Unconfirmed MINUTES Ordinary Council Meeting 3 November 2020 - Attachment Minutes of Council Meeti

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Unconfirmed MINUTES

 Ordinary Council Meeting

    3 November 2020
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                3 November 2020

                                ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING
                           HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, FAIRLIE
                          ON TUESDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2020 AT 9.30AM

PRESENT:            Mayor Graham Smith, Deputy Mayor James Leslie, Cr Anne Munro, Cr Stuart
                    Barwood, Cr Emily Bradbury, Cr Matt Murphy
IN ATTENDANCE:      Suzette van Aswegen (Chief Executive), Paul Numan (GM Corporate Services),
                    Tim Harty (GM Operations), Tim Mulcock (Transition Manager), Alexis Gray
                    (Manager People and Culture), Arlene Goss (Governance Advisor), Sam
                    Molyneux (Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Chief Executive), Phill Mackay
                    (Recovery Manager), Adrian Hodgett (Finance Manager), Scott McKenzie
                    (Roading Manager), Charlie O’Mannin (Reporter from Stuff).

1        OPENING

The Mayor opened the meeting with a karakia. He welcomed new executive assistant Sam Molyneux
and reporter Charlie O’Mannin.

2        APOLOGIES

An apology was received from Cr Murray Cox.

3        VISITORS



There were no declarations of interest.


The following bereavements were noted, and a moment of silence observed:
    •   Mary Catherine Gibson, of Fairlie, died on October 5. Wife of the late Bob and mother of
        Maree and Mark, Kerry, Grant and Mags.
    •   Duncan Menzies, of Fairlie, died on October 18. Husband of the late Joyce, father of Grant
        and Debbie, Craig and Blair.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                 3 November 2020


The Mayor took his report as read. He talked about the recent Zone 5 and 6 meeting and said there
was an interesting discussion on transport and plans for expansion at the Port of Lyttleton. Cr
Barwood suggested holding a workshop with LGNZ to discuss the three waters situation.
The Mayor congratulated those people who organised recent events in Fairlie – the Spring Fling and
the Buster Hurst Fundraiser. This night raised $60,000 to put towards the Westpac Rescue
Cr Munro said local resident Professor Hurst has received an award for his services to astronomy.
The Mayor has written him a letter of congratulations on behalf of the councillors and the district.

 Cr Leslie and Cr Munroe commended the chief executive for her detailed report.
 She asked for two corrections to be made to the list of meetings. She did not attend the District
 Plan workshop on October 29 and did not attend the airports stakeholder workshop.
 Cr Munro asked if Destination Mackenzie had changed track due to COVID-19. The chief executive
 said it had changed, not because of COVID-19 but because of the need to re-evaluate it. She said
 engagement would start early in the new year. The timeframe for finishing the project had been
 extended to November. The Mayor commended the chief executive for the work she had put into
 Destination Mackenzie.
 The Mayor said the upcoming Long-Term Plan and District Plan would take a lot of resources and
 councillors needed to be aware of that.
 Cr Barwood asked if the community centre hours of use had increased after reducing the charges.
 Tim Harty offered to investigate this. The chief executive asked for a trend graph to be included
 in the next agenda, rather than just the numbers.
 Changes to staff roles were outlined. The economic development officer starts next Monday. Tim
 Mulcock outlined what this role included.
 Discussion took place on how Council would support catchment groups and farmers.
 The need to fill vacant staff roles was discussed. Recruitment was difficult at this time of year.
 Roles were being reviewed as part of the recruitment process. The Mayor said he was still
 concerned about the large amount of leave owing to staff.
 Alexis Gray noted that no lost time injuries had been reported. One near miss while driving had
 been reported. A new online reporting tool to identify hazards in the workplace had been
 launched with staff. There was currently a staff competition to encourage the use of this tool.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 That the report be received.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                 3 November 2020

