Page created by Clinton Vazquez

Sample Teacher Guide
and Resources
      Version 1.0. For use with Digi-Navigators Qualification Specification (Version 1.0)
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NCC Education
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Digi-Navigators                                                                                                                                             3

CONTENTS (as displayed in the Teacher Guide and Resources)
Syllabus .............................................................................................................................................. 4
   Syllabus overview ............................................................................................................................ 4
Guidance on using the Digi-Navigators Teacher Guide and Resources ...................................... 6
   Reference key .................................................................................................................................. 6
   Resources Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 6
Digital Design and Creation .............................................................................................................. 7
   Using Digital Images ........................................................................................................................ 7
   Creating Digital Video/Animation ................................................................................................... 10
   Graphical Modelling ....................................................................................................................... 12
   Sound ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Computer Gaming ............................................................................................................................ 16
   Developing Problem-Solving and Logical Reasoning Skills ........................................................... 16
   Programming Games ..................................................................................................................... 18
Presenting Information .................................................................................................................... 20
   Word Processing ............................................................................................................................ 20
   Creating Digital Presentations........................................................................................................ 22
Snowball Activity ............................................................................................................................. 24
Digital Citizenship ............................................................................................................................ 25
   Using Technology Safely, Respectfully and Responsibly .............................................................. 25
   Web Research ............................................................................................................................... 28
Networks, Communication and Collaboration .............................................................................. 31
   Using Computer Networks ............................................................................................................. 31
   Communication and Collaboration ................................................................................................. 33
Handling Data ................................................................................................................................... 35
   Applying Data Analysis and Representation .................................................................................. 35
   Modelling ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Programming Simulations and Physical Systems ....................................................................... 40
   Simulating Real-World Environments ............................................................................................40
   Controlling Physical Systems ......................................................................................................... 43
Resources Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 46
   Word Processing and Typing Skills................................................................................................ 46
   Drawing, Painting and Image Manipulation.................................................................................... 47
   Sound and Audio Manipulation ...................................................................................................... 49
   Networks, Communication and Collaboration ................................................................................ 50
   Data Handling ................................................................................................................................ 52
   Video, Animation and Presentation Skills ......................................................................................54
   Programming, Simulations, Control and Games ............................................................................ 56
   Digital Citizenship and Research Skills .......................................................................................... 60
4                                                                                     Digi-Navigators

    Syllabus overview
    The Digi-Navigators syllabus contains the following topics, topic sections and Learning Outcomes.
    Syllabus topics may be covered in any order (as best suits the requirements of the candidates and
    their wider curriculum), however the suggested snowball activity assumes that the order as
    presented below is followed.

    Syllabus content
    Topic                 Topic Section                      Learning Outcomes
    Digital Design and    Using Digital Images                Understand how digital images can be
    Creation                                                   manipulated for a given outcome.

                          Creating Digital Video/Animation    Understand how to storyboard and
                                                               capture video or a series of stills to
                                                               make an animation.
                          Graphical Modelling                 Know how to use an object-based
                                                               graphics package to design and
                                                               develop a plan to meet a specific brief.
                          Sound                               Know how to edit sound files for a
    Computer Gaming       Developing Problem-Solving and      Develop problem-solving and logical
                          Logical Reasoning Skills             reasoning skills.

                          Programming Games                   Understand how programming code
                                                               can be used to create a program for a
                                                               specific purpose.

    Presenting            Word Processing                     Use a range of skills to present text
    Information                                                clearly, appropriately and for a specific
                          Creating Digital Presentations      Know how to combine a range of
                                                               digital media to create a presentation
                                                               for a specific audience.
                                                              Understand how to use appropriate
                                                               tools, such as hyperlinks, to enhance
                                                               a presentation.
                                            Snowball activity
    Digital Citizenship   Using Technology Safely,            Recognise the importance of keeping
                          Respectfully and Responsibly         safe and being respectful when using
                                                              Learn about potential dangers and
                                                               how to avoid them.
Digi-Navigators                                                                                      5

