Geographical - California State University Stanislaus

Page created by Shirley Lawson
Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Stanislaus State | Geography & Environmental Resources| AY 2021 - 2022


                                      Stanislaus State | Geography & Environmental Resources | AY 2021 - 2022
Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
INSIDE THE ISSUE                                                 Pre-Pandemic Memories
           2   Pre-Pandemic / Geography in Film
           3   Letter from the Chair
                                                         This issue’s front cover, was part of a     This is a self-guided, one-unit, and
       4-5     Faculty & Staff | 2022 Graduates        scouting travel by Drs. McNally and         asynchronous online course in which
           6   CASA: 3 Years and Counting              Díaz-Garayúa in Fall of 2019, right just    students go to the field on their own as
           7   Grant Writing | Research Experience …   before the pandemic. This field was a       a partial requirement to receive credit
           8   Research & Teaching at CASA             beautiful sight, a great surprise hidden    for this course.
           9   A Filed Note from Nigeria               along the route in preparation of
                                                                                                     The Geography Program has
          10   Geography Alumna on TV                  GEOG 3940, Geography of the Delta.
                                                                                                   designed three one-unit self-guided
          11   A Field Note from Iceland
     12 - 13   Smoke & Vape Free Scholar Initiative
                                                       This course is an individually-paced,       tours. Students from any major
     14 - 15   Study Abroad: A Geographer in Ghana   field trip which involves following a         benefit from these courses: GEOG
          16   Alumna at PG&E                        trip guide to sites in and around the         3930 the Delta Region, GEOG 3940 the
          17   GIS in Health & Human Services        communities across Sacramento-San             Yosemite Region, and GEOG 3950 the
          18   Kristi Kelechenyi’s Geographic Path   Joaquin Delta. At each site, you are          Mother Lode Region.
          19   The Hallmark of Service Learning      directed to play recorded lectures on
                                                                                              Recently, a new 3900s course,
          20   Dr. Helzer’s Sabbatical Project       topics ranging from early gold mines,
                                                                                             GEOG 3910 Geography in Film, was
          21   Geography Awareness Week & GIS Day mining methods, mining towns, local added to the curriculum.
     22 - 23   Led by José Díaz-Garayúa, Project … … history, geography, and geology.
    Desk Editors: Geography Program
    Editor: Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa

                                                       Geography in Film
      Geography in Film is a one-unit         This course introduces concepts of data source that can be used to deploy
    asynchronous online new course          geography through the use of films a variety of critical techniques used in
    developed by Dr. Díaz-Garayúa. As a     and is designed to provide critical the subfield of human geography.
    PhD student, he co-taught a similar     lenses to interpret a variety of stories
    course at Kent State University being   related to geography in film. Students
    able to appreciate the use of films as  will watch selected films (commercial,
    pedagogical tool.                       international, or independent), read
                                            scholarly work about those films, and
      Although this course was thought long
                                            write short essays about them.
    before, the pandemic was the catalytic
    that make it happen. As many one-unit This course introduces students to            This course focus on the geography
    self-guided courses were taken virtual several concepts in the discipline of     in  films (cinematic representations or
    due to the pandemic, Geography in Film Geography        [i.e.   space,    place, production    of spatial meaning) and
    was an excellent option as a virtual landscape,        culture,    nationalism, not on the geography of film (movie
    course.    This course examines the identity territory and other concepts] business).
    multiple geographies as well as by exploring how geographies are
    geographical representations in films.  crafted in films and examine them as
Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Letter from the Chair
Dear Geographers and Friends,                                         In the past two years we have virtually celebrated Geography
I’m very proud to report on the Stanislaus State Geography &          Awareness Week and GIS Day. Thank you to our presenters and
Environmental Resources’ recent accomplishments.                      participates. In 2020, David and Sharon Froba (community
                                                                      leaders) hosted a virtual conversation on Racially Restrictive
I thank the faculty and staff for all of their dedication to the      Covenants in Modesto. In 2021, Dr. Carr (UC Berkeley) presented
program over the past few years. I welcome, Dr. Helzer back to        on Language & the Right to Public Space; Gene Barrera (Merced
our department, after serving as the Associate Dean for               County), Aron Harris (Stanislaus County), Kristi Kelechenyi, and
International Education. Dr. Avwunudiogba co-edited a new             Kaley Lopez participated on the GIS Professionals Experiences
book, Human Trafficking: Global History and Perspectives (2021).      Panel; and Dr. Sánchez-Rivera (US Census Bureau) presented on
Dr. McNally served as the vice-president of the California            Thinking Geographically: Making "Known" Research Problems
Geographical Society. Dr. Díaz-Garayúa and partners at UC             Unique. Thank you, Dr. Díaz-Garayúa, for your tireless work
Merced were awarded a $1.4 million grant from the Tobacco-            hosting these two events.
Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP). As a group, we are
                                                                      Congratulations to our 2022 and 2021 Graduates and Student
pleased to announce our new undergraduate major in Geography
                                                                      Achievers. Our Outstanding Students include Elissa La Comb (BA
& Environmental Resources, BS. Students select from a
                                                                      - 2022), Emma Denison (BA - 2021), and Stephanie Lopez (MS –
concentration in Applied Geography or Environmental
Resources.                                                            2021). Despite the global upheaval, our students have also
                                                                      continued to participate in International Education. Vanessa
I especially want to recognize the important work of our lecturers    Padilla has been studying in Ghana in 2021-2022. Thank you to
over the past three years: Chuck Bowen, Cece Hudelson, Cameron        the Office of International Education for providing these
Pallotta, Dr. Catherine Garoupa-White, Tanya Gemperle-                opportunities to our students. We appreciate the support of our
Goncalves, and Gene Barrera. They were so very dedicated to           community in providing internships for many of our students
providing high quality classes during the uncertain circumstances     including: Stanislaus State Facilities, CASA, Merced County,
of the COVID emergency. I appreciate all the work Cameron             Stanislaus County, Turlock Irrigation District, Tuolumne River
Pallotta has done to maintain our GIS Lab, especially while we        Trust, US Army Corps of Engineers, E&J Gallo, and Strong
taught our GIS courses online. Some of the Stanislaus State           Emergency Fire & Construction Inc. Thank you to the Office of
COVID-relief funds were used to purchase a class-set of GIS           Service Learning for supporting and facilitating our community
laptops that students could check-out. Of course, none of this        connections.
could happen without the support of our Administrative
                                                                      We have many exciting opportunities to look forward to next
Coordinator, Christina Aflleje-Meyer. I commend Dr. Díaz-Garayúa
and Dr. McNally for their work as co-Directors developing the         year. We invite you to attend our November 2022 GIS Day
                                                                      Celebration (More Information to Follow). I thank everyone for
new Center of Applied Spatial Analysis (CASA). I would also like to
                                                                      their contributions to our program. Have a wonderful and safe
welcome two new affiliated Geographers to Stanislaus State. Dr.
Haley Ye, joined the Stanislaus State community in 2021 as our
new Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Prior to Stanislaus
State, Dean Ye was a professor, chair, and associate dean at CSU       Sincerely,
Los Angeles. Dr. Matthew Derrick, joins the Stanislaus State
community in fall 2022 as the new director of the Social Science
Program. Prior to Stanislaus State, Dr. Derrick was a professor
                                                                       Peggy Hauselt
and chair of Geography at Cal Poly Humboldt.                           Geography & Environmental Resources Chair

Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Faculty & Staff

    Dr. Austin Avwunudiogba, Ph.D. is a              Dr. José R. Díaz-Garayúa, Ph.D. is an         Dr. Peggy Hauselt, Ph.D. is a Professor of
    Professor of Geography & Environmental           Associate Professor of Geography &            Geography & Environmental Resources
    Resources.                                       Environmental Resources as well as co-        and Chair of the Department of
       Dr. Avwunudiogba’s primary research           Director of CASA.                             Anthropology       and    Geography       &
    focuses on investigating how coupled               Dr. Díaz-Garayúa’s most recent              Environmental Resources.
    human-fluvial systems respond to and             publications are: 1) Teaching Geography         Dr. Hauselt has been leading the
    recover from natural and human-induced           in Times of Covid19: Experiential-Based       Department of Anthropology, Geography,
    changes at multiple temporal and spatial         Learning with Everyday Digital Tools in The   and Ethnic Studies during these difficult
    scales. He has ongoing research projects in      Geography Teacher (forthcoming) and 2)        times of drastic changes. During this
    the Tuolumne Watershed, CA, and the              COVID-19 deaths in México: A                  academic year, she helped to establish
    Lower Niger River Floodplain in Nigeria          spatiotemporal analysis (with Oscar G.        Ethnic Studies as a standing-alone
    where he is working with his students to         Hernández-Lara and Kevin Butler) in           department and established the new BS in
    study the impacts of land use/ land cover        COVID-19 and an Emerging World of Ad          Geography & Environmental Resources.
    change on hillslope erosion, stream channel      Hoc Geographies (Eds. S. Brunn and D.           Dr. Hauselt also lead the following units:
    response, and floodplain sediment flux.          Gilbreath) (2022).                            1) the Program Director of the
       Dr. Avwunudiogba’s secondary interest           At CASA, he is leading a series of          Interdisciplinary Studies Master Program,
    focuses on current development challenges        projects. He is working with Dr. Anna         2) Chair-Elect of the Academic Technology
    in Africa. In the past couple of years, he has   Song (UC Merced’s NCPC) to create a           and Learning Committee (ATLC), and 3)
    examined the role played by globalization in     tobacco control pipeline. The TRDRP           Chair of the College of the Arts,
    the changing dynamics of the interrelated        awarded 1.4 million dollars for this          Humanities, and Social Sciences’ Chairs
    issues of refugees, internally displaced         project, being our institution recipient of   Council.
    persons, and human trafficking in Africa. His    over 1 million dollars of these funds.          This year Dr. Hauselt taught Intro to
    recently published a co-edited book Human           As part of his work in CASA, He has led    Geospatial Apps, GIS, Wine Geography, &
    Trafficking: Global History and Perspectives     work for Stanislaus County as well as         Restorative Human Ecology (along with Dr.
    with Dr. Elisha Dung (Alabama State              internships from GeoHumanities to             McNally!).
    University).                                     human-environmental relations.

Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Faculty & Staff
                                                                                       Program Administrator
                                                                                             Mrs. Christina Aflleje-Meyer

                                                                                               Adjunct Faculty
                                                                                      Gene Barrera, MCRP
                                                                                          Geographic Information Systems
                                                                                          Planning Issues

                                                                                      Chuck Bowen, M.S.
                                                                                          Introduction to Physical Geography
                                                                                          California Cultures & Environments

Dr. Jennifer Helzer, Ph.D. is a Professor   Dr. Alison McNally, Ph.D. is an           Dr. Catherine Garoupa-White, Ph.D.
of Geography & Environmental                Associate Professor of Physical               California Cultures & Environments
Resources.                                  Geography         &     Environmental     Tanya Gemperle-Goncalves, MSc
  Her research and teaching interests       Resources and co-Director of CASA.            Sustainable Agriculture
include immigration, ethnicity, and           Dr. McNally is interim Vice-
                                                                                      Cece Hudelson, MSc
the transnational linkages associated       President      of    the     California       Cultural Geography
with human migration and settlement         Geographical Society. She is
in California.                              interested in water accessibility and     Cameron Pallotta, M.S.
                                                                                          Introduction to Physical Geography, Lab.
  Her published work explores the           sustainability issues. Her research is
various dimensions of migration to          influenced        by     biogeography,
northern and central California by          geomorphology, landscape ecology,
refugees, euro-migrants, and recent         and geospatial science.                       2022 Graduates
newcomers.        She       incorporates      Dr. McNally’s most recent research
experiential learning, including field      focuses on the Tuolumne River             ▪     Alissa- Monique Bravo
trips and community-based service-          watershed, where she examines
learning projects, in her courses. Her      impacts to water quality in the
                                                                                      ▪     Isabella Sophia Cárdenas
recent teaching includes California         Tuolumne River, and at the Antioch        ▪     Zachary Falcon
Cultures and Environments, Ethnic           Dunes National Wildlife Refuge,
Geography, Urban Geography, Wine            where she investigated particulate        ▪     René García
Geography, and the Geography of             deposition on a relict dune               ▪     Elissa Genevieve LaComb
Europe. She is currently collaborating      ecosystem.
with       Modesto’s          Downtown                                                ▪     Patrick James Nicolini
Improvement District to facilitate new                                                ▪     Vanessa Padilla
internships and service learning
opportunities for students.
Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
CASA: 3 Years and Counting
                                                    By Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa

      CASA, the Center for Applied Spatial       During the academic year 2021 –         Also, CASA delivered a workshop.
    Analysis of California State University,   2022, the Center for Applied Spatial The first post-pandemic workshop –
    Stanislaus opened its door in Fall 2019    Analysis continued working and organized by Dr. Díaz-Garayúa and
    during the GIS Day. During that day,       serving the general community.          Carolina Alfaro from the WCCC –
    CASA launched a series of activities                                               brought a mapping workshop to
                                                 CASA secured a contract with
    including a GIS workshop led by                                                    provide tools to examine the campus
                                               Stanislaus County Health Services
    colleagues from ESRI. Dr. Díaz-                                                    language landscape. This workshop,
                                               Agency. This contract consisted of a
    Garayúa (co-Director of CASA)                                                      led and supported by a Latinx team for
                                               project about park use to help
    secured an external grant from                                                     our Hispanic Serving Institution,
                                               determine how to better serve the
    California Humanities making possible                                              served to introduce basic concepts of
                                               communities. This project, led by Dr.
    to bring the 2019 Geography meets                                                  mapping using ArcGIS Online to
                                               Díaz-Garayúa and Dr. Ryan Logan
    Humanities: A Focus in Social Justice.                                             students, faculty, and staff.
                                               (anthropology), provided funds for
      COVID-19 hit soon after the opening      paid research assistants (for 10
    of CASA. However, the pandemic             students). The Program of Health
    could not bring CASA to a complete         Sciences assigned a student as an
    halt. During the pandemic, CASA was        Intern to work on this project as well.
    able to continue its work on several       The students had the opportunity to
    grants and also secured a small yet        work in “real world” problems while
    important work commissioned by             developing skills used in applied
    David and Sharon Froba, community          human geography and applied
    members from the city of Modesto.          anthropology.
                                                                                       Participants at the workshop.
    This work was about Racially
                                                 In addition, CASA worked on a grant   Photo Credit: Carolina Alfaro, 2022
    Restrictive Covenants in Modesto. In
                                               for the Tobacco-Related Disease
    addition, David and Sharon Froba
                                               Research Program. This project has        CASA and the Geography Program
    presented in 2020 about the historical
                                               been funded with over $1,400,000 to     brought the Geography Awareness
    geography of Racially Restrictive
                                               develop a Tobacco Control Pipeline.     Week and the GIS Day. These activities
    Covenants in Modesto during the GIS
                                               Dr. Díaz-Garayúa, Dr. Song (NCPC of     were organized and led by Dr. José R.
                                               UC Merced), and Dr. Meggan Jordan       Díaz-Garayúa and attracted 170
      CASA was able to serve hundreds of       (Sociology) are leading this work       viewers. One of the sessions was co-
    community members, students, staff,        where students will apply geographic    organized and co-hosted by Dr.
    and faculty through a series of            principles, GIS, and other techniques   Brenda Ortiz-Loyola, from the
    activities. You can access and read        to tobacco control research and         Program of Modern Languages.
    CASA’s 2019 – 2021 Annual Report for       advocacy. Students will join research
    more details.                              teams at the NCPC at UC Merced.

Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Grant Writing                             Research Experience for Students
     By Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa                                       By Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa

  The Stanislaus State Office of           One of the most beneficial                 In doing so, CASA has created spaces
Research and Sponsored Projects          opportunities for students during their    of extracurricular learning for students
(ORSP) launched a program. The           undergraduate studies is to join a         across campus beyond grants or
Faculty Grant Writing Community was      research project or work on their own      contracts. For example, biology major
created to facilitate grant writing for  research project.        Engaging on       Laura Plascencia reached Dr. Díaz-
external funding. This is a one-year     research is useful because students        Garayúa to engage on a research
commitment where participants must       learn new skills while doing their work.   project. Laura is working on an applied
submit grant applications.               Students gain applied skills that are      human-environment project focused
                                         transferrable to jobs or graduate          on the intersection of urbanization
   This award will provide time and
                                         school.                                    and front yards. During this project,
compensation to a selected group of
                                                                                    Dr. Avwunudiogba and Dr. Gardner
professors     working      on    grant    In fact, CASA offers an alternative
                                                                                    (Biology) joined the team.
proposals. ORSP selected 18 faculty space for undergraduate and graduate
members across campus and 3, or students. CASA has brought students
16%, of the fellows are geographers. from different departments across
Drs. Avwunudiogba, McNally, and campus and one intern from Health
Díaz-Garayúa were awarded. In fact, Sciences to work on a Park Use
they represent 60% of the Geography project. These ten paid research
Program.                                 assistants and one intern (Fall 2021)
                                         that permitted students to gain new
  Our faculty members have been
successfully     attracting    external
funding as primary investigators (PI) or   Students got to know and work with
co-investigators (co-I).       Bringing surveys, semi-structured interviews,
external funds provide opportunity coding, ArcGIS Pro, and the                        Laura Plascencia working on the project
not just for faculty development but smartphone application Survey 123                  Photo Credit: Laura Plascencia, 2022
also helps students and community under the supervision of Dr. Díaz-
                                                                                      Laura took advantage of CASA’s
while allowing the growth of the Garayúa (Geography) and Dr. Logan
                                                                                    student     research     opportunities
discipline inside and outside our (Anthropology). In addition, students
                                                                                    presenting her work at the California
campus.                                  worked as a team and, in some
                                                                                    Geographical Society. Also, Laura
                                         instances, organized themselves to
  This well-earned award will facilitate                                            Plascencia, Dr. Díaz-Garayúa, and Dr.
                                         tackle problems. Working as a team is
the mission of the Geography Program                                                Gardner co-authored and submitted
                                         great not just for any job position but
and the Center for Applied Spatial                                                  an article for the California
                                         also, and more important, to our
Analysis.                                                                           Geographer the official journal of the
                                                                                    California Geographical Society. .

Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Research & Teaching at CASA
                                                   By Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa

      Most people think about professors        They emphasize the importance of             In other words, every municipio in
    as persons reciting the same lecture     spatiotemporal data analysis when,            Mexico follows a similar pattern of
    for ages. Nothing further from the       literally, making life or death decisions     these four distinct cluster showed in
    truth. You can find faculty members,     in society.       Spatiotemporal data         the Figure below.
    scholars, engaged in constant research   analysis is key for Public Health.              Sure, the spread of COVID-19 is a
    even in universities designated as          They examined daily data for over a        complex process. The point is that
    teaching institutions like Stanislaus    year by municipio. Despite the limited        Spatiotemporal analysis is a valuable
    State. However, what better way to       resources, Mexico was successful in           tool that geography can offer to our
    teach classes than incorporating         making available COVID-19 data.               students and other disciplines.
    research into our courses? Similarly,
    including students as Research
    Assistants to work in “real-world”
    experiences is an excellent way to
    provide them with a great opportunity
    of professional growth.
      Moreover, faculty that regularly
    publish, work on projects proposals to
    attract external funds, participate in
    workshops, travel overseas, and are
    generally engaged on research are
    great resources when teaching,
    specially, method classes or graduate
      Our Geography Program is an
    example since several of our faculty
    member are active on research and
    publication. Here, Dr. Díaz-Garayúa
    co-authored (with Oscar Hernández-             Figure 1. Average Time Series Clusters of Cumulative Deaths per 100,000 persons
    Lara and Kevin Butler) the publication
    COVID-19 deaths in México: A               One of the results, Figure 1 shows all        In addition, you visit CASA
    spatiotemporal analysis in COVID-19      municipios in Mexico classified in one        ( to
    and an Emerging World of Ad Hoc          of four categories. Thus, Figure 1            examine a map by municipios
    Geographies, edited by Stanley D.        shows the result of the average time-         categorized in any of these time-series
    Brunn and Donna Gilbreath.               series clustering.                            clusters.

Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
A Field Note from Nigeria
                                                      By: Dr. Austin Avwunudiogba

   I travelled to Nigeria at the end of fall 2021 semester and              During the fieldwork, I conducted some floodplain
 spent three weeks doing fieldwork on the Lower Niger River               geomorphological mapping and collected data to verify an
 floodplain (LNRF) as part of my ongoing research on human                earlier land use/ land cover map that I generated from the
 impacts on large river systems. Large tropical river systems             classification of Landsat 8 multispectral imagery of the LNF.
 such as the Niger play a significant role in the global
                                                                            The long-term goal of this project is to contribute to our
 hydrological cycle because of their extensive floodplain and
                                                                          understanding of the new hydrological regime and develop
 the large volume of water that drain from their basins.
                                                                          basin wide adaptation measure to mitigate its economic
 However, land use and land cover change combined with
                                                                          impact on population that depend on the productivity of
 global climate change is affecting the natural hydrological
                                                                          the LNRF.
 regime of many tropical rivers including the Niger.

                  Location: On the Lower Niger floodplain. The Asaba-Onitsha Niger Bridge is visible at the background. The dry
                               riverbank would normally be under flood. Photo Credit: Felix Avwunudiogba, 2021

Note: This trip was funded by the Office of the Provost. The project has also received previous funding from the Office of the Dean, College of the
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS).

Geographical - California State University Stanislaus
Geography Alumna on TV
                                                        By: Marylú Pulido

                                       Marylú Pulido in a scene of an ASICS commercial

         In August 2021, my athletic coach         Island Wood is used as a summer            They had all of us go through an
     put me in touch with the ASICS team       camp for kids to learn about              immersive learning experience and
     because they were looking for three       everything and anything that has to do    that completely gave me a different
     athletes for a sustainability campaign.   with the environment. They show us        take on what the interactions between
     ASICS was going to release a new          how nature already has the blueprint      the environment and humans could
     environmentally friendly athletic shoes   we need to lead sustainable and           look like. After this experience, I not
     commercial.                               environmentally friendly lives. Not to    only walked away feeling proud that I
         After going through the selection     mention that they have their own          was able to be a part of such an
     and interviewing process, they sent me    garden so all the meals that are          amazing campaign but excited to and
     an airplane ticket and the itinerary      served, from fruits to vegetables, were   optimistic in the futures of sustainable
     with information for the shoot. We        harvested by them. While ASICS is         living and what it could bring to
     were scheduled to film in Seattle,        trying to be more environmentally         everyone.
     Washington for a week where we            conscious with their products, they
     would be staying in Island Wood, a        also want everyone to understand
     non-profit environmental learning         what it means to be environmentally       Marylú Pulido earned a B.A. in Geography in
                                                                                         2018. You can access the commercial here:
     center on Bainbridge Island.              friends.                                    

A Field Note from Iceland
                                                    By Dr. Alison McNally

  Last summer I was fortunate to take         Exploring glacial landscapes – our           Waterfalls were truly awesome – we
part in a professional development          group visited a few of the over 260          visited several, including Skógafoss and
opportunity hosted by the National          glaciers in Iceland – with the most          on the Skóga river (foss=falls), Gullfoss
Council of Geographic Education and         memorable experience consisting of a         (gull=gold),      and      Seljalandsfoss
GeoCamp Iceland, where I spent 11           Zodiak ride through the Jökulsárlón          (selja=sells, lands=land), which we
days exploring the southern part of         glacial lagoon on the south edge of          walked behind!          These powerful
Iceland with a group of K-12 and            Vatnajökull glacier, one of the largest      landscape features produce 70% of
higher education teachers from              in all of Europe. It was amazing to see      Iceland’s overall energy. As glaciers
across the U.S. Needless to say, I was      enormous chunks of ice that had              melt, there is a fear of what the future
thrilled and couldn’t wait to get out       recently broken off the glacier making       will hold for hydropower if rivers begin
after spending so much time at home         their way toward the Atlantic Ocean.         to wane.
due to the pandemic. After meeting
                                                                                           Human landscapes were equally as
COVID requirements (negative test),
                                                                                         interesting as the physical, with visits
our group explored the rugged
                                                                                         to Reykjavik (the largest city in Iceland)
physical environment of the island
                                                                                         as well as many rural communities and
(due in part to its location on the mid-
                                                                                         landscapes made famous by Game of
Atlantic ridge where the North
                                                                                         Thrones. We learned that most of
American and Eurasian tectonic
                                                                                         Iceland’s 366,000 inhabitants can trace
plates are pulling apart), and learned
                                                                                         back their ancestry to Celtic or Viking
about the human history of
                                                                                         settlers in the late 800s, which means
settlement dating back to 874 by
                                                                                         that many Icelanders are distantly
Celtic and Viking settlers. A few
                                                                                         related to one another. There is even
highlights of the trip included:
                                                                                         an app folks use to check their ancestry
  Visiting the volcanic landscapes of                                                    before they begin dating!
Iceland – yes, we went to the most
                                                                                            The biggest highlight was being able
recent eruption at Fagradalsfjall and
                                                                                         to spend this time with so many
got to explore the lava! We also
                                                                                         friendly, giving hosts in Iceland, who
visited several geothermal sites in
                                                                                         literally opened up their homes and
southern Iceland, and heard the          Dr. McNally in front of Skógafoss waterfall.    lives to us. It was a truly wonderful
powerful jet engine sound of a                Photo Credit: Dr. McNally, 2021
                                                                                         experience, and one I am eager to
geothermal steam vent being
                                                                                         repeat in the near future. In the
harnessed for energy (85% of homes
                                                                                         meantime, I will continue to practice
are heated with geothermal energy in Note: This trip was made possible by funding
                                      from the Office of the Provost and the             pronouncing Eyjafjallajökull.
                                           Geography & Environmental Resources Program

Smoke & Vape Free Scholars Initiative (2022 – 2025)
                                                       By Dr. Díaz-Garayúa