 The purpose of this report was for Council to formally receive the Community Facilities and Parks
 Risks report, and to consider key actions resulting from the report.
 Tim Harty updated the councillors on recent activity in the recreation sector, including the
 successful opening of the Fairlie Swimming Pool.
 He noted the documents that were attached to his report and outlined plans to engage with the
 community on issues such as the Peace Trees. There was also the need to remove some trees
 from cemeteries because they were encroaching on plots, and general maintenance work was
 required on other trees in the district.
 He asked the councillors for approval to spend money on a consultant to provide support to staff
 with open spaces work.
 Cr Munro asked if it was possible to assess all the trees at the same time as the Peace Trees were
 assessed. Mr Harty said this would cost a lot and staff were being asked to collect information on
 trees while out and about. There was a need to build a record of the location and general
 condition of each tree.
 Cr Barwood suggested working with the community to establish the history of trees and open
 spaces. It was important to get this information documented for the future.
 Cr Murphy noted this was work that should have been done as ‘business as usual’ rather than
 from the money in the land subdivision fund. Mr Harty said he has checked, and this was an
 appropriate use of the funds.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Cr Stuart Barwood
 1.    That the report be received.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 2.    That Council approves the release of the attached scopes to the market for tender purposes,
       and further that
 3.    The tenders, when closed, are evaluated, and awarded in line with Council’s delegated
       authority, and further that
 4.    Council approves the procurement of short-term support in the Open Spaces area, via Xyst
       Limited, to a value not exceeding $75,000 and funded from approved budgets, and further
 5.    $10,000 is allocated from the operational reserves to undertake the Peace Tree assessment,
       as outlined within the report.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                  3 November 2020

 The purpose of this report was to update Council on both the council funded Waters and Footpath
 project process, and the national 3 Waters Reform Project.
 Tim Harty took the report as read. All except one project is in the detailed design stage. The one
 remaining project was the Fairlie Treatment Plant and a workshop with councillors was planned
 to discuss this.
 Regarding the 3 Waters project, information had been provided to Crown Infrastructure Partners
 and there had been very few questions come back. Mr Harty was expecting the funding to arrive
 this week. He was working hard on getting scopes drawn up.
 He updated the councillors on the need to contribute water data to the national effort. This would
 create a significant draw on staff time in both the assets and finance departments. It would be
 possible to fund temporary contractors up to $60,000 to cover staff business-as-usual activity, to
 allow staff time to collect and report this data. It was recognised that it would be a challenge to
 find the right people who were qualified to step in and assist.

 Moved:    Cr Stuart Barwood
 Seconded: Cr Emily Bradbury
 1.    That the report be received.

 Moved:    Cr Stuart Barwood
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 2.    That Council approves the procurement of Beca Limited at a cost of $25,000 to provide
       support to complete the scopes of work for the 3 Waters Delivery Plan Projects, and
       associated works, and further that
 3.    Beca be engaged via a variation to the existing engagement and funded through the pending
       3 Waters Reform funding stream, and further that
 4.    Council approves the sole select appointment of Audit NZ as probity delivery of the contract.

 Paul Numan said the survey results had been workshopped with councillors previously. He noted
 that some of the results were good and there were some areas where more work was needed.
 The Mayor said councillors needed to be mindful of what the community said. The chief executive
 said Council was raising standards in building and compliance and this would impact on the

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                 3 November 2020

 Councillors noted that in some areas more work was being done but public perception was that
 levels of service were going down. Cr Murphy noted the way the survey was designed contributed
 to difficulties in interpreting the results.
 The chief executive was planning to change how these surveys were conducted in the future to
 make them more effective. Different measures would be included in the next Long-Term Plan,
 and different survey questions would flow from these.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Cr Emily Bradbury
 That the report be received.

 Phill Mackay was welcomed to the meeting and spoke to his report. The Mayor thanked him for
 his work on Covid-19 recovery and the recent fire response.
 Cr Murphy asked if this recovery fund was a one-off. Mr Mackay said yes, but there were some
 issues coming up that would require consideration for continued funding as part of the Long-Term
 Plan process. The current $200,000 in the fund had been put aside in the Annual Plan and was
 supported by Council.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Cr Matt Murphy
 That the report be received.