                     Web Research                       Know how to use a range of search
                                                         techniques to find, select and refine
                                                         reliable information.
                                                        Begin to understand how and why
                                                         search engines select and rank
                                                        Understand plagiarism, validity and
                                                         copyright in relation to online material.
Networks,            Using Computer Networks            Recognise what computer networks
Communication                                            (including the Internet) are and how
and Collaboration                                        they function.
                     Communication and Collaboration    Identify and understand how to use
                                                         online tools that enable us to
                                                         communicate and collaborate with
Handling Data        Applying Data Analysis and         Solve enquiries by identifying and
                     Representation                      interpreting appropriate data.
                     Modelling                          Know how to develop spreadsheet
                                                         models to investigate real-life
Programming          Simulating Real-World              Understand how programs that mimic
Simulations and      Environments                        the real world are developed.
Physical Systems
                     Controlling Physical Systems       Know how to program devices to
                                                         control physical systems.

Teaching resources for the syllabus topics presented above can be found in the Digi-Navigators
Teacher Guide and Resources document.
6                                                                                        Digi-Navigators

    Guidance on using the Digi-Navigators Teacher Guide
    and Resources
    The following key features are found in the Digi-Navigators Teacher Guide and Resources and are
    provided to aid teachers in effective lesson preparation and planning.

    Key terminology (KT): Each topic section contains a list of key terminology relating to the themes
    covered in that particular section. This will assist teachers in making decisions about whether to
    pre-teach or review particular words and phrases as a separate activity or to review and teach them
    in context.

    Warm-up activities: These are suggested activities which are intended to get candidates thinking
    about the concepts and skills that the topic sections will focus on. Warm-up activities are designed
    to provide teachers with ideas for highly engaging but resource-light activities which are relevant to
    the main learning focus but do not require candidates to immediately start work on their computers.

    Core activities: Teachers can select the suggested activity or activities which best suit their
    teaching preferences, wider curriculum areas and their candidates’ own learning styles or interests.
    The activities are specifically designed to meet the Learning Outcomes in each topic section.
    Resources for each activity are provided (see also Resources below).

    Cross-curricular links (CL): Cross-curricular links are highlighted in each topic section. By
    providing both explicit and suggested cross-curricular links the intention is to demonstrate how the
    candidates’ learning is or may be embedded within wider curriculum areas.

    Resources (RS): Each suggested resource has been carefully selected and tested by UK
    professionals with a wealth of experience in computing education. The resources suggested are,
    overwhelmingly, freely available and almost all activities may be completed using freeware.

    Snowball Activity: A suggested mid-point project or extended activity that will review and
    consolidate all learning up to that point. Teachers may also use the snowball activity as a formative
    tool or to assess candidates’ suitability for entry at a particular qualification level.

    Reference key
    Each warm-up and core activity presented includes a key which is written in bold at the end of each
    activity description, for example ‘LO 1; KT b, d; CL 1; RS 1-4’.

    Teachers may use this key in order to check the activity against the topic section Learning
    Outcomes (LO), Key Terminology (KT), Cross-Curricular Links (CL) and Resources (RS).

    In the example reference key (LO 1; KT b, d; CL1; RS 1-4), the teacher may therefore be confident
    that the activity covers the topic section’s first Learning Outcome, requires candidates to be aware of
    two of the stated items of key terminology, is relevant to the first cross-curricular link provided and
    may be supported by the first four resources stated in the topic section.

    Resources Appendix
    This includes resources highlighted in each topic section and is organised according to topic or skill
    area. Also included are additional resources (including useful commercial software) which teachers
    may wish to consider in order to differentiate their teaching according to the needs and interests of
    their candidates.
    This is not an exhaustive list of suitable resources and teachers will have experience of other
    software, commercial or otherwise, which may support the delivery of the qualification.
Digi-Navigators                                                                                        7

Digital Design and Creation
Syllabus Section:
Graphical Modelling
National Curriculum Level Descriptor

Select, use and combine a variety of software (including Internet services) on a range of digital
devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given
goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.

