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KwaZulu-Natal welcomes new social workers to tackle gender-based violence KwaZulu-Natal Premier Mr “The top 10 police stations “This is a clarion call to Sihle Zikalala has welcomed contributing to crime all of us; government, 183 new social workers who against women are Umlazi, churches, police, tradi- will attend to cases of gen- Inanda, Plessislaer, Ntuzu- tional leaders and all der-based violence in the ma, Empangeni, Ladysmith, other stakeholders to put Province and engage in pre- KwaMashu, KwaDukuza an end to this reprehensi- ventative work to fight and Chatsworth. ble brutality against our against the scourge.These “The rise of gender-based women. We invite the cre- Social Workers – 153 of violence and femicide shows atives of KZN to also lend whom are funded by the that some men have lost the a hand to utilize their tal- department and 30 by the sense of Ubuntu. This call ents to end this epidemic. National Department of for us as government and all We call on youth forma- Social Development, have other stakeholders to double tions, civil society, and been placed at police sta- our efforts to deal with this the media to rise once tions, Thuthuzela Care Cen- scourge which has become a more to end this stain on ters as well as Crisis Care nightmare. That is why I our freedom. We call on Centers in all districts in would like to applaud the parents to raise girl and the Province to provide psy- Department of Social Devel- boy children as equals. cho-social support to all vic- opment for launching this Everyone has a role to end tims of crime and violence. programme. patriarchy. Mr Zikalala made the “This scourge requires “It is for this reason announcement during the agility, responsiveness and that this government launch of the social workers capability to fast-track, advances the economic programme at the Coastland monitor and assess potential empowerment of women Hotel in Umhlanga which and actual impact of all and the education and was attended by MEC for action taken in the imple- skilling of young girls so Social Development, Mrs mentation of the emergency that we reduce their vul- Nonhlanhla Khoza, Trans- response plan. “KwaZu- nerability to gen- port, Community Safety & lu-Natal has developed the der-based violence.,” Pre- Liaison MEC, Mr Bheki Multi-Disciplinary Provin- mier Zikalala said. Ntuli, Health MEC, Mrs No- cial Programme of Action on magugu Simelane-Zulu and Gender-Based Violence and eThekwini Mayor Mr Mxolisi Femicide to provide a cohe- Kaunda. Mr Zikalala said sive strategic framework to KZN was leading when it guide the provincial comes to violence targeting response as an overarching women and children due to programme for prevention, moral decay. He said that in education, empowerment, this Province alone, 665 response, care and support women, 130 boys and 91 on gender-based violence. girls were killed last year. “A nerve center has been “Our Province was second established to ensure that in the list of sexual offences there is integrated reporting with high figures. Inanda and management of GBV topped the stations for the cases. The expectation is worst record of sexual that the social workers must crimes with 330 cases while respond to GBV cases with Umlazi was third in the urgency which will contrib- country with 290 cases. ute to the support and heal- “This province was also ing of victims. second in the rape table. “The honest truth is that Again Inanda topped the GBV only thrives amongst table as the precinct with men with a very low self-es- the most rapes reported with teem. A real man in the true 278. Umlazi was next at 252 sense of word cannot beat, while eMpangeni in north- kill and rape a woman. A ern KZN came in at nine on real man is expected to do the table with 186 registered everything to protect, not cases. harm a woman. 2
PROTECTING OLD PEOPLE FROM VULNERABILITY IS A COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILTY Main Picture: Insert: MEC Khoza Gogo Jili (71) visits Gogo Jili THE KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Develop- It is the preoccupation of the Department to ment is in the business of transforming communi- support NPOs and community-orientated ty-based care and support services to improve the initiatives that promote their safety, security social well-being of older persons and promote inter- and recreational well-being. generational bonding. The Department funds NPOs which run That is why the KwaZulu-Natal Department of old-age homes and soup kitchens that provide Social Development