   and explained to all contestants prior to the start of the        opening bid till the ‘fall of the hammer’;
   heats.) The judging sheet is at Annexure H. At the Chief
   Judges discretion, the tally sheets can be made available      »» the start of the auction will be when the contestant
   to contestants upon request.                                      commences talking and the auction will conclude with
                                                                     the fall of the hammer or when the property is passed
»» Individual assessments are to be collected from judges            in or held over;
   after each contestant has finished but time is to be
   allowed for judges to confer if necessary, before the          »» contestants may not use any visual aids other than those
   sheets are collected.                                             supplied by the REISA;

»» There will be 5 finalists, in the event of a tied score in     »» for the heats and final, a large visual display of the property
   the heats for the 5th position, there will be a count back;       will be shown throughout the presentation in the form of
   as for a tie in the final below.                                  a slide presentation;

»» In the event of a tied score in the final for the winner,      »» only appointed bidders can have the property knocked
   a count back will apply to determine the winner. The              down to them; and
   contestant who has the highest mark in the last scoring        »» paddles must be provided by the REISA so that they
   criteria box namely Personality/Empathy/Rapport will be           may be used by bidders and bidders will clearly
   determined to be the winner. If the score in this criterion       identify themselves.
   is also tied, the next scoring criterion is to be used which
   is Handling of the Bidding and next, Description of the        The program will consist of heats on one day followed by the
   Property in order until a winner is determined.                final on the next day. The top five contestants will appear in
                                                                  the final.

                                                                  The property to be auctioned in the final will be chosen
Judging Process                                                   by the Chief Judge and will be inspected by the finalists,
                                                                  if practicable, on the morning of the final.
For the heats and final, contestants will auction a property
chosen by the Chief Judge and they must conduct their auction
as if on site.                                                    The Winner
Some key points:                                                  »» the winner is to be announced at the dinner on the
                                                                     evening of the final. There will be a winner and one
»» the auction scenario and bidder questions must be realistic       runner up;
   and representative of a live auction;
                                                                  »» the perpetual trophy and prizes, if any will be at the
»» questions are to be about the home, not the suburb;               discretion of the REISA;
»» questions will be state specific or legislative specific to    »» certificates for the finalists are to be handed over by the
   that state (unless otherwise specifically advised by the          REISA President (or similar); and
   Chief Judge prior to competing);
                                                                  »» the perpetual trophy is to be held on display by the winner
»» contestants must ensure they conduct the auction according        during the year of those Championships.
   to the rules as advised by the Chief Judge and advised in
                                                                  »» finally in 2018, REISA will provide for and acknowledge a
   the contestants’ instructions;
                                                                     REISA Novice Champion (to be identified, any contestant, at
»» contestants will need to cover the conditions of                  the sole discretion of the Chief Judge. Note: Novice
   auction, highlight clauses in the contract of sale, prior         designation will not be identified pre or during the
   to commencing the auction and answer questions                    competition to the Judging Panel.)
   from bidders;
»» contestants are permitted to make a maximum of two
   vendor bids during the auction but cannot sell to the
                                                                  The Contestants
   ‘vendor’ bid;
                                                                  »» all contestants who do not participate in the final are to be
»» contestants who use the vendor bids must clearly identify         acknowledged on stage at the presentation dinner..
   that they have used a vendor bid;
»» the Chief Judge is also to advise contestants that
   the opening bid may be initiated by the floor but the
»» contestants cannot assume that this will be readily provided
»» as 20 points are allocated to obtaining the first bid;

Page 5    Official Guidelines for 2018                                       REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure B – REISA Administrative Instructions
Venue                                                              Timetable

The Championships venue is to be advised by the REISA.             Day One:
                                                                   »   contestants briefing
                                                                   »   launch of the competition
Event Manager
                                                                   »   draw to establish the order of participation for the heats
The REISA is to appoint an Event Manager. This person is           »   briefing for the bidders and the judges (if required)
to be the main point of contact for the REISA.
                                                                   Day Two:
Duties of the Event Manager                                        »   benchmark auction
                                                                   »   championships’ heats
The Event Manager is responsible for all matters related to        »   five finalists selected
the direct delivery of the Championships. These duties include,    »   draw to establish the order of the participants for the final
but are not limited to:

»» developing the program and any other documentation              Day Three:
   that is required to ensure the smooth delivery and successful   »   inspection of the selected property by the finalists (am)
   outcome of the Championships;                                   »   championships’ final (pm)
»» securing sponsorship for the event;                             »   awards presentation at the gala dinner in the evening.
»» all administrative support arrangements for the event;
»» providing certificates for all contestants; and
»» ensuring that the perpetual trophy is received from the
   winner of the previous year.