          California Endgame’s goal to end     however to date, there has been a            Scholars accepted to this program
     tobacco use in the state by 2035          lack of structured efforts to provide        will take course in HONORS being
     requires     strengthening      tobacco   continual training in tobacco control        introduce to tobacco control in
     control capacity in all regions of the    foundations, research, and practice.         preparation for this program.
     state. Although California’s San          Historically, the lack of structured
                                                                                            Scholars will join a tobacco
     Joaquin Valley (SJV) geographic land      training for potential advocates is
                                                                                            control research team at UC
     mass represents about 25% of the          due, in part, to the lack of institutions
     State and is the fastest growing region   of higher education in the region,
     with over 4 million residents and         including a research university that         Scholars will be assigned to one of
     counting, it is severely under-           would produce new knowledge for              six county Local Lead Agencies
     resourced and lags in achieving state     the region.                                  (Public Health Departments), to
     tobacco control objectives. According                                                  conduct tobacco control advocacy
                                                   To help address to this issue,
     to 2019 data, despite the fact that                                                    work as a part of county-level
                                               faculty members from the CSU
     more people have tried to quit                                                         tobacco control programs.
                                               Stanislaus’ Center for Applied Spatial
     smoking, counties of the SJV have                                                     By engaging on these three
                                               Analysis (CASA) and the University of
     higher smoking prevalence compared                                                activities, scholars will acquire a
                                               California, Merced’s (UC Merced)
     to the whole state. Moreover, the SJV                                             breadth       of     tobacco     control
                                               Nicotine & Cannabis Policy Center
     is home to several immigrant                                                      experience. The training these
                                               have partnered up to recruit and train
     communities (e.g., Hispanic, Hmong),                                              students will receive will provide
                                               cohorts of undergraduate scholars at
     many who reside in rural areas of the                                             instrumental support for local
                                               California State University, Stanislaus.
     Valley and are vulnerable to tobacco                                              tobacco control activities and
     use and are targets of the industry. In       In addition to the scholars being
                                                                                       sustainability to the tobacco control
     this regard, the SJV is not only home     integrated into a tobacco control
                                                                                       workforce in the region.
     to priority populations, but as a whole   research project conducted at the UC
     is considered a priority population.      Merced’s Nicotine and Cannabis              This program, Smoke & Vape Free
                                               Policy Center (directed by Dr. Anna     Scholars  Initiative, offers students an
         A major challenge to advancing
                                               Song), scholars will be assigned to one ample range of both academic and
     tobacco control goals in the region
                                               of six county local lead agencies to professional experiences on health
     has been cultivating local tobacco
                                               conduct tobacco control advocacy and tobacco control in the Central
     control advocates that understand
                                               projects as a part of county-level Valley. These experiences will provide
     the challenges in the region and are a                                            students with the necessary tools to
                                               tobacco control programs.
     part of the local community. Local                                                be competitive and to continue
     lead agencies (LLAs) and nonprofit            This partnership, between these
                                                                                       graduate studies on health and/or
     groups have taken the charge to           two major institutions, will provide
                                                                                       tobacco control or to compete in the
     organize youth tobacco control            opportunity to the scholars accepted
                                                                                       job market.
     activity and increase interest,           to this program to the following:
     however to date, there has been a lack
     of structured efforts to provide
     continual training in tobacco control
Smoke & Vape Free Scholars Initiative (2022 – 2025)
                                               By Dr. Díaz-Garayúa

  With a grant award of 1.4 million       It is important to note that this How to apply for the 2022 cohort:
dollars for Stanislaus State and UC     program will benefits students by
                                                                                Submit your unofficial transcripts
Merced from the Tobacco-Related         allowing them to enroll in HONORS
Disease Research Program (TRDRP) in     courses (one every semester), being     A Curriculum Vitae (CV)
funds for the next three academic       matched with a research team at UC
years (2022 – 2025), the Smoke &        Merced, and being matched with a        An      800-word       (maximum)
Vape Free Scholars Initiative program   health department in the Central        personal statement addressing
(SVFSI) is a one-year academic and      Valley.     These opportunities will    the following:
professional experience that equip      expand the students’ network that
                                                                              o How you would use science to
students to transition to jobs in the   will likely increase professional and
health area, including tobacco          academic opportunities in the future.   promote social justice in society?
control, or to continue to graduate                                            o What sparked your interests in
                                          Because the SVFSI program is
                                        schedule for:                            health and/or tobacco control
  This program offers a one-year full                                            and what have you accomplished
                                             Academic Year 2022 – 2023
scholarship allowing students to be a                                            toward this area?
full-time student to dedicate their          Academic Year 2023 – 2024
time to get immerse on this                                                    o What are you looking           to
                                             Academic Year 2024 – 2025
experience.       This scholarship                                               accomplish in this program?
provides the following:                     You can apply now for the
                                        Academic Year 2022 – 2023 or get Submit these materials via email as a
   It pays your tuition fees            ready to apply for the next two single PDF to both
   It pays you a generous stipend       academic years.                            Dr.       José     Díaz-Garayúa
   every month. The total annual            To apply you want to be sure that      ( and
   amount is $10,500.                   you will enroll as a full-time student
                                        (12 units). You want to be committed       Dr.        Meggan        Jordan
   It will cover your costs to attend
   and participate at a program         to your studies, including working         (
   conference at UC Merced.             (internship) with the assigned UC by          May     13,  2022    entitled
                                        Merced research team and with the “Lastname_Firstname_SVFSI”. Please
   Scholars will enjoy of other
                                        assigned public health agency. You also use the SVFSI Internship as the
advantages such as:
                                        will need a minimum GPA of 3.0 and subject line for the email.
   Personalized Mentoring               access to reliable transportation to
                                        work at your internships in UC Merced Questions? Email Dr. José Díaz-
   Working space at the Center for
                                        and the assigned health department Garayúa (
   Applied Spatial Analysis (CASA)                                             or go to
   Other expenses covered
Study Abroad: A Geographer in Ghana
                                                          By Vanessa Padilla

       The university experience is so
     unique and special to each student
     because it opens in your life academic
     and personal doors. Through lectures,
     assignments, discussions, and group
     projects we adapt and grow to
     appreciate the learning experience.
       Now, grab your passport and bags
     and head straight to the airport. Do
     not look back or think twice. Just do it.
     This was the plan I set in motion in
     January of 2022 with the destination
     set to Ghana. With little idea of what
     to expect I was excited to learn about
     the culture and customs. The study
     abroad experience at the University
     of Ghana in Accra has given me much
     exposure and insight to the history of
     the Gold Coast. Ghana has been a
     strong leader amongst the African
     countries, being the first to gain
     independence from colonial rule in                       Figure 1 – Black Star Square. Photo Credit: Vanessa Padilla, 2022
     1957. This is even further shown
     through the colors of the flag red            Along with the beautiful Ghanaian           the first being a knock at our hotel
     representing       the      fight     for   culture there is also much natural            room door, the unexpected visitor
     independence and the lives that were        beauty to admire. In the northern             being a baboon. From there on we
     lost, gold to remind all of the precious    region of Ghana, you will find Mole           saw many birds, lizards, wart hogs, a
     gold reserves, green for the abundant       National Park in the heart of the             variety of antelope, crocodiles and the
     natural resources, and the five-point       savanna, which is home to a variety of        most impressive in my opinion the
     black star as a symbol of freedom           native wildlife. The animals are free to      African elephant. Though it pains to
     from slavery for all other African          roam as they please and have park             learn that some of these species are
     countries to strive towards. This has       rangers to ensure there is no illegal         categorized as vulnerable, such as the
     been the feeling during my time in          human trespassing nor poaching.               elephants and lions, it is exciting to see
     Ghana, this sense of unity and              When visiting we were fortunate to            the efforts that are being made to
     strength.                                   experience a variety of encounters,           protect the wildlife and habitat.
Study Abroad: A Geographer in Ghana
                                                   By Vanessa Padilla

