FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers

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FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers

FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers
Table of Contents

MEDIEVAL & EARLY MODERN STUDIES                                                                          2

RELIGION & CHURCH HISTORY                                                                                7

ART HISTORY                                                                                              9

PHILOSOPHY & HISTORY OF SCIENCE                                                                         14

CLASSICS, NEAR EASTERN & ORIENTAL STUDIES                                                               16

CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM                                                                                    22

MUSIC HISTORY                                                                                           23

SELECTED AWARD-WINNING BOOKS                                                                            26

ORDER FORM                                                                                              28

Scope of this catalogue
December 1st 2019 – February 29th 2020
As a rule, publications already mentioned in previous Forthcoming Titles Catalogues are not repeated.


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FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers
FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                          Inwardness, Individualization,                                  Episcopal Power and
                                                                          and Religious Agency in the                                     Personality in Medieval Europe,
The Pre-Christian Religions                                               Late Medieval Low Countries                                     900-1480
of the North                                                              Studies in The ‘Devotio Moderna’                                Peter Coss, Chris Dennis, Melissa Julian-Jones,
                                                                                                                                          Angelo Silvestri (eds)
                                                                          and its Contexts
History and Structures                                                    Rijcklof H. F. Hofman, Johan Oosterman,                         The essays collected in this volume explore
Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow,                                          Peter J.A. Nissen, Mathilde van Dijk,                           the power of the medieval bishop through the
Anders Andrén (eds)                                                       Charles M. A. Caspers (eds)                                     neglected and problematic lens of personality,
                                                                                                                                          tackling the construction and presentation of
The product of an international interdisciplinary                         By addressing the Devotio Moderna and its con-                  medieval personalities by historians and me-
team, the History and Structures strand of the                            texts — the emergence of inwardness, individu-                  dieval writers in an interdisciplinary manner.
Pre-Christian Religion of the North series aims to                        alization, and religious agency in the late medieval
approach the subject by giving equal weight to                            Low Countries and surrounding areas — the es-                   The question of personality is a problematic one, be-
archaeological and textual sources, taking into                           says in this volume help to enhance and expand                  set by complications of cultural distance, the layers
consideration recent theories on religion within                          our knowledge of devotion in the late Middle Ages,              of the past, and the limitations of the source mate-
all the disciplines that are needed in order to                           both in lay circles and in religious communities, and           rial. Recognising these difficulties, this volume draws
gain a comprehensive view of the religious histo-                         they show the distinct contribution of the Low                  together character sketches based upon historical
ry and world view of pre-Christian Scandinavia                            Countries to the European phenomenon of more                    narratives and a range of sources, including archi-
from the perspective of the beginning of the                              personalized forms of devotion.                                 tecture, liturgical manuscripts, chronicles, and hagi-
twenty-first century.                                                                                                                      ographical material, to show a multifaceted range of
                                                                                                                                          means by which historians can construct, reconstruct,
                                                                          Rijcklof Hofman is editor of the Gerardi Magni                  and deconstruct episcopal power through the per-
Volume I presents the basic premises of the                               Opera Omnia at the Titus Brandsma Instituut, Radboud            son of the bishop. Building on a previous volume of
study and a consideration of the sources: mem-                            University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands). He has edited           essays, Episcopal Power and Local Society in Medieval
ory and oral tradition, written sources, religious                        this collection in collaboration with Charles Caspers,          Europe, 900-1400, which examined the construction,
vocabulary, place names and personal names,                               Peter Nissen (Radboud University, Nijmegen), Johan              augmentation, and expression of episcopal power in
archaeology, and images.                                                  Oosterman (Radboud University, Nijmegen) and                    local society, this second volume seeks to uncover
                                                                          Mathilde van Dijk (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen).                the impact of the personalities behind that power.
Volume II treats the social, geographical, and
historical contexts in which the religion was                                                                                             Through essays dealing with the construction of
practiced and through which it can be under-                                                                                              cultural and political personalities, the shadows they
                                                                          Table of Contents
stood. This volume also includes communication                            Preface                                                         cast, and the contexts that forged them, this volume
between worlds, primarily through various ritual                          Rijcklof Hofman, Inwardness and Individualization in the Late   brings to life the careers of bishops across medie-
structures.                                                               Medieval Low Countries: An Introduction                         val Europe from c. 900 to c. 1480. This geographical
                                                                          Rob Faesen, Individualization and Personalization in Late       range and broad time span throws up the similarity in
Volume III explores conceptual frameworks:                                Medieval Thought                                                applications and benefits of interdisciplinarity which
the cosmos and collective supernatural beings                             Rijcklof Hofman, Geert Grotes Choice of a Religious Lifestyle   can be applied to ecclesiastical history, and presents
(notions regarding the cosmos and regarding                               Without Vows
                                                                                                                                          a fascinating range of case studies for consideration.
such collective supernatural beings as the norns,                         Margarita Logutova, Ama nesciri: Thomas a Kempiss
valkyries, giants, and dwarfs) and also gods and                          Autobiography Reconstructed from his Works
goddesses (including Þórr, Óðinn, Freyr, Freyja,                          Nigel F. Palmer, Antiseusiana: Vita Christi and Passion         Table of Contents:
                                                                          Meditation before the Devotio Moderna
and many others).
                                                                          Koen Goudriaan, Modern Devotion and Arrangements for
Volume IV describes the process of                                        Commemoration: Some Observations
Christianization in the Nordic region and also                            Anne Bollmann, Close Enough to Touch: Tension between Inner
includes a bibliography and indices for the entire                        Devotion and Communal Piety in the Convents of Sisters of the
four-volume work.                                                         Devotio Moderna
                                                                          Thom Mertens & Dieuwke Van Der Poel, Individuality and
                                                                          Scripted Role in Devout Song and Prayer
Table of Contents:                                        Anna Dlabacová, Illustrated Incunabula as Material Objects:
                                                                          The Case of the Devout Hours on the Life and Passion of
                                                                          Jesus Christ

4 vols, approx. 2150 p., 245 b/w ills, 2 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-57489-9                                                    approx. 250 p., 9 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,    approx. 300 p., 1 b/w ill., 5 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
Hardback: € 450                                                           ISBN 978-2-503-58539-0                                          ISBN 978-2-503-58500-0
Series: The Pre-Christian Religions of the North                          Hardback: € 75                                                  Hardback: € 80
PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                                  Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 43                        Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 42
                                                                          PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                        PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20

FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers

                                                     El lenguaje del arte                                                Figures littéraires grecques
Settlements and Strongholds                          Evolución de la terminología específica                              en France et en Italie aux XIVe
in Early Medieval England
                                                     de manuscritos y textos                                             et XVe siècles
                                                     Ana Gómez Rabal, Jacqueline Hamesse,                                Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (éd.)
Texts, Landscapes, and Material                      Marta Pavón Ramírez (eds)
Culture                                                                                                                  Aux XIVe et XVe siècles, la Grèce suscite en Italie
Michael Bintley                                      El análisis de la evolución de la terminología técnica
                                                                                                                         et en France un engouement nouveau, dans une
                                                     utilizada en la descripción científica de textos y ma-
                                                                                                                         tension entre admiration et méfiance face à l’alté-
The first interdisciplinary study of Anglo-           nuscritos desde la Edad Media hasta nuestros días
                                                                                                                         rité mal connue et mal perçue tant de son univers
Saxon settlements through their represen-            es el argumento que los responsables de este vo-
                                                                                                                         ancien que de son devenir byzantin. Se multiplient
tation in literary and material culture.             lumen pretenden poner al alcance del lector como
                                                                                                                         les œuvres en latin, en français et en italien qui
                                                     tema de discusión y de reflexión. La particularidad
                                                                                                                         évoquent le passé de la Grèce ancienne. Les hé-
In recent years numerous advances in archaeo-        del libro manuscrito reside en constituir un unicum
                                                                                                                         ros et les héroïnes de la Grèce ancienne entrent
logical and historical studies have enhanced our     donde los elementos materiales, estructurales y de
                                                                                                                         dans des univers scripturaires nombreux qui ma-
understanding of the form and function of set-       contenido (texto e imagen) se relacionan necesa-
                                                                                                                         nifestent des exploitations littéraires et esthétiques,
tlements and strongholds in the landscapes of        riamente entre sí. Asimismo, los usos lingüísticos de
                                                                                                                         mais aussi politiques, religieuses et éthiques très
early medieval England. Until now, this ground-      los coetáneos de los manuscritos medievales para
                                                                                                                         diverses. Ces appropriations ne cessent de s’élar-
breaking work has not been matched in studies        denominar su propia realidad libresca y textual se
                                                                                                                         gir à des formes d’écriture nouvelles jusqu’à la fin
of early English literature, where no concerted      erigen en un objeto de estudio que ahonda en la
                                                                                                                         du XVe siècle, entre réinterprétation, instrumenta-
effort has been made to investigate how these        consideración del manuscrito y del texto, de su for-
                                                                                                                         lisation, recréation poétique ou fidélité aux textes
findings can inform our understanding of their        ma y de su contenido, como entidades indisociables.
                                                                                                                         peu à peu redécouverts. Le présent ouvrage étu-
representation in texts – and vice versa.            Es recomendable, por lo tanto, un acercamiento
                                                                                                                         die la présence et l’exploitation des figures de la
This study shows that literary works offer con-      multidisciplinar al libro manuscrito, un acercamiento
                                                                                                                         Grèce ancienne en France et en Italie aux XIVe et
siderable insight into the ways their authors,       que exige la colaboración de especialistas de disci-
                                                                                                                         XVe siècles, et les nouvelles formes d’ « actualité »
readers, and other audiences thought and felt        plinas diversas, cada una de ellas con una terminolo-
                                                                                                                         qu’elles prennent dans les textes, avec l’évolution du
about the constructed places and spaces in           gía técnica propia. Con esa perspectiva, los trabajos
                                                                                                                         regard et de l’interprétation des auteurs, avec aussi
which they lived their lives. Covering a broad       presentados en estas páginas servirán como des-
                                                                                                                         les décalages qui existent entre l’Italie et la France.
range of evidence from the end of Roman rule         cripción del estado de la cuestión y, a la vez, como
to the Conquest, it is the first study of its kind    punto de partida útil para que paleógrafos, codicólo-
to offer an interdisciplinary account of the re-     gos, historiadores del arte o filólogos comparen sus                 Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas est professeur de
lationship between the built environment as it       respectivos modos de abordar el análisis del libro                  langue et de littérature médiévales françaises à l’Uni-
appears in the material record, and in a range of    manuscrito y de sus textos, enriqueciéndose unos                    versité de Lille et membre senior de l’Institut univer-
textual productions.                                 a otros mediante sus conocimientos propios y par-                   sitaire de France. Elle est l’auteur de nombreuses
Settlements and Strongholds interrogates cor-        ticulares sobre la cuestión, todo ello con el fin de                 études sur la réception de l’Antiquité et de la figure
relations and disjunctions between the stories       favorecer la utilización de un vocabulario adecuado y,              d’Alexandre le Grand au Moyen Age.
found in the soil and in written works of var-       si se considera posible y conveniente, común.
ious kinds, focusing on vernacular texts and         Table of Contents                                                   Table des matières:
Latin works that informed their development.         Ana Gómez Rabal, Jacqueline Hamesse & Marta Pavón
It argues for a deeper appreciation of the re-       Ramírez, Usos y utilidades en la terminología sobre los ma-
lationship between imaginative works and the         nuscritos y sus textos: razones para una discusión reflexiva /
material contexts in which they were created,        Mercè Puig Rodríguez-Escalona, El laberinto de los libros y
revealing the parallel development of ideas and      sus nombres. Procedimientos denominativos en la Alta Edad
                                                     Media / Pere J. Quetglas Nicolau, Para problemas, los colo-
concepts that were fundamental in shaping early
                                                     res. Variación e innovación en la terminología cromática de la
medieval England.                                    latinidad altomedieval hispánica / Elena E. Rodríguez Díaz,
                                                     Reflexiones sobre terminología codicológica en España / Joanna
Michael Bintley is Senior Lecturer in Medieval       Ewa Fronska, Between Medieval and Modern Use of Terms,
Literature at Canterbury Christ Church University.   Patricia Stirnemann’s Vocabulary and the Technical Terminology
                                                     Relating to Illuminated Manuscripts in France / Christine
Table of Contents:                   Jakobi-Mirwald, Flourish and Blotts or How We Name Salient
                                                     Ornament Features in Manuscripts / Marina Bernasconi
                                                     Reusser, Le biblioteche digitali influenzeranno il modo di descri-
                                                     vere i manoscritti miniati? L’esperienza di e-codices
approx. 275 p., 13 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58384-6                               approx. 300 p., 24 col. ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2020,            approx. 326 p., 26 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
Hardback: € 80                                       ISBN 978-2-503-58791-2                                              ISBN 978-2-503-58223-8
Series: Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 45    Paperback: approx. € 50                                             Hardback: approx. € 95
PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20             Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 94                      Série: Recherches sur les Réceptions de l’Antiquité, vol. 2
                                                     PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                            PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR L’HIVER 2019-20

FORTHCOMING TITLES WINTER 2019-20 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                                  THE NORTH ATLANTIC

                                                                NEW BOOK SERIES
                                                                                  Land and Sea as Cultural
                                                                                  Space, AD 400–1900
                                                                                  Series editor: Alexandra Sanmark

