FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

Page created by Felix Lawrence
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside
     FUN GUIDE                  Winter•Spring 2022

      REGISTER                                                 X
V                                                                          V
     $3 Same Day/Late                    Inside
    REGISTRATION FEE                     • Day Camp Information
     Register early to avoid             • Preschool Registration
          this charge!

                                                Follow us on Facebook for latest

                                                program updates and new events.

                 All programs and parameters are subject to change

                  due to current local, State and Federal guidelines.

           (708) 442-5515 • • NRRecreation
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside
                                                                                  FOLLOW US
                                                                                  ON FACEBOOK
                                                                                 for program updates
 January                                                                           and unadvertised
 1/8             11am–12pm             Snowed in with Elsa                          special events.
 1/17            8am–3pm               Day off Drop-off Camp

 2/18            7–8:30pm              Daddy Daughter Luau
 2/20            1pm                   Murder Mystery Brunch Fundraiser
 2/21            8am–3pm               Day off Drop-off Camp

                                       Returning Camper Registration
                                       New Camper Registration               Bunny Bingo
 3/18            7–8:30pm              Mother & Son '80s Throwback
 3/28–4/1        9am–3pm               Spring Break Camp

 4/8             7–9pm                 Bunny Bingo • SELL-OUT EVENT!
 4/9             1pm start             Outdoor Adult Scrambled Egg Hunt
 4/23            10am-12pm             Greener Earth Day Shred Event
 4/29            6:30-7:30pm           Dia Del Nino–Family Event
 4/29-4/30       7:30pm                Sweeney Todd

 1, 5, 6, 7      Time Vary             Sweeney Todd
 5/4             4–6pm                 Transportation Exploration Day
 5/12            10am–12pm             Senior Fair at the Village Commons

 6/5             9am–2pm               Flea Market: Summer

 9/11            9am–2pm               Flea Market: Fall

                                        EASY WAYS
                                                           1. In Person: 2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue
                                                           2. Phone: (708) 442-5515
                                                           3. Fax: (708) 442-7310
                                       TO CONNECT          4. Web:
$3 Same Day/Late                         WITH US!          5. Email:
REGISTRATION FEE                                           6. Facebook:
Register early to avoid this charge!
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside
                                                                                         TABLE of CONTENTS
                                                                                         Events Calendar....................................Inside Cover
                                                                                         Birthday Parties.....................................4
                                                                                         Special Events........................................5–9
                                                                                         Specialty Day Camps...........................10
                                                                                         Summer Camp.......................................11–13
                                                                                         Preschool/Jr. Kindergarten................14–15
                                                                                         Early Childhood
To view the recreation book online:                              In Motion.............................................16–17
                                                                                           Specialty Classes..............................18–19
OFFICE HOURS                                VILLAGE OFFICIALS                            Youth
Monday–Friday........ 8:30am to 4:30pm      Joseph Mengoni, Mayor
Wednesday................ 8:30am to 8pm     Kathy Ranieri, Village Clerk                   Specialty Classes..............................26–27
Saturday..................... 9am to 12pm   Sue Scarpiniti, Village Administrator
                                                                                         Active Adults
LOCATIONS                                   Trustees                                       Sports Leagues..................................30
Recreation Facility                         Jason Bianco            Fernando Flores        Specialty Classes..............................31–34
Richard N. Scheck Village Commons           Debbie Czajka           Marybelle Mandel     Social Adults...........................................35
2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue                   H. Bob Demopoulos       Terri Sarro          Adult/Senior Services.........................36
Community Room                                                                           Trips
                                            Parks and Recreation
2359 S. DesPlaines Avenue                                                                   Local......................................................37
Lower Level, below the Police                                                               Extended..............................................38–39
                                            Teresa Mrozik, MS, CPRP
Department                                  Director of Parks and Recreation             General Information............................40

Sts. Peter & Paul Gymnasium                 Nicole Collier, Recreation Coordinator       Club Information...................................41

250 Woodside (Riverside)                    Liz Durec, Preschool Director                North Riverside Little League...........42
                                            Toni Giovenco, CPRP, Program Coordinator     North Riverside Players......................43
Veterans Park Recreation
                                            Julie O’Brien, Office Manager                Registration Information....................44
                                            Adriana Wells, Recreation Assistant          Registration Form.................................Inside
7550 W. 26th St (west of Harlem Avenue)
                                                                                                                                            Back Cover
Commons Park and                            CITIZENS’ RECREATION
Playground                                  COMMITTEE                                    ABOUT INSURANCE
Located behind the Village Offices,         The Citizens’ Recreation Committee is        COVERAGE
off of DesPlaines Avenue                    made up of citizens appointed by the         The North Riverside Parks and Recreation
                                            Mayor and Trustees to provide advisory       Department (NRPRD) does not provide
The Tot Spot                                                                             medical coverage for injuries suffered while
                                            information to the Board on policy and
Playground, 14th and 24th Street                                                         participating in recreational classes or trips
                                            procedural items as requested. Members
                                            are: Sandra Buckley, Annette Corgiat,        or while using park facilities. The NRPRD,
PLEASE NOTE: Due to various                 George Georgopoulos, Al Meyer, P. J. Folz.   therefore, cannot assume responsibility for
circumstances, groups and classes                                                        personal injury for persons participating
may be moved to different facilities,       For meeting dates, contact the Parks and
                                                                                         in recreation classes or trips or using park
                                            Recreation Department.
have their schedules changed and in                                                      facilities. Persons are advised to make
extreme situations, canceled. We will                                                    provisions to provide this coverage in their
do our best to give adequate notice and                                                  family insurance programs. In addition,
compensation when due. Thank you for                                                     NRPRD assumes no liability for loss of
your understanding and cooperation.                                                      personal property while attending any
                                                                                         classes or trips or using park facilities.
2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                                        Winter • Spring 2022                     1
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

     All base rental rates are priced as shown. There                       Rental Groups are designated as follows:
    is no pro-rating and all rental time is rounded up                        I – Non-Profit/Resident School/Civic
    to the next hour.                                                         II –	Resident (by Resident and >50% Resident)
                                                                                    Non-Resident Non-Profit
      •	All renters will need to provide a copy of a
        government-issued ID.                                                 III – Non-Resident (individual) & Private Organization

      •	Rental prices may vary dependent upon the                          Meeting Room Rental Rates (60 minutes)
        nature of the rental.                                                 Group     Room A       Room B       Room C
      •	Renters must provide insurance naming the                               I        $10          $15          $15
        Village of North Riverside additionally insured.                        II        $20         $30           $30
      •	Renters must make request at least 48-hours                            III       $30         $40           $40
        before date of rental; however, we encourage                        Set-up and Cleaning Fees dependent upon nature of rental request.
        submitting requests earlier.
                                                                            Gymnasium Rental Rates (60 minutes)
      •	All spaces must be cleaned and returned to                         Recreational use only. No events, parties, etc.
        original conditions or deposit and future rentals
                                                                             Group          Court       Equipment
        will be forfeited.
                                                                                I            $35            $10
      •	Renters must fully comply with rental agreement                        II           $45            $15
        rules.                                                                 III           $80            $20
      •	Field lights will be shut-off promptly at the                      Set-up and Cleaning Fees dependent upon nature of rental request.
        conclusion of the rental.
                                                                            Veterans Park Field Rentals (60 minutes)
    * The North Riverside Parks and Recreation
                                                                            Rentals are only available while park is OPEN.
      Department has the right to approve or deny any                       Violations will result in forfeit of future use.
      rental at its discretion.                                              Group Ballfield Soccer Main Soccer West
                                                                                I      $35           $30            $25
                                                                                II     $40           $40            $30
                                                                               III     $75           $50            $45
                                                                            Ballfield Lines $10 extra per day. Lights $10 per day.
     Renters agree to ensure their entire group adheres to all current
     State guidelines regarding youth sports, outdoor recreation            Open Gymnasium Drop-in
     and competitive/contact league play as it pertains to COVID-19         (18 & Over. 17 & under with an adult)
     health and safety until update is provided by the Parks and            Open during office hours. Times vary. Call for availability.
     Recreation Department.                                                   Resident          Non-Resident
                                                                                 $2                    $3

