FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press

Page created by Dolores Simmons
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Rights Guide
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Satoshi Kitamura and John Agard                                                                                                                 Satoshi Kitamura

                                    Creature-Of-No-Words lives a happy life on his          Lily loves taking her dog Nicky for a walk, and
                                    own, but one day he gets a feeling like ‘the chill      she spots beautiful and interesting things. But in
                                    touch of ice’ and nothing can lift his sadness.         Nicky’s overactive imagination the streetlights
                                    Just then Creature-of-Words arrives and senses          become staring eyes, the branches of a tree
     ten pupps                      his despair. How can she help him communicate           form into an evil face… the walk is a hair-raising
                                    and become happy again?                                 and exhausting experience!

                                    • A powerful and poetic picture book about              • Addresses the subject of childhood fears in a
                                    communication and friendship                            humorous way
                                    • A great tool to get children and adults engaging      • Children will enjoy solving the visual puzzles to 216 x 216, 28pp with gatefold
                                    with life again, after the isolation of lockdown        find out what spooks Nicky                                                Age 3+
March 2022                          • Recognition that some emotions are too deep
                                                                                            • Each spread has a spooky surprise which is just              China      Ronshin
260 x 230, 32pp                                                                                                                                         Romania      Pandora
                                    to be expressed by words                                enough to thrill the reader, and there’s an extra
Age 4+                                                                                                                                                   Spanish     Oceano
                           Praise for The Young Inferno from
                                                                                            surprise lurking behind the flap at the end!
                      the same award-winning author and artist
                                                                                            It’s a dark and stormy night and Toby cannot
               ‘The words are from the extraordinary John Agard whose                       sleep. The whole house seems to be tossing and
               inventive verse is a constant wonder. Add the delights of                    turning like a ship in the middle of the ocean…
              artwork by Satoshi Kitamura and the whole book is inspired
                          and tremendous; a total triumph.’
                                                                                            soon Toby enters a fantasy world where he is
                                   SCHOOL LIBRARIAN                                         indeed at sea, caught up in a strange and wild

                                                                                            • Empowers children to unleash their imagination
                                                                                            and relish the idea of surreal adventures
                                                                                            • Enough drama and danger to give a thrill but                     216 x 216, 28pp with gatefold
                                                                                                                                                                                     Age 3+
                                                                                            with a safe and happy ending
                                                                                                                                                                            China    Ronshin
                                                                                            • A gatefold flap at the end of the book reveals                            Romania Pandora
                                                                                            a surprising and endearing comedy

                   John Agard is a poet, playwright and short story writer who grew up in      Currently living in Japan, Satoshi Kitamura has created over 20 of his
                   Guyana. He has won many prizes, including the Smarties Book Prize,          own picture books, and illustrated the work of many prominent authors.
                   the CLPE Award and the Queen’s Gold Medal. He has been a writer-in-         His books have been translated into more than 20 languages and
                   residence at the BBC, the South Bank and the National Maritime Museum,      won awards including the Mother Goose Award, Silver Award for the
                   and he tours widely giving performances and speaking to students.           Smarties Prize, and the National Art Library Illustrations Award.
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Satoshi Kitamura                                                                                                                                       Rose Robbins

                                A small boy has saved all his pocket money                  Abigail can’t concentrate in class, and gets
                                and visits the market with high expectations.               bored and naughty! Luckily the teacher knows
                                Then disaster strikes and he loses all but one              just what to do, and Abigail ends up finding a
                                coin! He is devastated... But wait, what’s                  special voice of her own
                                that? A Smile Shop? He could really do with a
                                smile. What will happen if he goes in?                      • A mainstream book that celebrates Special
                                • Celebrates the power of a smile                           Needs - readers and families will identify with the
                                • Shows that kindness is worth more than                    protagonist who displays symptoms of ADHD,
                                money                                                       but with the right encouragement, ends up
                                • Wonderful illustrations, full of humour and               triumphing.
                                observation                                                 • Recognises a need for sensitive books about                270 x 245mm, 32pp
260 x 230mm 32pp                                                                            neurodiversity                                               Age 4+
                                      Nominated for the Kate Greenaway Award                                                                             Spain - Santillana
Age 3+
USA     Peachtree                            ‘A book to ponder upon and
                                                                                           Already published, two books featuring
                                          discuss across a wide age range.’
Japan Iwamani Shoten                                                                           an autistic sister and her brother.
                                                  RED READING HUB
Korea Better Books
                                 ‘A captivating and surprising picture book packed         ME AND MY SISTER celebrates the highs
China Green Beans
                                  with intricate illustrations and a strong message –      and lows of having a much loved but
Romania Pandora                                                                                  differently abled sibling.
                                    that kindness is more important than money.’
Taiwan Sun Color                                        BOOK TRUST
                                                                                                Shortlisted for the Waterstones
                                                                                                    Children’s Book Prize

