Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy

Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
t he o f f i ci a l m ag a zine o f t he a p pa l achi a n t r a il co nser va n c y / sp rin g 2019

                                                        and the Wild East

                                                  Travel and Adventure
                                              in Trailside Communities
                                            Celebrating 2,000-Milers
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
              06 / contributors
              08 / President’s Letter
              10 / Letters                                                                  2018 2,000-miler Kevin “Hungry Cat” Kelly
              12 / overlook                                                                 with fellow hikers in Shenandoah National
                                                                                            Park — a beloved destination for both day
                                                                                            visitors and long-distance trekkers.
              18 / Trailhead
              What’s happening along the Trail

              46 / APPALACHIAN FOCUS
              “Family photo” at Woods Hole Hostel                30 / step out
                                                                 Adventure and culture await in
              48 / Recommended                                   communities along the Trail
              Bear-resistant food storage containers
                                                                 14 / healthy forests
              50 / Indigenous                                    A.T. Forests and the vitality of the Wild East
              Diverse habitat in pitch pine — srub oak barrens

              52 / trail stories                                 22 / 2,000-milers
              Postcards from paradise                            Congratulations to thousands of dedicated
                                                                 hikers on their A.T. completions
              54 / parting thought
              A true sense of place                              40 / hiking with dogs
                                                                 Tips on bringing your best friend along for the hike

              On The Cover
              A.T. sunset near Newfound Gap in the
                                                                 44 / A.T. Indulgence
                                                                 Treat yourself to some of the finer things Trailside
              Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
              By Aaron Ibey
                                                                                                             Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 03
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
The Magazine of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy / spring 2019

                               ATC Executive Leadership                                                              mission
                                       Suzanne Dixon / President & CEO                                               The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s
                   Stacey J. Marshall / Vice President of Finance & Administration                                   mission is to preserve and manage
                                                                                                                     the Appalachian Trail — ensuring that
                   Elizabeth Borg / Vice President of Membership & Development
                                                                                                                     its vast natural beauty and priceless
                 Laura Belleville / Vice President of Conservation & Trail Programs
                                                                                                                     cultural heritage can be shared and
                                       Cherie A. Nikosey / Chief of Staff                                            enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for                                              On the road to fewer roads?
                                           Brian B. King / Publisher                                                 centuries to come.                                                            We can help.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   From epic adventures to weekend trips, Enterprise has
                                              A.T. Journeys                                                                                                                                        the vehicles and the team to start your next journey.
                                       Wendy K. Probst / Editor in Chief
                                                                                                                     Board of Directors                                                            To reserve, visit or call 1 800 rent-a-car.
                               Traci Anfuso-Young / Art Director / Designer                                          Sandra Marra / Chair                                                          Reference account # W15509.

                                                                                                                     Greg Winchester / Vice Chair
                                             Contributors                                                            Edward R. Guyot / Secretary
                              Jordan Bowman / Communications Manager                                                 Mary Higley / Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ©2019 Enterprise Rent-A-Car. J03070 2.19
                                                                                                                     Colin Beasley
                            Laurie Potteiger / Information Services Manager
                                                                                                                     Beth Critton
                                       Brittany Jennings / Proofreader
                                                                                                                     Grant Davies
                                                                                                                     Shalin Desai                                                 J03070 AT Journeys Ad.indd 1                                                  2/11/19 1:41 PM
                                                                                                                     Norman P. Findley
                                                                                                                     Thomas L. Gregg
Membership                                                     Advertising                                           Daniel A. Howe
For membership questions                                       A.T. Journeys is published four times                 Robert Hutchinson
or to become a member, call:                                   per year. Advertising revenues directly               James LaTorre
(304) 885-0460                                                 support the publication and production of             Colleen Peterson
                                                               the magazine, and help meet Appalachian               Rubén Rosales
                                                               Trail Conservancy objectives. For more                                information and advertising rates, visit:             President’s Advisory Circle
                                                                        Hon. C. Stewart Verdery, Jr. / Co-Chair
                                                                                                                     Hon. Stephanie Martz / Co-Chair
                                                                                                                     Diana Christopulos
The staff of A.T. Journeys welcomes      A.T. Journeys is published          A.T. Journeys ( ISSN 1556-2751) is
editorial inquiries, suggestions,        on Somerset matte paper             published quarterly for $15 a year by
                                                                                                                     Constance I. DuHamel
and comments. Email:                     manufactured by Sappi North         the Appalachian Trail Conservancy,      Lisa Koteen Gerchick              America mills and distributors      799 Washington Street, Harpers          Jessica Herrera-Flanigan
Observations, conclusions,               that follow responsible forestry    Ferry, WV 25425, (304) 535-6331.        R. Michael Leonard
opinions, and product                    practices. It is printed with Soy   Bulk-rate postage paid at Harpers
                                                                                                                     Robert Rich
endorsements expressed in A.T.           Seal certified ink in the U.S.A.    Ferry, West Virginia, and other
Journeys are those of the authors        by Sheridan NH in Hanover, New      offices. Postmaster: Send change-
                                                                                                                     Thomas Torrisi
and do not necessarily reflect those     Hampshire.                          of-address Form 3575 to A.T.            Sara Hazelwood Yanes
of members of the board or staff of                                          Journeys, P.O. Box 807, Harpers
the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.                                           Ferry, WV 25425.
                                                                                                                     © 2019 Appalachian Trail Conservancy. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AT MOS | AUR A A G
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Russell Tours

    I’ve learned that the
 key to roadtrip success
  is to not just visit the
                                                          “                     A change of scenery, no matter what the scale,
                                                                                for me is always a refreshing way to reset my mind. Whether
                                                                                it is my husband and I taking our two dogs for a short walk
                                                                                in a nearby park or packing us all up for a road trip to a new
                                                                                destination. Every one of our contributors in this issue was
                                                                                inspired by an aspect of their lives that deeply influences them
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hiking in
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hiking in Beautiful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Beautiful Places
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hike the best parts
                                                                                and delivers a fresh perspective, creating a collage of stories,
  big attractions, but to                                                       voices, and images that is as varied as the landscape of the
 seek out and be open to                                                        A.T. From finding solace in forests — and realizing how                                                                                  of the greatest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         European trails
                                                                                important it is to protect those shady canopies of escape — to
unexpected experiences,                                                         the excitement of planning a new adventure, to simply                       Kubota — tough enough for the
          food, and people                                                      absorbing the sense of place that comes from a familiar or                                                                               in the Alps.
                                                 Kim O’Connell
                                                                                new environment — these stories encompass the larger story                  A.T. landscape, tough enough
                                                                                                                                                            for your property and more …

                                                                                of the Wild East.
                                                                                                                     Wendy K. Probst / Editor in Chief                                                                Haute Route
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tour de Mont Blanc
                                                                                                                                                            Beverage Tractor is a proud
                                                                                                                                                            partner of the Appalachian                           Hike 7, 10, 14, or 21 days.
                                                                                                                                                            Trail Conservancy to preserve                           Stay in 4-star hotels.
                                                                                                                                                            and maintain habitat for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From $1,450 per week pp
                                                                                                                                                            all to enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ½ board (Breakfast & Dinner)

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Haute Route
                                                                                                                                                               Virginia’s Largest Full-Line Kubota Dealer

Katie Eberts                           Hannah Fries                             Kim O’Connell                        Mark Ellison                                                                             Haute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tour de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tour  de
Inspired by simple outdoor             Hannah Fries grew up in New              A resident of Arlington, Virginia,   Mark Ellison began exploring
surroundings like flower gardens       Hampshire, spending many                 Kim O’Connell has written about      the southern Appalachian
and song birds, Katie Eberts           summers hiking and camping               conservation, science, and history   woods as an undergraduate at

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mont Blanc
hopes her illustrations will leave     in the White Mountains, on and           for a range of publications. With    Western Carolina University.

you feeling happy. She graduated       around the A.T. She graduated            her husband and two children,        He became fascinated with the
from the University of Michigan        from Dartmouth College and went          she is on a quest to see all 50      beauty and solitude he found
Stamps School of Art and Design        on to get an MFA in poetry from          U.S. states (with only three more    there. His doctoral research

and is currently a freelance artist/   Warren Wilson College in North           to go) and is a veteran of several   at NC State focused on the
illustrator based in the upper         Carolina. She has worked as an           ambitious road trips. “I was drawn   restorative benefits of hiking in
peninsula of Michigan. Over the        editor at Orion magazine and at          to writing the story about Travel    wilderness, which opened doors

past six years, she has created        Storey Publishing — and is the           and A.T. Communities because         for collaboration with researchers

several feature illustrations as       author of the poetry collection Little   I’ve learned that the key to road-   and practitioners from other
well as artwork for two covers for     Terrarium as well as the book Forest     trip success is to not just visit    countries to better understand
A.T. Journeys. Some of her other       Bathing Retreat. She currently lives     the big attractions, but to seek     the connections between nature

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alta Via
clients include: Bon Appétit and       in western Massachusetts with her        out and be open to unexpected        and human health. “Writing

Delicious Living. “Working on an       husband Adam Brown, and son,             experiences, food, and people,”      about forests along the Trail
illustration about healthy forests     Amos. “One of life’s greatest joys, I    she says. After a recent trip to     was intriguing to me because of
really appealed to me,” she says.      think, is getting to really know         Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania, Kim   its focus on us as the primary
“Having the opportunity to depict      a place,” she says. “…whether that       has now added visiting a long list   stewards of their health,” he says.
plants, animals, and humans in         place is a mountain, a river,            of A.T. Communities to her future    “...not only for our own well-being,                                                   Hike 7,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hike 7, 10,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10, 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        14 or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           or 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              21 days.
one peaceful setting felt like a        a section of trail, a patch of woods    travel plans with her family.        but for the other species that
sort of shout-out to the Peaceable     in your backyard, or even the                                                 share the planet with us.
Kingdom paintings by Edward
Hicks. It was such a treat.”
                                       teaming ecosystem of
                                       a city block.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Do the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Do  the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    best parts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           parts of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of these
                                                                                                                                                                                                            famous hikes
                                                                                                                                                                                                            famous   hikes without
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             without having
06 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to sleep
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to sleep in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in aa dorm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dorm room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  room and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            share aa bathroom.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            share    bathroom.
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
President’s letter

