Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia

Page created by Kevin Robinson
Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Wedding Guide
Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Beauticians                                                                            Transport
4. Beachless Beauty                                                                    21.	Marulan Coaches
5. Goulburn Day Spa                                                                    Venues
Cakes                                                                                  22.	Abercrombie Ridge
6. Born2Bake                                                                           23. Garroorigang Historic Homestead
                                                                                       24. Goulburn & District Racing Club
7.	Eleanor Hansen                                                                      25. Goulburn Historic Waterworks
8.	Enchanté Ceremonies                                                                 26. Goulburn Railway Bowling Club
9.	Love by Lauren                                                                      27. Goulburn Soldiers Club
10. Wendy Antony                                                                       28. Goulburn Workers Club
                                                                                       29. Grace-Millsom Function Centre
                                                                                       30.	Mercure Goulburn
11.	The Rich Pitcher
                                                                                       31.	Railway Barracks
Event Hire                                                                             32.	Riversdale Homestead
12.	The Rich Picture                                                                   33.	The Attic at The Astor Hotel Motel
13. Bek’s Bloomz
14.	She Follows Floral Design
15. Zantis Jewellers                                                                    Goulburn Visitor Information Centre
                                                                                        Head into the Goulburn Visitor Information Centre
Photographers                                                                           and ask for the Groups Liaison Officer for advice
16.	It’s a Beautiful Life Photography                                                   on creating a memorable wedding day.
17.	Madi Fitzgerald Photography                                                             OPEN:       9am - 5pm weekdays,
18.	Magnus Argen Photography                                                                            10am - 4pm weekends & Public Holidays
                                                                                                        (Closed Christmas Day)
Stationery                                                                              ADDRESS:        201 Sloane Street
                                                                                                        (Locked Bag 22)
19.	Studio 4 Signs and Design                                                                           Goulburn NSW 2580
                                                                                          PHONE:        02 4823 4531
20.	The Paper Shed                                                                        EMAIL:        jacki.weatherstone@goulburn.nsw.gov.au
                                                                                            WEB:        www.goulburnaustralia.com.au

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Disclaimer: Council provides this information with the understanding that is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Conclusions drawn from the
information are the responsibility of the user. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, Council assumes no responsibility in the event that any
information is incorrect. Council assumes no liability of damages incurred as a result of incomplete, incorrect or omitted information. Businesses included in
this directory are not necessarily endorsed or approved by Council. The user of this information assumes all liability for their dependence on it.
Artwork and design: Knockout Photography & Design.
Photos: All images are copyright to Goulburn Mulwaree Council and/or respective photographers and may not be reproduced in any other form. Images
courtesy of: advertisers’ supplied images, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and others; cover image & page 34 image - Madi Fitzgerald Photography, welcome
page image - It’s a Beautiful Life Photography.

Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Design the wedding of your dreams, right here in beautiful country NSW.
Goulburn is perfectly situated – just two hours from Sydney and a short one hour
 drive from Canberra. Combine this with a beautiful country setting that offers
      great infrastructure, support services and breathtaking backdrops –
    Goulburn is the perfect choice for your truly unique event, big or small.
  Whether it’s a whimsical or vintage style you desire, something modern and
 contemporary, or perhaps a more rustic and relaxed wedding – we have it all.

                  Welcome to Goulburn Australia.

Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Beachless Beauty was created in May            even in the comfort of your own home,
2012. After completing beauty school in        as well as in-salon make-up. They offer
2006, it’s always been a dream of salon        many other treatment options including:
owner, Bec, to own her own salon.              manicures, pedicures, eyelash tinting/
When Bec first started, she rented a           lifting, extensions, spray tans and facials.
few rooms from a lovely little hair salon,
                                               Trained in all sorts of make-up style,
Number 23, in Goulburn. After growing
                                               from smokey to natural and blush
a beautiful clientele, that Bec still calls
                                               contouring, they take pride in what they
friends, she expanded to where they
                                               do and make sure you are 100% happy
are now at 358 Auburn Street.
                                               with your make-up.
Make-up for weddings should be fun
                                               Please call for a quote from the lovely
and care-free for brides and grooms,
                                               ladies, and they look forward to making
so Beachless Beauty offers travelling to
                                               your day stress-free, happy and fun!
you out of town, at your hotel room or

