Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine

Page created by Gerald Barnes
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
Camp Life

 Best Life

         Camp Guide 2021
          Camp Registration opens
             January 27, 2021
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
Camp Life
                                                             is the Best Life
                                Whether you try day camp, resident camp, troop mini-camps, or family
                                camp, get ready for an incredible experience—one full of excitement,
                                exploration, and adventure. Girl Scout Camp is full of endless
                                possibilities—we want every girl to be able to enjoy the great outdoors
                                and take advantage of our fantastic programs.
                                Come camp with us!

                                                         Camp N                    Table of Contents


                                                                                   General Camp Info............................3

1 Girls need camp more than ever!                                                  Ways to Camp at GSME.................. 4
The pandemic restrictions and shutdowns                        Baxter              Camp Activities.................................5
of the past year have affected our children                    State
                                                                Park               Summer Camp Programs
profoundly. Girl Scout Camp can foster much                                        at a Glance......................................6-7
needed connection and physical activity in
a fun and safe environment. Kids will be so                                        Camp Pondicherry
happy to be outdoors doing things with their                                       Programs........................................8-11
                                                                  Camp K
friends after months of isolation.                                                 Camp Natarswi Programs........12-17


2    Camp is awesome! Girls with
                                                                                   Junior Maine Guide.........................16


more frequent outdoor experiences                                                  Discovery Day Camp......................18

are more likely to seek challenges                                                 Camp Registration Q&A.................19
and are better at solving problems—
qualities that will help them both                                                 Shop.................................................. 20
academically and personally in the future.
3   Camp makes everything better!                                                  Get a glimpse of camp life
Spending time in nature improves                                                     at our Open Houses!
concentration and creative reasoning.                                                        Camp Pondicherry &
Outdoor experiences also help promote                      mp Sce
                                             Portland    Ca                                    Camp Natarswi
healthy social development and increase                                                         June 6, 2021

her self-esteem.

                                                                                              1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Discover all the cool adventures
You don’t have to already be a                                                     and experiences you can be a part
Girl Scout or join a troop to come to summer camp!                                  of and meet our awesome camp
                                                                                          directors in person.
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
General Camp Info
Camp and COVID-19                                                            Where Girls Sleep
We are beyond excited to welcome our campers back to camp in                 One of the best parts about camp is the chance for you
2021! We will offer the same amazing camp experience, although               to connect with the natural world around you, including
some things may look a little bit different as we will be implementing       where you sleep!
COVID-19 precautions throughout the camp season. This will likely
include temperature checks, masking at times, cohorting groups into          Cabins – If you are a younger girl, you can choose to
“pods,” reduced numbers of campers, and social distancing. Plenty            sleep in bunk beds in a cozy cabin. At Pondicherry,
of hand-washing too!                                                         counselors sleep in the same cabin with campers. At
                                                                             Natarswi, counselors either sleep in the cabin or in a tent
This past summer, a few camps did open, and ran safely and                   nearby. Look for the cabin icon!
successfully without outbreaks. We are learning a great deal from
them, and using that, along with the advice from professional                Platform Tents – You’ll get to enjoy the great outdoors
camp and medical authorities, to safely open camp in 2021. For the           in these tents! Pondicherry has permanent tent shelters
latest COVID-19 related information, please visit our website:               with roofs and four built-in beds each. At Natarswi, you’ll                                              stay in canvas tents with metal cots with three other girls.
                                                                             At each camp, tents are arranged in clusters (units) with
Meals                                                                        your counselor’s tent centrally located within the unit. Bug
                                                                             nets are provided for each individual bunk bed. Look for
Most of your meals are served in our camp dining hall, or outdoors,          the tent icon!
either buffet or family style. We serve three well-balanced and nutritious
meals daily. We also do campfire cookouts where you’ll help plan and         Each unit has a wash station, a campfire ring, and
prepare the meal. There is always one main dish and a vegetarian             a latrine or flush toilets nearby. Some units have an
option, along with side dishes. You’ll have a snack in the afternoon and     outdoor pavilion for unit activities. Central shower houses
fruit is always available. If you have special dietary needs, let us know    have individual shower stalls. Don’t worry - indoor shelter
before you arrive and we’ll be happy to work with you.                       is available at both camps when the weather gets too
Typical meals include chicken, casseroles, pizza, stir fry, tacos, pasta
dishes, turkey dinners, grilled cheese, and soup. If you’re a picky
eater, don’t worry! We always have other options such as a salad bar,        Camp Staff Rocks
veggies, or sandwiches and our kitchen staff work hard to provide            Our counselors are enthusiastic, caring young adults who
you with food you like.                                                      come from all over the United States and other countries. All
                                                                             staff members are carefully screened, including background

Camp vs. School Grade                                                        checks, and selected for their ability to add to the camp
                                                                             experience. Most of the camp staff are CPR and first-aid
We group girls by “camp grade” which is the grade you will be                trained and many hold advanced certifications as Red Cross
entering as of September 2021.                                               Lifeguards, Water Safety Instructors, Archery Instructors,
                                                                             Challenge Course Facilitators, Wilderness First Aiders, Maine
                                                                             Trip Leaders, and Leave No Trace Practitioners. Staff members
Bring a friend!                                                              also complete a week of intensive on-site pre-camp training to
                                                                             ensure the best camp experience for campers.
You may request ONE buddy to bunk with during your time at
camp. To be bunk buddies, you and your friend must both request
each other by name and be within the same grade level and
registered for the same session.
     Why just one buddy? Our tents accommodate four girls
     and we want to ensure that everyone has the best camp
     experience. A group of three leaves one girl who may feel
     left out. You and your buddy may attend different activities,
     depending on your personal choices and your different skill
     levels. Even the best of friends need time to explore their own
     interests and make new friends! Like we say in Girl Scouts,
     “make new friends, but keep the old.”
But what if I come alone?
Many girls come to camp without
a buddy, so don’t worry! You’ll
join a group of girls your own
age who are interested in
similar activities. Camp
is a great place to make
new friends!
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
There are so ma
    Our traditional resident camp
    experience! Girls can choose
        from a wide variety
            of activities.
        For Classic Program details,
                                           to camp with
             see pages 9 and 13

       Horses, rock climbing,
       cooking, art, archery,
      canoe trips, wilderness
        survival, and more!                    Troop
       For Specialty Program details,
          see pages 10, 14, and 15
                                              Introduce your girls to
                                               camp life as a troop!
                                          For Troop Mini-Camp Program details,
                                                   see pages 11 and 17
                                            Looking for an amazing location for
                                           a troop or family adventure? See our
                                         website for more camp rental information
     Family Camp               

    Family camps, Me and My Gal,
      and Me and My Dad. Build
    wonderful memories together
      by sharing camp with your
             loved ones!
     For Family Camp Program details,
            see pages 11 and 17                 Older girls practice
                                            working together, directly
                                           with campers, and with staff
                                           to develop leadership skills.
                                             For Leadership Program details,
4                                                  see pages 11 and 15
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
any ways                                  Camp
h GSME!                                   ☙ Archery
                                          ☙ Canoeing
                                          ☙ Challenge Course
                                                                   ☙ Outdoor Cooking
                                                                   ☙ Nature Education
                                                                   ☙ Paddle Boarding
                                          ☙ Creative Arts          ☙ Singing Songs
                                          ☙ Hatchet Throwing       ☙ S’mores
                                          ☙ Hiking                 ☙ Swimming
                                          ☙ Kayaking               ☙ TONS of Leadership
                                          ☙ Land Sports              Opportunities
                                          ☙ Outdoor Skills         ☙ Wilderness Expedition
                                                                   ☙ Wilderness
                                                                     Survival Skills

                                           ☙ Biking                  ☙ Theatre
                                           ☙ Culinary Arts*          ☙ High Ropes
                                           ☙ Horseback Riding*         Course - NEW!

