Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)

Page created by Franklin Berry
Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)
hi!Welcome to
your internship

Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)

           3   Welcome & congratulations
           4   Doctors-in-Training Committee
           5   Hospital Health Check
           6   Workplace advice and support
           7   Your key entitlements
           8   Medical Records
           9   Your pay explained
           10 Careers Service
           11 Member benefits & events
Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)
                                        Welcome &
Dr Danielle McMullen         WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED five or six             We can assist you in so many ways.
                             years ago that by the time you graduated      Got a question about your payslip?
President, AMA (NSW)
                             you would join a profession that is at the    Call us. Need help prepping for your
                             centre of fighting a global pandemic?         training interview? Call us. Looking for
                             What a baptism by fire!                       accident journey insurance, discounts
                             Despite the current challenges we face,       on educational products and learning
There are no shortcuts to    there has never been a more exciting time     resources, or accounting and financial
                             to be a doctor.                               advice? Call us.
becoming a good doctor,         The growth and development of new             We can get things done for you, so you
but being a member of        medical technologies and treatments           can get back to the business of learning.
the AMA (NSW) makes          means we are able to keep people healthier    And not only do we work to make your
                             and living longer than ever before.           professional life better, we work to make
everything else about your      This is both a blessing and a challenge.   the system better.
professional life easier.    It means that while you have graduated           AMA (NSW) is a professional
                             medical school, you never truly stop being    association that provides individual
                             a student. You have merely reached one        assistance to members, as well as being
                             milestone in a lifetime of learning.          a powerful voice on behalf of doctors.
                                But the good news is – and this is         Over the years, we have battled on
                             important – no one expects you to know        behalf of doctors and in the best interest
                             everything.                                   of healthcare. We are recognised by
                                So, take this opportunity to soak          Governments as being a legitimate
                             up what you can. Every time you ask           representative organisation of medical
                             a question, every time you watch and          professionals. Part of that legitimacy
                             learn something new, every time you get       comes from the breadth and depth of our
                             something right, and even every time you      membership. By joining AMA (NSW) you
                             get something wrong – you get better.         will make our organisation stronger and
                                There are no shortcuts to becoming a       become part of wider system change that
                             good doctor, but if you are looking for a     benefits doctors today and into the future.
                             professional life-hack my suggestion is to
                             join AMA (NSW).
                                AMA (NSW) exists to help make

                             doctors’ professional lives easier. We are
                             an important partner – not only to doctors-
                             in-training – but to medical professionals
                             throughout their careers.
Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)

       Dr James Lawler &               WE’RE NOT GOING to waste your time with        We ask that you do two things:
                                       platitudes about being a junior doctor. You
       Dr Sanjay Hettige
                                       will have heard about the long hours, the      1. Put
                                                                                           this number in your phone:
       Co-chairs, AMA (NSW)            stress, the conditions and even the higher
       Doctors-in-Training Committee   rates of suicidality amongst junior doctors.
                                       You will have witnessed it amongst your                       Doctors’ Health Advisory
                                       colleagues, and you may have experienced                      Service NSW 02 9437 6552
                                       it yourself. And if you haven’t already, you
                                       will find a single truth in this area – talk
       The AMA (NSW) Doctors-          is cheap. You will waste countless hours
       in-Training Committee           reading and hearing statements about how         There will be many times when you talk
       advocates for better            “passionate” people or organisations are         to a colleague and might be worried
                                       about your wellbeing, and although that is       about how they are doing. The AMA
       working conditions for you      often the case, you will also find yourself      fully funds this 24/7 line and can get
       and your colleagues.            disappointed in how that “passion” often         you or your colleague to the right
                                       translates into no practical change to the       support quickly. The service is totally
                                       challenges you face.                             independent of employers and Colleges,
                                           This is where AMA (NSW)’s Doctors-           and accessible to any doctor.
                                       in-Training Committee comes in. There
                                       is no group more passionate about junior       2. S
                                                                                          ign up to AMA (NSW) and tell us what
                                       doctors – because we are junior doctors.          your priorities are. You can always
                                       And when it comes to action we deliver.           email us and tell us what AMA (NSW)
                                       In 2017, the NSW Government committed             can do better. Better yet, come to our
                                       to a multimillion-dollar commitment               regular meetings and get involved –
                                       for junior doctor wellbeing due to the            your contributions make our advocacy
                                       advocacy of the AMA (NSW). In 2018, we            stronger.
                                       brought about changes to the unfair but
                                       longstanding Bonded Medical Places
                                       and Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship                          For more information on
                                       Schemes. In 2019, we brought about policy                     how to get involved with
                                       change on unrostered overtime in NSW
                                                                                                     the DITC contact

