Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School

Page created by Josephine Peterson
Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School
Friday 10th September 2021
Dear Parents,

It has been a complete joy to welcome your children to school this week! I know that many of them were both nervous and
excited about starting the academic year afresh, but we are delighted to say that everyone’s nerves have been calmed and
we are ending the first week slightly exhausted but most definitely on a high!

Naturally, we wasted no time and started lessons in earnest on Monday; it was wonderful to hear the classrooms and
hallways ringing with the sound of children learning after the long summer break. It has been particularly exciting for
our Year 1 pupils who have a new classroom block in which to spread their wings as well as a garden area to take their
learning outdoors. Our senior pupils are coping with moving around new classrooms, too, as English takes up residence
next door to the library and the maths department moves upstairs in the Millennium block.

Sports lessons and preparations for fixtures got underway this week, too, and we are very excited to have our first fixtures
of the Autumn term in the coming weeks. We very much hope the weather holds for them and that you will be able to
come and enjoy an afternoon watching your child participate.

We ended the week with our customary celebration assemblies this afternoon, at which we
awarded plenty of certificates from the week’s work, but also from activities and achievements
your children enjoyed over the summer. Do, please, tell us about the successes your children enjoy
in their out of school clubs as we love celebrating with them and their peers. You will see from the
photograph below that Mrs Wilkinson has made us the most beautiful birthday cake for our weekly
birthday celebrations in Friday’s assemblies. We were able to celebrate a particularly significant
birthday with Mrs Chapman this week, too – many happy returns!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you at our welcome meetings next week and hope it will provide you with the
opportunity to ask questions about all sorts of day-to-day workings as well as help you visualise where your child spends
their time with us!

                             We have some other really super events to help kick off the Autumn term and bring the school
                             community together once more:

                             On Friday, the 17th of September, we will be holding a Macmillan Coffee morning after drop-off,
                             at 08:45 in the Paddock and it would be lovely to see lots of you there! Our fantastic FOYS team
                             will be running the second-hand uniform sale
                             from 08:00 that morning, so if you are in need of
                             a few items, do please drop in and peruse the
                             enormous stocks we have!

                            On Tuesday, the 21st of September at 18:00, we should love parents to join all teaching staff and
                            TAs for a Cheese and Wine evening in the Main House. It will be a perfect opportunity for you to
                            get to know your child’s teachers and TAs a little better, as well as other parents. We’d love to
                            see you there!

                          On Saturday, the 25th of September, together with FOYs, we will be running a
                          Barn Dance in the grounds of the school, details below. It will be a wonderful
                          way to celebrate what we hope continues to be an Indian summer and come
together as a larger school community.

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Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School
I hope you all have a really restful and enjoyable weekend ahead; I think your children will sleep well over the next two

All the very best
Ms Sally Weber

           Yarrells Weekly School Diary for w/c Monday 13th September 2021
 DAY                  DATE       TIME                DESCRIPTION
 Monday               13/09/2021 14:30   -   15:00   Music Box - FREE Parent & Toddler Music Group
                                 15:30   -   16:00   Reception Welcome Meeting
 Tuesday              14/09/2021 15:45   -   16:15   Year 2 Welcome Meeting
                                 16:00   -   16:30   Year 3 Parent Welcome Meeting
                                 16:30   -   17:00   Year 5 Parent Welcome Meeting
                                                     ***CANCELLED*** Yr 6 Boys Football A, B, C v Broadstone Middle
 Wednesday            15/09/2021 14:15   - 15:30     School @ Upton Rec
                                                     ***POSTPONED UNTIL 22ND SEPT*** Yr 5 Boys Football v BCS @ BCS
                                 14:30   -   15:30   Junior School (A)
                                 15:30   -   16:00   Nursery Welcome Meeting
                                 16:15   -   16:45   Year 4 Parent Welcome Meeting
                                 16:30   -   17:00   Year 6 Parent Welcome Meeting
 Thursday             16/09/2021 11:00   -   11:30   Happy Feet - FREE Parent & Toddler Dance Class
                                 15:30   -   16:00   Yr 5 & 6 (SP) PEDSSA XC League Round 1 Baiter park
                                 15:45   -   16:15   Year 1 Welcome Meeting
                                 16:30   -   17:00   Year 8 Parent Welcome Meeting
 Friday               17/09/2021                     Jeans for Genes Day
                                 08:45   - 09:30     FOYS and Head's Coffee Morning
                                 15:15   - 16:30     Canford Swim Training (SP)

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Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School
Well done to George, Danny and Jack (Years 4 & 5)
                                                                took part in the Try a Tri back in August! They did
                                                                brilliantly and the boys said it was so much fun!

