For student returning to USF in Spring 2022

Page created by Robert Holt
ARC Academic Renewal I/II
                                                    Process Guide + Forms
                            For student returning to USF
                                   in Spring 2022
                         Deadline for Petition Submission is: Nov 29
You will need the following items for your petition to be complete and available for review
    1)   ARC Petition titled “Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal” (page 2)
    2)   ARC Academic Renewal Personal Statement Worksheet (pages 3-7), and
    3)   Academic Advising Record for Reinstatement (completed with advisor during appointment), and
    4)   Active USF Admissions Application for Spring 2022 (done separately), and
    5)   Submit any new official transcripts to USF Admissions to be posted to your record (if applicable).

For USF Admissions Application Instructions:
See USF Transfer Admissions Information Page and select the menu “Former USF Students: Re-Admission
         Please note: USF Admissions accepts petitions for Former USF Students Returning later than scheduled
         deadline; however, to be considered for Academic Renewal, you must submit your petition no later than
         the date listed above.
If you completed any new coursework at another school while you have been away from USF, you will need to
submit the official transcripts to USF Admissions. Transcript submission instructions are listed here as well.
Additional Transcript FYIs:
    • It can take approximately 6-8 weeks for Admissions to process transcripts and post them to your USF
        record. Do not delay in sending your official transcripts.
    • If you are petitioning to return on ARI (you completed an AA after leaving USF with less than 60
        hours and/or no previous AA earned), you will need to ensure your official transcript confirms that your
        “AA is earned.” If you are still in process of applying and submitting your AA to USF Admissions, you
        will need to provide information to your Academic Advisor during your appointment to discuss
        reinstatement, and include details in your personal statement about your new courses. Please note: by
        the CAS ARC AR Deadline, students must have submitted to USF Admissions an official transcript with
        “AA Awarded” on it to document they are eligible for AR1 for the coming semester.
    • If you are petitioning to return on ARII (you left USF with 60 or more hours earned) and you did not
        take any new courses since you attended USF, you should not need to resubmit your transcripts which are
        on file. Please note: To be eligible for ARII, students must not attend USF for one full calendar year
        prior to the semester in which they wish to return.

How to Submit petition
Our office is currently open and accepting petitions in person at BEH 201, Office of Graduate and
Undergraduate Studies, College of Arts & Sciences. If you are unable to submit your petition in person, then
please contact our front desk via email at or by phone at 813-974-6957 to request
alternative methods to submit the petition (fax, email or mail) and additional instructions will be provided.
As a secondary option, you can fax the completed packet to 813-974-4075. After you fax the packet, it is highly
recommended that you email to confirm receipt of the petition.

                                                                                             Revised 9.2021
Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal                                                                                         N                °
 Undergraduate Academic Regulations Committee (ARC)                                                                   � S OUTH FLORIDA
                                                                                                                               Student Success
                                                                                                                               Office of the Registrar

 Last Name ________________ First Name _____________ USF ID --------

 Phone Number _____________ USF Email __________________________

Street Address ________________ City ____________ State ___ Zip ______

 Intended Major _________________                                                   D Check if you're an international student.
Step 1. Which Semester? Course Term: Year _2022______ Semester (check one)                                              Fall    D Spring D Summer
Step 2. Please type a Personal Statement explaining why you should be considered for reinstatement, and attach it to this form.

Step 3. Meet with your academic advisor to obtain the completed Academic Advising Record for Reinstatement form and attach
        it to this request.

Step 4. Submit your complete packet to the ARC Representative of the college to which you are applying, at least 3 weeks prior
        to the start of the term.

Step 5. Apply for readmission at
                                                                  UNDERGRADUATE ARC REPRESENTATIVES
                   College/Office         Campus     Building/Room           Name                       Email              Phone            Mailing Address
                                          Tampa        FAH 120         Reginald Joseph        813-974-4349
                       T heArts
                                          St. Pete     DAV 134         Amanda Timmers         727-873-4004
                                                                                                                                            Tampa Campus
                   Arts & Sciences         Tampa       BEH 201                NIA               813-974-6957
                                                                                                                                           4202 E FowlerAve,
               Behavioral & Community                                    Jessica Harris      813-974-8841        Tampa, FL 33620
                                           Tampa       MHC1143
                      Sciences                                            LisaLandis           813-974-6217
                      Business             Tampa      BSN 2 102           JackLynch             813-974-4290
                                           Tampa       EDU 106          Sydney Navarro        813-974-5183          St. Petersburg
                      Education           Sl Pete     H'M-1201                                727-873-4947              Campus
                                          Sarasota    SMCB210           Vanessa Marasco       941-359-4288          140 7 thAve
                                                                                                                                         St. Petersburg,
                     Engineertng           Tampa       ENC1302           Liliana Clark   813-974-2684
                       Nursing             Tampa       MDA 1002         MaikelynLopez         813-974-9086
                    Public Health          Tampa      COPH 1039           MelissaLee             813-974-7080       Sarasota-Manatee
              UGS/Undeclared/Non-degree    Tampa       SVC2002                           
                                                                             NIA                                        813-974-4051      8350
                                                                                                                                           Sarasota, FL
                 Office ofAdmissions       Tampa       SVC 1036              NIA            813-974-3350

Please check one:
D   ARI: Students academically dismissed or returning with a GPA< 2.0, with less than 60 hours or more than 60 hours but lacking an AA
         degree, will be considered for reinstatement if they complete an AA degree. The USF GPA is calculated from re-admission
         point forward. Students must complete all major residency and degree requirements in order to graduate.