                                       hospitals. And in February 2020 we saw
                                       the launch of the online claiming process                     ditc@amansw.com.au
                                       for unrostered overtime and callbacks for
                                       doctors-in-training, which made it even
                                       easier to claim. We are constantly striving
                                       to make working conditions better for
Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)

Dr Jessica Sandy                                                                            ‘yes’ but there is clearly a gap in experience
                                                                                            between men and women; while 78 per
                                                                                            cent of men answered ‘yes’ to this question,
                                                                                            only two thirds of women did.
The positive results of the                       As a result of the HHC, AMA (NSW) has        Forty-four per cent of respondents said
                                              successfully lobbied NSW Health to:           they had felt their personal safety was
fourth annual Hospital                        ✔ Limit rostered shifts to a maximum 14      at risk due to fatigue from work in 2020,
Health Check reflect the                         hours                                      down from 56 per cent in 2019.
power of this advocacy tool                   ✔ Provide minimum 10-hour breaks                These changes are an ongoing process
                                                 between rostered shifts                    and the 2020 results are not the peak
in creating change.                           ✔R  eview rosters, unsafe working hours      of our campaigns for better payment of
                                                 and barriers to claiming overtime          overtime for doctors-in-training, lower
                                              ✔ Work harder to eliminate discrimination     rates of bullying in our hospitals, or the
                                              ✔ Review parental leave policies              reduction of fatigue.
                                              ✔ Expand the list of reasons unrostered         However, the results, even when you
YEAR ON YEAR, the Hospital Health                overtime may be claimed without prior      compare them with 2018, are significant
Check provides a good barometer                  approval                                   improvements in many hospitals and in
of improvements made at individual                                                          many of the areas being measured.
hospitals and stressors that continue to      WHAT’S NEW IN 2020?                              To read the full report go to: www.
plague the system.                            A major development in the 2020 HHC           amansw.com.au/hospital-health-
    For the first time since the Hospital     was an eight-point drop to 32 per cent        check-2020/
Health Check survey began in 2017, more       of doctors-in-training who said they             We will continue campaigning on the
than half of hospitals rated were awarded     have experienced being bullied in their       issues that have been raised in the HHC
a B or better and three hospitals received    hospital. This is the first time the needle   through meetings with hospital executives
overall As: Dubbo, Hornsby, and Wagga         has moved significantly on bullying.          and NSW Health to ensure that beneficial
Wagga.                                           There was less of a decrease in the        changes continue to be made.
    This is a marked change from the first    percentage of doctors who reported               Keep an eye out for the 2021 HHC
year, when fewer than one in five hospitals   feeling unsafe due to intimidation at work.   to become a part of this hospital
received an overall B rating or even 2018     Thirty per cent of respondents said this      improvement process.
and 2019, when the proportion was closer      was the case in 2020, compared with 35
to one in three.                              per cent in 2019.
    The shift speaks to the importance of        A new follow up question about the

this survey. Each year, AMA (NSW) uses        source of that intimidation was asked
the results of the HHC to discuss working     this year and, by a wide margin, the most
conditions with hospital chief executives     likely origin is from patients.
and NSW Health.                                  Another new question in the 2020
    Since the survey began, we’ve helped      survey asked if hospitals have a system
create improvements not only within           in place to report behaviour that doesn’t
individual hospitals, but on a statewide      rise to the level of serious misconduct. It
basis.                                        found that 71 per cent of respondents said
Hi!Welcome to your internship - AMA (NSW)

          Workplace advice & support
                                          Have you been paid                            WHAT WE DO
                                          incorrectly? Need help                        Our experienced advisors can provide

                                          recovering payment
                                                                                        advice and support in relation to:
                                                                                        ✔ terms and conditions of employment
                                          for overtime? Involved                        ✔ rates of pay
                                          in a training dispute?                        ✔ underpayment of overtime advice

