Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU

Page created by Hector Sanders
Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU
Group Income
Continuance Plan
Review 2016   (01) 408 6280 1
Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU
Member update
The DCU Group Income Continuance Plan is exclusively available to DCU
employees and the unique benefits that it provides are designed to meet
your specific needs.

The Plan is reviewed every three to five years to ensure that members
continue to receive the best deal available. At the 2016 review,
Cornmarket compared all insurers in the Irish market. DCU has decided to
retain Friends First as the underwriter of the Plan, as they provided the
most competitive rate and benefits for members.

Here we cover the key changes to the Plan following the 2016 review. All
changes will take effect from the 1st October 2016 and the revised terms
are guaranteed until 1st October 2019.

    The Plan in Action
    Over 1,000*        DCU employees are protected
    under the Plan. The comprehensive, tailored benefits
    that it provides are not available anywhere else.
    Since the 2011 Plan review,           of claims have
                                                                            *Source: Cornmarket, August 2016
                                                                            **In respect of decisions made for claims notified 01/06/2011-31/05/2016
    been paid**.                                                               (Source: Friends First, June 2016)

Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU
Tailored Benefits

  Disability Benefit                                          NEW Partial              Pension Premium
                                 Specified Illness                                                                  Death Benefit
                                                          Payment Specified            Protection Benefit
      — of up to 75% of                                     Illness Benefit                                           — of twice
     salary less any other     — a once-off lump sum                                    — 5% of your salary
                                                                                                                   your annual salary
                                                              — an additional           paid into a separate
    income that you may        of 25% of salary paid in
                                                             benefit of 12.5% of        Personal Retirement
   be entitled to (e.g. half     the event that you
                                                              salary or €15,000        Savings Account once
      pay, Ill Health Early      suffer any of the 39
                                                            (whichever is less) if     a claim is in payment
     Retirement Pension,          Specified Illnesses
                                                           you suffer one of the       for more than 2 years.
           Temporary           covered (see page 7 for
                                                          10 less severe, but still
         Rehabilitation           more information)
                                                          life altering conditions
     Remuneration, State
                                                             covered under this
        Illness Benefit)
                                                          benefit (see page 8 for
                                                             more information).

You must be a DCU employee to be an eligible member of the Plan. If you leave DCU you must inform Cornmarket in writing, as you can no
longer stay in the Plan and you will not be able to claim from it.

Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU
Claims Paid
              • Since the 2011 review, 100% of claims have been paid*
              • To date, the Plan has paid out over €4.7 million**
                 in benefits to DCU staff and their families

              • 24 members are currently receiving Disability Benefit
                 from the Plan with an annual benefit of €500,000**

              • Over 7777,000** has been paid out in relation to
                 Death Benefit claims

              • Over €172,000** has been paid out in relation to
                 Specified Illness Benefit claims

              Most Common Disability Claims**

                                                      ■ Mental Health 34%
                                                      ■ Other Illnesses 28%
                                                      ■ Cancer 15%
                                                      ■ Back 13%
                                                      ■ Cardiac 5%
                                                      ■ Injury 5%

              *In respect of decisions made for Disability Benefit claims notified 01/06/2011-
                 31/05/2016 (Source: Friends First June 2016). **Source: Friends First, June 2016

Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU
Claimant’s Story
                   Shelly Barron, a DCU Group Income Continuance Plan claimant, tells us about her
                   experience claiming from the Plan:

                   “If I wasn’t a DCU employee and a member of the Plan, I wouldn’t have anything now –
                   my home would be gone or I would be in very serious debt at this point.

                   I never imagined I would need to claim from the Plan for something as simple as a fall
                   and a broken arm. Because of my injury, I went from being in a full time job and in the
                   gym three nights a week, to literally not being able to drive or do anything on my own.

                   Since my accident happened in 2011, I’ve had four surgeries. Although my injury is
                   improving, I’m still not fully recovered. Stress management plays an important role in the
                   recovery from any illness, and having your income protected removes the burden of
                   financial stress.

