City Record VOL. 112 | NO. 31 -

Page created by Kim Olson
City Record VOL. 112 | NO. 31 -
City Record                                                              VOL. 112 | NO. 31
                   Official Chronical, Municipal Affairs                                    AUGUST 3, 2020

                    MARTIN J. WALSH — Mayor of Boston                           KIM JANEY — President, City Council

Boston Presents Shared Vision to FIFA, U.S. Soccer in Bid to Host
                    2026 FIFA World Cup

A partnership is underway for            the host city selection process, and    World Cups, which brought fans
Boston to secure one of the final 10     the first opportunity for Boston        across New England together for
United States destination cities for     to make its case directly to FIFA       one of the world’s greatest sporting
the 2026 FIFA World Cup.                 executives in Zurich, Switzerland.      events. Boston is one of America’s
                                         The Greater Boston bid calls for        most passionate sports cities that
Members of Boston’s 2026 Bid             numerous fan activations and team       we know will welcome World Cup
Host Committee met virtually on          training sites throughout the city.     fans from around the globe with a
Tuesday, July 28, with FIFA and          World Cup games would be played         world-class experience at Gillette
U.S. Soccer to present its shared        at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough,      Stadium.”
vision to serve as one of the final 10   MA, the site of numerous
United States destination cities for     international soccer matches in         Boston is one of 17 potential U.S.
the 2026 FIFA World Cup.                 recent decades.                         host cities (from an original 23
                                                                                 U.S. candidate cities), along with
Representatives from the New             Brian Bilello, president of Boston      Atlanta, Baltimore, Cincinnati,
England Revolution, Kraft Sports         Soccer 2026 and president of the        Dallas, Denver, Houston, Kansas
and Entertainment, City of               New England Revolution, said,           City, Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville,
Boston, Massachusetts Office             “Our region is thrilled to have the     New York/New Jersey, Orlando,
of Travel and Tourism, Greater           opportunity to be a host city for       Philadelphia, San Francisco Bay
Boston Convention and Visitors           the 2026 FIFA World Cup and once        Area, Seattle and Washington, DC.
Bureau, and Greater Boston Sports        again welcome the international
Partnership participated in the          soccer community to our diverse         The 2026 FIFA World Cup will
call to showcase Boston and New          city, state, and region. We had the     be the largest to date with 80
England on the international stage.      honor of hosting matches for the        matches featuring 48 national
                                         1994 FIFA Men’s World Cup and           teams slated to take place: 60 in
Tuesday’s online one-on-one                                                      the United States, 10 in Canada, and
                                         the 1999 and 2003 FIFA Women’s
workshop was a key next step in

                                                                                                   continued on page 596
THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO ALL                                  THE CITY RECORD USPS 114-640
ADS IN THIS PUBLICATION                                     is published weekly by the City of Boston, 1 City Hall
                                                            Square, Boston, MA 02201, under the direction of
• The City of Boston is committed to and                    the Mayor, in accordance with legislative act & city
  affirmatively ensures that Disadvantaged                  ordinance. The periodical postage is paid at Boston MA.
  Business Enterprises (DBE), Small Local Business
  Enterprise (SLBE), Minority Business Enterprise
  (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE),
  and Veteran Owned Small Business Enterprise
  (VOSBE) firms shall be afforded full opportunity
  to submit qualifications in response to this and
  will not be discriminated against on the basis of
  race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability,
  gender, transgender status, political affiliation,
  age, sexual orientation, or religion in any
  consideration leading to the award of contract.

  The City’s directory of certified businesses is
  available at

• No qualified disabled person shall, on the basis          Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston
  of disability, be excluded from participating in,         Kevin P. Coyne, Purchasing Agent
  be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected
  to discrimination in any consideration leading            Diana Laird, City Record Administrator
  to the award of contract.
                                                            The City Record Office is located in Room 808
• The award of any contract shall be subject to the         at One City Hall Square Boston, MA 02201-1001
  approval of the Mayor of Boston.
                                                            Telephone: 617-635-4564
• The maximum time for IFB acceptance by the                E-Mail:
  City after the opening of the bids shall be ninety
  (90) days unless noted otherwise.                         Single copies $2.00 per issue

• The maximum time for RFP acceptance by                    Subscription (in advance) $50.00 per year
  the City after the opening of the bids shall              (send a check payable to ‘City Record’ to:
  be one hundred-eighty (180) days unless                   City Record Procurement – Boston City Hall
  noted otherwise.                                          One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201-1001

• The City/County and the Official reserve the              Postmaster; send address change to
  right to reject any or all bids, or any item or items
                                                            City Record, Room 808
  thereof, and to award a contract as the Official
                                                            1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201-1001
  deems to be in the best interest of the City.

• All contracts shall be subject to the availability        ADVERTISING:
  of an appropriation therefore, if sufficient funds
                                                            A rate of $6 per 1⁄2-inch or $12 per inch of 12 lines
  are not appropriated for the contract in any
                                                            (set solid) has been established for such advertisements
  fiscal year, the Official shall cancel the contract.
                                                            as under the law must be printed in the City Record.
• The City reserves the right to reject any and all         Advertising and other copy must, except in
                                                            emergencies, be in hand at the City Record office
  bids, or any part or parts thereof, and to award
  a contract as the Official deems to be in the             by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday of each week to insure its
  best interest of the City. This contract shall be         publication in the following Monday’s issue.
                                                            PLEASE NOTE: The deadline of 5:00 p.m., Wednesday
  subject to the availability of an appropriation.
                                                            of each week is ten days in advance of publication.
  If sufficient funds are not appropriated for the
  contract in any fiscal year, the Official shall           Other advertising rates available—Please contact us
  cancel the contract.                                      at for these rates.
City of Boston Legal Compliance Resources