                                          AMA (NSW)’s Workplace
                                                                                        ✔ safe hours and rostering
                                                                                        ✔ unfair dismissal
                                          Relations Team can                            ✔ performance management meetings
                                          provide assistance when                       ✔ bullying and harassment matters

                                          you need it most.
                                                                                        ✔ workplace investigations
                                                                                        ✔ training disputes
                                                                                        ✔ registration requirements
                                          THE TRANSITION you are about to               ✔ medico-legal advice
                                          undergo from medical school to internship
                                          will be one of the biggest in your career.    Over the past year we have assisted
          Dominique Egan                  While you are focused on settling in and      DIT members with a variety of matters
                                          adapting to your new role, we want you to     including helping them to secure:
          Director, Workplace Relations   know that the AMA (NSW) is on your side.      ✔ payment for mandatory training
          AMA (NSW)                       Our Workplace Relations Team is available     ✔ paid maternity leave entitlements
                                          to assist you with workplace matters and      ✔ study leave entitlements
                                          can guide you through tricky situations.      ✔ annual leave entitlements
                                          We equip members with knowledge               ✔ registration with AHPRA
                                          and resources and provide advice and
                                          assistance in relation to a number of
                                          areas. Your career in medicine isn’t going
                                          to be easy. Your hours are going to be long
                                          and you will be challenged physically and
                                          emotionally, but having us in your corner,
                                          to assist you with workplace matters and
                                          advocate on your behalf, will let you focus   Please contact us if you need help
                                          on being a doctor. Being an AMA (NSW)         Email: workplace@amansw.com.au
                                          member means you don’t need to face
                                                                                        Phone: 02 9439 8822
                                          difficult situations alone.

                                                 I was having difficulty with my health service and a pay dispute.
                                                 I had gone through several channels at work and kept coming
                                                 up against a wall. The health service kept running me in
                                                 circles and not providing me with any answers or solutions.
                                                 Finally, I contacted the AMA and within a few days not only
                                                 was it handled, but I had my money in my bank account. The
                                                 significance of the AMA cannot be overstated! The extra voice

                                                 and knowledge they bring to the table is invaluable. I am so
                                                 grateful to be a member and anyone practicing medicine in
                                                 Australia should also be.​ Melissa C, Resident.
Your key entitlements
There is a lot to learn as a new intern. To take some of the load off, we’ve prepared
a summary of your key entitlements below.

