FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021

Page created by Janice Reid
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
            Spring Term 2
Monday 22nd – Friday 26th February 2021
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Timetable WB 22.02.21
 Monday           Tuesday         Wednesday          Thursday             Friday

   Maths            Maths             Maths             Maths              Maths

Activity Time    Activity Time     Activity Time     Activity Time      Activity Time

Miss Newton      Miss Newton       Miss Newton       Miss Newton        Miss Newton
  Phonics          Phonics           Phonics           Phonics            Phonics

                                   Activity Time:    Activity Time:     Activity Time:
Activity Time    Activity Time
                                  Rainbow Letters   Rainbow Letters    Rainbow Letters

    Break            Break             Break             Break             Break

  Bug Club         Bug Club          Bug Club          Bug Club           Bug Club

Activity Time    Activity Time     Activity Time     Activity Time      Activity Time

   Lunch            Lunch             Lunch             Lunch              Lunch

    Topic            Topic             Topic             Topic              Topic

Activity Time:   Activity Time:    Activity Time:    Activity Time:
                                                                        Golden Time
Outdoor Play     Outdoor Play      Outdoor Play      Outdoor Play

                                                                      Zoom: Celebration
 Story Time       Story Time        Story Time        Story Time
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Monday 22nd February 2021                               Phonics – Miss Newton Zoom 10am

                   22.02.21             I would love to see your work!
                                       Why not take a photo and send it      For our first Phonics session back after half
                                                    to me?
                                          term we will be doing a general recap of our
                                                 Miss Newton
                                                                                         Phonics progress so far.

Maths – Comparing Length – Longer and Shorter                                 The purpose of this session is to ease the               children gently back into their learning.
Use playdough to make snakes of different lengths. You can line them up

           or use household objects to compare the lengths.                Lent
                                                                           Over half term we celebrated Pancake day, also

                                                                           known as Shrove Tuesday. The following day (Ash

                                                                           Wednesday) marks the beginning of Lent.

                                                                           I have attached a PDF to introduce Lent. Please

                                                                           take the time to talk through with this your child.

                                                                           Optional Activity: Rather than give something up for Lent, encourage       Please read
    Can you arrange your snakes in order from shortest to longest?                                                                                    a book on
                                                                           your child to be kind with the 40 acts of kindness listed on the
 Encourage your child to use mathematical language relating to length as                                                                               Bug Club
they play. Ask: Can you make a long snake? A short snake? A thick snake?   following slide. Challenge your child (or the whole family) to carry out
A thin snake? Show me the longest snake you can make. How many blocks                                                                                   today.
                           long is your snake?                             these acts (or adapt them to better suit your family).
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Tuesday 23rd February 2021                                    Phonics – Miss Newton Zoom 10am
                                          I would love to see your work!     In our Phonics session today, we will be looking at our tricky words. We will be
              23.02.21                   Why not take a photo and send it
                                                      to me?                     focusing on reading and spelling the tricky words we have learnt so far.
                                                   Miss Newton

Maths – Comparing Length

   Provide a variety of ribbon, lace, or string. Ask the children to cut

 pieces and make direct comparisons with a given length (e.g. a piece of
                                                                            PE - Super Mood Movers - Fit and Well
 ribbon taped to the table). Can they sort the lengths into the same as,
                                                                            After viewing, singing and dancing along, you could try one of the fun
 longer than and shorter than the given length? They could also line the
                                                                                                   active activities below:
              lengths up in order from longest to shortest.
                                                                             Active fun: Ask your child - 'Can you think of any games that need

                                                                            you to move about and be very active?’ You could name, describe and

                                                                              play some games, for instance: keep a balloon in the air, hide and

                                                                                   seek, hop-scotch, What's the time Mr Wolf? and tag.               Please read a
                                                                                                                                                     book on Bug
   If you don’t have any ribbon, lace or string you could use coloured                                                                                Club today.
                              paper or card.
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Wednesday 24th February 2021                               Phonics – Miss Newton Zoom 10am

                                          I would love to see your work!
                 24.02.21                Why not take a photo and send it
                                                      to me?
                                                                            Please can the children practise writing their tricky words.

                                                   Miss Newton              Today, I would like the children to learn the new phoneme
                                                                                  ‘er’ and how to read and write it. (Slides 9 & 10)

Maths – Measure of Success – Education City
                                                                             Please complete the rainbow letter and ‘homework’ sheet.

  Play the Measure of Success Game on Education City. Whilst this is                                   Thank you.

designed for KS1 it is a fantastic resource to reinforce measuring using
                                                                            Healthy Eating
                 non-standard units such as paperclips.
                                                                            Today we will be learning about how to eat a healthy, balanced diet. In
Once you have completed our game, find and measure different objects
                                                                             this lesson with Miss Hughes, we learn all about what makes a healthy
around your home using cubes and paperclips. Record your measurements
                                                                            diet. We will also learn about the importance of different food groups,
                   in the table on the following slide.
                                                                             and end the lesson by designing a plate of healthy food. Click the link
Please do not worry if you do not have cubes or paperclips! You could use
                                                                                                      below to get started!

          another non-standard measurement, such as buttons.                                                                                           Please read
                                                                                                                                                       a book on
                                                                                                                                                        Bug Club
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Object   Measurement in Cubes   Measurement in Paperclips
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Wednesday 24th February 2021


Whoosh and around, whoosh up,
     down, up, and flick               Rainbow Letter – 5 Coloured Pencils
FOUNDATION Spring Term 2 Monday 22nd - Friday 26th February 2021
Wednesday 24th February 2021


                                Can you practise writing the grapheme on your own?