»» contestants will be responsible for their own travel
   costs, accommodation and personal expenses to attend
   the Championships;
»» the travel and accommodation costs for judges are
   the responsibility of the judge or at the expense of the
   REISA at the discretion of the REISA;
»» the REISA will not be liable for travel arrangements and
   costs of any other persons attending the Championships
   or related activities (unless specifically advised prior to
   commencement of the competition); and
»» an entry fee will be payable by the entrants as set annually
   each year by the REISA.

Page 6   Official Guidelines for 2018                                         REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure C – Contestant Entry Nomination

         Contestant Nomination Form
     Biography:                         Real Estate Institute:



                                        I agree to abide by the Rules of the REISA Auctioneering
                                        Championships 2018, and accept the judges’ decisions
                                        as final. I have attached my digital photo (JPG format).
                                        I agree to my photo and entry being publicised and
                                        promoted at any time after the receipt of my
                                        nomination for the REISA Auctioneering
                                        Championships 2018 through media
                                        selected by the REISA.

                                        This information will appear
                                        in promotional material.


Page 7   Official Guidelines for 2018              REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure D – Nomination for Judging Panel

         Nomination for Judging Panel
     Biography:                         Real Estate Institute:



                                        I agree to abide by the Rules of the REISA Auctioneering
                                        Championships 2018. I have attached my digital photo
                                        (JPG format). I agree to my photo being publicised
                                        and promoted at any time after the receipt of my
                                        nomination for the REISA Auctioneering
                                        Championships 2018 Judging Panel,
                                        through media selected by the REISA.

                                        This information will appear
                                        in promotional material.


Page 8   Official Guidelines for 2018              REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure E – Contestants Instructions
1.   The order within which the contestants compete will             13. A lectern must not be used.
     be selected by random draw and all contestants will be
                                                                     14. A penciller can not be used.
     allocated a time to compete.
                                                                     15. Bids can only be taken from registered bidders
2.   Contestants will not be able to watch other contestants
                                                                         displaying a bidding number.
     prior to competing and will be required to wait in the
     holding room in a secure area (holding room). After             16. The contestants are required to finalise the preamble
     competing, contestants may remain and watch                         and auction within 15 minutes. Penalties will be imposed
     subsequent competitors should they wish to do so.                   after 16 minutes. There will be no time warning given.
                                                                         There is no time limit in the finals
3.   Contestants are responsible for meeting all of their
     own travel and accommodation costs.                             17. For time keeping purposes, the start of the auction will
                                                                         be when the contestant commences talking and the
4.   In both the heats and the finals all contestants will
                                                                         auction will conclude on the fall of the hammer or passing
     auction the same property. (including the location ‘as is’)
                                                                         in of the property and will not include closing remarks.
5.   Contestants will need to comply with the Land and
                                                                     18. A benchmark auction will be held for the heats and final
     Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 (LABSAC)
                                                                         utilising the exact same bidding plan used by contestants.
     with attention to:
                                                                         The Chief Judge will appoint an experienced person
         o S24J(1)(b) of the LABSAC Act which requires that              to complete.
           the auctioneer must, immediately before the auction       19. Contestants must be in the holding room at the time
           commences, audibly announce to members of                     nominated by the Chief Judge and will not be permitted to
           the public attending the auction that the standard            bring mobile phones, device or any method whatsoever of
           conditions of auction (as required to be made                 outside communication. Ipods or music players will be
           available for perusal before the auction) apply to the        permitted with earphones so as not to disrupt other
           auction as binding contractual conditions.                    contestants.