                                                ☙ Junior Maine Guide Certification*
                                                ☙ Rock Climbing
                                                ☙ Sailing
                                                ☙ Whitewater Rafting*

                                                         * Additional fees       Please Note: For

 Plus so many enrichment activities like…
                                                                             safety reasons some
                                                                               activities have age
                                                                              restrictions and are
                                                                                  not available for
 ☙ Gaga ball       ☙ Making bird houses     ☙ Star gazing                         all campers. For
                                                                               questions, contact
 ☙ Knot tying			   ☙ Relay races            ☙ Team color competitions           the camp director.
                                                                             Free choice offerings
 ☙ Lawn games      ☙ Ukulele                ☙ Water games                           vary by camp.
 ☙ Dance           ☙ Woodworking            ☙ Spontaneous fun!                                  5
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
WEEKS                             PROGRAM           GRADE        Cost

Camp Pondicherry Programs                               Day Camp
                                                        Camp Together (cabin) (Sun-Wed)
                                                                                          1, 2, 3, 4
                                                                                             2, 3

                             Week 1

                                          JUNE 27-
                                                        Explorers (cabin)                    2, 3       $475

                                           JULY 2
                                                        Blazers (tent)                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Pondi Performers                     4, 5       $475
                                                        GS Challenge Warrior                 4, 5       $500
                                                        Guides (1 week)                       6+        $475
                                                        Guides (2 weeks)                      6+        $890
                                                        Top Chef                              6+        $500
                                                        CIT 1 (4 weeks)                   10, 11, 12    $965
                                                        CIT 2 (4 weeks)                     11, 12      $790

                                                        Day Camp                          1, 2, 3, 4    $200
                             Week 2

                                                        Camp Together (cabin) (Sun-Wed)      2, 3       $325
                                                        Explorers (cabin)                    2, 3       $475
                                                        Blazers (cabin)                      4, 5       $475
                                                        Blazers (tent)                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Team Cuisine                         4, 5       $500
                                                        Guides (1 week)                       6+        $475
                                                        GS Challenge Warrior                  6+        $500
                                                        Mane Event                            6+        $740

                                                        Day Camp                          1, 2, 3, 4    $200
                                                        Camp Together (cabin) (Sun-Wed)      2, 3       $325
                             Week 3

                                                        Explorers (cabin)                    2, 3       $475
                                                        Pondi Spirit (gr. 2-3) (cabin)       2, 3       $475

                                                        Blazers (tent)                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Pondi Spirit (gr. 4-5) (tent)        4, 5       $475
                                                        Pony Express                         4, 5       $640
                                                        Guides (1 week)                       6+        $475
                                                        Pondi Spirit (gr. 6+)                 6+        $475
                                                        Theater in the Woods (2 weeks)        6+        $890
                                                        Camp Aide                           7, 8, 9     $490

                                                        Day Camp                          1, 2, 3, 4    $200
                            Week 4

                                                        Camp Together (cabin) (Sun-Wed)      2, 3       $325
                                                        Explorers (cabin)                    2, 3       $475

                                                        Blazers (cabin)                      4, 5       $475
                                                        Blazers (tent)                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Ultimate G.I.R.L.                    4, 5       $490
                                                        Pony Express                         4, 5       $640
                                                        Guides (1 week)                       6+        $475
                                                        Camp Aide                           7, 8, 9     $490

                                                        Day Camp                          1, 2, 3, 4    $200
                             Week 5

                                                        Camp Together (cabin) (Sun-Wed)      2, 3       $325
                                                        Explorers (cabin)                    2, 3       $475

                                                        Blazers (tent)                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Pondi Long Ago                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Guides (1 week)                       6+        $475
                                                        Top Chef                              6+        $500
                                                        Wilderness Survivors                  6+        $475
                                                        Camp Aide                           7, 8, 9     $490

                                                        Day Camp                          1, 2, 3, 4    $200
                                                        Camp Together (cabin) (Sun-Wed)      2, 3       $325
                             Week 6


                                                        Explorers (cabin)                    2, 3       $475
                                                        Art in the Outdoors (cabin)          2, 3       $475

                                                        Blazers (tent)                       4, 5       $475
                                                        Team Cuisine                         4, 5       $500
                                                        Outdoor Art Explorer                 4, 5       $475
                                                        Guides (1 week)                       6+        $475
                                                        Adventure Seekers                     6+        $500
                                                        Camp Aide                           7, 8, 9     $490

                                       August 13 – 15   Me and My Gal                        1+        $110 pp
                            Other      August 20 - 22   Troop Mini-Camp                      1+        $100 pp
                                       August 27 – 29   Family Mini-Camp                  All ages     $110 pp
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
WEEKS                           PROGRAM                             GRADE                  Cost

                                                                                                                           Camp Natarswi Programs
                                    Outdoor Explorers (cabin)                           2, 3                 $475
  Week 1                            Trail Blazing (cabin)                               4, 5                 $475

                     JUNE 27-
                                    G.I.R.L Guides                                       6+                  $475

                      JULY 2
                                    Climb to the Top                                   4, 5, 6               $475
                                    Junior Woods Women (2 weeks)                       5, 6, 7              $890
                                    Creative Nature Unleashed                          5, 6, 7               $475
                                    Guides Adventure (2 weeks)                           6+                 $890
                                    Mountaineers                                         8+                 $490
                                    Team Katahdin                                      7, 8, 9              $490
                                    River Runners (Canoe Trip) (2 weeks)                 8+                 $1,075
  Week 2

                                    Birds Eye View (cabin)                             2, 3, 4               $475
                                    Water Bugs (cabin)                                 4, 5, 6               $475

                                    Night Owl                                            6+                  $475
                                    Northwoods Adventure                                 7+                 $600
                                    CIT 2 (4 weeks July 4-30)                        Age 16-17               $790
                                    Junior Maine Guide (4 weeks-July 4-31)           Ages 14-17             $2,100

                                    Camp Spirit (cabin)                               2, 3, 4, 5             $475
                                    Team Spirit (cabin)                               6, 7, 8, 9             $475
  Week 3

                                    Creative Nature Unleashed                          5, 6, 7               $475

                                    Keep Calm and Paddle On                              5+                  $475
                                    Natarswi Sailors                                     5+                  $475
                                    Northwoods Archers                                 5, 6, 7               $475
                                    Northwoods Adventure                                 7+                  $600
                                    By Water or Land (2 weeks)                           6+                  $890

