Bachelor of Accounting - Varsity College

Page created by Erin Moore
Bachelor of Accounting - Varsity College
Bachelor of Accounting
The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE)
The IIE Bachelor of Accounting (BAC) degree will provide candidates with a thorough theoretical
grounding and knowledge in the key principles of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and
Finance, Auditing and Taxation. Thus, The IIE Bachelor of Accounting (BAC) degree is for students who
intend to pursue a professional career in Accounting.

What is this Degree’s accreditation status?

The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is
registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications
Framework (NQF) as a 422-credit qualification on level 7 (SAQA ID: 99284).

The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree is also accredited by the South African Institute of Chartered
Accountants (SAICA) as an undergraduate degree to prepare students for the Chartered Accountant
Who is this Bachelor’s degree aimed at?

If you enjoy working with numbers in the accounting context and like the thought of applying this in
the business world, then consider studying this Degree. This is the Degree to study should you wish to
become a Chartered Accountant or Professional Accountant.

The objective of The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree is to qualify students in the field of accountancy
and provide a stepping stone to a range of professional accounting qualifications. The degree is
structured in accordance with the new HEQSF guidelines and will provide students with the knowledge,
skills and applied competencies identified by professional Accounting bodies.

What professional qualifications can the Bachelor of Accounting articulate into?

The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree was specifically designed to cover the core content of the
educational component of the professional accounting frameworks. The design is intended to offer
students the opportunity to gain access to further professional accounting qualifications through:

•   The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA): To qualify as a Chartered
    Accountant (CA(SA)), a student must complete a SAICA accredited Accounting degree followed
    by a Certificate in the Theory of Accounting (CTA). On completion of this formal education a
    three-year training contract is served, and two additional exams set by SAICA are written, the
    Initial Test of Competence (ITC) and the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).
•   The South African Institute of Professional Accountants: To qualify as a Professional Accountant
    (SA) a student must complete a SAIPA accredited Accounting degree, obtain three years practical
    experience and pass the SAIPA Professional Evaluation examination.
•   The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA): To qualify as a Certified
    Management Accountant, students must complete the CIMA professional qualification. BAC
    graduates may apply for exemptions from the Operational and Managerial levels of CIMA.
•   The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA): To qualify as a Chartered Certified
    Accountant, students must complete the ACCA professional qualification. BAC graduates may
    apply for subject exemptions from the Fundamentals level of ACCA.
What entry requirements will I need to study this Bachelor’s degree?

 Minimum                           English    Maths /    Math Lit /    Notes
 Admission                                    HG         SG
 Requirements:     NSC:            50%        50% or     80%         1.Candidates who
                   Bachelor                                          have obtained a
                   pass with                                         registered and
                   NC(V):          50%       50% or     80%          accredited Advanced
                   Bachelor                                          Certificate or Higher
                   pass with                                         Certificate in
                   SC:             50%       50% or     80%          Accounting or similar,
                   Endorsement                                       with Accounting as a
                   with                                              core module for a full
                   SC(a):          50%       50% or     80%          year, who do not have
                   Bachelor                                          a 70% average for
                   pass with                                         Accounting on that
                                                                     qualification must
                                                                     attend all 12 sessions
                                                                     of Introduction to
                                                                     (SINAC019) in the first
                                                                     semester of first year.
                                                                     Non-attendance of
                                                                     any of the 12 sessions
                                                                     without a valid
                                                                     reason, will result in
                                                                     the cancellation of
                                                                     your registration on
                                                                     the Bachelor of
                                                                     Accounting degree.
                                                                      2.Candidates who do
                                                                     not have Accounting
                                                                     as a grade 12 subject
                                                                     or have not obtained
                                                                     50% for Accounting in
                                                                     grade 12 must attend
                                                                     all 12 sessions of
                                                                     Introduction to
                                                                     (SINAC019) in the first
                                                                     semester of first year.
                                                                     Non-attendance of
                                                                     any of the 12 sessions
                                                                     without a valid reason
                                                                     will result in the
                                                                     cancellation of your
                                                                     registration on the
                                                                     Bachelor of
                                                                     Accounting degree .
                   International   An USAf Exemption Certificate to degree studies and
                                   meeting the relevant Maths and English requirements.
Higher Certificate, an Advanced Certificate, 240   If discipline not
                    or 360 credit Diploma in a cognate field may       cognate at least 20%
                    satisfy the minimum admission requirements to      of credits must be
                    degree studies.                                    academic literacy or
                                                                       numeracy related.
 Senate Discretionary Admissions:
 Mature Age
 Exemption          Candidates having attained the age of 23 before or during the first year
                    of registration with a Senior Certificate with a minimum of 40% in at least
                    four higher or standard grade subjects, at least three of which shall have
                    been passed simultaneously and one of which shall be a recognised
                    higher grade subject; OR Candidates must have attained the age of 45
                    before or during the first year of registration.