                                             Next Friday,
                                            17 September, children
                                              can wear denim in
                                           exchange for a voluntary
                                            donation to the charity
                                                (suggested £1).

                                              Children should come to
                                               school wearing denim
                                            together with their uniform –
                                             Yarrells shirt & tie or sports
                                                   top and blazers.

 Early Years & Pre-Prep
What a start to the new academic year we have had in Greenwood! Firstly, a big welcome to everyone, whether you are
new or returning, we hope you had a wonderful summer break. The children have already been so busy settling into their
new classes and exploring their environments. There has been plenty of painting, cutting and sticking, role-playing and
much more including number fun and small world adventures. The weather was wonderful at the start of the week and we
made use of our outdoor area with lots of mud cakes being made and big splashes in the water area. We hope everyone
had a great first week and is looking forward to more adventures over the course of the year!

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Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School
Music at Yarrells                                                                                Ms S Stocken

It has been very exciting to welcome the children back into our
newly decorated music room this week and the sounds of
instrumental playing and singing are once again beginning to waft
through the air! A few of our Year 8 pupils even took music into
the courtyard this week during one of their breaks!

Our Visiting Music Teachers have been busy organising their
timetables for the term and a good number of pupils have signed
up for trial lessons on a variety of instruments. Mr Fisher and Mrs
Abbott have been in to talk to Year 3 and 4 about string and
woodwind instruments and several children were keen to start
lessons straight away!

We are welcoming a new brass teacher this term, Geoffrey Bacon, who comes to us with a wealth of teaching experience
and is very keen to build up the numbers of pupils learning a brass instrument. We offer trial lessons on all instruments
and if interested, please contact Ms Stocken.

Next week will see the return of all music clubs, which after a year of ‘bubble clubs’, will be very exciting! Children do not
need to be signed up for any clubs, they just turn up and enjoy some music making! The clubs will take place as follows:

 DAY                        TIME     YEAR GROUP       DESCRIPTION                                            LOCATION
 Monday                     11am     Years 3 and 4    Ukulele Club                                           Skylark
                            1:15pm   Years 3 and 4    Junior Choir                                           Skylark

 Tuesday                    11am     Years 3 and 4    Recorder Club                                          Skylark

 Wednesday                  8:45am   Years 5, 6 & 8   Senior Choir                                           Swan
                            11am     Years 5, 6 & 8   Senior Recorder                                        Skylark
                                                      & Ukulele Club

 Thursday                   11am     Year 3 +         Tood and Dood Club with Mrs Abbott                     Beech
                            11am     Year 3 +         Theory Club                                            Skylark
                            1:15pm   Years 3 & 4      Junior Orchestra (no instrument necessary!)            Skylark
                            1:45pm   Years 5, 6 & 8   Senior Orchestra                                       Skylark

 Friday                     11am     Years 5, 6 & 8   Senior Band rehearsal with Mr Selby                    Skylark
                            1:45pm   By Invite        Chamber Choir                                          Skylark

I very much look forward to seeing many of you at our performances this term which will begin with our Pre-Prep Harvest
assembly on Monday 11th October.

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Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School
Dear Parents,
                            We are very excited to let you know that we are holding our first social
                            event of the school year: we would like to invite you to the
                            FOYS Barn Dance, to be held at the school on:
                            Saturday 25th September, 7-10pm!
                            We have a live band lined up, Celtic Confusion, along with a
                            professional dance caller to run us through our moves! FOYS will also be
                            running a bar in the courtyard, with drinks and snacks available all

                            Dressing up in country and western style is encouraged but not

                            Tickets are £15 per person, and will include a welcome drink; tickets can
                            be bought via your ParentMail account now.
                            We look forward to seeing you all there!

                            Kind regards,

                            Friends of Yarrells (FOYS)

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Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School Friday 10th September 2021 - Yarrells School
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