         o S240 of the LABSAC Act which requires an                  20. The auction heats and final are open to the public.
                                                                         Contestants’ family members are welcome to watch the
           auctioneer to audibly announce to the members of
                                                                         competition. Attendees must not distract any contestants
           the public attending the auction that the conditions
                                                                         and must remain silent during the auctions. Mobile
           permit the making of vendor bids.
                                                                         phones or any other technological device must either be
6.   Each contestant will be required to conduct the auction             switched o or switched to silent during the competition.
     as if they were live in the field in the State and suburb           Attendees may exit the room in between auctions but
     nominated in the contestants’ package.                              must remain seated during the auctions. Any attendees
                                                                         who make indications to the advantage or disadvantage
7.   Contestants must be prepared to answer any questions                of a contestant may result in a penalty or awarding of
     from the bidders or other attendees as specifically                 additional points to that contestant. This decision will
     instructed by the Chief Judge at any time during                    be at the discretion of the Chief Judge.
     the auction.
                                                                     21. Contestants are not to converse or approach judges
8.   Contestants are advised that the opening bid may be                 before or during the event. If there are any irregularities
     initiated by the floor, but the contestants cannot assume           contestants may call upon the Chief Judge. Any
     that this will be readily provided as 20 points are allocated       unauthorised communication with judges will be
     to obtaining the first bid.                                         considered misconduct.
9.   Contestants may use up to two vendor bids, but they
     must clearly identify those bids as “vendor bids”.
10. Contestants may not use any visual aids other than
    those supplied by the REISA.
11. For the heats and final, a large visual display of the
    property will be shown throughout the presentation in
    the form of a slide presentation.
12. A stage will be provided. The timing for each contestant will
    commence from when they start speaking, even if this is
    before they reach the stage.

Page 9    Official Guidelines for 2018                                       REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure F – Judging Guidelines
Bidding Plan                                                       2. How observant is the Auctioneer?

                                                                      a. Is he/she able to handle the pace of quick or
The purpose of the bidding plan and the guidelines is to have         multiple bidding?
criteria for each participant by ensuring that the bidding plan
is orchestrated in the same manner for all participants and that      b. Fails to read the mood of bidders and to help,
personal preferences are removed from the bidder’s role.              direct and work with them?

Heats Bidding Plan                                                    c. Bullies or offends some bidders?

                                                                   3. Can – and does the Auctioneer use a Vendor Bid?
1. Emphasis is placed on the Auctioneers’ ability to get the 		       Does he/she use it keeping momentum and is the
   auction underway.                                                  vendor bid clearly identified?

   Our focus is also on whether he/she takes control, directs      4. Is the Auctioneer able to add and retain the bids?
   the bidding and maintains a pleasing rhythm throughout.            Poor retention is unacceptable.
   We have created situations close to current market
   behaviour and want to broadly observe the following;            Note: 50% of the total points are allocated to the bidding
                                                                   sequence – i.e. Bidding (200) – Completion of Auction
   a. Does the auctioneer ask for a bid from the floor?            (35). Therefore it is of paramount importance that both
   How is his/her demeanour?                                       the judges and the bidders pay attention to how these
                                                                   sections are handled.
   b. Does the auctioneer nominate a bid to commence
   the bidding?

   c. Does the auctioneer fail to give bidders a chance
   to commence the bidding themselves or does he/she
   override with an early vendor bid?

   d. How does the auctioneer handle a low bid?

   – Accepts and moves on?

   – Accepts and moves forward countering with a
   higher vendor bid?

   – Rejects the bid? (How?)

   – Accepts, but nominates too smaller
   increments creating difficulties?

Page 10   Official Guidelines for 2018                                       REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Code of Conduct for Judges
Associated with the REISA Auctioneering Championships

This Code of Conduct applies to judges of the REISA Auctioneering Championships. It sets forth principles which judges are
expected to uphold. It establishes standards of behaviour and levels of accountability and aims to assist in the resolution of
ethical issues in the competition based upon the premise that judges will act with integrity, honest, fairness, conscientiousness,
compassion and loyalty to the auctioneering fraternity.

1. Public confidence
The public are entitled to expect that judges will act honestly and with integrity and always act with public interest and
not in their private interest.

2. Conflicts of interest
Judges should avoid any financial or other interest or undertaking that may directly or indirectly compromise the performance
of their duties. A conflict of interest should be assessed in terms of the likelihood that a judge possessing a particular interest might
be influenced, or might appear to be influenced, in the performance of his or her duties in relation to a particular matter. In these
situations the onus is on the judge to notify the REISA if a potential or actual conflict of interest arises or may arise. In most cases,
the early and open disclosure of such an interest will allow management to prevent a conflict of interest occurring.

3. Acceptance of gifts or benefits
A judge should not accept a gift or benefit that is intended to, or is likely to cause them to act in a partial manner in the course
of their duties. Judges should advise REISA if they believe that they have been offered a bribe or if they have been offered or
received a favour or benefit.