                   Thanks to the Plan, I could continue to pay my mortgage, my credit union loans, my
                   grocery and mobile phone bills, and TV, electricity and broadband costs. The cost of the
                   Plan is a very small price to pay to ensure that your home and your standard of living are
                   protected. Cornmarket were brilliant and made a huge difference to my situation when I
                   needed to make a claim.

                   Your income is the most important asset you have, particularly if you are the sole earner in
                   the family. I would recommend everyone to avail of the option to be in this Plan, because
                   you just never know what’s around the corner.”

Group Income contInuance plan Review 2016 - - DCU
Factors affecting the Plan since the 2011 review
Certain key factors have impacted the Plan since the last review in 2011. There has been an increase in overall claims from 2011 to
2016 and, specifically, the changes to Public Sector sick pay arrangements have resulted in higher claims. These factors have
resulted in a necessary increase in the cost of membership at this review, to ensure the long-term viability of the Plan.

Change in cost of membership
From 1st October 2016, the cost of membership will increase                        your contributions to the Plan. On your payslip the gross
from 1.45% to 2.26% of gross salary. Your revised cost of                          amount appears, however the net cost to you will be
membership will depend on the benefits that you are                                significantly less. Here are some examples of the new weekly
covered for under the Plan.                                                        cost, after tax relief is applied:

You receive tax relief on the Disability Benefit, Pension
Premium Protection Benefit and Death Benefit elements of

    Benefit                               Old Rate       New Rate                       Declared Earnings          Monthly Gross             Monthly Net
Disability Benefit                          0.85%         1.75%
Pension Premium Protection Benefit          0.10%         0.10%            Tax Relief         €30,000                   €12.99                  €10.54 **
Death Benefit                               0.35%         0.28%                               €50,000                   €21.66                  €13.49 ***
Specified Illness Benefit                   0.15%         0.13%
                                                                                              €70,000                   €30.32                  €18.89 ***
Total Gross Rate                            1.45%         2.26%
                                                                                              €110,000                  €47.64                  €29.68 ***
Total net rate*                             0.93%         1.41%

                             *assuming you are paying income tax at 40%.                **If you are paying income tax at 20% your net contribution will be 1.83%
                                                                                        ***If you are paying income tax at 40% your net contribution will be 1.41%

Improvements to the Plan
The following improvements to Plan benefits will be effective from 1st October 2016.

Specified Illnesses Benefit now covers more illnesses
The Specified Illness Benefit cover has expanded to now cover 39 conditions as listed below. The illnesses marked                              were introduced
at the 2016 review. These illnesses are covered once the date of diagnosis is after 1st October 2016.

1.   Alzheimer’s disease         12. Coronary artery surgery                23. Loss of Independent                      32. Primary Pulmonary
     before age 65                                                              Existence                                    Hypertension
                                 13. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
2.   Aorta graft surgery                                                    24. Loss of speech                           33. Progressive Supranuclear
                                 14. Deafness
3.   Aplastic Anaemia                                                       25. Major organ transplant
                                 15. Encephalitis
                                                                                                                         34. Pulmonary Artery Surgery
4.   Bacterial Meningitis                                                   26. Motor neuron disease
                                 16. Heart attack
                                                                                before age 65                            35. Rheumatoid Arthritis
5.   Balloon Valvuloplasty
                                 17. Heart structural repair
                                                                            27. Multiple sclerosis                       36. Stroke
6.   Benign Brain Tumour
                                 18. Heart valve replacement
                                                                            28. Multiple system atrophy                  37. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
7.   Benign Spinal                   or repair
     Cord Tumour ❖                                                          29. Paralysis of limbs                       38. Third degree burns (covering
                                 19. HIV infection
                                                                                                                             20% of the body’s surface
8.   Blindness                                                              30. Parkinson’s Disease before age
                                 20. Kidney failure                                                                          area, or 50% of the surface
9.   Cancer                                                                                                                  area of the face)
                                 21. Liver Failure
                                                                            31. Pre-Senile Dementia before
10. Chronic Lung Disease                                                                                                 39. Traumatic head injury
                                 22. Loss of hands or feet                      age 65
11. Coma

                                                         Please contact Cornmarket for the policy definition of each Specified Illness and its pre-existing conditions.