     PHONE:   0402 491 008
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/beachlessbeauty
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/beachless_beauty

www.beachlessbeauty.com.au                                        #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
The Goulburn Day Spa has been                             this, the Goulburn Day Spa offers
established for over 15 years and                         Jane Iredale mineral make-up and
has dedicated beauty therapists who                       Dermalogica skincare products.
deliver a very high standard with
                                                          If you would like to treat yourself
their treatments and have years of
                                                          or your wedding party before your
experience in the industry.
                                                          wedding, or whilst getting ready for
Throughout this time, we have had                         your special day, we offer a full range
the pleasure of having bridal parties                     of treatments including professional
choose us to do their make-up for their                   make-up, facials, manicures and
special day, and all their pre-wedding                    pedicures, shellac, waxing, tinting, lash
treatments to get ready in the lead up                    lifts, spray tans or just some relaxing
to their weddings.                                        time beforehand with a massage or
                                                          body treatment.
The most beautiful cosmetic you
can wear is healthy skin. To achieve

     PHONE:   (02) 4822 0688
     EMAIL:   goulburndayspa@hotmail.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/Goulburn-Day-Spa-136687859759638
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/goulburndayspa/


Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Erin and Meg Southon, Sisters, Mums         We provide:
and sweet tooth’s.                          • Cupcakes
It’s imperative at Born2Bake that our       • Wedding and celebration cakes
cakes not only look fantastic but taste       in buttercream
it too!                                     • Desserts
We are just two mums who happen             • Slices
to be sisters who share the love of         • Cookies
baking and the dream of owning a
                                            • Lactation bickies
bakery one day.
                                              (boob juice bickies)

     PHONE:   0438 698 113 / 0497 794 717
     EMAIL:   borntwobake@outlook.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/borntwobake
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/born2bake.au


Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Eleanor Hansen – Civil Celebrant
Eleanor   Hansen iscivil
I am a registered     a registered
                          celebrant civil
                                     able to   Eleanor
                                               I conductconducts     all life ceremonies
                                                          all life ceremonies     including:
celebrant  ableyour
help you with    to help
                     life you  with yourand
                          celebrations         including:
life celebrations  and ceremonies     in        • Marriage
ceremonies    in Southern   Tablelands          • Marriage
Southern   Tablelands
and Highlands,           and Highlands,
                  Canberra    and               • Baby naming
                                                • Baby naming
surrounds.and surrounds.                        • Funerals
                                                • Funerals
I work withwillyou
                   to with youyour
                      ensure   to ensure        • Right of passage
                                                • Right of passage
occasionoccasion  represents
            represents         allwant
                         all you  you want
                                       it       • Recommitments
       be.                                      • Recommitments

   PHONE:   (02) 48217021 / 0419 218 419
   EMAIL:   elhansen.celebrant@gmail.com
FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/el.celebrant


Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
enchante ceremonies
When planning your wedding it is                        Melissa services a large area of
important to find a celebrant who                       Southern NSW including Goulburn
understands your needs. Someone                         and surrounds, Yass Valley, Southern
you “click” with and most importantly,                  Highlands and the ACT.
someone who helps support and                           Melissa also offers a range of other
prepare you for your big day.                           ceremonies including vow renewals,
All of Melissa’s ceremonies are                         naming ceremonies, or one of life’s
unique and reflect the individuality                    many other celebrations.
and personality of each couple.                         Get in touch for more information or to
From romantic and intimate, themed or                   book a no obligation free consultation
adventurous, to a private elopement,                    to discuss your needs. Together you
or anything in between. Melissa will                    can create an extraordinary day that
provide you with resources to assist in                 exceeds all your expectations!
the planning process and take care of
all your legal documentation.