 The purpose of this report was for Council to consider a request for financial support from the
 Mackenzie County Scholarship Trust. Paul Numan summarised his report and the request from
 the trust.

 Cr Munro asked if there were many applicants. She noted that first year tertiary education was
 free now. Cr Barwood was on the panel last year and said one scholarship had one applicant, and
 the others had about four applicants each. The applicants were of a high standard.

 Cr Murphy wondered how active the trust was as he was not aware of them meeting and he had
 been appointed as the council representative on the decision panel. Councillors had to be mindful
 of the current financial climate before agreeing to fund the scholarships, and he was not aware if
 the trust was looking elsewhere for funding.

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 The chief executive noted that Council not only contributed money for the scholarships, but also
 funded all the administration costs. This was a significant job that fell to the chief executive’s

 Cr Murphy suggested arranging a meeting with the trustees to discuss the future of the
 scholarships. He suggested offering the trust $1,000 for each scholarship. Cr Barwood suggested
 continuing the current arrangement of $2,000 per scholarship.

 Cr Leslie said students from Mackenzie were at a disadvantage when considering tertiary
 education because of the remoteness of the district and should be provided with assistance. The
 councillors agreed to continue with the current arrangement this year and meet with the trust to
 discuss this further.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Cr Stuart Barwood
       1. That the report be received.


 Moved:    Cr Stuart Barwood
 Seconded: Cr Anne Munro
 2. That Council notes the background in this matter including the request from Mackenzie County
 Scholarship Trust and the financial considerations.
 3. That Council continues to top up the yearly fund to cover the scholarship funding shortfall.
 4. That Council called for a review of the current arrangement with the Mackenzie County
 Scholarship Trust as per clause 4 of the trust deed.

 The purpose of this report was to update Council on current activities related to business and
 economic engagement. Business Liaison Officer Leaine Rush sent an apology, as she was not able
 to attend the meeting.
 The Mayor said he would provide an update. The Mayor’s taskforce for jobs allocated $400,000
 to spend in the Mackenzie District to encourage people into jobs. What they were finding was
 that there were plenty of jobs but not the people to do them. The Mayor joined the business
 liaison officer in Queenstown for a jobs event and set up a “come to Mackenzie” stand. 300 people
 came by and names were collected. A lot of these people were foreign nationals who needed an
 employer and a visa to stay in the country.
 The Mayor has organised a meeting with the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce to discuss
 this further.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                    3 November 2020

 He said the business liaison officer has done a great job. She is in contact with a lot of businesses
 in the district.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 1.    That the report be received.

 The purpose of this report was to seek instructions from Council on how to respond to a request
 from Timaru Lions for a donation towards a new Bike Skills Park in Timaru.
 The Mayor noted that the Fairlie Lions Club was not aware of this request when asked. Although
 this was a good initiative volunteers were currently building a skate park in Fairlie and Council
 needed to support this, as well as show support for local Lions Club initiatives.
 Cr Munro said she wanted more information and moved staff recommendation 4 – that the Lions
 Club be asked for a grant application.
 Cr Murphy said requesting more information would waste people’s time if the intention was not
 to provide a grant. He moved recommendation 2 – that council decline the request. This was
 seconded by Cr Leslie. Cr Munro withdrew her motion and further discussion followed.
 A vote was taken, and the result was an equal split.
 Cr Munro then re-moved recommendation 4 – that the Lions Club be asked for a grant application.
 A vote was taken, and this was carried by majority vote.

 Moved:    Cr Stuart Barwood
 Seconded: Cr Emily Bradbury
 That the report be received.