Meet Hattie the Magician – she may be little             Shortlisted for the BookTrust      TALKING IS NOT MY THING explores the       270 x 245mm, 32pp           270 x 245mm, 32pp
but she is a born performer! Hattie conjures an                 Storytime Prize              many ways a non-verbal person can         Age 4+                      Age 4+
                                                                                           communicate, contribute and have fun.       Finland Makela              Finnish Makela
amazing succession of animals out of her hat,
                                                               Nominated for the                                                       Dutch    De Vries           Spain    Santillana
and for a grand finale produces a wonderful
                                                               Greenaway Award             Nominated for the Kate Greenaway Award      Aus      Allen and Unwin    USA      Eerdmans
habitat where they can all live!                                                                                                       Israel   Steimatzky         Dutch    De Vries
                                                                                            ‘Robbins creates a sensitive portrait of
                                                                                                                                       Spain    Santillana         French Bayard
                                France   Gallimard                                          accommodating different needs within
                                                                                                                                       USA      Eerdmans
                                Dutch    De Vier Windstreken                                      a family unit.’ IRISH TIMES
                                                                                                                                       Brazil   L&PM
                                Slovakia Fortuna Libri
                                Japan    BL Shuppan            ‘A masterfully crafted
                                                            story for tots, impeccable         Since her debut in 2019, Rose is fast making a name for herself as a
                                Korea    Interpark
                                                             in its apparent simplicity,       creator of appealing and mainstream books about differently abled
                                Spanish Oceano               yet with all the elements         characters. Rose is an Inclusion Ambassador for Inclusive Minds, and
                                USA      Peachtree          of tension, resolution and
                                                                                               her books have been shortlisted and nominated for major awards.
                                China    Folio             surprise needed in a good
                                                                  story. Perfection!’          Rose’s brother is autistic and she teaches autistic young people.
                                Hebrew Steimatzky
240 x 275mm, 32pp, 2+                                                 CAROUSEL
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Ruth Brown                                                                                                                                       Ruth Brown

                                Come on a playful journey through the day                ’Ten little dogs, sitting in a line,
                                from dawn to dusk, through a beautiful                   One chased a butterfly
                                landscape, where the reader is challenged                And then there were nine . . .’
                                to guess which animal is hiding in the picture
                                and then spot where they are.                            Then 8, then 7 and so on, until only one
                                                                                         little dog remains. Will there be none? Turn the
                                                                                         page for the exuberant denouement of this
                                • Hours of entertainment with a satisfying
                                                                                         adorable count-down book by household
                                bedtime ending.
                                                                                         name, Ruth Brown.
                                • Exquisite, intricate illustrations encourage
                                young readers to learn about the natural world           • Combines the basic skill of counting
                                • The text provides the clues – and the pictures         (backwards!) with hugely appealing artwork
                                provide the answers.                                     • Subtly introduces the concept of subtraction                    275 x 240mm, 32pp,
                                                                                         • Will appeal to all dog lovers with small                                    Age 4+
                                • Clever use of the page turn to reveal the
May 2022                                                                                 children                                                French    Gallimard Jeunesse
275 x 240mm
32pp                                                                                      Shortlisted for the Teach Early Years Awards
                                               ‘exceptional draughtsmanship makes
Age 3+                                                                                      ‘An extremely enjoyable and satisfying reading
                                                 all Ruth Brown’s books a feast . . .’
                                                            SUNDAY TIMES                         experience for both adult and child.’
                                                                                                            BOOKS FOR KEEPS

                                                                                         In a brilliant introduction to the world of fine art,
                                                                                         Ruth Brown has created her own unique and
                                                                                         amusing masterpieces in the style of thirteen
                                                                                         well known painters from around the world.
                                                                                         • Intriguing for children and adults alike