City Land &
Building for Sale Boards &                                  Employee
We sell City property to Commission                         Listings
developers who want
to make the community
                         Appointments                       Each year, the City of
                                                            Boston publishes payroll
better. By law, we can only   Boards and commissions        data for employees.
choose a buyer who meets      are an important part         This dataset contains
all our requirements. We      of Boston’s government.       employee names, job
don’t list our properties     Each board or commission      details, and earnings
with brokers or take          works with internal           information including
offers.                       departments, City             base salary, overtime, and
                              Councilors, and the public    total compensation for           to serve the City.            employees of the City.
development/how-we-sell-      civic-engagement/boards-      gov/dataset/employee-
citys-land-and-buildings      and-commissions               earnings-report

                              School Committee                                           Language and
                              Proceedings                                                Communication
Bond Listings                                                                            Access
                              School Committee
The City of Boston            meetings are held twice a                                  We are happy to answer
sells bonds to borrow         month on Wednesdays at                                     questions and assist
the money needed to           6 p.m. at the Bruce C.                                     community members,
pay for construction,         Bolling Muncipal Building,                                 organizations, and city
rehabilitation, and           2300 Washington Street,       Public Notices               employees. We work to
repair of all of its public   School Committee                                           strengthen the City of
buildings, including:         Chamber, second floor,        You can find out about       Boston so that services,
schools, libraries, police,   Roxbury, MA 02119. The        all upcoming City of         programs and activities
fire, and park facilities,    Chamber has a capacity        Boston public notices and    are meaningfully accessible
and streets and sidewalks.    of 202 people. To confirm,    hearings. We also have       to all constituents.
                              contact 617-635-9014.         information on archived                                         public notices.    
gov/departments/              https://www.                                               departments/neighborhood-
treasury#general-         services/language-and-
obligation-bonds              Page/253                      public-notices               communications-access

Invitations for bids for the procurement of services and supplies

Gov. Baker decided to issue a ‘Stay at Home’ advisory,         The supplies/services described for the below is an
which does not mandate that residents stay confined            actual amount of the supplies/services to be procured.
to their homes, though everyone is urged to limit
                                                               The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids,
unnecessary travel. The City of Boston remains
                                                               or any part or parts thereof, and to award a contract
committed to the safety of all of our residents and
                                                               as the Official deems to be in the best interest of the
our vendor community. For Procurement updates                  City. This contract shall be subject to the availability
please go to and for the latest         of an appropriation. If sufficient funds are not
information on the corona virus please visit: boston.          appropriated for the contract in any fiscal year, the
gov/news/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-boston                   Official shall cancel the contract.

                                                               The maximum time for bid acceptance by the City
If you need to submit a                                        after the opening of bids shall be ninety (90) days.
non-electronic bid please email                                The award of this contract shall be subject to the
                                                               approval of the Mayor of Boston. to arrange
for an appointment to drop it off.                             Sealed bids shall be publicly opened by the Official at
                                                               12:00 Noon Boston City Hall, Procurement Rm. 808
Thank you!                                                     One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201

                                                               Event EV00008271
                                                               3-Ply Protective Face Masks
                                                               Age Strong / Elderly Commission
                                                               Bid Opening Date: August 3, 2020

INVITATION FOR BIDS                                            CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
                                                               Arlene Lamberti
FOR THE PROCUREMENT                                            617-635-3705
OF THE FOLLOWING                                     

The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by its Acting
Purchasing Agent (“the Official”), invites sealed
bids for the performance of the work generally
described below, and particularly set forth in the             Event EV00008272
Invitation for Bids, which may be obtained from                4X4 High Water Rescue Vehicle (OEM)
the City’s Procurement website and Supplier Portal             Winthrop Police Department Invitation for Bids shall be           Bid Opening Date: August 10, 2020
available until the time of the bid opening.
                                                               CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
The attention of all bidders is directed to the provisions     Kevin Coyne
of the Invitation for Bids and contract documents,             617-635-4938
specifically to the requirements for bid deposits,
insurance and performance bonds as may be applicable.

                                                             587 – Advertisements
Event EV00008273 (RE-AD)                       Event EV00008314
Aluminum Sign Blanks Various Sizes FY’21       City Hall –Play Ground Equipment -PFD
Boston Transportation Department               Public Facilities Department
Bid Opening Date: August 4, 2020               Bid Opening Date: August 20, 2020
Joey Chan                                      Kevin Coyne
617-635-4569                                   617-635-4938                 

(July 20, July 27, August 3, 2020)             Event EV00008315
                                               Water Coolers (2-Types) -BPS
                                               Boston Public Schools
                                               Bid Opening Date: August 19, 2020
                                               CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
                                               Kevin Coyne
Event EV00008284                               617-635-4938
Winthrop PD ITC 71 Camera Project    
Winthrop Police Department
                                               KEVIN P. COYNE, PURCHASING AGENT
Bid Opening Date: August 12, 2020
                                               (August 3, 10, 17, 2020)
Brian Heger

Event EV00008287
Boston Fire Department
Bid Opening Date: August 19, 2020
Kevin Coyne
617-635-4938                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                                               FOR AN ART AND DESIGN
                                               SOLUTION FOR OFFICE OF ARTS
                                               AND CULTURE

Event EV00008288                               CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
BP&R Landscaping Equipment                     Naida Faria
Boston Parks & Recreation Department
Bid Opening Date: August 11, 202
                                               The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by
CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N                  and through its Office of Arts and Culture
Joey Chan
                                               (‘the Official”), requests proposals for an
617-635-4569                           Art and Design Solution, as particularly set
                                               forth in the Call to Artists, which may be
KEVIN P. COYNE, PURCHASING AGENT               obtained through the Mayor’s Office of Arts
                                               and Culture Submittable platform https://
(July, 27, August 3, August 10, 2020)

                                             588 – Advertisements
submit. The public art will be incorporated into
the newly renovated Roxbury Branch of the
Boston Public Library.