 Moved:    Cr Matt Murphy
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 That Council declines the request from Timaru Lions Club for a donation towards a Bike Skills Park
 in Timaru.
 In Favour:     Crs James Leslie, Emily Bradbury and Matt Murphy
 Against:       Crs Graham Smith, Anne Munro and Stuart Barwood

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                   3 November 2020

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Cr Stuart Barwood
 That Council instructs staff to ask Timaru Lions Club to supply a grant application form that
 includes the amount requested and is supported by financial statements, including how much
 money is coming from other sources, and that this be considered at the next council meeting.
 In Favour:        Crs Graham Smith, Anne Munro, Stuart Barwood and Emily Bradbury
 Against:          Crs James Leslie and Matt Murphy

 6.9         MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2021
 The purpose of this report was to advise Council of the Schedule of Meetings for the Mackenzie
 District Council and Council Committees for 2021.
 The schedule was adopted with the following changes requested:
       •    The Commercial and Economic Development Committee, Engineering and Services
            Committee, and Planning and Regulation Committee are to hold more regular meetings
            on a six-weekly cycle.
       •    Every Tuesday in 2021 would be a meeting reserve day and this would be added to the
       •    The governance advisor would attempt to avoid scheduling meetings during school
            holidays if possible.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Cr Stuart Barwood
 1.        That the report be received.

 Moved:    Cr Emily Bradbury
 Seconded: Cr Stuart Barwood
 2.        That the Schedule of Meetings attached to the agenda, showing the meeting dates for 2021,
           be adopted with the changes noted above.

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 Moved:    Cr Matt Murphy
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 22 September 2020 be received and
 confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting.


The meeting adjourned for morning tea at 11.20am and reconvened at 11.29am.

 The Mayor welcomed Finance Manager Adrian Hodgett to the meeting. Discussion of the financial
 report included the following matters:
       •   The annual audit has been intense. Auditors have been on site for five weeks. Council was
           nearly at the end of the process.
       •   Timing issues had affected some of the financial results such as roading expenditure. This
           was down on budget because activity goes quiet in winter and ramps up over the summer
       •   Capital expenditure was also due to catch up with budgets in the summer months.
       •   The only challenge in current capital spending would be the Fairlie Treatment Plant. This
           would be workshopped with councillors.
       •   Covid-19 had affected income in some areas such as planning and regulation.
       •   The lag time between the financial report (to the end of September) and current date
           (November) was explained as being due to timelines required for invoicing.
       •   There was a big focus on spending community board money in the townships.

 The finance manager was thanked for his report.

 Moved:    Cr Anne Munro
 Seconded: Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 That the report be received.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                       3 November 2020



                                RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC

 Moved:    Cr Stuart Barwood
 Seconded: Cr Matt Murphy
 That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.
 The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the
 reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under
 section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of
 this resolution are as follows:
  General subject of each matter     Reason for passing this             Ground(s) under section 48 for
  to be considered                   resolution in relation to each      the passing of this resolution
  12.1 - Minutes of Public           s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Excluded Council Meeting - 22      the information is necessary to     of the relevant part of the
  September 2020                     protect information where the       proceedings of the meeting
                                     making available of the             would be likely to result in the
                                     information would be likely         disclosure of information for
                                     unreasonably to prejudice the       which good reason for
                                     commercial position of the          withholding would exist under
                                     person who supplied or who is       section 6 or section 7
                                     the subject of the information
  13.2 - Allocation of Grants from   s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  the Promotion of Tekapo            information is necessary to         of the relevant part of the
  Township (Genesis) Fund            protect the privacy of natural      proceedings of the meeting
                                     persons, including that of          would be likely to result in the
                                     deceased natural persons            disclosure of information for
                                                                         which good reason for
                                                                         withholding would exist under
                                                                         section 6 or section 7
  14.3 - Te Manahuna Ki              s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Uta/Destination Mackenzie -        information is necessary to         of the relevant part of the
  Appointment of Beca                enable Council to carry out,        proceedings of the meeting
  Consortium as Project              without prejudice or                would be likely to result in the
  Management Lead Part 2             disadvantage, commercial            disclosure of information for
                                     activities                          which good reason for
                                                                         withholding would exist under
                                     s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the
                                                                         section 6 or section 7
                                     information is necessary to
                                     enable Council to carry on,
                                     without prejudice or
                                     disadvantage, negotiations
                                     (including commercial and
                                     industrial negotiations)