                                    Explorers (cabin)                                   2, 3                 $475
                                    Blazers (cabin)                                     4, 5                 $475
  Week 4


                                    Guides                                               6+                  $475

                                    Appie Hikers                                         5+                  $490
                                    Follow Your Art                                      6+                  $475
                                    Blast into the Past                                4, 5, 6               $490
                                    Woods Women (3 weeks; July 18-August 6)            7, 8, 9              $1,290
                                    CIT 1 (3 weeks July 18-August 6)                 Ages 15-16              $850

                                    Explorers (cabin)                                   2, 3                 $475

  Week 5

                                    Blazers (cabin)                                     4, 5                 $475

                                    Guides                                              6+                   $475
                                    Cooking in the Woods                                6+                   $500
                                    Natarswi Sailors                                    5+                   $475
                                    View From Above                                     6+                   $575
                                    Natarswi Backpackers (2 weeks)                      7+                   $890          You don’t
                                                                                                                           have to
                                    Explorers (cabin)                                    2, 3                $475
                                                                                                                           already be
  Week 6


                                    Blazers (cabin)                                      4, 5                $475
                                                                                                                           a Girl Scout
                                    Guides                                               6+                  $475

                                    Bulls Eye                                            6+                  $475
                                                                                                                           or join a
                                    Keep Calm and Paddle On                              5+                  $475          troop to
                                    Wind-down JMG/CIT2                          Must attend JMG/CIT2         $375          camp with
                                    Wilderness Girls                                    6, 7, 8              $490          us!
                  May 14-16         Spring Helping Hands                          Troops 7+, Adults            $0          Lapsed

                  May 15            Spring Helping Hands (Saturday only)          Troops 7+, Adults            $0          and non-

                  August 10-12      Mini-Camp (weekdays)                              Troops 1+            $100 pp         members will
                  August 13-15      Mini-Camp                                         Troops 1+            $100 pp
                                                                                                                           have a $40
                                    Me and My Dad
                  August 20-22                                                             1+               $110 pp
                                                                                                                           fee added to
                  August 27-29      85th Celebration Weekend (Family /Alumni)          All Ages             $110 pp
                                                                                                                           their camp
                  September 17-19   DIY Troop Mini-Camp                              Troops 3+              $55 pp
                  September 24-26   DIY Troop or Family Mini-Camp                 Troops/Adults 3+          $55 pp
                  October 1-3       Troop Rental                                      Troops 1+        Rental fees apply
Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
Camp Pondicherry, Bridgton
                             Resident, Day, Troop, and Family Camping
     Camp Pondicherry is a spectacular outdoor setting, nestled on
     over 600 acres in the foothills of the White Mountains. Pondi
     has a private waterfront on Adams Pond and miles of unspoiled
     woodlands, fields, hills, and trails. There are wonderful vistas of
     lakes and mountains from our Chalet and from Blueberry Hill.

                                Nicole Nelson
                                Camp Pondicherry Director
                                I am Nicole Nelson, the Director for Camp
                                Pondicherry. I am excited to begin my
                                second year as camp director and to
                                welcome all campers and their families
                                back to Pondi. I was able to meet many
                                Pondi families this past summer, but look
                                                                              Daily Schedule
                                forward to meeting many more in the
                                coming year.                                               2021
                                                                             6:45 a.m.    Rise and Shine
    As an outdoor educator and Pondi Camp Director, I will share my
    passion for camping and outdoor skills with girls. One of the things I   7:15 a.m.    Flag Up
    most look forward to this year at camp is helping all campers learn      7:30 a.m.    Breakfast
    and master new skills, then watching them pass those skills on to        8:15 a.m.    Unit/Camp-wide Kapers
    younger campers. I am very excited for the upcoming camp season          8:50 a.m.    Activity Block 1
    and look forward to seeing all of you at Pondi in 2021!                  10:00 a.m.   Activity Block 2
    Nicole “Daisy” Nelson | Camp Pondicherry Director                        11:10 a.m.   Activity Block 3 | 888-922-4763                                       12:15 p.m.   Lunch & Choice sign up
                                                                             1:15 p.m.    Siesta
    More about Nicole!                                                       2:10 p.m.    Activity Block 4
    What is your camp name: Daisy                                            3:20 p.m.    Activity Block 5
                                                                             4:30 p.m.    Activity Block 6
    Favorite spot at camp? The view from Blueberry Hill!
                                                                             6:00 p.m.    Flag Down/Dinner
    Favorite camp song? The Pirate Song                                      6:45 p.m.    Prepare for Evening Program
    Favorite camp activity? Canoeing                                         7:15 p.m.    Evening Program
                                                                             8:30 p.m.    Prepare for Bed
    What are you looking forward to most for 2021? Welcoming all our
    day and resident campers back to Pondi.                                  8:50 p.m.    Embers/Bug Hugs
                                                                             9:00 p.m.    All Quiet/Lights Out

Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine

  Classic Programs
                   Tent or
    Program                   Week         Grade   Fee                    Description
                                                          Come see what camp is all about, make new
Camp Together                                             friends, try out fun camp activities, learn songs
                             1, 2, 3, 4,
Sunday-                                     2, 3   $325   and games, and of course you’ll make s’mores
                                5, 6                      in this short 3 night session. Session runs from
                                                          Sunday through Wednesday.

                             1, 2, 3, 4,
Explorers                                   2, 3   $475
                                5, 6
                                                          Looking for the quintessential camp
                                                          experience? During our classic programs you
                                                          will have time to go swimming, try archery,
Blazers                         2, 4        4, 5   $475   work on your Trail Master patch, and more.
                                                          Maybe you will learn to build a campfire, get
                                                          better at archery, or improve your canoeing or
                                                          kayaking skills. When you are not doing Trail
                             1, 2, 3, 4,                  Master activities, help your group choose other
Blazers                                     4, 5   $475
                                5, 6                      fun camp activities to try like creative arts,
                                                          paddleboarding, challenge course, hatchet
                                                          throwing, biking, ukulele, and many more.
                             1, 2, 3, 4,
Guides                                      6+     $475
                                5, 6

                                                          Double your camp fun and come enjoy Pondi
                                                          for 2 weeks! With your group you will pick
Guides (2 weeks)                1-2         6+     $890   activities each week, work on your Trail Master
                                                          patch, and spend a relaxing weekend at camp
                                                          with special activities.

                                                          Who will be crowned the Pondi Spirit 2021
Pondi Spirit                     3          2, 3   $475   Champions and get to hang their team banner
                                                          in the Chalet? It could be you! Spend part of
                                                          each day earning points for your team in our
                                                          very own Pondi Color Challenge. Challenges
Pondi Spirit                     3          4, 5   $475   may include archery, boating, fun games, and
                                                          much more. During the rest of your day, your
                                                          group will be able to choose camp activities
                                                          to do such as swimming, creative arts,
                                                          paddleboarding, biking, and more. Bring your
Pondi Spirit                     3          6+     $475   enthusiasm and imagination to let your camp
                                                          spirit shine!