AS AN INTERN in New South Wales your           UNROSTERED OVERTIME                            2 days will generally require a medical
Award is the Public Hospital Medical           Prior approval to work unrostered              certificate.
Officers (State) Award 2019.                   overtime is not required under the                You must notify appropriate staff of your
                                               following circumstances:                       absence as soon as possible.
HOURS OF WORK                                  ✔ Medical emergency                              ** Due to the COVID-19 Health
Full time employees will be paid 38 hours      ✔ Transfer of a patient                       Agencies have been encouraged to
per week but will be rostered to work 40.      ✔ Extended shift in theatre                   allow access to paid sick leave from
The 2 additional hours accrue for your         ✔ Patient admission / discharge               commencement for eligible employees.
Allocated Day Off (ADO).                       ✔ Completion of outstanding patient
   You may be rostered 40 hours in any             transfer/discharge summaries               STUDY LEAVE
period of 7 days or 80 hours in any period     ✔ Late ward rounds                            You are not entitled to study leave as
of 14 consecutive days                         ✔ Mandatory Training                          an intern. From the following year you
                                               ✔ Clinical Handover                           can apply for up to 7 days study leave.
ALLOCATED DAYS OFF (ADO)                       ✔ Hospital-based Outpatient Clinics           Currently each health district has its own
You will accrue one ADO per month. Your        Check out our video on how to claim            approvals process, so you should check
ADO should be rostered and taken monthly       unrostered overtime online at www.             with your JMO Unit in the first instance.
and you can’t take half ADOs. Any accrued      amansw.com.au.
ADOs will be paid out when you leave NSW                                                      MATERNITY LEAVE
Health or change to a different health         PAY                                            Full time and part time employees
district.                                      You will be paid fortnightly into your         are entitled to a period of 14 weeks
                                               nominated bank account and will receive a      paid maternity leave after 40 weeks of
ROSTERS                                        payslip each fortnight.                        continuous service. This leave can be
Your roster should be released with a              We recommend checking your payslip         taken at full or half pay.
minimum of 2 weeks’ notice; however, in        against your timesheet when you receive           If you are entitled to paid maternity
an emergency the employer can change           it to ensure that you have been paid           leave, you are entitled to a further period
the roster with less notice.                   correctly. If you think an error has been      of unpaid maternity leave of not more than
   Your maximum rostered shift length is       made, speak with your JMO manager in           12 months after the actual date of birth.
14 hours and there must be a period of at      the first instance. If this does not resolve      If you are not entitled to paid maternity
least 10 hours between rostered shifts.        it, contact the AMA (NSW) for advice.          leave, you are entitled to unpaid maternity
                                                                                              leave of not more than 12 months.
MEAL BREAKS                                    ANNUAL LEAVE
During day shifts on Monday to Friday you      Full time employees will accrue four
are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal        weeks of annual leave per calendar year.
break. During evening shifts, night shifts     You will accrue additional leave for
and weekend shifts 30-minute meal              working public holidays, or where a public
breaks are paid.                               holiday falls on a rostered day off.
                                                                                              For further information about these
OVERTIME                                       SICK LEAVE                                     entitlements, check out our range of
You will be required to work reasonable        Full time employees are entitled to 76
                                                                                              ‘What you need to know’ resources,
overtime. The first two hours of overtime      hours paid sick leave per year which will
is paid at time and a half (1.5x), anything    accumulate.                                    available to download by members on
after that is paid at double time (2x). All       You become eligible for a full year’s       our website www.amansw.com.au.

overtime worked on Sunday is paid at           entitlement of paid sick leave on the first
double time. Any time worked in excess of      day of the fourth month of employment.
10 hours during one shift will be paid at      You are not entitled to paid sick leave
overtime rates. Time worked in excess of       before this time but are able to access
80 hours in a fortnight will also be paid at   unpaid sick leave. **
overtime rates.                                   Periods of sick leave of more than

                                                                                                                                Dr Ashna Basu

                    Records                                                                                   notes should be made at the time the
                                                                                                              information is given (or observed) or as
                                                                                                              soon as possible thereafter. If you are
                                                                                                              adding notes after the fact, you need to
                                                                                                              distinguish between the time of writing
                  Complete, up-to-date and                      for good patient care and are important
                                                                                                              and the time of the event or observation.
                                                                when it comes to patient handover, as they
                  accurate medical records                      ensure the person working the next shift      I am worried that some things I
                  are essential components                      is aware of what has happened during          wrote about a patient may be seen as
                  of high quality care.                         your shift and will flag required follow up   inflammatory or even rude. Can the
                                                                including investigations and test results.    patient gain access to their notes and
                                                                The FAQs below have been taken from           read what I wrote?
                  AS DOCTORS, you have a professional           our “What You Need to Know: Health Care       Yes. Patients have a right to access
                  and legal duty to maintain accurate           Records” resource. You can download the       information contained in their medical
                  records about your patients. In the busy      full version of the FAQ on the Doctors-in-    record. Your records must show respect
                  hospital setting, medical records are a key   Training page on the AMA (NSW) website        to your patients and must not include any
                  part of your work and you have specific       www.amansw.com.au.                            demeaning or derogatory remarks.
                  obligations under the Health Practitioner
                  Regulation National Law 2009 (NSW),           I have made some notes in a patient’s         Who has ownership of a patient’s health
                  the Medical Board of Australia’s “Good        health care record but after talking with     care record?
                  medical practice: a code of conduct for       a colleague I have changed my thinking;       In the public hospital setting, the health
                  doctors in Australia” and the NSW Health      can I go back in and change my notes?         care record is the property of the public
                  Policy Directive – “Health Care Records –     You must not delete any information you       health organisation providing care to the
                  Documentation and Management”.                have already recorded for your patient.       patient. The record is not the property of
                  You must make clear, contemporaneous          You can ‘strikethrough’ any incorrect         individual medical practitioners or the
                  and accurate medical records. Well            information although it must still be         patient.
                  documented medical records are essential      legible. It is better to flag your original
                                                                note as “written in error” and make a         I make notes on patients for my own
                                                                contemporaneous note that reflects the        learning/study and keep them, is that ok?
                                                                change in your thought process and/or         Beware of keeping your own notes on
                                                                subsequent care plan.                         specific patients. You must completely
                                                                                                              de-identify any information kept about

