Page created by Marion Schultz
Fylde BeachCare
                                              April 2019 - March 2020 Summary

It’s been another great year for LOVEmyBEACH along the Fylde Coast, with the launch of exciting new projects and
   more beach cleans taking place than ever before! We continue to support 13 volunteer led beach clean groups
  along the Fylde Coast and have seen a huge increase in the number of corporate groups taking part this year. Our
 army of dedicated volunteers have been recognised with 2 awards—Blackpool Tower’s Local Heroes and BBC Radio
 Lancashire Community Project of the Year (Highly Commended). We have recently launched a new campaign, called
 WOOP! which encourages teenage girls to switch to sustainable alternatives to bathroom products and behaviours.
LOVEmyBEACH continues to be a locally prominent voice in the quest to protect our marine environment, improve
bathing water quality and encourage positive behaviours on the beach, at home and in the workplace. Thank you to
          all our volunteers, supporters, funders and partner organisations for your ongoing support.
                                            Take a look to find out more!

             Volunteering in numbers
      13 beach clean groups along the Fylde Coast
382 beach clean events organised this year. Including 27
 additional beach cleans put on for corporate groups and

   898 new volunteers attending beach clean events,
                compared to 772 last year

   12,200 volunteer hours given to cleaning beaches
              compared to 11,860 last year

     9150 bags of litter removed from beaches and
          estuaries, compared to 8,900 last year

                                                                        Press and media in numbers
                                                                   12 pieces in newspaper press, 2 TV interviews
                                                                            and 6 pieces on local radio

                                                                            Engagement in numbers
                                                                              10 presentations given
                                                                               15 events attended
       2,700 followers on Fylde LOVEmyBEACH Twitter                    1,600 new people engaged in person
       1,700 followers on LOVEmyBEACH NW Twitter

       2,400 followers on   LOVEmyBEACH Facebook                 £114,410     saved through in kind contributions;
                                                                 from partner organisations and volunteer hours
       770   followers on LOVEmyBEACH Instagram
Fylde BeachCare

                                            April 2019 - March 2020 Page 1

                  Volunteer led beach, coastal and estuary care groups

 There are 13 volunteer groups
along the Fylde Coast and LOVE-
myBEACH is proud to work along-
side each group in various ways:
         Freckleton EstuaryCare
   Friends of the Estuary (Lytham)*
         Fairhaven CoastalCare
          St Annes BeachCare
      St Annes North BeachCare
      Blackpool Sea Life Centre*
          Bispham CoastalCare
          Cleveleys BeachCare
      Rossall Beach Residents*
         Rossall Point BeachCare
          Fleetwood BeachCare
     Harbour Village EstuaryCare
         Knott End BeachCare*

   And of course not forgetting the
   wonderful lone beach cleaners!
                                                     Increasing self-sufficiency of volunteer groups:
     *Independently run groups
                                                   LOVEmyBEACH continues to offer varying levels of
                                                    support to each group. There are now 7 groups which
 Between April 2019 and March 2020:                 we provide equipment, insurance, risk assessments
                                                    and first aid training for. The other 6 groups receive
  355 beach cleans led by volunteer groups          less formal support from LOVEmyBEACH, but are
Over 9 ,000 bags of litter collected from Fylde     equally valued volunteers.
                       coast                       This year, LOVEmyBEACH groups have begun keeping
Over 250 volunteers regularly engaged in beach      more detailed records of the number of regular and
                       cleans                       new volunteers taking part. Also the amount of bags
                                                    collected and/or weight of litter collected. This is help-
    Over 12,000 volunteer hours given               ing to build a picture of the long term impact of our
With an economic value of over £105,000             volunteer’s efforts and has led to increased media op-
Fylde BeachCare

                                                         2016- -March
                                                                March 2020
                                                                      2017 Page

                              Spotlight onengagement
                                           our wonderful

                                      … To every single volunteer involved!
    Take a look at the incredible achievements of our volun-
          teers since LOVEmyBEACH began in 2012….
             Over 2000 beach cleans led by volunteer groups