4. Judges conduct: personal and professional behaviour
All judges shall perform their professional duties diligently, impartially and to the best of their ability on behalf of the REISA and
not their organisation or employer. Dress code for judges to be suit and tie for male judges and smart corporate for female judges.
Judges should not text or use their computers or smart phones during judging. They should also not influence other judges by
making comments about candidates. Judges shall not engage with or converse with any member of the audience during the
competition judging or between Contestants auctions.

5. Disclosure of information
Judges will not disclose contestant information, participants or results to any parties outside the judging panel before or after
the competition.

6. Availability

Judges will ensure they are available for the heats competition, finals competition, meetings and any debriefs that REISA requires.
Judges will also devote their full attention to the task at hand.

7. Soliciting
During the term of this Agreement and for any termination of this Agreement, will not, without the prior written consent of the
REISA either directly or indirectly solicit or attempt to solicit, divert or hire away any persons participating in the competition.

8. Corrupt conduct
The REISA is to be made aware of any matter that is suspected on reasonable grounds to concern corrupt conduct.

I _______________________________________________________________________________________________ participating in the

____________________________________________________________________ competition acknowledge and agree to the above.

Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______ / ______ / ____________

Witnessed by: __________________________________________________________________________________________ (full name)

Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______ / ______ / ____________

Page 11   Official Guidelines for 2018                                                     REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure G – Judges Guide to Marking
Immediate Impression                                                   3. Description of property                                  65 Marks

                                                                       Benchmark 32.5
1. Initiation of Proceedings                                20 Marks   »» Focus on logical flow of description (outside, inside,
Benchmark 10                                                              upstairs downstairs)
                                                                       »» Does he/she paint a picture – and talk about the lifestyle
»» Pompous, schoolteacher-like, slow, laboured –                          benefits the property offers rather than just describing
   mark hard 3-4                                                          the visual features which everyone has seen?
                                                                       »» Are you thinking ‘hurry up’?
2. Bearing and Assertion                                    20 Marks
                                                                       »» Does the presentation persuade?
Benchmark 10
                                                                       »» If not impressed mark below 30
»» ‘Bearing’ – to accept responsibility ‘Assertion’ –
   Positive statement – Am I comfortable about this
   person being in control?                                            Questions
»» Authoritative, yet caring about the audience.
   Am I stressing for her/him?                                         				                                        15 Marks (per/question)

»» Is he shouting rather than directing his voice in                   Benchmark 7.5 (per question)
   a comfortable manner?
                                                                       »» Doesn’t offer resolution – no points
»» If lacking – mark accordingly 3-4
                                                                       »» Refers to support team and offers no answer –
                                                                          no points
3. Standard of dress                                        5 Marks
                                                                       »» Knows the answer – 8 +
Benchmark 2.5
                                                                       »» If answer is vague mark below 7.5
»   Professional and striking above 2.5, poor under 2.5
1. Legalities/Statutory information                                    1. Commencement of bidding                                  20 Marks
   (Conditions of Auction)                                  15 Marks
                                                                       Benchmark 10
Terms and Conditions including procedure of auction
Benchmark 7.5                                                          »» Focus on ability to take control. Overall approach.
                                                                          Does he/she start auction with a vendor bid without
»» Does the Auctioneer handle the conditions of                           giving bidders a chance? If so mark under 10.
   auction professionally?
                                                                       »» How is the low bid handled?
»» Pay particular attention to the handling of, and
   reference to, the document. Not waving it around or                 »» Does the Auctioneer use 3 calls to put pressure on
   rolling it up nervously?                                               the bidders to bid?

»» Is the introduction to what he is going to do next                  »» Does the Auctioneer nominate a starting bid –
   (read the contract) smooth, flowing, and business-like                 mark above 10
   and not too casual?
»» If not mark under 7.5                                               2. Use of Vendor Bid                                        30 Marks

                                                                       Benchmark 15
2. Clarity and manner of delivery                           15 Marks
                                                                       »» Clarity important. There are some important places in
Execution of Contract                                                     the bidding of this auction where the Vendor Bid should
(Legal description, inclusions, exclusions, settlement date etc.)         be used to keep momentum and to move to bid up –
                                                                          we are looking for Auctioneer to accept the low bid but
Benchmark 7.5                                                             immediately counter with Vendor Bid, if they refuse the bid.
                                                                       »» Did they do it professionally? If not mark below 7.5
»» We are looking for posture, head up, eye contact,
   giving the contents of the document due respect.                    »» If Auctioneer takes extremely high vendor bid mark
                                                                          down harshly.
»» Good breathing, not shouting but can be heard.
»» If you are not happy with these aspects – mark below 5.