Responding to this call is voluntary. All costs
associated with responding to this call, any
presentations, and/or demonstrations will             REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
be the sole responsibility of the vendor
participating in the response.                        EMPLOYER WELLNESS PROGRAM
All proposals shall be submitted in strict            EV00008215
conformance with the call, on or after 12:00
                                                      CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
PM. Boston local time, on August 3, 2020.
                                                      Wellness Committee
The attention of all proposers is directed to the
provisions of the Call to Artists and contract        The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by and through
documents, specifically to the requirements           its Director of Human Resources (“the Official”), hereby
for proposal deposits and insurance as may be         requests proposals from interested and qualified
applicable.                                           parties to provide an Employer Wellness Program
Offerors will submit proposals through the            for the City’s Health Benefits and Insurance Office.
Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture Submittable        The City intends to award one three-year contract to
platform https://cityofbostonartsandculture.          be effective as of November 1, 2020. This contract is Applications should           procured under the provisions of MGL chapter 30B.
be submitted on or before 5:00 PM Boston              The RFP may be obtained on or after Monday, August
local time, on September 9, 2020.                     3rd, 2020 from the City’s purchasing website and
The Official shall reject late proposals. Please      Supplier Portal ( under
note that we are not requesting design work at        EV00008215, or by e-mail to the City’s Wellness
this stage and will not review applications that      Committee at All proposals shall
submit design proposals.                              be filed no later than Monday, August 24th, 2020 at
                                                      12:00 P.M. EDT. Price and non-price proposals must be
The term of the contract shall be for two years.      submitted separately according to the RFP directions.
                                                      Late submissions will not be accepted.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all
proposals, or any part or parts thereof, and to       The attention of all Proposers is directed to the
award, a contract as the Official deems to be         provisions of the Request for Proposals and contract
in the best interests of the City. This contract      documents.
shall be subject to the availability of an
appropriation; therefore, if sufficient funds are     The City reserves the right to waive any defects or
not appropriated for the contract in any fiscal       informalities, to accept or reject any and all proposals,
year, the Official shall cancel the contract. The     or any part or parts thereof, and to award a contract
maximum time for acceptance of a proposal             as may be deemed in the best interest of the City.
and the issuance of written notification of           The award of a contract shall be based upon a
award shall be one hundred eighty (180) days.         determination by the City of the most advantageous
The award of this contract shall be subject to        proposal from a responsible and responsive proposer
the approval of the Mayor of Boston and the           taking into consideration the evaluation criteria set
Boston Art Commission.                                forth in the RFP and price.

KARA ELLIOTT-ORTEGA, CHIEF OF ARTS AND                The award of any contract pursuant to this RFP is
CULTURE                                               subject to the approval of the Mayor of the City
(August 3, August 10, 2020)                           of Boston, and shall be subject to availability of
                                                      MARIANNA GIL, DIRECTOR, HEALTH BENEFITS &
                                                      (August 3, August 10, 2020)

                                                    589 – Advertisements
of bid. The Awarding Authority reserves the
                                                       right to waive any informality, or to reject any
                                                       and all bids, if it be in the Public Interest to do

                                                       SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS will be available
                                                       on or about Monday, July 27, 2020, after 9:00
INVITATION FOR BIDS                                    A.M., Boston time, at 1010 Massachusetts
                                                       Ave, 3rd floor Boston Ma 02118. Please note,
TREE PRUNING AND REMOVAL,                              no mailings or emails will be sent and a
                                                       $100.00 certified bank check or money order
MUNICIPAL CEMETERIES AND                               is not required for pick-up of the plans and
HISTORIC BURYING GROUNDS                               specifications.
                                                       BIDDERS are hereby notified that bid deposits
CON TA C T I N F O R MAT I O N                         must be 5 percent of his/her bid, and shall
Tom Sullivan                                           be in the form of a bid bond, or certified
617-635-7361                                           check, treasurer’s check, or cashier’s check,                                bid bond of a surety company qualified to do
                                                       business under the laws of the Commonwealth
The City of Boston, acting by the Parks
                                                       and satisfactory to the Commissioner made
Commission, hereinafter referred to as the
                                                       payable to the City of Boston.
Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids
for the project listed above.                          ATTENTION TO ALL BIDDERS The work force
                                                       requirement (employee man-hour ratios per
Bids shall be on a form supplied by the Parks
                                                       trade) for this contract are as follows: Minority,
and Recreation Department, shall be clearly
                                                       40 percent; Boston Resident, 51 percent; and
identified as a bid and signed by the bidder.
                                                       Female, 12 percent.
Bids shall clearly be labeled with the project
name. All bids for this project are subject to all     The successful bidder will be required to
applicable provisions of law and in accordance         provide by insurance for the payment of
with the terms and provisions of the contract          compensation and the furnishing of other
documents entitled: SAME AS ABOVE                      benefits under the Workmen’s Compensation
                                                       Law, General Laws (Ter.Ed.), chapter 152, to all
SCOPE OF WORK includes: Furnishing all labor,
                                                       persons to be employed under the contract,
materials and equipment necessary for pruning,
                                                       and sufficient proof of compliance with the
trimming, maintaining and removing trees and
                                                       foregoing stipulation will be required before
stumps by means of climbing, aerial lift and
                                                       commencing performance of this contract.
                                                       A performance bond and also a labor and
Bids shall be submitted before 2:00 P.M., Boston
                                                       materials or payment bond, each of a surety
time, Thursday, August 13, 2020, at which time
                                                       company qualified to do business under the
the bids will be opened read aloud through
                                                       laws of the Commonwealth and satisfactory
a virtual meeting. Due to the current public
                                                       to the Commissioner and in the sum of 100
health crisis and restrictions around gatherings,
                                                       percent of the contract price, as well as certain
interested parties will not be able to access the
                                                       public liability and property damage insurance,
building for the bid opening but will be able to
                                                       will be required of the successful general
view the event live through a link provided on
the City of Boston Parks Department website:              There will be no informational pre-bid
and-recreation. Bids shall be filed with the           conference for this project.
Awarding Authority, 1010 Massachusetts Ave 3rd
Floor Boston Ma, 02118, accompanied by the bid         RYAN WOODS, COMMISSIONER
deposit previous to the time named for opening         (July 27 & August 3, 2020)

