Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!

Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021
Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021
   A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
February 19                                 Because He Lives (Amen)
                                          Chris Tomlin | Daniel Carson | Ed Cash | Gloria
   Vespers Songs                               Gaither | Jason Ingram | Matt Maher |
                                                         William J. Gaither
                                                      CCLI License #86449
You Are Holy (Prince Of Peace)
     Marc Imboden | Tammi Rhoton
         CCLI License #86449                               Verse 1
                                                     I believe in the Son
                Verse                            I believe in the Risen One
   You are holy (You are holy)                      I believe I overcome
You are mighty (You are mighty)                  By the power of His blood
You are worthy (You are worthy)
Worthy of praise (worthy of praise)                       Chorus
    I will follow (I will follow)                       Amen amen
     I will listen (I will listen)         I'm alive I'm alive because He lives
 I will love You (I will love You)                      Amen amen
  All of my days (all of my days)               Let my song join the one
                                                      that never ends
             Chorus 1                               (Because He lives)
    I will sing to and worship
     The King who is worthy                               Verse 2
  And I will love and adore Him                    I was dead in the grave
 And I will bow down before Him               I was covered in sin and shame
  And I will sing to and worship                I heard mercy call my name
     The King who is worthy                       He rolled the stone away
  And I will love and adore Him
 And I will bow down before Him                         Bridge
   You're my Prince of Peace              Because He lives I can face tomorrow
  And I will live my life for You          Because He lives ev'ry fear is gone
                                                I know He holds my life
             Chorus 2                            My future in His hand
     You are Lord of lords
     You are King of kings                                Ending
      You are mighty God                              Because He lives
        Lord of ev'rything
        You're Emmanuel                               Because He Lives
     You're the Great I Am                      Gloria Gaither | William J. Gaither
                                                      CCLI License #86449
   You're the Prince of Peace
        Who is the Lamb                              Chorus Only
      You're the living God               Because He lives I can face tomorrow
    You're my saving grace
                                            Because He lives all fear is gone
     You will reign forever                Because I know He holds the future
    You are Ancient of Days                   And life is worth the living
     You are Alpha Omega                         Just because He lives
       Beginning and End
   You're my Savior Messiah
      Redeemer and Friend
   You're my Prince of Peace
  And I will live my life for You

   You’re my Prince of Peace
  And I will live my life for You     2
Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Shout To The Lord                             Chorus
         Darlene Zschech                     Oh I can see You now
       CCLI License #86449             Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
                                             Laying Yourself down
             Verse                       Raising up the broken to life
      My Jesus my Saviour
   Lord there is none like You                     Verse 2
 All of my days I want to praise            You take our failure
The wonders of Your mighty love            You take our weakness
     My comfort my shelter                 You set Your treasure
  Tower of refuge and strength                  In jars of clay
  Let every breath all that I am           So take this heart Lord
  Never cease to worship You                 I'll be Your vessel
                                       The world to see Your life in me
       Shout to the Lord                    Who You Say I Am
    All the earth let us sing           Ben Fielding | Reuben Morgan
      Power and majesty                    CCLI License # 86449
       Praise to the King
     Mountains bow down                             Verse 1
     And the seas will roar             Who am I that the highest King
  At the sound of Your name                   Would welcome me
          I sing for joy                I was lost but He brought me in
  At the work of Your hands                   Oh His love for me
     Forever I'll love You                    Oh His love for me
       Forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise                    Chorus 1
         I have in You                      Who the Son sets free
                                               Oh is free indeed
        Broken Vessels                   I'm a child of God, Yes I am
       (Amazing Grace)
     Joel Houston | Jonas Myrin                      Verse 2
       CCLI License #86449
                                       Free at last, He has ransomed me
             Verse 1                          His grace runs deep
         All these pieces                 While I was a slave to sin
      Broken and scattered                      Jesus died for me
       In mercy gathered                      Yes He died for me
       Mended and whole
          Empty handed                             Chorus 2
        But not forsaken                     In my Father's house
        I've been set free                   There's a place for me
        I've been set free                    I'm a child of God
                                                   Yes I am
        Amazing grace                              Bridge
    How sweet the sound                   I am chosen not forsaken
  That saved a wretch like me              I am who You say I am
      Oh I once was lost                You are for me not against me
     But now I am found                    I am who You say I am
   Was blind but now I see

Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Worship Service                                Shout To The Lord
                                                     Darlene Zschech
      Songs                                        CCLI License #86449

      Blessed Be Your Name                              Verse
       Beth Redman | Matt Redman                 My Jesus my Saviour
          CCLI License #86449
                                              Lord there is none like You
                                            All of my days I want to praise
               Verse 1
                                           The wonders of Your mighty love
       Blessed be Your name
                                                My comfort my shelter
     In the land that is plentiful
                                             Tower of refuge and strength
        Where Your streams
                                             Let every breath all that I am
         Of abundance flow
                                             Never cease to worship You
       Blessed be Your name
              Verse 2
                                                  Shout to the Lord
      Blessed be Your name
                                               All the earth let us sing
 When I'm found in the desert place
                                                 Power and majesty
Though I walk through the wilderness
                                                  Praise to the King
      Blessed be Your name
                                                Mountains bow down
                                                And the seas will roar
                                             At the sound of Your name
  Ev’ry blessing You pour out I’ll
                                                     I sing for joy
        Turn back to praise
                                             At the work of Your hands
  When the darkness closes in Lord
                                                Forever I'll love You
           Still I will say
                                                  Forever I'll stand
                                           Nothing compares to the promise
                                                    I have in You
  Blessed be the name of the Lord
      Blessed be Your name
  Blessed be the name of the Lord                  I Surrender All
                                               Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter/
  Blessed be Your glorious name                    Winfield Scott Weeden
                                                   CCLI License #86449
             Verse 3
     Blessed be Your name                                Verse 1
When the sun's shining down on me               All to Jesus I surrender
When the world's all as it should be            All to Him I freely give
     Blessed be Your name                    I will ever love and trust Him
                                               In His presence daily live
              Verse 4
      Blessed be Your name                             Chorus
 On the road marked with suffering                  I surrender all
 Though there's pain in the offering                I surrender all
     Blessed be Your name                   All to Thee my blessed Savior
                                                    I surrender all
    You give and take away
    You give and take away
   My heart will choose to say
   Lord blessed be Your name

Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Verse 2
    All to Jesus I surrender
   Humbly at His feet I bow
 Worldly pleasures all forsaken
  Take me Jesus take me now

             Verse 4
     All to Jesus I surrender
   Lord I give myself to Thee
Fill me with Thy love and power
   Let Thy blessing fall on me

     He Knows My Name
         Tommy Walker
       CCLI License #86449

            Verse 1
        I have a Maker
     He formed my heart
    Before even time began
    My life was in His hand

      He knows my name
  He knows my every thought
  He sees each tear that falls
   And hears me when I call

            Verse 2
       I have a Father
     He calls me His own
     He'll never leave me
     No matter where I go

Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Mrs. Anna Mary

Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
Many of our Elders will be contributing to the visitation responsibilities
 on behalf of our Pastoral Staff. In case of emergency this weekend,
                   please call the Elder-On-Call:
                  Dottie Chinnock (530.518.1285)

Friday Vespers - February 19, 2021 Sabbath Worship - February 20, 2021 A Place to Belong! A Place to Grow!
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