From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College

Page created by Herbert Lane
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa
                                              The NCEA Review was released on Tuesday and the overview can be read at
                                              NCEA Change Package Overview 2019. As noted, the NCEA fee of $76.70 has
                                              been removed and our accounts department is working to refund any NCEA fees
                                              paid for 2019, or if preferred, the amount can be reassigned to pay for other fees
                                              owing, such as tournament week fees. This will take a little time for our accounts
                                              staff to process, so please be patient.
MATHS AND SCIENCE TUTOR AVAILABLE             Other changes to NCEA will be trialled at Level 1 in 2021, with 2022 being a transition year and
                                              2023 full implementation. NCEA Level 2 will be fully implemented in 2024 and Level 3 in 2025.
One of our ex students, now at University,
can tutor students for $20 per hour at        The combined primary and secondary schools’ teacher unions, NZEI and PPTA, have notified a
your home or Papakura Library, Friday         nationwide strike on Wednesday May 29. Rosehill College will be open for instruction, although
after school or on Saturdays and Sundays.     normal lessons will not take place. Students will be supervised in study for the day. Students
                                              attending school will meet in the Hall at 8.40am to be allocated to study groups. Their attendance
with a contact number which can be given
to the tutor to make arrangements.            will be marked each period, and normal school procedures and rules apply for the day. The canteen
                                              will not be open, and so students attending school that day must bring their own food for break
                                              times. The morning bus runs will take place, but if no students are brought to school on a particular
The bulk of assessments are in Terms 2        bus, then that bus will not run in the afternoon.
and 3 so careful planning of deadlines on a
                                              Today was Pink Shirt Day, a time to stand up against bullying. Many Year 13 students and staff
calendar is important.
                                              dressed in pink clothing, while other year levels wore pink accessories. Funds raised will go to the
Tutor Group Teachers have a planner
                                              Mental Health Foundation NZ.
and study timetable that can be given to
                                                                                                                                Sue Blakely, Principal
JUNIORS SHOULD BE: working at the
expected level in each assessment.
JUNIORS SHOULD HAVE:        good thinking
SENIORS SHOULD HAVE: achieved at least
22 internal credits by now.
SENIORS SHOULD HAVE: a 94% attendance

                                                 Rosehill College once again went Pink in support of Pink Shirt Day - a campaign created in 2007
                                               after a student was bullied for wearing pink to school. This year, students were encouraged to Kōrero
   Dates to Remember                          Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying - and what a success it
                                              was! It was incredible to see so many staff and year 13 students in pink outfits, and many of our year
         Wednesday 22 May                     9-12 students were wearing pink accessories in support of the movement. The school was decorated
     Year 12 & 13 Defence Force               with ribbons and bunting, and at lunchtime there were many activities going on, with a candy floss
    presentation - Hall, Lunchtime.           machine, a bake sale, and pink hairspray being distributed for a donation. Thank you to all the students
           Friday 24 May                      and staff that helped organise the event. All funds raised from the day will be donated to the Mental
  Nominations for election of Board of                                                 Health Foundation NZ.
           Trustees close.
         Wednesday 29 May
              Strike Day
           Thursday 30 May
  Loves-Me-Not Programme for all year
             12 students.
    Meet the candidates for the BOT
            election, 7pm

  17 May 2019              Issue No. 14                                        
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College
Elections 2019
Nominations have been open for the Board of Trustees for one week.
Next week on 24 May nominations close. Have you got yours signed
and dropped into the school?

Voting papers will be sent to parents and caregivers who are on the
voting roll, by 29 May. Voting closes on 7 June. I encourage all of you
to exercise your vote for the parent representatives to the Rosehill
Board of Trustees.

Candidates Meeting.
For those candidates standing at this election, a meeting to enable
parents to meet and hear from candidates will be held at the school
on Thursday 30 May, 7pm.