Improvements to the Plan

NEW Specified Illness Benefit – Partial Payment                                          Plan contributions waived for an extended period
                                                                                         of time for Unpaid Maternity, Parental, Adoptive
A further 10, less severe, but still life-altering conditions will be covered
                                                                                         & Carer’s Leave
under an additional Partial Payment Specified Illness Benefit. The benefit
you would receive is 12.5% of salary or €15,000, whichever is less.                      If you take unpaid leave under more than one of
                                                                                         these categories (for example a period of unpaid
                                                                                         maternity leave, followed by unpaid parental
    1.   Brain abscess drained via craniotomy                                            leave), then you are not required to pay any Plan
    2.   Carcinoma in Situ                                                               contributions for an extended period of time. This
                                                                                         has increased:
    3.   Carotid Artery Stenosis

    4.   Cerebral arteriovenous malformation
                                                                                                         From                          To
    5.   Coronary Angioplasty*
                                                                                                      30 weeks                     34 weeks
    6.   Ductal Carcinoma in situ

    7.   Low level prostate cancer with Gleason score between 2 and 6

    8.   Serious Accident Cover

    9.   Surgical removal of one eye
                                                                                         *Please note: Coronary Angioplasty has been moved from the
    10. Third Degree Burns covering 5% to 19% of the body’s surface area or 25% to 49%     main Specified Illnesses category to the Partial Payments
                                                                                           category at this review. Please contact Cornmarket for the
        of the face’s surface area
                                                                                           policy definition of each Specified Illness and its pre-existing

Other Changes to the Plan

Pension Premium Protection Benefit is reduced to 5% for new claims
Up to now, after a claim was in payment for more than 2 years, a further
10% of the salary that your Disability Benefit is based on would be paid
into a separate Personal Retirement savings Account (PRSA).

This will not change for existing claimants. However for new claimants
admitted from 1st October 2016, the amount of Pension Premium
Protection Benefit will be 5% of salary.

 Important information about making a claim
 (i) Claims can take up to 3 months to process from the date that the claim form is received, until the decision is made. It takes
      time to gather the necessary medical evidence and information such as details of salary and sick leave from employers, to
      assess the amount of benefit due. Therefore, it is vital that you contact us as soon as you become aware that you will need to
      make a claim.
(ii) A claim for Specified Illness should be submitted as soon as possible after the date of diagnosis.

We’re here to help you

                         You’re in good hands
                         Cornmarket’s Claims Team is dedicated to representing you in all
                         interactions with the insurance company. We pride ourselves on
                         getting claims paid for members.

                         Our team is specialised, experienced and easy to talk to. We do all
                         we can to help in a member’s time of need. We provide a vital
                         ‘hand-holding’ function from start to finish of the claims process.
                         We’re here to help you.

                         Should you need to make a claim, you can rest assured that your
                         claim will be dealt with in the efficient, professional and sensitive
                         manner that you deserve.

                         To talk to us today, call us on (01) 408 6280
                         or email


This review is designed as a quick reference only to the main enhancements arising from the 2016 Plan review. The master policy
document (708218) is definitive in all matters of interpretation and entitlements to benefits.

The Death Benefit is provided under Group Life Assurance Plan No. 710496 issued by Friends First. This is a Defined Contribution
Scheme for the purposes of the Pensions Act 1990. It is designed to qualify as an exempt approved scheme under Chapter 1 of Part
30 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 and is established under Trust with formal Rules. All benefits payable under the Plan are
provided by means of one or more insurance policies with Friends First plc. The Revenue Approval number is SF 18365. The Pensions
Authority register number is PB280403.

Members of the Plan may request a copy of the policy document from Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd. The information
herein is based upon our current understanding of Revenue law and practice as at September 2016.

We’re here to help you
To speak to a member of our team about a query or a claim:

                                                                                                                                                                       11650 DCU Review 9-16
       Phone: (01) 408 6280



                       Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Cornmarket is part of the Great-West Lifeco group of
12                     companies, one of the world’s leading life assurance organisations. Friends First Life Assurance Company is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
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