MEC, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, meals and facilitate recreational activity, responded promptly when approached about the including hand-work, physical exercises and plight of one senior citizen called Gogo Chitiwe Jili sporting activities in order to keep healthy. (71) from Hluthankungu area also known as KwaN- MEC Khoza has praised the Department’s sonsolo which is under Harry Gwala District’s intergenerational programmes which pro- uBuhlebezwe Municipality. mulgate understanding and sensitise com- Gogo Jili has been staying alone and sleeping on munities on the challenges facing old people, the floor for over 10 years in a one-room house which including their vulnerability to criminal is not in a good condition. MEC Khoza said: activities like theft, emotional, sexual and “The Department has asked the old lady’s physical abuse. MEC Khoza said: sister-in-law to stay with her whilst the uBuhlebezwe “Our focus is on ensuring that all residen- Municipality builds a two-bedroom house for her tial facilities for old people are well-managed which will have a kitchen and a dining room.” and comply with norms and standards to When MEC Khoza went to see Gogo Jili recently, the ensure that they deliver services that protect MEC presented her with groceries, blankets and a older persons and promote their rights. vanity pack. “Furthermore, we are intensifying pro- Old age comes with many challenges, including grammes aimed at preventing their vulnera- vulnerability from crime and rape as well as loneli- bility whilst maintaining a Provincial Regis- ness. Hence, the Department is responsible for elder- ter of Elder Abuse cases,” she said. ly persons and it employs social workers whose duty it is to ensure that senior citizens get government pensions. 2
2020 SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAMME UGU District Champion and KZN MEC for Social Development, Mrs Nonhlanhla ROAD CARNAGE CAUSES POVERTY Khoza, visited several schools over a KZN MEC for Social Development, Mrs Nonhlanhla period of three days in Umzumbe Munici- Khoza, has collaborated with her provincial counter- pality to monitor school readiness. part, KZN MEC for Transport, Community Safety & She was accompanied by the KZN Leg- Liaison, Mr Bheki Ntuli, in reaching out to the families islature Speaker, Ms Nontembeko Boyce, that lost their loved ones as a result of road accidents in and Mrs Nonzwakazi Swartbooi Ntombe- the province during the 2019 festive season. la who chairs the KZN Legislature’s The Department of Social Development supports the Social Development Portfolio Committee. Road Accident Fund (RAF) in helping victims of road The provincial leadership presented carnage and their family members to access compensa- school uniforms and groceries to learners tion without the interference of unruly elements that from disadvantaged families. seek to defraud beneficiaries. As road accidents contin- The KZN Legislature has deployed ue hitting the pockets of family members after they have senior Members of the Provincial Legisla- lost their breadwinners, the KZN DSD offers service to ture to all parts of KwaZulu-Natal to the affected families in the form of psycho-social inter- inspect the level of readiness of both edu- ventions and directing them to the RAF so that they can cators and learners to start teaching and lodge their claims for compensation. learning in a conducive environment. In one incident, seven road crash victims who died in Some of the challenges raised include an accident that took place in KwaDukuza last month, the issue of resources and capacity of the were consoled by the provincial leadership. MEC Khoza schools to deliver on their mandate. The said: leaders pledged to address these challeng- “Road accidents know no age, culture or creed – the es. consequences of road carnage are often devastating to the family when a breadwinner dies and there is no one to put food on the table and fend for the needs of the family like education, health etc.” “Road accidents are amongst the main causes of orphans and vulnerable children,” Mrs Khoza added. “We have had cases where unscrupulous legal practi- tioners prey on the victims of road carnage by claiming RAF benefits on their behalf,” she said. “RAF does not need a go-between to help victims or their loved ones to claim their benefits – they can just approach the RAF themselves and their cases would be KwaZulu-Natal Department attended to accordingly if they qualify to get compensa- of Social Development tion in accordance with government legislation,” she said. Continue reading om page 4 3