                                                     590 – Advertisements
Dorothy Baxter
                                                            INVITATION FOR BIDS
617-961-3075                                   TO REPAIR SYSTECON 89511
                                                            WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
The City of Boston, acting by and through the Fund
                                                            (WMS) LOCATED AT BOSTON
for Parks and Recreation c/o Parks and Recreation
Department and its Commissioner (the Official),             POLICE HEADQUARTERS
invites proposals for the performance of the services
generally described above and particularly as               EV00008270
set forth in the Request for Proposal Documents             CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
(Documents). This contract is procured under                Brenda Harmon
the provision of Ch. 30B of the Massachusetts     
                                                            617 343-4428
General Law. The Documents shall be available at
the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, 1010            The City of Boston (the City)/the County
Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor, Boston MA 02118            of Suffolk (the County), acting by its Police
on Monday, August 3rd, 2020 (no mailings sent)              Commissioner (the Official), invites sealed bids
or available on the City of Boston website at www.          for the performance of the work generally                        described above, and particularly set forth
All sealed proposals shall be submitted in accordance       in the Invitation For Bids, which may be
with the requirements set forth in the Documents.           obtained from the City’s website and Supplier
Respondents must submit proposals in two                    Portal, (,
separate sealed envelopes, one containing non price         commencing at 9:00 AM on Monday, July 27,
information and clearly marked with project name            2020.
and “Non-price Proposal” and one containing price           Invitations For Bids shall be available until
information and clearly marked with project name            the time of bid opening. Bid packages and
and “Price Proposal.” One (1) signed original and three     specifications will be available electronically
(3) copies of the Proposal must be submitted. The           for downloading commencing on Monday,
Proposal must be submitted no later than 2:00PM             July 27, 2020 at 9:00 AM. To access details
on Friday, August 28, 2020 to the Boston Parks and          for this specific bid event, and to respond
Recreation Department, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue,           through electronic format, please visit the
3rd floor, Boston MA 02118.                                 City of Boston Supplier Portal and access
The contract awarded pursuant to this Request for           EV00008270.
Proposals shall be for a term of three years as stated      All sealed bids shall be filed electronically
in the Request for Proposals.                               no later than Wednesday, August 12, 2020,
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or      at 12:00 Noon. Every sealed bid shall be
all proposals or any part or parts thereof; to waive        submitted in accordance with the Invitation
any defects, informalities and minor irregularities;        for Bids. The attention of all bidders is
and to award the contract as the City deems to be           directed to the provisions of the Invitation For
in its best interest. The maximum time for proposal         Bids and contract documents, specifically to
acceptance by the City after the opening of proposal        the requirements for bid deposits, insurance
shall be ninety (90) days. The award of a contract          and performance bonds as may be applicable.
pursuant to this bid shall be subject to the approval       The services above described for the one (1)
of the Mayor of Boston. Scheduled site visits will be       year term of this contract is an estimated
held as stated in the Request for Proposals.                amount of the services to be procured.
(August 3, August 10, 2020)

                                                          591 – Advertisements
Bidders are further notified that they shall            inclusive of Chapter 149 of the General Laws, as
submit prices for, and bid prices shall be              amended, and in accordance with the terms and
compared on the basis of the entire period of           provisions of the contract documents entitled:
performance. Bidders are hereby notified that           East Boston Senior Center project.
the Official shall cancel the contract if funds are
not appropriated in any fiscal year.                    The scope of work is further detailed in the
                                                        specifications and includes full renovation and
Sealed bids shall be publicly opened by the             addition to convert the old Orient Heights
Official on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at              Library to the East Boston Senior Center.
12:00 Noon, at Boston Police Headquarters,
Contracts Unit, 3rd Floor, 1 Schroeder Plaza,           Bidders are hereby notified a site viewing is
Boston, MA 02120-2014.                                  scheduled for Thursday, August 6, 2020, from 10
                                                        a.m. to 11 a.m. at the East Boston Senior Center,
The award of any contract shall be subject              18 Barnes Avenue, East Boston, MA 02128.
to the approval of the Mayor of Boston. The
maximum time for bid acceptance by the City             All filed sub-bids shall be filed with the
after the opening of bids shall be ninety (90)          Awarding Authority at the Bid Counter, 26
days. The City/County and the Official reserve          Court Street, 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108,
the right to reject any or all bids, or any item or     before twelve o’clock (noon) August 12, 2020 at
items thereof.                                          which time and place respective sub-bids will
                                                        be opened forthwith and read aloud.
(July 27, August 3, 2020)                               Filed Sub-bids will be valid only when
                                                        accompanied by: (1) a Certificate of Eligibility
                                                        issued by DCAMM, showing that the sub-
                                                        contractor has been approved in the trade(s)
                                                        identified below and further detailed in the
                                                        specifications; and, (2) an Update Statement
                                                        summarizing the sub-contractor’s record
                                                        for the period between the latest DCAMM
                                                        certification and the date the sub-contractor
                                                        submits its sub-bid.