                                                            Option A: Full Page, Full Color Ad
                                                             8.5”x11”, front or back inside cover $1,500 per brochure; $3,600
                                                            for 3 brochure commitment (full year)

     WITH US!
                                                            Option B: Full Page, Black & White Ad
                                                             8.5”x11”, inside pages $750 per brochure; $1,800 for 3 brochure
                                                            commitment (full year)
                                                            Option C: Half Page, Black & White Ad

                                                            8.5”x 5.5” horizontal or 4.25”x 11” vertical, inside pages
                                                            $325 per brochure; $900 for 3 brochure commitment (full year)
                                                            Option D: Business Card Sized Ad
     (708) 442-5515
                                                            3.5”x2” horizontal or 2”x3.5” vertical, inside pages
     for details!                                           $150 per brochure; $360 for 3 brochure commitment (full year)

2    Winter • Spring 2022                                                                       NRRecreation •
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside
2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •   Winter • Spring 2022   3
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

    Parties at the Rec
       $190 for Two-Hour Party for 15 Children (3 to 15 years old)
       ($8 each additional child–max 20)

       Party Package includes:
       • A ttendant(s), room, equipment, set-up, basic decorations
          and clean-up.
       • Package does not include napkins, plates, plasticware,
          cups, cake, food or drink.
       • Pizza/Drink Package can be added at an additional cost.

       Party Theme Options:
       • Sports/Gymnasium Party
       • Nerf Party
       • Painting Party (max 10 guests,
         minimum age 8 years old)

          Birthday party request forms can be
          picked up at the Recreation office.

4   Winter • Spring 2022                                              NRRecreation •
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

                                               NORTH RIVERSIDE

                                              Small Community
                                                         Heart Appetite
                                              with a Big h
                                       Let’s create a Community Cookbook!
                                       We will collect delicious recipes from now until April 11, 2022. Once
                                       we have a grand collection, we will piece together our community
                                       masterpiece. Send your recipe to:

                                       If you want your recipe to be featured, please submit the following
                                       information with your full recipe:
                                       • Mark your recipe as: snack, side dish, entrée, dessert, or beverage
                                       • All ingredients
                                       • Measurements
                                       • Directions
                                       • Photo, if available

                                                                         Platinum Sponsors
                                                                         • Riverside Township
                                                                         • West Town Bank & Trust
                                                                         Gold Sponsor
                                                                         • Aloha Dental
                                                                         • Blink Fitness Associates
                                                                         • Riccio Construction Corp

                                                                         Silver Sponsor
            To all our                                                   • Karen Arndt Managing Broker
                                                                         • North Riverside Park Mall
            AMAZING                                                      • Novotny Engineering
                                                                         • Winkler Tree & Lawn Care

          2021 Sponsors!                                                 Bronze Sponsors
                                                                         • Boyce Chiropractic
                                                                         • Vincent F. Giuliano Attorney at Law

2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                         Winter • Spring 2022   5
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

Snowed in with Elsa
Some events are worth melting for. Join us for this
Frozen themed party. Warm up your hearts with
some great food, a craft, and warm hugs from our
Special Guest. Please let staff know of any allergies
at the time of registration.
Ages: 3-8 years
Location: B/C Room at Village Commons
Code#     Day       Date         Time            Fee
3410–1    Sa        1/8          11am–12pm       $25

                           Daddy Daughter Luau
                           Brave the winter weather and bring your special sweetheart out
                           for this island adventure! Enjoy dinner, dessert, a DJ, dancing,
                           photo fun, a special gift, and a visit from a special guest!
                           Fathers, grandfathers, uncles and big brothers are welcome to
                           bring their favorite little lady to the party.
                           Registration Deadline: February 4th (if space is available)
                           Ages: 4–12 years
                           Location: Gym at Village Commons
                           Code#      Days     Dates    Time        Fee
                           3600–1     F        2/18     7–8:30pm    $15 per person

6   Winter • Spring 2022                                                                      NRRecreation •
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

 Mother & Son
 ‘80s Throwback
 There’s nothing more rad than the
 bond between a mother and son. Treat
 yourselves to some Mommy-Son(s) time
 with delicious food, tubular-time on the
 dance floor, a fun project and sweet treats.
 You will never forget this special night!
 Registration Deadline: March 4th (if space available)
 Location: Gym at Village Commons
 Ages: 4–12 years
 Code#      Day       Date      Time         Fee
 3601–1     F         3/18      7–8:30pm     $15 per person

                                                                      Bunny Bingo
                                                                      Hop on over to the Village Commons with your
                                                                      friends and family to win your Easter Dinner and
                                                                      all of the trimmings! Play bingo for hundreds of
                                                                      prizes! Children and adults will get one bingo
                                                                      sheet with three games on it. Refreshments
                                                                      will be available for a nominal fee. Enjoy this
                                                                      fun AND affordable family event! Several bingo
                                                                      games will be played with multiple prizes per game. Registration
                                                                      includes seven game sheets.
                                                                      Location: Gym at Village Commons
                                                                      Code#     Day     Date    Time        Fee
                                                                      3602–1    F       4/8     7–9pm       $12 per person in advance

Outdoor Adult Scrambled Egg Hunt
Why should the kids have all the fun? It’s your chance to relive
your childhood, but in a grown-up way! Join us for an Adult Egg
Hunt! We will hide eggs and more all over Commons Park for you
to find. Eggs will be filled with a variety of surprises! This fills up
fast, so tell your friends and register today. You won’t want to
miss out on this fun! This will be totally worth it!
Ages: 21+ years
Location: Commons Park
Code       Day      Date     Time           Fee
3606–1     Sa       4/9      1pm start      $12 per person

2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                                   Winter • Spring 2022       7
FUN GUIDE - Village of North Riverside

Police Benevolent Association
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 16                                                  Greener Earth Day Shred Event
Join the Police Benevolent Association for the annual North         CLEAN OUT your home of unnecessary paperwork,
Riverside Egg Hunt. It will be held near Commons Park               and help Mother Nature out by doing it right with
Playground. Call the Police Department at 708-447-9191 for          the NRPRD shred Event. We will have a Document
more information.                                                   Shredding Truck for getting rid of all personal or
                                                                    unwanted paper items. Leading up to the event,
                                                                    we will have shredding containers at the Village
                                                                    Commons. Please be sure to remove all binding,
                                                                    binder clips, plastic covers, etc.
                                                                    Location: Police Parking Lot
                                                                    Day        Date      Time
                                                                    Sa         4/23      10am-12pm

                                                              Exploration Day!
                                                              Children are infatuated with motors and wheels, so
                                                              blow their minds by bringing their favorite vehicles
                                                              to larger-than-life realities! Children will have a
             Dia Del Nino                                     chance to explore many modes of transportation
                                                              that exhilarate their senses. They can make the lights
             Family Event                                     flash, honk the horn, sound the siren and uncover
             The Day of the Child, also known                 the mysteries of BIG vehicles at North Riverside’s 6th
             as El Dia De Los Niños is a holiday              Annual Transportation Exploration Day!
             celebrated in Mexico and many Latin
                                                              Location: Police Department Parking Lot
             American countries annually on April
             30th. This is the day when children              Day      Date      Time
             are honored. Come join and create                W        5/4       4–6pm
             your very own Hot Air Balloon basket
             filled with goodies and some fun
             activities! As it is spring, let’s have
             the children wear bright colors to
             celebrate their youth and the coming
             of spring.
             Ages: 4+
             Location: Community Room
             Registration Deadline: 4/15
             Code# Day Dates Time
             3612-1    F        04/29 6:30-7:30pm
             Fee: $12 for the first child/$10 each
             additional child.

