FUN WITH STEM | 455 N. 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004 - Arizona Center

Page created by Shawn Maxwell
FUN WITH STEM | 455 N. 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004 - Arizona Center
FUN WITH STEM | 455 N. 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
FUN WITH STEM | 455 N. 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004 - Arizona Center
 Color makes the world exciting. Do you know the three      Try making your own colors with finger paints or food
 primary colors? If you said red, blue, and yellow you’re   coloring. Put a little spoonful of red, blue, and yellow paint
 right! They are called primary because we use these        on a piece of white cardboard and follow the chart above
 colors to make all the other colors on the color wheel.    to see what colors you can make. You can also use clear
                                                            plastic cups with water and food dyes to mix colors.

                                                                 Red    Yellow    Orange       Blue     Yellow   Green

                                                                 Red     Blue     Purple       Black     White   Gray

                                                                            Red      Blue   Yellow     Black

                                                            HELPFUL HINT:
                                                            Put a splash of milk in your water to
                                                            help you see the colors better.

                                                                                                                         Page 2
LEARN ABOUT PRICKLES                                              LEARN ABOUT FROGS
Prickles is Arizona Center's saguaro cactus. Although you         Thousands of years ago, a river flowed through what is
can find saguaro cacti all around Arizona, Prickles is the        now Arizona Center. Along the banks of the river, numer-
first saguaro in Downtown Phoenix.                                ous frogs could be found basking in the sun.

DID YOU KNOW?                                                     DID YOU KNOW?
y Saguaro cacti are slow growing, but can live up to 200 years.   y A frog’s ear holes are located just behind their eyes. If they are
y Cacti are great at storing water, and can live over a year        larger than its eyes, it is a male; if it is smaller, it is a female.
  without rain.                                                   y Frogs don’t drink water with their mouths, but instead stay
y The bloom on a saguaro is Arizona's state flower.                 hydrated by absorbing water through their skin.
y Typically the arms on a saguaro begin to grow after 70 years.   y A new layer of bone forms every year a frog goes into hibernation.

                                                                                                                                   Page 4
Technology                                               LEARN TO WRITE IN BINARY CODE
                                                         Binary code is the language that computers use to complete
                                                         complex functions, using strings of only 0s and 1s. Most

  TECHNOLOGY WORD SCRAMBLE                               computers today use 8-bit binary code strings, bits being the
                                                         individual number (1 or 0) in the binary string. Use the table
  Unscramble these common technology terms.              below of 5-bit binary code strings to crack the codes.

                                                         BINARY CODE ALPHABET
  hsreac neenig
  yokrdeba                                               A   00001      H    01000     O   01111    V   10110
  feswrtoa                                               B   00010       I   01001     P   10000    W   10111
                                                         C   00011      J    01010     Q   10001    X   11000
  woladdon                                               D   00100      K    01011     R   10010    Y   11001
                                                         E   00101      L    01100     S   10011    Z   11010
                                                         F   00110      M    01101     T   10100
  fhsla vreid                                            G   00111      N    01110     U   10101

  TECHNOLOGY SCAVENGER HUNT                              CRACK THE CODES
                                                         1. 10011-10101-10011-01000-01001
  We’re surrounded by technology that entertains us,
  teaches us new things, and helps make everyday
  tasks easier. Go on a scavenger hunt in your home to   2. 01001-00011-00101 00011-10010-00101-00001-01101
  count how many of the following you have.

           Computer(s)              Light switch(s)      3. 10011-00001-01110-00100-10111-01001-00011-01000
           TV(s)                    Lamp(s)
           iPad(s)                  Printer(s)           4. 00011-01111-00110-00110-00101-00101

           Video game(s)            Flash drive(s)
                                                         5. 00100-01111-01110-10101-10100
           Radio(s)                 Microwave(s)
           House phone(s)           Phone charger(s)
                                                         YOU’RE A PRO! Now write your name in binary code.
                                                                                                                   Page 6
Engineering                                                               FIND THE ARCHITECTURAL TERMS
                                                                             S   C   U   L   P   T   U   R   E   S

                                                                             Q   E   I   V   Z   R   S   S   W   C    Garage
                                                                             V   K   L   O   S   G   T   Q   I   O    Stairs
 Connect the dots to create the AC Hotel by Marriott                         I   M   J   E   P   A   Z   T   N   X
 at Arizona Center                                                           D   M   P   R   V   R   P   T   D   X    Foundation
                                                                             F   O   U   N   D   A   T   I   O   N    Sculptures
                                                                             V   Q   Y   B   N   G   T   X   W   H
                               11                                                                                     Windows
      10                                                       13            D   A   Y   S   F   E   W   O   S   U
                               12                                            O   P   Y   G   B   L   L   V   R   G    Elevators
                                                                             S   T   A   I   R   S   U   N   L   S

                                                                          BUILDING CHALLENGE
                                                                          Let's see if you can build a structure that resembles
                                                                          Arizona Center's triangular awning at the corner of 3rd Street
      9                                                         14        and Van Buren using only spaghetti and marshmallows. Use the
                                                                          spaghetti as the foundation of the tower and the marshmallows
                                                                          to connect the spaghetti pieces together and hold it in place.