                                                                I have just finished my shift and             patients. If your notebook was picked up in
                                                                remembered that I didn’t make any notes       the street could someone figure out who
                                                                on a patient I saw earlier. Can I just wait   your patient was? Remember it’s a small
                                                                and write them when I am next in the          world and a rare disease or symptom
                                                                hospital?                                     could be identified by a family member or
                                                                As you know, a lot can happen to a            friend.
                                                                patient’s health status in a very short
                                                                period of time. Ideally all patient
Your pay explained
Navigating your payslip is not always an easy task, particularly when overtime
and loadings are involved. AMA (NSW) recommends checking your payslip each
fortnight when you receive it.

        PAYSLIP AREA                            DESCRIPTION

 1      Employee and payslip                    • Employee Name                                                                 • Pay Period End
        details                                 • Employee Number                                                               • Pay Date
                                                • Salary Level                                                                  • Printed payslip delivery point
                                                • Pay Period Start                                                              • Employer and organisation

 2      Summary of earnings this                How much you have been paid, taking into account:
        pay                                     • Pre-tax income                                                                • Tax
                                                • Pre & Post tax deductions                                                     • Net Pay

 3      Year to date balances                   How much you have earned this financial year
          Distribution Centre       Parramatta SC
          Mail Room                 NH Mailroom NrthL1 000000
 4      Superannuation
          Mail Stop                       Your super
                                    NH RMOPiallaUn         account
                                                      GFPiallaUnit    details and how much has been deposited
          Delivery Location
          Distribution Centre       Parramatta SC
 5      Leave   Balances
          Mail Room
          Distribution Number             TheSC
                                    NH Mailroom
                                    60069954-2    amount    of leave you are entitled to –
                                                  NrthL1 000000
          Mail Stop Centre          Parramatta
                                    NH RMOPiallaUn    GFPiallaUnit 357854
          Mail Room
          Delivery Location               NOTE:
                                    NH Mailroom      Extra
                                                  NrthL1     Leave and Public Holiday leave is included in your annual leave
          Mail Stop                 NH RMOPiallaUn GFPiallaUnit 357854
          Employee   Name           John D Citizen
 6      Earnings
                    and   Allowances60069954-2
          Assignment   Number             A breakdown of earnings including allowances for the pay period with calculation details
                                    John D Citizen

          Assignment Number
                                    20 Pennant
                                                 St “ADJ NORMAL HOURS” Refers to a back pay or an adjustment in your pay
                                    Orchard Hills
 7        Employee
        Pre          Name
            tax deductions          John
                                           Citizen pre-tax deductions such as salary packaging, and any salary sacrifice into superannuation funds
          Address                   John
                                    2044 D Citizen
          Employee Name             John
                                    20   D Citizen
                                       Pennant  St
          Address                   John D Citizen
                                    Orchard Hills
 8      Post tax deductions               Shows
                                    20 Pennant
                                    NSW         St post-tax deductions such as charity deductions, union fees, regular payments (mortgage, rent)
                                    2044    Hills SASS contributions
 9      Disbursements                     The amount paid into your account, and thePeriod  account
                                                                                                 End details 12 Jan 2020       Page 1/2