                                                                                       Traveling through Ghana has been a
                                                                                     very unique experience, especially
                                                                                     coming from a geography background
                                                                                     I feel I can appreciate the landscape
                                                                                     and the people so much more.
                                                                                       I truly believe exploration is at the
                                                                                     center of all geographer’s hearts and
                                                                                     my study abroad experience has
                                                                                     definitely proven this point. There is so
                                                                                     much to learn and see all over the
 Figure 2 – African Elephant at Mole National                                        world and I truly wish and encourage
 Park. Photo Credit: Vanessa Padilla, 2022
                                                                                     all current and future students to take
                                                                                     on this journey, to wander in the
  Just 10 hours south of Mole National                                               unknown, and to explore all that they
Park you will begin to enter a region of                                             can for as long as they can.
lush green forested mountains and
personally my favorite region, the
Volta region.
  Here we explored the Wli waterfall,
known to be the tallest waterfall in
west Africa. To reach the waterfall was
                                           Figure 3 – Wli Waterfall. Photo Credit:
a short 30-minute walk through the
                                           Vanessa Padilla, 2022
forest. As we began our walk we were
met with rain which created the
magical rainbow that met us at the Other common dishes are banku with
base of the waterfall.                   a stew or meat with pepper, or fufu
                                         with some soup and another one of
  Ghana is now the keeper of my heart
                                         my favorite’s groundnut soup with rice
and stomach having had the time to
                                         balls. These dishes all have such
sample many dishes, I have grown very
                                         unique flavors and aromas that they
fond of Ghana’s cuisine. My typical
                                         will be one of the things I will be left    Figure 4 – Red-Red. Photo Credit: Vanessa
lunch called Red-Red. The basics of the                                              Padilla, 2022
                                         missing the most.
dish consist of black-eyed peas in palm
oil, and fried plantain, to this you can
add in gari, made from cassava root,                                                   Vanessa Padilla is graduating in May 2022.
plain rice, avocado, a boiled egg, and
some shito.                                                                                                                         15
Alumna at PG&E
                                                                   By Jess Carey

         As a transfer student from Clovis Community College, my time                 Growing up and residing in Mariposa County, my
     at CSU Stanislaus was short but also sweet. I originally entered              commute to campus was long, roughly 1.5 hours
     California State University, Stanislaus as an Economics major but             one way, I was taking 18 – 21 units most semesters,
     after taking my first geography class from Dr. McNally I knew a               and the faculty did an amazing job at helping me get
     change in majors was the right decision for a career path that                through my program and to reach my goals in a
     would be enjoyable, rewarding, challenging, and I jumped right in.            timely manner. As a part of my final semester,
                                                                                   where an internship was required, I worked with the
                                                                                   Mariposa County Planning Department, and was
                                                                                   able to work on the County’s Land Conservation Act
                                                                                   (also known as the Williamson Act) supporting the
                                                                                   GIS team uploading documents to a database that
                                                                                   would then show in the County’s GIS system.
                                                                                       Upon graduation in late 2018, I worked for the
                                                                                   National Park Service in Yosemite seasonally and
                                                                                   was then hired as an Assistant Planner for Mariposa
                                                                                   County where I gained experience in municipal
                                                                                   planning and community development, in County
                                                                                   government, grant writing, land use, land rights
                                                                                   research, project planning, and project
                                                                                       In 2020, I was hired with PG&E as a Land
                                                                                   Planning Analyst supporting the Environmental
                                                                                   Team, and most recently just accepted a new
                                                                                   position within PG&E working as a Land Agent on
                                                                                   the Land Team researching property rights.
                                                                                       In my spare time, I enjoy spending time at home
                                                                                   with my family in the mountains of Mariposa, as
                                                                                   well as weekend getaways to the city. Some of my
                                                                                   hobbies include roller-skating, gardening, bike-
                                                                                   riding, and watching murder-mysteries.
                                                                                       I would like to express my gratitude for my time
                                                                                   spent as Stan State, my educational experience
                                                                                   there was amazing, and it has done wonders for my
                                                                                   career and self-confidence. The faculty and staff are
                   Jessica Carey earned a B.A. in Geography 2018
                                                                                   top-notch, and I am glad to continue to stay in touch
                                                                                   with many of my professors and former alumni.

GIS in Health & Human Services
                                                       By Christina Falk

  I originally transferred to Stanislaus       My advisors were so helpful in my            Currently there are invasive species
as a Liberal Studies major with the          decision-making        process       and    of mosquito (i.e., Aedes Aegypti)
intention of becoming a teacher. I took      encouraged me to pursue the                 affecting our region. Mosquito
one geography class and I was ready to       program. In search of advice about the      surveillance and mediation are critical
change my major. After that first            GRE examination Chuck Bowen told            if we plan to prevent it. I have created
geography class I realized teaching          me “Well if you fail, you might not be      a data collection layer that will allow
wasn’t what I wanted to do, and              ready for graduate school”. Initially, I    technicians to document where these
decided my life path would be better         was stunned but he continued, “But          species are located, in addition to sites
suited to collect data, analyze it,          that doesn’t mean you can’t get there       that have been inspected. With this
create maps, and most importantly            … If you want something I know you          data I will be able to help the district
EXPLORE!                                     will do what it takes to get there”. I      make data-driven decisions.
  I finally looked forward to going to       know that seems insignificant, but it          I grew academically and personally
school. I took every geography class         certainly made me realize failing           in my time at the Geography Program.
available to me. During my second            doesn’t          actually         matter,   I am a first-generation college student
semester I enrolled in the Death Valley      determination and hard-work will get        but I never felt alone. The instructors
class, I had never been away from my         me where I want to go.                      in the Geography Program are great.
family prior to this trip. We went to          I accepted a GIS internship at            Stanislaus holds a special place in my
Death Valley for a week and it was well      Turlock Irrigation District (TID) working   heart.
worth the risk. I was acquainted with a      in the Survey Department, which was
few of the other students, but I had         a dream job for me. I worked on some
not built a significant relationship with    very interesting and challenging
any of them. Upon returning from the         projects, including TID’s recent solar
Death Valley trip I felt like I was a part   over the canal project, and the
of the Geography Department family.          construction of the new Ceres Main
  I graduated in 2018 with my B.A. in        Reservoir.
Geography with a concentration in              Currently, I am the GIS/IT
global studies and physical geography,       coordinator for the San Joaquin
but I was not ready to quit my               County Mosquito and Vector Control. I
geographic aspirations. I wanted to          am the first in this agency's history to
pursue a M.S. in water resource              hold the GIS/IT position, I essentially
management at Fresno State, but I            explore different ways that GIS can
was very hesitant because I was not          benefit the agency. I am using various
sure if I was qualified for that level of    GIS techniques for data collection,
education.                                   public information, and data analysis.
                                                                                         Christina Falk earned a B.A. in Geography 2018