  Whoosh and around,
whoosh up, down, up, and

                                       Please use a writing pencil for this sheet and try to encourage the children to work independently.
Thursday 25th February 2021                               Phonics – Miss Newton Zoom 10am

                                          I would love to see your work!
                  25.02.2021             Why not take a photo and send it     Please can the children practise writing their name.
                                                      to me?
                                                   Miss Newton                  Today, I would like the children to learn the new
                                                                            phoneme ‘ow’ and how to read and write it. (Slides 17 &
Maths – Days of the Week                                                                                 18).
                                                                               Please complete the rainbow letter and ‘homework’
    Using the theme tune from the                                                                sheet. Thank you.
  Addams Family, have a go at singing
                                                                            Understanding the World – Sink or Float
  the days of the week song. You can

  use the instrumental version linked                                        The children are going to find out which

   below. Don’t forget your claps or                                        objects can float or sink. You can choose
                clicks!                                                     your own objects or use those suggested                    read a
  I have included a song sheet on the                                                                                                 book on
                                                                             on the worksheet. I wonder if you will
                                                                                                                                      Bug Club
  following slide. I would love to see                                       discover some surprises along the way?                    today.

        your fantastic singing!                                               Please follow the instructions on the                                              slides 13 – 15 to guide you through the
                                                                                         experiment. J
Days of the week, (snap, snap)
    Days of the week, (snap, snap)
  Days of the week, days of the week
    Days of the week, (snap, snap)
  There’s Monday and there’s Tuesday
There’s Wednesday and there’s Thursday
  There’s Friday and there’s Saturday
        And then there’s Sunday
    Days of the week, (snap, snap)
    Days of the week, (snap, snap)
  Days of the week, days of the week
    Days of the week, (snap, snap)
Science - Floating or Sinking

The children are going to find out which objects can float or sink.
You can choose your own objects or use those suggested on the
worksheet. I wonder if you will discover some surprises along the

Please follow the instructions on the slides below to guide you
through the experiment.

                                                Discussion points:
                                                What can you tell me about this object?
                                                Do you think this will sink or float?
                                                Can you predict what will happen?
                                                What can you see?
                                                What has happened?
                                                Which is the heaviest/ lightest?
Floating and Sinking Experiment

1.   First begin by showing your child the floating and sinking pictures below. Ask them if they can tell you about the
     different objects. Encourage your child to talk about the position of the different objects in the water and the
     reasons behind this.

2. Use this to assess their existing knowledge of floating and sinking.

3. Explain that the heavy objects have sunk to the bottom of the sea and the lighter objects have floated on top of the
   sea. Ensure that your child understand the words float and sink.

                                                                                                    Talk about the
                                                                                                    differences between
                                                                                                    these two pictures.
4. Explain that you are going to find lots of objects, to test if they float or sink.

5. Give your child the opportunity to explore the objects, allowing them to pick up
   and compare their different weights.

6. Look at the recording sheet together and explain how it will be used. You could
   find some unusual objects to test. Draw and write their name label (phonetically,
   if possible) in the boxes provided.

7. Select the first object from the collection and ask your child to think about what
   will happen when it is placed in the water. Ask the reasons behind their

8. Ask your child to put the object in the water and ask what they can see.
   Encourage your child to use the vocabulary float and sink.

9. Ask why they think the object has floated/sunk? Did it support their

10. Support your child with recording the result on their sheet.

11. When all of the objects have been tested ask your child to look at their sheet
    and tell you some of the objects that floated or sunk. Did any surprise them?
Place a tick in
one of the boxes
as you test the

  You could try
  with fruit!
Thursday 25th February 2021


Whoosh, all the way around,
flick, down, up, down, up and
            flick.                       Rainbow Letter – 5 Coloured Pencils
Thursday 25th February 2021


                                   Can you practise writing the grapheme on your own?

 Whoosh, all the way
around, flick, down, up,
  down, up and flick.

                                        Please use a writing pencil for this sheet and try to encourage the children to work independently.
Friday 26th February 2021                                    Phonics – Miss Newton Zoom 10am

                                         I would love to see your work!           Please can the children practise writing their name.
                 26.02.21               Why not take a photo and send it
                                                     to me?
                                                                              Today, I would like the children to learn the new phoneme
                                                  Miss Newton                      ‘oi’ and how to read and write it. (Slides 22 & 23).

                                                                               Please complete the rainbow letter and ‘homework’ sheet.
Maths – Measuring Time
                                                                                                         Thank you.

Challenge your child to see how many tasks they can complete in one minute.
                                                                              Music – “Our World” Charanga (YUMU)
For example, how many times can they write their name in one minute. How
                                                                               Listen to the Song Lovely Day by Bill Withers.
high can they count in one minute? How many star jumps can they do in one
                                                                              Ask the children how the song makes them feel.
  minute? Please see the challenge cards on the following slides (20-21).
                                                                              Using the Games Track Listen to Old Macdonald
                                                                                had a Farm to find the “Pulse” of the song.
                                                                                                                                           read a
                                                                               Encourage your child to find different ways to             book on
                                                                                                                                          Bug Club
                                                                               follow the Pulse. They could clap, click or tap.            today.
                                                                               Finally, using the “Learn to Sing” option, learn

                                                                                   verses one and two of Old Macdonald.

                                                                               Celebration Assembly on ZOOM – 2.15pm
Friday 26th February 2021


Whoosh, all the way around, and flick
 down, flick and a dot (not a spot!)    Rainbow Letter – 5 Coloured Pencils
Friday 26th February 2021


                                         Can you practise writing the grapheme on your own?

    Whoosh, all the way
   around, and flick down,
flick and a dot (not a spot!)

                                              Please use a writing pencil for this sheet and try to encourage the children to work independently.
You can also read