               Feel free to dress for
                  the occasion.

8   Winter • Spring 2022                                                              NRRecreation •

                                                                      Senior Fair at the Village
                                                                      Commons FREE TO ATTEND!
                                                                      This FREE event is a great resource for seniors and caregivers.
                                                                      There will be over 50 representatives from retirement
                                                                      communities; government agencies; home healthcare; medical
                                                                      and insurance companies; legal and financial advisors; health
                                                                      specialists; community groups; senior clubs and trip planners!
                                                                      Learn about housing options and other senior services. The
                                                                      Fair will host the Secretary of State Mobile Unit (10am-2pm in
                                                                      Community Room) for IDs and Driver’s License renewals and
                                                                      the state’s unclaimed cash and property programs.
                                                                      Location: Gym at Village Commons
                                                                      Day      Date       Time
                                                                      Th       5/12       10am–12pm

Flea Markets: Summer & Fall
Clean out your basements, attics and garages and sell all your “precious
treasurers” at our annual Summer and Fall Flea Market. Set-up begins at
6:30am. Space is approximately the size of a parking spot. Note: Vendors
must provide their own tables and chairs, and/or tents. Buy one or more
spaces, if you’d like! The Parks and Recreation Department will provide the
publicity. This event will be held rain or shine in the front parking lot of
the Police Station and Village Commons. A Goodwill truck will be in the lot
after the flea market, if you wish to donate your unsold items.
Location: Police Parking Lot and Village Commons Lot
Day     Date      Time           Fee
Su      6/5       9am–2pm        $20
Su      9/11      9am–2pm        $20

Tee Up Your Support
Mayor’s Golf Outing
Monday, June 13                                                                North Riverside Players
The Mayor’s Golf Outing will be held at                                        presents
the Riverside Golf Club. Proceeds from
the event go to the North Riverside
                                                                               Sweeney Todd

Youth Program and Educational                                                         ehold the dark and witty tale of love, murder
Scholarship Fund, Inc. This fund                                                      and revenge. Sweeney Todd is a musical thriller,
provides individuals with assistance in                                               with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
their pursuit for higher education, as
                                                                               and book by Hugh Wheeler. The original Broadway
well as opportunities for the Village’s
                                                                               production in 1979 was the winner of numerous Tony
young people to enroll and participate
in various recreational activities and                                         Awards. Come see NR Players’ production of one of
programs. For more information,                                                Sondheim’s greatest hits. For mature audiences.
contact the Parks and Recreation                                               See page 43 for details and tickets.
Department at (708) 442-5515.

 2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                                 Winter • Spring 2022        9


Holly-Day Camp                                                         Spring Break Camp
Don’t want the kids bored at home all break? Prance over to the        Put some spring in your step and get over to the
fun with the Recreation Department! Please pack a lunch, a drink,      Recreation Department for a camp full of FUN! Please
and wear comfy clothes and gym shoes for the action-packed             pack a full lunch, a drink, and wear comfy clothes and gym
excitement. We will do sports, games, arts & crafts, and so much       shoes for the fun with friends while school is out. We will
more! Register in-person and over the phone.                           play sports, games, arts & crafts, and so much more! Must
Ages: 4–12 years                                                       be potty-trained.
Instructor: Staff                                                      Ages: 4–12 years
Location: Gym at Village Commons                                       Instructor: Staff
Code#     Day    Date      Time        Fee                             Location: Village Commons
2701–1    M      12/20     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)               Code#      Day     Date      Time          Fee
2701–2    T      12/21     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)               3703–1     M       3/28      9am–3pm       $25/$27
2701–3    W      12/22     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)               3703–2     Tu      3/29      9am–3pm       $25/$27
2701–4    Th     12/23     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)               3703–3     W       3/30      9am–3pm       $25/$27
2701–5    M      12/27     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)               3703–4     Th      3/31      9am–3pm       $25/$27
                                                                       3703–5     F       4/1       9am–3pm       $25/$27
2701–6    T      12/28     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)
2701–7    W      12/29     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)
                                                                       Spring Break Before/After Camp
2701–8    Th     12/30     9am–3pm     $25/$27 (per day)
                                                                       7:30-9am, 3-6pm

Holly-Day Camp Before/After Camp                                       Code#      Day    Date     Fee
7:30-9am, 3-6pm                                                        3703–1A    M      3/28     $10
                                                                       3703–2A    Tu     3/29     $10
Code#      Day     Date      Fee
                                                                       3703–3A    W      3/30     $10
2701–1A    M       12/20     $10 (per day)
                                                                       3703–4A    Th     3/31     $10
2701–2A    T       12/21     $10 (per day)                             3703–5A    F      4/1      $10
2701–3A    W       12/22     $10 (per day)
2701–4A    Th      12/23     $10 (per day)                             Parent Escape Nights
2701–5A    M       12/27     $10 (per day)                             Take a little time for yourself…schedule a dinner date,
2701–6A    T       12/28     $10 (per day)                             pencil in some time with friends, shop by yourself or
2701–7A    W       12/29     $10 (per day)                             take a nap—whatever suits you best! Drop off the kids
2701–8A    Th      12/30     $10 (per day)                             and get some “you-time” in. Staff will be responsible for
                                                                       entertaining your little ones with activities of all sorts
Day-off Drop-off Camp                                                  and fun arts/crafts. We will provide dinner, so don’t worry
Wondering what to do with the kids on their days off of school? Drop   about that either! Be sure to relay any dietary restrictions
them off for fun with us! Fight the video game brain-eating monster    to the office staff.
and send them our way for active fun. We will party all day with       Ages: 4–12 years
activities, structure and most importantly—a great time! Please send   Instructor: Staff
your kids with a full lunch, drink and gym shoes.                      Location: Village Commons
Ages: 4-12 years                                                       Code# Day           Dates Time
Instructor: Staff                                                      3439–1 Sa           2/12    6–9pm
Location: Council Room/Gym at Village Commons                          3439–2 F            4/1     6–9pm
Code# Day Dates Holiday         Time    Fee                            Fee: $15 for first child/$10 each additional child
3702–1 M  1/17  MLK Day         8am–3pm $27/$29 (per day)
3702–2 M  2/21  Presidents’ Day 8am–3pm $27/$29 (per day)
10 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                      NRRecreation •

       Summer Day Camp
               Registration for all camps will be accepted at the North Riverside Parks
               and Recreation Office at 2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue on the following dates
               (please pay attention to dates/times below—NO online registration).

                                  IMPORTANT DATES
                                  February 15...............Registration Packets can be picked up
                                  March 1......................RETURNING Camper Registration begins
                                  March 15....................NEW Camper Registration begins

                                     •	Please see Payment Policies for full details.
                                     •	Day Camp Registration is not available online, parents
                                        must visit NRPRD Office to register.
                                     •	Register with only a deposit! $30 per week due at initial
                                     • Wait-lists are taken every year, so register early!
                                  Parent Packet due at time of registration! Please allow time at
                                  registration to complete paperwork.
                                  North Riverside Day Camp Staff will be present on registration
                                  dates to address any questions. Space is limited, so register
                                  early. Full deposits are required at time of registration.

                                  SUMMER CAMP WEEKS
                                  Week 1: June 6–June 10
                                  Week 2: June 14–June 18 (4 days, No camp on 6/13)
                                  Week 3: June 20–June 24
                                  Week 4: June 27– July 1
                                  Week 5: July 5–July 8 (4 days, No camp on 7/4)
                                  Week 6: July 11–July 15
                                  Week 7: July 18–July 22
                                  Week 8: July 25– July 29
                                  Week 9: August 1– August 5
                                                                                               Camp Counselor
                                                                                               Must be 18 years
                                                                                                  or older.
       Parent Packets must be complete at
       time of registration! No exceptions!