     PHONE:   0422 596 235
     EMAIL:   enchante.ceremonies@gmail.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/Enchant%C3%A9-Ceremonies-111327011187361
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/enchante.ceremonies/

www.enchanteceremonies.com                                               #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Love by Lauren
Introducing Lauren Whalan! Lauren’s                         Lauren’s based in Goulburn she’s happy
a registered celebrant located in                           to travel to the location of your choice.
Goulburn.                                                   Lauren completes and submits all
Lauren’s passionate about providing                         documentation required to legally
a very high level of customer service                       register your marriage. She works
and looks forward to working closely                        closely with quality suppliers to source all
with you, to create the ceremony you                        your certificates, candles and any other
have always dreamed of!                                     resources you would like to include,
Lauren offers a number of ceremonies                        taking out all the hard work for you!
such as Weddings, Naming Days, Vow                          Contact her to arrange an obligation
Renewals, Commitment Ceremonies                             free meeting to chat about your
or any other event you would like to                        vision and see if you would make a
celebrate and mark with a ceremony                          great team to create a memorable
delivered by her but created together                       ceremony.
to reflect you, uniquely. Although

     PHONE:   0403 707 957
     EMAIL:   lovebylauren@outlook.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/Love-by-Lauren-795853380773631
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/love_bylauren

www.lovebylauren.com.au                                                        #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Wedding Guide - Australia
Wendy Antony Marriage Celebrant
Your ceremony… about you, for you.          “Small and intimate, ‘cast of
Personal, romantic, memorable, fun,         thousands’ and everything in between,
relaxed or formal… the day you have         you can be assured of a very high
dreamed and planned for, the day            standard of professionalism. I believe
your heart will beat so fast with love,     all stages of life should be celebrated,
excitement and anticipation. The day        not only weddings, but also vow
your life will be united with the one you   renewals, commitment ceremonies,
can’t live without. Congratulations!        engagements, baby naming’s, funerals
                                            and memorials.” (Wendy Antony)
Choosing a celebrant to officiate
your union offers the advantage             Contact Wendy to arrange a date
of a ceremony tailored to suit your         of availability, more information, or
personalities, beliefs and values - it      to book a consultation. She offers
can include any cultural or family ritual   an obligation-free first meeting and
or custom you wish to honour.               competitive fees.

  PHONE:   0421 543 330
  EMAIL:   wendy.antony@hotmail.com


The Rich Pitcher
The Rich Pitcher are focused on                 The Rich Pitcher offer a range of
providing musical entertainment to              packages, whether you need some
audiences of all ages. They believe             background music or you want the
that the right wedding music not only           dance floor filled, options for two to
sets the mood for intimate moments              six performers, ceremony and canapé
throughout dinner or the first dance,           music; whatever your music ideas for
but it also keeps the celebrations going        your special day are, they can assist.
long into the night once the official           After something more casual? They
proceedings are over.                           can also provide a jukebox or hosted
With a variety of songs and styles,             karaoke service!
they love to work off the vibe of the
dance floor, and most importantly, to
help you and your guests have fun to
create a memorable night!

     PHONE:   0438 420 734
     EMAIL:   enquiries@therichpitcher.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/therichpitcherband
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/the_rich_pitcher

www.therichpitcher.com                                           #goulburnaustralia

The Rich Picture
The Rich Picture is the Goulburn                          What’s included:
district’s premium photobooth. The                        • On-site attendant
amazing mirror photobooth is stylish                      • Unlimited photos and prints
and intelligent with an interactive touch                 • Custom designed template
screen and crystal-clear photos.
                                                          • Party props
With fun party props and premium                          • Premium backdrop
backdrops, The Rich Picture                               • Digital copy of all photos after event
photobooth is guaranteed to keep your
guests of all ages entertained and will                   Price: from $600 for 3 hours.
provide you and them with a keepsake                      Discounts available for weekday/
from your special day.                                    off-peak bookings. Discounts also
                                                          available in conjunction with booking
                                                          live music with The Rich Pitcher Band.

     EMAIL:   therichpicture@gmail.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/therichpicturephotobooth
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/the_rich_picture_photobooth


Bek’s Bloomz
Bek’s Bloomz is a local Goulburn           Their floral product menu includes fresh
Florist established in 2009, servicing     flowers, artificial flowers, handmade
the community with fresh flowers and       products, essential oils and gift ideas.
gift deliveries along with weddings,
                                           They also offer workshops for flowers,
events and corporate packages.
                                           essential oils and gift ideas to suit all
At Bek’s Bloomz, every wedding is          ages and occasions.
individually treated with creativity and
                                           Bek’s Bloomz stock:
style to create your perfect bouquet.
From bouquets, corsages, button            • Doterra Essential Oils
holes, church flowers, reception flower    • Zuii Organic Makeup
arrangements, arbours, table centres       • Flora Makeup
and everything in between, their aim
                                           • Handmade candles, and
is to ensure your flowers look amazing
on your special day.                       • Aromatouch treatments