                                                                                                                                          The A.T. on your
                                                                                                                                          lunch break:
                                                                                                                                          come work for
                                  Show A .T. Commu ni t ies                                                                               Dartmouth College
                                       Your Lov e
                                                                                                                                                                       WITH PEACE OF MIND
About a year ago, I woke                                                                             round it. They are key threads in
up in an Airbnb in Pawling, New                                                                      the fabric that maintains the
York. Before a full day of meetings,                                                                 A.T., protects open space and
I pulled on my boots, stretched a                                                                    habitat, and connects residents
minute on the deck, and headed                                                                       and visitors to opportunities to
up the hill for a quick hike on the                                                                  lear n about w ild life, native
Appalachian Trail. How did we                                                                        plants, natural history, and cul-
find this lovely landing spot? It                                                                    tural roots. The volunteer vaca-
was advertised as the “A.T. House.”                                                                  tions that some Appalachian
    On a recent Pennsylvania trip,                                                                   Trail maintaining clubs offer are
I stayed at the Shawnee Inn, a                                                                       an interesting crossover between
historic property that sits across                                                                   hospitality and hands-on sup-
the Delaware R iver from the                                                                         port, turning Trail maintenance                                         SPOT X      TM
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SPOT GEN3            ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SPOT TECHNOLOGY HAS OVER
forested hills of Delaware Water                                                                     into a revenue-generating, com-                                    2-WAY SATELLITE MESSENGER

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Gap National Recreation Area.                                                                        munity-building experience.            FLEX PLANS AS LOW AS
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                                                                                                                                                                                                               $19.99/mo              Visit to learn more!
Approximately 25 miles of the                                                                           As we have begun to engage
Appalachian Trail run through this park. The Shawnee                   A.T. Communities to lay the groundwork for the Appalachian                               SPOT19_PrintAd_ATC_7.375x9.625.indd 1                                                                         3/1/19 12:42 PM

routinely sends guests out on A.T. adventures and offers               Trail Conservancy’s new Geotourism initiative, we’ve found
guided hikes on other trails in the area, along with river trips       a deep commitment to marrying local business and eco-
and meals made with garden-fresh produce.                              nomic development, tourism promotion, and conservation.
    In Hot Springs, North Carolina, the Smoky Mountain                 In the Harlem Valley — where I woke up last spring to an
Diner offers a “Hungry Hiker” burger on its lunch menu.                early morning hike from the doorstep of the “A.T. House”—
Farther south, near Bryson City, the River’s End restaurant            the collaboration that the Harlem Valley Appalachian Trail
is sandwiched between the best of land and water recreation            Community is fostering to support its Geotourism work has
— the A.T. and the whitewater of the Nantahala River.                  spawned a new level of cooperation among local, regional,
    From Georgia to Maine, close to 50 communities and coun-           and national conservation groups active in the area. These
ties are designated Appalachian Trail Communities. These               groups are now exploring how to create a unified voice for
and many other towns, villages, and small cities near the Trail        conservation in the Harlem Valley and put their collective
are hospitality centers not only for the A.T., but also for all        muscle behind shared priorities.
kinds of other outdoor recreation experiences. These com-                 This spring, take some time to explore a community near
munities are where visitors launch their explorations of the           the Trail. Use it as a base camp for a day or two, take a hike
Wild East — the important corridor of open space that con-             and enjoy a meal, fine companionship, and the hospitality,
sists of and surrounds the Appalachian Trail. Where hikers,            local culture, and events that these places distinctively offer.
walkers, bicyclists, paddlers, birders, and you name it provi-         Your dollars and commitment to the health of the wild and
sion, refuel, and rest up.                                             rural landscapes accessible from these communities will have
    Each one of these communities offers travelers something           more ripple effects than you can imagine.
unique to explore, experience and, learn. They invite visitors                                          Suzanne Dixon / President & CEO
to linger — to arrive early, stay longer, or take time off the Trail                                                                        NOW AVAILABLE
or the river or the road — and immerse themselves in some-
thing new.
    These communities are also connecting points for steward-                                                                               B R E E Z E LT G T X
ship of the Trail and the wild and rural landscapes that sur-
                                                                                                                                          VASQUE.COM                                                                                            VASQUEFOOTWEAR

08 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
                                                                                                                                                                                        At Beyond Boundaries we are                                                      New York
                                                                                                                                                                                        committed to making the                                                          225 miles
                                                                                                                                                                                        world a better place.
                                                   many amazing people on the Trail and                 list of finished hikers and their Trail                                         The Hippie Man line
                                                   having such a great time, I wished the               names. I meet a few hikers each year                                            encourages everyone
                                                   trip would go on. I realized I already had           while day hiking near my home in Penn-                                          to clean up and care
                                                   everything I needed on my back, so I got             sylvania. I offer treats when I can for                                         for the outdoors.                                       Washington DC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           85 miles
                                                   permission from my boss to continue                  awesome Trail conversation. It is really                                        Each Hippie Man shirt
                                                   hiking. My 30-day trip turned into a                 great to see their names and/or their                                           comes in a recyclable
                                                   six-month adventure. I ended up having               pictures in my favorite magazine.                                               bag meant to be reused
                                                   the time of my life on the Appalachian                                                Gerald Mistal                                  to pick up trash.
                                                   Trail. My adventure came to an end                                         Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
                                                   when I summited Springer in mid-De-                                                                                                                     We also love to give back so
                                                   cember. I returned home, constantly                  A greatly improved magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             10% of every Hippie Man
                                                   wishing I was still on the Trail. Life is            I am a life member and don’t get out much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   shirt purchase goes
                                                   better there. Now I wonder what great                anymore on the Trail, and the magazine
                                                                                                                                                                                                              directly back to the ATC.
                                                   adventure will come next in my life.                 keeps me in touch with what’s been going
                                                                     Christopher “Just Dave” Dube       on. The Winter issue was read cover to                                                                    Hippie Man believes
                                                                             Townsend, Delaware         cover. Thanks for the new version.                                                                       that a #MoveForward
                                                                                                                                       Bill “Macon” Jones                                                     mentality is a motivation
                                                   L o v e t h e Wi n t e r i s s u e ! I t                                               Macon, Georgia                                                                  to keep moving
                                                   starts with the fabulous photography                                                                                                                             forward, whether in
You gu ys Roc k ! I t ta k e s so                  that includes the advertisements. And                                                                                                                              life or on the trails.
much to maintain a trail so long, rug-             all the articles relate well to the theme
ged, and with so much foot traffic. Yet
the only time I found myself hopping
                                                   of the “Wild East.” Good work.
                                                                       Wendy “Tiger Bomb” Pacek
                                                                                                        A.T. Journeys welcomes your comments.
                                                                                                        The editors are committed to providing balanced                        
over downed trees was the day after a                                            Altoona, Florida       and objective perspectives. Not all letters received
hurricane (and Trail maintainers were                                                                   may be published. Letters may be edited for
already out there). I know that your               I a lway s l o ok forwa r d t o                      clarity and length.
work goes beyond Trail maintenance,                A.T. Journeys showing up in my mail-
but this is just one example of the excel-         box. It is the one magazine I read cover-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Don’t miss the fun! damascus
lent work you do. Thank you!                       to-cover. I do like the new design,        
                    Kreg “Carrot Top” Moccia       although I will miss the “As I See It”               Letters to the Editor
                    Peabody, Massachusetts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRAIL DAYS
                                                   column. This was a favorite of mine. I               Appalachian Trail Conservancy
                                                   enjoyed the inspirational stories of                 P.O. Box 807

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MAY 17-19
Bega n a 30-day back pack ing                      ever yday hikers. One thing that I                   Harpers Ferry, WV 25425-0807
trip to escape from everyday life and              implore you not to change in the spring
stress in Carlisle, Pennsylvania last              issue is the feature dedicated to the
June — heading northbound with no                  previous year’s 2,000-milers. I love see-
destination in mind. While meeting so              ing their pictures and going through the

    @doug.hahn.1313                     @summitlodgesugarmountain             weighed a buck 20 using 35 lb           hike was life-style changing
The Trail should be a historic       Sharing the Trail with wildlife is all   spud bars to flip 1,000 pound           would be an understatement.                                                                                                               Highlights include a hiker
landmark preserved forever…          part of the experience!                  boulders and using hand tools           Hope it is for you too! Enjoy the                                                                                                    parade, educational programs,
Take your kids, take your                                                     to chop down trees blocking             journey! ~David Pagano
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                guest speakers, free gear
grandchildren for a hike. There           @appalachian_adv                    the path. I admired their effort
is absolutely nothing like the       I ordered my Wild East Poster            and really appreciated not                   Sent in my reservation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            repair, music, food, and more.
Appalachian Trail. Get to know       and proudly donated to the               having wet feet for a few               for 2 weeks with Konnarock.                                                                                                            Stop by the Appalachian Trail
nature, respect it, not trash it.    keep the A.T. wild for future            more days. Thank you all                This will be my 17th time on                                                                                                         Conservancy booth in the town
                                                                                                                                                               photo by Jordan Bowman

                                     generations.                             for what you do.                        Trail crew. Real Trail magic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               park to enter to win prizes.
    @davisfromvegastotrail                                                                                            ~Richard Gehring
The Wild East is so important            @johnny_nature.seed                      Started my flip-flop from
to protect. Our backyard             I passed some Trail workers              [the Flip-Flop Festival] in 17’!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      For more information visit:
to nature.                           in Maine, college students               Good times…To say my thru-
10 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy

                     T he T r ail Commu ni t y in Bloom                                                                                      A .T . C A M
                                                                                                                                               pl an
                                                                                                                                               a he a d

                                                                                                                                        for A.T. Campsites
                                                                                                                                        to Reduce Crowding
                                                                                                                                        A.T. Camp was designed to help groups plan
                                                                                                                                        their hikes while avoiding overcrowding and
                                                                                                                                        related natural and social impacts at camping
                                                                                                                                        areas. Register your hiking group and receive                               for Your
                                                                                                                                        immediate notifications                                                     Generous Tribute
                                                 A.T. - White Mountains National Forest just before Franconia Ridge. By Aaron Ibey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Memorial Gifts
      With spring comes not only a return of                       impassible due to multiple downed limbs and trees.                                 
      warmer weather and greenery but also hiking boots            In Shenandoah, the central and south districts were
      and packs. The Teahorse Hostel in my home town,              completely closed through March. And, naturally,
      Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, opened its doors               the northern section of the Trail is still under snow
      recently and already our A.T. Community is busy              cover. Trail conditions will test the mettle of our
      with hikers. Harpers Ferry and the Appalachian               crews and overseers as they work to ensure the path
      Trail Conservancy will be hosting its annual Flip            is open and ready for our visitors. But, as always,
      Flop Festival at the end of April and hikers, choosing       they up for the challenge.
      a “flip-flop” thru-hike, will come into town for last            Whether you are a hiker, a Trail worker, or a
      minute guidance and workshops before heading out             Trail neighbor there is much you can enjoy and
      on their adventure. While originally started as just         appreciate about the Appalachian Trail. There is
      an A.T.-focused event, the Flip Flop Festival has            also much you can do to help protect and preserve
      grown into a town-wide activity, involving all types         it for others. Hikers: remember to practice Leave No
      of local businesses and bringing in visitors well            Trace and follow guidelines on day and overnight
      beyond A.T. hikers.                                          group sizes. Be respectful when you arrive in our
          In addition to Harpers Ferry, A.T. Communities           Trail communities. Volunteers: you have a great
      up and down the Trail are making similar plans. In           opportunity to act as Trail Ambassadors while out
      my area, our newest town, Round Hill, Virginia is            doing your work, so make sure to stop and chat
      gearing up for its Designation Day Appalachian Trail         with hikers that you see, sharing both your love
      Festival. Planned for June, the event will coincide          for the Trail and ways that they can also give back
      with the northbound thru-hiker “bubble” arriving             with their time and membership dollars. And A.T.
      in our area. From the early days of Damascus Trail           Communities: continue to work to promote the Trail,                                                                                                                   FULL LISTINGS:
      Days, to now multiple communities along the entire           not only to outside visitors, but also with your own
      Trail, we are seeing the importance and benefit              residents, making sure that everyone knows what a
      hikers bring to these small towns.                           wonderful resource is just outside (or a short drive                              Share your LOVE                                                                      MAKE A GIFT:
          In addition to hikers, you’ll also notice a lot of       from) their back door.                                                            for the A.T. with a
      volunteers out with weed whackers and saws. This                                                                                               gift membership                                                    
      past year’s late winter storms have really wreaked                                                 See you on the Trail!             
      havoc on the Trail — with miles of sections almost                                                     Sandra Marra / Chair