Employee Name          John D Citizen                                                                         Period Start       30 Dec 2019
 10 Employer
Assignment   Number   Message
                       600669954-2              Messages of interest to staff                                 Period End
                                                                                                              Period  End        12 Jan
                                                                                                                                 12 Jan 2020
                                                                                                                                        2020                      Page 1/2
Classification         Resident Medical Off Year 2                                                            Pay Date           16 Jan 2020
                                                                                                              Period End         12 Jan 2020                      Page 1/2
Weekly BaseNameRate    John D Citizen
                       $1877.93                                                                               Period
                                                                                                                       Number    30
                                                                                                                                 1 Dec 2019                       Page 1/2
Assignment Number      600669954-2                                                                            Period End         12 Jan 2020
Employee Name
Classification         John D Citizen
                       Resident Medical Off Year 2                                                            Period
                                                                                                              Pay    Start
                                                                                                                  Date           30 Dec 2019
                                                                                                                                 16 Jan 2020                                  TOP TIP: Checking
Employer Number
Assignment               NSW Health Service – Western Sydne
                       600669954-2                                   1
                                                                     ABN      90064943572                     Organisation
                                                                                                              Period End         NBM
                                                                                                                                 12 JanMHLT
                                                                                                                                        2020 RMP Pialla Unit 357854
Weekly  Base Rate      Resident Medical Off Year 2
                       $1877.93                                                                               Pay DateNumber
                                                                                                              Payslip            16 Jan 2020
                                                                                                                                 1                                Page 1/2    your payslip against
                                 SUMMARY OF EARNINGS THIS PAY                                                                 YEAR TO DATE BALANCES
Weekly Base Rate
 Total Gross
              Earnings $1877.93          3912.54
                         NSW Health Service
                                                      Deductions Before Tax
                                               – Western Sydne      ABN      90064943572
                                                                                                   419.01     Payslip Number
                                                                                                                                 NBM MHLT
                                                                                                                                           LE YTD
                                                                                                                                            RMP Pialla Unit 357854
                                                                                                                                                                    YTD 1/2   your roster &
 Taxable Income                          3567.50      Deductions After Tax                           0.00        Gross                    66543.63              66543.63
                                             1206     Nett                                        2283.67        Taxable                  52471.27              52471.27      timesheet is a good
                         NSW Health   Service  – Western
                                SUMMARY OF EARNINGS         THIS PAYABN
                                                         Sydne               90064943572                      Organisation
                                                                                                                                 NBM  MHLT
                                                                                                                              YEAR TO DATE   RMP  Pialla
                                                                                                                                                         Unit 357854
 Total Gross Earnings
                                                      Deductions Before Tax
                                                                                                  419.01         Nett
                                                                                                                              YEAR TO DATE
                                                                                                                                           LE YTD
                                                                                                                                                                35472.29      way to understand
 Taxable Income
 Total Other Payments                    3567.50
                                              0.00    STSL THIS PAY
                                                      Deductions After Tax                          0.00Y        Gross
                                                                                                                 Other Payments           66543.63
                                                                                                                                              0.00              66543.63
 Total Gross Earnings
 Tax                                     3912.54
                                             1206     Deductions Before Tax
                                                      Nett                           2            419.01
                                                                                                 2283.67         Taxable    3              LE YTD
                                                                                                                                          52471.27                  YTD
                                                                                                                                                                52471.27      what loadings have
 Taxable Income                          3567.50      Deductions After Tax                          0.00         Gross
                                                                                                                 Tax                      66543.63
                                                                                                                                          19568.00              66543.63
                                   EMPLOYER SUPERANNUATION                                                                       LEAVE BALANCES