     PHONE:   0413 267 488
     EMAIL:   info@beksbloomz.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/BeksBloomz
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/beksbloomz

www.beksbloomz.com.au                                        #goulburnaustralia

Dani’s creative spark was ignited when               employment with Pearsons as a
she found flowers, or much rather,                   florist, Dani knew her creativity would
came back to flowers. As a young girl                be put to greater use in a regional
she would draw, paint and even pick                  setting. A love for her humble country
flowers from neighbours’ gardens and                 community, family and friends, enticed
sell them back to them – the sincerest               her back to Goulburn where ‘She
form of flattery.                                    Follows Floral Design’ was created.
Dani gained freelancing work with an                 Dani is committed to providing floral
incredible florist who specialises in                arrangements for weddings, events
weddings, then, taking her passion                   and all memorable occasions. If
to the next level, Dani was accepted                 you want a florist you can trust, and
into the School of Floristry - Pearsons,             someone who you can have fun with
where Dani learned valuable skills in                along the way, get in touch with Dani
everything flowers, business and big                 today to help make your floral dream
city skills. After studying and gaining              a reality!

     EMAIL:   shefollowsfloral@outlook.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/shefollowsfloraldesign
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/shefollowsfloraldesign

www.shefollowsfloraldesign.com                                        #goulburnaustralia

Zantis Jewellers
Established in Goulburn in 1947,               Zantis Jewellers are also an Antwerp
Zantis Jewellers remains a family-             diamond broker, and offer:
owned business where the focus                  • Custom design and creation
has always been on quality, service
                                                • Jewellery repair
and value. Peter and Belinda Zantis
take pride in offering the finest quality       • Jewellery restoration
jewellery sourced from Australia and            • Watch services and battery
around the world.                                 replacement, and
Zantis Jewellers is a member of the             • Jewellery valuations
Gemmological Association of Australia
and Nationwide Jewellers, Australia’s
largest jewellery buying group.

    PHONE:    (02) 4821 2346
     EMAIL:   info@zantisjewellers.com.au
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/zantis_jewellers

www.zantisjewellers.com.au                                         #goulburnaustralia

It’s a Beautiful Life Photography
by Rachael Cramp
Rachael Cramp is a Wedding                                    was there to celebrate, a love that lasts
Photographer based in Goulburn.                               forever’, kind of story she’s talking about.
Rachael loves living on the land and                          Rachael wants to be able to watch
has a beautiful little farm, in which                         families and friends create beautiful
she has some spectacular views and                            memories together, then deliver a
locations at her door step.                                   collection of photographs that capture
Rachael’s a lover of all things family,                       the real joy, celebration and delight
friends, food, love and just adores                           using natural light and motion.
weddings! Years ago, she fell in love                         To capture the most beautiful moments
with the idea that a single image can                         on your wedding day, and give you
hold such an amazing story and still                          memories that last a lifetime, would be
believes this to be true. It’s a ‘how they                    her honour.
met, where they got married and who

     PHONE:   0427 211 774
     EMAIL:   rachael@itsabeautifullife.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/itsabeautifullifephotographybyrachaelcramp
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/itsabeautifullifephotography

www.itsabeautifullife.com.au                                                     #goulburnaustralia

Madi Fitzgerald Photography
Madi’s the one to capture adventurous,                  A candid shot is what she waits for,
wild couples, brides obsessed with                      the moments others miss or that go
wild flowers and the outdoors; sunsets                  unnoticed. If you’re a couple that waits
on top of rocks surrounded by trees.                    for sunsets, or nature lovers who are
                                                        daring and love to have fun – Madi’s
Madi loves detail; the sparkle in a
                                                        style’s for you.
lover’s eye, the tear drop of happiness.
She loves the crowds of friends and                     If it’s a wedding, a lover’s session, an
families, the simple touch of a hand,                   engagement or elopement, all she
and a sweet kiss on the nose. Madi’s                    wants from your time is to get to know
all about the way someone looks                         each other and provide images that
at another, laughing till you cry and                   you will cherish forever.
holding onto every moment you’re
                                                        So share your moments with her and
given and she wants to capture this for
                                                        let her tell your story.
you to have forever.

