Page created by Ricardo Stanley

PRODUCERS                                                innovation of building America's favorite game into
Producers oversee all creative projects at NFL Films.    a historical staple. Our Emmy Award-winning
Producers are storytellers, directors, writers,          Cinematographers use their extensive knowledge
editors, and ultimately responsible for producing all    to light and shoot for NFL-Films style productions,
NFL Films programming. Programs include Hard             working daily with an
Knocks on HBO; Inside the NFL on Showtime;               extensive equipment inventory and unrivaled film
Turning Point on NBC Sports Channel; Match-up,           vault. NFL Films Cinematographers also prep
Greatest Games, and Hey Rookie on ESPN; NFL              equipment before shoots; taking place at both at
Film’s Presents, Top 10, Sound FX, A Football Life,      our facility and on-location, and work with both
America’s Game, and Playbook on NFL Network;             film and high-definition cameras as well as grip and
NFL.Com Content; DVD’s; Road to the Super Bowl;          lighting.
Vignettes; Commercials and PSA’s.
                                                         INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION OPERATIONS
FACILITY SALES                                           Exposure to International Broadcast Operations and
When they’re not being utilized to produce award-        International Business Departments. Work directly
winning television programs that promote the NFL,        with NFLI-Media Dept. in NY to confirm NFL rights
NFL Film’s talented production professionals and         for int’l broadcast partners. Responsibilities include
robust production facilities are available for hire by   interfacing with international partners on a weekly
outside clients for a myriad of non-football             basis regarding game selections; Communicating
projects, including national and regional                with host networks (CBS, FOX, ESPN, NBC, NFLN)
commercials, sales and training videos, webisodes        about international participation; Set-up live
and entertainment productions. The Facility Sales        broadcasts from stadium when necessary; Maintain
Dept. spearheads the solicitation and management         detailed transmission information for all Int’l feeds;
of such projects, working closely with advertising       Deliver weekly game/program transmissions via
agencies and their clients to develop audiovisual        satellite/fiber to broadcast partners; Provide
productions that achieve the desired objectives.         footage/dubs as needed; Work with Encompass to
                                                         coordinate delivery of Int’l Sunday Ticket and Red
GRAPHICS                                                 Zone; Connect with NFLN to acquire select
Graphics Department incorporates all levels of           programs for delivery to int’l broadcasters;
Broadcast Design. Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema         Coordinate with Dot Com to deliver highlights for
4D and After-Effects software are utilized to come       programming; Tracking selections and feeds for
up with outstanding designs. Our designers are           accuracy in billing; Provide live troubleshooting
responsible for creating show opens and graphics         support during all feeds; and Office Support as
packages for NFL Films, NFL Network, ESPN ,              needed (data entry, phone, email correspondence,
Showtime and HBO. We are also a fully functioning        satellite coordination, etc).
graphics house for outside commercial work. Our
client list includes the Philadelphia Phillies,          POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISION AND QC
Comcast, Jefferson Hospital, Blue Cross and Blue         Employees are responsible for QC of all shows
Shield.                                                  going through the facility prior to shipping, making
                                                         sure that all technical specs are met. They are
CINEMATOGRAPHY                                           responsible for all voiceover/narration needs for
The NFL Films Cinematography department                  the producers such as securing talent, negotiating
is the world-renowned pioneer of sports                  fees and booking outside facilities. This group is
cinematography and home to the original                  responsible for the delivery of all finished approved
shows, coordinating feeds of programming to the         College football coaching footage. The CGE
Network and broadcast partners along with               Network, a private network established prior to the
arranging all close captioning, show formatting and     2009 season, utilizes content distribution software
dub requests for producers.         They are also       developed by Signiant, Inc. to provide a quick,
responsible for the production and distribution of      efficient, secure, and fully automated method of
billboards for NFL Network.                             transferring the NFL and College coaching footage
                                                        to the 32 NFL clubs Video Department’s for their
MEDIA SERVICES                                          use in scouting and player evaluation.
The Media Services Department handles and fulfills
all footage requests for use by outside clients such    FILM LAB AND FILM ARCHIVES
as the League, 32 member clubs, the NFL Network,        Prep and Process game film, team archive and
Network Broadcast Partners, local television            client negative. Enter label/shoot data into POGA
stations, advertising agencies, films & television      and vault systems. Prepare all film for transfer.
production studios & anyone else who requires the       Disseminate incoming media throughout the
use of NFL footage within their productions. The        facility.  Manage and maintain film archives.