2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                               Winter • Spring 2022   11
SUMMER CAMP                                                                          TEENS

    RACCOON CLUB: 2–4 Years Old                                 ADVENTURE CAMP: 3–5 Years Old
                                                                This camp is full of ADVENTURE! Kids will seek and
    Half-Day Program                                            find enrichment through self-expression, creativity,
    This camp is designed as a half-day camp for the
                                                                socialization and recreation! This program combines
    beginners. Activities will be as fun-filled as full day
                                                                the elements of day camp with fun learning themes
    camp. Children will be active participating in games,
                                                                promoting both social and physical development.
    crafts, music and outdoor fun. Please bring a full lunch
                                                                Children will need to bring a snack, lunch, and drink daily.
    and drink. No Before/After Camp is available.
                                                                Before/After Camp is available.
    Ages: 2–4 years (as of 6/1/22) Must be potty-trained!
                                                                Ages: 3–5 years (as of 6/1/22) Must be potty-trained!
    When: Monday through Friday, 9:15am-12pm
                                                                When: Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm
             See listed Camp Weeks.
                                                                         See listed Camp Weeks.
    Location: M  ater Christi School
                                                                Location: Preschool Room at Village Commons
                2400 S. 10th Ave., North Riverside
                                                                Fee: Monday through Friday...............$115
    Fee: Monday through Friday........... $90
                                                                     3–Day Option..................................$95
         3–Day Option.............................. $75
                                                                     Weeks 2 & 5.....................................$105
         Weeks 2 & 5 (4–days)............... $80

                                                                ACTION DAY CAMP: 1st–2nd Grades
NEW! CHIPMUNK CLUB: 3–5 Years Old                               Campers will be divided into age groups and assigned
          Full-Day Program                                      a counselor. Activities will include indoor and outdoor
    New full-day program for our early childhood campers        games, arts and crafts, music, drama and a THEME DAY
    at Mater Christi! This camp will be filled with a variety   and FIELD TRIP EACH WEEK! Bring a snack, lunch, and drink
    of fun and exciting activities. Children will be active     every day. Before/After Camp is available.
    participating in games, crafts, music and outdoor fun.      Grades: Entering 1st–2nd Grade
    Please bring a full lunch and drink.                        When: Monday through Friday, 9am–3pm
    No Before/After Camp is available.                                  See listed Camp Weeks.
    Ages: 3-5 years (as of 6/1/22) Must be potty-trained!       Location: Community Room under Police Dept.
    When: Monday through Friday, 9:15am-2:45pm
                                                                Fee: Monday through Friday...............$135
             See listed Camp Weeks.
                                                                     3–Day Option..................................$110
    Location: M  ater Christi School                                Weeks 2 & 5 ...................................$120
                2400 S. 10th Ave., North Riverside
    Fee: Monday through Friday........... $110
         3–Day Option.............................. $90
         Weeks 2 & 5................................. $100

12 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                          NRRecreation •
TEENS                                               SUMMER CAMP

CAMP COMMONS: 3rd–4th Grades                                         BEFORE/AFTER CAMP
To better serve these active campers, youths will be                 To accommodate working parents, children enrolled in
divided into age groups and assigned a counselor.                    our Day Camps may take advantage of extended hours. To
Activities will include individual and group games, sports,          ensure that we have adequate staff, parents must register
choice times for crafts, music, drama, cooking and a THEME           their child one week prior to date needed.
DAY and FIELD TRIP EACH WEEK! Bring a snack, lunch, and              Time: Before Camp              7:30–9am
drink every day. Before/After Camp is available.                             After Camp             3–6pm
Grades: Entering 3rd–4th Grade                                       Registration includes both Before and After Camp
When: Monday through Friday, 9am–3pm                                 Fee: $40...............3-Day B/A Camp
          See listed Camp Weeks.                                           $55...............5–Day B/A Camp
Location: Gym at Village Commons                                           $45...............Weeks 2 & 5 (4 days only)
Fee: Monday through Friday............. $135
     3–Day Option................................ $110
     Weeks 2 & 5................................... $120                  PARENT PACKET
                                                                          Parent Packets must be completed at the time of
TEEN CAMP: 5th–8th Grades                                                 registration! Please allow extra time at registration to
Our Teen Campers will be out and about at local                           complete all paperwork. No exceptions! Deposits for
facilities making the most of summer. Activities will                     each registered week is required up front to secure
include individual and group games, sports, choice                        space. Please read all payment guidelines closely!
times for crafts, music, drama, cooking and a THEME
snack, lunch, and drink every day. Before/After Camp
is available.
Grades: Entering 5th–8th Grade
When: Monday through Friday, 9am–3pm
See listed Camp Weeks.
Location: Council Room at Village Commons
Fee: Monday through Friday............. $135
     3-Day Option................................ $110
     Weeks 2 & 5................................... $120

                                    Youth Scholarship Programs
             The North Riverside Youth Scholarship Fund was created to assist families experiencing financial
             hardship. North Riverside residents can apply for assistance by completing an application from the
             Parks and Recreation Office. Confidentiality is guaranteed. Families must provide documentation
             proving hardship. Youth Scholarship Program Application must be submitted by May 2.

2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                                Winter • Spring 2022      13

2022-2023                                           M/W/F AM Junior Kindergarten
PRESCHOOL/JUNIOR                                    Ages: 4–5 Years
                                                    Instructor: Preschool Staff
KINDERGARTEN                                        Location: Preschool Room at Village Commons
Our goal is to assist in nurturing your
                                                    Code#     Days      Dates             Time          Fee
child’s social, emotional, physical and
                                                    4500-1    M/W/F     8/29/22-5/19/23   9-11:30am	Resident: $175 per month
intellectual growth through play, their
                                                                                                        Non-Res: $199 per month
most important work. Our 3-year old class
is the first step to a successful academic          Non-refundable 1st Month tuition due at registration.
career for your youngster. Your child is            Supply fee now included. School Calendar will be distributed in May.
ready to be introduced to the concepts of
cooperative play, successful socialization          Tu/Th AM Preschool
and development of new interests and                Ages: 3–4 Years
playmates. We will provide your child with          Instructor: Preschool Staff
a thoughtful balance of learning, free play,        Location: Preschool Room at Village Commons
craft time, and quiet time. Our Junior
                                                    Code#      Days     Dates            Time            Fee
Kindergarten/4-year old class will provide
                                                    4501–1     Tu/Th    8/30/22–5/18/23  9–11:30am	Resident: $130 per month
your child with the opportunity to learn
                                                                                                         Non–Res: $145 per month
through independent and group activities.
Lessons include circle time, stories, art,          Non-refundable 1st Month tuition due at registration.
songs, large and small motor exercises              Supply fee now included. School Calendar will be distributed in May.
and cognitive language skills. All lessons
are developmentally age appropriate.
Learning is fun and prepares your child for
kindergarten. Full details will come in the
Parent Packet available July 2022.

  Youth                         The North Riverside Youth Scholarship fund was created to assist families experiencing
                                financial hardship. North Riverside residents can apply for assistance by completing an
  Scholarship                   application from the Parks and Recreation Office. Confidentiality is guaranteed. Families
                                must provide documentation proving hardship. Youth Scholarship Program Application
  Programs                      must be submitted by August 1.