KZN MEC for Social Development, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, together with MEC for Transport, Com- munity Safety & Liaison, Mr Bheki Ntuli, consoling bereaved family members whose loved ones were involved in a road accident during the festive season in 2019. KwaZulu-Natal on high alert as vicious storms batter the province MEC for Social Development, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza has reiterated the call by the KZN Premier, Mr Sihle Zikalala, COGTA National Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, National Minister of Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga, KZN Education MEC, Mr Kwazi Mshengu as well as COGTA MEC, Mr Sipho Hlomuka, together with the District and Local political authorities, to KwaZulu-Natal resi- dents to be on high alert as violent storms continue battering their homes, property and killing inno- cent people. This comes as schools and human settlements or dwellings are being affected by the vicious storms which have sparked off the need for authorities to KwaZulu - Natal MEC for Social Devel- embark on major repair work in affected areas. opment, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, visited Members of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legisla- the Mpolweni area are under uMsh- ture, are warning people about the unpredictability wathi Municipality, where the communi- of the weather which continues to destroy dwell- ty was left devasted following a deadly ings, property and claiming human life. tornado that claimed the life of an inno- As the heavy storms destroy houses and killing cent young man and left many others people as a result of climate change, MEC Khoza scrambling for shelter, food and other and her national and provincial counterparts in the basic necessities. KZN Legislature, together with District and Local Government authorities, are kept standing on their Mrs Khoza and her hard-working team toes in anticipation of disaster management inter- from the Department of Social Develop- ventions. ment provided victims with food ham- MEC Khoza has since assuming the role of KZN pers, blankets and other solutions to DSD political head over eight months ago found assist in dealing with the aftermath of herself landing a hand in responding to the needs the unforseen natural disaster. of many residents of KwaZulu-Natal as they endure the challenge of being without shelter. MEC Khoza, also expressed her sadness Homes, property and people are prone to being and condolences to the family who lost victims of devastating and hostile weather condi- their loved one during the turmoil. tions. The latest communities to be battered by heavy rains and storms were Umgungundlovu District’s Mpolweni area, Dr Nkosazana Zuma Municipality (Bulwer) as well as Umzimkhulu Municipality. 4
STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Social Development, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, together with Ugu District- Mayor Cllr. Sizwe Ngcobo and SAPS Commander Brigadier, Mathi Nala in Port Shepstone during the launch of the 16 Days of Activism for No Vio- lence Against Women and Children. MEC Khoza comforted the Mpungose family and friends during the court proceedings as the sentence was handed down at the Pietermaritzburg High Court on the 6th of November 2019. Mpungose murdered his children aged four, six, ten and sixteen following problems with his ex-wife, Ms Xoli Mpungose. 5
LONGEVITY CELEBRATED AT 2019 WORLD AIDS DAY COMMEMORATION KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development MEC, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, who is also the Ugu District champion, observed the commemoration of World Aids Day 2019 which was held at the Hlokoza Sportsground in Umzumbe Local Municipality. MEC Khoza’s District has been praised for having people who have achieved 90% in knowing their status, starting their ARV treatment and viral suppression. 6
PLIGHT OF DISABLED HIGHLIGHTED IN BOOK & SONG KZN Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza and the Buhlebezwe Mayor Cllr. Batho- bile Ngubo took to the streets of Ixopo to raise awareness about the plight of disabled peoples, including people living with albinism After the march, MEC Khoza praised the founder of the Nathi Youth Development Foundation, Nathi Zuma, who has penned a book entitled Excuse My Colour which is a story on challenges of living with albinism 85