12 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019
                                                                                                                                     Pamela “Chilly” Parker, Springer Mountain, Georgia. Photo by Bob Parker   Janes Bald, North Carolina. By Aaron Ibey
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy

                            The Health of forests along
                             the A.T. is integral to the
                              vitality of the Wild East
                                    By Mark Ellison / Illustration By Katie Eberts


                             We find on the Appalachian Trail a reprieve
                             from modern life full of noise, light, air
                             pollution, and constant connectivit y.
                             Exploring the Trail is like going home, or entering a
                             restorative cocoon. Though we have tried to separate
                             ourselves from nature in our urban lives, our health is
                             inseparable from that of the Earth. We are responsible for
                             tending the relationship with the forests of the Wild East
                             now, helping to replenish them similar to how the Cherokee
                             and other indigenous cultures have for centuries.
                                Since the first section of the Appalachian Trail opened in 1923, millions of
                             people have set foot on it seeking an escape in wild nature that is freeing, awe
                             inspiring, and life changing; using it as an exit ramp from frenetic schedules,
                             invasive noise, and incessant demands on our attention to some of the most
                             splendid landscapes in the country. The U.S. population that year was 111
                             million, it now eclipses 327 million, bringing with it profound impacts.
                                Population increases in the eastern U.S. have multiplied our carbon
                             footprint, with the forests of the Appalachians being a crucial carbon absorption

14 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
stress, and makes us smarter. The call of the junco,       hemlock woolly adelgid. Without them, the
                                                                                                               waxwing, or barred owl, the gentle flow of a               ecology of the forests is impacted as is the di-
                                                                                                               stream, the radiant red leaves of a maple floating         versity of native trout in the mountain streams.
                                                                                                               through the air, or the scent of fir trees, are all soft   Researchers are enlisting the help of laricobius
                                                                                                               fascinations that help to heal our attention ca-           beetles, which consume wooly adelgids, to save
                                                                                                               pacities. High quality, natural settings free of           the hemlocks. The peaks of the mountain range
                                                                                                               noise, human structures, and other distractions            are kissed with spruce-fir forests bringing a
                                                                                                               offer the most health benefits as do areas with the        taste of Canada to the southern United States,
                                                                                                               highest biodiversity. The Appalachians offer some          but these too are under siege. The Fraser fir is
                                                                                                                               of the most biodiverse areas in            in decline due to an infestation by the balsam
                                                                                                                               North America, including over 158          woolly adelgid. And numerous invasive species
                                                                                                   Left: Beech forest and      different tree species. Spanning 11        like feral hogs, kudzo, and English ivy are deci-
                                                                                            whorled wood aster along the       degrees of latitude and over 6,500         mating native plants.
                                                                                             A.T. in the Roan Highlands        feet in elevation, the diverse habi-           Forests cradle our well-being. When we look
                                                                                              Tennessee/North Carolina.        tats of the A.T. likely harbor more        into nature, we gaze into a mirror reflecting our
                                                                                                   By Jerry Greer; Right:      rare, threatened, and endangered           priorities. How often do we quiet our mind and
                                                                                                  Barred owl on the A.T.       species than any other national            listen to the forest to learn what it needs? Tho-
                                                                                             near the southern border of       park unit.                                 reau described tramping eight or ten miles
                                                                                             Shenandoah National Park.            Until the early 1800s, Appa-            through the snow to keep an appointment with
                                                                                                      By Paul Hammond          lachian forests remained rela-             a beech-tree, yellow birch, or pine. Perhaps we
                                                                                                                               tively unscathed. But the arrival          should slow down and do the same, while envi-
                                                                                                                               of the Industrial Revolution in-           sioning the A.T. with the same wonder. Realiz-
                                                                                                               troduced a period of rapid expansion of logging            ing what a gift and responsibility it truly is
                                                                                                               to fuel the growing U.S. economy. Railroads                should fuel our desire to protect it.
                                                                                                               and steam-generated power made lumber an
                                                                                                               industrial commodity at a large scale. By the
                                                                                                               early 1900s, the majority of eastern forests had
                                                                                                               been cut at least once, leaving a barren, ecolog-
                                                                                                               ically-degraded landscape resulting in erosion

                                     area in North America. Climate change has                                 and poor water quality.
                                     serious implications for endangered species                                   Since the Appalachian Trail’s inception, the
                                     such as moose, the red shouldered hawk,                                   forests it passes through have been in stages of
                                     loggerhead shrike, and Virginia big eared bat,                            restoration from human and natural incursions.
                  Forests cradle     as well as plants like the yellow lady’s slipper,                         The Weeks Act in the early 1900s helped con-

                our well-being...    and pristine sparkling streams. If left intact, the
                                     Wild East can become an oasis in a nature
                                                                                                               serve over 50 national forests in the eastern
                                                                                                               U.S., eight of which the A.T. crosses through.
               How often do we       desert, home to species fleeing other areas due
                                     to climate change and urbanization.
                                                                                                               Deforestation, invasive species, fire suppres-
                                                                                                               sion, and other human interventions have
                 quiet our mind          Benton MacKaye envisioned the Appalachian                             weakened these ecosystems. Stalwarts of the

               and listen to the     Trail as more than a narrow corridor, but a space
                                     to help join humans and nature. The A.T. is a thread
                                                                                                               Appalachians like the mighty American chest-
                                                                                                               nut, graceful eastern hemlock, and aromatic
                  forest to learn    tying balds, bogs, meadows, forests, and fauna
                                     together in a mutually supportive and resilient
                                                                                                               Fraser fir have come under siege.
                                                                                                                   The American chestnut provided nourishment
                  what it needs?     ecosystem. The forest enchants us and we learn                            for bears, turkey, and deer and was an important

                                     more each day how it heals us. It offers the gift of                      part of the ecosystem and economy of the eastern
                                     escaping the stress and distractions of life.                             United States until the chestnut blight wiped out
                                         An abundance of research, from Japan to                               the tree’s population in the early 1900s. Efforts
                                     Finland to the U.S. describes how spending time                           to reintroduce a blight-resistant variety are
                                     in nature enhances creativity, increases well-                            showing promise. Hemlocks majestically tower               Learn more about the Wild East at:
                                     being, mends the immune system, reduces                                   over the forest floor, but face destruction by the

16 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                             Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 17
Forest health and the Wild East Travel and Adventure in Trailside Communities Celebrating 2,000-Milers - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Buttermilk Falls, New
 Jersey. By Raymond
       Salani III
                                  trailhead  at c d i r t / h i g h l i g h t s /              e v e n t s / u p dat e s

                                                                            hi k ing basics

                                                                                              Know Before You Go
                                                                                              Hiking even just a portion of the Appalachian Trail is the
                                                                                              adventure of a lifetime, but you’ll enjoy that adventure
                                                                                              even more if you’re prepared. Brush up on all the basics
                        but termilk falls                                                     from proper gear and food to health and safety.

                        There are numerous waterfalls along the                               Basics: Footwear / Blisters
                        A.T. — and nearby side/blue-blazed trails —                           The most important thing is that shoes fit well and
                        that make for great viewing and destination                           are broken-in. Nothing spoils the fun or ends a hike
                        hikes. At roughly 200 feet, Buttermilk Falls                          quicker than blistered feet. On a day hike, broken-in
                        is the highest waterfall in New Jersey and is                         tennis shoes can be a better choice than brand-new
                        accessible via a 1.6-mile hike on a blue-blazed                       boots. When carrying a backpack or hiking on rocky
                        trail just off the A.T., or steps away from a                         terrain, more substantial hiking shoes or boots may
                        parking area for those who don’t want to hike                         be desirable, but some hikers walk the entire ​A .T.
                        in. The striking waterfall is also part of a loop                     in running shoes or cross-trainers. Remember, the
                        hike, which includes the Appalachian Trail,                           heavier your pack, the more substantial a shoe you
                        glacially-formed Crater Lake, Hemlock Pond,                           will need. Shop for boots in the afternoon as feet
                        and several vista points with views of the                            swell throughout the day. Thru-hikers can expect
                        surrounding Kittatinny Mountains.                                     their feet to expand over the course of their hike,
                                                                                              so if between sizes, choose the larger size. ¶ To
                                                                                              help prevent blisters, break in new shoes or boots
                                                                                              gradually before you begin your hike. As soon as you
                                                                                              feel any discomfort or “hot spot” developing, stop
                                                                                              hiking and place moleskin or duct tape over areas
                                                                                              developing soreness.