Page 12   Official Guidelines for 2018                                           REISA Auctioneering Championships®
3. Handling of Bidding (flow)                              30 Marks
Benchmark 15                                                           6.   Calculation of bids                                   30 Marks
                                                                       Benchmark 15
Most important section.
                                                                       »» Clearly the ability to add and correctly call the current bid in a
»» Rejection of bids done in a condescending manner                       clear and timely manner is a key requirement of an auctioneer
»» Losing their way with the numbers and checking constantly           »» The bid and the offer should be delivered confidently and
   with bidders to refer apparent bid                                     without hesitation so the auctioneer must be judged on his or
                                                                          her ability to calculate the result seamlessly.
»» Failing to scan the whole of the audience, not just the
   bidders they already have                                           »» If the auctioneer is hesitant or struggles with the calculation but
                                                                          still delivers the correct result or delivers the incorrect bid then
»» Losing momentum and rhythm
                                                                          corrects himself immediately, then he should be marked
                                                                          below 20
All of the above – mark hard
                                                                       »» If the auctioneer delivers an incorrect bid and fails to correct it
                                                                          then he should be marked below 15 and any subsequent
»» If you are not on the edge of your seat – don’t be kind
                                                                          incorrect bid should incur a further penalty of 5 points for each
»» If you felt the excitement – mark up                                   incorrect bid.
                                                                       »» A smooth and arithmetically correct call should be marked
4. Encouragement to bid                                    30 Marks       above 25 points

Benchmark 15
                                                                       7. Identication of bidders                                 30 Marks
»» Polite, not offensive or belittling                                 Benchmark 15
»» Scanning all of the audience for bidding, constantly looking to
   encourage under bidders back into the bidding, short 		             »» The auctioneer must be able to clearly identify each bidder at
   description of property to reinforce the benefits                      all times during the bidding and should use this ability to ensure
                                                                          that each bidder is clearly aware that there is opposition in
»» Watching for signals as well as calls                                  the audience.
»» If no encouragement to bid is evident mark below 25                 »» Bidders should be identified in a polite and professional manner.
                                                                       »» Once bidders have been identified then the auctioneer should
5. Control of bidding                                      30 Marks       continue to refer to them during the course of the auction
                                                                          even if they have indicated that they have stopped bidding in
Benchmark 15
                                                                          an effort to secure a further bid.
»» Is the Auctioneer controlling the course of the auction or merely   »» Auctioneers should not make any assumptions or comments
   taking any bids offered?                                               regarding a bidders ethnic status or sexuality and must not
                                                                          make any statement detrimental to bidders.
»» It is important that the auctioneer is at least attempting to
   control the size of the raises and the acceptance or otherwise      »» If the auctioneer does make such references then he should be
   of any break down bids.                                                marked below 15 points.
»» Balance is critical – the auctioneer must attempt to keep bidders
   in the contest but at the same time resist accepting low bids -
   particularly in the early stages of the auction
»» The use of the vendor bid here may become important in
   maintaining control.
»» If the auctioneer is clearly allowing the bidders to force the
   direction of the bidding then mark below 15.
»» If the auctioneer is able to resist being broken down but can
   keep the bidders in the contest without being patronising or
   aggressive then mark above 20.

Page 13   Official Guidelines for 2018                                            REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Completion of Auction                                                    Personality/Empathy/Rapport

1. Knock down or Pass in                                   20 Marks      1. Ability to hold interest                          80 Marks

Benchmark 10                                                             Benchmark 40

»» Style, clarity, urgency, excitement, not overly drawn out but still   »» In control or awkward and uncomfortable?
   looking for the extra dollars – all worth considering. Clear
                                                                         »» Are there parts of the presentation that annoy?
   indication of bidder at time of knockdown
                                                                         »» Did the Auctioneer bring me on-board?
»» Does the Auctioneer continue to scan the under bidders and
   audience to entice any last bids? Mark above 10                       »» Did he/she come across as genuine?
                                                                            – Or trying too hard?