Camp Life Best Life - Camp Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts of Maine
(Specialty)                      Specialty Programs
         Program         Week    Grade   Fee                                    Description
     Art in the                                 Get creative in the art shack, be a nature detective in the forest, and still
                           6      2, 3   $475
     Outdoors                                   have time to enjoy other camp activities like swimming and archery.

                                                Do you like the speed of a bike? How about being in the air? Start with
     Adventure                                  our Low Elements Rope Course and then move on to the brand new
                           6      6+     $500   High Ropes Course and get some air! Also, spend time practicing your
                                                mountain biking skills and end your week with an off-site biking trip.

                           1      4, 5   $500   Try and outsmart other teams with clues and compete in adventure
     GS Challenge                               challenges such as canoeing, biking, and archery. Compete in an all-
     Warrior                                    across camp extreme relay race over land, water, and air. There will be
                           2      6+     $500   awesome chances to test your personal “skills.”
                                                Come enjoy horseback riding and barn time at Hidden Brook Farm in
                                                Norway, ME. Campers will spend 4 mornings at the barn learning how
                                                to groom, lead, mount/dismount, and control their horse. Each barn
     Mane Event            2      6+     $740   session is 3 hours for a total of 12 hours at the barn. When not at the barn,
                                                campers will do horse related activities and have time to enjoy other
                                                camp activities. Helmets are provided for this program. Note: The van ride
                                                from camp to the barn is 40 minutes each way-transportation provided.

     Outdoor Art                                Let nature be your inspiration as you explore, create, and design
                           6      4, 5   $475   beautiful artwork for all of camp to admire. Through this session you will
     Explorer                                   also work to earn your GSUSA Outdoor Art Badge!
                                                Discover what Pondi was like 150 years ago. Use your detective skills to
                                                look for clues of the past, try crafts and games, get busy in the kitchen
     Pondi Long Ago        5      4, 5   $475   and make a recipe from long ago, and take an off-site trip to explore an
                                                old homestead and learn about life in the past.
                                                Would you like to try acting? Then this one week introductory program is
     Pondi                                      for you. Your group will pick and work on a short performance that you will
                           1      4, 5   $475   perform for the rest of camp. Campers will learn the basics of acting, stage
                                                makeup, costumes, and much more.
                                                Come enjoy some horseback riding and barn time at Hidden Brook Farm
                                                in Norway, ME. Campers will spend 3 mornings at the barn learning how
                                                to groom, lead, mount/dismount, and control their horse. Each barn
     Pony Express        3-4      4, 5   $640   session is 3 hours for a total of 9 hours at the barn. When not at the barn,
                                                campers will do horse related activities and have time to enjoy other
                                                camp activities. Helmets are provided for this program. Note: The van ride
                                                from camp to the barn is 40 minutes each way-transportation provided.
                                                Practice measuring, mixing, and baking to create delectable treats.
                                                Experiment in the kitchen and learn to make some tasty summer
     Team Cuisine        2, 6     4, 5   $500   snacks and desserts! Use your skills to make a special treat for all of
                                                camp to enjoy.
                                                Do you like performing or would you like to try? Spend 2 weeks at camp
     Theater in the                             working with your group on a short production that you will perform
                                                for the rest of camp at the end of the program. Campers will work on
     Woods               3-4      6+     $890   every aspect of the performance including: rehearsing, making sets,
     (2 weeks)                                  costumes, and much more. Included is a live theater performance you
                                                will watch live in person or virtually.
                                                Take the next step with your cooking. Create new recipes with surprise
     Top Chef             1, 5    6+     $500   ingredients, try cooking in the kitchen and over a fire, and compete with
                                                your team in the Top Chef competition!
                                                Unleash your inner Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-Taker, and Leader. Be an
     Ultimate G.I.R.L.     4      4, 5   $490   Innovator while your group works together to solve a puzzle. Be a Risk-
                                                Taker on our brand new High Ropes course and much more.
                                                Become a wilderness adventurer while you learn firebuilding, shelter
     Wilderness                                 building, outdoor cooking, and primitive camping skills. Finish your camp
                           5      6+     $475
     Survivors                                  experience with an overnight trip to a primitive campsite at Pondi. You
                                                will also have time for other fun camp activities.

   Leadership Programs
                                                                                                                (Troop, Group
                                                                                                                & Family)

  Program         Week Grade        Fee                                   Description

                                              Spend your days building your leadership skills, plan activities for
                  3, 4,                       Pondi’s youngest campers, and have fun doing some camp activities
Camp Aide                 7, 8, 9   $490
                  5, 6                        too! Pre-requisite: Girls must have camped for at least one 1-week
                                              session at one of our resident camps. Program Aide training is a plus!

                                              Explore your leadership style while you learn how to be the best camp
                                              staff member. Start your program with a multi day CIT only overnight
                                              trip where you will build leadership skills, plan camp programs, and
                          10, 11,
CIT 1 (4 weeks)    1-4              $965      have fun exploring the local area. When you return to Pondi be ready
                           12*                for campers to try your activities. *You must be 15 years old upon
                                              entering this program with at least three weeks of resident camp
                                              Build on the skills learned in CIT 1 and explore who you are as a future
                                              camp staff member. Begin your program with a multi day CIT only
                                              overnight trip where you will improve your leadership skills, plan
                                              some camp programs, and have fun exploring the local area. When
CIT 2 (4 weeks)    1-4    11, 12*   $790      you return to Pondi be ready to have campers experience your
                                              programs. This great leadership opportunity will build your resume
                                              and prepare you to apply for a camp staff position in the future. *You
                                              must be 17 years old upon entering this program and have completed
                                              CIT 1 at a GSME resident camp.

   Troop, Group & Family
  Program         Grade Group        Fee                                   Description
                                               Bring your favorite grown-up Girl Scout to the ultimate girls weekend
                                               in the great outdoors! Experience all the exciting activities at camp
Me and My Gal      1+     Family    $110 pp    while creating memories together that will last a lifetime. Each
(August 13-15)                                 camper must have an adult female (age 18+) accompanying her;
                                               both must register as Girl Scout members.
                                               Troop Leaders: Bring your whole troop to camp and have fun at the
Troop Mini-                                    lake, get artsy in the art shack, take aim at archery, and don’t forget
Camp (August       1+      Troop               the s’mores! We will plan and run all the activities and provide all the
20-22)                                         meals. Troop only sessions, with participants staying in platform
                                               tents. Registration for Troop Camp Sessions opens on April 1, 2021.
                                               Share in the beauty of Pondi with your family! Have fun paddling on
                                               the pond, take aim at archery, take a hike, roast s’mores, and
Family Mini-                                   enjoy other special activities. Meals are provided. Lodging is in
                   All               $110
Camp (August              Family               platform tents. Children under 4 years old, no fee. Parents must
                  Ages                pp
27-29)                                         care for young children for the duration of the camp; there is no
                                               programming or childcare available for babies and toddlers. Adults
                                               and girls 5 years old and up must register as Girl Scout members.

