Page created by Brittany Reese
   THURSDAY        presents     FRIDAY
 APRIL 7, 2022   Rise! Shine!    APRIL 8, 2022
                             Rise! Shine!

W e are so glad you are here to share this evening of music with us and grateful
for your support. The music tonight takes a look at the journey through our
security in Christ through life and death, despair and loss, and his gentle leading
through each day that enables us to rise above our circumstances and shine.
These singers are mostly freshmen and sophomores. The past two years have
brought disappointments and losses that cannot be recovered, but they have
redeemed them with hard work and a chance to sing together and you are the
                  recipients of their thankfulness through song.

We are also excited to share the stage with our friends from the Friendship Fields
class. It has been a joy and blessing to work with them and to perform with them
               tonight. You will see their enthusiasm is contagious!


           Concert Choir and Friendship Field Singers

 Praise the Lord! (Cameroon Processional Song)..... arr. Ralph Johnson
                                Jyavon Hill, soloist
                   Timothy Milby, Evan Watkins, percussionists
                Ashley Reeder, American Sign Language Interpreter

 Little David, Play on Your Harp .................................arr. Rollo Dilworth
Concert Choir

Verbum caro factum est ...............................................Hans Leo Hassler

Immortal Bach ............................................................... arr. Knut Nystedt

Anthony O Daly from Reincarnations............................. Samuel Barber

Gently, Lord, O Gently Lead Us ..... Traditional Hymn, Thomas Hastings
                                                                      arr. R. Hetherington
                           Josie Fairchild, Madyson Groves,
                        Davis Green, Jonah Schloneger, soloists

Rise, Shine!.......Negro Spiritual, arr. Marques L. A. Garrett & Tom Trenney


                                   Chamber Choir

Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes.......................... Mark G. Sirett

I love my love .................................... Cornish Folksong, arr. G. T. Holst

A Boy and a Girl .................................................................. Eric Whitacre

                                    Concert Choir

Hark, I Hear The Harps Eternal ...... Traditional Hymn, arr. Alice Parker
                         Zoey Tauanu’u, Rachel Mullen, soloists

Sure On This Shining Night from Nocturnes............ Morten Lauridsen

My King is Comin’ Soon ....................................................Kyle Pederson
                         Alex Grier, Zachary Garraway, soloists

Jesus, I Adore Thee ..................................................Stephen Caracciolo
         Rolaine Hetherington, conductor | Pat Walcher, piano

Soprano 1
Keah Benck Wichita, KS; Zoo Science/Conservation Science
Peyton Bohannon Haysville, KS; Zoo Science
Josie Fairchild Kingman, KS; Psychology
Rachel Mullen Wichita, KS; Theatre Education
KayLee Jo Reinke Deshler, NE; Vocal Performance, Music Theatre
Zoey Tauanu’U Wichita, KS; Psychology+

Soprano 2
Madyson Groves Newton, KS; Music Education+
Ali Kells Holcomb, KS; Music Education*+
Carson Linenberger Garden City, KS; Psychology
Linnea Meade Derby, KS; Spanish, Spanish Education
Kelley McDonald Broken Arrow, OK; Zoo Science
Adrienne Russell Wichita, KS; Elementary Education

Alto 1
Ahmya Forgit Andover, KS; Psychology, Criminal Justice
Andrea Powers Wichita, KS; Elementary Education*
Lauren Leabo Clearwater, KS; Graphic Design
Alex Medlin Frontenac, KS; Elementary Education
Skylar Nicholas Haysville, KS; Zoo Science*
Sierra Penny Wichita, KS; Christian Spiritual Formation

Alto 2
Shiamber Boyer Wichita, KS; Biology*
Mia Krebs Newton, KS; Musical Theatre+
Sydney Nelson Wichita, KS; Music Education+
Sydney Roeder Haven, KS; Undecided*+
Kathleen Rutler San Antonio, TX; Zoo Science
Faven Simmons Wichita, KS; Psychology*
Gemma Watts Wichita, KS; Speech/Theatre Education
Tenor 1
Zach Garraway Bel Aire, KS; BA in Music, Business Administration
Jyavon Hill Houston, TX; Music Theatre*
Davis Green Bel Aire, KS; Music Education
McPhee King Nassau, Bahamas; Health Science

Tenor 2
Manny Aguilar Wichita, KS; Business Administration
Zane Graham Clearwater, KS; Christian Formation and Ministry*
Cory Harris St. Louis, MO; Zoo Science
Jonah Schloneger North Newton, KS; Jazz Performance+

