TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

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TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers


TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers
Table of Contents

    MEDIEVAL STUDIES                                                                                         2

    LANGUAGE & LITERATURE                                                                                    5

    ART HISTORY, BOOK HISTORY & MANUSCRIPT STUDIES                                                          10

    MUSIC HISTORY                                                                                           14

    RENAISSANCE & EARLY MODERN STUDIES                                                                      16

    CLASSICS & NEAR EASTERN STUDIES                                                                         20

    CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM                                                                                    24

    RELIGION & PHILOSOPHY                                                                                   28

    ORDER FORM                                                                                              33

    Scope of this catalogue
    March 1st 2020 - June 30th 2020
    As a rule, publications already mentioned in previous Forthcoming Titles Catalogues are not repeated.


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TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers
TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

    Popes, Bishops, and the Progress                               The Late Medieval Cistercian                                Authority and Power in the
    of Canon Law, c.1120–1234                                      Monastery of Fountains Abbey,                               Medieval Church, c. 1000–c. 1500
    Anne J. Duggan, Travis Baker (ed.)                             Yorkshire                                                   Thomas W. Smith (ed.)

    This book considers the role of popes and bishops              Monastic Administration, Economy,                           Interdisciplinary studies in the conceptualiza-
    in the development of the law of the Church                    and Archival Memory                                         tion and exercise of authority and power in the
    between 1120 and 1234. Although historians have                Michael Spence                                              medieval Church.
    traditionally seen the popes as the driving force
    behind the legal transformation of the Church in               A systematic analysis of three contemporary manus-          While they o�ten go hand-in-hand and the dis-
    the twel�th and thirteenth centuries, the primary              cripts from Fountains Abbey - the wealthiest English        tinction between the two is frequently blurred,
    argument of this book is that the functioning of               Cistercian monastery - revealing key insights into          authority and power are distinct concepts and abil-
    the process of consultation and appeal reveals                 monastic administration.                                    ities – this was a problem that the Church tussled
    a di�ferent picture: not of a relentless papal ma-                                                                         with throughout the High and Late Middle Ages.
    chine but of a constant dialogue between dioce-                Founded in 1132, Fountains Abbey became the wealth-         Claims of authority, e�forts to have that authority
    san bishops and the papal Curia.                               iest English Cistercian monastery — yet relatively          recognized, and the struggle to transform it into
                                                                   little analysis has been made of its surviving records      more tangible forms of power were defining factors
    Bishops have always played a central role in the               to investigate how its wealth was controlled and sus-       of the medieval Church’s existence. As the studies
    making and enforcement of the law of the Church,               tained. This book deals with this secular aspect of the     assembled here demonstrate, claims to authority
    and none more so than the bishop of Rome. From                 religious community at Fountains, investigating in          by members of the Church were o�ten in inverse
    convening and presiding over church councils to                particular the way in which prosaic business records        proportion to their actual power – a problematic
    applying canon law in church courts, popes and                 were compiled and redacted. It traces the transmis-         paradox which resulted from the uneven and un-
    bishops have exercised a decisive in�luence on the             sion of data from original charters through successive      certain acceptance of ecclesiastical authority by lay
    history of that law. This book, a selection of Anne J.         versions of cartularies, and in the process establishes     powers and, indeed, fellow members of the ecclesia.
    Duggan’s most significant studies on the history of             the existence of a previously unknown manuscript. It        The chapters of this book reveal how clerical claims
    canon law, highlights the interactive role of popes            also reveals how abbots in the fi�teenth century inter-      to authority and power were frequently debated,
    and bishops, and other prelates, in the develop-               acted with and adapted the records in their care.           refined, opposed, and resisted in their expression
    ment of ecclesiastical law and practice between                In this process, two quite di�ferent aspects of monas-      and implementation. The clergy had to negotiate a
    1120 and 1234. This emphasis directly challenges               tic life are uncovered. First, it sheds new light on the    complex landscape of overlapping and competing
    the pervasive in�luence of the concept of ‘papal               history of Fountains Abbey through the fourteenth           claims in pursuit of their rights. They waged these
    monarchy’, in which popes, and not diocesan                    and fi�teenth centuries, amongst other things how            struggles in arenas that ranged from papal, royal,
    bishops and their legal advisers, have been seen               it responded to the turmoil of the Black Death, and         and imperial curiae, through monastic houses, law
    as the driving force behind the legal transforma-              discloses for the first time the allegiance of one abbot     courts and parliaments, urban religious commu-
    tion of the Latin Church in the twel�th and early              to the Lancastrian cause during the Wars of the Roses.      nities and devotional networks, to contact and
    thirteenth centuries. Contrary to the argument                 Second, it reveals the worldly skills shown by the com-     con�lict with the laity on the ground; the weapons
    that the emergence of the papacy as the prima-                 munity of Fountains that were successfully applied          deployed included art, manuscripts, dress, letters,
    ry judicial and legislative authority in the Latin             to exploit the monastery’s large landholdings across        petitions, treatises, legal claims, legates, and the
    Church was the result of a deliberate programme                Yorkshire, mainly through wool and agricultural pro-        physical arms of allied lay powers.In an e�fort to
    of papal aggrandizement, the principal argument                duction, but also through fisheries, tanning, mining,        further our understanding of this central aspect of
    of this book is that the processes of consultation             and metalworking. The economic success of these             ecclesiastical history, this interdisciplinary volume,
    and appeal reveal a di�ferent picture: not of a re-            activities enabled the abbey to become a prosperous         which e�fects a broad temporal, geographical, and
    lentless papal machine but of a constant dialogue              institution which rivalled the wealth of the aristocracy.   thematic sweep, points the way to new avenues of
    between diocesan bishops and the papal Curia,                  This book addresses recordkeeping and archival              research and new approaches to a traditional topic.
    in which the ‘papal machine’ evolved to meet the               memory at one, Cistercian, monastery — albeit a             It fuses historical methodologies with art history,
    demand.                                                        well-endowed and prosperous one — in the north of           gender studies, musicology, and material culture,
                                                                   England. However, its treatment of archival sources         and presents fresh insights into one of the most sig-
                                                                   could be extended to other houses in di�ferent geo-         nificant institutions of the medieval world.
    (Author) Anne J. Duggan is Emeritus Professor of               graphical locations and di�ferent orders, to enable
    Medieval History and Fellow of King’s College London;          comparisons between monasteries dealing with eco-           Thomas W. Smith, PhD (Royal Holloway, University of
    (Editor) T.R. Baker (D.Phil, Oxford, 2017) is a private        nomic change and social and political upheaval in the       London, 2013), teaches history at Rugby School and is a
    scholar living in the Diocese of Orange.                       later Middle Ages.                                          Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

                                                                                                                               Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

    approx. 640 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                                                                           approx. 450 p., 19 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
    ISBN 978-2-503-58547-5                                         approx. 250 p., 17 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,            ISBN 978-2-503-58529-1
    Hardback: approx. € 135                                        ISBN 978-2-503-56771-6                                      Hardback: € 115
    Series: Brepols Collected Essays in European Culture, vol. 6   Hardback: € 75                                              Series: Europa Sacra, vol. 24
    PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                          Series: Medieval Monastic Studies, vol. 5                   PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020
                                                                   PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020

TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

Cities, Saints, and Communities                                    L’objet au Moyen Âge et
in Early Medieval Europe                                           à l’époque moderne
Essays in Honour of Alan Thacker                                   Fabriquer, échanger, consommer
Scott DeGregorio, Paul Kershaw (eds)                               et recycler
                                                                   Yves Henigfeld, Philippe Husi, Fabienne Ravoire (éd.)
                                                                                                                                  Christian Maps of the Holy Land
This book honours the scholarship of English histo-
rian Dr. Alan Thacker by exploring the insular, the                                                                               Images and Meanings
                                                                   Trente ans après le premier congrès de la Société d’ar-        Pnina Arad
European and, more broadly, the Mediterranean
                                                                   chéologie médiévale (SAM) sur la céramique du ve au
connections and contexts of the history and culture
                                                                   XIXe siècle, le xie congrès international de la Société        An innovative approach to Christian maps of the
of Anglo-Saxon England in the age of Bede, and
                                                                   d’archéologie médiévale, moderne et contemporaine              Holy Land, exploring their devotional imagery.
beyond. It brings together original contributions by
                                                                   (SAMMC), qui s’est déroulé à Bayeux en mai 2015,
leading European and North American scholars of
                                                                   avait pour ambition de remettre l’objet au cœur du
Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages working                                                                                  This book o�fers a way of reading maps of the Holy
                                                                   débat historique. Les actes de ce colloque réunissent
across a range of disciplines: history, theology, epig-                                                                           Land as visual imagery with religious connota-
                                                                   une trentaine de contributions que l’on doit à une
raphy, and art history. Moving from the Irish Sea                                                                                 tions. Through a corpus of representative exam-
                                                                   soixantaine de spécialistes, permettant de dresser un
to the Bosporus, this collection presents a linked                                                                                ples created between the sixth and the nineteenth
                                                                   état de la recherche n’excluant aucune catégorie de
world in which saints, scholars, and the city of Rome                                                                             centuries, it studies the maps as iconic imagery of
                                                                   mobilier (céramique, métal, matériaux organiques,
all played powerful connective roles, creating com-                                                                               an iconic landscape and analyses their strategies
                                                                   verre). Cette approche de l’une des principales com-
munities, generating relationships, linking east to                                                                               to manifest the spiritual quality of the biblical to-
                                                                   posantes de la culture matérielle est envisagée se-
west, north to south, and present to past.                                                                                        pography, to support religious tenets, and to con-
                                                                   lon quatre angles thématiques (la fabrication, les
                                                                   échanges, la consommation et le recyclage) qui font            struct and preserve cultural memory.
Table of Contents                                                                                                                 Maps of the Holy Land have thus far been stud-
                                                                   chacun l’objet d’une section alimentée par des présen-
List of Illustrations                                              tations de synthèse ou des études de cas.                      ied with methodologies such as cartography and
Acknowledgements                                                                                                                  historical geography, while the main question
Paul Kershaw, Introduction: Alan T. Thacker, an Appreciation                                                                      addressed was the reliability of the maps as car-
Mark A. Handley, Gildebertus rex fr[ancorum]: The                  Table des matières: www.brepols.net                            tographic documents. Through another perspec-
Least–Famous Epitaph of a Merovingian King and the Cult of a
Spanish Martyr in Sixth-Century Paris                                                                                             tive and using the methodology of visual studies,
Tom Brown, The ‘Political’ Use of the Cult of Saints in Early                                                                     this book reveals that maps of the Holy Land con-
Medieval Ravenna                                                                                                                  structed religious messages and were significant
Catherine Cubitt, The Impact of the Lateran Council of 649 in                                                                     instruments through which di�ferent Christian
Francia: the Martyrdom of Pope Martin and the Life of St Eligius                                                                  cultures (Byzantine, Catholic, Protestant, and
Jennifer O’Reilly, Bede and Monothelitism
Faith Wallis, Rectores at Risk: Erudition and Heresy in Bede’s                                                                    Greek Orthodox) shaped their religious identities.
Commentary on Proverbs                                                                                                            It does not seek to ascertain how the maps deliv-
Peter Darby, Heresy and Authority in Bede’s Letter to                                                                             ered geographical information, but rather how
Plegwine                                                                                                                          they utilized the geographical information in for-
Clare Stancli�fe, Bede and Bishop Acca                                                                                            mulating religious and cultural values.
Richard Sharpe, King Ceadwalla and Bishop Wilfrid
Barbara Yorke, Bede’s Preferential Treatment of the Irish                                                                         Through its examination of maps of the Holy
Scott Degregorio, Bede’s Mid-Life Crisis: The Commentary on                                                                       Land, this book thus explores both Christian visual
First Samuel                                                                                                                      culture and Christian spirituality throughout the
Arthur Holder, Bede’s perfecti, the Vision of God, and the                                                                        centuries.
Foretaste of Heaven
Julia Barrow, Bede’s Wise and Foolish Virgins: Streanæshealh
and Coldingham                                                                                                                    Pnina Arad is a research fellow at the Center for the
Paul Fouracre, Risano Revisited: A Step Too Far for
                                                                                                                                  Study of Conversion and Interreligious Encounters at
Jinty Nelson, Hincmar of Reims meets Bede                                                                                         Ben-Gurion University.
Francesca Tinti, The English Presence in Rome in the Later
Anglo-Saxon Period: Change or Continuity?
Éamonn Ó Carragáin, A Renaissance Synthesis of Ancient
Christian Themes: Architecture, Altarpieces and Imagined
Spaces in San Giovanni Crisostomo, Venice, 1495–1520

                                                                                                                                  approx. 200 p., 62 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020,
approx. 500 p., 8 b/w ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2020,                                                                                   ISBN 978-2-503-58526-0
                                                                   455 p., 220 x 280 mm, Centre de recherches archéologiques et   Paperback: € 80
ISBN 978-2-503-56504-0
                                                                   historiques médiévales, 2020, ISBN 978-2-84133-972-3           Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages,
Hardback: € 120
                                                                   Hardback: € 47.17                                                      vol. 28
Series: Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 46
                                                                   Série: Publications du Centre de recherches archéologiques     PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020
                                                                          et historiques anciennes et médiévales

TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

    Dislocations                                Franks and Crusades in Medieval
    Maps, Classical Tradition, and Spatial Play Eastern Christian Historiography
    in the European Middle Ages                                               Alex Mallett
    Alfred Hiatt
                                                                              This volume is an introduction to eleven of the main                    The Crown and the Cross
                                                                              medieval Eastern Christian historians used by modern                    Burgundy, France, and the Crusades,
    In Europe, during the Middle Ages, classical Greek and                    scholars to reconstruct the events and personalities of
    Roman geography continued to provide the funda-                           the crusading period in the Levant. Each of the chap-
    mental structure for knowing the world’s places and                       ters examines one historian and their work(s), and                      Hilary Marie Rhodes
    peoples. From encyclopedic compendia such as the                          first contains an introductory examination of their life,
    Natural History of Pliny the Elder and its redaction in                   background and in�luences. This is then followed by a                   The Crown and the Cross examines the hereto-
    Julius Solinus’s Polyhistor to the works of canonical                     study of their work(s) relevant to the Crusades, includ-                fore-unstudied role of the French province of
    Roman poets such as Virgil, Ovid, and Lucan, the geo-                     ing the reasons for writing, themes, and methodolo-                     Burgundy in the ‘traditional’ era of the crusades,
    graphical content of antique texts invited study and                      gy. Such an approach will allow modern researchers                      from 1095–c.1220. Covering the First, Second,
    explication.                                                              to better understand the background and contexts to                     Third, Fourth, and Albigensian Crusades in detail,
    Yet medieval authors well knew that classical spa-                        these texts, and thus to reconstruct the past in a more                 it focuses primarily on the Capetian dukes, a cadet
    tial order, itself full of lacunae, only infrequently                     nuanced and detailed way. Written by eleven eminent                     branch of the French royal family, but uncovers
    corresponded to their own reality. Dislocations: Maps,                    scholars in their fields, and examining chronicles writ-                 substantial lay participation and some crusading
    Classical Tradition, and Spatial Play in the European Middle              ten in Armenian, Greek, Syriac, and Arabic, this book                   traditions among Burgundian noble families as
    Ages considers the ways in which medieval and, later,                     will be essential reading for anybody engaged in re-                    well. The book additionally uses the crusading in-
    humanist geography absorbed and reinvented classi-                        search on the Crusades, as well as Eastern Christian                    stitution to explore the development of the medi-
    cal spatial models in order to address key questions of                   and Islamic history, and medieval historiography.                       eval French monarchy, and makes accessible a cor-
    historical change, migration, and emerging national,
                                                                                                                                                      pus of scholarship and documents that until now
    regional, and linguistic identities.                                      Alex Mallett is Assistant Professor at the Waseda Institute             have mostly existed in French or Latin. It concludes
    Drawing on a wide range of literary texts, maps, and                      for Advanced Study, Waseda University, Tokyo                            that while piety and religion did play a central role
    geographical descriptions – and utilising the ancient
                                                                                                                                                      in the experience of many everyday Burgundian
    but now largely discarded scholarly genre of the dia-
                                                                                                                                                      crusaders, the greater political ramifications of
    logue – Dislocations argues that medieval spatial rep-                    Table of Contents                                                       the crusading project functioned in subtle and
    resentation was complex and richly textured, whether
                                                                              Alex Mallett, Introduction                                              long-lasting ways, and had consequences for the
    in the form of a careful gloss in a manuscript of Lucan’s
                                                                              Greek Texts                                                             entire institution, not just Burgundy or France. Of
    Civil War, or as the exuberant sexualized allegories
                                                                                                                                                      interest to scholars of the crusades, French history,
    of the fourteenth-century papal notary Opicinus de                        Jonathan Shepard, Anna Comnena
                                                                                                                                                      and the formation of medieval Europe, The Crown
    Canistris.                                                                Chris Hobbs, John Kinnamos                                              and the Cross nuances, challenges, and expands
    The book also explores a further kind of disloca-                         Alicia Simpson, Niketas Choniates                                       our understanding of the intellectual genealogy of
    tion: the surprising connections between medieval
                                                                              Ruth Macrides & Je�f Brubaker, George Akropolites                       the crusades and their real-world consequences,
    geographical thought and twentieth- and twen-
                                                                              Armenian Texts                                                          fills a critical gap in the historiography, and poses
    ty-first-century visual arts, including Dadaism and
                                                                              Tara Andrews, Matthew of Edessa                                         a set of important conclusions and questions for
    the remarkable Mappamundi Suite of the Gujarati artist
                                                                                                                                                      continued study.
    Gulammohammed Sheikh. While past spatial orders                           Sergio La Porta, Smbat
    may be relegated to obscurity, they just as o�ten linger                  Syriac Texts
    – in archives, memories, and ruins – to be retrieved
                                                                              Dorothea Weltecke, Michael the Syrian
    and reanimated in revealing ways.
                                                                              Herman Teule, Anonymous Chronicle to 1234
                                                                              Marianna Mazzola, Bar Hebraeus
                                                                              Copto-Arabic Texts
                                                                              Anne-Marie Eddé, Al-Makin Ibn al-Amid
                                                                              Alex Mallett & Johannes Den Heijer, History of the
                                                                              Patriarchs of the Egyptian Church

    approx. 392 p., 152 x 229 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies,
    2020, ISBN 978-0-88844-218-5
    Hardback: approx. € 95                                                                                                                            approx. 290 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
                                                                              approx. 300 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                                     ISBN 978-2-503-58684-7
    Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 218                                       ISBN 978-2-503-56581-1
    PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                                                                                                             Hardback: approx. € 81
                                                                              Hardback: approx. € 85                                                  Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 9
    North American customers are advised to order                             Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 10   PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020
    through University of Toronto Press                                       PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020

TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

En style poétique                                              I generi letterari in Properzio:                                     Falsifications and Authority
L’écriture romanesque en vers                                  modelli e fortuna                                                    in Antiquity, the Middle Ages
autour de 1500                                                 Proceedings of the Twenty- Second                                    and the Renaissance
Pascale Mounier                                                International Conference on Propertius.                              Erika Gielen, Jan Papy (eds)
                                                               Assisi-Spello, 24-27 May 2018
L’étude du roman français entre 1490 et 1530 identi-                                                                                In order to gain a deeper understanding of the shi�t-
                                                               Giorgio Bonamente, Roberto Cristofoli, Carlo Santini (eds)
fie deux grandes valeurs associées à l’usage du vers                                                                                 ing idea of authority of a text, its transmission and
dans six fictions qui nous sont conservées, l’une de                                                                                 reception in a variety of genres, settings and contexts,
nature socio-culturelle, l’autre de type expressif.            Table of Contents                                                    this collective volume envisages to enlarge and deep-
                                                               Giorgio Bonamente, Introduzione                                      en this understanding in tangling literary forgery and
Le domaine des narrations composées en français                                                                                     emulation. Authority and authoritative literary pro-
                                                               Arturo R. Álvarez Hernández, Propercio y la poesía etiológica:
aux XVe et XVIe siècles est massivement marqué par                                                                                  ductions provoke all kinds of interest and emulation.
                                                               del servitium amoris al servitium patriae
l’usage de la prose. Or à y regarder de près, quelques                                                                              Hermeneutical techniques, detailed exegesis and his-
                                                               Giorgio Bonamente, Properzio in Assisi e a Roma
romans sentimentaux ont été produits en français                                                                                    torical critique are invoked to put authority, and yes also
entre 1490 et 1530 sous forme versifiée. Il s’agit le plus      Roberto Cristofoli, Tra genere letterario e ideologia politica:      possible falsifications, to the test. Scholars from various
souvent de fictions destinées à l’aristocratie, spéciale-       tradizioni e riletture storiche in Properzio 4,6                     disciplines working on texts, either authoritative or
ment à la cour, à qui elles proposent soit de redécou-         Rosalba Dimundo, Ad coniugem suum, da Properzio a                    forged, stemming from di�ferent periods of time re�lect
vrir le roman breton du XIIe siècle, soit de se familia-       Ovidio                                                               on a methodological basis and a hermeneutical en-
riser avec des fictions innovantes venues d’Italie, soit        Paolo Fedeli, Properzio e l’epos virgiliano. Dall’annuncio al        trance. In addition, a threefold axis of questioning the
encore de voir refondus des genres, plutôt que des             ricordo                                                              phenomenon of forgery is presented, viz. the motif of
œuvres précises, pratiquant un dosage varié de la nar-         Luciano Landolfi, Varcare i confini? ‘Palinsesti didascalici’ nel      falsification, the mechanism or technique applied and,
ration, du dialogue et du lyrisme. Un geste auctorial          terzo libro delle Elegie di Properzio                                third, the direct or indirect e�fect of this fraud.
et éditorial aussi surprenant que celui-ci témoigne-t-         Paolo Mastandrea, L’epos latino arcaico e Properzio
il d’une aspiration passéiste par nostalgie du roman           Maria Pia Pattoni, In�lussi della tragedia attica sull’elegia di     Erika Gielen presently is Managing Director of the interdis-
français des origines ou d’une volonté d’innover par           Properzio                                                            ciplinary Research Centre LECTIO (KU Leuven).
recherche d’une nouvelle voie ? Le style poético-nar-          Ra�faele Perrelli, L’epigramma in Properzio: tra architesto e        Jan Papy is Full Professor in Latin and Neo-Latin Literature
ratif cultive-t-il le ra�finement, voire l’artifice, ou tend-    intertestualità                                                      at the Faculty of Arts of KU Leuven.
il vers la simplicité, voire le naturel ? L’étude identifie     Paola Pinotti, Scribenda mihi lex in amore novo: il linguag-
deux grandes valeurs associées à l’usage du vers dans          gio del diritto in Properzio                                         Table of Contents
six fictions qui nous sont conservées, l’une de nature          Giovanni Polara, Properzio e l’epigrafia                              Jan Papy & Erika Gielen, Introduction. The Protean Appearance
socio-culturelle, l’autre de type expressif. La démarche                                                                            of Falsifications: Emulating and Challenging Authority in
                                                               Gianpiero Rosati, Il ‘tempo della bellezza’ e la legge della for-
expérimentale adoptée par la poignée d’auteurs et              za: l’epos omerico in Properzio                                      Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
d’adaptateurs conduit à faire naître un sous-genre                                                                                  Mirko Canevaro, The Documents in the Attic Orators: Early
                                                               Carlo Santini, Aristofane e le ‘aristofaniche fantasie’ nel corpus
original parmi la production narrative de la période.                                                                               Antiquarians and Unintentional Forgers
                                                               elegiaco di Properzio: porte sbattute, muraglie celesti, morti che
                                                               rivivono                                                             Luigi Silvano, Four Forged Orations by Aeschines, Demades and
                                                                                                                                    Demosthenes and their Reception during the Renaissance
Pascale Mounier est maître de conférences à l’université de    Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, L’arte nella poesia di Properzio
                                                                                                                                    Katherine East, The Fate of the Pridie: Tracing the Decline of
Caen.                                                          Gianluigi Baldo, Considerazioni conclusive                           Manuscript Authority
                                                                                                                                    Joan Carbonell Manils & Gerard Gonzalez Germain,
                                                                                                                                    Causes, Opportunities and Methods in the Falsification of
                                                                                                                                    Roman Epigraphy in Renaissance Spain. The Case of the Tetrachs’
                                                                                                                                    Robert Leigh, Is On Theriac to Piso a Forgery?
                                                                                                                                    Angela Ulacco, The Creation of Authority in Pseudo-
                                                                                                                                    Pythagorean Texts and their Reception in Late Ancient Philosophy
                                                                                                                                    Félix Racine, Pseudo-Plutarch’s On Rivers and the School
                                                                                                                                    Christian Müller, Rufinus versus Jerome in the Falsification
                                                                                                                                    Jacqueline Hylkema, The Forgery of Isaac Casaubon’s Name:
                                                                                                                                    Authority and The Originall of Idolatries

approx. 500 p., 6 b/w ills, 6 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,   approx. 275 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                                  approx. 275 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58777-6                                         ISBN 978-2-503-58926-8                                               ISBN 978-2-503-58843-8
Hardback: approx. € 100                                        Paperback: approx. € 75                                              Hardback: approx. € 85
Série: Texte, Codex & Contexte, vol. 22                        Series: Studi di poesia latina - Studies of Latin Poetry, vol. 22    Series: Lectio, vol. 9

TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

                  UTRECHT STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL LITERACY                                                General Editor: M. Mostert

                  The series provides a forum for publications on the medieval history of non-verbal, oral and written communication and their interrelationship.