Camp Natarswi, Millinocket
                                       Resident, Troop, and Family Camping
     Camp Natarswi has a long history of providing a unique camping experience
     for girls and is celebrating it’s 85th summer this year! Natarswi is a true
     wilderness paradise, providing a one-of-a-kind, rustic, Maine outdoor
     experience, all in the shadow of majestic Mt. Katahdin, Maine’s highest peak.
     Natarswi hugs the shoreline of Lower Togue Pond, a pristine lake where
     campers swim and enjoy paddle sports and sailing. Natarswi is located
     in Baxter State Park, home to awesome trails to hike, caves to explore,
     waterfalls to see, and peaks to climb.

                            Treasa Wheeler
                            Camp Natarswi Director
                            I’m Treasa Wheeler, Camp Natarswi Director! I’ve
                            spent the last 14 summers at Camp Natarswi and
                            have been a part of the Girl Scouts of Maine family
                            for 19 years. Wearing a Natarswi or Girl Scout shirt is
                            my normal dress attire and it’s hard to find a non-Girl
                            Scout shirt in my closet...and I’m OK with that!
                                                                                      Daily Schedule
     Natarswi is truly a special place for me and it brings me so much joy every
     summer to share my love of camp and the Maine outdoors with all of our
     campers. Join me at camp this summer for the experience of a lifetime            6:45 a.m.    Wake up, Polar Dip or
     and find your summer happy place too!                                                         Early Rise activity, Flag
                                                                                                   Ceremony, Breakfast,
     Treasa “Tree” Wheeler | Camp Natarswi Director                                                Unit/Camp Kapers, | 888-922-4763                                                           Camper Council

     More about Treasa!
                                                                                      8:50 a.m.    Activity Block 1
                                                                                      9:55 a.m.    Activity Block 2
                                                                                      11:00 a.m.   Activity Block 3
     What’s your camp name? Tree                                                      12:10 p.m.   Lunch, Kapers
     Favorite camp activity? This is a hard question to answer when you love          1:00 p.m.    Rest Time
     everything about camp! My top picks are teaching archery, rock climbing,         2:00 p.m.    Activity Block 4
     and ending a wonderful day with songs and a campfire.                            3:10 p.m.    Activity Block 5
     Favorite spot at camp? Do I have to pick just one? In a kayak in the middle      4:20 p.m.    Activity Block 6
     of Lower Togue Pond with an incredible view of the camp and Katahdin.
                                                                                      5:30 p.m.    Unit Time
     Favorite camp song? Buffalo and Camp Natarswi.                                   5:50 p.m.    Flag Ceremony & Dinner
                                                                                      7:05 p.m.    Camp-wide or Unit
     What are you looking forward to most for summer 2021? Our Girl Scout                          Evening Activity
     camp community is amazing and I look forward to seeing old friends and           9:00 p.m.    Bug Hugs & Flashlights Out!
     making new ones. I know I will love all the memories we’ll make as we
     support and encourage each other to be the best we can be and challenge          Note: During 4, 5, or 6 program blocks
     ourselves with new adventures.                                                   each day, one of the blocks is spent as
                                                                                      unit time, which includes time for showers.


  Classic Programs                                                                                  Programs

              Tent or
    Program                  Week      Grade              Fee                  Description
                                                                   Get ready, get set, camp! These
                                                                   sessions offer the perfect chance
Explorers                    4, 5, 6     2, 3            $475      to see why camp is so awesome.
                                                                   Meet new friends and great
                                                                   counselors. Choose activities with
                                                                   friends in your unit and you will be
                                                                   on your journey to earn your Trail
                                                                   Master levels. Activities include
Blazers                      4, 5, 6     4, 5            $475      swimming, kayaking, canoeing,
                                                                   sailing, archery, rock climbing,
                                                                   nature, hiking, and outdoor skills.
                                                                   You’ll also have daily enrichment
                                                                   activities like creative arts/
Guides                       4, 5, 6      6+             $475      nature, theater, games, sports, or
                                                                   paddleboard, along with traditional
                                                                   camp activities.

                                                                   Time to let your Camp Spirit Shine!
                                                                   Every day will have fun themes
                                                                   along with a crazy fun challenge
Camp Spirit                     3      2, 3, 4, 5        $475      your Counselors will create for
                                                                   your camp spirit! Each day has
                                                                   different themes along with your
                                                                   favorite camp activities (i.e. archery,
                                                                   swimming, boating, arts). End your
                                                                   day with an All Camp or Unit event.
                                                                   Compete in the Color Challenge,
                                                                   ending Thursday with a campfire
Team Spirit                     3      6, 7, 8, 9        $475      s’more challenge. The Spirit Team
                                                                   will also create a special event with
                                                                   the CIT’s just for the Spirit Unit’s
                                                                   final day of fun on Friday.

                  2018 Susan Adams

                                                2018 Susan Adams
(Specialty)                    Specialty Programs
          Program           Week Grade        Fee                                     Description

                                                      Join us for a fun-filled week as you build your skills on the Appalachian Trail
      Appie Hikers            4       5+      $490    and plan an adventure to hike to Baxter Park’s scenic Chimney Pond.
                                                      Your unit will blast back in time as you become a pioneer in the 1800’s.
      Blast into the Past     4     4, 5, 6   $490    Become a Pioneer while cooking, dipping candles, making ice cream, and
                                                      learning old games and crafts
      Bird’s Eye View                                 From the lake and from the sky, you’ll think about camp from a bird’s
                              2     2, 3, 4   $475    viewpoint and create beautiful natural art, working towards the GSUSA
      (Cabin)                                         Outdoor Art Badge.
                                                      Keep your eye on the Target! Are you ready to challenge yourself in both
      Bulls-Eye               6       6+      $475    archery and hatchet throwing? Take your target skills to the next level.
      By Water or Land                                By land or water, you are ready for an adventure. Plan an unforgettable girl-
                             3-4      6+      $890    led boating or hiking experience with camp buddies. You can also join in
      (2 weeks)                                       other enriching camp activities.
                                                      You’ll take your rock climbing and outdoor living skills to a whole new level
      Climb to the Top        1     4, 5, 6   $475    as you summit Natarswi’s rock and plan a trip into Baxter State Park.
      Cooking in the                                  It’s time to take your outdoor cooking to the next level! Create Dutch
                              5      6+       $500    and box oven delights, pizza, and one-pot meals. Learn to make bread
      Woods                                           and compete in a mystery meal contest.
                                                      Spend your day creating pieces of art and exploring Baxter State Park and
      Creative Nature                                 Natarswi to create beautiful art reflecting nature. Daydream as you watch
                             1, 3   5, 6, 7   $475    clouds float by or take a hike in Baxter State Park. Unleash your creative
                                                      side and connect with nature and friends.
                                                      Using nature as your inspiration, create beautiful natural works of art
      Follow Your Art         4      6+       $475    while working towards earning the GSUSA Outdoor Art Badge.
                                                      Using short skits and storytelling, have fun exploring yourself as a Go-getter,
                                                      Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader – or any combination of these! Whether you
      G.I.R.L Guides          1      6+       $475    want to direct, act, or be behind the scenes, you and your camp friends will
                                                      create your own short stories to share. There will be time to sail on Lower
                                                      Togue Pond or even challenge the rock in this session.
      Guides                                          Get the best of everything camp and Baxter State Park has to offer. In Baxter,
      Adventure (2           1-2     6+       $890 check out Blueberry Ledges or maybe Sandy Stream. At camp, go swimming
                                                      and boating, take a nature hike, target practices, create art, and more.
      Keep Calm and                                   Pick your paddle, as you kayak, stand up paddleboard, canoe, or sail on Upper
                            3, 6     5+       $475 and Lower Togue Ponds. With Mt. Katahdin as your backdrop, it’s sure to be a
      Paddle On                                       great time as you keep calm and paddle on with good friends!