                                                        Filed Sub-bid trade(s): Masonry; Roofing and
                                                        Flashing; Waterproofing, Damp-proofing &
                                                        Caulking; Metal Windows; Glass and Glazing;
                                                        Elevator; Miscellaneous and Ornamental Iron;
INVITATION FOR BIDS                                     Fire Protection; HVAC; Electrical; and Plumbing.

EAST BOSTON SENIOR CENTER                               All general bids shall be filed with the Awarding
                                                        Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street,
Project No. 7164                                        1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before twelve
CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N                           o’clock (noon EST) on August 26, 2020, at which
PFD Bid Counter                                         time and place respective bids will be opened                                     forthwith and read aloud.

The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities      General Bids will be valid only when
Commission, through its Director of the Public          accompanied by (1) a Certificate of Eligibility
Facilities Department (PFD), 10th Floor, 26             issued by DCAMM, showing that the general
Court Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter             contractor has been approved in General
referred to as the Awarding Authority, hereby           Building Construction to bid on projects the
invites sealed bids for the above-entitled              size and nature of that advertised, and (2) an
project. Bids shall be on a form supplied by            Update Statement summarizing the general
PFD, be clearly identified as a bid, and signed         contractor’s record for the period between the
by the bidder. All bids for this project are            latest DCAMM certification and the date the
subject to sections 26-27, 29 and 44A-44J,              general contractor submits its bid.

                                                      592 – Advertisements
Plans and specifications will be available
on or about July 29, 2020, at the Public
Facilities Department Bid Counter to all
interested parties. Plans and specifications
are only available electronically and by
requesting access for such through bid.
                                                    INVITATION FOR BIDS
Bidders are hereby notified that bid
deposits must be 5% of his/her bid, and             PROVIDE SCHOOL CLOTHING
shall be in the form of a bid bond, certified
                                                    AND TOILETRY CLOSETS FOR
check, treasurer’s check, or cashier’s check
and made payable to the City of Boston.             BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS
                                                    – (3) YEAR CONTRACT
The attention of all bidders is directed to
the Boston Residents Jobs Policy section            BID #1137
of the specifications and the obligation of         CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION
the contractor in the performance of this           Brian Marques
contract.                                           617-635-9620
The attention of all bidders is also directed
to pages 00 20 00 – 1 through 00 20 00              The City of Boston School Department
– 10, entitled “Instructions to Bidders             (the City) acting by its Business Manager
(Including Sub-Bidders).” See sections              (the Official), invites sealed bids for the
21.3 and 21.4 of Article 21 on page 00 20           performance of the work generally described
00 – 9 regarding DCAMM certification and            above, and particularly as set forth in the
submission of an original, stamped Sponsor          Invitation For Bids which may be obtained
Verification letter from the Commonwealth           at the Office of the Business Manager of the
of Massachusetts Department of Labor                School Committee, 4h floor, 2300 Washington
and Workforce Development – Division of             Street, Roxbury, MA 02119, commencing at
Apprenticeship Training.                            12:00 Noon on MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 2020.

A performance bond and labor and                    Invitations For Bids shall be available until the
materials payment bond satisfactory to the          time of the bid opening. Every sealed bid shall
Awarding Authority, of a surety company             be submitted in accordance with the criteria
licensed to do business under the laws              set forth in Invitations For Bids.
of the Commonwealth and included on
the U.S. Treasury current list of approved          All sealed bids shall be filed no later than
sureties (See Circular 570), in the sum of          FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2020, at 12:00 Noon at
100% of the contract price will be required         the office of the Official, Office of the Business
of the successful bidder.                           Manager, 2300 Washington Street, 4th floor,
                                                    Roxbury, MA 02119. The attention of all bidders
The Awarding Authority reserves the right           is directed to the provisions of the Invitation
to waive any informalities in or to reject any      For Bids and contract documents, specifically
and all bids if it is in the public interest to     to the requirements for bid deposits, insurance
do so.                                              and performance bonds as may be applicable.
                                                    A non-refundable bid deposit in the amount of
OPERATION                                           $20.00 shall be required from each bidder.
(August 3, August 10, 2020)                         All bidders are hereby notified that they shall
                                                    provide a unit price for each supply/service

                                                  593 – Advertisements
to be procured in this contract, subject to
the following terms that will govern price
adjustments. Bidders are further notified            REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
that they shall submit prices for and bid
prices shall be compared on the basis of the         PROVIDE FRESH MEALS: FRESH
entire period of performance. Sealed bids            SALADS AND SANDWICHES
shall be publicly opened by the Official
on FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2020, at 2300                  (1) YEAR CONTRACT
Washington Street, 4th floor, Roxbury, MA
02119. The award of any contract shall be            RFP# 1138
subject to the approval of the Superintendent        CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION:
of Schools and the Mayor of Boston. The              Laura Benavidez
maximum time for bid acceptance by the City          (617) 635-9143
after the opening of bids shall be ninety (90)
days. The City and the Official reserve the
                                                     The City of Boston (the “City”), acting by and
right to reject any or all bids, or any item or
                                                     through the Superintendent of Schools (the
items thereof.
                                                     “Official”), hereby requests sealed proposals
The City of Boston affirmatively ensures that        from interested and qualified parties (“Offerors”)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE),            to provide “Fresh Meals: Fresh Salads and
Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE),              Sandwiches” (1) Year Contract. All proposals
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women            shall be submitted in strict conformance with
Business Enterprise (WBE), and Veteran               the Request for Proposals (RFP) which may
Owned Small Business Enterprise (VOSBE)              be obtained from the Office of the Business
firms shall be afforded full opportunity to          Manager, Boston Public Schools, 2300
submit qualifications in response to this            Washington Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 after
and will not be discriminated against on the         9:00 a.m. on Monday July 27, 2020. The City
basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry,     shall accept sealed proposals until 12:00 noon
disability, gender, transgender status,              on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at the above
political affiliation, age, sexual orientation       location. The Official shall reject late proposals.