       Oral and Written Communication                             Les Mots au Moyen Âge /                                                The Use of Pragmatic Documents
       in the Medieval Countryside                                Words in the Middle Ages                                               in Medieval Wallachia and
       Peasants – Clergy – Noblemen                               Victoria Turner, Vincent Debiais (eds)                                 Moldavia
       Anna Adamska, Marco Mostert (eds)
                                                                  This collection of essays is a return to words of the                  (Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries)
                                                                  Middle Ages in and of themselves, uniting philologists,                Mariana Goina
       A collection of studies on the history of social com-
                                                                  historians, epigraphers, palaeographers, and art histo-
       munication in the medieval countryside.                                                                                           The first monograph on pragmatic literacy in
                                                                  rians. It probes the intellectual, technical, and aesthetic
                                                                  principles that underpin their use and social function                 medieval Moldavia and Wallachia.
       Much has been published over the last decades on
                                                                  in medieval graphical practices, from epigraphy and
       the uses of literacy by the clergy, nobility, and town                                                                            In the region that was to become Moldavia and
                                                                  inscriptions, to poetics, ‘mots’, and ‘paroles’. By analys-
       dwellers of the Middle Ages. By comparison, very lit-                                                                             Wallachia, there are almost no traces of the use of
                                                                  ing the material and symbolic properties of a particular
       tle attention has been devoted to the use of writing                                                                              writing for the millennium a�ter the Roman Empire
                                                                  medium, the conditions in which texts become signs,
       by the inhabitants of the medieval countryside. This                                                                              withdrew from Dacia. Written culture surfaces only
                                                                  and scribal expertise, the contributors address ques-
       book aims to remedy this situation. In many di�fer-                                                                               by the second half of the fourteenth century, a�ter
                                                                  tions that initially seem simple yet which define the
       ent regions of medieval Europe, the vicinity of even                                                                              the foundation of state institutions. This book sur-
                                                                  very foundations of medieval written culture.
       the smallest of towns and market places suggested                                                                                 veys the earliest extant documents, their issuers,
       the use of the written word. Even peasant communi-         Vincent Debiais is full researcher at the Centre de recherch-          and the motives that triggered the development of
       ties and individual peasants came into contact with        es historiques (EHESS, Paris). Victoria Turner is Lecturer in          documentary culture in Moldavia and Wallachia.
       writing, and on occasion wrote texts themselves —          French at the University of St Andrews.                                By the fi�teenth century, Moldavians were already
       or had texts written for them. The professionals and                                                                              accustomed to the use of charters. In Wallachia,
                                                                  Table of Contents
       semi-professionals of the kinds of writing we associ-                                                                             noblemen also appealed to written records, but at
       ate mainly with urban literacy proved to be real am-       Victoria Turner & Vincent Debiais, Introduction
                                                                  Adrian Papahagi, Words with Masks: A Note on the Nomenclature
                                                                                                                                         that stage mainly in extraordinary circumstances.
       bassadors of pragmatic literacy in the European coun-                                                                             Women could not inherit land, and noblemen re-
                                                                  of Some Late Medieval Initials
       tryside. The Church was present there as well, with        Dominique Stutzmann, Words as graphic and linguistic struc-            quested princely charters confirming a legal fiction
       clergy engaged in pastoral care. And the landowners,       tures: word spacing in psalm 101 Domine exaudi orationem               that turned their daughters into sons. A�ter the
       many of whom belonged to the lower nobility, also          meam (11th-15th c.)                                                    mid-sixteenth century, Wallachia experiences a
       played a role in the process by which the country-         Anne Rauner, Managing a Living Book. The Planning and the Use
                                                                  of Page Surface in Parish Obituaries in the Late Medieval Diocese of
                                                                                                                                         steep growth in the number of charters issued. In
       side slowly but steadily acquired literate mentalities.                                                                           this period of economic and social upheaval, char-
       These fundamental developments are seen against            Arthur Westwell, Correction of Liturgical Words, and Words of          ters proved an extraordinary means for the protec-
       the background of the persistence of those oral and        Liturgical Correctio in the Ordines Romani of Saint Amand              tion of landed property. Yet neither principality
       non-verbal forms of communication that continued           Jennifer M. Feltman, Aligning Word and Deed: The Emergence of          held secular archives — the storage of documents
       to be vital in peasant societies. This book o�fers a se-   Confessor as a Priest Who Hears Confession
                                                                  Morgan Boharski, Kisses on Stitches: Words of Active Fetishisation
                                                                                                                                         for later use in private hands suggests an early
       lection of scholarly work made available for the first                                                                             stage in the development of documentary culture.
                                                                  of Clothbodies in Old French Romance
       time in English; in addition, articles have been com-      Liam Lewis, Quacktrap: Glosses and Multilingual Animal Contact         By covering the ‘birth’ and spread of pragmatic liter-
       missioned to augment what has been available for           in the Tretiz by Walter of Bibbesworth                                 acy in medieval Moldavia and Wallachia, this book
       some time in other languages.                              Morgane Uberti, Un règne sans roi. Le non-dit du temps dans            thus fills an important lacuna in what is known
                                                                  quelques inscriptions de la Gaule alto-médiévale
                                                                  Estelle Ingrand-Varenne, Nommer, couper, incorporer : quand le
                                                                                                                                         about the development of literacy in the later
                                                                  nom rencontre le corps de l’image                                      Middle Ages.
                                                                  Katja Airaksinen-Monier, Mirror writing in devotional texts and
                                                                  images                                                                 Mariana Goina earned her PhD in Medieval History at
                                                                  Francisco de Asís García García, Épigraphie et création artistique     the Central European University. She is an independent
                                                                  à l’époque romane : le paysage monumental du Haut-Aragon autour
                                                                  de 1100
                                                                                                                                         scholar whose work addresses social history, medieval
                                                                  Jörg Widmaier, Between Written and Spoken Words: The Use and           literature and pragmatic literacy in the principalities of
                                                                  Function of Inscriptions on Medieval Baptismal Fonts                   Moldavia and Wallachia.

       approx. 500 p., 20 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,           approx. 325 p., 80 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                       approx. 325 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
       ISBN 978-2-503-58905-3                                     ISBN 978-2-503-58795-0                                                 ISBN 978-2-503-58797-4
       Hardback: € 120                                            Hardback: € 85                                                         Hardback: € 85
       Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 45      Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 46                  Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 47
       PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                      PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020

TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                                                                                                                                    50th volume
                                                                                                                                                                                   in this series

