School Improvement Plan 2021-2022

School Improvement Plan 2021-2022

             Jefferson High School
            1600 North Marion Road
             Sioux Falls SD, 57107

              Dan Conrad, Principal
        Chad Stadem, Assistant Principal
       Dolly Anderson, Assistant Principal
      Lance Siebenahler, Assistant Principal
School Narrative - School Overview

Sioux Falls Jefferson High School will open its doors in the fall of 2021. As we prepare to open our doors, we have begun the work of
casting a guiding purpose, developing cultural expectations, and setting academic expectations. We are a courageous community who
competes for excellence on our journey of lifelong learning. As Cavaliers we believe:

   ●   All means All
   ●   People matter Most
   ●   We will always Compete for Excellence

Cavaliers are: Inclusive; Leaders; Competitors, and Generous. Cavaliers will actively utilize and respect learning spaces through the
school and community. Display leadership and honor diversity through respectful collaboration and communication. Embrace challenges
and advocate for themselves with perseverance, creativity, and critical thinking. Cavaliers will always give back to their community.

Jefferson High School offers the Project Based Learning Academy and the Freshman Academy programs as some of the specialized
learning opportunities for students.

The Jefferson High School Project Based Learning Academy (formerly known as Sioux Falls New Tech High School) is part of the New
Tech Network of schools based out of Napa, California. The New Tech Network pillars are Culture that Empowers, Teaching that
Engages, Outcomes that Matter, and Technology that Enables. Learning is designed around problems or projects intended to engage
students in meaningful project based learning experiences. Students are expected to master content and skills through the application of
discovery learning and actively engaging in research. Community partners give of their time to share their expertise with students during
the project, often offering feedback for improvement. Students are evaluated on their content knowledge and in four learning outcomes:
Collaboration, Agency, and Oral and Written Communication. The projects work to challenge students to be directors of their own learning,
developing deep critical thinking skills in content in addition to practicing essential 21st century skills.

The Freshman Academy provides a team of teachers to teach students in core areas of English, math, and science. Goals of the
Freshman Academy are for students to earn at least five credits to achieve sophomore status, and to become a member of an activity or
club during the first year of high school to foster freshman success.
SD Report Card - School Results
                          Student Performance                          College and Career Readiness             High School Completion            EL Progress
              ELA Multi Year  Math Multi         Science       College      Assessment College and Career HS Completion      4-Year Cohort
School Year                                                                                                                                % on Track     % Exited
                Prof. Rate   Year Prof. Rate    Prof. Rate   Coursework      Readiness     Readiness           Rate            Grad Rate
 2017-18          81.0            40.0            58.0          62.0            42.0            36.0             94.6            91.6          31.0         2.0
 2018-19          78.0            31.0            58.0          51.0            44.0            28.0             97.0            95.0          46.0         8.0
 2019-20          NA*              NA*            NA*           36.0            75.0            31.0             97.0            94.0          42.0         6.0

                                                               SD Report Card - District Results
                          Student Performance                          College and Career Readiness             High School Completion            EL Progress
              ELA Multi Year  Math Multi         Science       College      Assessment      College and      HS Completion   4-Year Cohort
School Year                                                                                                                                  % on Track   % Exited
                Prof. Rate   Year Prof. Rate    Prof. Rate   Coursework      Readiness    Career Readiness        Rate         Grad Rate
 2017-18           65.6            46.3           46.4          44.0            42.0             32.0            88.0            83.9          31.0          2.0
 2018-19           60.2            42.3           44.16         52.0            42.0             32.0            87.0            84.4          46.0          8.0
 2019-20           NA*             NA*            NA*           58.0            59.0             43.0            94.0            84.9          42.0          6.0

                                                             Data Narrative - Areas of Improvement

       In the fall of 2021, Jefferson will open its doors to 1470 students made up of approximately 700 students from Roosevelt High School, 100
       students from Lincoln High School, 30 students from Washington High School, 200 students from New Tech High School, and a freshman
       class of approximately 460 students. This first year, Jefferson High School will gather and evaluate data to determine effectiveness of
       instruction and improve on student outcomes in the areas of academic achievement and school culture for all students. The data reflected
       above is from New Tech High School which will be a part of Jefferson High School beginning in the fall of 2021.
Action Plan
PDSA Objective: Description of the Goal(s)
To build a school culture centered on the values of all means all, people matter most, and always compete for excellence

What is the intended outcome?                                               What are the indicators of success?
All students and staff will know and understand Jefferson High              Students feel included and safe as measured by the annual safety
School’s core values of include, lead, compete, and generosity.             survey.
All students and staff will be aware of JHS’s core values, cultural
expectations and academic expectations.                                     Students and staff have multiple opportunities to lead. Success
                                                                            will be measured by the number of opportunities (clubs,
Students are actively involved in school life as measured by ____ %         committees, and activities) staff and students have to lead and
of the student body involved in at least one activity or club. Baseline     how many unique staff members and students are in leadership
data will be gathered this school year.                                     positions.