D   ARit: Students academically dismissed or returning with a GPA< 2.0, with more than 60 hours, will be considered for reinstatement after
          a break in USF enrollment for a full academic year {fall, spring, summer). T he student's USF GPA is calculated from the
          re-admission point forward. Students must complete all major residency and degree requirements in order to graduate.

  All grades earned in the student's academic history will be used in the calculation of GPA for the purpose of Graduation with Honors from
  USF. Academic Renewal will only be applied to a student's academic record one time at USF.

    I have read and agree to the instructions above, and understand that if my petition is incomplete the process will be delayed.
SIGNATURE _________________________                                                                                     DATE __________

D Approved O Denied D No Decision                                          □ ARI          OARII


College Signature ______________________________                                                                          Date ___________
CAS ARC Academic Renewal
                                                              Personal Statement Work Sheet

First, please review and check/complete the statements in the boxes below to indicate you have read and
understood each.
          Please mark with an X.
_____ I understand that if my petition is approved, it could impact my eligibility to receive financial aid, either by reducing
my course completion rate or by resetting my grade point average to 0.00. I have reviewed the Satisfactory Academic
Progress Policy on the Financial Aid Website for more information.

_____ I understand that incomplete petitions will not be considered. I also understand that I am expected to monitor my
USF email address for any communication by an ARC representative and to respond to such in a timely manner.

I completed college-level coursework since I left USF:. _____              YES      _____     NO
         If the answer is Yes -- At the end of this petition, I will attach a list of any coursework (completed or in-progress)
         that is currently not posted in the USF system. I understand that this information is needed to determine
         graduation requirements. Without this information, students may appear unprepared to return and therefore have
         their petition denied.

_____ I submitted my USF Admissions Application and any transcripts with any new coursework I completed after leaving
USF. I understand that without a USF Admissions Application on file, I am not eligible to return.

I applied for the following USF Campus:       _____ Tampa         _____ St Petersburg       _____ Sarasota-Manatee

_____    If my petition is approved, I understand that there can be additional responsibilities I will need to complete, like:
    •    After USF Admissions confirms my acceptance (which can take 10 business days after the decision), I will receive
         an “AF” hold. I will be required to correspond with my Academic Advisor to ensure I have a plan to register for
         degree applicable courses.
CAS ARC Academic Renewal
                                                            Personal Statement Work Sheet

Finally, please answer the following questions.
Tip -- Personal Statement Quality: Please ensure that your answers are well written and without typos. It important that
you can effectively communicate your thoughts to the committee.

(1) What obstacle(s) and/or challenge(s) impacted your ability to be successful when you were first at USF (i.e.
    prior to being academically dismissed)? Please be explicit and detailed with your answer.
CAS ARC Academic Renewal
                                                   Personal Statement Work Sheet

(2) Please describe any experience (academic, professional, or personal) that you had after leaving USF that
    demonstrates your readiness to return and be successful at USF. If you earned any new degree(s) or
    certification(s), please include information about those credentials.
CAS ARC Academic Renewal
                                                           Personal Statement Work Sheet

(3) What is your future career goal, and how will earning this degree help you achieve this? Why have you chosen to pursue
    the major identified in your petition? Be sure to include how you envision your major to help you achieve your career

   (4) Knowing that a second dismissal from USF is final and that you would be unable to return again, what specific plans
       have you made to ensure that you can be successful? Include in your statement how you plan to address the financial
       cost of attending USF, school/work/life balance, and academic challenges. Be sure to explain in detail what steps you
       have taken to overcome the obstacle(s) and/or challenge(s) cited in #1 so that you are now confident in your ability to
       be successful upon return to USF.
CAS ARC Academic Renewal
                                                         Personal Statement Work Sheet

(5) If you completed coursework after leaving USF – Please provide your list of classes here.
In addition to providing the list of classes, you will also need to address any semesters in which you were not successful
(i.e. grades less than a “C” and/or any course withdrawals). Please provide insight regarding the challenges you faced
during those semesters, and how you addressed them so that you are confident in your ability to be successful at USF
upon return.
(If you did not take classes after leaving USF, or all classes have grades C or higher, please indicate N/A)
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