14 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                    NRRecreation •

KINDER KOLLEGE 2021-2022                                            Preschool Pals
(Includes lunchtime with friends!)                                  Bring your lunch and join us for an extended day of learning
Our fun-filled Kinder Kollege after-school program is for           and fun. We will be adding in some additional science and math
children enrolled in morning Junior Kindergarten and                activities as well as going outside (weather permitting) for some
Kindergarten programs. This half-day program will engage            extra fresh air and nature exploration. This class is only available
children in activities and serve as an extension of the             for children already enrolled in our T/Th Preschool Program.
kindergarten curriculum strengthening their academic success.       Ages: 3-4
Planned activities will foster the development of basic skills      Days: Tuesday & Thursday
and concepts in reading, math, science, motor skills and            Instructor: Miss Liz & Preschool Staff
encourage the formation of both large and small social groups       Time: 11:30am–2:30pm
throughout the afternoon. Must be enrolled in our M/W/F Jr.         Location: Preschool Room
Kindergarten Program.
                                                                    Fee: $94/$100
Ages: 4–5 years
                                                                    Session Dates:
Days: M/W/F
                                                                    Session 4: 2/1–3/10
Instructor: Miss Liz & Preschool Staff
                                                                    Session 5: 3/17-5/5 No class: 3/29, 3/31
Time: 11:30am-2:45pm
Location: Preschool Room at Village Commons                         Ready…Set…Grow!
Fee per session: $140/$150                                          A first step to your child’s education!
Session Dates:                                                      This special class for 2 & 3 year olds is designed as an
Session 3: 12/13-2/4      No class: 12/20-31, 1/17                  educational first step. Fun, age appropriate activities will be
Session 4: 2/7-3/18       No class: 2/21                            offered with special emphasis placed on socialization, sharing,
                                                                    following directions, building attention spans and creativity all
Session 5: 3/21-5/6       No class: 3/28-4/1, 4/15
                                                                    though the use of positive reinforcement. The class will be held
                                                                    in the Preschool Room as well as utilizing the Gym for large
                                                                    motor activities. Child must be able to separate easily from
                                                                    parent or caregiver. Pull ups are acceptable if not completely
                                                                    restroom independent. (Parents will be called if there is an
                                                                    accident, staff are not allowed to change diapers)
                                                                    Ages: Boys & Girls age 2–3 years
                                                                    Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
                                                                    Instructor: Preschool Staff
                                                                    Time: 12–1:15pm
                                                                    Location: Preschool Room at Village Commons
                                                                    Fee per session: $75/$80
                                                                    Session Dates:
                                                                    Session 4: 2/1-3/10
                                                                    Session 5: 3/17-5/5 No class: 3/29, 3/31

                                                                              Supplemental Programs
        Program dates are subject to change.                                   will be featured on our
      Please follow us on Facebook for updates.                                 Summer Fun guide.

2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                               Winter • Spring 2022        15

Strong Start Basketball                                             Little Tykes Spring Soccer
(Parent/Child Class) 4 week class                                   (Parent/Child Class)
Lace up those gym shoes and dive into the basics of basketball.     Children ages 3-5 will be introduced to soccer fundamentals
This class is designed for boys and girls ages 3 to 5 year-old      in this class. Instructors will do organized drills with children
with an adult. This is a GREAT first step in learning about         that will develop and work on listening skills, balance, ball
teamwork! Parents will work one-on-one with their child, under      control, and foot-eye coordination. Children will also learn
the direction of the instructor and learn to pass, dribble, shoot   the basic fundamentals of the game in a fun and non-
and more! Each child will receive equipment that they can keep!     competitive atmosphere. Parents must participate with
Dress comfortably and bring a water bottle.                         their child. The last day, children will play a short game. Fee
Ages: 3–5 years w/Adult                                             includes a T-shirt and end of the season treat.
Instructor: Staff                                                   Ages: 3-5 years
Location: Gym at Village Commons                                    Instructor: Staff
                                                                    Location: Veterans Park Northwest Soccer Field
Code#      Day      Dates        Time            Fee
3300–1     Tu       3/22–4/19    4:30–5:15pm     $28/$30            Code#      Days      Dates         Time:           Fee
No class: 3/29                                                      3303–1     Sa        4/23–5/14     9–9:45am        $30/$32

Strong Start Baseball                                               Little Tykes T-Ball
(Parent/Child Class)                                                (Parent/Child Class)
Children ages 3-5 will be introduced to the basics of baseball,     Join our popular T-Ball Program and learn all of the basics
including catching, throwing, running, and batting to prepare       to get started in T-Ball. Participants will learn how to hit off
participants for organized tee ball and baseball. Each child will   a tee, properly catch and throw a ball, and run the bases.
receive fun equipment at the end of the session. Parents must       Players will also learn the basic fundamentals of the game
participate with their child. Be sure to dress comfortably and      in a fun and non-competitive atmosphere. Parents must
bring a water bottle.                                               participate with their child. At the end of the season, the
Ages: 3-5 years                                                     kids will join the Big League and play a real game
                                                                    at Veterans Park! Fee includes a T-shirt and end of the
Instructor: Staff
                                                                    season treat. Big game will be played last day of each
Location: Commons Park (Behind the hill)
                                                                    session at 9am.
Code#     Days      Dates        Times           Fee                Ages: 3–5 years
3301–1    M         4/4–5/9      4:30–5:15pm     $38/$40            Instructor: Staff
                                                                    Location: Veterans Park Field 4
Strong Start Soccer
(Parent/Child Class)                                                Code#      Days      Dates         Time            Fee
                                                                    1305–1     Sa        6/4–6/25      9–9:45am        $30/$32
Children ages 3-5 will be introduced to the basics of soccer,
including kicking, dribbling, trapping, throw-ins and agility       1305–2     Sa        7/9–7/30      9–9:45am        $30/$32
to prepare participants for organized soccer. Each child will
receive fun equipment at the end of the session. Parents must
participate with their child. Be sure to dress comfortably and
bring a water bottle.
Ages: 3-5 years
Instructor: Staff
Location: Village Commons Front Lawn
Code#     Days      Dates        Times           Fee
3302–1    W         4/6–5/11     4:30–5:15pm     $38/$40

16 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                       NRRecreation •

                                                                    Little Ninjas Tae Kwon Do
                                                                    This specialized program has an age-specific curriculum
                                                                    professionally designed to teach children important life skills
                                                                    in a fun, exciting, and enriching manner. The secret to teaching
                                                                    your child eight main life skills: focus, teamwork, control,
                                                                    balance, memory, discipline, fitness and coordination. This
                                                                    unique method is called “Edutainment.” Taught by an 8th
                                                                    Degree Black Belt Instructor. This is one seriously, fun class!
                                                                    (Advancement to Next Level Tae Kwon Do must have instructor’s
                                                                    Ages: 4–6 years
                                                                    Instructor: Grand Master Jerry Kidd
                                                                    Location: Monday in Gym at Village Commons
                                                                    Location: Wednesday in Community Room below Police Dept.
                                                                    Code#      Day      Date          Time          Fee
                                                                    3350–1     M        1/31–3/7      3:45–4:15pm   $38/$40
                                                                    3350–2     M        3/21–5/2      3:45–4:15pm   $38/$40
                                                                    3350–3     M        5/16–6/27     3:45–4:15pm   $38/$40
       Begins in                                                    No class: 4/25, 5/30
       February!                                                    Code#      Day      Date          Time          Fee
                                                                    3350–1A M           1/31–3/7      4:30–5pm      $38/$40
                                                                    3350–2A M           3/21–5/2      4:30–5pm      $38/$40
                                                                    3350–3A M           5/16–6/27     4:30–5pm      $38/$40
      Munchkins in Motion                                           No class: 4/25, 5/30
      Open Gym                                                      Code#      Day        Date        Time          Fee
      Children with the assistance of an adult,                     3350–1W W             2/2–3/9     5:30–6pm      $38/$40
      continue to develop large muscle motor skills,
                                                                    3350–2W W             3/23–5/4    5:30–6pm      $38/$40
      like rolling, hopping, crawling and other age-
                                                                    3350–3W W             5/18–6/29   5:30–6pm      $38/$40
      appropriate fun. Open Gym will include music,
                                                                    No class: 4/27, 6/1
      play equipment and exercise. Preferred ratio is
      1 Adult to 2 Children maximum.
      Ages: 1–3 years with Adult
      Location: Village Commons Gym
      Day     Time             Fee
      Tu      9:15– 10:15am	$2 per visit payable
                               at the door
      Program dates are subject to change. Please
      follow us on Facebook or call for updates.