                                                                                                                             Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 19
                                                                                            A.T. – Bear Mountain, Connecticut By Aaron Ibey

                                                                                                                                                              A View Worth Saving
                                                                                                                                                           By Peter J. Barr

                                                                                                                                                              Condition of the historic fire lookout tower atop the A.T.’s
                                                                                                                                                              Rich Mountain — overlooking Hot Springs, North Carolina
                                                                                                                                                              — became so unsafe by 2017 that it was closed indefinitely
                                                                                                                                                              to hikers seeking to enjoy its 360-degree vantage point.           North Carolina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rich Mountain Tower
                                                                                                                                                              Falling into disrepair in recent years, it suffered mightily
                                                                                                                                                              from sustained vandalism and the stresses of weather
                                                                                                                                                              extremes at its 3,670-foot elevation. ¶ The Rich Mountain
                                                                                                                                                              tower straddles the state line and boundaries of North
                                                                                                                                                              Carolina’s Pisgah National Forest and Tennessee’s Cherokee
                                                                                                                                                              National Forest. The 31-foot lookout was erected by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Rich Mountain
                                                                                                                                                              U.S. Forest Service (USFS) in 1932 and utilized for fire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tower is just one of six
                                                                                                                                                              detection for the next six decades. It has since remained a        fire towers that have
                                                                                                                                                              beloved scenic viewpoint along the A.T. for visiting hikers,       been restored along the
                                                                                                                                                              and a historic structure that portrayed a bygone era of            Trail in Georgia, North
                                                                                                                                                              natural resource protection methodology. ¶ Too treasured           Carolina, and Tennessee.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 They include:
                                                                                                                                                              of a landmark to lose, a partnership comprised of the Forest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Albert Mountain, NC;
                                                                                                                                                              Fire Lookout Association (FFLA), the USFS, the Appalachian         Wayah Bald, NC;
                                                                                                                                                              Trail Conservancy (ATC), and Carolina Mountain Club joined         Wesser Bald, NC;
                                                                                                                                                              forces to complete restoration of the tower in 2018. ¶             Mount Cammerer, NC/TN;
                                                                                                                                                              The restoration was made possible by funding from the              and Camp Creek Bald,
                                               National Trails Day                                                                                            ATC’s License Plate Grant Programs in North Carolina and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NC/TN. The Blood

                                                    JUNE 1st
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mountain, GA, and
                                                                                                                                                              Tennessee. Grants made to the North Carolina FFLA — a              Roan High Knob, NC/TN,
                                                                                                                                                              non-profit that seeks to preserve, restore, and interpret          fire warden cabins
                                      Thousands of Events. One Adventurous Day. Find your
                                                                                                                                                              historic fire lookout towers — leveraged an additional             are used as A.T. shelters.
                                    own adventure and celebrate National Trails across the U.S.
                                                                                                                                                              $100,000 from the USFS to achieve the project. ¶ The Rich
                                                                                                                                                              Mountain tower received a full structural overhaul, including
                                                                                                                                                              new roofing, wooden cab walls and deck railings, lightning
                                                                                                                                                              rods and grounding wiring, fresh paint, installation of durable,
                                                                                                                                                              vandal-proof metal-grate flooring and stairs, and even a
                                                                                                                                                              security camera to mitigate vandalism. ¶ Both the tower’s
                                                                                                ★   ★
                                                                                                                                                              venerable history and its stunning panorama from the top are
                                                                                                                                                              now preserved and accessible to A.T. hikers as a reward for

                                                                                                                                                              their long climb up the mountain.



                                 Protect Yourself                           Congressional Update
          One of the greatest risks to your health while                    Find out what’s happening on Capitol
        hiking the A.T. is from contracting a tick-borne                    Hill — and how it will affect the Trail.
           disease. This most recent map from the CDC
    illustrates how widespread reported cases of Lyme                       For more information visit:
         disease have become on the East Coast. Risk is           
                heightened during spring and summer.

                                 Educate and protect yourself:
                                                                                                         The newly restored tower offers 360-degree views from Rich Mountain.
                                                                                                                                              By Shannon Millsaps \ NC Forest Fire Lookout Association

20 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                            Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 21
Barrett Alan / Earl Grey
                                                                                                                                                                             Barrett Mary / Purple Haze
                                                                                                                                                                             Barron Aifric / Fizzy

                                                                                                                                                                             Barron Ian / Sweeps
                                                                                                                                                                             Barron Owen / Bear

                                                                       Our list of determined individuals
                                                                                                                                                                             Barrow Jess / Bluegrass
                                                                                                                                                                             Bartell Jared / Mush
                                                                                                                                                                             Barwin Rebecca / Flip-Flop
                                                                                                                                                                             Basile Joseph / Sir Juice
                                                                       includes those who reported hike completions of the entire Trail                                      Bass Rebekah
                                                                                                                                                                             Bates, Jr. Robert / BobKat
                                                                       (thru-hikes or section-hikes) to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy                                    Batson Jason / Tickle Me Elmo

                                                                                                                                                                             Bauhart Milena / Doc
                                                                       since last spring.                                                                                    Baxter Robert / No Name
                                                                                                                                                                             Beadles Gary / Gary

                                                                                                                                                                             Beale Anya / Onion

                                                                       Congratulations to all 1,197
                                                                                                                                                                             Beaver Jacob / Floss

                                                                                                                                                                             Behrens Greg / gbolt
                                                                                                                                                                             Bellavance Eric / Poncho
                                                                                                                                                                             Beller Ron / RonRico
                                                                       determined hikers who reported their completion of the
                                                                                                                                                                             Bennett Jeff / Switch
                                                                                                                                                                             Benson Josh / Broken Seal
                                                                       entire Appalachian Trail in 2018.                                                                     Bergholz Izzy / BUTTER

                                                                                                                                                                             Berheide Daniel / Chug
                                                                                                                                                                             Berman Dave / Ion
                                                                                                                                                                             Berman Sarah / Earth Heart
                                                                       For the third year in a row, the number of thru-hikers who reported                                   Bermudez Nick / Red Eye
                                                                                                                                                                             Bernabé Cécilia / Sprout

                                                                                                                                                                             Bernhard Todd / P.C.
                                                                       completing a flip-flop itinerary was greater than the number of                                       Bernloehr Matthias / Bernie
                                                                                                                                                                             Berry Matthew / Blueberry
                                                                       those reporting a southbound thru-hike, although northbounders are
                                                                                                                                                                             Bess Amanda / PeWee
                                                                                                                                                                             Beyard Sean / Yo-yogi
                                                                       the largest category by far again. We received applications from
                                                                                                                                                                             Bieber Tom / Detail
                                                                                                                                                                             Birt Ron / Buckeye
                                                                       hikers as far away as Bulgaria and New Zealand.                                                       Bishop Jennifer / Loon

                                                                                                                                                                             Black Mickey / Marathon
                                                                                                                                                                             Blaine Jeremy / Rambo
                                                                                                                                                                             Blanchard Amanda / V

                                                                                                                                                                             Blanco Manuel / Fix Gear
                                                                       Starting later this year, 2,000-milers will be able to connect, view                                  Blue Dawanna / Sally Forth
                                                                                                                                                                             Blum David / Just Dave

                                                  s                    and upload photos, and share their accomplishments with each other
                                                                       through social media. Find out more at:
                                                                                                                                                                             Boeckel Ben / Stinger
                                                                                                                                                                             Boegner Joshua / Olli

                                                                                                                                                                             Bohner Lee / Loner-Bohner
                                                                                                                                                                             Boley Krystal
                                                                                                                                    Boling Kyle / Peach

                                                  Northbound˚ 778
                                                                                                                                                                             Bolton Mary-Ann / Crow
                                                                                                                                                                             Bomar Ann / Spinelli
                                                                                                                                                                             Bookout Scott / Spot

                                                                                                                                        Armour Scott / Pothos                Botbyl Glenn

                                                  southbound˚ 135                                Abate Julian / Mayday
                                                                                                                                        Armstrong Maximilian / Bloodhound
                                                                                                                                        Aschenbach Brenda / Tootsie
                                                                                                                                        Asman Connor / Brand New
                                                                                                                                                                             Böttger Manuel / Moose(poop)
                                                                                                                                                                             Boulamatsis George / Pace
                                                                                                                                                                             Bowden Brian
                                                                                                 Abell Jared / Walmart Special

                                                  flip-flop˚ 139
                                                                                                                                        Aubin Eric / Professor               Bowdon Billy / The Skid
                                                                                                 Abernethy Heather / Scout
                                                                                                                                        Auwaerter Carolyn / Incubator        Bowie Carolyn / Jackalope
                                                                                                 Abrams Lynsey / Stubbs
                                                                                                                                        Awad Luke / Metric                   Bowker Tom / Granite Man
                                                                                                 Adams Jake / Sandals
                                                                                                                                        Azmat Saarem / trainwreck            Bowling Derek / Bear Magnet