eSICABAZINI & VUMA 2019 MEC Khoza in jubilation as 110 graduates from eSicabazini and Vuma Youth Academy celebrate. (Insert) Mrs Khoza congratulates one of the 2019 top achievers. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development MEC, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, graced the 2019 graduation ceremony at eSicabazini Youth Academy where 110 youth from eSicabazini and Vuma Youth Academies respectively were trained in elec- trical studies, hospitality, plumbing, learner driver license, driver’s license and basic computer skills. This brings the total number of young people who have graduated in these two insti- tutions to 1 264 over the years. Many of these youngsters from previously disadvantaged backgrounds have improved their social and economic prospects by getting employed, starting their own business or furthering their education. CALL CENTRE 087 158 3000 9
MEC Khoza takes orphaned children to uShaka Marine 1. MEC Khoza hugs one of the orphaned and vulnerable children she hosted at the uShaka Marine 2. Acting KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development HOD, 3. MEC Khoza sitting on the ground with young beneficiaries of her Sbu Ngubane and MEC Khoza welcoming children from state-owned Department who are in government orphanages at uShaka Marine. institutions at uShaka Marine. Orphaned and vulnerable children from KwaZulu-Natal’s Department of Social Development goverment-owned institutions enjoyed the educational outing which involved marine life at uShaka Marine in eThekwini during the 2019 festive season. KZN MEC for Social Develop- ment, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, also handed over Christmas gifts to 300 children aged between 5 years and above from eThekwini District. 10
Khumbul’ekhaya KZN MEC for Social Development, Mrs Nonhlanhla Khoza, visited the paediatrician wing of Christ the King Hospital at Ixopo recently. Mrs Khoza who interacted with parents and children, brought party pack gifts for children admitted in hospital before celebrating the Khumbul’ekhaya programme with residents of Ixop, Ward 9, under the Harry Gwala District. The programme is about the importance of family ties and ensuring there is a balance between work and kin. 11 5
UNGAZIBI! khuluma ngokuhlukunyezwa!! SEKWANELE! “INSIZ INDODA EQOTHO YANGEM WA “asihlanganeni “INDODA IYAMHLO PELA IVIKELA siqede udlame EQOTHO I” GUL OWESIFA NIPHA ABESIFAZANE oluqondiswe kwabesifazane AYIDLWEN ZANE” NEZINGANE nezingane” INOMBOLO EHLALA IVULIWE “Gr owing Sithuthukisa “Sisonke Kwa Z ul u -Na t aIl KwaZulu-Natal” Together”
UMKHANYAKUDE DISTRICT ZULULAND DISCTRICT OFFICE Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X301 Private Bag X13 Mbazwana uLundi 3974 3838 Tel: 035-571 1000/1/2 Tel: 035-874 8506 Fax: 035-571 1038 Fax: 035-874 8603 Email: Email:
ETHEKWINI CLUSTER ILEMBE DISTRICT Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X1504 Private Bag X1503 Durban Gamalakhe 4000 2000 Tel: 031-336 8704 Tel: 031-336 8814 Fax: 031-332 3854 Fax: N/A Email: Email: ETHEKWINI NORTH ETHEKWINI SOUTH Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X6 Private Bag X1503 Mt. Edgecombe Durban 4300 4000 Tel: 031-507 8827 Tel: 031-336 8700 Fax: 031-507 8860 Fax: 031-401 4101 5 Email: Email: MIDLANDS CLUSTER AMAJUBA DISTRICT Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X9917 Private Bag X6680 Ladysmith Newcastle 3370 2940 Tel: 036 634 6612 Tel: 017-735 3822 Fax: 036-634 1696 Fax: 017-735 3825 Email: Email: UTHUKELA DISTRICT UMZINYATHI DISTRICT Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X9917 Private Bag X2057 Ladysmith Dundee 3370 3000 Tel: 036-634 6614/6686 Tel: 034-299 7577 Fax: 036-634 1696 Fax: 034-212 4049 5 Email: Email: ULUNDI CLUSTER KING CETSHWAYO DISTRICT Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X13 Private Bag X03 uLundi Empangeni Rail 3838 3880 Tel: 035 874 8501 Tel: 035-787 0008 Fax: 035-874 8602 Fax: N/A Email: Email:
CONTACT US KwaZulu -Natal Department of Social Development HEAD OFFICE Office of the MEC Office of the HOD Tel: 033-341 9605 Tel: 033-264 5402 Fax: 033-341 9610 Fax: 033-264 5458 Postal Address Physical/Street Address 205 Pietermaritz Street Postal Address Pietermaritzburg Private Bag 9144 3201 Pietermaritzburg 3200 208 Hoosen Haffejee Street Pietermaritzburg 3201 PIETERMARITZBURG CLUSTER UGU DISTRICT Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X1724 Private Bag X711 Pietermaritzburg Gamalakhe 3200 4249 Tel: 033-341 7906 Tel: 039-682 7506 Fax: 033-345 0384/5 Fax: N/A Email: Email: HARRY GWALA UMGUNGUNDLOVU DISTRICT Postal Address Postal Address Private Bag X50 Private Bag X1724 Ixopo uMgungundlovu 3276 3200 Tel: 039-834 1176 Tel: 033-395 9749 Fax: N/A Fax: 033-395 9701 Email: Email: 5
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