      Mountaineers            1      8+       $490 Hike amazing mountain trails in the Katahdin Region and plan/attempt
                                                   a Mt. Katahdin summit. Hiking experience is required.
      Natarswi                                        Build your hiking stamina, skills, and knowledge as you prepare to summit
      Backpackers           5-6       7+      $890 Mt. Katahdin and travel the Appalachian Trail on an awesome four-day
                                                      backpacking trip. Not a session for first-time hikers!
      (2 weeks)
                                                      Learn to be a sailor and explore Lower Togue Pond in your new rig. Complete
      Natarswi Sailors      3, 5     5+       $475 challenges, learn recovery and rescue from a capsized craft, and navigate
                                                      your way around the lake. Prerequisite: Must be a strong swimmer.
                                                      Explore the mysteries of the night. Take a night hike, stargaze, learn about
                                                      nocturnal critters, and have lots of fun after dark. Learn to care for the land.
      Night Owl               2       6+      $475    Plan a PJ party in the Abnaki Hall! Stay up a little later, sleep in, and rise in
                                                      time for late morning activities.
      Northwoods                                      Head out of camp to hike and explore Baxter State Park’s Chimney Pond
                            2, 3      7+      $600    area, canoe Upper and Lower Togue Ponds, and enjoy an exciting off-site
      Adventure                                       whitewater rafting trip.
                                                      Bull’s-eye! Archery is an exciting sport that takes strength, focus, good form,
      Northwoods                                      and practice. Ready to challenge yourself both on the range and during off
                              3     5, 6, 7   $475
      Archers                                         range activities? Don’t miss this session if you’re ready to take your archery
                                                      skills to the next level.

   Specialty Programs                                                                                             (Specialty &

   Program        Week Grade       Fee                                      Description
                                            Find the artist inside you! Explore a different type of art each day – discover
Outdoor                                     different colors in nature, make natural dyes, and work with beads and
Explorer            1     2, 3     $475     leather. Try candle making, basket weaving, or jewelry making. Let your
(cabin)                                     imagination guide you as you create your art your way!
                                            Get your canoeing and camping skills fully mastered and then enjoy
                                            an awesome multi-day canoe trip. Fine-tune your canoeing skills with
River Runners      1-2    8+       $1,075   day trips and an overnight trip close to camp. After an exciting whitewater
(2 weeks)                                   rafting trip, you’ll be prepared for the ultimate challenge, a four day
                                            overnight canoe trip! Canoeing experience is required.
                                            Discover your natural surroundings, identify plants, animals, and tracks. Hike
Trail Blazing       1     4, 5     $475     some trails, create a nature craft, and enjoy the other activities camp offers
(cabin)                                     like archery, boating, and swimming. Share the natural beauty of nature at
                                            camp with your new friends.
                                            You know how to belay and climb and you’re ready to challenge yourself on
View From          5      6+       $575     all four climbing runs on the Natarswi Rock. Go on a trip off-site and try your
Above                                       skills at a popular local rock climbing location.
                                            “I just want to spend my summer hanging out on the waterfront!!!” Here’s
Water Bugs                                  your chance - swim, relax on the dock, kayak out around the island, or
                   2     4, 5, 6   $475
(cabin)                                     maybe try paddleboard yoga. When you are ready to spend time off the
                                            water, you can join in other enriching activities around camp.
                                            Take a walk on the wild side, sleep under the stars and fine-tune your
Wilderness                                  outdoor skills! Learn about different types of fires, practice building
                   6     6, 7, 8   $490
Girls                                       shelters, and plan your wild adventure into Baxter State Park. More
                                            challenges await you at camp with canoeing, hiking, and rock climbing!

   Leadership Programs
   Program        Week Grade       Fee                                      Description

                                            Are you ready to step up, share your love of camp, have fun, and begin
                                            to build your leadership skills? This is your week to challenge yourself,
                                            develop leadership, creativity, team-building skills, rock climbing, and hiking.
Team Katahdin       1    7, 8, 9   $490     Together your group will plan a special adventure and hit the trails in Baxter
                                            State Park. Prerequisite: Girls must have camped for at least one week
                                            session at a GSME Resident Camp.

                                            Have you dreamed of being a camp counselor one day? Develop your
                                            leadership and outdoor living skills, learn the basics of being a camp
                         Ages               counselor and the essential skills to keep campers happy and engaged.
CIT 1 (3 weeks)   4-6              $850
                         15-16              There will still be time to enjoy your favorite camp activities both by
                                            taking part and leading! You must be 15 years old upon entering this
                                            program with at least one week of resident camp experience.

                                            Take the final step to learning to be a camp counselor! Building on your CIT
                                            1 experience, you will plan and run activities, spend time in units as a
                         Ages               mentor to campers, and work with counselors and administrative staff.
CIT 2 (4 weeks)    2-5             $790     This great leadership opportunity will prepare you to build your rèsumè
                         16-17              and apply for a future camp staff position! You must be 17 years old upon
                                            entering the program or have completed CIT 1. Optional Week Six: Wind down
                                            session for JMG/CIT2 (separate fee, see below for details)

(Junior Maine
                           Junior Maine Guide
       Program           Week Grade        Fee                                     Description

                                                  Start your journey to becoming a Junior Maine Guide with this exciting
  Jr Woods                                        two-week camp. You’ll learn many skills, from fire building to wilderness
                                                  first aid, plus hiking, tool craft, maps, shelters, and planning a group
  Women                   1-2   5, 6, 7   $890    encampment in Baxter State Park. The 15 skills you’ll develop are a
  (2 weeks)                                       challenging beginning to mastering the great outdoors and earning your
                                                  Junior Maine Woodsman patch.