          Program dates, times and locations are subject to change due to unforeseen situations
           (such as weather,scheduling issues, etc.). Please follow us on Facebook for updates.
                                    Thank you for your cooperation!

2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                              Winter • Spring 2022      17
EARLY CHILDHOOD | Specialty Classes

Snowed in with Elsa
Some events are worth melting for. Join us for this Frozen-
themed party. Warm up your hearts with some great food, a
craft, and warm hugs from our Special Guest. Please let staff
know of any allergies at the time of registration.
Ages: 3-8 years
Location: B/C Room
Code#     Day       Date        Time             Fee
3410–1    Sa        1/8         11am–12pm        $25

It’s Zumbini Time! Are you looking for a program that gives
children the freedom and confidence to grow as they develop
their social, motor and cognitive skills? Then this is truly for
you! Created by Zumba and Baby First, the Zumbini program
combines music, dance and educational tools for 45 minutes
of bonding, learning, and fun! $10 for each additional child.
                                                                        Fresh Chefs
                                                                        It’s time to be green and go lean! Together we will enjoy a world
Ages: Infant to 5 years
                                                                        where fresh is first! We will go all natural with recipes that
Instructor: Miss Jill
                                                                        delight. The participants will work around the kitchen using basic
Location: Village Commons                                               appliances to create fresh dishes/treats/drinks they can also
Code#     Day       Date          Time            Fee                   enjoy at home. We will also touch on topics such as: Nutrition,
3406–1T   Tu        1/4–1/25      9:30–10:15am    $60                   Doctor Visits, our Bodies, The Importance of Activity, and Going
3406–2T   Tu        2/8–3/1       9:30–10:15am    $60                   to the Dentist.
3406–3T   Tu        3/15–4/5      9:30–10:15am    $60                   Ages: 4–7 years
Code#     Day       Date          Time            Fee                   Instructor: Staff
3406–1S   Sa         1/8–1/29     10–10:45am      $60                   Location: Preschool Room
3406–2S   Sa        2/12–3/5      10–10:45am      $60                   Code      Day      Date      Time            Fee
3406–2S   Sa        3/19–4/9      10–10:45am      $60                   3402–1    M        1/31      4–4:45pm        $10/$11
                                                                        3402–2    M        3/14      4–4:45pm        $10/$11

                                               Craft Kits To Go!
                                               NRPRD will offer Grab-n-Go craft kits for seasonal arts & crafts fun! Each kit
                                               contains a craft with all materials and instructions included. Have some family
                                               fun crafting and at your own time!
                                               Ages: 3+ years
                                               Fee: $8 per kit
                                               Location: P  ick up at Village Commons in the Parks & Recreation Office
                                               Code#    Month                            Pick-Up Date       Registration Deadline
                                               3420-1   January: Winter Craft Kit        January 21         January 14
                                               3420-2   March: Spring Craft Kit          March 18           March 11
                                               3420-3   May: Almost Summer Craft Kit     May 20             May 13

18 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                         NRRecreation •
EARLY CHILDHOOD | Specialty Classes

Silly Science Workshops
No lab coat required! However, we may need eyewear and gloves
while we explore different scientific experiments (these items
will be provided). Little scientists will get to hypothesize what the
end result will be!
Ages: 3–6 years
Instructor: Staff
Location: Preschool Room
Code       Day      Date       Time            Fee
3408–1     M        2/28       3:45–4:30pm     $10/$11
3408–2     M        4/4        3:45–4:30pm     $10/$11

Book & Cook
We will be reading some favorite books and cooking things that
go along with the story. Children will be measuring, mixing and
munching on their finished products. Please alert staff to any
allergies at registration.                                              Art Lab
Ages: 3–6 years                                                         Come join us as we explore different types of art such as crayon
                                                                        reliefs, potato prints, and clay. This is a hands on class and may at
Instructor: Ms. Liz
                                                                        times be messy so come dressed to create. All supplies needed are
Location: Preschool Room
                                                                        provided in class.
Code       Day      Date          Time            Fee                   Ages: 3-6 years
3403-1     Th       2/3-2/24      3:30-4:30pm     $24/$28               Instructor: Ms. Liz
3403-2     Th       3/3–3/24      3:30-4:30pm     $24/$28               Location: Preschool Room
                                                                        Code      Day      Date          Time            Fee
                                                                        3404–1    Th       4/7–4/28      3:30–4:30pm     $26/$28

                                                                        Zoom Spanish Classes for Kids–Live
                                                                        Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures
                                                                        and learn the Spanish language via the interactive Zoom platform!
                                                                        Younger children will learn conversational Spanish through fun and
                                                                        interactive activities and music while older children will also learn
                                                                        some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish.
                                                                        Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in
                                                                        Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to
                                                                        participants before the first class.
                                                                        Ages: 3-6 years
                                                                        Instructor: Language in Action, Inc.
                                                                        Location: Virtual Zoom
                                                                        Code#     Day      Date          Time            Fee
                                                                        Z3401–1   Th       1/13–2/17     5–5:45pm        $60/$62
                                                                        Z3401–2   Th       2/24–3/31     5–5:45pm        $60/$62
                                                                        Z3401–3   Th       4/7–5/12      5–5:45pm        $60/$62

          Program dates, times and locations are subject to change due to unforeseen situations
           (such as weather,scheduling issues, etc.). Please follow us on Facebook for updates.
                                    Thank you for your cooperation!

 2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                                 Winter • Spring 2022 19

                                                                       Ballet/Tap Beginners
                                                                       Warmups, stretching, steps across the floor, and a center
                                                                       floor dance for both ballet and tap will be taught. Dancers
                                                                       will be isolated from one another. Students have the option
                                                                       of performing in a recital. Ballet and tap shoes are required
                                                                       and can be purchased from the instructor. Questions will be
                                                                       answered by calling Marilyn at 708-788-9772.
                                                                       Ages: 4–6 years
                                                                       Instructor: Ms. Marilyn
                                                                       Location: Village Commons
                                                                       Code#      Days    Dates         Time           Fee
                                                                       3412–1     M       1/10–2/14     4:45–5:35pm    $40/$42
                                                                       3412–2     M       2/28–4/4      4:45–5:35pm    $40/$42
                                                                       3412–3     M       4/18–5/23     4:45–5:35pm    $40/$42