                                                                                  What is North?
                                                                                  Imagining the North from
                                                                                  Ancient Times to the Present Day
                                                                                  Oisín Plumb, Alexandra Sanmark,
                                                                                  Donna Heddle (eds)
                                                                                                                                      The Chronicles of Medieval
                                                                                             This book charts at-
Saint-Dizier « la Tuilerie »                                                                 titudes to the North                     Wales and the March
Haute-Marne                                                                                  in the North Atlantic                    New Contexts, Studies, and Texts
                                                                                             World from the time                      Ben Guy, Owain Wyn Jones, Georgia Henley,
Trois sépultures d’élite du VIe siècle                                                       of the earliest extant                   Rebecca Thomas (eds)
Marie-Cécile Truc                                                                            sources until the pres-
                                                                                             ent day. The varied                      The chronicles of medieval Wales are a rich body
                                                                                             papers within consid-                    of source material offering an array of perspectives
En 2002, des fouilles menées par l’Inrap à Sant-
                                                                                             er a number of key                       on historical developments in Wales and beyond.
Dizier ont permis la découverte de trois tombes
                                                                                             questions which have                     Preserving unique records of events from the fifth
d’une richesse exceptionnelle – une femme, deux
                                                                                             arisen repeatedly over                   to the fifteenth centuries, these chronicles form the
hommes et un cheval – datées du deuxième quart
                                                                                             the centuries: ‘where is                 essential narrative backbone of all modern accounts
du VIe siècle. Ces tombes présentent des carac-
                                                                    the North located?’, ‘what are its characteristics?’,             of medieval Welsh history. Most celebrated of all are
téristiques qui tranchent avec les rites funéraires
                                                                    and ‘who, or what lives there?’. They do so from                  the chronicles belonging to the Annales Cambriae
habituellement observés dans la région : chambres
                                                                    many angles, considering numerous locations and                   and Brut y Tywysogyon families, which document the
de type Morken, inhumation de cheval, épées à
                                                                    an immense span of time. All are united by their                  tumultuous struggles between the Welsh princes
anneaux, etc. Ces éléments incitent à rattacher les
                                                                    engagement with the North Atlantic World’s rela-                  and their Norman and English neighbours for con-
tombes de Saint-Dizier au faciès archéologique des
                                                                    tionship with the North.                                          trol over Wales. Building on foundational studies of
tombes dites « de chefs francs » du début du VIe
                                                                                                                                      these chronicles by J. E. Lloyd,Thomas Jones, Kathleen
siècle, interprétées comme des témoins archéo-                      Table of Contents                                                 Hughes, and others, this book seeks to enhance un-
logiques de l’expansion franque. Les inhumés de                     Oisín Plumb, Alexandra Sanmark & Donna Heddle,                    derstanding of the texts by refining and complicating
Saint-Dizier sont-ils des Francs émigrés ou bien                    Introduction / Donna Heddle, Upon the Utmost Corners              the ways in which they should be read as deliberate
des Gallo-Romains de souche s’étant élevés dans                     of the Warld: Orkney in Early Maps and Literature / Oisín
                                                                                                                                      literary and historical productions. The studies in this
la hiérarchie guerrière et assimilés aux coutumes                   Plumb, ‘Beyond the Range of Human Exploration’: Cormac
                                                                    and the ‘North’ in the Seventh Century / Marged Haycock,          volume make significant advances in this direction
franques ? La question ne se pose pas forcément en
                                                                    The Old North in Medieval Wales / John Moffatt, The Future        through fresh analyses of well-known texts, as well as
termes ethniques mais plutôt en termes d’identité
                                                                    is East: Ideological Mapping in the Vínland Sagas / Eduardo       through full studies, editions, and translations of five
sociale et politique. Le faste et le rituel de ces inhu-            Ramos, Moulding One Another: Grettir and the Landscape            chronicles that had hitherto escaped notice.
mations re ètent une culture matérielle particulière                / Vittorio Mattioli, The Worlds in Grímnismál: Norse and
et révèlent la volonté de mettre en valeur l’apparte-               Medieval Christian Understandings of Space / Agneta               Ben Guy is a research associate in the Department
nance de ces défunts à une élite sociale qui suit une               Ney, The Literary Landscape of Old Norse Poetry / Ellen           of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of
mode bien précise dans la mort.                                     Alm & Rune Blix Hagen, Sámi Magic and Rituals from                Cambridge. Owain Wyn Jones is a lecturer in history
                                                                    Historia Norwegie to Johannes Schefferus, c. 1150-1680            in the Department of History and Archaeology, Bangor
                                                                    / Karin Murray-Bergquist, On Solid Ground: Learning from          University. Georgia Henley is a doctoral candidate in
                                                                    the Lore of Imagined Lands / Ragnhild Ljosland, Maeshowe,         the Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures,
                                                                    Orkahaugr - The Names of Orkney’s Great Burial Mound
                                                                    as Nodes in a Heteroglossic Web of Meaning-making
                                                                                                                                      Harvard University. Rebecca Thomas is a doctoral
                                                                    / Jay Johnston, Rites, Runes and Maeshowe: Northern               candidate in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse
                                                                    Landscapes and Lived Belief / Jochen Petzold, Ballantyne          and Celtic, University of Cambridge.
                                                                    ‘On the Rocks’: The Arctic as Adventure-Arena / Sumarliði         Table of Contents
                                                                    R. Ísleifsson, Self-Images of Icelanders and their Attitude to-   Preface / Huw Pryce, Chronicling and its Contexts in Medieval
                                                                    wards Greenland in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries         Wales / Björn Weiler, Historical Writing in Europe, c. 1100–
                                                                    / Henning Howlid Wærp, Literary Encounters with the               1300 / Ben Guy, Historical Scholars and Dishonest Charlatans:
                                                                    Arctic Landscape - Among Nordic Explorers and Trappers            Studying the Chronicles of Medieval Wales / Henry Gough-
                                                                    / Lynn Powell, Jessie Saxby and Viking Boys - Concepts of         Cooper, Meet the Ancestors? Evidence for Antecedent Texts in
                                                                    the North in Boys’ Own Fiction / Claire Smerdon, ‘Neath           the Late Thirteenth-Century Welsh Latin Chronicles / Barry J.
                                                                    the Midnight Sun’: Imagining the Canadian North Through           Lewis, Bonedd y Saint, Brenhinedd y Saesson, and Historical
                                                                    School Readers / Anna Heida Pálsdottir, The Image of              Scholarship at Valle Crucis Abbey / David Stephenson, The
                                                                    the North as the Home of Evil in English Children’s Books         Continuation of Brut y Tywysogyon in NLW, Peniarth MS
                                                                    / Jim Clarke, Northernity: Inventing the North in Fantasy         20 Re-visited / Owain Wyn Jones, O Oes Gwrtheyrn:
                                                                    Literature / John W. Dyce, Narrating Norden: Legacies,            A Medieval Welsh Chronicle / Georgia Henley, The Cardiff
                                                                    Links and Landscape and their Symbolic Significance for            Chronicle in London, British Library, MS Royal 6 B XI / Joshua
                                                                    Nordic Identity and Community Read through Nordic Noir            Byron Smith, The Chronicle of Gregory of Caerwent / Rebecca
                                                                    Crime Fiction / Ingibjörg Ágústsdóttir, Reinventing Agnes:        Try, A Forgotten Welsh Chronology in Aberystwyth, National
                                                                    The Role of Icelandic Landscape, Nature and Seasons in            Library of Wales, MSS 5267B, Peniarth 50, and the Red Book
                                                                    Hannah Kent’s Speculative Biography Burial Rites                  of Hergest / Ben Guy, Brut Ieuan Brechfa: A Welsh Poet Writes
                                                                                                                                      the Early Middle Ages / Appendix: List of the Chronicles of
                                                                                                                                      Medieval Wales and the March
                                                                    approx. 400 p., 16 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
297 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2019,                                         ISBN 978-2-503-58502-4                                            approx. 295 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-84133-939-6                                              Hardback: € 100                                                   ISBN 978-2-503-58349-5
Hardback: € 45.28                                                   Series: The North Atlantic World, vol. 1                          Hardback: € 80
Série: Publications du Centre de recherches archéologiques et       PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                          Series: Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, vol. 31
historiques anciennes et médiévales                                                                                                   PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20


