Functions - Beenleigh Tavern
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function spaces S P O R T S B A R V E R A N DA H Capacity: 70 standing (shared) S P O R T S B A R E XC L U S I V E Capacity: 400 standing F U N C T I O N R O O M E XC L U S I V E Capacity: 100 seated, 150 standing B I S T R O & F U N C T I O N R O O M E XC L U S I V E Capacity: 220 seated
food packages P L AT T E R S CANAPÉS A N T I PASTO PL AT TE R $70 Minimum 20 guests Prosciutto, smoked ham, salami, cheese, fruit, crackers CHO O S E 4 O PT I ON S $20 PP CHO O S E 6 O PT I ON S $30 PP S E A FO O D PL AT TE R $150 Fresh local prawns, oysters, salt & pepper calamari, CHO O S E 8 O PT I ON S $40 PP battered fish bites, half shell scallops, mussels, potato scallops, sauces Mini beef burger, cheese, pickles, burger sauce AU S S I E PL AT TE R $80 Cheddar cheese and onion arancini Sausage rolls, mini pies, quiche, Bbq duck shanks, Yellowfin tuna, blue corn chip, avocado, sesame spring rolls, crumbed meatballs Prawn cocktail in lettuce cup Y U M CHA PL AT TE R $90 Pumpkin & goats cheese tart, toasted pipita seeds Dim sims, spring rolls, pork wontons, chicken karaage, Half shell scallop, garlic butter, salsa verde prawn crackers Oyster, spiked bloody mary, celery VE G E TARI AN PL AT TE R $80 Oyster natural, lemon, red wine & cracked pepper Quiche, spring rolls, crumbed camembert, fried arancini, halloumi, Sticky pork belly, lettuce cup, roasted peanut Bilini with smoked salmon and horseradish cream P I ZZA PL AT TE R $90 Mini rare roast beef pizza, caramelised onion Margherita, meat lovers, garlic bread, chips, sauces Duck spring roll, hoisin, cucumber Cheese burger spring roll, burger sauce Popcorn chicken, hot sauce, blue cheese mayo Lobster mac & cheese nuggets
seated event Please select 2 options from each course for alternate service ENTRÉE DESSERT 3 OYSTE RS NATURAL S TRAW BE RRY CH E E S E CA K E Lemon, red wine vinegar, cracked pepper dressing Caramelised white chocolate SA LT & PE PPE R CAL AMAR I TRI PL E CHO CO L ATE B ROW N I E Roasted garlic aioli, lemon Fudge sauce, violet crumble TOMATO BRU SCHE T TA Bocconcini, basil, olive oil, toasted sour dough 2 COU RS E $55 PP P E KI N G DU C K SHAN K 3 COU RS E $65 PP Cucumber, sesame MAINS Minimum 20 guests G R I L L E D SALMON Cherry tomatoes, zucchini ribbon, lemon garlic butter Vegan & vegetarian meals can be catered separately C H O RI ZO PRAWN S Local King prawns, chorizo, spinach, corn, tarragon, brown rice B RA I SE D PO RK BE LLY Boston baked beans, chilli, salt & vinegar crackle ROA S TE D C H I CKE N BREAST Mash, broccolini, jus 250 GM RU M P STEAK Straight cut chips, garden salad, mushroom sauce
beverage options PA C K A G E S S TA N DA R D PREMIUM DURATION STANDARD PREMIUM Edge of the World Sparkling Edge of the World Sparkling 2 Hours 39pp 49pp Edge of the World White Aurelia Prosecco 3 Hours 49pp 59pp Edge of the World Rose Edge of the World White 4 Hours 59pp 69pp Edge of the World Red Morgan's Bay Chardonnay 821 South Sauv Blanc Toohey's New Lager Edge of the World Rose Beverage packages available for minimum 20 guests XXXX Gold Edge of the World Red Wandering Duck Shiraz Somersby Apple Cider Chain of Fire Merlot B A R TA B O N C O N S U M P T I O N Hahn Light James Squire 150 Lashes A bar tab can be set up with a specified limit and Carlton Dry selection of beverages to be served to your guests. Selection of soft drinks and juice Victoria Bitter The limit can be reviewed as your function progresses XXXX Gold and increased if need be. Somersby Apple Cider SPIRITS Add our spirit package to a beverage package of your choice Hahn Light for an additional $10pp per hour Selection of soft drinks and juice SPIRIT PACKAGE INCLUDES: Vodka Gin Bourbon Whisky
corporate packages P R E M I U M PA C K A G E | $ 5 0 P P E X E C U T I V E PA C K A G E | $ 6 0 P P LUNCH | $30PP Minimum 20 guests Minimum 20 guests Minimum 20 guests ON ARRI VAL ON ARRI VA L Assorted sandwiches and wraps Coffee, a selection of teas, Coffee, a selection of teas, Fresh seasonal fruit platter mineral water and juice mineral water and juice Coffee, a selection of teas, mineral water and juice MORN I NG TEA MO RN I N G TE A Your choice of assorted muffins or banana Coffee, a selection of teas, mineral water MORNING OR AFTERNOON TEA | $20PP bread. Coffee, a selection of teas, mineral and juice. Your choice of assorted muffins or Minimum 20 guests water and juice banana bread Assorted muffins OR freshly baked scones with LUNC H LU N CH jam and cream. Coffee, a selection of teas, Assorted sandwiches and wraps Select a main course from our à la carte menu, mineral water and juice fresh seasonal fruit platter A F TE RNO ON TEA Your choice of freshly baked scones with jam A F TE RNO ON TE A and cream or Nutella doughnuts. Coffee, a Your choice of freshly baked scones with jam selection of teas, mineral water and juice and cream or Nutella doughnuts. Coffee, a selection of teas, mineral water and juice.
contact (07) 3051 7636 114 Distillery Rd, Beenleigh QLD 4207
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