                                                                       Ballet/Tap Intermediate
                                                                       Warmups, stretching, steps across the floor, and a center floor
                                                                       dance for both ballet and tap will be taught. Ballet and tap
                                                                       shoes are required and can be purchased from the instructor.
                                                                       Questions will be answered by calling Marilyn at 708-788-9772.
                                                                       Ages: 7–10 years
                                                                       Instructor: Ms. Marilyn
Baby Ballet                                                            Location: Community Room below Police Dept.
An introduction to our ballet program for beginning ballerinas.
                                                                       Code#      Days    Dates         Time           Fee
Floor warm ups, beginning ballet movements and a cute
                                                                       3413–1     M       1/10–2/14     5:50–6:45pm    $40/$42
beginning ballet dance will be taught with the option of
                                                                       3413–2     M       2/28–4/4      5:50–6:45pm    $40/$42
performing in a recital. Ballet shoes are required and can be
                                                                       3413–3     M       4/18–5/23     5:50–6:45pm    $40/$42
purchased from the instructor. Questions will be answered by
calling Marilyn at 708-788-9772.
                                                                         New        Adult Tap
Ages: 3-4 years                                                          Day        Barre, center floor and a complete tap routine
Instructor: Ms. Marilyn                                                 & Time      would be taught for beginning tap students.
Location: Community Room below Police Dept.
                                                                       Ages: 16 + years
Code#      Days     Dates         Time            Fee                  Instructor: Ms. Marilyn
3411–1B    M        1/10–2/14     4–4:30pm        $38/$40              Location: Community Room below Police Dept.
3411–2B    M        2/28–4/4      4–4:30pm        $38/$40
                                                                       Code#       Days    Dates       Time      Fee
3411–3B    M        4/18–5/23     4–4:30pm        $38/$40
                                                                       3114–1TU    Tu      1/11-2/15   5-6pm     $42/$44
Ballet                                                                 3114–2TU    Tu      3/1-4/5     5-6pm     $42/$44
We start our class with warm ups, then center floor steps and          3114–3TU    Tu      4/19-5/24   5-6pm     $42/$44
steps across the floor. A ballet dance for this level will be taught
with the option of performing in a recital. Ballet shoes are
required and can be purchased from the instructor. Questions
will be answered by calling Marilyn at 708-788-9772.
Ages: 5–6 years
Instructor: Ms. Marilyn
Location: Community Room below Police Dept.
Code#      Days     Dates         Time            Fee
3411–1TU   Tu       1/11–2/15     4–4:30pm        $38/$40
3411–2TU   Tu       3/1–4/5       4–4:30pm        $38/$40
3411–3TU   Tu       4/19–5/24     4–4:30pm        $38/$40

20 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                        NRRecreation •

Urban Hip Hop                                                        Adult Hip Hop (15+ years–Adult)
Hip Hop dance includes everything from elements of rap and           Hip Hop dance includes everything from elements of rap and
house to R&B and pop music. This class will infuse a wide variety    house to R&B and pop music. This class will infuse a wide variety
of dance moves into all of those music genres. Movements will        of dance moves into all of those music genres. Movements will
include various influences from popping and locking, breaking,       include various influences from popping and locking, breaking,
and freestyle. Instructor Sidney McNeal is a renowned Hip Hop        and freestyle. Instructor Sidney McNeal is a renowned Hip Hop
Dance Artist/Choreographer who has won several competitions          Dance Artist/Choreographer who has won several competitions
and performed on television…even on Oprah! Don’t miss this           and performed on television…even on Oprah! Don’t miss this
chance to learn from a true professional in the field.               chance to learn from a true professional in the field.
Instructor: Sidney McNeal                                            Instructor: Sidney McNeal
Location: Community Room below Police Dept.                          Location: Community Room below Police Dept.
                                                                     Code#      Days    Dates        Time           Fee
Bitty Hoppers (3–5 years)
                                                                     3131–1C Th         1/20–2/24    7:50–8:40pm    $45/$48
Code#      Days    Dates        Time           Fee                   3131–2C Th         3/10–4/14    7:50–8:40pm    $45/$48
3431–1     Th      1/20–2/24    5–5:30pm       $30/$35               3131–3C Th         4/28–6/9     7:50–8:40pm    $45/$48
3431–2     Th      3/10–4/14    5–5:30pm       $30/$35
                                                                     No class: 5/12
3431–3     Th      4/28–6/9     5–5:30pm       $30/$35
No class: 5/12

Level I Hip Hop (6 years +)
Code#      Days    Dates        Time           Fee
3431–1A Th         1/20–2/24    5:45–6:35pm    $45/$48
3431–2A Th         3/10–4/14    5:45–6:35pm    $45/$48
3431–3A Th         4/28–6/9     5:45–6:35pm    $45/$48
No class: 5/12                                                         IMPORTANT
                                                                       Program dates, times and locations are subject
Level II Hip Hop (6 years +)
                                                                       to change due to unforeseen situations (such as
Code#      Days    Dates        Time           Fee
                                                                       weather, scheduling conflicts, etc.). Thank you for
3431–1B Th         1/20–2/24    6:50–7:40pm    $45/$48
                                                                       your cooperation!
3431–2B Th         3/10–4/14    6:50–7:40pm    $45/$48
3431–3B Th         4/28–6/9     6:50–7:40pm    $45/$48
No class: 5/12

 2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                                  Winter • Spring 2022 21
  YOUTH | Athletics                                      EARLY!
                                                             Don’t End Up
                                                             On a Waitlist!

         Soccer Classes                                                  Basketball Classes
   Jr. Kickers                                                          Pre-Season Power Basketball Clinic
   Drills and fun games will help your child become familiar
                                                                        Sharpen your basketball skills before the league starts! This
   with the fast growing sport of soccer. This program will
                                                                        will be a power hour class of dribbling, layups, free throws,
   introduce the basic fundamentals of soccer including:
                                                                        and other skills and drills. Knock off the dust before your
   kicking, passing, shooting, and throw-ins. Games will be
                                                                        winter basketball league begins. All participants will receive
   played but program is mainly instructional.
                                                                        a water bottle.
   Ages: 6–8 years
                                                                        Ages: PreK-8th grade
   Instructor: Staff
                                                                        Instructor: Staff
   Location: Village Commons Front Lawn
                                                                        Location: Gym at Village Commons
   Code#     Day      Dates        Time           Fee
                                                                        Code#    Age         Days    Dates    Times            Fee
   3310–1    W        4/6–5/11     5:30–6:20pm    $40/$42
                                                                        2318–0   Pre K–K     Sa      12/18    9–9:45am         $10/$12
                                                                        2318–2   1st–2nd     Sa      12/18    10–10:45am       $12/$14
   Soccer All Stars
                                                                        2318–4   3rd–4th     Sa      12/18    11–11:45am       $12/$14
   This class introduces youngsters to the rules and
                                                                        2318–6   5th–6th     Sa      12/18    12pm–1:30pm      $14/$16
   fundamentals of soccer. Participants practice and improve
   dribbling, passing, shooting, and teamwork skills through            2316–8   7th–8th     Sa      12/18    1:45–3:15pm      $14/$16
   drills and games.
                                                                        Little Hoopsters (4 week class)
   Ages: 9–12 years
                                                                        This program introduces beginners to the game of
   Instructor: Staff
                                                                        basketball. Basic skills of dribbling, passing, shooting, and
   Location: Village Commons Front Lawn                                 defense will be taught. Games will also be played to show
   Code#     Day      Dates        Time           Fee                   the importance of teamwork in game situations, but the
   3311–1    W        4/6–5/11     6:20–7:20pm    $42/$44               class is mainly instructional.
                                                                        Ages: 6-8 years
                                                                        Instructor: Staff
     Baseball Classes                                                   Location: Gym at Village Commons
                                                                        Code#      Days     Dates          Times           Fee
   Mighty Hitters                                                       3306–1     Tu       3/22–4/19      5:30–6:20pm     $30/$32
   Want your kids to learn the fundamentals of baseball?                No class: 3/29
   The basics of baseball will be introduced with emphasis
   on base running, hitting, and catching                               All Star Hoopsters (4 week class)
   Ages: 6–8 years                                                      Doesn’t matter if they are beginners or if they need to know
   Instructor: Staff                                                    how to get to the next level. Basic skills of dribbling, passing,
   Location: Commons Park (behind the hill)                             shooting, and defense will be taught. Games will be played
   Code#     Day      Dates        Time           Fee                   to show the importance of teamwork in game situations, but
                                                                        the class is mainly instructional.
   3308-1    M        4/4-5/9      5:30–6:20pm    $40/$42
                                                                        Ages: 9-12 years
   Jr. Sluggers                                                         Instructor: Staff
   Want to learn to play baseball like your favorite Cub                Location: Gym at Village Commons
   or White Sox player? We stress the fundamentals                      Code#      Days     Dates          Times           Fee
   of baseball. Batting, fielding, and basic rules will be              3312–1     Tu       3/22–4/19      6:20–7:20pm     $32/$34
   explained. Games will be played. However, the program
                                                                        No class: 3/29
   is mainly instructional.
   Ages: 9–12 years
   Instructor: Staff
   Location: Commons Park (behind the hill)                              OPEN GYM DROP-IN
   Code#     Day      Dates        Time           Fee                    18 & Over/17 & under with an Adult
   3309–1    M        4/4–5/9      6:20–7:20pm    $42/$44                Open during office hours. See page 30 for details.