This year we are extremely fortunate again that our school is
able to deliver the 'Loves Me Not' Program to all of our Year 12
students on Thursday 30th May. It will be a whole day workshop
facilitated by Police and teaching staff. The programme is
                                                                                         Caps and Bucket Hats
                                                                               Plain navy blue official school caps and bucket hats are in stock
inspired by real events. The Police Educators present evidence
                                                                               and are available from the Resource Room.
to engage young people in conversations regarding safety in
relationships and how to read signs of unsafe relationships. The               Caps:		              $6.00
                                                                               Bucket hats:         $8.00
messages that are delivered by the programme are extremely
important for students to enable them to identify healthy
and unhealthy relationships so they can make safe choices in
regards to their relationships now and in the future. All Year 12
students are expected to be at school and to participate in this
beneficial program. Below is some key information regarding
the Loves Me Not program and more information can be found

Loves-Me-Not aims to:
                                                                               The New Zealand Defence Force are holding a
                                                                             presentation in the Hall on Wednesday 22nd May
• assist schools that are seeking to support student well-being     		        during lunchtime for Year 12 & Year 13 students
  through a whole-school approach                                          interested in a Career in the Army, Air Force or Navy.
• encourage and empower young people to absolutely reject abuse
  in relationships
• encourage young people to be safe and active bystanders who 		                 NZ Careers Expo at ASB Showgrounds
  take action against unhealthy relationships
                                                                          Thursday, 23 May		 10am to 3pm, and 5pm to 7pm
• encourage young people to take a stand against myths in society         			                (evening time is perfect for parents to
  that perpetuate relationship violence                                   				come along to)
• help young people know who they can go to in their community
                                                                          Friday, 24 May		               10am to 3pm
  to seek advice and support if they need it as either victims or
  perpetrators                                                            Saturday, 25 May               10am to 3pm (another great time for
• encourage young people to contribute to, or create a wider              			                            parents to come along)
  community response so as to encourage others to accept only
                                                                          There is a fantastic line up of exhibitors this year, including the
  healthy relationships.
                                                                          addition of Go with Tourism (over 30 extra stands), as well as some
                                                                          punchy, encouraging and helpful talks at the Seminar Programme
                                                                          (see attached schedule),
                                                                          Go with Tourism, an Auckland council initiative, are doing a HUGE
                                                                          drive to increase careers and employment within the tourism
                                                                          industry by 2025. They’re talking several thousand roles that need
                                                                          to be filled.
                                                                          Go to the website to find out more including the seminar
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College
Badminton                                                                                      Basketball
In the second week of competition, our                                                         Prems Boys Basketball
badminton teams put out another solid                                                          Rosehill Prems Boys basketball started last
performance. Our A grade team had another                                                      week and have played two games to date in this
dominant performance but they had to work for                                                  season's College Sport Competition.
every point coming out victors 6-0.                                                            Last week saw a great start to the season with a
Our B1 team had to dig deep against Manurewa                                                   51-41 win against Strathallan College.
coming back from 3-1 down to draw 3 all. Abbey
                                                                                              This week, wow what a nail biter against
showed great perseverance after a difficult singles game to come
                                                                          Manurewa High School. It was a closely fought game right to the last
back and win her doubles to secure the draw.
                                                                          few seconds, with us unfortunately going down by 1 point; 34-35.
Our B2 side had a convincing 5-1 over Strathallan 1. Sam Hsu played       We were so proud of the way the team played, their defence was
aggressively and dominated his singles with a 21-5 win.                   outstanding and they never gave up. Well done boys.
Netball                                                                   Prems play Tuesday nights at Pulman Arena so come along and
Rosehill Premier Development played Aorere Senior A.                      support.
All players enthusiastic to get out and play their first game together.   Hockey
Instructions were to keep the game nice and settled and do the
                                                                          1st XI Girls
basics well. Game was great to watch and nerve wracking for the
                                                                          Our first game of the season we took away a convincing win of
spectators. 7-7 at the first break, Aorere up by 2 at half time, then
                                                                          7-0against Strathallan. The team’s performance on the field was very
the girls found another gear and fitness took over to eventually win
                                                                          impressive with it being our first game playing together, we were as a
the game 31-22. Lovely feedback from the umpiring team that our
                                                                          strong and positive team which resulted in us kicking off the season
through court play and trust in each other was great to watch was
                                                                          with a good start. You girls should all be proud of the effort and drive