                                                  section hiker˚ 198
                                                                                                 Adams Rachel / Ninja Snail
                                                                                                                                        Babcock Tessa / Big Money            Bowman Terry / Bar-killer
                                                                                                 Affronti John / Tentcents
                                                                                                                                        Babiarz Craig / Orange               Bradford Kelsey / Ducky
                                                                                                 Aggarwal Amit / Gump
                                                                                                                                        Bacastow Richard / Highway           Bradley Joshua / Dine N’ Dash
                                                                                                 Aguilar Monica / Moss
                                                                                                                                        Bagge David / 13                     Bradley Sarah / Tern
                                                                                                 Akers Nancy / Bluegrass
                                                                                                                                        Bailey Jerry / Bear Snack            Brimberry Darrell / Next Step
                                                                                                 Ambrozewicz Stewart / Rip Van Winkle
                                                                                                                                        Baker Brett / Wizard                 Britton Collin / Wild Turkey
                                                                                                 Anderson Gerry / Ozzie
                                                                                                                                        Baker Jim / Shivers’ Dad             Bromen Pete / EASY Pete
                                                                                                 Anderson Harvey / Commander
                                                                                                                                        Baker Larry / Fox                    Brony Sebastian / Forager
                                                                                                 Anderson Heather / Anish
                                                                                                                                        Balaban Karen / Second Wind          Brooks Jim / Poppa J
                                                                                                 Anderson Ted / MILES
                                                                                                                                        Balding Kenny / Kenya                Brothers Richard / Ulysses
                                                                                                 Andrade Jeffrey / Sure Win
                                                                                                                                        Baldree Rhianna / Needles            Brown Dennis / Incline
                                                                                                 Andrews William / CapCap
                                                                                                                                        Bang-Larsen Eva-Charlene / Novegan   Brown Haley / Hales-A-Blazin
                                                                                                 Appleby Bill / 55 SOG
                                                                                                                                        Barbash Eddie / Steady               Brown Samantha / Postcard
                                                                                                 Archila Saul / Red Hawk
                                                                                                                                        Barber Jessica / Summit              Brown Sibley / Possibly
                                                                                                 Archuleta John / Ping (Mountain)
                                                                                                                                        Bardoul Jordane / Renoir             Browning Christy / Koopa
                                                                                                 Aretz Bonnie / Burdock
                                                                                                                                        Barlow Phil / Bald Eagle             Browning Jonathan / Big-Ooh
                                                                                                 Armour Erik / Nix
Sunrise on Mount Washington. By Adam Richardson                                                                                                                                 Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 23
Goschka MD Andrew / Andy and Brandy   Hugentobler Carla / Miss
  Chad “Relentless” Skinner                                                                                                                                Jim “Poppa J” Brooks & grandson                                              Graham Andrew / Peanut                Hugentobler Pius / Swiss
  Rachael “Honey Bear” Paszko                                                                                                                                                                                                           Grant Russell / Savage                Hughes Scott / HELL-YA Jesus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gray Kenneth / Zeppelin               Human Nico / Lux
  & David “Hoot” Gibson                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Green Scott                           Hunsucker Amy / Slider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Grice Autumn / G. Wheezy              Hunt Kayt / Taco
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Groleau Tina / Lucero                 Hurlburt Josh / Spark
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Grover Karen / Soulshine              Huss Brandy / Andy and Brandy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Grover Scott / The Kid                Ibargüen Saoirse / Story
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Guenter Eric / HD                     Icenogle Maria / Groceries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hadley Bruce / Crazy Diamond          Ingmire Bryce / Rex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hagen Robert / Chincook               Ingram Scott / Glider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hager Herbert / Coffee-Maker          Irwin Catherine / Feathers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Haldeman Jonathon / Bolt              Isaacson Jeffrey / Half Full
                                                                                   John “Kuzzy” Kusmits & Bill “Crabby” Lovell                                                                                                          Haldeman Koleen / Hommus              Jackson Morgan / Cosmic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hall John / The General               Jackson Robin / Long Legs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hallowell Tim / Mission               Jacobi Wyatt / Backtracker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hammond Ron / Donut                   Jakubonis Arturas / Mouse Trap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hanck Philippe / Terminator           Jarrell Bryan / Iron Foot
Bruhn Anja / DirtyGirl                  Cenker Jennifer / Moo Bear        Cornman Conlan / E-Street               Dube Christopher / Just Dave                                                                                          Hand William / Mumbles                Jeffers Anna / Dr. J
Bruhn Nadine / Valkyrie                 Cerio Alexander / Good Push       Cosgrove Thomas / Cosmo                 Duda Graham / Gramps                                                                                                  Hanes Mike / Forager                  Jeffers Jackson / Butcher
Buchan Matt / 2/3                       Chae Hoon / Patches               Costello Meghan / Send It               Duff Sarah / Sunset                                                                                                   Hansen Evan / Sweet                   Jensen Mika / Snicker Bear
Buckley David                           Chalmers Nicóle / PaceCar         Coulon Rick / Coolio                    Duggan Brian / Sublyme                                                                                                Hanzlik Kelsey / Pixie                Jenssen Greg / Baba Ganoush
Bucklin Asha / Sincerity                Chancey Nicholas / Fable          Couvreur Daniel / The General           Duncan Andrew / Wallace                                                                                               Harman Andrew / Fedex                 Johnson Amanda / Mandar
Bull Allie / Thunder                    Chandler Reece / Wiggles          Craig Taylor / Firepink                 Dunn Caitlyn / Dirt Devil                                                                                             Harris Colton / Zoltan                Johnson Ryan / Candy
Bullard Levon / Hard Hat                Charette Merrill / Captain Ahab   Crawford Jeremy / Happy                 Dunn Rachael / Battle Lion                                                                                            Harris Daniel / Scars                 Johnson Suzann / Wheezie
Bulman Ashley / Infinity                Charles Ken / Cocoa               Cromartie Jr. John / Pastor John        Dwight Art / Monk                                                                                                     Harris Natalie / Stripes              Johnston-Carter William / Not Yet
Burd Andrew / Snuggs                    Chase Brandon / Moxie             Crome Jake / Culligan                   Dye Jason / Choo Choo                                                                                                 Haselbauer Gretchen / French Fry      Jolly Frederick / Santiago
Burger Trey / Thumper                   Chase Steve / CHACO               Cronin Craig / New York                 Eckhart Jonathan / Sparky                                                                                             Haskell Eric / Running Griz           Jones Anna / Sweet Tea
Burghouwt Esther / Snow Angel           Chastain Zachary / half -full     Cross Chuck / WanderingDad              Egan M. Dean / Machine                                                                                                Hayes Evan / Baloo                    Jones Branden / Moose
Burke Dylan / Pickle                    Chatham Meg / Me                  Cross Josh / Aladdin                    Egan Mary / Squeaky                                                                                                   Hayes William / Goodwillhiking        Jones Chelsea / Roast
Burke Kathryn / Blueberry               Childre Elliott / River Dance     Cullinan Patrick / T5000                Eichhorn Clemens / squirrel                                                                                           Haywood Griffin /                     Jones Dustin / Mr. Jones
Burt Jim / Sandals                      Chipka Jamie / Sunshine           Cunningham Terry / Midwest Mama         Ekström C. / The Rock                                                                                                 Hazlip John /                         Jones Michael / Swish
Butler Joshua / Hazmat                  Cholewa Jr. Dan / The Machine     Currotto Carol / Turnip                 Elens Kevin / Gump                                                                                                    Heard Steven / Nubs                   Jones Zachary / Cheddar
Buttner Jane / from Canada              Christianson Charles / Willi      Curtis Catlin / Pika                    Elinski Emily / Wiki                                                                                                  Hecker Laurel / Duracell              Jordan Michael / Gunslinger
Bychowski Mark / Pepper Jack            Church Bobby / Slower             Curtis Colin / Crazy Brit               Ellingsworth Andrew / Bloodbeard                                                                                      Hecsko Radek / Czech Mix              Jourden Benjamin / Big Ben
Byer Dennis / Doctor Who                Church Vickie / Slow              Curtis Jason / Highlander               Elliott Chelsea / Peanut                                                                                              Heilmann Bob / Bobaganoosh            Jürgens Kay / Wanderer
Byerley Michael / Troop Leader          Cimini Tess / Rebound             Dahinden Nicholas / Nicky Dynamite      Ellwanger Kerry / Valk                                                                                                Heller-Bair Ilah / Mareekie           Justis Glenn / Scoutmaster
Callison David / Giggles                Clark Regina / Queen              Dake Bill / Comfortably Numb            Englander Jeff / Penguin                                                                                              Hémond Alexandra / Produce            Kaczmarek Joseph / haznohorse