Kristi Kelechenyi’s Geographic Path
                                                        By Kristi Kelechenyi

        Acquiring new skills requires                                                       Learning from Mr. Barrera in class was
     practice and more practice. After                                                      a good experience, but the chance be
     taking GIS related courses at                                                          a part of the talent pipeline he was
     Stanislaus State, I knew I would need                                                  creating was even better. I was
     continued access to the Esri software                                                  offered a place to continue sharpening
     if I was going to hone the skills I had                                                my skill-set and observe how GIS was
     just learned or pick up any new ones.                                                  being implemented in a multitude of
        Access to the ArcGIS was high on my
     list of priorities, but I wondered how                                                 Mr. Barrera has arranged for several
     difficult that would be to come by.         As a class, we created an online           workstations in his office with access
     What organizations in my area use         survey to classify current facilities that   to the ArcGIS license for training
     GIS, and how is it being applied? After   would be critical to Merced County in        students and colleagues while helping
     realizing that I would not be able to     the event of an emergency or disaster,       the county accomplish goals and
     afford an ArcGIS license on my own, I     a web map displaying those facilities,       projects. He has assigned me widely
     became worried that I may not be          and several story maps informing             varied    projects    ranging     from
     able to find employment with a            about various types of emergencies or        displaying prospective soccer fields to
     company who did. Would I forget           disasters that residents of Merced           editing community zoning boundaries
     what I had learned before I could find    County might face.                           to displaying census data; there is
     a job that allowed me to utilize it?                                                   always something different to work
                                                  All of this data was included in a        on.
       Planning Issues, a course often         single application for ease of access
     taught by Mr. Gene Barrera, showed        for the Merced County Hazard                 I also learned the importance of
     me an avenue for acquiring that GIS       Mitigation Team, and all of the various      developing a network of relationships,
     access. The course project for Spring     Merced County departments who may            engaging those in the field you hope to
     2021 entailed assisting Merced            plan for emergencies. This project           work in can provide you with
     County with updating their Hazard         taught me to look at GIS from a              opportunities you may not have
     Mitigation Plan. As the GIS manager       different perspective; not to focus on       expected. Volunteering in the Merced
     for Merced County and a University        the general public as the end user, but      County GIS department resulted in a
     instructor, Mr. Barrera was able to       to focus the data toward those who           part-time position, and has been an
     provide a unique opportunity to the       would plan for a growing population.         ideal situation for growing my GIS skill
     students: the chance to observe and       We had used several of Esri’s                set.
     participate in a local government         programs to complete this project and
     process while gaining experience and      I had more tools under my belt when I
     confidence in our GIS abilities.                                                       Geographer Kristi Kelechenyi graduated in 2021
                                               would go on my job search.

The Hallmark of Service Learning
                                                 By Eugene Barrera, MCRP

  Connecting academic instruction          Department’s Planning Issues course         As the GIS Manager for Merced
with real world experiences is the         as well as my position as the GIS         County, I have a good understanding of
hallmark of service learning activities.   Manager       for   Merced      County.   the GIS business needs of many County
Stan State has a long-standing             Understanding the commitments in          departments and have formed
commitment engaging students in            developing the course curriculum for      working relationships to assist in
the    practical     applications     of   the Planning Issue course and my          meeting their project goals. Several
coursework and civic participation.        direct involvement in administering GIS   projects over the years have benefited
Nowhere can this be better                 projects at the County of Merced has      from student involvement where GIS
exemplified than in the study of           afforded me with a unique opportunity     plays a role.
Geographic Information Systems or          to develop the components necessary
                                                                                       One example where student service
GIS and its use in local government.       to provide a rewarding service learning
                                                                                     learning was involved included a
                                           experiences for students.
   Over the past several years, I’ve                                                 project supporting the Merced County
been providing instruction as a GIS                                                  Emergency Operation Center. This
lecturer     in     the    Geography                                                 work involved identifying data that
Department. I’m also the GIS                                                         could be used to support populations
Manager for the County of Merced. In                                                 with Access and Functional Needs
both roles I’ve been relying on this                                                 during an emergency event. When a
service learning concept to develop a                                                disaster strikes, knowing what you
“Talent Pipeline” that provides                                                      need and how to find them is the key
students with a direct link to                                                       factor to saves lives, resources, and
community          engagement      by                                                critical infrastructure.
participating in academic coursework
                                                                                       My vision is to maintain and ongoing
benefiting local government. In
                                                                                     talent pipeline between the University
developing this talent pipeline, not
                                                                                     and the County that provides a
only do students enrolled in the         I’ve also coordinated with the Office
                                                                                     mutually beneficial outcome for all
coursework benefit in applying the     of Service Learning to rely on their
                                                                                     parties involved. Such a collaboration
tools in GIS to a local government     student placement program to ensure
                                                                                     not only serves in meeting a County
setting, but the County of Merced      the       community       engagement
                                                                                     need but fulfills a University mission of
also benefits from the talent pool of  experience meets the University’s
                                                                                     community service all while providing
university students to support         administrative requirements. Early
                                                                                     a unique service learning opportunity
projects of local importance.          engagement with the Office in
                                                                                     for students interested in geospatial
                                       developing the service learning and
  To construct this talent pipeline, I                                               technology.
                                       internship program provides the
have been able to work within
                                       necessary resources to focus the Eugene Barrera, MCRP is Lecturer at the
Stanislaus State as a lecturer for the
                                       course for experiential education.      Geography Program in CSU, Stanislaus

Dr. Helzer’s Sabbatical Project
                                                          By Dr. Jennifer Helzer