                                        6                                 WHAT YOU’LL NEED:
                                        3                                 y 1 pack of spaghetti
                                                                          y 1 pack of marshmallows

                                                                          HELPFUL HINTS:
      8          7    32 29   25 26           28 22   21 18     5
  1              2                                              4
                     33                                   17
       37       36                                                        y Break the spaghetti if you need
                                                                            shorter pieces
                                                                          y Use two strands of spaghetti
                     34                               20 19
       38       35    31 30    39     24 23               16 15
                                                                     40     together for extra strength
                                                                          y Push the spaghetti deep into the
                                                                            marshmallow to provide more grip

                                                                                                                                       Page 8
Math                                                     EMOJI MATH EQUATION GAME

 There’s a fun band coming to play at Arizona Center.
 Before they get there they need to know how much room
 they have on stage to set up equipment. Can you help
 them figure out the square footage of the stage?

 Multiply the length times the width to
 get the square footage.

                              15.5’                      SOLVE THE MATH RIDDLE
                                                         1. When Grant was eight, his brother was half his age.
                                                            Now, Grant is 14. How old is his brother?

                                                         2. Two fathers and two sons spent the day fishing, but
                                                            only caught three fish. This was enough for each of
                                                            them to have one fish. How is this possible?

                                                                                                                  Page 10
Medicine                                                                         TYPES OF DOCTORS EMOJI GAME
                                                                                 Use the emoji hints below to name the types of doctor and
                                                                                 medical professionals.

 Use this fun activity to make your own blood cell model
 using slime.

 y Red Perler beads to represent red blood cells
 y Micro-foam balls to represent white blood cells
 y Gold glitter to represent platelets
 y ½ cup of Elmer’s Clear Liquid School Glue
 y 1-2 tablespoon saline solution (with boric acid and
   sodium borate)
 y ½ cup water
 y ½ teaspoon baking soda
 y Red food coloring

 HOW TO MAKE YOUR SLIME:                                                         BRAIN MAZE
 1.   Pour liquid school glue in a bowl.                                         Can you find your way to the center of the brain maze?
 2.   Dissolve baking soda in warm water in a separate container.                                              start
 3.   Pour baking soda solution into the bowl and stir into the glue.
 4.   Add the red Perler beads, micro-foam balls and glitter.
      Since most of our blood volume consists of red blood cells, add a lot
      of red Perler beads. White blood cells are only a small portion of our
      blood, add about a dozen microfoam balls. Finally, sprinkle gold glitter
      to represent platelets until you can see them clearly in the slime.
 5. Add the saline solution.
 6. Mix quickly until the slime pulls away from the side and
    bottom of the bowl. If the slime is sticking to the bowl, slowly
    add a drop or two of saline solution and mix until the slime no
    longer sticks to the bowl.
 7. Knead the slime with your hands for a few minutes until it
    reaches the desired consistency.
 8. Add red food coloring to make the slime look like blood.
                                                                                                                                          Page 12
Activity Key                                            SOLVE THE MATH RIDDLE
                                                        1) His brother is 10. Half of eight is four, so Grant’s brother
                                                           is four years younger. This means when Grant is 14, his
 TECHNOLOGY WORD SCRAMBLE                                  brother is still four years younger, so he’s 10.

 1) search engine 2) keyboard 3) software,              2) There were only three people fishing. There was one father,
                                                           his son, and his son's son. This means there were two fathers
 4) download 5) megabytes 6) flash drive
                                                           and two sons, since one of them is a father and a son.

 1) Sushi 2) Ice cream 3) Sandwich 4) Coffee 5) Donut
                                                        1) Cardiologists: Experts on the heart and blood vessels
                                                        2) Dentist: Experts on teeth
                                                        3) Veterinarian: Experts on animal health
 ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS FOUND AT                        4) Neurologists: Experts on the nervous system, which
 ARIZONA CENTER WORD SEARCH                                includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
                                                        5) Ophthalmologists: Experts on eye health
  S   C U     L   P   T   U   R   E   S
                                                        6) Pediatricians: Experts on children’s health from birth to
  Q   E   I   V   Z   R   S   S W C       Garage           young adulthood
  V   K   L   O   S   G   T Q     I   O
                                          Stairs        7) Podiatrists: Experts on problems in ankles and feet
  I   M J     E   P A     Z   T N X
  D M P       R   V   R   P   T   D   X   Foundation

                                                        BRAIN MAZE
  F   O U N D A           T   I   O N     Sculptures
  V Q     Y   B N G       T   X W H
                                          Windows                            start
  D A     Y   S   F   E W O       S   U
  O P     Y   G B     L   L   V   R G     Elevators
  S   T A     I   R   S   U N     L   S

 395.25 square feet

 1) 5 2) 13
                                                                                                                    Page 14

         EARTH          Moriah II
                         Nails & Spa | 455 N. 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
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