2. Final Close                                             15 Marks      »» Were they conversational, not confrontational?
                                                                         »» Would I employ this person?
Benchmark 7.5

»» Auctioneer should thank the audience, congratulate the new
   owner and thank the under bidders.
»» Reiterate the company’s details – without sounding like
   a commercial.
»» If handled well mark above 7.5


1. Body Language                                           15 Marks

Benchmark 7.5

»» Confident without being arrogant?
»» Is body language animated?
»» Not as competent as confident
»» Not moving all over the stage in a distracting manner
»» Are you engaged if not mark below 7.5

2. Voice Control                                           15 Marks

Benchmark 7.5

»» Voice strong and clear
»» Does the Auctioneer breathe well or short of breath?
»» Is there sufficient light and shade in the presentation to engage
   the audience
»» If monotone mark below 7.5

3. Diction                                                 10 Marks

Benchmark 5

»» Clear enunciation
»» No mumbling
»» Slang is not acceptable
»» Good command and use of words »
»» If good mark above 5

Page 14   Official Guidelines for 2018                                             REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure H – Judging Scoresheet
Auctioneers Name:
Judge’s Name:

  START TIME:                               FINISH TIME:               TOTAL TIME:                        TIME PENALTIES:

                                                           POINTS                        POINTS                           CHECKED
 CRITERIA                                                              BENCHMARK                         TOTAL
                                                           AVAILABLE                     AWARDED                          (CHIEF JUDGE)

 Immediate Impressions

 1. Initiation of Proceedings                              20          10

 2. Bearing and Assertion                                  20          10

 3. Standard of Dress                                      05          2.5


 1. Legalities/Statutory Information                       15          7.5

 2. Clarity and manner of delivery                         15          7.5

 Description of Property                                   65          32.5


 1. First Question                                         15          7.5

 2. Second Question                                        15          7.5

 3. Third Question                                         15          7.5


 1. Commencement of Bidding                                20          10

 2. Use of Vendor Bids                                     30          15

 3. Handling of Bidding (flow)                             30          15

 4. Encouragement to Bid                                   30          15

 5. Control of Bidding                                     30          15

 6. Calculation of Bids                                    30          15

 7. Indentification of Bidders                            30          15

 Completion of Auction

 1. Knockdown or Pass In                                   20          10

 2. Final close                                            15          7.5


 1. Body Language                                          15          7.5

 2. Voice Control                                          15          7.5

 3. Diction                                                10          05

 Personality / Empathy / Rapport

 1. Ability to hold interest                               80          40


 Sub Total                                                 525         262.5

 Less any time penalties, up to 100 points


Page 15      Official Guidelines for 2018                                            REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure I - Judging Timesheet





Time frame is 15 minutes with 60 seconds grace then time penalty will start at 16 minutes and will be 1 point per 2 seconds thereafter.

There is no time frame

  TOTAL POINTS:                          X NO. OF JUDGES:                TOTAL TIME PENALTY:

The contestants are required to finalise the auction within 15              In the event of a tied score in the heats for the 5th position,
minutes. Penalties will be imposed if this time is not met after            there will be no count back; an extra finalist(s) will get the
60 seconds grace as detailed above.                                         opportunity to compete in the final.

The start of the auction will be when the contestant                        In the event of a tied score in the final for the winner, a count
commences talking and the auction will conclude on the fall of              back will apply to determine the winner. The contestant who
the hammer and will not include closing remarks.                            has the highest mark in the last scoring criteria box namely
                                                                            Personality/ Empathy / Rapport will be determined to be the
Overtime points will be deducted from the contestant’s total                winner. If the score in this criterion is also tied, the next scoring
score after 16 minutes of one point per 2 seconds thereafter.               criterion is to be used will be Handling of the Bidding and next,
                                                                            Description of Property, in order until a winner is determined.
                                                                            This will be determined by the Head Judge as sole arbitrator.

Page 16   Official Guidelines for 2018                                                 REISA Auctioneering Championships®
Annexure J - Contestant Feedback
Please complete the form in black pen and in upper case.          10. If YES, what would you recommend?
Please circle Y for YES or N for NO where appropriate.



1.    Was the entry nomination form easy to follow?         Y/N

2.    Could the nomination form be improved?                Y/N

3.    If YES, what would you recommend?

                                                                  11. Any other suggestions?

4..   Was the written brief outlining the rules, conduct,
      conditions and procedure easy to understand?          Y/N

5.    If NO, what would you recommend?

6.    Was the oral briefing easy to understand?             Y/N

7.    If NO, what would you recommend?

                                                                  Thank you for your feedback.

8.    Do you think the judging criteria are appropriate?    Y/N

9.    Could the judging criteria be improved?               Y/N

Page 17    Official Guidelines for 2018                                     REISA Auctioneering Championships®
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