Canham Dylan / G.D.                     Clerk Aaryn / Barb Ross           D’Andrea Elizabeth / Sweet Treats       Epstein Gaspar / La Copa                                                                                              Henderson Carolyn / Harry & the       Kahn Preston / Gandolphin
Capello Nathan / Day Hiker              Clerkin Samantha / Firefly        Daubert Christopher / TR/Trail Runner   Espie Hanna / French Toast                                                                                            Hendersons                            Karl Khalil / Friend
Carducci Doug / Epic                    Clevenger Chris / Turn Around     David Ashley / Strong                   Eustance Zachery / Big Toe                                                                                            Herr Daniel / Lt. Dan                 Karner Sarah
Carlin Nicholas / Dracula               Cloud Kate / Feathers             David Jules / Just                      Evans Bobby / Batman (& Robin)                                                                                        Hesleitner Michael / Double Stack     Kazmierczak Matthew / Buckeye
Carney Christopher / Cruise             Cochran Cynthia / Olive Branch    Davis Jonathan                          Everett Devin / Jukebox                                                                                               Hess James /                          Kearney Tom / Buddha
Carney Tracy / Hope to…                 Cody Philip / Wolfey Bizzerk      Davis Michael / Navster                 Eyre Jane / Purple Rain                                                                                               Hess Lorrie / Easy Bake               Keatts Corrinna / Mighty Mouse
Carothers Greg / Bones                  Cofer Kelli / Savage              Davis Shawn / Jésus                     Fachet Stefan / Blessings                                                                                             Hickerson Rob / Furnace               Keckley Gary / Darth Vader
Carroll Ben / Squirvert                 Cofer Kelli / Savage              DeCarolis Mike / Doc                    Faires Jack / Col Jack                                                                                                Hileman, Jr. Bob / Roadrunner         Keith Clark / Big Sky
Carswell Bruce / Q-Tip                  Cohen Jon / Jetson                Dehondt Kiki                            Fallin Don / DJ                                                                                                       Himstedt Curtis / Easily Forgotten    Kellogg Richard / Seeker
Carter Sam / Pony Express               Coleman Michaela / Pronator       Del Molino Sam / S”amwise”              Fallis Lauren / Makin’-It                                                                                             Himstedt Pam / Bunny Tracks           Kelly Jane / Pinto
Casanova Jovito / Bungee                Collins Jessica / Close Call      Del Negro Marcus / Wisecrack            Faries Sherrie / Blue Butterfly                                                                                       Hodgson Josiah / Shepherd             Kelly Kevin / Hungry Cat
Cash Samantha / Cruz                    Colo Michael / NoRush             Dempsey Matthew / Michigan              Fator Grant / Sani                                                                                                    Hodlin Kevin / NoDoz                  Kelly Tim / Cheshire Cat
Cason Madison / Toots                   Conroy Michael / Downeast         Denton John / Johnnie Walker            Fawcett-Davis Devon / Mountie                                                                                         Hoersting Bobo / 47                   Kemmery Patrick / Hack
Cason Trey / Paw-Paw                    Cook Cody / Wild Hog              Deom Adam                               Felland Daniel / Dirty Dan                                                                                            Hoffman Alexander / Lost Boy          Kepner Mary / Wander Woman
Castignoli James / O.G. Lost & Found    Cooley Tyler / Puddle             Derriso Bryce / Oats                    Feng Liu / Little Horse                     Mike “Medicine Man” Rohman                                                Hoffman Joe / Mr. Zip                 Kern David / RC Kinglet
Cedeno Zelzin / QUETZAL                 Coons Randy / Bilbo               Deterding Kristen / Elmo                Ferguson Sarah / Honey Badger                                                                                         Hoffman Micah / Hot-Rocks             Kerschner Kelly / Throwdown
Cenker Gabriel / Deep Waters            Cormier Louis                     Detweiler Rodney / Handstand            Fess James / No Excuse                                                                                                Hoffman Robert / Knee Deep            Kersting Lydon / Rocket
                                                                          Deubert Chuck / No Doubt                Fibich Michael / Pebbles                                                                                              Hoffmann Michèle / Peppermint         Kidder Liz / Handstand
                                                                          Devlin Pat / Pirate                     Fick Kyle / Soul Train                                                                                                Holcomb Austin / Noodle               Kiec Michelle / Panther
                                                                                                                                                          Fox Matthew / Gray                      Giacomelli, Jr. Joseph / A$$hole
                                                                          Dillon Benjamin / Glow Worm             Field Noel / Mainer                                                                                                   Holden Trey / Buffalo                 Kierspe George / Privy Inspector
                                                                                                                                                          Friars Colin / WHIP                     Gibb Keke / Frank
                                                                          Dishmon Tyler / Huck                    Fik Jonathon / Mittens                                                                                                Hollingsworth Matt / Rainbow          Killian Bob / Traildog
                                                                                                                                                          Friedman Katie / Bear Box               Gibson David / Hoot
                                                                          Dismukes Catherine / Bags               Findley Luke                                                                                                          Holman Jessica / Pepperette           Kim Heesook / Mojave
                                                                                                                                                          Fruehbeis Florian / Monk                Gibson Doug / Twofer
                                                                          Diverde Alex / QuickFix                 Finkle Jay / Jay                                                                                                      Holmes Izzy / Happy Feet              Kim Tae / Crunchy
                                                                                                                                                          Fuller Michael / Farmall                Giesen John / No Prob-Llama
                                                                          Diverde Allison / Flower Power          Fisbeck Lisa / Sunshine                                                                                               Holsted Adam / Jet                    Kim-Biggs Jack / Ripley
                                                                                                                                                          Fullerton-Smith Quentin / New Zealand   Gilbert Clayton / Tortoise
                                                                          Dixon Hannah / SONIC                    Fitzgerald Jack / Jams                                                                                                Hooper William / Crockett             King Jay / Shaggy
                                                                                                                                                          Fuqua Randy / Flash                     Gill Harrison / HILLS
                                       Christine “Nemophilist” Todd       Dobsevage Ruth / tiptoe                 Fitzpatrick Brandon / Smalls Too                                                                                      Hopson Gene / Jeans                   King Margaret / Maggie
                                                                                                                                                          Gallant Robert / No Breaks              Giuffre Jacqueline / Emergency Tuna
                                                                          Dockins Marty / Bamadog                 Flagler Sean / Jack Rabbit                                                                                            Hopson Jr. Tom / Bugs                 Kirk Rebecca / Moonbeam
                                                                                                                                                          Gallaway Kavin / Tarzan                   aka E.T.
                                                                          Dolman Megan / Giggles                  Fletcher Chad / RANCHER                                                                                               Hopwood Autumn / Oops                 Kish Hannah / Mama Kish/Gremlin
                                                                                                                                                          Gamblin Bryan / 50/50                   Given Kat / Muse
                                                                          Domby Art / Vinegar                     Flinn Jr. Lawrence / Webuster                                                                                         Hopwood Sean / Foxy                   Klos Kathleen / Squeaks
                                                                                                                                                          Garbett Megan / Ghost Foot              Godbout Nicolas / Baby Bird
                                                                          Domingo, Jr. A.J. / Charizard           Florac Bill / One Boot                                                                                                Hostetler Clifton / Meatloaf          Kluchinski Carol / Maps
                                                                                                                                                          Gardineer William / Black Dog           Golding Roderick / Reboot
                                                                          Domingus Jeffrey / CAMO                 Floyd John / Onyx                                                                                                     Hostetler Jesse / Flip                Knautz Dale / Jawz
                                                                                                                                                          Garon Felix / Beero                     Goldman Jeff / Gardener
                                                                          Donaldson Nathan / Trail Magic          Forrest Randy / Probation Termination                                                                                 Hostetler Lance / Astro               Knobloch Alyssa / Silverback
                                                                                                                                                          Gaulin Dayze / Quesadilla               Goldreich Staav / Cribbage
                                                                          Donovan Art / CraftE                    Fournier William / Wit                                                                                                Hostetler Marlisa / Gourmet           Kocher Mark / Brass Rat
                                                                                                                                                          Geary Nick / Mule                       Goodrum Geoffrey / Happy Hermit
                                                                          Doughty Dylan / Ponyboy                 Fowler Lee / Princess                                                                                                 Howard Jackie / Sprout                Koellner Connor / Who
                                                                                                                                                          Geertz Clara / Avalon                   Goodwill Gordon / Seneca
                                                                          Douglas Sian / Robin                    Fowler Maggie / Legacy                                                                                                Hrozencik Bob / Mag-Lev               Koenigsberg Ava / Stark
                                                                                                                                                          Ghelli Federico / Hustler               Gordon Jake / Beagle
                                                                          Douwes Frank                            Fox Declan / PHOTON                                                                                                   Hudnell Ron / Tar Heel                Koeppe Holger / the flying snail