                                                                                           Nominated for the Kate Greenaway Award

                                                                                                       ‘Brown, whose exceptional
                                                                                                draughtsmanship makes all her books a
                                                                                                 feast, visits a gallery with a difference in     275 x 240mm, 32pp, Age 4+
              Ruth Brown is the creator of some of Britain’s best loved children’s              this picture book about cats and artists. A       Israel           Steimatzky
              books. Born in Devon, she now lives in London and Kent. Ruth’s books              book to lead readers to 13 painters from          Dutch De Vier Windstreken
              are translated into many languages, and she has won the Earthworm                                                                   China               Gingko
                                                                                                Mondrian to Munch and Kahlo to Klimt.”
              Award, the English Association Award, the Prix Sorcière and been                                                                    Korea               Hansol
                                                                                                               SUNDAY TIMES
              shortlisted 3 times for the Kate Greenaway Medal.                                                                                   Afrikaans             Lapa
                                                                                                                                                  Romania               RAO
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Deborah Chancellor & Julia Groves                                                                                                                  Marjoke Henrichs

                               FOLLOW MY FOOD is a new series which aims to help             Rabbit doesn’t want to listen to his mum telling him
                               children understand and appreciate where their                to get up, get dressed, have breakfast, play outside,
                               food comes from. Learning respect for animals and             come inside and least of all... have a bath! NO, NO,
                               people who produce food encourages children to                NO! he says. But at last they hit on something they
                               be environmentally aware.                                     both love - cuddle time.

                                • Shows animals and insects in a relatable way,              • Perfectly pitched and re-assuring for parents
                                enjoying a regular routine, living with their friends, and   whose child is being contrary
                                producing food that humans can harvest and eat                ‘A thoroughly delightful, warmhearted bedtime story.’
                                • Each title is introduced by a different child who                          KIRKUS, starred review
                                observes the production of the milk, honey or eggs
                                                                                              ‘Potential to become a classic like Guess How Much
                                • Full of information and new vocabulary, but                    I Love You… It’s a declaration of love through            275 x 240mm, 32pp, Age 3+
                                presented in a simple and stylish way using colourful                          everyday actions.’
                                                                                                                                                              Sweden        Alfabeta
                                paper cut art                                                               SWEDISH LIBRARY SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                  USA      Peachtree
                                • Quiz and fun facts at the end, to challenge both            Short listed for the Book Trust Story Time Prize                    Italy        Salani
                                young children and their parents to find out more
                                                                                                                                                           Netherlands       Querido
                                • Written by an experienced children’s author in
240 x 240mm, 32pp,                                                                                                                                               Israel        Matar
                                consultation with a dairy farmer, vet and bee expert                                   Rabbit and Dad are going to the
Age 3+                                                                                                                                                           Korea    Neungyule
                                • Book 4 will be about a granny growing fruit.                                         park. But will they ever be ready
                                                                                                                                                                China Beijing Tianlue
                                                                                                                       to leave the house?
                                           ‘Bright, clean, papercut illustrations...                                                                           Taiwan     Les Gouttes
                                            The text is fact-filled but never dull.’                                   • Tolerance and patience are            Norway     Gyldendal
                                                      BOOKS FOR KEEPS                                                  needed on both sides as each             Turkey Okuyan Koala
                                         ‘Teaches young children to appreciate                                         waits for the other                      Japan     BL Shuppan
                                                   their environment.’                                                                                         Spanish          Akal
                                                ENGLISH ASSOCIATION                                             • Another universal topic that
                                                                                                adults and children will all relate to
                                          ‘A factual picture book with simplistic
                                                yet adorable illustrations.’
April 2022                                                                                      • Wonderful handling of mounting tension with a
                                                     BIG ISSUE NORTH
                                                                                                happy ending

             Deborah Chancellor has written over a hundred books for children, from            Marjoke Henrichs graduated from the MA Children’s Book Illustration
             toddlers to teenagers, and been shortlisted for the Little Rebels Award.          course at Cambridge School of Art in 2019. She is also a theatre
                                                                                               designer and a painter. Marjoke was born in the Netherlands and now
                                                                                               lives in Suffolk; this is her first picture book.
             Julia Groves has designed and illustrated a range of baby books and picture
             books, and been nominated for the Progressive Pre-School Awards. (photo)
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Nigel Gray and Bethan Welby                                                                          Karen Swann & Padmacandra