     PHONE:   0458 061 206
     EMAIL:   madifitzgeraldphotography@hotmail.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/madifitzgeraldphotography
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/madifitzgeraldphotography

www.madifitzgeraldphotography.com                                         #goulburnaustralia

Magnus Argen has been a                              Living in the Southern Tablelands,
professional photographer for almost                 Magnus says we are spoilt for
15 years.                                            choice with gorgeous farms and
                                                     wedding venues, along with beautiful
Magnus is a pretty relaxed guy, the
                                                     countryside. This allows him to capture
kind of guy that you might want to have
                                                     relaxed, natural photos of you, your
around on your wedding day! When
                                                     friends and family on your most
everybody is stressing, Magnus, will
                                                     special day.
be giving you that reassured smile and
quietly doing his job – capturing all the            Magnus wants you to enjoy yourself
big and small things that make your                  and forget that he is there, capturing
wedding day the best day of your life.               the real moments, not staging them. He
                                                     believes it is all meant to be a fun day.

     PHONE:   0439 450 792
     EMAIL:   info@magnusagrenphotography.com
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/magnusagrenphotography
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/magnusagrenphotography

www.magnusagrenphotography.com                                         #goulburnaustralia

Studio 4 Signs and Design
Not only do they make signs…                     With over 70 years combined
Studio 4 Signs and Design also offer             experience in signage, design,
printing services for:                           fabrication, and advertising - the Studio
 • Business cards                                4 team are here to help with timely,
                                                 affordable and high quality print and
 • Brochures
                                                 signage solutions to suit all your needs.
 • Presentation folders
 • Letterheads
 • Personal invitations, and
 • Promotional items

     PHONE:   (02) 4822 4666
     EMAIL:   liz@studio4signs.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/studio4signsdesign
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/studio4signsdesign

www.studio4signs.com.au                                            #goulburnaustralia

The Paper Shed
Designer invitations for all occasions         • Favour items - drink coasters,
and DIY supplies. Your invitation                stubby holders, key rings, compact
designs can be customised to match               mirrors, tags, boxes etc.
your theme as well as your budget.             • Guest books, signature boards and
 • All wedding stationery including:             bears
   save the date cards or magnets,             • Glassware, cake toppers, garters,
   invitations, RSVP and accessory               ring cushions and flower girl
   cards, ceremony booklets, place               baskets
   cards, seating plans, welcome               • DIY supplies - paper, card,
   posters, menus, thank you cards               envelopes, ribbon and accessories
   and everything in between, with
   all your stationery to match                Open Monday to Friday from 9.30am -
 • Baby shower, christening, naming day,       5.30pm, rear of Goulpress Printers
   birthday and anniversary invitations        56 Auburn Street, Goulburn.

     PHONE:   (02) 4821 1761
     EMAIL:   goulpress@ozemail.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/papersheddesigns
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/papersheddesigns


Marulan Coaches
Marulan Coaches is a family-owned               All coaches are fitted with climate-
business, operated by the Hale family           controlled air-conditioning, reclining
and their dedicated staff. They have            seats fitted with lap sash seat belts,
been running coach services since               large panoramic windows and most
2011 and carry out all types of coach           coaches are also fitted with rest rooms.
transport ranging from local day tours,
                                                For further information please email or
school excursions, to multi-week
                                                call the office, or visit the website to fill
extended interstate touring.
                                                in an enquiry form at:
Marulan Coaches are on-hand to                  www.marulancoaches.com.au
provide all of the services you need
to ensure your wedding guests are
transported in a safe and timely manner
to and from your ceremony and
reception venue.