                    An USAf Exemption Certificate is required
 Recognition of     Candidates must demonstrate suitability for admission in terms of
 Prior Learning     Senate’s resolution 6.6 of 20 October 2005 which allows for Senate’s
 (RPL)              discretionary conditional admission (if applicable).
 USAf approved      Candidates who have completed an USAf approved cognate foundation
 cognate            programme from a registered and accredited provider may be admitted.
 foundation         The additional English and Maths criteria fall away.
 programme          An USAf Exemption Certificate is required - the Office of the Registrar
                    will facilitate, on behalf of the student, an application for degree
                    admission to USAf, once the student has provided proof of payment to
 Transfer           Candidates who have successfully completed at least 120 credits on the
 students           first year of a cognate degree may be admitted on condition that the
                    candidate obtained a minimum of 70% for a full year of Accounting
                    module(s) (IIE codes - ACBP5111 AND ACBP5112) or similar. However, if
                    a student completed less than 120 credits, the admission criteria on the
                    NSC or equivalent apply.
 General            Candidates with a GED qualification may be admitted if they have an
 Education          USAf Foreign Conditional Exemption Certificate as well as NBT: AQL
 Development        results and have obtained a score of at least 51 for Academic Literacy
 (GED) - An USA     (AL) and a score of at least 40 for Quantitative Literacy (QL).
 developed by
 the American
 Council on
 Education (ACE)

What is The Teaching and Learning Strategy of the IIE’s Varsity College, and how will it help
prepare me for the 21st century working world?

At The IIE’s Varsity College we are proud of and passionate about our shift away from the
‘traditional lecturing’ methodology to our blended-learning strategy – the VCBlend.

This blended-learning strategy extends learning beyond the confines of the classroom and
creates opportunities for our students to work collaboratively, with peers and their educators,
to construct their understanding of concepts. Student engagement is supported by the use of a
learning management system (LMS) and the online learning materials that have been developed
to underpin our teaching strategy.

Due to the VCBlend approach, you will be expected to spend time conducting your own
research, study for assessments and work on assignments. To gain the most from the blended
learning experience, VC’s Wireless classrooms and campuses, students are required to BYOT
(Bring Your Own Technology) such as mobile devices, netbooks, laptops or tablets, etc. so as to
develop the necessary academic and digital literacies over the three years of this degree.

This student-focused approach compels our students to be accountable for their learning while
developing the critical skills they will need to thrive in the rapidly changing 21st century work

As such, academic life for our students is dynamic, challenging and relevant.

How is this Bachelor’s degree structured at The IIE’s Varsity College?

The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree is a three-year degree. The academic year runs from
February to November. The modules are delivered on a full-time basis with lectures and
tutorials being scheduled during the day from Monday to Friday.

The curriculum below is correct at the time of print. Please note that in line with academic
practice, The IIE’s curriculum is reviewed annually thus changes may occur in module structure
and sequence in order to ensure that the qualification remains relevant. The exit level outcomes
of the programme do not change. Registered students receive an updated programme
curriculum on an annual basis.
The IIE Bachelor of Accounting

Semester 1                        NQF     Credit   Semester 2               NQF     Credit
                                  Level   value                             level   value
APCT5111-Applied                  5       9        BUSL6212-Business Law    6       18
Communication Techniques
BMNG5111-Business                 5       12       BMNG5112-Business        5       12
Management 1A                                      Management 1B
PMIC6111-Economics 1A             6       12       PMAC6112-Economics 1B    6       12
FIAC5111-Financial Accounting     5       18       FIAC5112-Financial       5       18
1A                                                 Accounting 1B
INPCf110-Introduction to          5       5        QUAT6211-Quantitative    6       9
Personal Computing                                 Techniques B
QUAT5112-Quantitative             5       9
Techniques A
AUDI6211-Auditing 2A              6       12       ASBU6211-Accounting      6       12
                                                   Systems in Business
DIGC5110-Digital Citizenship      5       8        BUET6212-Business        6       12
LAES5111-Law of Enterprise    5           12       TAXA6212-Taxation 2A     6       12
FIAC6211-Financial Accounting 6           18       FIAC6212-Financial       6       18
2A                                                 Accounting 2B
MFAC6211-Management           6           18       MFAC6212-Management      6       18
Accounting and Finance 2A                          Accounting and Finance
AUDI7311-Auditing 3A          7           18       AUDI7312-Auditing 3B     7       18
FIAC7311-Financial Accounting 7           22       FIAC7312-Financial       7       18
3A                                                 Accounting 3B
MFAC7311-Management           7           18       MFAC7312-Management      7       18
Accounting and Finance 3A                          Accounting and Finance
TAXA7311-Taxation 3A              7       18       TAXA7312-Taxation 3B     7       18
Prerequisites/ co-requisites:
There are prerequisites for this programme that must be met in order to progress through the

Module                                      Prerequisite
Auditing 3A                                 Auditing 2A
Auditing 3B                                 Auditing 2A
Financial Accounting 1B                     Financial Accounting 1A
Financial Accounting 2A                     Financial Accounting 1B
Financial Accounting 2B                     Financial Accounting 1B
Financial Accounting 3A                     Financial Accounting 2A
                                            Financial Accounting 2A and Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting 3B
Management Accounting and Finance 2A        Financial Accounting 1B
                                            Financial Accounting 1B and Quantitative
Management Accounting and Finance 2B
                                            Techniques B
Management Accounting and Finance 3A        Management Accounting and Finance 2A
Management Accounting and Finance 3B        Management Accounting and Finance 2B
Quantitative Techniques B                   Quantitative Techniques A
Taxation 2A                                 Financial Accounting 1B
Taxation 3A                                 Taxation 2A
Taxation 3B                                 Taxation 2A