or religion in any consideration leading to          The attention of all Offerors is directed to the
the award of contract. No qualified disabled         provisions of the RFP documents.
person shall, on the basis of disability, be
                                                     The RFP contains both price and technical
excluded from participating in, be denied
                                                     evaluation criteria. Price and technical
the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to
                                                     proposals shall be submitted separately in
discrimination in any consideration leading
                                                     sealed, clearly labeled envelopes.
to the award of a contract.
EDWARD J. GLORA, BUSINESS MANAGER                    The Official shall not open the proposals
(August 3, August 10, 2020)
                                                     publicly but shall open the technical proposals
                                                     in the presence of one or more witnesses within
                                                     twenty-four (24) hours of the above deadline
                                                     for submission of the proposals. The Official
                                                     may open the price proposals later and, in any
                                                     case, shall open the price proposals to avoid
                                                     disclosure to the individuals evaluating the
                                                     technical proposals.

                                                     Failure to submit separate sealed price
                                                     and technical proposals shall result in
                                                     disqualification of the entire proposal!

                                                     Following its submission, a proposal may be
                                                     corrected modified or withdrawn only to the
                                                     extent provided for in M.G.L.c. 30B, §5(f).

                                                   594 – Advertisements
The submission of a proposal shall constitute
an acceptance of all provisions of the RFP
documents by the Offeror and an agreement
by the Offeror to perform all specified
work and/or provide all specified supplies
incidental thereto.                                  INVITATION FOR BIDS
The City reserves the right to reject any and
all proposals, or any part or parts thereof,
                                                     TO PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE
and to award a contract as the Official deems        HEALTHCARE SERVICES TO
to be in the best interest of the City. This         INMATES
contract shall be subject to the availability of
an appropriation, therefore. The maximum             Bids due: 10/30/20
time for the acceptance of a proposal and the
                                                     Bid#: BD-21-1098-HOC-SDS02-53116
issuance by the City of a written notification
                                                     CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION:
of award shall be ninety - (90) days. The
                                                     David Moy, Contracts Administrator
award of this contract shall be subject to the
approval of the Mayor of Boston.                     (617) 635-1000, Ext 2126

Each technical proposal submitted to the             The Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department
Official must be accompanied by a refundable         (SCSD) acting by its Sheriff (the Official),
proposal deposit in the amount of One                invites sealed responses for the performance
Thousand ($1,000) Proposal deposits shall be         of the work generally described above, and
in the form of a bank check, a certified check,      particularly set forth in the Request For
or a treasurer’s or cashier’s check issued by a      Responses which may be obtained on the state
responsible bank or trust company qualified          website, commencing
to do business in the Commonwealth of                at 10:00 AM Monday, July 27, 2020. Proposals
Massachusetts. Offeror checks must be                shall be accepted until the due date of Friday,
payable to the City of Boston.                       October 30, 2020 at 1:00 PM.
The City of Boston affirmatively ensures that        The attention of all bidders is directed to the
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE),            provisions of the RFR and contract documents.
Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE),
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women            All Responses shall be filed with the Awarding
Business Enterprise (WBE), and Veteran               Authority at 20 Bradston Street, Boston, MA
Owned Small Business Enterprise (VOSBE)              02118 on, or before, 1:00 PM, Eastern Standard
firms shall be afforded full opportunity to          Time, Friday, October 30, 2020.
submit qualifications in response to this
and will not be discriminated against on the         A Mandatory Tour has been scheduled. Please
basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry,     see the RFR for details.
disability, gender, transgender status,
                                                     The maximum time for response acceptance
political affiliation, age, sexual orientation
                                                     by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts after
or religion in any consideration leading to
                                                     the opening of bids shall be ninety (90) days.
the award of contract. No qualified disabled
person shall, based on disability, be excluded       The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the
from participating in, be denied the benefits        Official reserve the right to reject any and all
of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination         bids or any item or items thereof.
in any consideration leading to the award of
a contract.                                          STEVEN W. TOMPKINS, SHERIFF
                                                     (July 27, August 3, 2020)
(July 27, August 3, 2020)

                                                   595 – Advertisements
Mural by Destiny Palmer created
FIFA continued from front page                                                                  for Gallivan Community Center and
                                                                                                supported by Lifewater in 2019.
                                       Artist Destiny Palmer selected for Public Art
                                       Project in Roxbury BCYF Vine Street Center
                                                                                community is an honor. Any space
                                                                                where creativity can live is an
                                                                                opportunity to have dialogue.