Bass 1
Asher Brewer Cleveland, OK; Health Science
Jose Cordova Wichita, KS; CSIS
Zachary Kelley Wichita, KS: Music Education
TJ Milby Arkansas City, KS; Music Education+
Josiah Peachey Oakland, MD; Christian Formation and Ministry
Evan Watkins Wichita, KS; Media Communication

Bass 2
Clark Chestnut Elkart, KS; Music Performance
Grahm Edmisten Wichita, KS; English*
Alex Grier Wichita, KS; Business Administration
Gavin Hawkins Andover, KS; Music Education+

*Choir Cabinet
+Section Leaders

Rolaine Hetherington
Rolaine Hetherington, assistant professor of music, has been at Friends
University since 1993, first as an adjunct professor and since 2011 as
full-time. Mrs. Hetherington teaches studio voice, directs the Concert
Choir (since 2003) and the Chamber Choir, and co-produces the music
theatre and opera productions. The Concert Choir has had the
privilege of performing at the Kansas Music Educators Association’s
Winter Workshop and at the Old Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg,
VA. Mrs. Hetherington has taught at the public school level and held
positions at William Penn College in Iowa, and North Central Bible
College and Crown College in Minnesota. As a graduate student she
was the recipient of a Rotary International Scholarship to study lieder
and oratorio in Austria. She has performed with the North Star Opera
Company (MN), Opera Kansas, the Dale Warland Singers, the
Minnesota Bach Society, Minneapolis Children’s Theatre, the Oregon
Bach Festival, Wichita Chamber Chorale, Music Theatre of Wichita, the
National Orchestra of Wales, and been a soloist with numerous
regional choirs throughout the Midwest. She serves regularly as an
adjudicator for the regional National Association of Teachers of
Singing, KSHAA, and area choir festivals. Fun trivia: She was in a
backup choir for a concert version of CHESS with Benny Anderson and
Bjorn Ulvaeus of the pop group ABBA at the piano and conducting,
respectively. And, her most famous voice student is probably Junior the
Asparagus of Veggie Tales (the voice of Lisa Vischer).

Pat Walcher
Pat received the Bachelor of Music Education degree with a minor in
organ performance from Hastings College, Hastings, NE.           She also
holds a Master of Science degree with emphasis in music education
and   Library   Media   Specialist   certification   from   Emporia   State
University. She has served as an organist, accompanist, public school
and adjunct music teacher, elementary library media specialist,
children's choir and handbell choir director throughout her career.

Verbum caro factum est
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14

Immortal Bach
Come sweet death.
Come blessed rest.
Come lead me in peace

     C H O R A L & V O C A L FA C U LT Y

Dr. Rayvon T. J. Moore, Director of Choral Studies,
 Singing Quakers, Falcon Chorus, Interim Co-Chair
Rolaine Hetherington, Concert Choir, Voice, Women’s Choir,
 Chamber Choir
Dr. Matthew Schloneger, Associate Professor of Voice, Interim Co-Chair
Charleen Ayers, Voice
Jennifer Marcum, Voice
Ashley Winters, Voice
Georgeanne Yehling, Voice


                         Amy Bragg Carey
                           Alyssa Whalen
                             Faith Cox
                            Robert Hett
                                FOR COMING!

  Contributions like yours is what keeps our programs
  running at the quality we proudly maintain. Won’t you
  consider a donation via the following convenient methods:
  Join: Friends of Fine Arts:
  Mail: Friends University Fine Arts
  2100 W. University Ave.
  Wichita, KS 67213

  J O I N U S AT A N O T H E R E V E N T !
  More info and full calendar at

  Friends University Chamber Orchestra
  Tuesday, April 12, 7:30 p.m.
  Riney Fine Arts Gallery

  Symphony of Spring - Feelin’ Alright
  Friday, April 22, 7:30 p.m.
  Saturday, April 23, 7:30 p.m.
  Sunday, April 24, 2 p.m.
  Sebits Auditorium

  Concert Choir Coffeehouse
  Sunday, April 24, 7 p.m.
  Casado Campus Center Atrium

  International Day of Jazz
  Saturday, April 30, 7:30 p.m.
  Sebits Auditorium

  Music Theatre Showcase
  Sunday, May 1, 2 p.m.
  Riney Fine Arts Center

                      Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the
North Central Association, 230 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604;; 1-800-621-7440.
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