    PHONE:   (02) 4841 1633
    EMAIL:   travel@marulantruckandbus.com.au
 FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/MarulanCoaches

www.marulancoaches.com.au                                               #goulburnaustralia

Set high on a ridge and nestled                 Valley and is surrounded by natural
amongst the natural surrounds of the            bushland and rolling hills.
Southern Tablelands, Abercrombie
                                                Abercrombie Ridge supply small
Ridge is the perfect destination for
                                                and large event spaces with luxury
couples wishing to experience a
                                                amenities and a catering space.
country wedding.
                                                With accommodation on site and
At Abercrombie Ridge, your dream
                                                further options available locally,
wedding can become a reality.
                                                Abercrombie Ridge can host weddings
Celebrate your ceremony only or enjoy
                                                and events of any size.
the entire property for your whole
wedding and reception. The property             Visit them for a weekend away or
boasts stunning views of the Great              enjoy the property for an event of a
Dividing Range and Abercrombie River            lifetime.

     PHONE:   0405 632 009
     EMAIL:   gather@abercrombieridge.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/AbercrombieRidge
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/abercrombieridge/

www.abercrombieridge.com.au                                      #goulburnaustralia

Garroorigang Historic Homestead
Garroorigang - For a wedding             With plenty of room for large parties,
ceremony in historic surroundings.       expansive lawns and magnificent Elm
                                         trees providing summer shade, the
Historic Garroorigang, built in 1857,
                                         setting is perfect for a quiet private
is a beautiful and special place to
                                         occasion or one with all your friends
exchange your wedding vows.
                                         and relatives.
Against the backdrop of the
                                         Garroorigang is located at 209
magnificent historic home, the gazebo
                                         Braidwood Road, five minutes from
and extensive gardens provide a
                                         the centre of town, very close to
perfect venue for your ceremony, your
                                         many venues for receptions and
photos and mingling with your guests
over celebratory drinks.

    PHONE:   (02) 4822 1912
    EMAIL:   garroorigang@hotmail.com
 FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/Garroorigang

www.garroorigang.com.au                                      #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn and District Racing Club
Goulburn and District Racing Club is                 reception and photos all in one
a stunning, prestigious function centre              magnificent location. The atmosphere
situated on 40 hectares with sweeping                and location of the Goulburn and
views of the Cookbundoon mountain                    District Racing Club offers an intimate,
ranges.                                              peaceful and romantic setting.
You can enjoy a small intimate                       Offering all-inclusive tailored food and
function, a formal dinner for up to 250,             beverage packages, just an hour from
or a cocktail style function for up to               Canberra and two from Sydney. The
350. In the warmer months, guests                    award –winning chef will work with
can also utilise the terrace area,                   you to create a menu that reflects your
significantly increasing the capacity.               personal taste and style from ocean
                                                     fresh seafood to decadent desserts.
They can cater for your every need
                                                     So let them help plan the perfect event
and help create your perfect day. You
                                                     for you.
can hold your wedding ceremony,

     PHONE:   (02) 4822 2222
     EMAIL:   admin@goulburnraceclub.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/goulburn.districtracing
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/goulburnraces

www.goulburnraceclub.com.au                                            #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Historic Waterworks
The Goulburn Historic Waterworks is                          Offering a unique setting and old world
located on the banks of the Wollondilly                      charm, the 1880s Pumphouse and the
River at Marsden Weir.                                       river bank provide a romantic backdrop
                                                             for your ceremony or photographs.
Operational in 1886, this rare facility
                                                             If you’d like to stay on after the
is the only complete, steam powered
                                                             ceremony, an expansive levelled area
municipal water supply left in its
                                                             is available for your marquee to be set
original location, in the Southern
                                                             up for your reception.

   PHONE:    (02) 4823 4488
   EMAIL:    museums@goulburn.nsw.gov.au
FACEBOOK:    facebook.com/goulburnhistoricwaterworksmuseum

www.goulburnwaterworks.com.au                                                    #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Railway Bowling Club
The Goulburn Railway Bowling Club           The food and beverage team would
has many options for those looking for      be more than happy to show you
a small to medium size celebration.         around and provide you with all the
                                            information to help meet all your
The room will suit a wedding or formal
sit-down event with space for 30
through to 120 people.
Catering options are suited to all
budgets and tastes. The Function
Room has a fully stocked bar.