Words and Deeds                                                  Nottingham
Shaping Urban Politics from below                                Medieval Studies 63 (2019)                               Transregional Territories
in Late Medieval Europe                                          Special Issue: Heretical Self-Defence in
Jelle Haemers, Ben Eersels (eds)
                                                                 Late Antiquity and the                                   Crossing Borders in the Early
                                                                 Middle Ages                                              Modern Low Countries and Beyond
                                                                                                                          Bram De Ridder,Violet Soen, Werner Thomas,
This book sheds light on why, how and when
                                                                                                                          Sophie Verreyken (eds)
citizens participated in the urban political pro-
                                                                 Table of Contents
cess in late medieval Europe (c. 1300-1500).
                                                                 Peter Darby, Rob Lutton & Claire Taylor, Introduction:   What do we learn when historical research
                                                                 Heretical Self-Defence in Late Antiquity and the         moves along, across and beyond the boundaries
This book focuses on the city and urban politics,                Middle Ages                                              of early modern territorial entities? Using the
because historically towns have been an interesting                                                                       concept and method of transregional history,
                                                                 Raúl Villegas Marín, The Best Defence Is a Good
laboratory for the creation and development of po-                                                                        the contributions to this volume seek to answer
                                                                 Offence: Arnobius the Younger’s Praedestinatus and
litical ideas and practices, as they are also today. The                                                                  this question. By focussing on the border regions
                                                                 the Debates on Predestination in Mid-Fifth-Century
contributions in this volume shed light on why, how                                                                       of the Spanish Habsburg Low Countries, and
and when citizens participated in the urban political                                                                     by exploring interactions in and beyond these
process in late medieval Europe (c. 1300-1500). In               Paul Linjamaa, The Heresiology of the Heretic: The       borderlands, the chapters shed light on how hu-
other words, this book reconsiders the involvement               Case of the Valentinians                                 mans in the past created, handled and surpassed
of urban commoners in political matters by studying              Carl Dixon, Paulician Self-Defence and Self-Definition    the territorial boundaries they encountered.
their claims and wishes, their methods of expres-                in the Didaskalie                                        Bram De Ridder, Violet Soen, Werner Thomas,
sion and their discursive and ideological strategies.            Maja Angelovska Panova, Turning towards Heresy:          and Sophie Verreyken are all members of
It shows that, in order to garner support for and                Bogomils and Self-Defence                                the History Research Unit of the University
establish the parameters of the most important ur-                                                                        of Leuven. They joined their research efforts in the
ban policies, medieval urban governments engaged                 Derek Hill, Inquisition and Popular Pressure in the
                                                                 Languedoc                                       platform.
regularly in dialogue with their citizens. While the
degree of citizens’ active involvement differed from             Saku Pihko, Talk, Communication, and the Avoidance of
region to region and even from one town to the                   Inquisitors in Thirteenth-Century Languedoc              Table of Contents
next, political participation never remained restrict-           Justine L. Trombley, Self-Defence and its Limits in      Introduction
ed to voting for representatives at set times. This              Marguerite Porete’s Mirror of Simple Souls               Part one: Inside-outside dynamics
book therefore demonstrates that the making of                                                                            Raingard Esser, Upper Guelders’ four points of the com-
                                                                 Fiona Somerset, Scripting Defence?:Textual Arguments     pass: orientations of a contested border region in the early
politics was not the sole prerogative of the govern-
                                                                 and their Readers amid the Pursuit of Heresy in          modern Low Countries / Annemieke Romein, Jülich: local
ment; it was always, to some extent, a bottom-up
                                                                 England                                                  politics, regional concerns. Dutch Pamphlets and Assemblies
process as well.                                                                                                          in Cologne (1642-1651)
                                                                 Esther Lewis, Resistance, Self-Defence, or Sticking      Part two: Dividing and connecting identities
                                                                 up for Your Friends?: A Discussion of Purgation in the   Yves Junot & Marie Kervyn, Creating a border: the Hispanic
Jelle Haemers is a senior lecturer at the University
                                                                 Prosecution of Fifteenth-Century Lollardy                Monarchy, its subjects and its neighbours of the Southern
of Leuven (KU Leuven). He has published widely on
                                                                                                                          Low Countries (1477-1659) / Patricia Subirade, Franche-
the urban history of medieval Europe, and the social             Reviews                                                  Comté: Cross-border Flows of Religious Practices and Artistic
and political history of the late medieval Low Countries.                                                                 Knowledge along the Catholic Backbone of Seventeenth-
                                                                                                                          century Europe / Sophie Verreyken, Être l’amy veritable et
Ben Eersels is a post doctoral research fellow at the                                                                     loyal. Transregional marriages and strategies of loyalty in the
University of Leuven (KU Leuven). His research focus-                                                                     Spanish Habsburg Netherlands
es on the political history of towns in late medieval                                                                     Part three: War and administrative innovation
                                                                                                                          Bram De Ridder, Passports for persons and border man-
Brabant and Liège.
                                                                                                                          agement during the Eighty Years War / Victor Enthoven,
                                                                                                                          From Barrier to Border. The Scheldt Estuary and the Dutch
                                                                                                                          Revolt, 1550-1609: War, Trade and Taxation
                                                                                                                          Epilogue: ‘Active’ borders beyond the Low
                                                                                                                          Fernando Chavarria, “Cannon Law”: French Power Politics
                                                                                                                          in the Bidasoa Border and the Crisis of the Customary
                                                                                                                          Law of Nations in the Time of the Politique des reunions
                                                                  approx. 230 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2019,
                                                                  ISBN 978-2-503-58284-9
                                                                  Hardback: € 64
                                                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                approx. 300 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
approx. 300 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2020,                                                                                       ISBN 978-2-503-58493-5
ISBN 978-2-503-58386-0                                                                                                    Paperback: approx. € 90
Hardback: approx. € 85                                            Multiple subscription options available.                Series: Habsburg Worlds, vol. 2
Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 48    Contact:                        PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20