     Dr. Helzer’s sabbatical project is the      Each chapter will include maps and              Significance (SGS), which will utilize
     development of an etextbook                 other visualizations to illustrate key          the custom mapping tools and sharing
     entitled, California Dreamin’:       A      topics and geographic processes.                capabilities of GoogleMaps. Examples
     Geography of the Golden State. She          These visual aids will anchor course            of SGS include San Diego’s Barrio
     and her co-author, Dr. Robert Voeks,        concepts to real locations and sites of         Logan and the town of Allensworth in
     CSU Fullerton, will examine the             historic and cultural significance              Tulare County, also known as “the
     principal natural, economic, political,     throughout the state. Other unique              Tuskegee of the West,” founded,
     and cultural processes and features         features include Sites of Geographical          financed, and governed by African
     that interact with one another to           ede                                             American settlers. Similarly, the vernal
     shape California’s unique physical and                                                      pools of Butte County, and the Owens
     human landscapes. The etext draws                                                           Lake (Inyo County), now dry due to its
     on each author’s unique topical and                                                         water source being diverted to supply
     regional expertise to provide a                                                             the Los Angeles Aqueduct, are
     comprehensive       and    up-to-date                                                       significant locales of environmental
     examination of California’s diverse                                                         interest.
     human landscapes, cultural systems,
                                                                                                 Each chapter will be showcased by
     and natural environments. The etext
                                                                                                 specific and iconic geo-spotlights
     will explore such topics as social
                                                                                                 highlighting the exceptionalism of the
     justice, indigenous and immigrant
                                                                                                 Golden State.       For example, the
     geographies, biogeography, popular
                                                                                                 bristlecone pine, located in the White
     culture, tourism, natural resource
                                                                                                 Mountains, is the oldest single-
     use, sustainability, and the state’s
                                                                                                 stemmed organism in the world.
     evolving spatial relationships—local,
                                                                                                 Likewise, the recovery of the California
     regional, and global.
                                                                                                 Condor and its resurgence as a unique
     The ebook provides a relevant and up-                                                       species     signifies   the      state’s
     to-date teaching resource that can be                                                       progressive environmental policies.
     utilized for online, hybrid, and face-to-                                                   Each chapter will include one or more
     face instruction. Our overarching goal                                                      “Five Minute Field Trip” YouTube
     is to illustrate the geographical                                                           video clips to illustrate a key
     patterns and processes that have                                                            geographic theme or process. The
     shaped California’s past and present                                                        videos may also include testimonials
     landscapes, and to explore the state’s                                                      from alumni, graduate students,
                                                  Chicano Park murals in Barrio Logan, San
     major human and environmental                                                               faculty colleagues, and working
                                                  Diego. Barrio Logan is one of 14 California
     challenges from the perspective of           Cultural Districts. Photo credit: J. Helzer,
                                                                                                 geographers sharing their professional
     justice, resilience, and sustainability.     March 2022.                                    experiences.

Geography Awareness Week & GIS Day
                                                By Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa

  The Geography Awareness Week               Our Geography Awareness Week             Mr. Barrera has taught GIS and
(#GeoWeek in Social Media) took            opened on November 15, 2021 with           Planning Issues and has a very dynamic
place on November 15 to 19, 2021. As       the presentation of Dr. Jhonni Carr.       service learning program in all of his
many of the activities during the          Dr. Carr is a linguist at UC Berkeley.     courses providing opportunities to his
pandemic, we decided to go virtual.        Her presentation examined how              students.
Nevertheless, taking the talks virtual     language can act as a barrier to social
provided the opportunity to virtually      engagement, especially for marginal
bring people from other places to          groups. Dr. Carr studied the linguistic
Turlock. We benefitted from scholars       landscape of Southwest Los Angeles’s.
and professionals not just from as         Her presentation reached over 70
close as Stanislaus and Merced County      attendees from 31 cities, and 2 states.
but also from the Bay Area (Berkeley
                                                                                        The last talk brought Dr. Ana
California) and as distant as the East
                                                                                      Sánchez-Rivera.       Her presentation
Coast (Maryland).
                                                                                      reached 32 different zip codes in 18
  These three talks, as we have been
                                                                                      different cities in California, Maryland,
doing since 2019, have been edited
                                                                                      Washington, and Hawai’i. Dr. Ana
and archived for the benefit of the
                                                                                      Sánchez-Rivera is a human geographer
general public.      They will be in
                                                                                      with a social psychology background.
                                             The second activity, a panel with GIS    Her undergraduate research, at the
The presentations will be available
                                           Professionals,       brought      three    University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras
with subtitles in both English and
                                           practitioners: Ms. Lopez and Ms.           was about discriminatory attitudes
Spanish. This is important because is a
                                           Kelechenyi, two of our alumnae, and        against Dominicans living in Puerto
way to provide a service to students in
                                           our colleague Mr. Barrera who is           Rico. She has an M.A. from SUNY
this Hispanic Serving Institution, which
                                           adjunct faculty and GIS Manager for        Binghamton and a Ph.D. from
make up over 50% of the student
                                           Merced County. This talk brought over      University of Maryland, College Park.
population (in the city of Turlock, over
                                           40 viewers in 27 cities and 3 countries.   Dr. Sánchez-Rivera works as a Survey
40% speak Spanish).            Providing
                                             Our alumnae talked about how their       Statistician at the US Census Burau,
subtitles in Spanish, permits more
                                           experiences as intern and volunteer        Population Division in Washington DC.
inclusion because many of our
students’        family        members     had contributed to their development
communicate better in Spanish. We          and how the education and skills
cannot forget that more than 25% of        acquired in our program help them to
California’s population speaks Spanish     move forward. Our colleague Mr.
while over 41 million (over 12%) of        Barrera talked about the importance
people in the US speak Spanish.            of a pipeline between universities and
                                           local governments.

Led by José Díaz-Garayúa, Project Will Leverage Each Campus’s

       Stanislaus State is partnering with UC Merced’s Nicotine
     and Cannabis Policy Center (NCPC) on a significant project
     as part of California Endgame’s goal to end tobacco use in
     the state by 2035. The two universities have been awarded
     a $1.4 million Smoke and Vape Free Scholars Initiative
     Program Award collaborative grant from the Tobacco-
     Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP).
       The project will train the next generation of tobacco
     control advocates in the San Joaquin Valley with a goal of
     producing scientific tobacco control advocates through
     classroom instruction, research labs and fieldwork.
       Funding for the award began March 1 and is slated to last
     through 2025. The TRDRP has awarded similar grants in the
     past, but this is the first time a partnership between a
     public teaching institution and a research university has
     been required.
       A unique aspect of the project is that each campus will
     provide its own strengths. Stan State students will have an   CASA’s co – Director and PI, Dr. José R. Díaz-Garayúa, Ph.D.
     opportunity to enroll in courses to learn about the basic
     tenants of tobacco control research. The project is a         Stanislaus State students will have an opportunity to
     dynamic example of what is possible through multi-campus    participate in cutting-edge research projects at UC Merced,
     collaborations in the Central Valley.                       ranging   from   research on the metabolic process to
                                                                 scholarship on policies at the local and state level. Students
       “Stanislaus State is excited to partner with UC Merced on will collaborate with multiple county Local Lead Agencies
     this collaborative grant,” said Stan State President Ellen (LLAs) to conduct tobacco control advocacy projects, which
     Junn. “This is a real opportunity for our campuses to band will allow them to make significant contributions to their
     together and have a unified voice to advocate for better communities and gain vital hands-on experience.
     health in our region. By leveraging the strengths of our
     institutions, we will accomplish fantastic work within the    Stanislaus State’s José Díaz-Garayúa is the project’s
     Central Valley.”                                            principal investigator. Díaz-Garayúa, an associate professor
                                                                 of human geography and geographic information systems
       “UC Merced is proud to join with our Central Valley (GIS), is co-director of the University’s Center for Applied
     colleagues in advancing knowledge that will benefit the Spatial Analysis (CASA). He and his team will recruit
     long-term health of people in the Valley and beyond,” said students and provide workshops, instruction and
     UC Merced Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz.                    mentoring.

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