Learning Outcomes

1.   Know how to use an object-based graphics package to design and develop a plan to meet a
     specific brief.

Key Terminology

a.   3D/2D                               Manufacture (CAM)                   m.   Perspective
b.   Ariel                              g. Design                            n.   Representation
c.   Axis                               h. Dimension                         o.   Resize
d.   Bird’s Eye                         i. Maps                              p.   Rotate
e.   Computer Aided Design              j. Modelling                         q.   Scale
     (CAD)                              k. Order                             r.   Visualisation
f.   Computer Aided                     l. Pan/zoom

Suggested Warm-up Activities

1. Students examine a range of 3D shapes (for example a cylinder, a pyramid, a cuboid) and draw
   each from a bird’s eye view as well as a side-on view. The importance of viewing objects from
   different angles, to get an accurate representation and understanding of the shape, may be
   discussed. (LO 1; KT a, d, g, h, m, n; CL 1)

2. Students investigate a range of structures represented graphically and discuss how these
   models make it easier for us to understand the place represented. The map of the London
   Underground is a good example of this. (LO 1; KT a, c, g, h, I, k, n, q)

3. Students draw an outline of their home from a variety of angles and views, including a bird’s eye
   view. (LO 1; KT a, d, g, h, m, n; CL 1)

Suggested Main Activities

1. Students design an alternative arrangement for the furniture in the classroom using an
   appropriate modelling package. The criteria for the alternate arrangement can be adjusted by the
   teacher to suit the students. (LO 1; KT all; CL 2; RS 1, 2)

2. Students study the design of a famous landmark, for example the Pyramids of Egypt, and use
   graphical modelling software to generate a replica. (LO 1; KT a, d-h, m, n, q, r: CL 1, 2; RS 3)
8                                                                                       Digi-Navigators

    3. Students are given a description from a well-known story. They then generate an image of the
       particular person, place, building or object being described. (LO 1; KT a, d-h, m, n, q, r; RS 3)

    4. Students or the class create and name their own unique shape. (LO 1; KT a, d-h, m, n, q, r; RS

    5. Students use graphical modelling software to design their ideal room. This could be a room in
       the home, their place of study or another location. (LO1; KT a, d-h, m, n, q, r; RS 3)

    6. Students are given requirements for a new school containing a number of key features including,
       for example, playgrounds, classrooms, a cafeteria, a library. Students develop an appropriate
       plan for this new school. (LO 1; KT all; RS 3)

    Curricular Links

    1. Mathematics: ‘Pupils should be taught to recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes’
       (The National Curriculum in England: Key Stages 1 and 2 Framework Document, p.177)

    2. Design and Technology: ‘Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through
       discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern
       pieces and computer-aided design’ (The National Curriculum in England: Key Stages 1 and 2
       Framework Document, p.182)


     No   Website                                 Description

                                                  A resource for students to design a classroom using
     1    ee/pages/resource/modelling/c
                                                  click and drag.

     2                                            Powerful 3D modelling software from Google.

     Assessment note
     Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge of how object-based graphics packages can
     be used to design and develop a plan to meet a specified brief.

     The Learning Outcomes for this syllabus section will be tested in Part B of the examination.
Digi-Navigators                                                                                             9

Handling Data
Syllabus Section:
Applying Data Analysis and Representation
National Curriculum Level Descriptor

Select, use and combine a variety of software (including Internet services) on a range of digital
devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given
goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.

Learning Outcomes

1. Solve enquiries by identifying and interpreting appropriate data.

Key Terminology

   a.   Accurate/inaccurate              i.   Find                            q.   Record
   b.   Answer                           j.   Graph                           r.   Relationship
   c.   Bar chart                        k.   Interpret                       s.   Reliability
   d.   Compare                          l.   Line graph                      t.   Scatter graph
   e.   Criteria                         m.   Match                           u.   Search
   f.   Data                             n.   Pattern                         v.   Sort
   g.   Field                            o.   Pictogram
   h.   Filter                           p.   Question

Suggested Warm-up Activities

1. Students collect information from a number of classmates and scan that information for
   conclusions or generalisations. The emphasis is on recognising that it takes a long time to
   collate or find information or trends without the search and sort functionality of data organisation
   tools. (LO 1, KT all)