Media Services Department also manages the NFL          Responsible for all film research for producers and
Films Internet Content Exchange (ICE) site, a           clients.
tapeless, file-based service, which is used to
electronically distribute content to our outside        VIDEO VAULT
clients, via Signiant Media Exchange process over       The Video Vault is responsible for all Video Tape
the Internet.                                           Archival material. It is their job to catalog all new
                                                        material on Video tape that comes into the facility
SABER LOGGING                                           or made from files and archive it using our internal
(Server & Archive Based Editing Research System)        POGA system. The Video Vault also provides
Loggers review and record NFL Films footage in          support to all NFL Films/League/Network personnel
detail and store it in our company database called      with locating, retrieving and tracking tapes
SABER for archival purposes. Employees of NFL           requested. The Vault staff provides full service in
Films and NFL Network can access SABER to recall        raw material (digital media and tape stock),
specific game footage within seconds broken into        labeling, distribution of dubs and pulling EDL lists
four camera categories: top, ground, sound and          for edit rooms involved with Auto Assembles and
wire. Each shot logged is assigned a grade based on     Final edits. The Video Vaults completes all Work
camera angle, speed, and game significance. SABER       Orders provided by the Scheduling/Audio and
is a user-friendly, clickable-based program             Duplication departments by providing all materials
producers frequent looking for shots to create          needed to complete the jobs requested. They also
documentaries whereas researchers may pull              print and in some cases create customized DVD
footage to assist requests from outside clients such    imaging requested through duplication orders. The
as ESPN, Showtime and HBO.                              Video Vault is responsible with managing all
                                                        restricted material with information provided by
CGE SYSTEM                                              the Footage Acquisition department. The Video
The Club Game Exchange Department manages the           Vault also archives outside client material and
processing and electronic, file-based distribution of   works closely with the Facility Sales department in
all NFL and select College coaching/scouting            maintaining this material to company standards
footage (also known as All-22) to the 32 NFL clubs.     and then releasing it within a designated time
Footage is submitted by both NFL clubs and              period.
Colleges to a “Virtual Dub Center”, a fully
redundant central repository for acquisition,           TOC (TRANSMISSION OPERATIONS CONTROL)
storage, and redistribution of Professional and
The TOC (Transmission Operations Control) is the       Editors compile, conform, assemble & final edit
central hub for all Broadcast signals passing          material for various delivery methods (broadcast,
through the NFL Network. The Network is                internet, VOD). They primarily use non linear
comprised of broadcast feeds coming from NFL           editing applications such as FCP, Premiere,
Films, Culver City, the NFL League Office and          Photoshop, After Effects as their tools. Editors add
Encompass. We are responsible for controlling all      effects, titles, transitions to the final product. They
the traffic between these 4 facilities ensuring each   reposition shots when needed. They make sure
feed makes it’s deadlines and making sure the          the show is properly formatted and to timed. They
integrity of the transmit path passes all QC           contribute by cutting music, placing VO, shot
processes. We work closely with the Sound Stage        selection, etc to give the segment the proper
and provide live transmission support. On Sunday’s     emotion based on the story line. Editors work in
we have the responsibility of providing all live       conjunction with Audio, Graphics, New Media,
satellite fronthaul game downlinks used for the        Producers, Telecine, TOC, Media Administration
RedZone Channel, and archiving the broadcast           and Engineering in the creation and distribution of
history of the games by recording the fronthauls,      the segment.
clean feeds and home/away press conferences.
                                                       CMR (CENTRAL MACHINE ROOM)
TELECINE                                               CMR Technicians have complete knowledge of
Department is comprised of highly experienced          multiple video formats such as HDCam, DVC-Pro
colorists who have worked in all forms of color        HD, P2 Digibeta, betacam sp, one inch, DVD.
correction. Our colorists specialize in tape to tape   Responsible for: cross converting frame rates, up
color correction and the transfer of 16mm and          converting and down converting resolutions in
35mm film to high definition tape and file.            various aspect ratios. They communicate with
Colorists work directly with cinematographers and      management, Vault staff, scheduling, Producers,
producers establishing creative “looks” and color      Media Administration, Engineering, New Media and
treatments of broadcast shows and commercials.         Shipping staff to meet delivery deadlines.

SCHEDULING                                             NEW MEDIA
Ensures all video post-production facility requests    This department was created to translate digital
are met and schedules facility assets, including       files and stills into media useable in post production
equipment and personnel, primarily using               rooms. It also takes finished tapes and files and
ScheduAll software. Adjusts daily schedules to         creates the appropriate delivery file format for each
meet post-production editing needs and production      client and job. New Media has taken the lead on
deadlines. Translates approved objectives into work    developing best practices for FTP posting and high
plans and procedures and enforces policies and         speed file sharing for the post rooms. The New
recommends adjustments. Schedules on-line edits,       Media department is also responsible for DVD
graphics, new media, and telecine including all        authoring.
personnel, rooms and machines required. Hire per
diem / freelance positions not staffed, write and      MEDIA ADMINISTRATION
print work orders for each job and generally           This department was set up to create, move, and
determine what each job requires. Coordinates          manage all football media on the Avid Unity system
with and has close working relationships with Video    used by all producers to create Films programming.