                                                                                There are three qualities of BCYF
10 in Mexico. The international                                                 Vine Street and the surrounding
tournament was last held in                                                     neighborhood that applicants were
the United States in 1994, with                                                 encouraged to consider when
                                       Destiny Palmer,
Boston serving as one of nine          Artist                                   applying for the project:
host cities.
                                                                                Community - BCYF Vine Street has
Greater Boston Convention and          “Having Destiny’s artwork become          created a space where various
Visitors Bureau President and          a permanent fixture at BCYF Vine          communities can gather, play
CEO Martha J. Sheridan said,           Street is a great way to celebrate        and learn, and reflecting the
“Team Boston is committed to           the incredible talent and creativity      diversity of membership is a
delivering an unparalleled World       that exists within Boston,” said          primary goal for the artwork.
Cup experience for fans, athletes      Mayor Walsh. “I’m excited for the        Multi-generational use - The
and team officials. In a year          completed artwork, and I look             center has robust programming
when America will be celebrating       forward to seeing how visitors to the     for children and teens, but also
its 250th anniversary and the          center are influenced by the piece.”      has dedicated space for senior
Commonwealth’s pivotal role in         Destiny Palmer’s project at BCYF          activities and programs that
our country’s revolutionary story,     Vine Street is the second public art      attract all ages and abilities.
it is only fitting that we would       project at the center. This call was
                                                                                Health and wellness - As much
welcome the world to Boston as         for permanent, two-dimensional
                                                                                 of the programming for BCYF
host to the greatest global sports     artwork that will be located inside
                                                                                 focuses on active living for all
tournament.”                           the center. Casto Solano was
                                                                                 ages, artwork that reflects or
                                       selected to create a piece of public
                                                                                 engages the existing culture of
The Boston Consulting Group’s          art on the landscaped area in front
                                                                                 wellness and physical activity
research has estimated that            of the center. Both pieces are
                                                                                 would be appropriate for this
individual 2026 FIFA World Cup         expected to be installed in 2021.
host cities can expect to see
up to 450,000 visitors and a           In 2018, Mayor Walsh and members         While BCYF Vine Street has
potential net economic impact          of the community celebrated the          significantly reduced its
of up to $480 million. As a next       opening of the renovated BCYF            programming due to COVID-19, the
step in the selection process,         Vine Street Community Center in          center is open for pre-registered
FIFA will conduct site visits to all   Roxbury. The $5.3 million dollar         in-person and remote youth
candidate host cities and venues.      renovation was a part of the             programming. The site also serves as
The timeline for these visits are      Mayor’s $50 million FY19-FY23            a youth meal pick-up location. Learn
still unknown due to COVID-19          Capital Plan investment in BCYF          more about BCYF programming
travel impacts, but a decision on      facilities. Upgrades included            during COVID-19 here.
the final host city locations is       renovating and reconfiguring all
expected sometime in mid-2021.         interior spaces, adding a fitness
                                       center, expanding the teen center,
                                       improving access to the center,
                                       adding air conditioning to the gym,
                                       and much more.

                                       “I am always interested in creating
                                       art for and with communities,” said      Mural by Destiny Palmer created
                                       Destiny Palmer. “As an artist, being     for Gallivan Community Center and
                                       a conduit of ideas on behalf of a        supported by Lifewater in 2019.

                                                                                                Read the entire story here.

                                                         596 – Advertisements
Department contact information and addresses

DEPARTMENT                                 CENTER                                 TECHNOLOGY (DOIT)
Emme Handy, CFO, Collector –               26 Court Street, Boston, MA            David J. Elges, Chief
Treasurer                                  617-635-4200                           617-635-4783
                                           BUDGET MANAGEMENT                      ELECTION
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION                         Justin Sterritt, Budget Director       Eneida Tavares, Interim Commissioner
Vivian Leonard, Director                   617-635-3927                           617-635-4634
                                           BOSTON WATER AND SEWER                 ELDERLY COMMISSION
ARCHIVES & RECORD                          COMMISSION                             Emily Shea, Commissioner
MANAGEMENT                                 Henry Vitale, Executive Director/CFO   617-635-4375
John McColgan, City Archivist              980 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA
201 Rivermoor Street                       617-989-7000                           EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
West Roxbury, MA 02132                                                            Shumeane L. Benford, Director
617-635-1195                               BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT                   617-635-1400
                                           Natalia Urtubey
ART COMMISSION                             26 Court Street, Boston, MA            EMERGENCY SHELTER
Karin Goodfellow, Director                 617-635-0355                           COMMISSION
617-635-3245                                                                      James F. Greene, Director
                                           CABLE OFFICE                           617-635-4507
ARTS & CULTURE                             Michael Lynch, Director
Kara Elliott Ortega, Chief                 43 Hawkins Street, Boston, MA          EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
617-635-3914                               617-635-3112                           (EAP)
                                                                                  Wendolyn M. Castillo-Cook, Director
ASSESSING                                  CAPITAL PLANNING                       26 Court Street Boston, MA
Nicholas Ariniello, Interim Commissioner   John Hanlon, Deputy Director           617-635-2200
617-635-4264                               617-635-3490
                                                                                  ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & OPEN
AUDITING                                   CITY CLERK                             SPACES
Maureen Joyce, City Auditor                Maureen Feeney, City Clerk             Christopher Cook, Chief
617-635-4671                               617-635-4600                           617-635-3425