Tasks for Implementation                                                    Target Dates
Present essential elements of core values to staff leadership team          Staff leadership team by end of June

Present essential elements of core values to student leadership team Student leaders by 2nd week of August

Present essential elements of core values to entire staff                   August back-to-school in-service days for all staff

Present essential elements of core values to student body                   Within first week of school to entire student body

Host activity fairs for all students and staff                              TBD

Documentation of Implementation:

Summary of the Implementation and Outcomes:

Describe the next steps of the implementation based on the outcomes of this cycle:

                                                                    Action Plan
PDSA Objective: Description of the Goal(s)
To improve student academic knowledge and skills by focusing on a system and structure for professional learning communities.

To increase the number of students that are on pace for successful graduation by the end of their sophomore year.

What is the intended outcome?                                          What are the indicators of success?
JHS juniors will score at or above the District average on the SD      South Dakota ELA, Math, and Science summative assessments
summative assessments.                                                 taken in April 2021

Students will achieve mastery during each unit of study in all         Teacher’s Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s) during the fall
content areas (This year will build a baseline.)                       semester that measure student progress every 3-4 weeks.

Increase the percentage of students by the end of their sophomore      District semester tests taken during fall and spring semesters.
year who have successfully earned 11+ credits. Currently ____% of
our second year students have completed 11 or more classes.            Infinite Campus to obtain credit information

Increase the percentage of students at the end of their freshman
year who have successfully earned 5+ credits. Currently _____% of
our first year students have completed 5 or more credits.

Tasks for Implementation                                               Target Dates
●   Professional development for all staff on highly effective    ●   In-services August 25, October 12, and January 17

     ●   Coaching and feedback for all PLC groups                      ●   Sept-Nov

     ●   PLC groups will create group norms                            ●   Prior to September 30

     ●   PLC groups will create common formative assessments for       ●   Freshman Academy Teams will meet one day per week to
         each unit of study. By end of 2021-22 school year                 identify students who have fallen behind.

     ●   Collaboration groups will meet to discuss what students are
         expected to learn, how they will respond when students do     ●   Each Monday during Team Time
         not learn, and how they will respond when students have
         demonstrated mastery.

1.    To provide intervention support strategies for our students.     ●   Once a week for teacher content area during collaboration
     ●  Freshman Academy team meetings that will identify
        freshman students that are falling behind in their academic
        progress and why this is happening for each student that is
        falling behind.
     ● Counselors and sophomore teachers will work together to
        identify sophomore students that are falling behind in their
        academic progress and why this is happening for each
        student that is falling behind.
     ● The Student Attendance Committee will meet twice monthly        ●   Twice monthly for attendance committee
        to manage students with poor attendance.

LEVEL 1 Interventions - Classroom Level
   ● Teachers will provide classroom support for struggling            ●   Daily intervention time opposite lunch
     students that includes: Student conference, preferential
     seating, teacher help, positive reinforcement, and parental

LEVEL 2 Interventions - Student Support Level
   ● Implement reteaching schedule for lunch intervention period,      ●   Each day in the Cavalier Village Room
     and provide training for teachers on how best to structure
reteaching for this allotted time.
   ●   Focused intervention time for classes where students
       typically struggle.
   ●   Establish the JHS Recovery Room to work with students who
       have significant amounts of recovery work with the intention
       of getting them back on track to graduate on time.

LEVEL 3 Interventions - Building Level
   ● Parent-Student Team Meeting                                        ●   Staff Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month
   ● On-line courses                                                    ●   June 2022 for various conferences and trainings
   ● Schedule Change
   ● Refer student to SAT team to determine any Tier II placement
     or other District resources to utilize
   ● SIOP training for sheltered teachers                               ●   August 4th

Documentation of Implementation:

Summary of the Implementation and Outcomes:

Describe the next steps of the implementation based on the outcomes of this cycle:
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