                                                 Do you have what it takes to master the wilderness? Find out in this
                                                 fantastic three-week adventure! You’ll embark on the next step to
  Woods Women            4-6    7, 8, 9   $1,290 becoming   a Junior Maine Guide as you work on the 15 key skills to earn
  (3 weeks)                                      your Maine Woodsman patch. Make the most of Baxter State Park as
                                                 you take overnight trips both on foot and by canoe and test your skills
                                                 with a two-day encampment

                                                 Join us for the ultimate outdoor experience as you take the final step
                                                 towards earning your Junior Maine Guide certification – offered at only
                                                 10 camps in the state of Maine! Practice and master 21 specific outdoor
  Junior Maine                                   skills over three weeks, culminating in the five-day test camp in the
  Guide                   2-5             $2,100 Rangeley   Lakes area. Pre-requisite: At least two years previous experience,
                                 14-17           preferably in the Jr Woods Women and/or Woods Women programs, in
  (4 weeks; July 4-31)                           addition to a successful pre-test to confirm readiness for participation.
                                                 Special scholarships available. For more information, contact Treasa
                                                 Wheeler at or 888-922-4763. Optional Week Six:
                                                 Wind down for JMG/CIT2 (separate fee, see below for details)
  Wind Down JMG/                JMG or            Four weeks of hard work has paid off! It’s time to relax during week 5 and enjoy
                          6               $375    all that camp has to offer! This is your time to hike, enjoy paddle sports, or even
  CIT 2                          CIT 2            just hang out at camp. This program is for CIT 2 and JMG 2021 campers only.

                                                                                                                     (Troop, Group

   Troop, Group & Family                                                                                             & Family)

   Program        Grade      Group      Fee                                    Description
                                                  Bring your whole troop and enjoy all that camp has to offer. Have fun
                                                  on the pond, get artsy in birches, take aim at archery, enjoy a hike,
Mini-Camp                                         climb the rock, roast s’mores, and don’t forget about the famous
August 10-12        1+       Troops    $100 pp    Natarswi polar dip. Camp staff will plan and run all the activities and
August 13-15                                      provide all meals. This is a great introduction to the wonderful world
                                                  of camp, and a chance to bond as a troop! Troop-only sessions, with
                                                  participants staying in platform tents. Registration opens April 1.
                                                  Does your troop love to go camping? Are they looking to create their
                                                  own adventure? Plan and cook your own meals and snacks and we
DIY Troop                                         will provide staff for swimming, boating, archery, and rock climbing.
Minicamp            3+       Troops    $55 pp     Troops can sign up for programs when they arrive to create a weekend
September 17-19                                   schedule. Troop-only sessions, with participants staying in platform
                                                  tents. One leader must have completed Overnight Troop Camp
                                                  Training. Registration opens April 1.
                                                  Does your troop or family love to go camping? Are they looking to create
DIY Troop                                         their own adventure? Plan and cook your own meals and snacks and we
or Family                                         will provide staff for swimming, boating, archery, and rock climbing.
Minicamp            3+                 $55 pp     Troops or Families can sign up for programs when they arrive to create a
                             Family               weekend schedule. Participants staying in platform tents. One leader or
September 24-26                                   adult must have completed Overnight Troop Camp Training. Registration
                                                  opens April 1.
                                                  Camp Natarswi will have limited off-season rentals for members who
Weekend                                 See       want to explore Baxter State Park and Mt. Katahdin! Plan your own
Troop Rentals       1+       Troops    Rental     adventures in the Katahdin Region. This will be campsite rentals only,
October 1-3                             Fees      no programs are provided. (Natarswi reservations must be made by
                                                  calling Customer Care at 888-922-4763.)
                                                  Grab your dad and camping gear and join us for a weekend of fun
                                       $110 per   and outdoor adventure. Experience exciting activities at camp
Me and My Dad                            girl,    together and create lasting memories. Spend your day rock climbing,
                    1+       Family
Aug 20-22                              $110 per   hiking, canoeing, sunrise fishing, and more while we take care of
                                        adult     all the details. Each camper must have an adult male (age 18+)
                                                  accompanying her. Adult and girl must register as Girl Scout members.
                                                  It’s time to celebrate 85 years of camping with our alum and families.
                                                  Have fun on Togue Pond, share your memories of camp, get artsy in
85th                                              birches, take aim at archery, go for a hike, climb the rock, roast s‘mores,
Celebration                                       and enjoy special activities like an ice cream social or a polar dip, talent
Weekend                                           show, fishing, and fun evening activities. Meals are provided. Lodging is
                  all ages   Family    $110 pp
(Family/Alumni)                                   in platform tents. Families/Alum will have options for trips into Baxter
                                                  State Park. Children under 3 years old, no fee. Parents must care for
August 27-29                                      young children for the duration of the camp; there is no programming or
                                                  childcare available for babies and toddlers. Adults and girls 5 years old
                                                  and up must register as Girl Scout members.
                                                  Let’s get camp open and ready for a summer of fun! Alongside staff,
Spring Helping                                    volunteers will help with projects including cleaning, organizing
Hands                        Troops               supplies, moving equipment, painting and setting up campsites,
                    7+         7+,      FREE
(weekend)                                         and programs. We have a lot to do to get camp ready and will need
May 14-16                                         committed volunteers of various skill levels to help! Housing and meals
                                                  are provided.
                                                  Want to help, but not able to spend the whole weekend to help get camp
Spring Helping                                    ready for a summer of fun? Join us for Saturday only! Alongside staff,
Hands                        Troops               volunteers will help with projects including cleaning, organizing
                    7+         7+,      FREE      supplies, moving equipment, painting, and setting up campsites and
(Saturday only)              Adults               program areas. There’s plenty to do to get camp ready and we need
May 15                                            committed volunteers of various skill levels to help! 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
                                                  We will provide snacks, lunch, and dinner.

Discovery Day Camp                                                        Happy
     Explore the joys of the outdoors through Discovery Day Camp!
     Trained, caring staff help you tap into your creativity with arts     “Her week was GREAT. The leaders
     and crafts, explore the environment with fun nature activities,          were super fun. She gained
     and learn outdoor skills. Play games and splash around with            independence being away from
     your new friends. Learn Girl Scout songs and ceremonies.                home, learned new skills, and
                                                                              had lots of fun. Thank you!!”

                          Penny White, Camp Director                          -Parent of Natarswi Camper
                         Penny is returning for her 6th year as
                         Scelkit Day Camp Director! She is a
                         longtime volunteer for Girl Scouts of Maine
                         and has had various roles at our camps.
                         She loves sharing the Girl Scout mission of         “Spending every summer of my
                         building girls of courage, confidence, and           childhood at camp was my all-
     character with our campers, as she did with her own daughters.        time favorite! Making new friends
     Penny is a Registered Maine Guide and is a professional in the          and being your true self! I could
     outdoor education field.                                               be unique and silly and not have
                                                                           to worry about others judging me.
                                                                            Camp became part of my family.
     Camp Scelkit, Kittery | August 9-13                                    I love my Pondicherry family and
                                                                              would not trade any of you for
     Grades: 1–4                                                                       the world.”
     Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                        -Angie “Rue”, Pondicherry Camper
     Cost: $195 per week                                                             and Counselor
     Optional Thursday overnight: $25
     Experience Scelkit’s wonderful location on a peninsula in a tidal
     estuary. Have fun exploring the environment with awesome
     nature activities, arts and crafts, water play, and more. Want        "Highlight of the summer. Rev and
     to try a night of resident camp? Sleep over on Thursday night           the counselors were absolutely
     to experience the closing campfire and a special breakfast              fantastic. Great communication
     the next morning. Girls bring their own lunch, beverages, and         and organization. Hard to rate her
     snacks daily. (Families provide daily transportation.)                 favorite activities: she truly loved
                                                                                        all of them!"