                                  Grace is a little girl; Phyllis is the old lady next
                                                                                         One misty seaside evening, a little girl meets a
                                  door. Phyllis lives alone and her memory is            whale, who takes her on a voyage. They see
                                  fading, but that doesn’t stop Grace from               many wonders, but return saddened by the
                                  liking her. They find that, despite the gap in         amount of rubbish in the ocean.
                                  their ages, they have much in common and
                                  a moving and enduring friendship is born.              •A beautifully poetic debut text full of joy and
                                                                                         wonder and friendship
                                  • A deeply touching story of friendship rooted         •A direct appeal to the reader to change our
                                  in everyday life                                       polluted world for the better
                                  • Full of empathy and humour                           •Stunning textured but bright illustrations from a
                                                                                         picture book debut artist
                                  • Text is long enough to read aloud to an older
                                  child and introduce the topic of dementia                     Short listed for the North Somerset
April 2022
                                  and caring for others                                                Teachers’ Book Award                        280 x 240mm, 32pp, Age 4+
275 x 240mm
                                  • Sensitive and engaging illustrations are
32pp Age 3+
                                  beautifully observed                                   Dutch      Levendig                 Portugal    Edicare        Slovenia       HKZ
                                                                                         Greece     Epomenos Stathmos        Turkey      Bilgi          Australia      UQP
                                                   Praise Praise for Nigel Gray’s        Welsh      Rily                     Australia   UQP            USA            McElderry
                                                       A Balloon for Grandad:
                                                   ‘Filled with genuine feeling.’

                                                     I’ll take you to Mrs Cole:                                                               Bethan Welby
                                                   ‘Funny, touching and true.’
                                                         SUNDAY TELEGRAPH
                                                                                                                            On a cold afternoon in January, Brian
                                                     Praise for Bethan Welby’s
                                                                                                                            sees a little Christmas tree, stripped of its
                                                     The After Christmas Tree:
                                                   ‘A skilled debut picture book’                                           decorations and discarded by the roadside.
                                                              THE TIMES                                                     He immediately decides to take it home with
                                                                                                                            him and look after it . . . But will it be as easy
                                                ‘Expressive illustrations to do much
                                                           of the talking.’                                                 as he thinks, and will his family be pleased?
                                                         RED READING HUB
                                                                                                                            • Exciting debut title that is both empathetic
                                                                                                                            and endearing
                                                                                                                            • Evocative watercolour artwork reminiscent
         Nigel Gray is the author of many much-loved and award-winning picture                                              of Posy Simmonds and Raymond Briggs
         books; winner of the Prix Chronos, shortlisted for the Smarties Prize, German                                      • Themes of responsibility for your own
         Book Award, Mother Goose Award, and much more. He lives in Australia.                                              decisions, and for the environment
                                                                                                                            • Contains a touch of magic, perfect for
                                                                                           275 x 200, 32pp, Age 4+
         Bethan Welby lives in Devon, UK. A graduate of the MA in Children’s Book                                           Christmas!
                                                                                           German Atlantis Verlag
         Illustration at Cambridge School of Art, her debut picture book THE AFTER                                              Long listed for the Klaus Flugge Award 2021
         CHRISTMAS TREE was longlisted for the Klaus Flugge Award.
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Inbal Leitner                                                                                                                                                      Rob Ramsden

                                         We are moving to a new home, where the                                                  IN THE GARDEN: A collection of
                                         lakes freeze in winter. Grandma isn’t coming,                                           titles which encourage young
                                         she is staying in her sewing studio. She says                                           children to relate to the natural
                                         I mustn’t worry that my new home is so very                                             world.
                                         far away, as we are joined by the longest,
                                         strongest thread in the whole world.                                               We planted a seed,
                                         • Deals with the anxiety of moving to a new
                                                                                                                            to grow a pumpkin
                                         home and country                                                                    for Halloween . . .
                                         • A useful tool to approach the subject of
                                                                                                       Rob Ramsden’s joyous and seasonal picture book
                                         • Poetic text full of imagery and emotion, by                 follows the journey from tiny seed to fat, orange
                                         an Israeli debut author/illustrator                           pumpkin – just in time for Halloween.
                                         • Specially relevant during social distancing
240 x 240mm, 32pp, 4+                                                                                  • Celebrates the excitement of having a ‘project’ – in this case, growing a
Denmark          Flachs                       Nominated for the Kate Greenaway Award                   pumpkin from seed in time for Halloween
France		         Bayard
                                         ‘This gorgeous book shares an enduring message of love        • Explores emotions: enthusiasm, anxiety, encouragement, joy and a sense of
USA		            Charlesbridge
                                         between a grandma and granddaughter. No matter the            achievement
China		          Ginkgo                         miles, the thread of love links them together.‘
                                                            ARMADILLO MAGAZINE                         • Shares with young readers the delight of working with nature