Vault, Lab, TOC, Duplication, Engineering, and         Media Admin is also the operational “help desk” for
Video Operations Management.                           all producer and post Avid systems. Recently,
                                                       Media Admin has taken on multiple new
VIDEO POST PRODUCTION                                  responsibilities. They help manage media on the
                                                       XSAN for all Final Cut Pro projects and are taking
the operational lead on file transcoding for use by      new workflow and syncing process for our P2
   FCP. They also archive older media to LTO for long       media.
   term storage. Finally, they have helped develop the

NFL FILMS PROJECT MANAGEMENT                              etc..), clearing and licensing commercial music used
                                                          in NFL programming, maintaining and administering
Project Management Department consists of four            the various production music library deals; budgeting
teams aligned with the following areas:                   of music for various projects, fan and sales support,
                                                          licensing and oversight of our original music program.
   •   FIELD OPERATIONS TEAM is responsible for
       all planning, logistics, scheduling, crewing and   ORIGINAL MUSIC:
       all travel working with our Travel Team for        NFL Films is unique as an organization in that it has
       every NFL Films project. This group is also        been branded by a unique sound over the years. This
       responsible for all production aspects on the      is due in large part to its original music. David
       field for NFL Films football operations.           Robidoux works very closely with producers and
                                                          clients to compose themes and music for their
   •   FOOTAGE AND PHOTO ACQUISITION TEAM is              various projects, but he also oversees a team of
       responsible for acquiring, clearing and            freelance composers whose intent is to produce
       licensing all Intellectual Property that is not    volumes of new music for use in all of our NFL
       copyright owned by NFL Films, and that is to       programming, as well as to grow our production
       be used in NFL Films Programming.                  music library as a business.

   •   TALENT COORDINATION TEAM is the liaison            MUSIC EDITORS:
       between NFL Films producers and all of the         NFL Films has three talented music editors amongst
       teams, former players, players’ agents,            its ranks. Their knowledge of our many music
       publicists, family members, celebrities,           libraries (we now exceed 500,000 tracks of music), is
       writers, and any other ‘on screen talent’ that     an asset that many producers take advantage of
       may be needed for NFL Films Programming.           when it comes to selecting music for their projects.
                                                          Music editors also work with clients for music
   •   PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM’S                          selections and editing projects. They also are often
       responsibility is to assess the goals of           called upon to work with producers, using music logs
       Producers/Directors at NFL Films and to            to select music and edit projects from the ground up
       devise an approach for the project from            under very tight deadlines and/or long shifts.
       budget through execution. The Project
       Management team member will serve as
       point person for all projects from managing        NFL FILMS AUDIO DEPARTMENT
       the project’s budget and billing from
       inception though to final delivery.                LOCATION SOUND:
                                                          One of the most important ingredients of any NFL
NFL FILMS MUSIC DEPARTMENT                                Films feature is the live audio captured on and off of
                                                          the field. The location sound department handles all
MUSIC ADMINISTRATION:                                     aspects of the live audio capture – from sideline sync
This arm of the department serves several different       sound, stadium recordings, RF needs, wirings of
functions including but not limited to overseeing the     coaches and players to audio for the shooting stage
flow of music throughout the various departments          and client jobs. Their work is integral to bringing our
across the league (Films, Network, League, teams,         producers clean audio to use in their programs and
films each and every week – and their hard work and       elements include narration, sync sound, wirings,
dedication is one of the reasons NFL Films has led the    radio, music and sound effects. Using their
way in terms of innovative uses of field audio and        considerable skills they create just the right balance,
continues to record legendary moments in NFL              proportion and tone to accompany the visuals
history.                                                  onscreen. Their attention to detail combined with
                                                          the impressive array of high tech tools and resources
SOUND TRANSFER:                                           available here, are all part of what goes into making
The transfer department at NFL Films is a multi-          the NFL Films’ sound so unique.
faceted group, who often has to handle a variety of
duties in service to several different departments in     AUDIO ENGINEERING:
the company. They traffic all audio elements from         NFL Films prides itself on its state of the art
capture directly into the hands of the editors and        technology and in the realm of audio it certainly leads
engineers for use in post-production. They are also       the way, and has an equally capable staff to support
responsible for the syncing of audio to film transfers,   its many systems. The Audio Engineering team works
archiving, various audio restoration projects, the        diligently to keep all of the audio and music
research of audio elements for producers and the          operations working at their absolute best. This team
coordination and delivery of all radio calls each week.   develops and implements solutions to optimize
                                                          workflow, allowing all audio elements, including
AUDIO POST PRODUCTION:                                    sound from field recordings, original and library
NFL Films employs a highly trained staff of audio         music, sound effects, archival audio and narration to
mixers, who utilize the latest in digital technology to   be easily integrated into our many productions. They
creatively combine all of the audio elements chosen       are consistently called upon to provide creative and
for a film, producing a clean sonic bed to accompany      often innovative solutions for everyday applications
the visual stories our producers have created. These      in various aspects of audio and music production.
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