Social Inequality in Early                                     Communautés maritimes et                                          I Longobardi a Venezia
Medieval Europe                                                insulaires du premier Moyen Âge                                   Scritti per Stefano Gasparri
Local Societies and Beyond                                     Alban Gautier, Lucie Malbos (éd.)                                 Irene Barbiera, Francesco Borri,
                                                                                                                                 Annamaria Pazienza (eds)
Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo (ed.)
                                                               Comment les hommes et les femmes du premier
                                                               Moyen Âge formaient-ils des communautés lorsqu’ils                Table of Contents
The Early Medieval period has been identified                                                                                     Irene Barbariera, Francesco Borri & Annamaria Pazienza, I
                                                               se trouvaient vivre près de l’eau – sur les littoraux,
by different scholars as a key term for the anal-                                                                                Longobardi a Venezia: Viaggio in un Medioevo mai concluso
                                                               dans les zones humides ou le long des fleuves, mais
ysis of political complexity and social inequality                                                                               Filippo Maria Carinci, Caro Stefano
                                                               aussi dans les îles ? La familiarité entretenue avec le
in a long-term perspective. The study of local                                                                                   I: I Longobardi, il regno e l’Italia
                                                               milieu aquatique, objet de crainte ou source d’op-                Cristina La Rocca, Teodorico, nonno post romano - Irene
societies has become one of the most fruitful
                                                               portunités, signifie que les groupes humains « fai-                Barbariera, Sexy Scars and Striking Wisdom: The Construction
arenas to innovate medieval archaeology and
                                                               saient communauté » autrement, mais aussi que l’his-              of Masculinity in Gothic Italy - Francesco Borri, Re Clefi
history, using approaches related to the micro-                                                                                  (572–574) - Aldo Settia, L’insula Sancti Iuliani: Un presunto
                                                               torien appréhende ces phénomènes d’une manière
history. This book, dedicated to Chris Wickham,                                                                                  ducato longobardoLidia Capo, Dimensione letteraria e ragioni
                                                               différente. Cela est vrai de toutes les communautés
is formed by fourteen papers centred on the                                                                                      storiografiche: Il caso dell’Historia Langobardorum - Vasco La
                                                               qui, dans la pratique des interactions quotidiennes, se
study, from both written and material records,                                                                                   Salvia, The Smiths in Early Medieval Italy: From Social Identity
                                                               formaient près de l’eau, grâce à elle ou face à elle :            to Craftsmen Specialisation - Annamaria Pazienza, Mobilità
of early medieval local communities, which tend
                                                               communautés d’habitants, communautés cléricales
to propose a complex framework of social in-                                                                                     interna: Lavoratori e donne in movimento nel Regno longobar-
                                                               ou monastiques, communautés fondées sur une acti-                 do - Jean-Marie Martin, Gahagium : Le mot, les réalités et les
equality in the local scale.
                                                               vité commune comme le commerce ou la pêche. Les                   institutions (VIIe–VIIIe siècle) - Flavia de Rubeis, Un diacono, un
Table of Contents                                              douze contributions que compte ce livre constituent               codice, una storia: La Historia langobardorum a Montecassino
                                                               les actes d’un colloque tenu à Boulogne-sur-Mer en                alla fine dell’VIII secolo - Giuseppe Albertoni, Un desiderio
Preface / Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo, Equal and un-
                                                                                                                                 imperiale: Eginardo, Carlo Magno e l’elefante Abul Abbas -
equal societies in Early Medieval Europe. An Introduction      mars 2017. Leurs auteurs s’attachent à croiser les
                                                                                                                                 Régine Le Jan, Mémoire et politique : Les rois d’Italie dans les
/ Julio Escalona Monge, Towards an archaeology of              sources écrites et archéologiques pour offrir un re-              libri memoriales de Salzbourg, Saint-Gall, Pfäfers et Reichenau
state formation in North-western Iberia / Robin Beck,          gard équilibré sur des espaces et une période qui                 (fin VIIIe–début IXe siècle) - Francesco Veronese, Un franco
Maize, Mounds, and Cosmos: Durable Inequality in the           semblent à première vue moins bien documentés                     (anzi, due) in Brianza: Gli ultimi anni di Ugo di Tours e sua mo-
Mississippian World (AD 1000-1250) / Sauro Gelichi,
                                                               que d’autres. La question de la construction et de                glie Ava (834–39) - Maddalena Betti, Papa Giovanni VIII e l’a-
Pottery as inequality? Systems of production and distri-
                                                               l’existence des communautés « du bord de l’eau » y                ristocrazia romana: La fuga dei “Tarquini”, aprile 876 - Marco
bution in the Northern Italian rural societies during the
                                                               est traitée à travers toute l’Europe latine, du VIIe au           Stoffella, In vico gussilingus: comunità locali, ufficiali pubblici
Early Middle Ages / Francesca Grassi, Social complexity
                                                                                                                                 minori e amministrazione della giustizia nella Verona caro-
in peripheral areas in the light of pottery production be-     XIe siècle, sur ses versants adriatique (à travers les
                                                                                                                                 lingia - François Bougard, Témoigner en justice à Plaisance
tween 6th and 10th century (Alava, Basque Country, Spain)      lagunes de Venise et de Comacchio), atlantique (du                aux IXe-Xe siècles : Autour d’un breve inédit - Tiziana Lazzari,
/ Edith Peytreman, Indications of an estate economy from       littoral ibérique à l’Angleterre en passant par l’île de          Bertha, amatissima: L’azione politica della figlia di Berengario
a renewed analysis of sites of rural settlements / Catarina    Noirmoutier) et septentrional (des Fens d’Est-Anglie              I, Badessa di San Sisto e di San Salvatore di Brescia, nel regno
Tente, Social complexity in local communities during the
                                                               à la mer Baltique et dans les emporia des mers du                 italico del secolo X - Igor Santos Salazar, Judicial records as
tenth century in Central-Northern Portugal: Negotiation
and opposition / Richard Hodges, The primitivism of the        Nord), ainsi que dans la vallée de la Saône (de Lyon              History: The case of the Regnum Italiae in Tenth- and Eleventh-
                                                               à Tournus).                                                       Centuries
early medieval peasant in Italy? / Jean-Pierre Devroey
                                                                                                                                 II: Venezia, l’Adriatico e il Mediterraneo
and Nicolas Schroeder, Land, Oxen, and Brooches.
                                                                                                                                 Salvatore Liccardo, Prelati sunt tituli gentium nomina con-
Local Societies, Inequality, and Large Estates in the          Table des matières
                                                                                                                                 tinentes: A proposito del larterculus etnico del trionfo di
Early Medieval Ardennes (c. 850–c. 900) / Igor Santos          Alban Gautier, Faire communauté par l’eau ou malgré l’eau
                                                                                                                                 Aureliano (HA, 33–34) - Salvatore Cosentino, Bankers
Salazar, Fiscal lands, rural communities and the Abbey of      Stéphane Lebecq, En milieu littoral, sur l’eau et outre-mer /
                                                                                                                                 as Patrons in Late Antiquity - Pablo C. Díaz, Honorio I y la
Nonantola: social inequality in ninth-century Emilia (Italy)   Lucie Malbos, Femme de marchand ou marchande ? /
                                                                                                                                 Iglesia hispana del siglo VII - T.S. Brow, 680 (?) and All That:
/ Fabio Saggioro, Rural communities and landscapes in          Stefano Gasparri, Une communauté à la fois maritime et ter-
                                                                                                                                 A Problematic Turning Point in the History of Early Medieval
Northern Italy (9th-12th A. D.) / Iñaki Martín Viso, Unequal   ritoriale / Chiara Provesi, La terre et la mer / Sauro Gelichi,
                                                                                                                                 Italy - Iñaki Martín Viso, El reino y las sociedades locales en
small worlds. Social dynamics in 10th century Leonese vil-     Communautés lagunaires dans l’Adriatique pendant le haut
                                                                                                                                 la Hispania Visigoda - Yuri Marano, Le sete del patriarca
lage / Alvaro Carvajal, Collective action and local lead-      Moyen Âge / André Evangelista Marques, An Emerging
                                                                                                                                 Fortunato - Sauro Gelichi, Il vescovo Stefano e Comacchio nel
erships in early medieval North-Western Iberia, 9th-11th       Periphery. Maritime Activities and Communities in Northern
                                                                                                                                 IX secolo - Veronica West-Harling, The Doges and the Church
centuries / Juan Antonio Quirós, Village formation, social     Iberia (850-1100) / Søren M. Sindbæk, Communities on the
                                                                                                                                 of Venice: An Unusual Early Medieval Relationship
memories and the archaeology of early medieval rural           Edge / Isabelle Cartron, De l’île au continent. La transition
                                                                                                                                 III: Milites, città, e l’Europa tardomedievale
communities in north-western Iberia / Carlos Tejerizo,         entre deux formes de monachisme dans la communauté de
                                                                                                                                 Table of Contents:
The archaeology of the peasant mode of production: peas-       Saint-Philibert au IXe siècle / Charlotte Gaillard, La commu-
                                                                                                                                 IV: Fonti, metodi e nuovi indirizzi di ricerca
ant societies of central and northern Iberia during Early      nauté monastique de l’Île-Barbe, exemple d’une fondation in-
                                                                                                                                 Table of Contents:
Middle Ages / Chris Wickham, Conclusion                        sulaire fluviale / Arnaud Lestremau, Piscium quem vos haked
                                                               nuncupatis / Pierre Bauduin, Conclusions. Connaissance, pra-
                                                               tiques et identités des communautés maritimes et insulaires
                                                               du premier Moyen Âge / Index
approx. 365 p., 98 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58565-9                                         approx. 220 p., 4 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,      approx. 480 p., 2 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
Paperback: approx. € 80                                        ISBN 978-2-503-58551-2                                            ISBN 978-2-503-58662-5
Series: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 39                                Paperback: approx. € 55                                           Paperback: € 80
PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                       Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 38                                    Series: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 40
                                                               PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR L’HIVER 2019-20                           PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20