                                                                                                       240 x 240 mm, 32pp, Age 2+

Elena Arevalo Melville                                                                                 France
                                                                                                       Korea      Kizm
                                                                                                       Portugal   Horizonte
                         275 x 200mm, 32pp Age 4+ Clara        has
                                                                                                       German     CBJ
                         Slovenia   Avrora             gone to the
                                                                                                       Spanish     Oceano
                         China      Oriental Babies    park, but
                         Italy      Bohem Italia       there’s nobody to play with.
                         Turkey     Lades              When she finds an umbrella on                    ‘effectively simple...conveys its      ‘This simple look at a sunflower life cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                              LONGLISTED FOR
                         Korea      Neungyule          the ground and does a good                       crucial environmental message         and the seasons is again pitch perfect for
                                                                                                                                                                                             THE KLAUS FLUGGE
                         Swedish    Idus Forlag                                                          without a hint of preachiness.‘     the very young. A small piece of brilliance.‘
                                                       deed by putting it on a bench,                                                                                                             AWARD
                                                                                                               BOOKS FOR KEEPS                             RED READING HUB
                                                       the umbrella says ‘thank you’
                               ‘Forges its own
                                                       and invites Clara to make a
                               eccentric and           wish. So unfolds a magical chain
                                                                                                      A graduate of the MA in Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School
                                 appealing             of events where kindness and
                              path through a                                                          of Art, Rob Ramsden lives in Suffolk and teaches graphic illustration and
                                                       forgiveness go hand-in-hand.
                           landscape that feels
                                                                                                      animation to pupils from 5 years old to university level. Rob set up Fictional
 WINNER OF THE QUEEN’S        fresh and new.‘          ‘Lovely bold, expressive drawing conjures a
                             BOOKS FOR KEEPS                                                          Space, a screen printing studio in Suffolk dedicated to collaboration,
    KNICKERS AWARD                                    magical story that brings the needy what they
     A WHITE RAVEN                                      lack and the greedy what they deserve.‘       editions and limited-edition prints.
  NOMINATED FOR THE                                          SUNDAY TIMES: BEST CHILDREN’S
  GREENAWAY AWARD                                             BOOKS TO READ THIS SUMMER
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Derek Keilty & Mark Elvins                                                                                                                                                     Jeff Norton

