Page created by Glen Griffin
Do-It-Yourself Recipes for a
                                                   Healthier Home

Try these easy DIY recipes:
                                                                  Creamy Soft Scrub
    All Purpose Cleaner         Window Cleaner
                                                                  Furniture Polish
    Tub & Tile Cleaner          Drain Opener
                                                                  Laundry Detergent

All Purpose Cleaner             Window Cleaner
                                                                    2 cups baking soda                direction of the grain. Use
Use on hard surfaces like       1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
                                                                    1/2 cup liquid castile soap       soft brush to work the polish
countertops, kitchen floors,    1/4 cup white vinegar
windows, and mirrors.                                               4 tsp. vegetable glycerin (acts   into corners or tight places.
                                2 tbsp. corn starch                 as a preservative)                Tip: For water spots, rub well
2 cups white vinegar            2 cups warm water                   5 drops of essential oil
                                                                                                      with non-gel toothpaste and
2 cups water                    Make sure to shake well be-         (lavender, tea tree, or rose-
                                                                    mary; acts as antibacterial       wipe away with soft cloth. To
20-30 drops of Essential Oil    fore using to disperse the
                                                                    agent)                            remove scratches, rub with
(optional)                      corn starch throughout the
                                                                                                      one part olive oil and one part
                                mixture, as it may settle to
Tip: Warm in the microwave      the bottom of the bottle.           Mix and store in a sealed jar.    lemon juice then rub with a
using a glass container until                                       This scrub has a shelf life of    soft cloth.
barely hot to boost cleaning                                        about 2 years.
power for tougher jobs.         Drain Opener
                                1/2 cup baking soda                 Tip: To increase effective-       Laundry Detergent
                                                                    ness, spray vinegar first and     3 cups washing soda
Tub & Tile Cleaner              1/2 cup vinegar                     let set in. Then continue with
3/4 cup baking soda                                                 soft scrub.                       2.5 ounces of soap flakes
1/2 cup white vinegar           Pour baking soda down the
                                drain then follow with the          Furniture Polish
1/4 cup lemon juice                                                                                   Soap flakes can be created by
                                vinegar. Cover and let sit for
3 tbsp. liquid castile soap                                         1/4 cup olive oil                 grating favorite soap against
                                at least 30 minutes. Flush          1/4 cup white vinegar             cheese grater. Blend ingredi-
3 tbsp. salt
                                with boiling water.                 20-30 drops lemon essential       ents together in a food pro-
10 drops essential oil
(optional)                                                          oil or lemon juice (optional)     cessor and store in a glass
                                Creamy Soft Scrub                                                     container. For every load, use
Mix together ingredients in a                                       Shake well before using. Dip      2 tablespoons (3 tbsp. for
large bowl and pour into a      Use for areas that may need
                                                                    a clean, dry cloth into the       heavily soiled loads). Suitable
container. Mixture may be       scrubbing like the kitchen
                                counter, stove, bathroom            polish and rub wood in the        for HE and non-HE ma-
too thick to put in a spray
                                sink, etc.                                                            chines.

                                 Shopping Checklist for Green Cleaning Essentials
 FACT: Household
cleaning products                    Baking soda                                       Lemon juice
do not have to list
                                     Washing soda                                      Essential oils
ingredients on the
      bottle!                        White vinegar                                     Club soda

  For More Information,              Salt                                              Spray bottles
       contact us at
                                     Soap (bar and liquid castile)                     Glass containers
  Phone: 412-404-2872

Women for a Healthy Environment

                                  Safer Solutions for Removing Persistent Stains/Spots
                                  Purpose                                Safer Solution

                                  Grease remover                         Mix equal parts of castile soap, baking
                                                                         soda, and hydrogen peroxide together.
                                                                         Scrub stain with toothbrush then wash.

                                  Mildew remover                         Scrub with equal parts vinegar and salt
                                                                         then rinse with water.

                                  Wine stain remover                     Blot stain then apply salt generously
                                                                         and let sit for 5 minutes before rinsing
Top 12 Cleaning
                                                                         clothing or vacuuming carpet.
Ingredients to Avoid
                                  Spot remover                           Dab stain with club soda, lemon juice,
1.   Ammonia                                                             or salt.
2.   Ammonium Quaternary          Perspiration spot remover              Make paste of baking soda and water.
     Compound (Quats)-Benzyl
                                                                         Scrub into stain and let sit for 30
                                                                         minutes before washing in cold water.
3.   Bleach
                                  Copper cleaner                         Create paste of lemon juice and salt.
4.   Chlorine                                                            Rub into copper and let sit for 30
5.   Ethanolamines (Mono,
                                                                         minutes before rinsing.
     DEA, TEA)                    Rug/carpet cleaner                     Pour club soda on stain. Leave for 2
6.   Formaldehyde (also look
     for quaternary-15 or
     quaternium-15)               Household Cleaners
                                  Did you know?
7.   Fragrance
                                     Fumes from some cleaning products may induce asthma in other-
8.   Glycol Ethers (including 2-
                                      wise healthy individuals. NEVER mix bleach & ammonia together!
     butoxyethanol, butyl
     cellosolve)                     Seek products that are fragrance-free. The ingredient “Fragrance”
                                      can contain any combination of over 3,000 different chemicals.
9.   Nonylphenol (NPEs) and           Look for disinfectants that contain hydrogen peroxide, rather than
     Alkylphenol ethoxylates          bleach.
                                     If you use bleach, make certain that you use a diluted portion and
10. Phthalates (often hidden in       never mix with other chemicals. The diluted mixture is one table-
    fragrance)                        spoon of chlorine bleach to one gallon of water. In order to disinfect,
11. Sodium Hydroxide                  the mixture must remain on the surface for at least two minutes
                                      before wiping.
12. Triclosan and Triclocarban

 Houseplants are one of the best ways to improve indoor air quality, so if
 you’re missing the fragrance of some of your old, toxic household cleaners,
 invest in a few air-filtering plants!
 Certain common indoor plants (peace lilies, gerber daisies, and spider
 plants, to name a few) are known to eliminate significant amounts of indoor
 pollutants, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

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