really encouraging. We look forward to seeing what more we can do
                                                                          you showed in the game and the final score definitely showed that.
together through the remainder of the league.
Rosehill Premier played Hillary Senior and dominated right from the       Rugby
beginning. Jezana Rawiri-Ata & Phoenix Collins turning over a lot of
                                                                          11th May 2019 – Rosehill College (20) vs Avondale College (18)
ball at the defence end and mid courters safely getting the ball down
                                                                          An awesome sunny day, An amazing game to watch, An absolutely
to Chloe Keys-Pook & Maia Tipu who were working extremely well
                                                                          GREAT Team.
in the shooting end together. Girls talking on court was encouraging
                                                                          Thank you Supporters
and you could see their enjoyment in their work for the entire 40
                                                                          Congrats one and all for a well-deserved victory.
minutes. The final score was 43-7.
                                                                          Try Scorers: Zayden Aviata, Martinez Taukei’aho, Jacxson Siaosi-
Thanks to Deidra & Inano for dedicating their personal time to coach
& train the squad together bright and early on Friday mornings and
                                                                          Conversions/Penalties: Jarrod Hill
being at the games. Thank you to Donna managing these two teams
                                                                          Super Proud of the Team
as well, couldn’t be done without you. Come along and support the
                                                                          Thanks to our Sponsors:
girls every Wednesday – they sure put on a good show.
                                                                          Waiau Pa Four Square
Congratulations to our Year 9 Gold team who won 28-5 against              JDL Premier Asset Management
Wesley College. This was the first game of the season for all netball     TRANSDIESEL
teams and great to see our juniors starting with a strong win.
                                                                          Hillcrest sports exchange
Thank you to our student coaches for this year Leche Koole, Kaitlyn
Schmidt-Patel, Emma Warrender and Chloe Keys-Pook.                        A reminder that our Hillcrest sports exchange is on Tuesday 18th
                                                                          June for our premier teams. The return bus fee for this is $25.00 per
                                                                          student that is charged to your child’s school account. Full $25.00
                                                                          payment is Friday 7th June. Please ensure that this is paid before the
                                                                          due date.
                                                                             A big thank you to our volunteer coaches and managers
                                                                                         during the winter sports season
                                                                           Basketball               Rugby                     Hockey
                                                                           Shelley Green            John Halton               Matthew Williams
                                                                           Tim Dennis               John McElhinney           Blake Kayes-McDowell
                                                                           Willie Iosia             Shaun Clotworthy          Lisa Ross
                                                                           Jason Ellison            Yvette Lentner            Carl Syman
                                                                           Casey Sayers             Dannielle Wheeler         Tammy Marais
                                                                           Annette Sayers           Kim Moloney               Nelish Patel
                                                                           Lena Crawford            Kevin Moloney             Kristina Schmidt-Patel
                                                                           Netball                  Dylan Hohia               Football
                                                                           Donna Richmond           Logan Hill                Armen Sharma
                                                                           Deidra Smith             Jack Tofaeono             Angela Yuksel
                                                                           Moe Collins              Anthony Alefosio          Andy Dempster
Teachers Strike- please note                                               Sarah Lee (umpire)       Hannah Edwards            Paul Bertram
All College Sport mid-week games, football, hockey and netball will        Taryn Richmond           Brent Mako                Matt Morling
all go ahead as normal on Wednesday 29th May despite the teachers          (umpire)                 Mike Vai                  Merrick Rennell
strike. The netball transport will still be the same as normal. Other      T Cilliers               Rod Cunningham
teams, please confirm with your coaches/managers on your teams             Whaea Kahmil
transport to games.                                                        Leche Koole
                                                                           Kaitlyn Schmidt-Patel
If you have any questions around this please contact director of sport     Emma Warrender                                           Chloe Keys-Pook
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College
Are you interested in studying Design, Fine Arts or Māori
                       Visual Arts?
Staff from Toi Rauwhārangi College of Creative Arts at Massey University
in Wellington will be at venues in South Auckland in June offering the
chance for students to show us their work, and discuss creative arts
study options.
We'll be based in several locations over three days, so students can
choose the place and date that works best for them. The reviews take
about 15 minutes and information about what to bring is included in the
Event listing.
Monday 24 June, 3-6pm Nathan Homestead:
70 Hill Rd, Manurewa, Auckland 2102
Tuesday 25 June, 3-6pm Mangere Arts Centre:
Corner Bader Drive and Orly Avenue, Mangere, Auckland 2022
Wednesday 26 June, 3-6pm Otahuhu College:
47 -78 Mangere Rd, Otahuhu, Auckland 1062
For those interested students and their whanau we encourage them to
register, using the links above.

                                                                                        Any questions?
                                                                           Contact the QRC Recruitment Team today
                                                                                        P: 0800 441 114
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College From the Principal Tena koutou katoa - Rosehill College
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