                                                                             MIDDLE GRADE                                                                                              MIDDLE GRADE
                                                                             PIRATE INVESTIGATOR TRILOGY                                                                               178 x 126mm, 160pp,
                                                                                                                                                                                       b/w illustrations throughout
                                                                             178 x 126mm
                                                                                                                                                                                       Age 7+, 16,000 words
                                                                             b/w illustrations
                                                                                                                                                                                       French     Albin Michel
                                                                                                                                                                                       Russian    Eksmo
                                                                             Age 7+, 15,000 words                                                                                      Audio      Oakhill
                                                                             Dutch    De Fontein
                                                                             Audio    Bolinda                                                                                               A fast-paced
                                                                                                                                                                                           fantasy trilogy
When Flynn applies for the            In book two, a priceless golden chalice has been                                                                                                        featuring
job as cabin boy on the Black         stolen from Fergus McSwaggers, fearsome chief                                                                                                        dinosaurs and
Hound, he doesn’t expect it           of the squelchy Bog Islands … and he wants it
to be a pirate ship. But soon         back!
he’s setting sail for the Seven
                                                                                                           In a medieval land where dinosaurs still roam, lowly stable boy Henry Fairchild
Seas, on a perilous quest to          And finally in the last volume, the Countess of
recover ancient treasure              Bohemia’s jewels have been stolen by a ghost.                        joins the brave Dino Knights and rides into adventure on the back of a T-Rex.
bound by a magical curse…             Not just any old ghost, but the ghost of Captain                     • Combines two popular and child friendly themes - knights on horseback and
                                      Scarletbeard, the scariest pirate who ever lived!
                                                                                                           dinosaurs: Camelot meets Cretaceous!
    LONG LISTED FOR THE SPARK         Flynn and the crew of the Black Hound descend
         BOOK AWARD                                                                                        • For reluctant readers but not only. Themes of equality, kindness, loyalty,
                                      the murky depths to Davy Jones’s Locker, where
                                      they uncover a ghoulish plot that threatens the                      bravery and family.
       THE TIMES top 20               survival of the Seven Seas…                                          • Dramatic b/w ills by Jeff Crosby with map, gallery of characters, playful
   children’s books of 2020                                                                                chapter headings and dino glossary
                                             It’s a brilliant twist on pirate stories, combining all
      THE WEEK The Best                     the best bits – think treasure maps, swashbuckling,            • Film option sold, one of the 3 large global streamers is investing in development
       summer reading                        suitably grumpy pirate cooks, walking the plank,
                                                pirate grog – with a mystery thriller narrative’           ‘You like knights? You like dinosaurs? Watch out your
       for children 2020                                        THE BOOK ACTIVIST                            head might just explode. A simple but effective           ‘Combines a fun and imaginative story
                                                                                                           mash-up for newish readers and fans of How to Train        with some important messages of hope,
   TOPPSTA best 100 books                      ‘Has a timeless, classic feel … illustrations that            Your Dragon and the Beast Quest series. Norton           courage, self-belief, and animal cruelty.’
          of 2020                                       really have the wow factor’                             imagines the medieval era but with dinos’                       BOOKS FOR TOPICS
                                                                 BOOK TRUST                                                      THE TIMES

            Derek Keilty lives in Belfast. He has written over 10 novels, which have been                    Jeff Norton is an award-winning author and television writer-producer. As an
            translated into many languages, selected for the Richard and Judy Club and                       author, Jeff has written ten books including MetaWars: Fight For The Future
            shortlisted for the Children’s Books Ireland Book of the Year.                                   (Orchard) - a high-tech thriller about the fight for the internet that has spurred
                                                                                                             three sequels, and Memoirs of a Neurotic Zombie (Faber).
            Mark Elvins lives in Yorkshire. When he’s not drawing pirates he’s a print-maker
            and recently won an English Heritage competition to illustrate the displays at                   Jeff Crosby has illustrated over a dozen children’s books and his clients include
            Whitby Abbey.                                                                                    the New York Times, the Village Voice, Entertainment Weekly, and GQ.
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
Sarah Pakenham                         BRAZIL & PORTUGAL: Patricia Seibel,
Scallywag Press              
10 Sutherland Row
London SW1V 4JT                        CHINESE: Shirley Vivi, Bardon Agency,
Tel 07910 278462             
                                       CZECH: Tereza Krobotova, Kristin Olson
TRADE SALES                            Literary Agency,
Bounce Sales and Marketing             HEBREW: Mickey Chesia, The Israeli              Association of Book Publishers Ltd, rights@  

                                       JAPANESE: Solan Natsume, Tuttle Mori
Grantham Book Services (GBS)
Tel: 44 (0 )1476 541 080               KOREAN : Sue Yang, Eric Yang Agency,     

DISTRIBUTED IN AUSTRALIA               ROMANIAN: Andreea Focsaneanu, Simona
AND NEW ZEALAND BY                     Kessler Agency,
NewSouth Books
                                       RUSSIAN: Olga Lutova, Andrew
+61 2 8936 1400
                                       Nuremberg, Agency,
Orders to Alliance Distribution Ser-
vices (ADS)                            SPANISH WORLD: Beatriz Coll, RDC
+61 (2) 4390 1300                      Agency,
                                       THAI: Pimolporn Yutisri, Tuttle Mori Thailand,

                                       TURKISH : Nazlican Kabatas, Kalem Agency,

         Scallywag Press Ltd, 10 Sutherland Row, London SW1V 4JT
                              Tel 07910 278462
FRANKFURT 2021 Rights Guide - Scallywag Press
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