                                                                Religions et alimentation
                                                                Normes alimentaires, organisation
                                                                sociale et représentations du monde
                                                                Rémi Gounelle, Anne-Laure Zwilling,
                                                                Yves Lehmann (éd.)

                                                                                             S’alimenter est l’une
                                                                                             des préoccupations
                                                                                             essentielles des êtres
                                                                                             vivants. Les êtres
                                                                                             humains, cependant,
                                                                                             ont très tôt donné au
                                                                                             fait de se nourrir une
                                                                                             signification qui dé-
Science in the Monastery                                                                     passe l’exigence phy-        Constructions of Gender in
Texts, Manuscripts and Learning                                                              siologique. La plupart       Late Antique Manichaean
at Saint-Bertin                                                                              des religions, ainsi,        Cosmological Narrative
Steven J. Livesey
                                                                                             organisent le rapport
                                                                                                                          Susanna Towers
                                                                                             au fait de manger, dé-
                                                                                             terminent la valeur
The traditional view of monastic orders in late-me-             symbolique des différents aliments et définissent          Manichaeism emerged from Sasanian Persia in the
dieval scholastic culture has been relatively mut-              l’importance symbolique des différents moyens             third century CE and flourished in Persia, the Roman
ed. Beyond the Franciscan and Dominican orders,                 de préparer la nourriture. Elles définissent et ré-        Empire, Central Asia and beyond until succumbing
and to a far lesser extent, the Augustinians and                gulent également la relation entre la nourriture et       to persecution from rival faiths in the eighth to ninth
Cistercians, the older monastic orders (and es-                 le divin. Le présent ouvrage s’interroge, dans une        century. Its founder, Mani, claimed to be the final
pecially the Benedictines) played a smaller role in             perspective interdisciplinaire, la portée religieuse      embodiment of a series of prophets sent over time
the university during the thirteenth through the                du rapport à la nourriture et décline la dimen-           to expound divine wisdom.
fifteenth centuries. Yet if the library collection of            sion sacrée des repas et de l’alimentation. Par des       This monograph explores the constructions of
Saint-Bertin is examined more carefully, one finds               études de type diachronique et synchronique, il           gender embedded in Mani’s colourful dualist cos-
that many of the books were added by alumni of                  met en valeur des questions de fond à l’œuvre             mological narrative, in which a series of gendered
the University of Paris and Louvain, and in one                 de l’Antiquité à nos jours et fait dialoguer les di-      divinities are in conflict with the demonic beings of
instance, Cologne, and that as a whole, the mon-                verses méthodologies à l’œuvre dans l’étude du            the Kingdom of Darkness. The Jewish and Gnostic
astery’s collection reflected the changing currents              fait religieux (anthropologie, histoire, philosophie      roots of Mani’s literary constructions of gender are
within late medieval intellectual society. Science in           de la religion, sociologie, science des religions,        examined in parallel with Sasanian societal expec-
the Monastery proposes to analyze Benedictine sci-              théologie). Plusieurs contributions interrogent           tations. Reconstructions of gender in subsequent
ence using Saint-Bertin as a vehicle.                           les évolutions récentes en matière de rapport à           Manichaean literature reflect the changing circum-
                                                                l’alimentation et proposent des éclairages origi-         stances of the Manichaean community.
                                                                naux sur le rapport au religieux hors des religions       As the first major study of gender in Manichaean
Steven J. Livesey is Brian E. and Sandra O’Brien                constituées.                                              literature, this monograph draws upon established
Presidential Professor of the History of Science at the                                                                   approaches to the study of gender in late antique
University of Oklahoma. His research interests focus on         R. Gounelle, Directeur du GIS (=cluster de labo-
                                                                                                                          religious literature, to present a portrait of a histor-
medieval science, history of early scientific methodolo-         ratoires de recherche) « Sciences des Religions et
                                                                                                                          ically maligned and persecuted religious community.
gies, science in medieval universities, and manuscript          Théologie à Strasbourg », Université de Strasbourg.
studies.                                                        – A.-L. Zwilling, Ingénieure de recherche au CNRS,
                                                                membre de l’UMR « Droit, Religions, Economie et           Susanna Towers studied Psychology and Philosophy
                                                                Société », Université de Strasbourg. – Y. Lehmann,        at St. Hilda’s college, Oxford. She completed her M.A.
                                                                directeur du Centre d’Analyse des Rhétoriques de          and doctorate in Religious Studies at Cardiff University.
                                                                l’Antiquité, Université de Strasbourg                     She lives in Bath with her three children.
                                                                Table des matières
                                                                Rémi Gounelle, Anne-Laure Zwilling & Yves Lehmann,
                                                                Préface / Massimo Montanari, Introduction : La chair et
                                                                l’esprit. Alimentation et religion en Europe
                                                                Manger ou ne pas manger
                                                                Contributions de Nadine Weibel, Éric Geoffroy,
                                                                Frédéric Rognon et Michelle M. Lelwica
                                                                Que peut-on manger ?
                                                                Contributions de Marie-Claude Mahias, Gérard
                                                                Freyburger, Günter Stemberger, David Lemler, Galina
                                                                Kabakova et Oguz Alyanak
                                                                Manger seul ou ensemble ?
                                                                Contributions de Nicolas Querini, Laurence Faure,
                                                                Nader Nasiri-Moghaddam et Mohammad Sadegh
                                                                Les valeurs symboliques de l’alimentation
                                                                Contributions de Alfred Marx & Christian Grappe,Yves
                                                                Lehmann, Laurent Fedi, Nicolas Sihlé,
                                                                Dossier iconographique
                                                                Contribution de Madeleine Zeller / Index