                                             1206     Nett                                       2283.67         Taxable
                                                                                                                 Nett                     52471.27
                                                                                                                                          35472.29              52471.27
                                                                                                                                                                35472.29      been applied and why.
 Total OtherSuperannuation
             Payments                   Member0.00No STSL This Pay          LE YTD                  YTDY         Tax Payments
                                                                                                                 Other             Units 19568.00
                                                                                                                                              0.00               Pro-rata
 SGC Host Plus                          672328937              348.65       5077.27              5077.27         Nett
                                                                                                                 Annual Leave      Hours 35472.29 220.400       35472.29
 Total Other Payments
 Superannuation:5391:HOS0100AU                0.00    STSL
                                   EMPLOYER SUPERANNUATION                                             Y         Other Payments LEAVE
                                                                                                                 Sick Leave                   0.00 152.000
                                                                                                                                   HoursBALANCES                    0.00
 Employer Superannuation           Member No      This Pay                     LE YTD               YTD                               Units    Entitlement      Pro-rata
                               EMPLOYER SUPERANNUATION                                                                              LEAVE BALANCES
 SGC  Host and
            Plus Allowances        672328937        348.65                     5077.27           5077.27         Annual
 Employer   Superannuation                 Factor
                                   Member No      This Rate
                                                       Pay                     LEUnits
                                                                                  YTD            Amount
                                                                                                    YTD          Pre TaxLeave
                                                                                                                          Deductions Hours
 Superannuation:5391:HOS0100AU                                                                                   Sick Leave           Hours       152.000
 SGC     Hours
      Host  Plus                   672328937      45.28629
                                                    348.65                      64.000
                                                                               5077.27           2898.36
                                                                                                 5077.27         Admin Fees
                                                                                                                 Annual Leave         Hours       220.400           2.43
 Overtime  x Double  Time
 Superannuation:5391:HOS0100AU               2.00 45.28629                       1.000             90.57         Employer
                                                                                                                 Sick LeaveShare      Hours       152.000          70.05
 Overtime x Time and Half                    1.50 45.28629                       2.000            135.86
 Earnings  and Allowances
 Penalty 12.5%                             Factor
                                             0.12     Rate
                                                  45.28629                       Units
                                                                                 2.000                4
                                                                                                                 SP Benefits Deduction
                                                                                                                 Pre Tax Deductions
         Saturday 50%                        0.50 45.28629
                                                  45.28629                      64.000
                                                                                 6.000           2898.36
                                                                                                  135.86         Admin Fees                                         2.43
 Earnings xand
 Overtime       Allowances
             Double  Time                  Factor
                                             2.00     Rate
                                                  45.28629                       Units
                                                                                 1.000           Amount
                                                                                                   90.57         Pre Tax Deductions                             Amount
 Pub Hol Penalty 50%                         0.50 45.28629                       4.000             90.57         Employer  Share                                   70.05
          x Time and Half
 Public Holiday                              1.50 45.28629
                                                  45.28629                      64.000
                                                                                12.000           2898.36
                                                                                                  543.44         Admin
                                                                                                                 SP     Fees Deduction
                                                                                                                    Benefits                                        2.43
 Penalty  x Double Time                      2.00
                                             0.12 45.28629                       1.000
                                                                                 2.000             90.57
                                                                                                   11.32         Employer Share                                    70.05
 Penalty  x Time and
                   50%Half                   1.50
                                             0.50 45.28629                       2.000
                                                                                 6.000            135.86         SP Benefits Deduction                           346.53
 Pub Hol 12.5%
         Penalty 50%                         0.12
                                             0.50 45.28629
                                                  45.28629                       2.000
                                                                                 4.000             11.32
         Saturday 50%                        0.50 45.28629                       6.000            135.86          Post Tax Deductions                            Amount
 Public                                           45.28629                      12.000            543.44
 Pub Hol Penalty 50%                         0.50 45.28629                       4.000             90.57
 Public Holiday                                   45.28629                      12.000            543.44
 Other Payments                            Factor      Rate                      Units           Amount
                                                                                                                 Post Tax Deductions                             Amount