                          Camp Pondicherry,                                  -Parent of Scelkit Day Camper

                          Nicole Nelson, Camp Director
                          June 28-July 2, July 5-July 9, July 12-16,
                          July 19-July 23, July 26-July 30,                “Thank you for having a great place
                          August 2-August 6.                                that my daughter could have this
                          Grades: 1-4                                        experience and we both felt she
                                                                            was safe and happy all week! My
                          Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.      girls LOVE this camp and talk
                          Cost: $200 per week. Lunch, snacks, and              about what session they are
                          beverages included.                                      going to attend next.”
                          Optional Thursday overnight: $25                    -Parent of Natarswi Camper
     Getting ready to start your Girl Scout camp journey? Join us at
     Pondicherry Day Camp to make new friends and explore the
     great activities we offer at camp, like swimming, paddlesports,
     arts and crafts, nature discovery, and more. Want to try a night       “We love everything about camp
     of resident camp? Sleep over on Thursday night to experience           and look forward to many more
     the closing campfire and breakfast the next morning. Lunch is          summer visits to Pondicherry.”
     served daily in our dining hall and snacks are provided during
18   the day. (Families provide daily transportation.)                      -Parent of Pondicherry Camper
Camp Registration Q & A
I want to go to camp! What's next?
We're so excited that you are excited! Camp registration opens on                        Camp Registration Opens
January 27, 2021 through our online web portal, CamplnTouch. You can
find the link at and it will be super                          January 27, 2021
easy to register. So sign up today!
I really want my friend to go to camp with me, but she isn't a Girl Scout. Can she come?
Of course! You don't have to already be a Girl Scout to join the adventure. All girls are welcome! Lapsed members or
non-members will have a $40 membership fee added to their camp total.
Do I need to make a deposit when I register?
Yes, all registrations require a $30 deposit.
I’m working on the Free Camp Challenge, do I still pay a deposit?
    Yes, you still need to submit a $30 deposit to hold a spot in the session that you want, so register early. Once we
    know you've earned your free session of camp, we will refund your $30 deposit or apply it to your balance,
    depending on the camp session you choose.
    It's important to know that the Free Camp Challenge entitles you to up to the value of a one week Classic Camp
    session. If you complete the Free Camp Challenge and choose a camp session with a higher cost, we will apply the
    value of a Classic Camp session to your chosen session and you will be responsible for the remaining balance. This
    reward must be used at a Girl Scouts of Maine camp during the summer of 2021–sorry, it cannot be carried over
    to another year.
When is all the money due?
Camp balances must be paid in full by Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Any new camp registrations received on or after June 1, 2021
will require full payment at the time of registration.
How can I pay?
We accept credit cards, money orders, or personal checks. No cash payments can be accepted due to COVID-19
closures of GSME service centers – please do not send cash through the mail! Payment options and payment
plans are selected during online registration. On June 2, 2021 remaining balances will be paid by automatic
withdrawal from your designated account.
Can I apply for financial assistance?
Yes. GSME has a small amount of financial assistance set aside to help families in need send their girl to camp.
All members may apply for a GSME Campership–another great reason to be
a registered Girl Scout!
     How do I apply for a campership?                                                    WHAT HAPPENS IF I
     We award camperships based on family need on a first come, first served
     basis, until all the available assistance has been awarded. Once you are
                                                                                         NEED TO CANCEL?
     registered for camp, you'll receive information on how to apply for a               We understand there is great uncertainty
     Campership. Families are expected to contribute as much as possible, and            in this pandemic year. We want to be
     a minimum $30 deposit is required. Applications are due March 30, 2021.             fair to families and we realize virus
     Decisions will be made by mid-April.                                                recommendations and precautions
OK I’ve registered. What’s next?                                                         continue to evolve, and families may
All registration confirmations and camp communications are sent via email and            opt to cancel their camp registration
important information is always available in your CamplnTouch account. Please            due to continuing COVID-19 concerns.
make sure you use a current email address when you register so you will receive          To address this we have a special
all updates and reminders. You don’t want to miss any important information!             cancellation policy for 2021 only.
Need to update your email or aren’t sure which one you used in CampInTouch
previously? Contact Customer Care at 888-922-4763.                                       RESIDENT CAMP:
                                                                                         Any cancellation: Refund of paid camp
What do I need to do before camp?                                                        fees, minus a $15 non-refundable,
(Note: Deadline for forms has been changed).                                             non-transferable administrative fee.
All required forms and documents must be submitted by June 1, 2021. All
campers need to provide a current immunization record, and resident campers              TROOP AND FAMILY CAMPS:
must have had a physical exam within 12 months* of their camp attendance date.           ☙ Entire Troop/Family Cancelation
All required forms are in your CampInTouch account under Forms & Documents.
                                                                                             • Any cancellation: Refund minus
*If your physical exam falls between June 2nd and your camp start date, please provide        $15 administrative fee for the
your physical exam form two weeks prior to your camp session.
What if I don’t have access to a computer or the internet?                               ☙ Girl/Adult Individual Cancelation
Call Customer Care at 888-922-4763 for any assistance in registering.                        • Any cancellation: Refund minus
For camp updates, log into your CampInTouch account, keep tabs                                 $5 administrative fee per person
on our website, open your GSME emails, and follow us on Facebook.                              up to a maximum of $15.
Girl Scouts of Maine
                                359 Perry Rd Ste B, Bangor, ME 04401-6723                                       NONPROFIT ORG
                                138 Gannett Drive, South Portland, ME 04106                                       US POSTAGE
                                                                                                                 PORTLAND, ME
Bangor Service Center                                                                                                04101
359 Perry Rd Ste B                                                                                               PERMIT NO. 54
Bangor, ME 04401-6723
South Portland Service Center
138 Gannett Drive
South Portland, ME 04106

   Camp Pondicherry and
      Camp Natarswi
    Sunday, June 6, 2021
      1:00-4:00 p.m.

                                                                  Stuff the sack
                                                                 with camp gear!
                                      Stuff the sack with tees, hoodies, blankets, lanterns,
                                      and other fun camp branded items from your favorite camp!

                                Pre-order your Girl Scout’s Camp Gear when you register her for camp
                                or by following the link below. As a thank you for preordering, gear will
                                be stuffed into a FREE Mesh Laundry Bag!
                                All orders will be delivered to your camper as she checks in or within her
                                first few days at camp.
                                       Camp Natarswi:
                                       Camp Pondicherry:

                                                      Great options for 2021:
                                                                ☙ Nalgene Water             ☙ Tees, LS Tees, and Hoodies
                                                                  Bottle (32 oz.)           ☙ Pop-Up Lantern
                                                                ☙ Camp Decals               ☙ Camp Journal with activities
                                                                ☙ Cuddly Friends*           ☙ Tie Dye Beach Towel
                                                                ☙ Blanket
                                                                     *Please note that the variety of cuddly friends are based on
                                                                     availability and may be subject to substitution.
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