24 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 25
Martin Jason / Hank Hill                Mills Kristen / Magic Pants           Orange-Alvarez Alexander / Wildfire                                                                         Romano Christian / Snot Rocket
                                                                                Martin Kris / Mighty Duck               Minarik Bill / Hops                   Osgood Shawn / Twister                       “Sharkbait,” “Traveler,” “Honey,”                              Romesser Andrea / Fay
                                                                                Martin Michelle / Edward Shitterhands   Minnick Elizabeth /                   Ouillette Kyle / Lucky                       “Moon,” “Ben,” “Rose,” “Candy,”                                Rorie Daniel / Preach
                                                                                Martin Neal / Gentleman                 Miskelly Darby / Bliss                Owings Mala / Mrs. T                         “Charley Horse”                                                Rorie Stacey / Doc
                                                                                Martin Scott / Bomber                   Moccia Kreg / Carrot Top              Pacheco Elliot / Beats                                                                                      Rosenfield Emma / Wildlife
                                                                                Martin Shirley / Quiet One              Moe Rud / No Chill                    Palmer Darren / Big Bunny                                                                                   Rosner Stephanie / Twinkle
                                                                                Mason Alex / Puff Puff                  Moehrle George / Mud                  Papadatos Michael / Kickstand                                                                               Ross Ian / Cinco
                      Maggie “Legacy” Fowler                                    Masterson Reinu / Bear Claw             Mohn Ron / Captain Black              Pape Jenny / Squeeze                                                                                        Ross Mary / Nemo
                                                                                Mathers John / Gypsy                    Montelongo Yolanda / Houdini          Paradis Doug / Ihavgon/Rocket Turtle                                                                        Rosser Andrew / Grumpy
                                                                                Matson Bruce / RTK                      Moody Shauna / Liminal                Parker Gregory / Quicktoez                                                                                  Rowe Luke / Candyman
                                                                                Matthews Jonathan / TRAINWRECK          Moore Jeremy / Achilles               Parker Natalie / Ibex                                                                                       Rowse Chloe / Zellow
                                                                                Mauldin Scott / Daddy LongLegs          Moore Lorinda / Cajunfire             Parker Scott / El Diablo                                                                                    Royals Zachary / The Revenant
                                                                                Mazur Eamonn / Irish AF                 Moran Jason / Pace Car                Parkman Adam / Geco                                                                                         Rubinoff Jason / BeanWolf
                                                                                McAdams Trey / King Arthur              Morgan Greg / Cheesy                  Paszko Rachael / Honey Bear                                                                                 Ruelle Lee / Snickers
                                                                                McCarty Morgan / Magpie                 Morisako Beverly / Princess           Paumen David / Cbiscuit                                                                                     Runde Lindsey / Heart Eyes
                                                                                McClafferty Michael / Moose (AZ)        Morton Kristen / Daenerys             Payne Audrey / Glowstick                                                                                    Russell Keith / Country
                                                                                McConaghy Charlotte / String Cheese     Morton Leviticus / Bedhead            Peck Benjamin / Big Ben                                                                                     Ruston David / Rabbit
                                                                                McCormick Shane / BEAST                 Moskowitz Irene / Astro               Pereira Adam / Rosey                                                                                        Rutkowski Emily / Bugz
                                                                                McDonald Andy / Ole                     Moss Amanda / Bloodroot               Pernice Vincent / MAD MILES                                                                                 Ryan Adam / Griz
                                                                                McDowell Douglas / OLD STYLE            Mueller Kate / Sassafras              Perrotti Victor / Hipcat                                                                                    Ryan Rachel / Stonehenge
                                                                                McElwee Brian / Fiction                 Mulholland Katie / Amazonian          Perry Quinn / Soy Sauce                                                                                     Saadawi Danya / Loins of Arabia
                                                                                McGlothlin Asher / A.M. Fog             Munkel Chuck / Stubborn Persistence   Peterka Michael / Weatherman                                                                                Sabbe Karel / Deerfoot
                                                                                McGrath Diller / Tom Brady              Murphy Brian / Fox                    Peters Wilson / Growler                                                                                     Saccardi Michael / Deep
                                                                                McGuire James / Chief                   Murray Joseph / Guinness              Petersen Jenna / Slackrack                                                                                  Salar Nancy / Rag Tag Sister
                                                                                McGuire Katie / Inside Out              Musty Tyler / Trademark               Peterson Heather / Sprinkles                                                                                Salas Edwin / The Bard
                                                                                McIntire John / Crawdaddy               Muttart Stephanie / Snapper           Pettinger Julianna / Sour Patch                                                                             Salmon Traci / Clover
                                                                                McIntire Kathryn / Smiles               Myers Daniel / Puddin Keg             Pettingill Lee / G.U.S.                                                                                     Sanders Jake / Dozer
                                                                                McKechnie Kelly / Whitewalker           Myers Matthew / Milo                  Pexa Micah / Imua                                                                                           Sandoval Jessica / Donut
                                                                                McKenzie Scott / Caveman                Nagy Nicholas / Thighclops            Peyla Brennan / Optimism Prime                                                                              Sapp Koty / Trash Panda
                                                                                McLain Autumn / Fall for Short          Napier Randy / good doctor            Phelps Craig / Hot Dog                                                                                      Sapp Tyler / Spork
                                                                                McLaughlin Brooke / Molasses            Nason Noel / Rick James               Phelps Dwight / C-4                                                                                         Sasina Amanda / Spoons
                                                                                McLenigan Thomas / Hokie Pokie          Neas Mark / Zip                       Phillips Bryce / Oolong                                                                                     Satoh Yukiko / Lost & Found
                                                                                McLennon Kelsey / Silver Bullet         Needham Jeff / Birddog                Piatt Malina / Juice Box                                                                                    Savage Jessica / Savage Beast
                                                                                McMenemy Mandy / M&M                    Neiman Michael / Sharkbait            Piddington Scott / Voyageur                                                                                 Savage Kevin / Karma
                               Megan “Giggles” Dolman &                         McNielly Nathan / Biscotti              Nelson Rick / Spamtown                Pierce Dalton / Prime Minister                                                                              Scaife Rily / Mumble
                               Mark “Pepperjack” Bychowski                      McQuiston Brian / Zia Fox               Nelson William / willin’              Pine Lindsey / Zoom Zoom                                                                                    Schaeffer Justin / Scratch
                                                                                McReynolds Joshua / Buckeye             Newby Alexis / HeatWave               Piotrowski Matthew / Flash                                                                                  Schaeffer T. / e-Wolf
                                                                                McShane Kelly / Striker                 Nighswander Emily / Spider            Pitts Paul / Grey Squirrel                                                                                  Schauf Shane / Twoflower
                                                                                McVicker Dennis / Blueliner             Nix Charles / Pathfinder              Plew Daniel / Beaverpelt                 Reilly Francis / Chumbawamba     Roberts Annie                     Schillawski Benjamin / Coffeebreak
Kolar Kaetlin / Stoic                  Leiby Tom / Brick                        Meekins Jon / Turtleman!                Noble Amy / Zippy                     Plumley Stephen / Sonic Supernova        Reiner Alex / Krinkles           Roberts Paul / Dread Pirate       Schiminske Lindsay / Overdrive
Kolb Cicely / Cougar                   Leisenring Don / Turbo                   Melger Craig / Hodag                    Norris Joanne / Peaceful Walker       Polasek Shelby / Tiny Bytes              Reiss Aimee / Strix              Robertson Rachael / Blade         Schlegel Matthew / Bo
Konz Cory / DITCH VI.I.V.              Leiva Jane / Crayola                     Meltzer Rachel / Life Alert             Novack John / Sir Bagzy               Polcrack Claire / Osprey                 Reitman Libby / Bumblebee        Robichaud William / Science Guy   Schoenberg Monika / FloMo
Koppenhaver Randall / Diamond Blue     Leopard Dustin / Jedi                    Melvin Maria / Baguette                 Nutting Christina / Early Bird        Pollard Jr. William / Will in Motion     Renner Andreas / Breezy          Robinson Andrea / Bandaid         Schou Liz / Aquamira Snotrocket (Mira)
Kotula, DFM Br. / BEAR                 Lepage Jim / Grey Ghost                  Mercier Leslie / Bubbles                Nypaver Abbie / Kidska                Poole Rachel / Mouse Mama                Retter Bryony / Poppins          Robinson Angie / Odie             Schultheis Jade / Elly
Kreitz Ashley / Noodle                 Lerman David / Mr. Peanut Butter         Merrill David / Kingsman                Obenour Brent / Lucky Boy             Pope Alexis / Nameless                   Reynolds Eiryn / Ray             Robinson Blake / DELUXE           Schultz Steve / Rufio
Krentz Peter / Prophet                 LeStourgeon Peter / Guppy                Méthot Justine / Saucy Feet             Occiano Sue / Movin’ Moo              Poreda Jason / Compass                   Reynolds Mark / Tumble           Robinson J.D. / Pretty Feet       Schwartz James / Cino
Kretschmer Kyle / Van Gogh             Lieblein Miranda / Not Dead              Mettey Eric / Orlando                   O’Connell John / Beach Bum            Porter Gina / SASSY                      Ricard Rob / 007                 Robinson Kirk / Solo              Scott Lee / Saruman
Krish Nathaniel / Rogue Cartographer   Lifgren Demitri / Chairman               Meyer Cornelius / Metric                O’Donnell III Robert / Handy Man      Porter Jordan / Ghost                    Richard Jerome / Rattler         Robinson Roger / Snailtrainer     Seibert Gregory / Baldeagle
Krohn Angelique / Perky                Lilja Oscar / risky business             Meyer Lucinde / Moo-T                   Oesterle Dirk / Earth                 Porter Ron / Bear                        Richardson Adam / Gummy Bear     Roecker Maximilian / Mad Max      Sellers Scott / Pacer
Kubin Frank / BoDiesel                 Lin Liwen                                Meyers Nika / Early Bird                Ogushwitz Jesse / Zipper              Post Thomas / Jondi                      Ringo Jr. Charles                Roessler David / Cave-Dave        Sellers Victor / Blue Moon
Kuhlmann Karen / Bluejay               Link Jake / Hot Sauce                    Michel Dave / Pitchit                   Oliver Jeff / IBTAT                   Postal Michael / Samaritan               Rios Femando / Concrete Cowboy   Rogers Eric / Red Bass            Sevier Carl / Professor
Kunkleman Jeffrey / Travelinman        Lippwe Keith / Ironman                   Millan Eric                             Olsen Trent / Hot Sauce               Posuniak Tony / Ed Kemper                Ritchick Joe / Speedy            Rohman Michael / Medicine Man     Shaeffer, Jr. J.D. / Giant
Kusmits John / Kuzzy                   Lober Helen / Sweets                     Millard Victoria / Buddhapest           Olson Seth / THOR                       Shelter Shaker Esq.                    Ritchie Adele / Smiley           Rollings Ashton / Hedwig          Shanley Jack / Woody
LaBarr Benjamin / Ben                  Loew Lori / Lucky Penny                  Miller Chris / Wally                    O’Neil Shawn / Caesar                 Pressman Rebecca / Roadrunner            Roach Charles / Ironman          Rols Marie-Léa / Mademoiselle     Sharber Lewis / BiPed
LaBarr Rosemary / Rose                 Lonzello Garrett / Murphy (Sweet-Heat)   Miller Riley / Huckleberry              Orange Jackie / Peaches               Prestage Martin / Johnny 5               Robbins Eloise / Fun Size        Roma Christopher / Rafiki         Sharp Dylan / Duke
LaCoss Melony / Stretch                Loomis Jeffrey / Last Spot                                                                                             Presto Maxine / Short Stix                                                                                  Sharpe Marc-André / Papa Smurf
LaCoss Travis / Rambojuice             Lord Bryce                                                                                                             Printz Katherine / Murph                                                                                    Sheahan Dale / Dingo
Lafond Ben / Rainfire                  Lorenze Stephanie / Sunshine                                                                                           Printz Marc                                                                                                 Shedron Rich / B.S.
Lamb Cathy / Attacullaculla            Losapio Gregory / Fish Ears                                                                                            Pritchard Bob / Pritch                        Allison “Flower Power” DiVerde                                Sheehy Philip / Homebound
Lanfrank Lexie / Curls                 Lovell, Jr. William / Crabby                                                                                           Prohaszka Chris / Fiji                                                                                      Sheets Erik / Oklahoma
Lange Parker / Thing 1                 Lowes Catlin / Skywater                                                                                                Propst Jr. Benny / Cruise Control                                                                           Shin Sukhyung / tracks
Langston Zachary / Patton              Luedtke Paul / The Archer                                                                                              Proto Maria / Pink                                                                                          Shively Timothy / Stretch
Lanning Mike / Braveheart              Luers Mandee / TomTom                                                                                                  Pugely Alyssa / Trash Panda                                                                                 Shockey Joshua / “F” Bomb!
Lanser Andrew / Bacon                  Luna Danielle / Stumbles McGiggles                                                                                     Puzo Jim / JIMBO                                                                                            Shoemaker David
Lantz Thomas / Stretch                 Lynott Jackie / Humpty-Dumpty                                                                                          Quinn Katie / Rainbow                                                                                       Shoemaker Hannah / Shiver
Lau Tyler / The Prodigy                Machin Brittany / Giggles                                                                                              Quyle Jim / VEGAS                                                                                           Shouse Kristen / Keeper
Laveroni Bryana / Flip                 Maggiola Anthony / Fat Tony                                                                                            Raborn Christopher / The Georgia Peach                                                                      Shultz Peter / Sponge
Laveroni Jay / Coach                   Maguire Paul / Irish                                                                                                   Ramos David / Caveman                                                                                       Shutika James / Mr. Breeze
Law Will / Landfill                    Mains Craig / Hawk                                                                                                     Ramsey Scott / Clipper                                                                                      Siddiqi Rebekah / Happy Feet
Leavey Christopher / Achilles          Mantos Alex / Firecracker                                                                                              Ray Loye                                                                                                    Sidonis John / Geardo
Lee Thomas / Mantis                    Marfilius Kelsey / Two Step                                                                                            Ray Sara                                                                                                    Silvernale Kevin / Sunshine
Leebolt Spencer / Pit Boss             Martens James / Too Lazy                                                                                               Reach Tim / TI-84                                                                                           Silvestri Jon / Twigs
Leeson Jeff / Ducky                    Martin Brandon / Terapin                        Tom “Detail” Bieber                                                    Rearden Colleen                                                                                             Sippel Natalie / ZuZu
Leiby Katherine / Bitter End           Martin Garrett / Price Point                                                                                           Redpath Mandy / Veggie                                                                                      Six Russell / Ramble
                                                                                                                                                              Reid Caylee / Ramblin’ Rose                                                                                 Skaggs Keith / Mustachio