BOSTON 311                                 CITY COUNCIL STAFF                     FAIR HOUSING COMMISSION
Rocco Corigliano, Director                 Yuleidy Valdez, Staff Director         Director
617-635-4500 or 311                        617-635-3040                           617-635-4408
                                           CODE ENFORCEMENT POLICE                FINANCE COMMISSION
BOSTON CENTERS FOR YOUTH                   Steve Tankle, Director                 Matt Cahill, Executive Director
& FAMILIES                                 400 Frontage Rd, Boston                43 Hawkins Street, Boston, MA
William Morales, Commissioner              617-635-4896                           617-635-2202
1483 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
617-635-4920                               COMMISSION FOR PERSONS                 FIRE DEPARTMENT
                                           WITH DISABILITIES                      John Dempsey, Fire Commissioner
BOSTON EMS                                 Kristen McCosh, Director               115 Southampton Street
James Hooley, Chief of Department          617-635-3682                           617-343-3610
785 Albany Street, Boston
617-343-2367                               CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND                   HEALTH BENEFITS & INSURANCE
                                           LICENSING — BOARD                      Marianna Gil, Director
BOSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY                   Kathleen Joyce                         617-635-4570
Kate Bennett                               Executive Director
52 Chauncy Street, Boston                  617-635-4165                           HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES
617-988-4000                                                                      Marty Martinez, Chief
                                           COPY CENTER                            617-635-1413
BOSTON PLANNING &                          Frank Duggan
DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AKA                     Administrative Assistant               HUMAN RESOURCES
(BPDA)                                     617-635-4326                           Vivian Leonard, Director
Brian Golden, Director                                                            617-635-4698

                                                                597 – Directory
Director                               Sheila Dillon, Chief                    Timothy Smyth, Esquire,
617-635-4408                           26 Court Street, Boston                 Executive Officer
                                       617-635-3880                            617-635-4305
Yusufi Vali, Director                  OFFICE OF ECONOMIC                      STREETS, SANITATION &
617-635-2980                           DEVELOPMENT, SLBE/BRJP                  TRANSPORTATION
                                       John Barros, Chief                      Chris Osgood, Chief
INFORMATION                            617-635-4084                            617-635-2854
Central Operators
617-635-4000                           PARKS AND RECREATION                    TOURISM, SPORTS &
                                       Ryan Woods, Commissioner                ENTERTAINMENT
INSPECTIONAL SERVICES                  1010 Massachusetts Avenue               Kate Davis, Director
Dion Irish, Commissioner               617-635-4989                            617-635-3911
1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston
617-635-5300                           POLICE DEPARTMENT                       TRANSPORTATION
                                       William Gross, Commissioner             Gregory Rooney, Interim Commissioner
INTERGOVERNMENTAL                      617-343-4500                            617-635-4680
Heather Gasper, Interim Director       PROPERTY MANAGEMENT                     TREASURY
617-635-3707                           DEPARTMENT                              Drew Smith, Senior Deputy Treasurer
City Council; Neil Doherty             Indira Alvarez, Interim Commissioner    617-635-4140
617-635-4493                           617-635-4100                            Richard DePiano,
Yissel Guerrero                                                                Assistant Coll/Treasurer
617-635-4616                           PUBLIC FACILITIES                       617-635-4140
Alyssa Ring                            Patricia Lyons
617-635-1994                           Director of Public Facilities           VETERANS’ SERVICES
                                       617-635-4814                            Robert Santiago, Commissioner
LABOR RELATIONS                                                                43 Hawkins Street, Boston
                                       PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSION                617-635-3037
Annmarie Noonan, Director
617-635-4525                           Monica Valdes-Lupi, JD, MPH,
                                       1010 Massachusetts Ave                  ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL (ZBA)
LAW DEPARTMENT                         617-534-5395                            Kevin O’Connor, Executive Secretary
Eugene L. O’Flaherty,                                                          1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston
                                       PUBLIC SCHOOLS                          617-635-4775
Corporation Counsel
617-635-4099                           Brenda Cassellius, Superintendent
Tax Title Division                                                             MAYOR’S OFFICE
Kevin Foley Director                   PUBLIC WORKS                            Kathryn Burton, Chief of Staff
617-635-4034                           Chris Osgood, Chief                     617-635-1905
Claims & Affirmative Recovery          617-635-4900                            Patrick I. Brophy, Chief of Operations
Division- Dawn Beauchesne, Sr.                                                 617-635-4624
Assistant Corporation Counsel,         PROCUREMENT
                                                                               Danielson Tavares, Chief Diversity Officer
617-635-4034                           Kevin P. Coyne, Purchasing Agent
LIBRARY                                                                        Jerome Smith, Chief, Civic Engagement;
                                       Gerard Bonaceto,
                                                                               Neighborhood Services
David Leonard, President               Assistant Purchasing Agent
700 Boylston Street, Boston            617-635-3937
617-536-5400                                                                   Joyce Linehan, Chief of Policy & Planning
                                       Diana Laird
                                       City Record Administrator
MAIL ROOM                              & Graphic Designer                      Samantha Ormsby, Press Secretary
Paul McDonough                         617-635-4551                            617-635-4461
Administrative Asstistant                                                      Laura Oggeri
617-635-4699                           REGISTRY                                Chief Communications Officer
                                       Patricia A. McMahon, City Registrar     617-635-4461
WOMEN’S ADVANCEMENT                    617-635-4175                            Chief of Education
Tania DelRio, Executive Director                                               617-635-3297
617-635-3138                           RESILIENCE AND RACIAL EQUITY            Dr. Karilyn Crockett
                                       Lori Nelson, Chief Resilience Officer   Chief of Equity
MUNICIPAL PROTECTIVE SERVICES          617-635-0739                            617-635-4500
William Joyce , Director of Security

                                                             598 – Directory
Procurement, Room 808 ONE CITY HALL SQUARE | BOSTON, MA 02201

                                                                 U.S. Postage
                                                                 Boston, MA

City Record
The City Record is the Official Chronicle of the
City of Boston. This weekly periodical publishes the
municipal news, notices and all advertisements for the
procurement of goods, materials, and services for the
City of Boston that are estimated to equal or exceed $50,000.

Any vendor interested in supplying goods, materials or
services to the City of Boston would benefit by gaining access
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