The Carolingian Revolution                                    Digital Philology and Quantitative                               Accounts and Accountability
Unconventional Approaches to                                  Criticism of Medieval Literature                                 in Late Medieval Europe
Medieval Latin Literature I                                   Unconventional Approaches to                                     Records, Procedures,
Francesco Stella                                              Medieval Latin Literature II                                     and Socio-Political Impact
                                                              Francesco Stella                                                 Ionuț Epurescu-Pascovici (ed.)
Presents samples of experimental methods for
reading medieval Latin texts, especially Carolingian          Building on The Carolingian Revolution: Unconventional           An interdisciplinary study of the development of
literature.                                                   Approaches to Medieval Latin Literature I, this is the           institutional accountability in the later Middle
                                                              second of two volumes proposing ways of reading                  Ages, highlighting innovations in auditing proce-
This book presents samples of experimental meth-              medieval Latin texts which, up to now, have had little           dures, administrative professionalisation, and the
ods for reading medieval Latin texts that have                or no attention within literary studies. This volume is          political and social impact of the reforms.
scarcely been adopted, if at all, by mainstream re-           founded on the belief that ‘the unprecedented empir-
search in the field. It contributes to the discovery           ical power of digital tools and archives o�fers a unique         Accounts and Accountability in Late Medieval Europe
of some underestimated aspects of early medieval              chance to rethink the categories of literary study’              traces the momentous transformation of insti-
(especially Carolingian) Latin literature: intertextu-        (F. Moretti).                                                    tutions and administration under the impact of
ality as intercultural relationship (in Biblical epic),                                                                        accounting records and procedures, c. 1250–1500.
intermediality (text-image-sound connections),                                                                                 The volume’s focus on the materiality and organ-
interdisciplinarity (science, religion, and poetry),          Table of Contents                                                ising logic of a range of accounts is complemented
hermeneutics (Biblical exegesis as poetry-engine),                                                                             by close attention to the socio-political contexts in
post-colonial reading (medieval Latin as a second             The Mechanic Reader: Instead of an Introduction
                                                                                                                               which they functioned and the agency of central
language), socio-literary approaches (monastic                Quantitative Criticism                                           and local o�ficials.
epigraphs as witnesses of everyday life, writing as           Chapter 1. Venantius Fortunatus in Medieval Latin Poetry         The volume is divided into three parts: the role of
a status symbol of an intellectual class and a whole          Chapter 2. The Representations of the Book in Carolingian and    financial accountability in the political designs of
civilization). It also discusses quantitative methods,        Ottonian Poetic Texts: The Birth of Paratextual Poetry           late medieval states, the uses of accounts auditing
which are explored in more detail in a second vol-            Chapter 3. Europe’s Name is Europa: ‘Europe’ and ‘European’ in   and information management as tools for gover-
ume, Digital Philology and Quantitative Criticism of          Early Medieval Latin Texts                                       nance, and their impact on the everyday life of lo-
Medieval Literature: Unconventional Approaches to             Chapter 4. The Landscape as a Memory Construction in the         cal communities. Covering both the centre and the
Medieval Latin Literature II).                                Latin Petrarch                                                   periphery of medieval Europe, from England and
The book thus seeks to encourage scholarly in-                Chapter 5. Generic Constants and Chronological Variations in     the Papal curia to Savoy and Transylvania, the case
terest in obscure or less familiar elements of the            Statistical Linguistics on Latin Epistolography                  studies evince the di�ficult passage from the early
Carolingian literary renewal, interpreted here as             Chapter 6. Statistical Indicators of Proximity to the Early      experiments with financial accounts towards an ac-
more a laboratory of innovations than a revival of            Romance Languages: Experimental Applications to Early            countability of o�fice.
traditional patterns.                                         Medieval Rhythmic Poetry
                                                              Chapter 7. Computer Analysis of the Lexicon and Identification
Francesco Stella, member of the Academia Europaea, is
                                                              of the Authors in the Epistolae duorum amantium (Twel�th         This title will be available
professor of Medieval Latin Literature at the University of
                                                              Century)                                                         in Open Access on:
Siena and head of the Master program in Digital Edition.      Digital Philology                                                www.brepolsonline.net/series/usml-eb
                                                              Chapter 8. Encoding Issues in Philological Digital Editions
                                                              Chapter 9. Digital Philology, Medieval Texts, and the Corpus     Ionuț Epurescu-Pascovici, has a PhD in medieval studies
                                                              Rhythmorum Musicum, a Digital Edition of Music and Poems         from Cornell University. He is currently the Principal
                                                              Bibliography                                                     Investigator of the European Research Council project
                                                                                                                               ‘Castellany Accounts’ at the University of Bucharest.

approx. 350 p., 40 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,              approx. 200 p., 40 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                 approx. 350 p., 20 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58799-8                                        ISBN 978-2-503-58801-8                                           ISBN 978-2-503-58853-7
Hardback: approx. € 90                                        Hardback: approx. € 70                                           Hardback: € 90
Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 48         Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 49            Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 50

TITLES SPRING 2020 - Brepols Publishers

    Visualizing Justice in                                                                                               Translation and the Rediscovery
    Burgundian Prose Romance                                                                                             of Rhetoric
    Text and Image in Manuscripts of                            La Renaissance italienne                                 Michelle Bolduc

    the Wavrin Master (1450s-1460s)                             dans les rues du Ghetto
    Rosalind Brown-Grant                                                                                                 This study argues that translation is the means by
                                                                L’Œuvre poétique yiddish                                 which rhetoric, as the art of reasoning, becomes a part
    This book explores the textual and visual represen-         d’Élia Lévita (1469-1549)                                of a lineage of – and a resource for – an ethics of civic
    tation of justice in a corpus of chivalric romances         Arnaud Bikard                                            discourse. At the heart of Translation and the Rediscovery
    produced in the mid-15th century for noble patrons at                                                                of Rhetoric is the thirteenth-century notary, philoso-
    the court of Burgundy.                                                                                               pher, and statesman Brunetto Latini, whose transla-
                                                                L’œuvre poétique yiddish du savant hébraïste
                                                                                                                         tion of Cicero’s De inventione will plant the seeds for
                                                                Élia Lévita constitue une brillante illustration
    This is the first monograph devoted to manuscripts il-                                                                the twentieth-century renewal of rhetoric as an art of
                                                                des tendances esthétiques de la Renaissance ita-
    luminated by the mid-fi�teenth-century artist known                                                                   persuasion. Moving from Classical Latin and medieval
                                                                lienne dans les couches populaires de la société
    as the Wavrin Master, so-called a�ter his chief patron,                                                              Romance languages (Old French and medieval Italian)
                                                                juive au début du XVIe siècle.
    Jean de Wavrin, chronicler and councillor at the court                                                               to modern French, this work posits a diachronic dia-
    of Philip the Good of Burgundy. Specializing in the                                                                  logue. It shows how translation – as practice and as
    production of pseudo-historical prose romances fea-         Cet ouvrage constitue la première étude d’en-            theory, via the medieval topos of translatio – serves
    turing the putative ancestors of actual Burgundian          semble de l’œuvre poétique yiddish d’Élia Lévita         as the vehicle for the transfer of rhetoric as an art of
    families, the artist was an attentive interpreter of        (1469-1549) et cherche à définir sa place dans la lit-    argumentation and persuasion from classical Greece
    these texts which were designed to commemorate the          térature de la Renaissance en analysant les trans-       and Rome to modern Paris and Brussels by way of me-
    chivalric feats of past heroes and to foster their emu-     ferts esthétiques et culturels ayant présidé à sa        dieval France and Italy.
    lation by noble readers of the day. Integral to these       production. Il situe l’œuvre vernaculaire de ce sa-
    heroes’ deeds is the notion of justice, their worth be-     vant hébraïste, proche des humanistes chrétiens,
    ing measured by their ability to remedy criminal acts       dans les traditions poétiques juives hébraïques
    such as adultery, murder, rape, and usurpation. In a        et yiddish et dans la logique d’une a�firmation du
    corpus of 10 paper manuscripts containing the texts         rôle de l’écrivain séculaire et de la langue verna-
    of 15 romances and over 650 watercolour miniatures,         culaire dans la société juive. Il analyse également
    the stylised, expressive images of the Wavrin Master        la portée des modèles extérieurs, chrétiens, en
    bring out with particular clarity the lessons in justice    insistant sur l’inscription des romans de chevale-
    which these works o�fered their contemporary au-            rie de Lévita dans l’évolution générale du genre
    dience, many of whom, from the Burgundian dukes             chevaleresque en Italie. L’Arioste, et en particulier
    downwards, would have been responsible for uphold-          son Roland furieux, ont joué un rôle majeur dans
    ing the law in their territories. Chapters are devoted      le ra�finement progressif du projet esthétique du
    to issues such as the nature of just war and how it is      poète yiddish. Par son ampleur et par sa variété,
    linked to good rulership; what forms of legal redress       l’œuvre vernaculaire d’Élia Lévita constitue non
    the heroines of these tales are able to obtain with or      seulement la première œuvre moderne de la litté-
    without the help of a male champion; and what re-           rature yiddish mais aussi un cas particulièrement
    sponses are available in law to a spouse betrayed by        éclairant sur la di�fusion des modèles esthétiques
    an adulterous partner. The book will be of interest to      de la Renaissance dans des catégories ethniques
    scholars of medieval art, literature, legal and cultural    (les juifs) et sociales (les classes populaires) que
    history, and gender studies.                                l’on aurait pu croire éloignées de ces mutations
    Rosalind Brown-Grant is Professor of Late Medieval French
    Literature at the University of Leeds.                      Arnaud Bikard a préparé et soutenu une thèse de
                                                                doctorat en Littérature Comparée à l’Université Paris-
                                                                Sorbonne en 2014. Il enseigne actuellement à l’Univer-
                                                                sité Européenne de Saint-Pétersbourg.