    Over 3000 individual volunteers have taken part in a beach clean

           Over 40 ,000 bags of litter removed from Fylde coast

                   Over 54,000 volunteer hours given

              With an economic value of over £470,000                                  Christmas 2019
                                                                              All our volunteer groups celebrate
                       Just a few highlights of 2019…                          Christmas each year, with either
   Freckleton EstuaryCare removed 655kg of litter during just 12 clean ups   mince pies on the beach, a Christ-
                                                                              mas dinner or a meal out. We must
   Fairhaven CoastalCare removed 230 bags of litter in just 12 months         say a big THANK YOU to Glasdon,
   St Annes North BeachCare have removed 3 tonnes in just 2 years              who made a generous donation
                                                                                   towards the celebrations.
   St Annes BeachCare have saved Fylde council over £9,000 this year
   900 new volunteers took part in a beach clean this year
   We welcomed 4 new group leaders this year—Debbie, Janice, Ruth & Peter
Fylde BeachCare

                                                 April 2019 - March 2020 Page 3

                                      Award winning volunteers

It’s not just us who think our LOVEmyBEACH volunteers are
 amazing! The Fylde Coast volunteers won two awards this
    year, in recognition for their incredible beach cleaning
  efforts! They were collectively named as Local Heroes to
celebrate Blackpool Tower’s 125th Anniversary. A group of
   40 volunteers from beach clean groups along the Fylde
   Coast were treated to afternoon tea and an evening of
          dancing inside the famous Tower Ballroom.
Within the same month LOVEmyBEACH was nominated as
“Community Project of the Year” by BBC Radio Lancashire.
 After some filming and interviews on the beach, 3 group
   leaders were invited to a formal awards ceremony in
 Blackburn. It was a fantastic evening, with a lovely three
 course meal and the opportunity to hear about so many
wonderful projects and inspirational individuals throughout

  The strangest part of the award ceremonies was seeing
 everyone in their “normal” clothes, rather than in wellies
                     and waterproofs!
Although our volunteers don’t beach clean for the praise
   or recognition and many don’t consider themselves
“heroes”, these awards go to show that their dedication
 to helping the environment and keeping our coastlines
clean throughout the year is something to be extremely
                       proud of.
Fylde BeachCare

                                                   April 2019 - March 2020 Page 4

                      Corporate beach cleans & engaging new audiences

   Over the years we have always welcomed corporate groups to our beach
                                                                                    “I just wanted to send a
    cleans, as it is a brilliant opportunity for companies to give something        quick note of thanks for to-
   back to the local community, whilst staff have the chance for team build-        day.
                                 ing out of the office.                             Michael was a great fgroup
                                                                                    leader and everyone from
  However, this year we have been inundated with requests and corporate             Engie has commented on
   beach cleans have been more popular than ever. In the last 12 months             what a fantastic opportunity
                      we have received 62 enquiries!                                to get involved and help out
                                                                                    it has been.
  To put this huge spike into context…LOVEmyBEACH had only delivered 34             He was a star today with his
               corporate beach cleans between 2012 and 2019.                        local knowledge, stories and
                                                                                    tips for recycling.”
   Enormous thanks go to our wonderful volunteer groups, who welcome
                                                                                    Feedback from Engie, who
    these corporate teams onto their beach cleans. A special mention to
                                                                                    joined the St Annes North
     the St Annes North BeachCare volunteers who have taken out 24
                                                                                    BeachCare group
      corporate groups and 9 schools/youth groups over the last 12

                                                                      Special mention goes to United Utilities, who reg-
                                                                       ularly allow teams to take part in beach cleans.
                                                                      This year we have welcomed 10 UU teams have
                                                                      brought 224 staff along to a beach clean. UU staff
                                                                        alone have removed 460kg of litter from the
                                                                                  Fylde Coast during 2019!
                                                                      Since LOVEmyBEACH began in 2012, UU have tak-
                                                                       en part in 76 beach cleans and over 1600 UU
                                                                        staff have volunteered along the Fylde Coast.