2. Students are asked to conceive of the classroom as a huge database in which information
   (objects, people, furniture) are all recorded as fields. They are then instructed to search the
   database for information. For example, how many tables and chairs are in the classroom? The
   emphasis here is on reliability, accuracy and human error. (LO 1; KT d - i, v)

3. Students are asked to consider where in the real world they would find a filter (for example, a
   water filter, camera lens filter or air filter). The results will help students understand the concept
   and role of information filtering. (LO 1; KT a, e, f, h, s)
10                                                                                        Digi-Navigators

     Suggested Main Activities

     1. Students create their own data capture form and then enter the data into appropriate software
        (database or spreadsheet) in order to solve a basic enquiry such as ‘who is the oldest in the
        group?’. The results should be presented in an appropriate format which can be clearly
        evaluated. (LO 1; KT all; CL 1, 2; RS all)

     2. Students are asked to display the results of a survey. Students can present this information as a
        bar chart, a line graph or a scatter graph. (LO 1; KT a – g, j, l, v; CL 1, 2; RS all)

     3. Students investigate a short text in order to determine the most frequently used words. They
        may do this manually or via suitable word cloud software (see resources below). This information
        can be turned into an appropriate graph and filtered to further refine the results. (LO 1; KT all;
        CL 1,2; RS all)

     Curricular Links

     1. Mathematics: ‘Pupils should be taught to interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and
        use these to solve problems’ (The National Curriculum in England: Key Stages 1 and 2
        Framework Document, p.141)

     2. Science: ‘recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and
        labels, classification keys, table, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs. (The National Curriculum in
        England: Key Stages 1 and 2 Framework Document, p.166)


      No    Website                                 Description

                                                    Calc is a spreadsheet application which is easy to
      1                                             learn and easy to use. This is part of the open-source
                                                    software, OpenOffice.

                                                    Google Docs Spreadsheet is part of the Google office
             applications suits available through the cloud. A
            pps.html#product=sheets                 Gmail email address is required before using this

           The Microsoft Excel Web App allows users to create,
            us/web-apps                             edit and share Excel files from any Internet browser.

                                                    Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets provide a flexible and
      4          user-friendly method for creating spreadsheets and
                                                    analysing data.

                                                    A website for generating ‘word clouds’ shaped by the
                                                    most frequently used words.
Digi-Navigators                                                                                   11

Assessment note
Candidates should be able to demonstrate the ability to identify and interpret appropriate data
based upon a simple enquiry.

The Learning Outcome for this syllabus section will be tested in Part B of the examination.
12                                                                                              Digi-Navigators

     Resources Appendix
     Word Processing and Typing Skills
                                                                                           Suitable for1:
     Resource               Description                                                    DE     DN     DT
     AbiWord                AbiWord is an open source (freeware) word-processing
                            program. See for more information.                       

     BBC ‘Dance             A fun colourful website with animation and games for a
     Mat’                   range of ages and levels of ability. For more information             
     Comic Strip            To make comic strips see
     Maker                      
     Demon Typing           Online typing exercise to practice and develop keyboard
                            skills. The stopwatch feature enables users to monitor their
                                                                                                  
                            typing speed. For more information see
     Freewebs               Online typing exercise to practice and develop keyboard
                            skills. For more information see                                       
     Jarte                  Jarte is a reliable free word processor. See
                            for more information.                                                      

     Microsoft              WordPad is a powerful tool for creating basic
     WordPad                word-processing documents. Visit                                           
                   for more information.
     OpenOffice:            A free, modern and fully equipped word processor and
     Writer                 desktop publisher. See for more                      
     Super Action           Create online comic books. See
     Comic Maker   for more information.                          

     Wordgraph              WordGraph is a free and handy alternative to more
                            expensive word-processing packages. For more                              
                            information see
     Wordle                 Wordle allows user to generate ‘word clouds’ from the text
                            provided. This may be utilised during brainstorming
                                                                                                       
                            sessions, presentations and collaborative work. See
                   for more information.