                                                                                                                         approx. 400 p., 152 x 229 mm,
                                                                                                                         Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020,
                                                                                                                         ISBN 978-0-88844-217-8
                                                                approx. 950 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,          Hardback: approx. € 95
    approx. 386 p., 140 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020,          ISBN 978-2-503-56974-1
    ISBN 978-2-503-58633-5                                                                                               Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 217
                                                                Hardback: approx. € 180                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020
    Hardback: € 99                                              Série: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 6
    Series: Burgundica, vol. 29                                 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2020                North American customers are advised to order
    PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                                                                                through University of Toronto Press



Les lettres romanes - 73 3-4 (2019)                                The Chronicles of Medieval Wales                                  Figures littéraires grecques
Écrire l’exil                                                      and the March                                                     en France et en Italie aux
                                                                   New Contexts, Studies, and Texts                                  XIVe et XVe siècles
Table des matières                                                 Ben Guy, Georgia Henley, Owain Wyn Jones,                         Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (éd.)
                                                                   Rebecca Thomas (eds)
Écrire l’exil
Dossier édité par Jonathan Châtel et Pierre Piret                  This book o�fers a collection of new studies on the               Aux XIVe et XVe siècles, la Grèce suscite en Italie et en
                                                                   chronicles of medieval Wales and the March, suppor-               France un engouement nouveau, dans une tension
                                                                   ted by synoptic pieces placing the tradition of chro-             entre admiration et méfiance face à l’altérité mal
Jonathan Châtel & Pierre Piret, Introduction
                                                                   nicle writing in Wales within the context of historical           connue et mal perçue tant de son univers ancien que
Laetitia Saintes, Formuler l’ine�fable de l’exil : autour de Dix                                                                     de son devenir byzantin. Se multiplient les œuvres en
années d’exil de Germaine de Staël                                 writing on a broader scale. The volume is accompan-
                                                                   ied by five editions and translations of little-known              latin, en français et en italien qui évoquent le passé
Nathalie Gillain, Spectres de l’exil, incarnation du pouvoir.                                                                        de la Grèce ancienne. Les héros et les héroïnes de la
Victor Hugo à Jersey : les photographies de la proscription        texts written in Latin and Medieval Welsh.
                                                                                                                                     Grèce ancienne entrent dans des univers scriptu-
Jonathan Châtel, Ré�lexions sur l’exil d’Henrik Ibsen                                                                                raires nombreux qui manifestent des exploitations
                                                                   The chronicles of medieval Wales are a rich body
Daniel Laroche, Écrivains belges expatriés en France. Le cas de                                                                      littéraires et esthétiques, mais aussi politiques, reli-
                                                                   of source material o�fering an array of perspectives
Norge                                                                                                                                gieuses et éthiques très diverses. Ces appropriations
                                                                   on historical developments in Wales and beyond.
Pierre Piret, L’exil et la honte. Jean Genet et les Palestiniens   Preserving unique records of events from the fi�th                 ne cessent de s’élargir à des formes d’écriture nou-
Charline Lambert, In�lexions politiques et trajectoires            to the fi�teenth centuries, these chronicles form the              velles jusqu’à la fin du XVe siècle, entre réinterpré-
poétiques : les exils de Gherasim Luca et Radovan Ivsic            essential narrative backbone of all modern accounts               tation, instrumentalisation, recréation poétique ou
Michel Lisse, Scènes primitives des exils de Jacques Derrida       of medieval Welsh history. Most celebrated of all are             fidélité aux textes peu à peu redécouverts. Le présent
Hubert Roland, Exil historique, « exil intérieur » et création.    the chronicles belonging to the Annales Cambriae                  ouvrage étudie la présence et l’exploitation des fi-
Ré�lexion inspirée par la construction du personnage de            and Brut y Tywysogyon families, which document the                gures de la Grèce ancienne en France et en Italie aux
Gottfried Benn dans Les Éblouissements de Pierre Mertens           tumultuous struggles between the Welsh princes and                XIVe et XVe siècles, et les nouvelles formes d’ « actuali-
Varia                                                              their Norman and English neighbours for control over              té » qu’elles prennent dans les textes, avec l’évolution
                                                                   Wales.                                                            du regard et de l’interprétation des auteurs, avec aussi
Patrick Thériault, Outrance et outrage poétiques chez le
dernier Baudelaire : Les Amoenitates Belgicae et le poème-                                                                           les décalages qui existent entre l’Italie et la France.
caricature                                                         Building on foundational studies of these chronicles
Laurent Robert, Se marier (ou pas) : le mariage dans Rayons        by J. E. Lloyd, Thomas Jones, Kathleen Hughes, and                Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas est professeur de langue et
perdus de Louisa Siefert et Les Humbles de François Coppée         others, this book seeks to enhance understanding                  de littérature médiévales françaises à l’Université de Lille et
Amaury Dehoux, Indépendance et interdépendance dans les            of the texts by refining and complicating the ways in              membre senior de l’Institut universitaire de France. Elle est
littératures francophones du Pacifique insulaire. L’exemple de      which they should be read as deliberate literary and              l’auteur de nombreuses études sur la réception de l’Antiqui-
Chantal T. Spitz et Déwé Gorodé                                    historical productions. The studies in this volume                té et de la figure d’Alexandre le Grand au Moyen Age.
Chiara Carraro, La frontière : limen et paysage chez Marie         make significant advances in this direction through
Darrieussecq et Maylis de Kerangal                                 fresh analyses of well-known texts, as well as through            Table des matières: www.brepols.net
Les Livres                                                         full studies, editions, and translations of five chroni-
                                                                   cles that had hitherto escaped notice.