     PHONE:   (02) 4824 6800
     EMAIL:   scooper@wyongleagues.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/goulburnbowlo
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/goulburnbowlo

www.goulburnbowling.com.au                                   #goulburnaustralia

Are you looking for the perfect venue              When it comes to food, the choices are
for your big day?                                  endless, offering a varied selection of
                                                   sit-down, buffet or finger food menus,
Goulburn Soldiers Club can cater for
                                                   with fully-equipped bars available.
all of your wedding venue needs.
                                                   The Goulburn Soldiers Club specialise
The Chisholm Room will
                                                   in making your day as memorable as
accommodate up to 100 guests,
                                                   possible and perfecting those finer
or if small is more your style, the
Belmore Room will accommodate
up to 80 guests. Both function rooms               Book an appointment today and speak
provide superior views of Belmore                  to Functions Co-ordinator, Kerri Taylor,
Park, flourishing its pure beauty every            who will make the process simple and
season of the year!                                easy.

     PHONE:   (02) 4821 3300
     EMAIL:   bookings@goulburnsoldiers.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/goulburnsoldiersclub
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/goulburnsoldiersclub

www.goulburnsoldiers.com.au                                         #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Workers Club
The Goulburn Workers Club mission is             The dedicated functions team assist
to provide a superior and personalised           in ensuring the smooth organisation
catering and customer service                    and running of your special event,
experience to make your special day              and along with talented chefs,
truly memorable.                                 help you choose from an extensive
                                                 range of affordable function packages.
With rooms available to suit any style,          Alternatively, the Goulburn Workers
from the intimacy of the Station Room            Club can work with you to tailor a
to the spacious Auditorium – complete            menu that reflects your personal tastes
with stage and wooden dance floor.               and any special dietary requirements.
The Goulburn Workers Club facilities             Goulburn Workers Club staff ensure
cater for all wedding sizes and types,           that they take the time to understand
from 20 to 250 people.                           completely your vision for your day and
                                                 work with you to deliver a stress free
                                                 event to remember.

     PHONE:   (02) 4821 3355
     EMAIL:   functions@goulburnworkers.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/GoulburnWorkers
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/goulburnworkers

www.goulburnworkers.com.au/functions                              #goulburnaustralia

Grace—Millsom Function Centre
The Grace-Millsom Function Centre is                               It has stunning views of the Rocky
a versatile function centre.                                       Hill War Memorial and Old Goulburn
                                                                   Brewery from the function room and
Whether you decide to marry in one
                                                                   large covered balcony. You can enjoy
of the beautiful historic churches in
                                                                   a delicious meal with family and
Goulburn, or choose to marry in the
                                                                   friends, whilst the sun sets and the
romantic gardens at a local historic
                                                                   lights of town come on.
homestead, you will need a venue for
your reception.                                                    The Centre provides catering for
                                                                   weddings, birthdays, conferences and
The Grace-Millsom Function Centre is
                                                                   all other events. On-site catering is
a modern and relaxed facility set on 47
                                                                   tailored to your specific requirements
acres of Crown Land at the Goulburn
                                                                   and budget.
Recreation Area.

PHONE:    (02) 4823 4901
EMAIL:    anne.ruddell@goulburn.nsw.gov.au

www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/Facilities-Recreation/Goulburn-Recreation-Area#section-2          #goulburnaustralia

Mercure Goulburn
Organising your special day begins                Mercure Goulburn offers a diverse
from the very first moment you contact            range of function rooms and spaces,
Mercure Goulburn.                                 which can be transformed to match
                                                  your desired vision. Wedding packages
Mercure Goulburn understand there
                                                  have all the inclusions you need,
are so many things to think about when
                                                  offering amazing value and delivering
you first start planning your wedding.
                                                  superb food, wine, service and 41/2 star
Your passionate, dedicated Events
                                                  guest accommodation.
Manager and team are here to work
closely with you. They will create                Call the Events Manager, and let the
your perfect day and help make the                wedding planning begin!
entire experience one to remember
by organising your wedding day with
the minimum of fuss and maximum

   PHONE:    (02) 4822 5445
   EMAIL:    events@mercuregoulburn.com.au
FACEBOOK:    facebook.com/MercureGoulburn

https://all.accor.com/hotel/9724/index.en.shtml                       #goulburnaustralia

Railway Barracks
The Railway Barracks is a boutique            The Railway Barracks offer a do-
property, perfect for intimate weddings.      it-yourself approach, so you can
A beautiful hall with a red gum floor         minimise on costs and create your
can host your wedding reception,              own bespoke wedding without being
a large decking area outside for              tied to any services. There is a kitchen
gatherings and alfresco dining should         which can be used for catering.
you wish, and landscaped gardens
                                              The Railway Barracks can sleep
complete with a rotunda, wonderful for
                                              up to 44 people and the Hall can
wedding photos.
                                              accommodate up to 100 people in
                                              a cocktail style layout. Numbers for
                                              sit-down meals vary depending upon
                                              table type.