22 Winter • Spring 2022                                                                       NRRecreation •
YOUTH | Athletics

Youth Spring Soccer League
This youth soccer league will play an 8-game season on
Saturdays. Each team will practice one night a week throughout
the season. Players will be placed on teams based on our team
creation criteria. All players will register individually during
open registration. Players much purchase uniforms at the Village
Commons recreation office. Volunteer coaches are needed.
Grades: PK–4th
Location: Veterans Park
Deadline: March 11
Code#     Day      Date          Fee            Grade
3304–0B   Sa       4/23–6/11     $80/$85        PK/K Boys            Next Level Tae Kwon Do
3304–1B   Sa       4/23–6/11     $80/$85        1st–2nd Boys         Tae Kwon Do is so much more than self-defense. This art crosses
3304–3B   Sa       4/23–6/11     $80/$85        3rd–4th Boys         into other areas of life by enhancing physical conditioning,
                                                                     self-defense, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-control and
Code#     Day      Date          Fee            Grade
                                                                     respect. Grand Master Kidd boasts an 8th Degree Black Belt, and
3304–0G   Sa       4/23–6/11     $80/$85        PK/K Girls
                                                                     passes on his knowledge to all involved. This form of martial
3304–1G   Sa       4/23–6/11     $80/$85        1st–2nd Girls
                                                                     arts is known for its kicks, punches and blocks. Class is offered
3304–3G   Sa       4/23–6/11     $80/$85        3rd–4th Girls        on Mondays and/or Saturdays. Little Ninja students wishing to
                                                                     move up to this class must have instructor’s permission. Uniform
Nerf BattleZone                                                      order forms will be handed out after first class. Belt Tests can be
Do NOT miss this awesome event! War zones will be set up for         taken to progress to the next level regularly.
teams to compete! After they receive camouflage makeovers,           Ages: 7–12 years
kids will prepare for their adventure. There will be obstacles,
                                                                     Instructor: Grand Master Jerry Kidd
and barricades set up to shield you from your opponent. Several
                                                                     Location: V  illage Commons Gym (M)
small games will be played within the hour. Please bring 1-2 Nerf
                                                                                 Community Room below Police Dept. (Sa)
Brand Gun per child (labeled with your child’s name). We will
provide all bullets (we do not provide batteries). Nerf Guns must    Code#      Day      Date          Time            Fee
be compatible with NRPRD bullets-standard blue Nerf bullet.          3321–1M M           1/31–3/7      5:15–6:05pm     $40/$42
Please call if you have questions.                                   3321–2M M           3/21–5/2      5:15–6:05pm     $40/$42
Grades: 1st–5th                                                      3321–3M M           5/16–6/27     5:15–6:05pm     $40/$42
Location: Gym at Village Commons                                     No class: 4/25, 5/30
Code#     Day      Dates         Times          Fee                  Code#      Day        Date        Time            Fee
3434–1    Th       3/24          5–6pm          $12                  3321–1W W             2/2–3/9     6:15–7:05pm     $40/$42
3434–2    Th       4/21          5–6pm          $12                  3321–2W W             3/23–5/4    6:15–7:05pm     $40/$42
                                                                     3321–3W W             5/18–6/29   6:15–7:05pm     $40/$42
Yoga for Youths                                                      No class: 4/27, 6/1
Namaste! In this class, we’ll roar like lions, hiss like snakes,     Code#      Day      Date          Time            Fee
and move like dolphins. Yoga fundamentals will be practiced          3321–1S Sa          2/5–3/12      10:15–11:05am   $40/$42
through poses while incorporating are and music in an active,        3321–2S Sa          3/26–5/7      10:15–11:05am   $40/$42
empowering and fun atmosphere. The practice of yoga can help
                                                                     3321–3S Sa          5/21–7/2      10:15–11:05am   $40/$42
children learn mindfulness, how to regulate their emotions and
                                                                     No class: 4/30, 6/4
develop empathy, respect and confidence.
Ages: 6-11 years
Instructor: Mandi A.                                                 Teen Open Gym
Location: Community Room below the Police Dept.                      Come and hang at our gym, shoot some hoops or use other gym
                                                                     equipment. Listen to music and chill with friends new and old.
Code#      Days Dates            Time           Fee
                                                                     This is a very relaxed SUPERVISED open gym.
3426–1     W         1/5–1/26    3:45–4:45pm    $34/$36
                                                                     Instructor: Staff
3426–2     W         2/9–3/9     3:45–4:45pm    $34/$36
                                                                     Location: Gym at Village Commons
3426–3     W         3/23–4/20   3:45–4:45pm    $34/$36
3426–4     W         5/4–6/1     3:45–4:45pm    $34/$36
                                                                     Day & Time: Sundays, 6-8pm. For all updates check Facebook!
No class: 2/23, 3/3, 5/11                                            Fee: $5

 2401 S. DesPlaines Avenue • 708.442.5515 •                              Winter • Spring 2022        23
YOUTH | Athletics

                          NEW! East Ave Boys Winter Lacrosse
                                   Intro: 1st-8th Grade
                          East Ave Lacrosse (nicknamed “Beast Ave” by our players) is a
                          community club lacrosse program dedicated to growing the
                          game in Illinois. East Ave is run by dozens of the best high school
                          and college coaches in the state and is focused on training the
                          next generation of Bulldogs, Friars, Blazers, and many more
                          through camps, clinics, in-school gym class takeovers, house
                          leagues, and elite travel teams.
                          Our fun and fast-paced 1st-8th grade programs are open to
                          players of all skill-levels but geared towards introducing new
                          players to the fastest sport on two feet, Lacrosse! East Ave can
                          provide each player with equipment upon request. Players must
                          provide their own mouth guards and athletic footwear.
                          Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse
                          Location: Gym at the Village Commons

                          Grades: 1st–4th Grade
                          Code#    Day      Date            Time           Fee
                          3325–1   M        1/10–1/31       6:30–7:30pm    $150/$152
                          3325–2   M        2/7–2/28        6:30–7:30pm    $150/$152
                          Grades: 5th-8th Grade
                          Code#    Day      Date            Time           Fee
                          3326–1   M        1/10–1/31       7:30–8:30pm    $150/$152
                          3326–2   M        2/7–2/28        7:30–8:30pm    $150/$152

                          NEW! East Ave Spring Lacrosse
                                   CO-OP Opportunities
                          Have fun, make friends, and learn the basics of the “fastest
                          game on two feet” at our U6 beginners’ clinic. Our experienced
                          staff of varsity coaches and players will share their love of
                          the game with your child in a safe and positive environment.
                          No experience necessary! The Pre-K and Kindergarten group
                          will meet one time per week. East Ave will provide all lacrosse
                          equipment and a free jersey for first-time players. Participants
                          must provide their own mouth guards and athletic footwear.

                          Grades: PK/K, Boys & Girls
                          Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse
                          Locations: Parks in Oak Park/River Forest
                          Date: 4/4-6/5
                          Fee: $140
                          Clinic: 1 hour per week
                          Register through River Forest Park District at

24 Winter • Spring 2022                                NRRecreation •
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