                                                                   Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

vi + 246 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-58278-8
Paperback: €44,50                                                  approx. 295 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020                    approx. 326 p., 26 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
                                                                   ISBN 978-2-503-58349-5                                            ISBN 978-2-503-58223-8
                                                                   Hardback: € 80                                                    Hardback: approx. € 95
Multiple subscription options available.                           Series: Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, vol. 31   Série: Recherches sur les Réceptions de l’Antiquité, vol. 2
Contact: periodicals@brepols.net                                   PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                             PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2020


     The Hidden Life of Textiles in                                         Genre androgyne                                                 Catalan Maps and Jewish Books
     the Medieval and Early Modern                                          Arts, culture visuelle et trouble de                            The Intellectual Profile of
     Mediterranean                                                          la masculinité (XVIIIe – XXe siècle)                            Elisha ben Abraham Cresques
     Contexts and Cross-Cultural                                            Damien Delille                                                  (1325-1387)
     Encounters in the Islamic, Latinate                                    L’ouvrage porte sur les figures et théories andro-
                                                                                                                                            Katrin Kogman-Appel

     and Eastern Christian Worlds                                           gynes du néo-classicisme au symbolisme, à l’inter-              This books describes the life of Elisa ben
     Nikolaos Vryzidis (ed.)                                                section de l’histoire du corps, des masculinités et des         Abraham Cresques, known to many as the au-
     The book contains published papers of the confer-                      études de genre.                                                thor of the Catalan Atlas, and focuses on the
     ence ‘Textiles & Identity in the Medieval and Early                                                                                    Jewish aspects of his fascinating career, his pro-
     Modern Mediterranean: Paradigms of Contexts                            Homme ou femme ? Ni l’un, ni l’autre, ou les deux               fessional profile, and his scholarship.
     and Cross-Cultural Exchanges’ of the British School                    à la fois, l’androgyne est cette figure ambiguë dont
     at Athens held at the (Benaki) Museum of Islamic                       s’emparent les artistes, historiens et critiques d’art,         This book presents a small chapter in the intellec-
     Art in 2016, as well as some new contributions.                        afin d’imaginer l’émancipation politique et sexuelle à           tual history of the Jews of Majorca. Its key figure
     The focus in this varied collection of studies by key                  venir. C’est au milieu du XVIIIe siècle que l’idéal uto-        is Elisha ben Abraham Bevenisti Cresques (1325–
     scholars in the field is on textiles and their functions                pique androgyne resurgit des mythes antiques et de-             1387) a cartographer in the service of King Peter IV
     in various Mediterranean contexts (and beyond)                         vient une figure de subversion des normes de genre               of Aragon and a scribe and illuminator of Hebrew
     during Medieval and Post-Medieval times (ca. 10th-                     dans les arts visuels. Les milieux symbolistes fin-de-           books. Elisha Cresques’ career evolves at a point in
     19th c.). The scope of the contributions encompasses                   siècle s’emparent à leur tour de cette vision troublée,         time when some of the most fascinating threads
     archaeological, anthropological and art historical                     en créant de nouveaux modèles de représentation et              of methodological interests relevant to intellectu-
     perspectives on diverse subjects, such as textiles                     d’intersubjectivités.                                           al history meet. He emerges as a hub, so to speak,
     from the Byzantine Empire and the Medieval                             À la croisée de l’histoire des masculinités, de la              where mapmaking converged with scribal work,
     Islamic World (e.g. Spain, Mamluk Egypt, Seljuk                        sexualité et des études de genre, Genre androgyne               miniature painting with scientific knowledge, and
     Anatolia), Italy, the Ottoman Empire, Armenia and                      explore une archéologie proto-queer des sexualités              the culture of a minority with that of the majority.
     Ethiopia. The volume o�fers a state-of-the-art of an                   non-normatives qui ont façonné la modernité artis-              How he was able to negotiate his patron’s expec-
     o�ten still hardly known scope in studies of textiles                  tique. S’appuyant sur un corpus inédit, à partir des            tations and his own cultural identity and frame
     as historical and cultural sources of information,                     discours médicaux, des traités scientifiques, des théo-          them within the political, cultural, and religious
     which makes it essential reading for scholars and a                    ries esthétiques et des cultures visuelles de l’époque,         discourses of his time is the subject of this book.
     larger audience alike.                                                 Damien Delille retrace la trajectoire d’un art andro-
                                                                            gyne intemporel et hors sexe qui conduit les artistes           Katrin Kogman-Appel holds an Alexander von
     Nikolaos Vryzidis received his PhD from SOAS,                          aux limites de l’abstraction. De la période néoclas-            Humboldt Professorship in Jewish Studies (2015–
     University of London, with a thesis on Greek clerical                  sique au romantisme mystique, des milieux idéalistes            2020), which she took up at the University of Münster.
     costume of the Ottoman period.                                         symbolistes à l’école de Pont-Aven et aux prémisses
                                                                            du cubisme orphique, cette histoire alternative de la           Table of Contents
     Table of Contents
                                                                            modernité invite à repenser la masculinité artistique           Preface
     Laura Rodríguez Peinado & Ana Cabrera-Lafuente, New
                                                                            dans ses liens troublés avec le féminin.                        List of Illustrations
     approaches in Mediterranean textile studies: Andalusí textiles
     as case study / Avinoam Shalem, Metaphors we dress with:                                                                               Introduction
     Medieval poetics about textiles / Scott Redford, Flags of the                                                                          1 Book Art for the Jewish Call – Charts for the Court
     Seljuk sultanate of Anatolia: Visual and textual evidence|             Damien Delille est maître de conférences en histoire de l’art
     Maria Sardi, Foreign in�luences in Mamluk textiles: The                contemporain à l’université Lumière Lyon 2.                     2 Collecting Books
     formation of a new aesthetic / Vera-Simone Schulz,                                                                                     3 Visualizing the Ecumene at Large
     Entangled identities: Textiles and the art and architecture of                                                                         4 Filling in the Details
     the Appenine peninsula in a trans-Mediterranean perspective            Table des matières: www.brepols.net
                                                                                                                                            5 Political Space Between the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic and
     / Nikolaos Vryzidis, Animal motifs on Asian textiles used
                                                                                                                                            the Mediterranean
     by the Greek Church: A case study of Christian acculturation
     Appendix by Dimitris Loupis, Woven Islamic inscriptions                                                                                6 Imaging Islam in Africa and the Middle East
     Marielle Martiniani-Reber, Quelques aspects des relations                                                                              7 The Mongol Khanates
     entre productions textiles byzantine et arabe au Xe-XIe siècles                                                                        8 Mythical Space: Past and Future
     Elena Papastavrou, Osmosis in Ottoman Constantinople:
     The iconography of Greek church embroidery / Jacopo Gnisci,
     Ecclesiastic dress in Medieval Ethiopia: Preliminary remarks on                                                                        Bibliography and Sources
     the visual evidence Dickran Kouymjian, Armenian altar cur-                                                                             Index
     tains: Repository of tradition and artistic innovation / Nikolaos
     Vryzidis, Concluding remarks: Textiles as units of transmission

     approx. 260 p., 10 b/w ills, 105 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020,                                                                        approx. 350 p., 122 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2020,
     ISBN 978-2-503-58773-8                                                 approx. 210 p., 106 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020,               ISBN 978-2-503-58548-2
     Paperback: approx. € 65                                                ISBN 978-2-503-58709-7                                          Hardback: approx. € 120
     Series: Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 3   Paperback: approx. € 100                                        Series: Terrarum Orbis, vol. 15
     PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                                  Série: The Body in Art, vol. 4                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020
                                                                            PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2020

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