INPCf110 Competency Test

At The IIE’s Varsity College, we recognise that some students have developed the core skills to
succeed in basic computer skills, either through schooling activities, or personal experience.
The module Introduction to Personal Computing (INPCf110) is a 5-credit module and is offered
across many of The IIE’s academic programmes. We provide students with an opportunity to
write a competency test for the Introduction to Personal Computing (INPCf110) module for
2020 which, if passed, will exempt the student from having to attend class and the mark
obtained in the competency assessment will become the student’s mark for the module.

The competency test will take place prior to the commencement of the module. Students must
register for the module in order to access the competency assessment. The test is completed
online and will take place in a computer lab on campus. The assessment covers basic Microsoft
Windows 10 functionality and Microsoft Office 2016 applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint
and Outlook).

Your results will be available immediately. If you do not pass the competency test you will be
required to attend class and complete the module.
What about timetables?

Our full-time programmes are aimed at students wishing to dedicate themselves to full-time
face-to-face studies for the duration of their qualification. This means that students are
expected to be available throughout the day for class in the academic year depending on how
the timetable is structured. Students may also be required to write assessments or submit
coursework or assignments outside of normal class-time.

Students must understand that timetables remain subject to change throughout the year.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that timetable structures will remain the same during
each year of your studies with us. In addition, where students are repeating modules, these
modules may be offered in the evenings or on weekends. Students are required to attend
classes in order to remain up to date with the academic programme. Students who would like
to pursue part time employment opportunities outside of the academic programme must
prioritise their studies and avoid committing to work schedules until after they have received
their timetables and academic calendar from the institution.

What must I pass in order to graduate with this Bachelor’s degree?

In order to be awarded this qualification, you must have achieved a minimum final year mark
of fifty percent (50%) for each module of the programme.

How long do I have to complete this qualification?

Students have a maximum of 6 years to complete this qualification.

With what qualification will I graduate?

You will graduate with The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree conferred by The Independent
Institute of Education (The IIE).

Career opportunities: what career areas can I pursue once I have completed this Bachelor’s

This degree will open up an attractive range of career options; this degree is an ideal stepping
stone to a diverse and exciting range of business related career opportunities. These
opportunities include, but are not limited to becoming a –

•   Chartered Accountant (CA(SA))
•   Professional Accountant
•   Certified Management Accountant
•   Chartered Certified Accountant
Would it be possible to study further and obtain a postgraduate qualification once I have
completed The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree?

The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE)
and is registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National
Qualifications Framework (NQF) at level 7 - the same level as other equivalent undergraduate
degrees offered at other South African higher education institutions. As a result, the
opportunity to apply for a postgraduate certificate/diploma or honours degree at The IIE or
any other South African higher education institution does exist. However, different
institutions sometimes have different requirements for admission to the programmes they
offer. These requirements also change from time to time within institutions. For this reason,
acceptance into various programmes are based on meeting all the institution-specific
entrance requirements, the availability of space, as well as the applicants’ academic results.

Speak to your Student Advisor regarding these further study options.

After my degree, how can I study further?

If you intend pursuing a career as a Chartered Accountant, you may apply for the postgraduate
CTA programme at a SAICA accredited university, subject to their admission requirements.
Successful completion of the CTA programme will enable you to write the Initial Test of
Competence set by SAICA.

If you intend pursuing a career as a Professional Accountant, you may apply to SAIPA to register
for their professional examinations.

Call your nearest IIE’s Varsity College campus to discuss your career options with one of our
Student Advisors.

BAC 2020 V1 20 MAY 2019

Disclaimer: Please note that this fact sheet is accurate at the time of publication. The
Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) reserves the right to alter any of the content prior
to commencement of registration due to changes in regulation, policy, market requirements or
any other valid reason.
British Accreditation Council

The IIE is not only accredited in South Africa but its dedication to providing quality education
also led to it being accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) in 2014. The British
Accreditation Council is an independent authority in the United Kingdom that accredits private
providers globally, including Greece, Switzerland, Singapore, India, Mauritius and the United
Arab Emirates. In 2017 The IIE had its accreditation status confirmed by the BAC as an
Independent Higher Education Institution confirming our confidence in the international
comparability of our standards.

“South African students need to know, when they select a private higher education institution,
that the standards offered are equivalent to those of a public University. Our students get this
from our extensive local accreditation and registration. The students also benefit from
knowing that we meet international standards too. The IIE is accredited as an Independent
Higher Education Institution by the British Accreditation Council. Locally and internationally we
have demonstrated the quality of what we offer,” said Dr Coughlan, Director, The Independent
Institute of Education.

The IIE’s Varsity College students can be confident that their IIE learning experience meets
international best practice standards.
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