         Key DE – Digi-Explorers, DN – Digi-Navigators, DT – Digi-Trailblazers
Digi-Navigators                                                                                  13

                                       Commercial Software
2Simple           2Simple Software provides a range of products, including
Software          word-processing products. These include 2Type, Alphabet
                                                                                      
                  Soup, 2Create a Story and 2Handwrite. See
         for more information.
Busy Things       Busy Things provide award-winning educational games for
                  pupils aged 3 to 9. See for more               
Espresso          A video-rich cross-curricular service. See
         for more information.               

Microsoft         Microsoft Word is a frequently used word processor. See
Word                                               

Purple Mash       Award-winning educational resource. See
                                                        

Textease:         Textease Publisher CT is an award-winning word
Publisher         processing and desktop publishing package. The software                 
                  is downloadable through
Word Place        A word processor designed for children and the computer
                  illiterate. See for more information              

Yeah Write!       Yeah Write is an easy-to-use fill-in-the-blank word
                  processor. See for more information.              

Drawing, Painting and Image Manipulation

 Resource                                Description                              DE   DN   DT
Drawing For       Drawing for Children is a free drawing program for children
Children          with which users can use different pens, stamps, create
                                                                                          
                  text effects, and much more. See
         for more information.
Fotoflexer        An online image editor which is detailed and easy to use.
                  See to find out more.                                

Fotor             Fotor allows users to make festive cards and collages
                  through a simple interface. See for more                  
iPiccy            iPiccy is a web-based photo editing tool. See
         for more details. This is a basic editor
                                                                                          
                  and, while it may be utilised during Level 3, the software is
J2e Mix           This is a web-based drawing tool. A Java download is
                  required. See for more information.                       
14                                                                                      Digi-Navigators

     J2e Paint       This is a web-based drawing tool. A Java download is
                     required. See for more information.                         

     Microsoft       Paint is simple graphics software that is available for free
     Paint           as part of Microsoft Windows. See
                                                                                               
     Microsoft       Allows user to screen capture and then edit images. See
     Snipping Tool for more information.                           

     Photo Filtre    Freeware image editor and optimizer. See
            for more information. This                
                     is an advanced manipulation tool.
     PhotoPad        Easily edit and manipulate your photos using this tool. See
     Editor for more information.                     

     Picassohead     Students can mimic the style of Pablo Picasso using this
                     click, drag and edit art tool. See for
                     more information. While this resource is appropriate at all               
                     levels, the work may be more relevant during Levels 2 and
     Picnik          Picnik allows users to edit all their photos online. See
            for more information.                                      

     Ribbet          This web-based tool allows users to edit photographs
                     online. Find out more at                                   

     Smilebox        Smilebox can be used to create invitations, collages and
                     cards for all occasions. See for more                    
     Tux Paint       Tux Paint is an award-winning drawing program for
                     children aged 3 to 12. See for more                 
     TwistedBrush    A digital drawing tool which features a full collection of
                     realistic natural brushes. Visit the following website for               
                     more information:
                                         Commercial Software
     2Simple         2Simple Software provides a range of products. See
     Software for more information.              

     Busy Things     Busy Things provide award-winning educational games for
                     pupils aged 3 to 9. See for more                      
     Espresso        A video-rich cross-curricular service. See
            for more information.                      
Digi-Navigators                                                                              15

Microsoft         A free Windows program that lets you create audiovisual
Photo Story 3     presentations using your own photos and images.
                  (Available to download free from various sources).                
                  See the following for more information:
Microsoft         Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application
Publisher         from Microsoft. See             

Microsoft         Microsoft Word is a frequently-used word processor.
Word              However, this software can also be used to create shapes            
                  and patterns. See
Textease:         Textease: Draw is a drawing and graphical modelling tool.
Draw              See for more information.                     

Textease:         Textease: Paint has been designed to help develop
Paint             creativity and understanding of colours. Visit                      
         for more information.
Textease:         Textease: Publisher is a desktop publishing package. See
Publisher                                          
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