26 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 27
Widener Amy / Honey                                                                                                        Stuntz Ryan / Jellybean                  Li Yong Shuo / Li
                                                      Katie “Amazonian” Mulholland                              Widener Justin / Moon                        Aviv “Jaws” Mokady, Ofer “Papa Jaws”                                          Sweeney Kendal                           Musselman Russ / Centaur
                                                                                                                Wieder Mackenzie / Wilt                                                                                                    Swing Gary / Boiling Frog                Toothaker Kasey / Cuffz
                                                                                                                Wilcox Eric / Mav”Eric”k
                                                                                                                                                             Mokady, Nurit “Mama Jaws” Mokady                                              Talcott Ryder / Redfish                  Walter Tim / Patch
                                                                                                                Wilcox John / Low Gear                                                                                                     Thobaben Zebulon / Mr. Whiskers          Welling Chora Belle / Flying Piglet
                                                                                                                Wildrick John / Zebra                                                                                                      Tracy John / Captain Jack                Welling Solstice / The Diva
                                                                                                                Wilkinson Paul / P-Dubb                                                                                                    Ugedal Sander / Sweet Tooth
                                                                                                                Will Steven / UnderToe                                                                                                     Valle Maggie / Mantis                    2015
                                                                                                                Williams Caitlin / Dimples                                                                                                 Van Chris / Chainsaw                     Barrett Jacob / Terrapin
                                                                                                                Williams Court / Pizza Hut                                                                                                 Van Kooten Benjamin / Mammoth            2015 Kirby Keneth / K-2
                                                                                                                Williams Richard / Stealth                                                                                                 Veasey Christopher / Idaho Bones         2015 Lamb Cameron / Smiley
                                                                                                                Williams Steven / Candid                                                                                                   Verbeck / Peter Pan                      2015 Powell Kelly / White Hawk
                                                                                                                Williamson Michael / TRAIN                                                                                                 Walter Lydia / Noodle                    2015 Richardson Matthew / RabbitFoot
                                                                                                                Wilson Alan / Mr. Blister                                                                                                  Wanthal Brandon / Double Wide            2015 Roduta Peter / Twiggs
                                                                                                                Wilson Carol / KiwiLegs                                                                                                    Warmker Kayli Anne / bubbles             2015 Valle Greg / Gourmet
                                                                                                                Wilson-Freeman Julie / Stripper                                                                                            Weaver Jason / Bisquick                  2015 Williamson Jared / Picasso
                                                                                                                Wilt Celina / Sparky                                                                                                       Weyland Katrina / FireKat
                                                                                                                Winans Michael / Nomad                                                                                                     White Daniel / The Blackalachian
                                                                                                                Wingfield Laura / Baby Gap                                                                                                 Wilson Anne / Smeller                    2014-1986
                                                                                                                Winters Roger / Little Spoon                                                                                               Wylie Trey / MacGyver                    2014 Pierse Margaret / Delaware
                                                                                                                Wiseman Collier / Mondamin                                                                                                 Zumwalt Nathan / BonaFide                2014 Byrne Michael / Senator
                                                                                                                Wojcik-Tremblay Kassi / Kotn            Calgie Jude / Jude                            Koehler Joachim / Hippo                                                       2013 Finch Kathy / K-Fox
                                                                                                                Woolfolk Joseph / 44                    Carrier Yates / Wounded Knee                  Kohler Henry / Hambone                                                        2011 Sevy Kimberly / SKETCHER
                                                                                                                Wooten Logan / JackRabbit               Clark Michelle / Sequoia                      Kolodzie Meg / Free Spirit           2016                                     2011 Chase Steve / CHACO
Skinner Chad / Relentless             Terpstra Lee / Biscuits              Walker Kat / Rumi                    Wootten Jim / JimEcricket               Coleman Andrew / Kit Kat                      Kostrubiak Mikaela / Soggy Bottoms   Ackerman Eric / Webb                     2010 Bartolomucci Jeffrey / Pony
Sloat Jacob / MacGyver                Terry Juni / Spoons                  Walters Taylor / Moxie               Wright Matthew / Sun Chaser             Colpoys Michael / Doogie Howser, Trail N.B.   Kumnick Chris / Penguin              Aradi Jennifer / Prov                    2006 Tompkins Matt / Cornbread
Sluiter Matthew / Thunder Fluff       Thielen Candice / Minnesaurus        Wang Yu / BigCat                     Wright Rebekah / Honeybear!             Comeau Jenyfer / Blueberry                    Tiger-Larson Wendy / Frog            Banta Jacob / Wolverine                  2002 Branniff Marcella / Seattle
Small Robert / Starbucks              Thomas Aaron / KTOM                  Ward Dalton / D1                     Wroten Debbie / Google                  Comstra Skye / Hybrid                         LeVert Tom / Totillia Tosser         Bard Michael / Shakespeare               1990 Anderson Scott / Volunteer
Smiddy Audrey / Knotz                 Thomas Alan / Atlas                  Ward Steven / Fireman                Wurman Michael / Sketch                 Corrigan Thomas / Toga                        Lindsey Josh / MG                    Casey Tim / Casper                       1986 Gesner Darryl
Smith Deena / Baygull                 Thomas Andrew / Ridge                Wardrup Jason / Big Tent             Wussling Wilfried / Trackmake           Covey Christopher / Dirty Duck                Locke Kelly / Lil Dipper             Coffey John
Smith Joe / Smalfuryanimal            Thomas Dereck / Send It              Wardrup Jocelyn / Hooty Hoo          Wyeth Amy / Jukebox                     Crawford Abigail / BB King                    Luca Sarah / Queen Pee               Daley Louise / Lou
Smith Josh / Peregrine                Thomas Edd                           Warren August / 4mile                Yates Rick / Wiley                      Crow Robert / Boston Rob                      Maddux Thomas / EZT                  Hanley Alli / HaHa
Smith Kirk / Captain Kirk             Thomas Elaine                        Washburn James / Shelter Dog         Yeary Raymond / Map                     Derian Christopher / ripple                   Mann Barney                          Howes Heidi / OMEGA
Smith Melissa / Swamp Angel           Thomas Martha / Lead Dog             Webster Scott / Van Gogh             Yhap Gordon / Pepperpot                 Durrwachter Cody / Birdie                     Martz Mike / GrapeNut                Hu Xiaohui / Old Fox
Smyth Don / Sawdust                   Thompson Brian / Badhat              Weed Jason / Mongrel                 Youngs Ryan / 2-Clicks                  Durrwachter Donna / Toad                      Mattimore Dan / Bushmeat             King Rebecca / Firestarter
Snow Laurel / Spacejam                Thompson Dylan / Pinky               Weekly Ashley / G-Pack               Zepp Jamie / Playmaker                  Elguezabal Jon / Basajaun                     Mattimore John / SpearChucker
Snyder Chad / ChadtheDad              Thompson Leslie / Fearless!          Weeks Emily / No Shoes               Zumbro Steve / Bluejay                  Emry Stewart / Bad Santa                      McClure Terri / HyLo
Sorensen Jeremy / OnStep              Thompson Paul / Tomato               Weisman Dan / Pacman                                                         Eppinger Matthew / Ghetto                     McCullick Collin / Triumphant
Southard Sarah / Froggy               Tillson Chip / Good Chip Norris      Weitz Mathew                         2017                                    Fabrizio Clare / Sunflower                    McGrapth Adama-Malkia / Wild Child
Spencer Luke / Professor              Timpy Cassie / Goldilocks            Weld Livvy / Stumbles                Alverson Alexandra / Boundary           Ferneding Henning / Karaoke                   Michael Ashley / Mama Firefly
Spires Trevor / Fuzzy-Wuzzy           Timpy Jordan / Canon                 Welty Barb / The Rag Tag Sisters     Anderson Garrett / YAK                  Ferrigno Jake / Fleet                         Mokady Aviv / Jaws
Spradlin Jr. Lee / Grateful           Tingen Colton / Redline              Wenger Jason / Mumbles               Arscott Jeff / Scout                    Field Danny / Bobo                            Montgomery Jeff / Ninja                                                 Caroline “Incubator” Auwaerter
Staggs Travis / Squirrel-Wva-         Titus Colin / Freebird               Wennerstrom Henrik / Sir Mix A Lot   Baker Jr. Joseph / Ragnar               Fochtmann Brett / The Chickfila Rooster       Moody Rick / Mix
Stahl Christiane / Teeyore            Todd Christine / Nemophilist         Wentzell Timothy / Yoti              Banning Michael / Enoch the Navigator   Fox Robin / Nails                             Moore Clay / Big Time
Stallings Cathie / Kinder             Trammell Christopher / Finger Food   Wert Leonard / Wind Rider            Barkalow Cassidy / Phoenix                (formerly known as Condiments)              Morrissette Steven / Downhill
Stanfield Carl / Professor            Trebour Ian / Happy                  West Gabriel / Pay It Forward        Bell Jackson / Action Jackson           George Alexis / OG                            Mount Ray / Mountain Music
Staples Leslie / Appalachian Snails   Trenda Dale / EasyRoll               Westphal Norman / Wingman            Blomquist Steven / Greensoxes           Germann Kelly / Trillium                      Myers Michael / Halloween
Stephan David / IT Cowboy             Trenda William / Maybe               Wetter Daniel / Scout                Boniscavage Michael / Quick Start       Gillman Geoff / Shepherd                      Needham Jason / Grapes
Stevens Matthew / Legs                Tresadern Joe / Honeybun             Wheat Alexander / Espresso           Bouc Roger / Rabbit                     Girard Mike / Pineapple                       Newcomb Brent / Deuce
Stewart Cassandra / Clooney           Treschuk Tanner / Veto               Wheeler David / Mason                Burke-Moran Adrienne / Izzy             Gossard JeanMarie / Pooter Scooter            O’Connell Timothy / Minutes
Stewart Jim / FreightTrain            Trulove Paul / Hazmat                Whitman Kaitlin / Fox Squirrel       Burke-Moran Erin / Detour               Graziano Austin / Dirty Harry                 Poling Christen / Wild Card
Stewart Kevin / Bear Meat             Truran Kathy / Willow                Whittaker Michael / Swimmer          Byard Sandy / Mama Bear                 Habel Keckeley / Scrunchie                    Portz Simon / Just
Stier Stacey / Duck                   Tweeten Carrie / Not Far             Whyte Dustin / Logs                  Caffee Garrett / Winnebago              Habig David / Supe                              Simon Simon from Germany
Stitt Bobby / Scooter                 Ulseth Joseph / Stellar                                                                                           Halligan Todd / Moonshine                     Ranzi Marco / Dr. GoMo
Stockwell David / Buck                Unitt Mark / Super English                                                                                        Hallowell Paul / Just Paul                    Raphael Dan / Baywatch
Stone Jamie / FreshFeet               Utman Mark / The Invisible Man                                                                                    Harper Dylan / Guru                           Redmond Barrett / Sauce
Stott Thomas / Disco                  van Dam Bas / Sebastian                                                                                           Harsha Diane / Sticks                         Ristow William / STAX
Stovall Ernie / Hopalong              van Dokkum David / Help Desk
Strayer Danny / Crazy Horse           Van Horn Kelsey / Joan of Arc
                                                                                                                                                        Hartman Ian / Space Jam
                                                                                                                                                        Headrick Toby
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rogers Josh / Gadget
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rubeling Timothy / Pilgrim
Strong Michelle / Bleep               Van Horn Logan / Rainman                                                                                          Hein Robert / Captain Bob                     Rubin Francy / Zorra                 The ATC wants to thank all of those hikers
Stump Samuel / Santa Clause           Van Meter Michael / Bushbaby                                                                                      Hendrix William / Lunchbox                    Santana Frank / Strider
Su Jason / Strawberry                 Vandeperre Garrett / Papa Bear                                                                                    Hobbs Robin / Miss America                    Sarine William / Bulldog             who are also ATC members and encourage
Sumrell Wes / Shortcutz               Vanev Petar / Moonshine
Suydam Wayne / Still Lookin’          Varga Kevin / Smiles
                                                                                                                                                        Hodson C.J. / Calico Jack
                                                                                                                                                        Holweck Tony / Parkour
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Saunders Todd / KiteRunner
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Savard G Rick / Soul Asylum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           others to give back to the Trail they love at:
Swank Peter / lightisgreen            Varrichione Bennet / One-T                                                                                        Horton Chris / Aussie                         Schneider Molly / Chimes   
Sweeney Josh / Pano                   Vigliotti Marc / The Kisco Kid                                                                                    Ilzhöfer Claus / Sunny Hedgehog               Schweizerhof Ian / Chocolate Rain
Syphard Robert / Maps                 Vitale Blaise / Trail Blazer                                                                                      Iten Ruth / Chuckles                          Scott Rachael / Ferrari
Syster Elizabeth / Golden Girl        Vito Tara / Little Red
Taegtmeier Nicholas                   Vonderheide Seth / Player1
                                                                                                                                                        Johnson Amy / Yardsale
                                                                                                                                                        Jones Jerry / Joker
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sellers Mary / Perfect Storm
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Skelly James / Buckshot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thanks to volunteer Sandra Ragsdale and other
Tatro Phil / Uncle Malty              Vowell Denise / Dis (F1>)                                                                                         Kassler Rachel / Cricket                      Smith Austin / First Aid             volunteers in the Harpers Ferry Visitor Center as
Taylor David / Too Tall               Waas Joseph / Rip Van Winkle                                                                                      Kellogg Tasia / StinkyCheez                   Smith Christopher / Solo
Taylor Devin / Venus                  Waisanen Robin / Redwood                                                                                          Kelly Patrick / Spench                        Smith Ivey / Kaleidoscope            well as ATC’s visitor services representative Dave
Tempel Alan / AT Squared              Walker Adele / Shield Maiden
Temple Mike / Garmin                  Walker Carolyn / Lucky 59
                                                                                Elizabeth “MTN ST8” Kleckner &                                          Kerr Barbie / Lady Bling
                                                                                                                                                        King Colin / Sponge
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spence Jeppe / Nature Boy
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Stickney Smith / Hoppy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tarasevich for maintaining, editing, and compiling
                                                                                Sarah Kleckner
Temple Terry / Tortoise               Walker Julie / Hummingbird                                                                                        Kleckner Elizabeth / MTN ST8                  Stortz Robert                        this year’s listing.
28 A.T. Journeys / Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Spring 2019 / A.T. Journeys 29
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