 The companies we have taken out                                                                   We have also estab-
this year include: Matalan, Environ-                                                               lished a great part-
  ment Agency, Direct Line, Ricoh,                                                                   nership with the
  Natwest, Engie, Talk Talk, Lloyds,                                                                Fylde Sand Dunes
       Bosch, Lex Autolease...                                                                       Project and after
                                                                                                  beach cleaning some
The feedback is always overwhelm-
                                                                                                    teams have joined
 ingly positive and LOVEmyBEACH
                                                                                                  the project’s rangers
even received generous donations
                                                                                                     and taken part in
 totalling over £1500+ from Shell,
                                                                                                  practical conservation
Avison Young and Key KR Group to
                                                                                                      activities on the
 purchase more equipment for our
                                                                                                   dunes, in the after-
Fylde BeachCare

                                                   April 2019 - March 2020 Page 5

                                   Working to reduce single use plastics

                   Refill campaign
  We have continued to support the national Refill
  campaign this year—working to reduce single use
plastic bottles. There are now over 120 Refill stations
on the Fylde Coast, thanks to the continued support
of volunteers, local businesses and various organisa-                   Wipe Out Ocean Plastics!
tions joining forces with us to support the campaign.
                                                            Behind the scenes we have been working on a new
 A highlight of the ReFILL campaign was the involve-       campaign this year. WOOP! Is aimed at teenage girls/
 ment of St Thomas’ CE Primary School, for the 2nd        young women, with the objective of raising awareness
   year running. After a beach clean and assembly
                                                           of the plastic content of products such as wet wipes
   about LOVEmyBEACH, Year 4 spent the morning            and period care products, and to highlight the impact
  learning about the ReFILL campaign . In the after-        they can have on the environment when they are
  noon, we headed into St Annes to approach local                          flushed down the loo.
businesses and seek feedback from those who signed
                     up last year.                        This is the age when habitual behaviours are formed
                                                           and also young women are significant users of these
The afternoon was a huge success and the children
                                                          products. So it is hoped through the campaign we will
were brilliant ambassadors of LOVEmyBEACH, sign-          encourage positive and responsible behavior to last a
   ing up an extra 12 Refill stations in St Annes.                               lifetime.
                                                            We have designed new bathroom posters, stickers,
                                                           leaflets, a social media campaign and will be working
                                                            with Girl Guide groups to deliver interactive WOOP!
                                                          Sessions and raise awareness of how everyone can get
                                                            Stay tuned for the official launch in Spring 2020...

                 2 Minute Beach Clean Boards
  In summer 2019, we were lucky enough to win £2000 from
Tesco, after shoppers voted us into 2nd place in the Tesco Bags
 of Help scheme! The money will help us buy up to 4 more 2
Minute Beach Clean Boards. Stay tuned for more info on where
     they’ll be along the Fylde Coast, during summer 2020.
Fylde BeachCare

                                                 April 2019 - March 2020 Page 6

                               Engaging schools and young people

This year, LMB has worked with 13 Fylde coast schools and
           colleges, engaging over 900 students…
 Assemblies at St Bedes High School and St Thomas &
   Holy Family Primary Schools.
 Interactive classroom sessions delivered to Baines En-
   dowed and Hambleton Primary Schools.
 24 different classes have taken part in a beach clean
   this year! A class from Myerscough College took part in
   a clean each week for a whole term and Highfield School
   send a class of year 7’s every term.
 Attended the North West Eco-Schools Conference, shar-                             Fresher’s Fairs
   ing LMB messages to 14 different schools.                        This year we attended Myerscough College and
                                                                 Blackpool & Fylde College Fresher’s Fairs to share our
                                                                  messages with the students. Our display showcased
                                                                  how to have a “plastic free night out” and even led
                                     Since LOVEmyBEACH
                                                                  to LOVEmyBEACH being chosen as one of Blackpool
                                       began in 2012, we
                                                                         & Fylde College’s charities of the year!
                                      have delivered over
                                       150 school ses-
                                      sions and worked
                                     with over 3800 stu-
                                     dents...Inspiring the
                                      next generation of
                                        ocean lovers!

                  National Citizen Service
 Emily worked with a group 16-18 year olds from The Chal-
  lenge National Citizen Service, on a series of social action     Throughout the year, we have also worked with
days during August. The group took part in a beach clean in        young people alongside The Police Cadets, BFC
St Annes and hosted a “beach party”, with games and activi-             Community Trust and UR Potential.
     ties to educate families about litter on our beaches.        In November, Emily sat on the panel at Blackpool
We also welcomed 5 other NCS groups out onto beach cleans         Youth Summit—discussing all things environmen-
           as part of their summer programme.                             tal with Blackpool Youth Council.
Fylde BeachCare