                                                                                                                 Post Tax Deductions                             Amount
 Other Payments                                   Factor          Rate           Units           Amount

 Other Payments                                   Factor          Rate           Units           Amount

  Disbursements                                                                  Bank                        Account                                             Amount
  Method                                                                       935-150                             8
                                                                                                             XXX7382                                             2281.97

 Disbursements                                                                  Bank                         Account                                             Amount
                      9                                                       935-150
 Method                                                                       935-150                        XXX7382                                             2281.97

Employer Message          For pay queries, contact your Manager in the first instance. Leave balances can be viewed within Employee Self Service.

Employer Message          For pay queries, contact your Manager in the first instance. Leave balances can be viewed within Employee Self Service.

Employer Message          For pay queries, contact your Manager in the first instance. Leave balances can be viewed within Employee Self Service.

                  Careers Service
                                                       AS INTERNS, you might think you have            conducted thousands of interviews with
                                                       plenty of time to finesse your CV or brush      a broad range of candidates. During my
                                                       up on your interview skills, but I don’t        years at the AMA, I have provided advice
                                                       think it’s ever too early to start. Take some   and assistance to doctors at all stages of
                                                       time to consider what ‘extras’ a health         their career and love hearing feedback
                                                       employer might be looking for in a CV or        from members about how our service has
                                                       might ask you during an interview. Do           helped them secure an interview or land
                                                       you need to consider more research or           their dream role. I see doctors-in-training
                                                       getting involved in teaching opportunities      as the emerging leaders of our health
                                                       or committees within the hospital? Have         care system and believe that providing
                                                       you started to think about cultivating          continued support to DITs will strengthen
                                                       relationships with key staff who you would      the medical profession and improve care
                                                       vouch for you in the future as referees?        for patients.
                                                       What professional development have you             You can access AMA (NSW)’s Careers
                                                       planned for yourself? These are not things      Service free of charge as part of your
                                                       that will happen overnight! You have            membership. We offer ongoing support
                                                       worked so hard to make it to this point,        throughout your career, including CV
                  Jess Rankin                          don’t let this step trip you up. A well-        review and development, assistance
                  Senior Workplace Relations Advisor   structured CV and a polished interview          with selection criteria and application
                  AMA (NSW)                            performance are vital to success.               responses, as well as interview skills and
                                                          With a background in human resources         preparation. Online or phone meetings can
                                                       across health and government, I have            be arranged depending on your availability.

                  AMA (NSW)’s Careers
                  Service gives you the
                  edge you need to succeed
                  in medicine.

                                                       WE OFFER                          CREATE A RESUME                 DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS
                                                       ONGOING SUPPORT                   THAT HIGHLIGHTS                 IN A FACE TO FACE,
                                                       THROUGHOUT                        YOUR CLINICAL SKILLS            OR PHONE MEETING
                                                       YOUR CAREER                       & ACHIEVEMENTS

                                                       PROFESSIONAL,                     ENHANCE YOUR                    ACCESS THE
                                                       PERSONALISED                      COMMUNICATION                   SPECIALTY TRAINING
                                                       SERVICE FOR                       SKILLS                          PATHWAYS GUIDE
                                                       INDIVIDUALS &                     FOR APPLICATIONS
                                                       GROUPS                            & INTERVIEWS

                                                                        To make a booking email us careers@amansw.com.au
                                                                        or call us on 02 9902 8139

    Member benefits
    Get rewarded for being a member

      MA Fees List, MJA, The NSW Doctor magazine and doctorportal Learning

      umerous discounts and offers provided by over 30 Corporate Partners such as:

    ✔ c
        omplimentary initial consultations on          ✔ e
                                                           xceptional discounts on travel, lifestyle
       accounting, insurance and financial matters.       products, medical supplies, R.M. Williams,
       Member offers on credit cards, insurance,          home and business purchases
       SMSF and finance products
                                                        ✔ s
                                                           ignificantly reduced joining and annual
    ✔ A
       ccident Journey Insurance Cover if you’re         fees for airline club memberships
      injured travelling to or from work
                                                        ✔ d
                                                           iscounts on Samsung smartphones,
    ✔ s
       avings on vehicle purchases and access to         wearables, tablets and more through an
      a range of corporate programs. Corporate            exclusive online portal just for AMA (NSW)
      deals available on all makes and models             members

    In 2020, we ran successful events and webinars, such as:

                                                        We also ran:
                                                        ✔ T
                                                           he “Fine-Tune in June” Webinar Series -
                                                          attracting over 400 members
    2020 Virtual Careers Expo                           ✔ C
                                                           OVID-19 Briefings with the Minister and Chief
    Due to COVID-19, we held our 2020 Medical             Health Officer - over 500 registrations
    Careers Expo completely online. A range of
                                                        ✔ T
                                                           he impact of COVID-19 on Taxation and Business
    senior college representatives, doctors-in-
    training, Career and Workplace Relations            ✔ W
                                                           ebinars on Terms and Conditions of Employment
    Advisors presented on a range of topics including     and CV Development & Interview Techniques
    specialty training applications, CV and interview   ✔ L
                                                           eadership Event with Dr Jack Cochran
    preparation and the interaction between training      – over 200 registrations
    programs and employment arrangements.               ✔ H
                                                           igh Tea with ABC 7.30 host, Leigh Sales
                on the hunt for
                   the best
                 joining gift!

Go to www.amansw.com.au/join-the-ama/
     or call one of our membership team
               on 02 9439 8822

                                          AMA 0601
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