     PHONE:   0414 964 781
     EMAIL:   hello@railwaybarracks.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/railwaybarracks
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/railwaybarracks

www.railwaybarracks.com.au                                      #goulburnaustralia

Riversdale Homestead
An estate with a rich history, set on              for photographs and beautiful vistas.
beautiful grounds, Goulburn’s historic,            Riversdale offers its exclusive special
State heritage-listed Riversdale offers an         wedding ceremony service for $600
impeccable service for all your wedding            (plus GST), with all the proceeds going
needs in a unique country setting.                 towards the maintenance of this unique,
With a gravel drive and soaring                    National Trust of Australia (NSW)
specimen trees, Riversdale offers                  owned property.
an ideal, romantic backdrop for that               Due to the specialised, heritage nature
special entrance, wedding location                 of the property we are unfortunately
and capturing your memories in a                   not able to conduct receptions on site.
setting of historical elegance. There are          Normal opening hours for Riversdale
many potential settings in the garden,             are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
from sweeping lawns to beneath                     10am to 2pm and every third Sunday,
over 100 year old trees, or against                10am to 2pm. Weddings on weekdays
heritage stone and brick buildings                 and weekends via bookings.

   PHONE:    (02) 4821 4741
   EMAIL:    riversdale@nationaltrust.com.au
FACEBOOK:    facebook.com/RiversdaleHomesteadNSW

www.nationaltrust.org.au/places/riversdale                             #goulburnaustralia

The Attic at The Astor Hotel Motel
The Astor Hotel is the perfect choice            you an experience like no other venue
for your engagement or wedding. The              in the Southern Tablelands. The team of
outstanding facilities can cater for             dedicated function staff can tailor your
functions from 20 up to 130 people. If           event to ensure that your every need
cocktail party is more your style, up to         is met, from your first enquiry to your
300 people can be accommodated. A                function’s conclusion, to guarantee your
wide range of packages are available             party is a success.
and can be tailored to suit your needs
                                                 The Astor Hotel is excited with the
and budget.
                                                 arrival of a Offset Smoker by SC
The Attic at the Astor is a sophisticated        Smokers. The smoker cooks the
and versatile venue with several                 tastiest, most tender BBQ you will
different spaces that can be configured          ever have and their special packages
to cater for groups of 20 up to 220. With        ensure you’ll never go home hungry.
an external BBQ pit, internal kitchen            Packages include a selection of meats
and spacious bar, they are able to offer         (or fish) served with all the trimmings.

     PHONE:   (02) 4821 1155
     EMAIL:   info@astorhotelmotel.com.au
  FACEBOOK:   facebook.com/astor.hotel.1
INSTAGRAM:    instagram.com/astorhotelgoulburn

www.astorhotelmotel.com.au                                         #goulburnaustralia

Goulburn Australia is a wedding planner’s dream, with magnificent locations for both your
ceremony and reception, in the perfect, unique setting for breathtaking photography.
 As Australia’s first inland City, Goulburn is steeped in history and heritage. Today much
of the City’s rich heritage remains, with many original structures restored to their former
splendour. A grand Italianate courthouse with beautiful gardens, a magnificent Gothic
Revival cathedral, or the only green sandstone cathedral in the world, to name but a few.
 If outdoors is more your style, then our beautifully manicured, English-styled parks
       and gardens are the perfect backdrop to a spring or autumn ceremony.
     Hold your fairy-tale styled ceremony in the garden of an historic homestead,
      soak in the views from a local vineyard, or even tie the knot in front of the
            Historic Waterworks by the river, underneath the willow trees.

            Goulburn Australia – an eventful destination.

@goulburnaustralia   #goulburnaustralia

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