                                                                approx. 384 p., 20 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020,
approx. 200 p., 5 b/w ills, 15 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020,   ISBN 978-2-503-58015-9                                    xiv + 310 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58563-5                                          Hardback: € 85                                            ISBN 978-2-503-58666-3
Paperback: approx. € 80                                         Série: Homo Religiosus, vol. 20                           Paperback: € 70
Series: Bibliologia, vol. 55                                    PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR L’HIVER 2019-20                   Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 34
PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20                                                                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR WINTER 2019-20



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Ancient Judaism, 7, 2019                                 La réception de l’autorité épistolaire
Samariens et Samaritains en transition                   de Paul de Tarse du Ier au IIe siècle
– Samarians and Samaritans in                            Pierre de Salis                                                          • Approximately 630,000 bibliographic
                                                                                                                                    records and 140,000 review references
Translation                                                                                                                         are searchable (November 2019)
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Table of Contents                                        communication déployée dans les lettres de
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Jerusalem or on Mount Gerizim?                           spécifique du médium épistolaire pour induire des                           Keyword, Person, etc.)
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Gerizim, and Mt. Ebal and their Sacred Rites: Evidence   Paul ont été écrites non pour consigner des réalités                       Verses, the Tenets of Canon Law, or the
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Characterization of Hannah in Pseudo-Philo               le Livre du prophète Jérémie (chapitre 29). Celle-                         notification of new publications
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José Costa, Réflexions sur le judaïsme non-rabbinique,    pratique épistolaire de Paul lui-même, en particulier
la rabbinisation et le judaïsme synagogal                celle déployée dans sa IIe Lettre aux Corinthiens                        • Direct links to the Dictionnaire d’histoire
Note                                                     (chapitres 10-13). Cette séquence, écrite au mo-                           et de géographie ecclésiastiques, Die
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Débat autour du livre de S. C. Mimouni, Le ju-           autorité d’apôtre, montre bien le potentiel prag-                          the International Encyclopaedia for
daïsme ancien et les origines dus christianisme.         matique que Paul reconnaissait au médium épis-                             the Middle Ages and the Lexikon des
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Recensions                                               l’histoire de la réception de l’autorité d’épistolier de
Bulletin                                                 Paul. Celle-ci montre comment on a reconnu très
Livres reçus à la rédaction                              tôt à l’apôtre Paul une autorité d’épistolier, à l’instar
                                                         des prophètes écrivains de l’ancien Israël..                                   Visit or
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                                                         Pierre de Salis est docteur en histoire des religions et                       A 30-day free institutional trial is
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                                                         (Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve,
                                                         Belgique). Il travaille actuellement comme chargé de
                                                         la formation théologique et professionnelle à l’Office
                                                         Protestant de la Formation (Neuchâtel, Suisse)

approx. 306 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2019,
ISBN 978-2-503-58270-2
Paperback: € 74
PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR L’HIVER 2019-20                  approx. 450 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,                                                    Brepols Online Databases
                                                         ISBN 978-2-503-58568-0
                                                         Paperback: approx. € 100
Multiple subscription options available.                 Série: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 18      –
Contact:                         PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR L’HIVER 2019-20


Architecture of Disjuncture                                     Ritual, Gender, and Narrative                                        The Visualization of
Mediterranean Trade and Cathedral                               in Late Medieval Italy                                               Knowledge in Medieval
Building in a New Diocese                                       Fina Buzzacarini and                                                 and Early Modern Europe
(11th-13th Centuries)                                           the Baptistery of Padua                                              Marcia Kupfer, Adam S. Cohen, J.H. Chajes (eds)
Joseph Williams                                                 Anne Derbes
                                                                                                                                     This collection of essays by leading scholars reflects
Through careful analysis of the Romanesque cathe-               This book is the first English-language study of the                  new interest in how graphic devices contributed
dral of Molfetta (in Apulia, southern Italy), Williams          baptistery of Padua and its extraordinarily rich fres-               to the production of knowledge during a forma-
demonstrates how the commercial boom of the                     co program, which opens with Genesis and clos-                       tive period of European history. The linked essays
medieval Mediterranean changed the way church-                  es with the Apocalypse. Remarkably, when the                         anthologized here consider the generative power
es were funded, designed, and built. The young                  building was refashioned and frescoed by Giusto                      of schemata, cartographic representation, and even
bishopric of Molfetta, emerging in an economy of                de’ Menabuoi in the 1370s, it was a woman, Fina                      the layout of text: more than merely compiling in-
long-distance trade, competed with much wealth-                 Buzzacarini, who funded the enterprise. In late me-                  formation, visual arrangements formalize abstract
ier institutions in its own diocese. Funding for the            dieval Italy, baptisteries were potent symbols of civic              concepts, provide grids through which to process
cathedral was slow and unpredictable. To adapt,                 identity, solidarity, and pride, and towns spent lavish-             data, set in motion analytic operations that give rise
the builders designed toward versatility, embracing             ly on them – but no other baptistery was so radical-                 to new ideas, and create interpretive frameworks
multi-functionalism, change over time, specialization,          ly reworked at the behest of a woman. Remarkably,                    for understanding the world.
and a heterogeneous style.                                      too, though the building continued to function as                    Table of Contents
                                                                Padua’s baptismal church, the renovations trans-                     Marcia Kupfer, Introduction
                                                                formed it into the mausoleum of Fina Buzzacarini                     I. Visualization between Mind and Hand
Joseph C. Williams is an Assistant Professor of                 and her family. This volume takes an interdisciplinary               Mary Carruthers, Geometries for Thinking Creatively / Lina
Architecture at the University of Maryland School of            approach, using close visual analysis to argue that to               Bolzoni, Visualization of a Universal Knowledge: Images and
Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.                                                                                            Rhetorical Machines in Giulio Camillo’s Theatre of Memory /
                                                                a surprising degree, Fina exerted control over the                   Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Mindmapping: The Diagram Paradigm in
                                                                images. The author argues too that ritual is equal-                  Medieval Art – and Beyond
Table of Contents                                               ly important in understanding the frescoes: that in                  II. The Iconicity of Text
                                                                multiple ways that have rarely been considered,                      Beatrice Kitzinger, Framing the Gospels, c. 1000: Iconicity,
Acknowledgements                                                                                                                     Textuality, and Knowledge / Lesley Smith, Biblical Gloss and
                                                                the images respond to and participate in the ritual
Introduction: Studying Architecture at the Joints               enacted in this sacred space. The prayers intoned
                                                                                                                                     Commentary: the Scaffolding of Scripture / David Stern, The
                                                                                                                                     Topography of the Talmudic Page / Ayelet Even-Ezra, Seeing
                                                                at the font, the actions of the officiant, the hymns                  the Forest beyond the Trees: A Preliminary Overview of a
1. A Disjointed Program: Form, Function, and                    chanted in procession and inside the baptistery, and                 Scholastic Habit of Visualization / Yuval Harari, Functional
   Finances                                                     even details of the rite all find visual echoes on the                Paratexts and the Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval and
                                                                baptistery’s walls. Ultimately, gender and ritual in-                Early Modern Jewish Manuscripts of Magic / A. Mark Smith,
2. The Joints of Process: Design Change Through                                                                                      More than Meets the Eye: What Made the Printing Revolution
                                                                tersect in the multilayered frescoes of the Padua
   Constructional Episodes                                                                                                           Revolutionary
                                                                baptistery.                                                          III. Graphic Vehicles of Scientia
3. The Joints of Expertise: Design Choice Across                                                                                     Barbara Obrist, The Idea of a Spherical Universe and its
   the Division of Labor                                                                                                             Visualization in the Earlier Middle Ages (Seventh–Twelfth
                                                                Anne Derbes is professor emerita of art history at                   Centuries) / Marcia Kupfer, The Rhetoric of World Maps in
4. The Joints of Geography: Geology, Travel
                                                                Hood College.                                                        Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages / Faith Wallis, Visualizing
   Pathways, and Knowledge Cabotage                                                                                                  Knowledge in Medieval Calendar Science: a Twelfth-Century
Conclusion: A Mediterranean Building Strategy                   Table of Contents:
                                                                                                                                     Family of ‘Graphic Glosses’ on Bede’s De temporum ratione
                                                                                                                                     / John Haines, The Visualization of Music in the Middle Ages:
                                                                                                                                     Three Case Studies / Peter Murray Jones, Visualization in
Appendix 1: Construction Chronology of Molfetta                                                                                      Medicine between Script and Print, c. 1375–1550 /
                                                                                                                                     IV. Diagrammatic Traditions
Cathedral (c. 1100 - 1300)                                                                                                           Linda Safran, A Prolegomenon to Byzantine Diagrams / Adam
Charts                                                                                                                               S. Cohen, Diagramming the Diagrammatic: Twelfth-Century
                                                                                                                                     Europe / Madeline H. Caviness, Templates for Knowledge:
Illustrations                                                                                                                        Geometric Ordering of the Built Environment, Monumental
Bibliography                                                                                                                         Decoration, Illuminated Page / Lucy Freeman Sandler,
                                                                                                                                     Religious Instruction and Devotional Study:The Pictorial and the
                                                                                                                                     Textual in Gothic Diagrams / J. H. Chajes, The Kabbalistic Tree