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                     3 November 2020

  15.4 - Pukaki Downs and Ohau     s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Fire                             information is necessary to         of the relevant part of the
                                   protect the privacy of natural      proceedings of the meeting
                                   persons, including that of          would be likely to result in the
                                   deceased natural persons            disclosure of information for
                                                                       which good reason for
                                                                       withholding would exist under
                                                                       section 6 or section 7
  16.5 - Tekapo Lake Resort        s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Limited - Concept Design         the information is necessary to     of the relevant part of the
  approval - Lakeside Drive        protect information where the       proceedings of the meeting
  Tekapo                           making available of the             would be likely to result in the
                                   information would be likely         disclosure of information for
                                   unreasonably to prejudice the       which good reason for
                                   commercial position of the          withholding would exist under
                                   person who supplied or who is       section 6 or section 7
                                   the subject of the information
  17.6 - Twizel Medical Centre     s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Build - High Country Medical     the information is necessary to     of the relevant part of the
  Trust                            protect information where the       proceedings of the meeting
                                   making available of the             would be likely to result in the
                                   information would be likely         disclosure of information for
                                   unreasonably to prejudice the       which good reason for
                                   commercial position of the          withholding would exist under
                                   person who supplied or who is       section 6 or section 7
                                   the subject of the information
  18.7 - Contract 1255 Tender      s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Acceptance - Streetlight         the information is necessary to     of the relevant part of the
  Maintenance and Renewals         protect information where the       proceedings of the meeting
  2020-2022                        making available of the             would be likely to result in the
                                   information would be likely         disclosure of information for
                                   unreasonably to prejudice the       which good reason for
                                   commercial position of the          withholding would exist under
                                   person who supplied or who is       section 6 or section 7
                                   the subject of the information
  19.8 - Fairlie Skate Park        s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
                                   the information is necessary to     of the relevant part of the
                                   protect information where the       proceedings of the meeting
                                   making available of the             would be likely to result in the
                                   information would be likely         disclosure of information for
                                   unreasonably to prejudice the       which good reason for
                                   commercial position of the          withholding would exist under
                                   person who supplied or who is       section 6 or section 7
                                   the subject of the information
  20.9 - Unbudgeted Building       s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Control Authority Costs          information is necessary to         of the relevant part of the
                                   protect the privacy of natural      proceedings of the meeting
                                   persons, including that of          would be likely to result in the
                                   deceased natural persons            disclosure of information for
                                                                       which good reason for
                                   s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the
                                   information is necessary to

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                     3 November 2020

                                   enable Council to carry on,         withholding would exist under
                                   without prejudice or                section 6 or section 7
                                   disadvantage, negotiations
                                   (including commercial and
                                   industrial negotiations)
  21.10 - Building Control         s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the   s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
  Authority Realignment Business   information is necessary to         of the relevant part of the
  Case                             enable Council to carry out,        proceedings of the meeting
                                   without prejudice or                would be likely to result in the
                                   disadvantage, commercial            disclosure of information for
                                   activities                          which good reason for
                                                                       withholding would exist under
                                   s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the
                                                                       section 6 or section 7
                                   information is necessary to
                                   enable Council to carry on,
                                   without prejudice or
                                   disadvantage, negotiations
                                   (including commercial and
                                   industrial negotiations)
  22.11 - Risk Management Report s7(2)(c)(ii) - the withholding of     s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct
                                 the information is necessary to       of the relevant part of the
                                 protect information which is          proceedings of the meeting
                                 subject to an obligation of           would be likely to result in the
                                 confidence or which any person        disclosure of information for
                                 has been or could be compelled        which good reason for
                                 to provide under the authority of     withholding would exist under
                                 any enactment, where the              section 6 or section 7
                                 making available of the
                                 information would be likely
                                 otherwise to damage the public


 Moved:    Deputy Mayor James Leslie
 Seconded: Cr Anne Munro
 That Council moves out of closed meeting into open meeting.

The Meeting closed at 3.24pm.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                               3 November 2020

The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 15
December 2020.


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