                                                  April 2019 - March 2020 Page 7

                                Raising awareness of LOVEmyBEACH

    Attended 15 local events to raise awareness of the LOVEmyBEACH               During 2019, LOVEmyBEACH has
           campaign and spread our key messages, including:                     engaged with over 1600 peo-
  Fylde Coastal Fair at Lytham 1940s weekend, engaging with over 300             ple at events & presentations.
                                                                                  Since 2012, LMB has spoken to
    Fairhaven Lake Open Day & Wyre Estuary Country Park Open Day,
                                                                                     over 7000 people!
               displaying the LOVEmyBEACH promotional stand
  Blackpool Pier 2 Pier Swim, over 100 open water swimmers put local
                   bathing water improvements to the test!                       Delivered 10 talks, including to:
                                                                                       Lytham Rotary Club

                                                                                    Friends of Ansdell Library

                                                                                 Lancashire’s Living Seas project
                                                                                           Launch event
                                                   Thank you to all our
                                                  wonderful volunteers,           International Blue Flag Man-
                                                  who joined us at these           ager’s Conference—Blackpool
                                                         events!                  hosted this international confer-
                                                                                   ence with guests from all over
                                                                                             the world!

         Press and media

12 pieces in newspaper press, 2 TV
interviews and 6 pieces on local ra-
  Covering our volunteer groups,
bathing water quality and plastic re-
        duction campaigns!

                                                                    World Ocean’s Day
                                          To celebrate World Oceans Day on 8th June, Emily organised a mini Ocean
                                          Festival on Blackpool Promenade, alongside Lancashire Wildlife Trust. Un-
                                          fortunately, after month’s of preparation, the great British weather rained
                                                                         the event off!
                                          We were still able to join the Sea Life Centre on a WOD beach clean and
                                         were even joined by Kiko Matthews on her bicycle tour of the UK coastline.
Fylde BeachCare

                                                   April 2019 - March 2020 Page 8

                                      Engaging with key partners

                                                         We continue to work closely with all 3 Local Authori-
                                                         ties, who are project partners, on volunteer engage-
                                                          ment, practical beach clean matters, events, bathing
                                                          water improvements and spreading the messages of
                                                                        Fylde BeachCare further.
                                                           As the funders of the project, we work alongside the
                                                           Environment Agency and United Utilities, collabora-
                                                          tively working towards bathing water quality improve-
                                                         ments and sharing key messages throughout the North
 LOVEmyBEACH received significant in kind contri-
                                                         West. This year, we sent out 560+ information packs to
butions from volunteers and partner organisations.
                                                         local households with septic tanks, as part of the Call of
Taking into account the economic value of volunteer
                                                                            Nature campaign.
   hours and contributions in kind such as storage
  space, meeting venues and donations by private         We also work alongside various local environmental or-
 businesses the total in kind contributions for 2019-     ganisations such as Wyre Rivers Trust, Ribble Rivers
                 20 was £114,410                           Trust, Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Park View 4U.

Special thanks goes to Blackpool Light Craft Club for
 their continued support in allowing us to use their     LOVEmyBEACH is hosted by Keep Britain Tidy and we
                      facilities.                        continue to support the charities work throughout the
                                                        year. Throughout April our beach clean groups took part
                                                         in the Great British Spring Clean, the country’s largest
We continue to support the Turning Tides board            volunteer clean up event, and we look forward to its
 and their vision to improve bathing water quali-                      return in September 2020.
ty, whilst boosting the use of our coast. In partic-
 ular we supported the Active Coast programme
of summer events on the coastline to encourage
   everybody to get out, get active and use the
   coast to connect to nature or to boost their
               health and wellbeing.

 2019-20 has been another brilliant year for Fylde BeachCare and LOVEmyBEACH. The campaign con-
tinues to grow from strength to strength and we are looking forward to the future and opportunity to
   build on our previous successes, relationships and watch our army of dedicated volunteers grow!
 As we head into April 2020, we are unsure what the year ahead will bring. The LOVEmyBEACH campaign is al-
ready looking at ways of adapting in response to the current Coronavirus pandemic and the safety of our volun-
teers will always be our top priority. Lets hope that in 12 months time, we can all look back on these challenges
      and know that they brought our communities closer. Until then, please stay safe and keep in touch.
                                           Emily, Fylde BeachCare Officer
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