approx. 200 p., 80 b/w ills, 5 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020,   approx. 280 p., 175 b/w ills, 215 x 280 mm, 2020,                    approx. 475 p., 258 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58108-8                                          ISBN 978-2-503-57968-9                                               ISBN 978-2-503-58303-7
Paperback: approx. € 90                                         Hardback: approx. € 120                                              Hardback: approx. € 150
Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 13                        Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 15   Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 16


                                                       Harvey Miller Publishers

Catalysts of Innovation                                          Still Life and Nature Morte                               Riemenschneider in Situ
Artists’ and Artisans’ Collections in                            Painting in the 17th-Century                              Katherine M. Boivin, Gregory C. Bryda (eds)

Early Modern Antwerp                                             Karin Leonhard
Marlise Rijks                                                                                                              Riemenschneider in Situ presents the newest
                                                                 Still Life painting thematizes the ability of             research on the work of one of the most
                                                                 Nature and Art to produce similarities and is             famous late medieval and early Renaissance
For the first time, the collections of artists                                                                              sculptors, Tilman Riemenschneider.
and artisans in Antwerp are investigated sys-                    therefore predestined for a theorization of mi-
tematically. This yields new results about the                   metic structures of Art in general.
connection between making and collecting:                                                                                  Moving beyond questions of style, date, and
between innovation and appreciation.                             17th-Century Netherlandish Still Life painting ac-        workshop practice, this volume investigates the
                                                                 tively participated in the intellectual discourse of      sculptor’s programs across the south German re-
                                                                 natural philosophy and the natural sciences, even         gion of Franconia that survive in situ, within the
The crucial role of the city of Antwerp in the his-                                                                        particular contexts for which they were designed
tory of collecting has long been noted in histori-               though art history until recently described it, some-
                                                                 what simplifying, as realistic-representative painting.   and in which they were originally experienced.
cal and art historical scholarship. However, up to                                                                         In shifting the focus from fragmentary pieces in
now there has not been a foundational study of                   We urgently need a rehabilitation of the notion
                                                                 of Mimesis. The author restarts the discussion, by        museum collections to extant installations in their
the collecting practices of broader social groups                                                                          original church settings, the volume contributes to
in seventeenth-century Antwerp. This present                     putting more emphasis on the historical notions
                                                                 of Nature and Image. She examines how mimetic             a wave of scholarship interested in reanimating
study makes up for the lack in research by focus-                                                                          medieval artistic ensembles by considering them
ing on collecting activities of learned artists and              structures acquired a biotic reproductive capacity
                                                                 in the 17th century. Still Life painting thematizes the   as complex visual environments. Together, the au-
artisans – the social groups that, together with the                                                                       thors—conservators, museum professionals, and
educated merchants, stood at the centre of and                   ability of Nature and Art to produce similarities and
                                                                 is therefore predestined for a theorization of mi-        art historians—provide an essential and overdue
shaped the city’s cultural life. In their double roles                                                                     study of Riemenschneider’s best-preserved piec-
as makers-collectors, they put a strong mark on                  metic structures of Art in general.
                                                                                                                           es, while also making an important, collaborative
the culture of collecting.                                                                                                 addition to the broader discipline of pre-modern
                                                                 Karin Leonhard is professor of art history at the         art history.
Marlise Rijks (1986) is a postdoc researcher at                  University of Konstanz.
Leiden University, specialized in art and knowledge                                                                        Katherine M. Boivin is Assistant Professor of Art
in the Early Modern period, in particular of the Low                                                                       History at Bard College. Her scholarship focuses on
Countries.                                                                                                                 the dynamic interactions among architecture, figural
                                                                                                                           arts, and human action in the medieval period.
                                                                                                                           Gregory C. Bryda is Assistant Professor of Art
                                                                                                                           History at Columbia University, Barnard College. He
                                                                                                                           teaches and publishes on the history of medieval art.

                                                                                                                           Table of Contents:

approx. 250 p., 70 b/w ills, 30 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020,   approx. 280 p., 200 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020,        approx. 320 p., 180 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-1-912554-05-8                                           ISBN 978-1-912554-06-5                                    ISBN 978-1-912554-45-4
Hardback: approx. € 140                                          Hardback: approx. € 125                                   Hardback: approx. € 150
Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 11                          Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 12                   Series: VISTAS, vol. 5

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